Wonderful World/Semnia

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Semnia Yubeintz


  • Full Name: Semnia Yubeintz (セムニア・ユーベインツ)
  • Age: 14
  • Profession: Devil sword wielder
  • Height: 143cm
  • Weight: 37kg
  • 3 sizes: B69 W56 H70
  • Likes: Afternoon naps
  • Dislikes: Interacting with people
  • Values: Pillow
  • Weapon: Devil swords

Special Skills

Semnia's original ability will throw a devil sword, that will spin in place for a long time. By repeating the input, Semnia will quickly float forward, which can be used to get close to the opponent. Her ground normals may also be cancelled into this float, allowing for quick overheads.

If you input 22O while her sword is spinning, it will drop a big pool of fire on the ground. This extends the duration of the hitbox quite a bit and makes some damaging combos possible. When this pool of fire is active, inputting O will result in the usual float forward.


Semnia has really good space control, with large normals and big specials that stay out for long. Her okizeme is particularly powerful thanks to her original ability, which she can use after inflicting a hard-knockdown on the opponent. Fortunately, she gets to end her combos with a hard-knockdown fairly often.

Once her original ability is out, it remains active for a long time, giving her the chance to mix the opponent up and, if she is successful in doing so, she can confirm into a combo that ends with another hard-knockdown and use her original ability again.

While single hits from her normals or specials deal minimum damage, she is capable of lengthy, damaging combos, especially off a 5O starter.

Her main weakness is that everything about her is slow: ground movement, air movement, normals and specials, both in start-up and recovery. Neutral can be very scary for her, as whiffing a move or failing to prevent the opponent from getting close will most often result in her getting hit, or at least being subject to the opponent's pressure.

When under pressure, Semnia requires a lot of patience, as she lacks reversals, has no good normals to interrupt the opponent's momentum, and her jump is extremely slow and floaty, with a pitiful air-dash, making her easy to anti-air. You will find yourself stuck on the defensive for a long time, waiting for a chance to act again.

Information on this page refers to version 0.938 of the game.

Normal Moves

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Semnia's 5P is fairly big for what this input usually gets you, but it's also much slower than average. It's also not a good combo starter, so you won't make much use of it.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

This move is close to the usual 5K: it comes out reasonably quickly and has poor range. It hits behind Semnia as well. When it connects, a second hit will happen, which drags the opponent close to you and gives you some additional time to plan your next move.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Standard close 5S. Not really useful outside of combos. Can be cancelled into f.5S.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Very long range poke. Excellent hitbox to control space horizontally. Also fairly quick.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Huge hitbox in front of Semnia, with good reach horizontally and excellent vertically. It's not air-unblockable, but it can be cancelled into 236S, which is air-unblockable. Recovery is pretty long, so try not to whiff this.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Extremely tiny jab. Unfortunately you can't rely on this to get out of pressure, even though it comes out very quickly, because it will almost always whiff.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Low, Air - - - - - - -

This move is pretty much identical to 5K, but hits low. Your fastest, not abysmally tiny normal to get out of pressure, but still not reliable. Semnia's only lows are 2K and 2HS.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Very good hitbox and Semnia is quite small when using this move, but despite its anti-air potential, it can be blocked in the air, like all her normals. For how big it is, it's not that slow and it may even catch opponents trying to jump-in on you, during the jump start-up.

When you see a window of opportunity and the opponent is too far to use their P and K normals, this move is not bad for interrupting their pressure.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Low, Air - - - - - - -

Semnia sends one of her swords sliding along the ground. Hits low and trips the opponent. While it reaches almost full-screen, it travels slowly. Extremely bad on whiff, which unfortunately happens pretty often, as its vertical reach is very poor.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- High, Air - - - - - - -

Extremely tiny air jab, much like 2P. Practically useless.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- High, Air - - - - - - -

Air version of 5K. Your quickest way to hit high after a float cancel, when her original ability is out. Can also be cancelled into j.P, but you'll hardly find a reason to do so.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- High, Air - - - - - - -

Semnia spins a sword in front of her. Not much reach, but it's active for a very long time and all hits are high. Can be cancelled into j.K.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- High, Air - - - - - - -

Huge downwards sword swing, but also hits well above her. Hits straight below her and can be used to hit opponents behind her, but they need to be very close. On hit, it forces a hard-knockdown. On counter-hit, it ground bounces the opponent and you can pick up the combo.

Command Normals

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

While visually similar to 5P, 6P reaches much further and causes longer hitstun. This move leads into damaging combos when used up close.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Semnia swings a sword forward. While it doesn't have much use in neutral or pressure, its second attack (which only happens on hit) inflicts hard-knockdown and can be cancelled into 5O, making this a good combo ender.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- High, Air - - - - - - -

Universal overhead. Not a big move, considering her other normals. Can be an effective method of opening the opponent up when they're busy blocking Semnia's 5O and is also used in some combos. Can be cancelled into 5O or 6S on hit only.

Special Moves

Devil sword of the flame prison "Ifrinde"
Devil sword of the flame prison "Ifrinde"
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - - - - -

Semnia sends a sword upwards, which turns into a fireball that crushes on the ground. Air unblockable, with a gigantic hitbox and remains active for a long time. If Semnia gets hit before the fireball forms, it will go away, but if it has the time to form, it will crush to the ground and may interrupt the opponent.

Great move to control the air and discourage jumps-ins. If your opponent is in the air, stuck blocking something else (like 5O or 5HS), it's a great time to exploit this move's air-unblockable property.

While it comes out somewhat quickly, it's not fast enough to be a reaction-based anti-air and whiffing it will leave you open for a long time. Also, don't end your ground blockstrings with this, as it is very unsafe on block.

Devil swords of ruin "Heillist"
Devil swords of ruin "Heillist"
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Semnia shoots a number of swords from above her head to the ground. Somewhat slow startup, but it's active for a while, often giving you time to set up a 5O. It's good to control horizontal space and sometimes works to prevent jump-ins too. Good combo tool.

Devil sword of calamity "Kraihorn"
Devil sword of calamity "Kraihorn"
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

A sword comes out from the opposite side of the screen, traveling towards Semnia. Semnia's best tool to zone from a distance and put pressure on the opponent when they're full-screen away, since it pops into the screen quite suddenly.

Unfortunately, this move has a long cooldown, as you need to wait for the sword to disappear to use it again. On hit, it can generally be combo'd into 236HS and is a common combo tool.

Devil sword of rupture "Exrun"
Devil sword of rupture "Exrun"
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Semnia launches a sword in the air, which spins for a while and then falls to the ground, forming a shield. The shield absorbs projectiles and other hits that collide with it first, making it a great defensive tool.

The sword is not air-unblockable, but may work as anti-air, as it is quicker than 236S, has a good hitbox and also offers additional cover once the shield is out. Also used in some combos.

Devil sword of vanishing "Diriiz"
Devil sword of vanishing "Diriiz"
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Semnia teleports in the air, right next to the opponent. P version teleports in front of them, K version switches sides. Very slow start-up with no invulnerability, so it is not a reversal. May be used for some mix-ups, or to punish a slow move, but you need to get a good read on your opponent.

Finishing Moves

Devil sword of origin "Mistoul"
Devil sword of origin "Mistoul"
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Semnia sets a huge orb of light in front of her, that stays out for a long time. You can apply mix-ups while this move is out and even set 5O on top of it. After a while, a sword appears and you can use the follow-up (214214S) to deal some good damage. The follow-up does not cost additional meter.

Devil sword of demise "Endiriva"
Devil sword of demise "Endiriva"
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Any - - - - - - -

Can only be used during 2146HS, after the sword has appeared. Deals a good amount of damage. Does not cost additional meter.


When playing as Semnia, you want to control space as much as possible, patiently trying to land a first hit. Once you hit, you ideally want to finish the combo with a hard-knockdown, so that you may set her 5O afterwards.

5O leads into big damage if it hits, but as it comes out so slowly, it will most likely be blocked. When 5O is blocked, you should try to mix the opponent up and, if successful, you'll probably only have time for a small combo, that you should try to finish with another hard-knockdown, in order to use 5O again and repeat the process.

If you can't open the opponent up during 5O, you need to avoid returning to neutral, as the distance between your and your opponent will likely be uncomfortably short. Semnia's slow movement and slow attacks make being close to the opponent very dangerous.

If you feel like you can't break the opponent's guard before 5O goes away, consider using 236HS to keep the opponent blocking for a little longer, hopefully enough for you to use 5O again.



  • Mid-screen: 6P > delay > f.5S > 2HS > 214S > 236HS > 6HS > 6S > 5O (206 damage)

6P starter combo into good damage, with 5O okizeme at the end, so that you can start the pressure right as they get up. 6P is a great starter, but if done from too far away, 5S won't connect. Make sure you input the delay, otherwise cl.5S will come out, ruining your combo. Mostly a combo to punish mistakes up close.

  • Mid-screen: 5O > j.O > j.HS > 5HS > 214HS > 236HS > 214S > 5HS > 6HS > 6S > 5O(317 damage)

Great damage and 5O okizeme off a 5O starter, which unfortunately won't happen very often, as it is rare to start a combo with 5O.

50% Meter

  • Mid-screen: 5O > j.O > j.HS > 5HS > 22O > [6] > 5HS > delay > 5HS > 2HS > 214HS > 214S > 236HS > 6S > 5O (398 damage)

Big damage combo with a 5O starter and 5O okizeme. Make sure to walk forward as much as possible after 22O.
