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= Strategy =
= Strategy =
It depends on the assist, but in general Chizuru is supposed to be played as a spacing character until she lands any random hit. Then she just runs her extremely fast oki train and destroys the opponent. Because she has the best whiff punishes in the game, Chizuru is perfectly content to walk back and forth midscreen and let the opponent hang himself by pressing a bad button or assist. This means mashing 66C out of neutral, while extremely hard to beat online, isn't really the best way to go about things (unless you have Satsuki). 66C done ASAP actually is quite negative on block because of the landing recovery, you can attempt to time it late but then it becomes easy to react to. That being said if you got a knockdown or actually hit with 66C but flew too far to combo into 5A/2A or have them in blockstsun with assist backup mash more 66C to your heart's content. BC is an amazing -1 overhead that catches jump outs, ground bounces, is perfectly safe, goes into a ton of combo starters, etc. There's almost no reason not to abuse the crap out of this move online AND offline. The 214 series will completely ruin certain characters (try 214ing a Riannon 2C) if they whiff or have their normals blocked, it can be comboed off of and it gives so much frame advantage you can basically do what you want on oki. 41236 wave is hilariously persistent okizeme and has enough hits to stop even shield bash's super armor from moving forward, you can actually anti air with this projectile because it lasts so long. 5B is an amazing one button anti air that you can mash. 5C naturally frame traps after 2B/5B and wall slams. DP has the nerve to be an overhead that can crossup!?!? and is cancelable with good timing into assist to make it safe. 236236AB has no invul but it has extremely fast startup to punish gaps in strings, 214214AB is not that great a reversal as it is air-blockable, 222AB raises both your tension but it can't kill, I don't really recommend that super. In summary, Chizuru can basically threaten you by walking at you, or she can fly across the screen and actually rush you down at a moment's notice.
== Neutral ==
While the initial impulse is to mash 66C, you really shouldn't be doing it wildly out of neutral. 66C done ASAP is actually quite negative on block because of landing recovery; you can try delaying it to make it safe but that makes it easier to react to. That being said, Chizuru has the best whiff punishes in the game, she is perfectly content to walk back and forth midscreen and let the opponent hang himself by pressing a bad button or assist. You can just walk forward against some characters, 5B their jump-ins, whiff punish everything slower than a jab, throw waves, and walk them into the corner. Block a Riannon 2C without pre-existing projectile setup? 214 punish. Block or get hit by Sasara 5CC? 214 punish. See a setup-type assist like Ulthury or Camyu done in neutral? 66C. A special note must be made about Satsuki assist, if you have her it is a perfectly valid strategy to just do triple shots and mash 66C from anywhere. You will force the opponent to stand block the overhead and the triple shots will leave you at an extreme advantage regardless of landing recovery.
== Anti-air ==
5B is amazing. Probably one of the best one button anti-airs in the game next to Karulau 2B and way safer on whiff. Easily spammable in corner, combos into 214214AB. 41236 at a distance can be used to anti-air as well because of how ludicrously active it is. People frequently jump into 41236C all the time. DP, is air-blockable and not really used for anti-air, it's more heavily used as a reversal.  For air-to-air there is 66B and 66C. 66C air-to-air usually works against most characters, but in the mirror and against certain characters you'll want to go for the faster 66B.
== Pressure ==
5A/2A, 2B, 66C with assist, jC, BC, 41236, 5C. It should be noted that Chizuru's normals aren't really plus, they're all slightly negative on block. That being said Aquapazza is a game where slight negative might as well be frame advantage. As are fast, spammable, good staggers. 2B is her main low, cancelable, decent range. 66C with frame advantage basically forces the opponent to guess BC or 2B or even cross-up jC/DP. jC itself is a super huge crossup and plus on block. BC is an amazing fast -1 completely safe overhead that ground bounces, catches jump outs, goes into a ton of different combo starters. OTGs, etc. There is no reason not to spam this move online AND offline. 41236 is viable mid string off the Bs mainly because of the threat of 5C, 41236A doesn't give much advantage (if any) but if you can mix in the B and C versions you can continue pressuring afterwards easily. 5C naturally frametraps after the Bs, wall slams near the corner, and is hard to punish (you can cancel into assist if you really need to.)
== Okizeme ==
Almost all your combos should be ending in 214 if not a super. This gives you adequate time to really do whatever you want. Common setups are 41236C jC, raw BC, 41236 raw BC, 41236C raw 2B, 41236C 66C (very specific hilarious crossup when done correctly), raw DP overhead (yes, I have seen this used to end many rounds)
== Defense ==
Chizuru's DP is an overhead that can crossup, and can be cancelled, albeit with tight timing, into assist. That being said, it is not air-unblockable, so people jumping with the intention to chicken guard can punish, as well as safe jumps.  It's good but not THAT good, and against Llyr you basically can't use it at all.

= Combos =
= Combos =

Revision as of 10:56, 21 November 2013

Chizuru's Move List


Having been one of the winners of the character vote poll, Chizuru was introduced in the 2.0 patch on 4/4/2012. Hailing from Kizuato, one of Leaf's first visual novels from 1996, if Kizuato is Tsukihime before Tsukihime, Chizuru is Arcueid before Arcueid. The undisputed best character in the game, Chizuru has some of the scariest pressure and mixups in the game, but where she really excels is in neutral. Her huge fast normals and her ability to travel nearly fullscreen in less than a second to whiff punish is really what sets her apart. In short, she easily destroys an opponent's spacing in a spacing heavy game. To get an idea of how truly overwhelming this character is, consider that out of 31 teams in Super Battle Opera, 17 had Chizuru on them, and no repeat characters were allowed.


4/6D absorbs mid and high hits, preventing all sorts of reversal mashing and forcing an opponent to attempt to use lows to beat it, however when used in conjunction with 66C the opponent has very little choice besides blocking. 5D can be used to extend combos or to make DP safe. This is probably the best assist in the mirror match (no more wake up DP spam because it will be absorbed)

4/6D triple shot, normally an easily duckable assist, becomes extremely deadly with 66C in play. The opponent is all but forced to stand block triple shot if you do 66C, and it has so much blockstun that no timing is required on 66C to make its landing recovery safe. If the opponent jumps into the triple shot very often the 66C will hit them and wall slam them anyway. 5D combo extensions are slightly trickier and more situational than other assists, and again it can be cancelled off of DP to make it safe. This combination is absolutely a nightmare for a lot of the slower portion of the cast as it more or less completely locks down all movement options and trajectories that can counter Chizuru's momentum and approach.

Combo city. Chizuru doesn't really need to cancel into 5D fireworks like a lot of characters, though they are still an amazing tool, and of course it makes her DP safe. Rather, this combination focuses on tons of situational rejuggles with 4/6D from midscreen to corner. The higher level combos can contain up to 4 ground bounces.

Hit move activate mash B+C/5C/66C. No utility but who needs utility with this character?



While the initial impulse is to mash 66C, you really shouldn't be doing it wildly out of neutral. 66C done ASAP is actually quite negative on block because of landing recovery; you can try delaying it to make it safe but that makes it easier to react to. That being said, Chizuru has the best whiff punishes in the game, she is perfectly content to walk back and forth midscreen and let the opponent hang himself by pressing a bad button or assist. You can just walk forward against some characters, 5B their jump-ins, whiff punish everything slower than a jab, throw waves, and walk them into the corner. Block a Riannon 2C without pre-existing projectile setup? 214 punish. Block or get hit by Sasara 5CC? 214 punish. See a setup-type assist like Ulthury or Camyu done in neutral? 66C. A special note must be made about Satsuki assist, if you have her it is a perfectly valid strategy to just do triple shots and mash 66C from anywhere. You will force the opponent to stand block the overhead and the triple shots will leave you at an extreme advantage regardless of landing recovery.


5B is amazing. Probably one of the best one button anti-airs in the game next to Karulau 2B and way safer on whiff. Easily spammable in corner, combos into 214214AB. 41236 at a distance can be used to anti-air as well because of how ludicrously active it is. People frequently jump into 41236C all the time. DP, is air-blockable and not really used for anti-air, it's more heavily used as a reversal. For air-to-air there is 66B and 66C. 66C air-to-air usually works against most characters, but in the mirror and against certain characters you'll want to go for the faster 66B.


5A/2A, 2B, 66C with assist, jC, BC, 41236, 5C. It should be noted that Chizuru's normals aren't really plus, they're all slightly negative on block. That being said Aquapazza is a game where slight negative might as well be frame advantage. As are fast, spammable, good staggers. 2B is her main low, cancelable, decent range. 66C with frame advantage basically forces the opponent to guess BC or 2B or even cross-up jC/DP. jC itself is a super huge crossup and plus on block. BC is an amazing fast -1 completely safe overhead that ground bounces, catches jump outs, goes into a ton of different combo starters. OTGs, etc. There is no reason not to spam this move online AND offline. 41236 is viable mid string off the Bs mainly because of the threat of 5C, 41236A doesn't give much advantage (if any) but if you can mix in the B and C versions you can continue pressuring afterwards easily. 5C naturally frametraps after the Bs, wall slams near the corner, and is hard to punish (you can cancel into assist if you really need to.)


Almost all your combos should be ending in 214 if not a super. This gives you adequate time to really do whatever you want. Common setups are 41236C jC, raw BC, 41236 raw BC, 41236C raw 2B, 41236C 66C (very specific hilarious crossup when done correctly), raw DP overhead (yes, I have seen this used to end many rounds)


Chizuru's DP is an overhead that can crossup, and can be cancelled, albeit with tight timing, into assist. That being said, it is not air-unblockable, so people jumping with the intention to chicken guard can punish, as well as safe jumps. It's good but not THAT good, and against Llyr you basically can't use it at all.


Target Combos


Assist Combos



Move List

Normal Moves











4 or 6+C

Special Actions

Name -
  • (Description) -
Name 「JP Name」 - 66 [Description]
  • (Description) -

Special Moves

- 「神楽」 - 214+[Attack]
  • (Description) -
  • (A version) -
  • (B version) -
  • (C version) -
- 「跳ね薙ぎ」 - 623+[Attack]
  • (Description) -
- 「鬼爪撃(きそうげき)」 - 41236+[Attack]
  • (Description) -

Super Moves

- 「千鶴コンビネーション」 - 214214+AB
  • (Description) -
- 「雨月山の鬼」 - 236236+AB
  • (Description) -
- 「鬼心共鳴(きしんきょうめい)」 - 222+AB
  • (Description) -

Splash Arts

- 「あなたを、殺します」 - 222+BC
  • (Description) -
- 「ごめんなさい・・・・・・」 - 1632143+BC [During「あなたを、殺します」]
  • (Description) -








CamyuLlyrMa-ryanMizukiOctaviaRathtyRinaSatsukiSerikaUlthuryYuYumaYukiMa-ryan (BOSS)