Samurai Shodown V Special/Charlotte

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シャルロット, Charlotte


Heads were rollin', especially her namesake's.

Charlotte is doing well for herself in this game. Having inherited most of the moves from both her slash and bust forms from samsho4, she has a very solid bag of tools to work with and is consistently rated in the higher tiers, typically just below top tier if not in it. She might not be the most mobile character, but with her abilities you won't really need it in most matchups. Invariably, she has good options as long as time is on her side. It's hard but if I had to name one overarching flaw, it would be either her lack of a dominating heavy, or the fact that so many of her important moves are deflectable.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Very versatile. Has a tool for most occasions.
  • A simple character to learn and play.
  • Has a solid move set, that works especially well at mid to long range. Even when unarmed, her options are better than you'd expect.
  • Not as effective in close range as she is in mid and long.
  • Prone to being weapon deflected/caught.
  • Generally rigid and limited punish options.


  • Damage taken: 95%
  • Rage duration: 12 seconds
  • Amount to rage: 18
  • Walk speed: 480
  • Backwalk speed: 416
  • Dash speed: 1248
  • Jump duration: 40 frames
  • Width: 24
  • Throw range: 12
  • Throw recovery: 50 frames
  • Tier placing: A

Normal Moves

Far Slashes

Ss5sp charlotte 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
5 Mid 1~4 (4) - Recoil cancel,
Deflectable (weak),
Weapon clash 5~8 (4)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
11 4 10 -4 -4 -6

A fast, straightforward jab, with the reach characteristic of Charlotte's pokes. This particular normal is mainly filler though.

Ss5sp charlotte 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
11 Mid 1~5 (5) - Recoil cancel,
Deflectable (medium),
Weapon clash 6~12 (7)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
13 6 12 +1 +9 -13

Possibly her best normal poke, although with only average damage associated with it. Still, it's more or less her strongest non-heavy. When in doubt, throw it out. You can also get some mileage out of the recoil cancels here.

Ss5sp charlotte 5ABa.png
Ss5sp charlotte 5ABb.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
27 Mid 1~11 (11) - Recoil cancel,
Deflectable (heavy),
Weapon clash 17 (1)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
14 12 33 -4 +6 -21

A pretty good heavy, but not for the usual reasons. This slash is an inverted triangle shape, with the horizontal bar nice and high in the air, ready to crunch anyone trying to get a jump in. If this had any less startup, it would be godly.

Ss5sp charlotte 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
5 Mid 1~4 (4) - Recoil cancel,
Deflectable (weak)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
9 6 12 +1 +9 -6

A very crisp and clean poke, highly advisable for safe attacking against grounded opponents that are in range of it.

Ss5sp charlotte 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
10 Mid 1~9 (9) - Deflectable (medium) Medium
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
12 7 9 +3 +11 -13

Another decent poke, especially good for shorties at near-mid range.

Ss5sp charlotte 2ABa.png
Ss5sp charlotte 2ABb.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
25 Mid - - Recoil cancel,
Deflectable (heavy)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
17 13 26 -1 +9 -21

A slow heavy that might be better at connecting some things, but in the general gameplan is not needed.

Near Slashes

Ss5sp charlotte n5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
5 Mid 1~4 (4)/8~17 (10) - Deflectable (weak),
Weapon clash 5~8 (4)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
8 6 4 +1 +1 -4

Quick pommel strike jab.

Ss5sp charlotte n5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
8 Mid 12~31 (20) - Recoil cancel,
Deflectable (medium),
Weapon clash 6~11 (6)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
12 6 14 -1 +7 -13

A combo slash, but somewhat slow for the task. It does have a very relevant use though, being a reliable way to combo into her super when raged.

Ss5sp charlotte n5AB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
27 Mid 1~4 (4) - Recoil cancel,
Deflectable (heavy),
Weapon clash 5~8 (4)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
20 10 30 -2 +10 -21

A strong punishing slash. Unfortunate amounts of startup and reduced range may disappoint as compared to the far standing version.

Ss5sp charlotte n2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
5 Mid 1~4 (4)/8~17 (10) - Deflectable (weak) Weak
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
8 6 4 +1 +1 4

The standing near with different hitbox.

Ss5sp charlotte n2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
7 Mid 10~29 (20) - Recoil cancel,
Deflectable (medium)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
10 10 10 -1 +7 -13

A bit faster and smaller than the standing counterpart but otherwise similar.

Ss5sp charlotte n2ABa.png
Ss5sp charlotte n2ABb.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
25 Mid 1~5 (5) - Recoil cancel,
Deflectable (heavy)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
12 7 33 -2 +8 -21

A heavy more likely to get the punish done if you're too close for the triangle 5AB.


Ss5sp charlotte 5BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
13 High - - Deflectable (medium) Medium
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
20 4 10 +9 +17 -8

One of the "planted" overhead attacks, hard for most to punish, and a non-knockdown at that. Generally has more benefits than ills, as without all the landing recovery, you can combo into 623A or a slide. Be warned that like with your running overhead, this can be deflected by an astute opponent to make you look stupid.

Ss5sp charlotte u5BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
6 High - - - Medium
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
24 3 13 KD KD -10

Tobi geri overhead. It avoids throws, unlike when armed, but is naturally weaker and slower overall.


Ss5sp charlotte 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
7 Mid 1~6 (6) 7-14 Feet invincible - Medium
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
7 16 10 -7 +1 -20

A forward-moving knee attack that will push Charlotte into nearby grounded characters and momentarily make it hard for them to grab you. May be useful depending on the situation but carries a risky amount of recovery if it hits too soon.

Ss5sp charlotte 6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
6 Low 13~30 (28) - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
13 18 8 KD KD -25

Delayed "tricky" downward kick that can always cancel into heavy pursuit for some good low damage. With that kind of startup and range the main use is on enemy getup.

Ss5sp charlotte 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
2 Low 1~6 (6)/14~17 (4) - - Weak
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
7 7 7 -3 -3 -8

A very quick low kick that is mainly just for interruptions and some minor whittling of health. Pretty good properties for this kind of attack.

Ss5sp charlotte 3C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
7 Low - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
7 12 19 KD KD -25

Conjure a slide kick anywhere with this. It'll come in handy if you need that kind of hitbox right now, or want to attack and move forward at the same time.


Ss5sp charlotte jA.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
5 High - - Deep deflectable (weak) Weak
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
8 11 7 - - -

No reason to use this version as the medium slash has it beat... Unless maybe you are twitch reacting to an enemy jump at low life.

Ss5sp charlotte jB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
10 High - - Deep deflectable (medium) Medium
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
10 8 11 - - -

The air-to-air monster. While this is no heavy in terms of damage, it will still let charlotte control the skies when mixed properly.

Ss5sp charlotte jAB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
23 High - - Deep deflectable (heavy) Medium
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
12 2 13 - - -

Charlotte's big crossup that everyone should know about. This slash was built to attack opponents below you, and incidentally has a great shape to give haircuts. Combined with Charlotte's low, quick jumps, this makes it an air-to-land combat system with only limited use against those still trying to jump. But you already know she will stop jumping the second you start to.

Of particular note is that this attack is NOT counted as a heavy, but rather a medium. This means your deep hits and backhits won't go as far as they would with other jumping ABs, which is fine because you'll be connecting a lot of backhits anyways.

Ss5sp charlotte jC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
4 High - - - Medium
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
8 12 9 - - -

The usual hitstop-lacking quick jumping kick. It might take your opponent by surprise if you're consistently jumping in with other options.


Ss5sp charlotte 66A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
10 Mid 1~9 (9) - - Medium
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
10 2 28 -11 -3 -24

This move is almost never seen. It may have its own functions, but they are mitigated by the recovery of this move, which puts the risk a little high for the meager reward. Still, it is a snazzy finishing move.

Ss5sp charlotte 66B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
11 High - - Deflectable (heavy) -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
20 4 11 Reset Reset -9

Dashing overhead. Bears a great resemblance to the 5BC, but with fewer comboabilities. Regardless, it is another powerful tool especially since it keeps them on the floor. Deflects will treat this as a heavy, so you will lose your weapon if they catch you mindlessly throwing it out.

Ss5sp charlotte 66AB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
5, 11 Mid 1~2 (2) - - Weak attack
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
5 4 31 KD KD -22

Charlotte's makeshift ranged punish. Hits twice (if close enough) in quick succession and may also chain into 2BC, but it doesn't pack that much of a punch. As a punish it doesn't really do its job damagewise, but a lot of times it's the best she can do to salvage many of the harder punishes.

Ss5sp charlotte 66C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
8 Low - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
9 12 19 KD KD -25

Another slide kick. Possibly its best feature is just the fact that it makes her 66B that much more of a threat.


Ss5sp charlotte u5S.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
3 Mid - - - Weak
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
6 12 7 +0 +8 -13

Punches you. In French.

Ss5sp charlotte u2S.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
3 Mid - - - Weak
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
5 6 6 -1 -1 -6
Ss5sp charlotte ujS.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
4 High - - - Weak
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
5 16 4 - - -

Can't control the skies with this.

Ss5sp charlotte u66S.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
8 Mid - - - Weak
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
10 2 28 KD KD -24
Ss5sp charlotte u66Ca.png
Ss5sp charlotte u66Cb.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
16, 16 High - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
13 5 42 KD KD -33

This unarmed attack gets a lot of new people. The best part is that it's kind of fast, jumps over stuff, hits high, and hits twice. In fact, it's her hardest-hitting move. You can't totally mess around, though; it's not 100% safe.


Ss5sp charlotte 2BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
5 - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
14 5 23 - - -

Usable after either of your normal slides connect and in corner knockdowns.

Unarmed Pursuit
Ss5sp charlotte u2BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
3 - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
19 3 13 - - -
Heavy Pursuit
Ss5sp charlotte 2BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
12 - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
40 5 44 - - -

Very damaging pursuit. Use after every trislash knockdown if you're in range.

Unarmed Heavy Pursuit
Ss5sp charlotte u8BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
8 - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
39 33 6 - - -


Ss5sp charlotte 216D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
- - - - - -

It sure is a deflect. Use it for deflecting. People will be looking to deflect you or preempt your pokes if they're foolhardy enough, so keep them on their toes.

Taunt Disarm
Taunt Disarm
Start x 3
Ss5sp charlotte 3xstart.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
- - - - - -

Charlotte can cancel her taunt into any command move, super, rage explode, fatality, or suicide. This can be done any time from early on in the animation until the very final frames where she's about to drop the sabre.

Weapon Pickup
Weapon Pickup
5A near weapon
Ss5sp charlotte wpickup.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
- - - - - -

Special Moves


Power Gradation
Ss5sp charlotte 623S.png
A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
10/19 Mid - 6-11 Throw invuln - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
6 15 38 KD KD -44
B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
15/21 Mid - 11-16f Throw invuln - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
11 19 62 KD KD -72
AB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
20/22 Mid - 1-17f Throw invuln - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
14 25 78 KD KD -95

Charlotte's DP is an anti-air, and deals more damage against jumping opponents than grounded ones, although it's purely vertical in motion with a semi-wide hitbox. Its uses are anti-air, anti-air after a taunt cancel, and combo punishes.

It comes out with no delay, but it is readily punishable-- The A version if blocked or whiffed while they're standing; and the AB version always gets punished unless it actually connects. The A version alone has satisfying enough damage, especially for anti-air hits, and is by far the most used-- most as a standby for when 5AB is too slow. This is not spammable at all.

Splash Fount
Ss5sp charlotte SSS.png
A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
2xn, 12 Mid - 27-47f Throw invuln Deflectable (weak) -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
27 - - KD KD -24
B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
2xn, 15 Mid - 30-52f Throw invuln Deflectable (medium) -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
30 - - KD KD -37
AB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
2xn, 15 Mid - 34-59f Throw invuln Deflectable (heavy) -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
34 - - KD KD -37

Charlotte will charge forward raining strikes on the enemy. The B and AB versions start off with a momentary pace backward before the charge, but still travel further. This move might be decisive or your own downfall. The three versions of this have varying punishability on block, largely depending on circumstantial factors, but the B and AB versions are usually a lot less safe (though the A version might be just as bad).

This attack has two uses. The first is to do chip damage, and that can only work if they block and don't jump-- all versions of the move telegraph, so this is challenging. The second use is possibly go over a ground-traveling fireball to get in some free damage, but most characters with those can simply AB you if they block this for a free punish.

The main counter to Splash Fount is to jump forward, although at a distance, most characters usually can't hurt you just from that. It will indeed hit people in the air, but only for minute damage, thereafter giving either a knockdown and reset, or a block and punish.

No matter what don't let them read this move, or you will be in a world of pain. Ultimately this attack is a threat to put pressure on foes when they can't survive the chip, making them more jumpy. Be aware this telegraphs and is deflectable.

Ss5sp charlotte 236S.png
A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
10 Mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
40 - 28 KD KD -15
B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
10 KD - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
46 - 30 KD KD -17
AB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
10 Mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
45 - 34 KD KD -21

A large, high-startup projectile that can be subsequently held for a controlled, but not unlimited amount of time. The type of slash used will determine how fast/far the triangle goes once you release it, since it seems to travel for a fixed period of time or until blocked.

These triangles are a nice mini-game that Charlotte has. When released at the right moment, you can thwart jumping, dashing and rolling, but this is mainly just a zoning game and it can't begin at anything less than long range. Once she's far enough to charge her triangles, the use of them is normally pretty safe. If you detect impatience, trislashing might get some risk-free damage, especially since you can chain 8BC when they are knocked out of a jump-- only floaty jumpers have an easy time getting over triangles. The time not to use this is when you need actual pressure.

Bayonette Lunge
Ss5sp charlotte 214S.png
A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
19 Mid - 21-31f Throw invuln - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
23 9 16 KD KD -18
B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
19 Mid - 23-37f Throw invuln - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
29 7 19 KD KD -19
AB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
19 Mid - 31-45f Throw invuln - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
35 9 21 KD KD -21

This is a very wide attack with nice damage (same amount for all versions). 214+AB in particular reaches nearly all the way across the screen, though that version's usefulness is severely limited by the startup. It may seem like a super-poke, but there is a bit more to this move than her other normals.

Keep in mind that all your rolls and recoils can be cancelled into a 214+A to some effect. Not only will a backroll cancel into this be safe much of the time, it will give yet more of a hard time to jumping players. This is undoubtedly one of Charlotte's best attacks. Even without the cancels, this attack (the A version) is just good, to the point where it may work to throw it out in sequence or with very little regard to sportsmanship.

Be very aware of projectiles when using this, as you will get hit if you try to lance them. Jubei and Zankuro can also use their catch counters and punish you on reaction if you don't pick your attacks well.

Lion Lance
236C (Unarmed OK)
Ss5sp charlotte 236C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
20 Low - 1-28f Throw invuln - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
18 11 31 KD KD -32

Despite the name, this is simply another slide kick. The difference here is that after connecting, the target is thrown toward the other side of the screen and takes about twice as much damage. Why is this useful? Mainly because you can roll cancel into it and cover some respectable distances. It also becomes one of Charlotte's main damage sources if she is disarmed, and can feasibly mix up when she's in range for an overhead. It's not something that should be done excessively though as Lion Lance is pretty easy to avoid.

Weapon Flipping Technique

Crystal Rose
Ss5sp charlotte 236CD.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Level
30 Mid - 1-16f Upper body invuln - -
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Backhit Adv Block Adv
17 4 37 KD KD -34

This super is slightly above average. Its hitbox is sizable and can sometimes catch them in the air, and it thankfully catches on hit so it cannot be exploded out of. The recovery on block and whiff is naturally long, so expect to get punished if it doesn't connect. It's best just to wait for a chance to chain close B into it.

One thing that isn't noted in the frame data is that the entire animation, even on whiff, is projectile invincible. Show those Genjuro players eager to nail you with a card bounce what's for.



  • (n.5A or n.2A) xx 623A
  • (n.5B or n.2B) ...
  • ... xx 623AB
  • ... xx 236CD
  • ... xx 236C
  • 236S 8BC
  • 66C 2BC
  • 5BC 623A
  • 6C xx 8BC
  • 3C 2BC

Time Slow


Frame Data

Move Damage Startup Active Total Cancel Weapon
Guard Notes
5A 5 11 4 25 1~4(4) 5~8(4) -4 -4 -6 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
5B 11 13 6 30 1~5(5) 6~12(7) +1 +9 -13 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
5AB 27 14 12 58 1~11(11) 17(1) -4 +6 -21 Mid Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
2A 5 9 6 26 1~4(4) - +1 +9 -6 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(weak)
2B 10 12 7 27 1~9(9) - +3 +11 -13 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
2AB 25 17 13 55 x - -1 +9 -21 Mid Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
n.5A 5 8 6 17 1~4(4) / 8~17(10) - +1 +1 -4 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
n.5B 8 12 6 31 12~31(20) 6~11(6) -1 +7 -13 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
n.5AB 27 20 10 59 1~11(11) - -2 +8 -21 Mid Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
n.2A 5 8 6 17 1~4(4) / 8~17(10) - +1 +1 -4 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
n.2B 7 10 10 29 10~29(20) - -1 +7 -13 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
n.2AB 25 12 7 51 1~5(5) - -2 +8 -21 Mid Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
5C 7 7 16 32 1~6(6) - -7 +1 -20 Mid Medium attack
7-24f feet invincible
6C 6 13 18 38 13~30(18) - KD KD -20 Low Knockdown attack
2C 2 7 7 20 1~6(6) / 14~17(4) - -3 -3 -8 Low Weak attack
3C 7 7 12 37 x - KD KD -25 Low Knockdown attack
j.A 5 8 11 25 x - -- -- -- High Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
j.B 10 10 8 27 x - -- -- -- High Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
j.AB 23 13 2 26 x - -- -- -- High Medium attack, Deflectable(heavy)
j.C 4 8 12 28 x - -- -- -- High Medium attack
5BC 13 20 4 34 x - +9 +17 -8 High Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
u.5BC 6 24 3 40 x - KD KD -10 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
66A 10 10 2 39 1~9(9) - -11 -3 -24 Mid Medium attack
66B 11 20 4 34 x - KD KD -9 High Medium attack, Deflectable(heavy)
Knockdown attack
66AB 5, 11 5 4 39 1~2(2) - KD KD -22 Mid Weak attack Knockdown attack
66C 8 9 12 39 x - KD KD -25 Low Knockdown attack
u.5S 3 6 12 24 1~3(3) - +0 +8 -13 Mid Medium attack
u.2S 3 5 6 16 1~2(2) - -1 -1 -6 Mid Weak attack
ju.S 4 5 16 24 x - -- -- -- High Medium attack
u.66S 8 10 2 39 1~6(6) - KD KD -24 Mid Knockdown attack
u.66C 16, 16 13 5 56 1~2(2) - KD KD -33 High Weak attack Knockdown attack
2BC 5 14 5 41 x - -- -- -- Mid
u.2BC 3 19 3 34 x - -- -- -- Mid
8BC 12 40 5 88 x - -- -- -- Mid
u.8BC 8 39 33 77 x - -- -- -- Mid
Power Gradation - 623A 10 6 15 58 x - KD KD -44 Mid Knockdown attack
6-11f throw invincible
19 damage when antiair
Power Gradation - 623B 15 11 19 91 x - KD KD -72 Mid Knockdown attack
11-16f throw invincible
21 damage when antiair
Power Gradation - 623AB 20 14 25 116 x - KD KD -95 Mid Knockdown attack
1-17f throw invincible
22 damage when antiair
Splash Fount - 6A 6A 2xn, 12 27 1 76 x - KD KD -24 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
Knockdown attack
27-47f throw invincible
Splash Fount - 6B 6B 2xn, 15 30 1 86 x - KD KD -37 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(med)
Knockdown attack
30-52f throw invincible
Splash Fount - 6AB 6AB 2xn, 15 34 1 98 x - KD KD -37 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(heavy)
Knockdown attack
34-59f throw invincible
Trislash - 236A 10 40 x 67 x - KD KD -15 Mid Knockdown attack
Trislash - 236B 10 46 x 75 x - KD KD -17 Mid Knockdown attack
Trislash - 236AB 10 45 x 78 x - KD KD -21 Mid Knockdown attack
Bayonette Lunge - 214A 19 23 9 47 x - KD KD -18 Mid Knockdown attack
21-31f throw invincible
Bayonette Lunge - 214B 19 29 7 54 x - KD KD -19 Mid Knockdown attack
23-37f throw invincible
Bayonette Lunge - 214AB 19 35 9 66 x - KD KD -25 Mid Knockdown attack
31-45f throw invincible
Lion Lance - 236C 20 18 11 59 x - KD KD -32 Low Knockdown attack
1-28f throw invincible
Crystal Rose - 236CD 30 17 4 57 x - KD KD -34 Mid Knockdown attack
1-16f upper body invincible
Samurai Shodown V Special



AmakusaBasaraCharlotteEnjaGairaGalfordGaohGenjuroHanzoHaohmaruJubeiKazukiKusaregedoKyoshiroMinaMizukiNakoruruRasetsumaruReraRimururuShizumaruSogetsuSuijaTam TamUkyoYoshitoraYunfeiZankuro


MechanicsTablesHitboxesHidden Moves