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SG fuk icon.png


One of Brain Drain's less-socially-acceptable hobbies is cloning, and often he forces the souls of dead warriors to inhabit these clones. Fukua is the result of a fortunate - or unfortunate - Lab Zero accident: a union of two souls. One, a once-proud warrior known for her brute strength in close combat; the other a silent assassin who specialized in ranged weapons for her kills.

Together as one, Fukua possesses the best of both specialties... but relationships formed under intense circumstances often don't last.


For more guides and resources jump to the External Links section.

Fukua plays a space control game with air normals and fireballs, but once she gets a hit, her clones enable very unique and powerful setplay.

  • Mixups: Fukua is the only character with a 2LK that chains into itself, allowing her to hit confirm and stagger lows easily. Combined with her fast command grab Tender Embrace (236LPLK) and her fast pseudo-divekick normal jHK, Fukua's base closeup pressure game is already solid. But Fukua shines with her Forever a Clone move (214K), which makes clones of Fukua who move forward and attack on the release of the button. The LK version hits low, the MK version is a hit grab which can be canceled into another clone, and the HK version hits overhead. Holding the shadows to release during or after Fukua's other moves will allow you to setup sneaky high/low/left/right mixups from multiple situations that are generally safe. Creatively working the clones into your combos and setups is key to playing Fukua at a high level.
  • Midrange strength: While she may not be very mobile, she controls space very well. Her fireball specials can be done in the ground and air, and each strength controls a very different trajectory that can be hard to challenge. She also have some choice air buttons, such as j.LP which is a fantastic air to air and chains into j.HK, allowing for a full follow up combo. To top it off, she possesses a double jump, allowing to get above her opponent and challenge them vertically.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • jHK
  • Does not have old M shadow.
  • Does not have old M shadow.

Important Moves

  • j.LP - very potent air to air, confirm with j.HK
  • j.HK - divekick type move that pulls Fukua towards the opponent. Use as a reversal against throws and in scrambles.
  • 2LK - only 2LK into the game that can chain into itself. Complement it with her command grab, Tender Embrace (236LP+LK).
  • 2HP - long range ground poke, confirm with M fireball
  • 2MP - great anti-air option with head invuln and quick startup
  • Fireballs (236P, air OK) - use for space control, get comfortable with the trajectories of each version
  • Reversals
    • Fukua's most reliable meterless reversal is the strike invulnerable H Platonic Drillationship (236HK). She can also use her armored command grab Inevitable Snuggle (214LPLK) to catch opponents, but it is very slow and should be used with caution. Her level 1 super Best Friends Forever (214KK) is fully invulnerable with far range, but has slow startup. Her level 3 super Twice Shy (214PP) is fully invulnerable, fast startup, and is a hitgrab that will beat out armor moves but it has somewhat short range.

Shadow Life Drain

Fukua's shadows (214K) can be held to delay the attack by holding the button. Doing this will drain life and go into a reserve, and health in this reserve can be healed in three ways: taunting, landing Invevitable Snuggle, or landing Twice Shy. Taunting recovers 20%, Inevitable Snuggle recovers 33%, and Twice Shy recovers 55%. The health recovery is also scaled by the current damage scaling in the combo. Healing in this way will reset the reserve of health back to zero, and can potentially heal her above her red life, but never more than 55% of self inflicted damage. Healing red health by the normal methods removes 2 points of reserve health for every 1 point of other healing.



Standing 3 Buttons: Sg lp.png or Sg lk.pngSg mp.png or Sg mk.pngSg hp.png or Sg hk.png
Crouching 3 Buttons: Sg lp.png or Sg lk.pngSg mp.png or Sg mk.pngSg hp.png or Sg hk.png
Air 6 Buttons: Sg lp.pngSg lk.pngSg mp.pngSg mk.pngSg hp.pngSg hk.png


Weight Dash Double Jump Airdash IAD Lockout
Light Run Yes No N/A

Wakeup Time

Forward Tech Backward Tech Sliding KD Hard KD Crumple
39 41 5 28 32

Move List

Standing Normals

SG fuk slp.png
SG fuk slp hb.png
Standing Jab
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LP s.Sg lp.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 200 2.5% ±0 +3
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 3 14 16 19 7 N/A
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 200 2.5% -2 +1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
5 3 16 16 19 7 N/A

  • Fukua's LP and LK normals all chain into themselves, and she can also chain 5LP > 5LP, 5LP > 2LP, 5LP > 5LK, or 5LP > 2LK. She cannot chain two LK attacks after chaining from a LP attack.

SG fuk smp.png
SG fuk smp hb.png
Thinning Shears
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MP s.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 500 7.5% +3 -4
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 3 19 24 17 9 N/A

  • Combo filler, otherwise an okay ground poke
  • Useful in some burst baits
  • Combos into L clone which is key to some undizzy efficient routes

SG fuk shp.png
SG fuk shp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HP s.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Launcher 850 10.0% +1 -11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 3 28 31 19 11 N/A

  • Great anti-air, easy confirm into j.HK at almost all heights
  • Careful when using this attack in a chain combo because of it's limited horizontal range.

SG fuk slk.png
SG fuk slk hb.png
Knee High
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LK s.Sg lk.png
x1, x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 300 2.5% -1 +2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
8 → 7 3 19 20 23 7 N/A

  • Even though Fukua can mix and match between her self chaining nromals, she still can't break the normal chain combo rules and chain from a LK to an LP. She can only chain 5LK > 5LK or 5LK to 2LK.

SG fuk smk.png
SG fuk smk hb.png
Fukua sets mode +k
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MK s.Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 500 7.5% ±0 -4
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 3 20 22 18 9 N/A

  • Forward moving kick
  • Useful for stabilizing combos and keeping people in range of launcher
  • Extra corner carry
  • Useful OTG button but be careful of it whiffing if too far away

SG fuk shk.png
SG fuk shk hb.png
Shamone Boot
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HK s.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 1000 10.0% Wall Bounce -19
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
19 9 26 26 19 14 (10 on block) N/A

  • Can low crush (high profile low attacks)
  • Can kara cancel early or late for interesting movement and momentum, used in some burst baits

Crouching Normals

SG fuk clp.png
SG fuk clp hb.png
Crouching Jab
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LP c.Sg lp.png
x1, x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 200 2.5% +4 +6
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 3 8 14 16 7 N/A

  • Like with Fukua's 2LP, she can chain 2LP > 2LP, 2LP > 5LP, 2LP > 5LK, or 5LP > 2LK.

SG fuk cmp.png
SG fuk cmp hb.png
Ariel Rave
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MP c.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Launcher 500 7.5% +2 -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 3 19 23 19 9 N/A

  • Mini launcher, launch on hit allows 2HP to ground bounce which is important for combos.
  • Head invulnerability makes this one of Fukua's best anti-air options.

SG fuk chp.png
SG fuk chp hb.png
Queue Sting
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HP c.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 800 10.0% -3,
Ground Bounce (vs air)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 3 25 24 19 9 N/A

  • Great poking tool, combos into M fireball at most ranges and is easily confirm-able into BFF.
  • Ground bounce is important in combos
  • Good anti-air vs IADs that are a bit in front of Fukua

SG fuk clk.png
SG fuk clk hb.png
Ankle Sock
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LK c.Sg lk.png
x1, x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low Chains Into Self 200 2.5% +3 +6
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 3 10 15 18 7 N/A

  • Fukua can chain her 2LK into itself, which no other character can do, and is amazing for confirming and staggering lows.
  • She can still chain 2LK > 5LK if she really wants to.

SG fuk cmk.png
SG fuk cmk hb.png
French Twist
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MK c.Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low - 300 x2, 350 1.2857% x3 -5 -7
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 2, (2), 2, (2), 2 24 20 x3 18 x3 4 x2, 9 N/A

  • Multi-hitting low that is great to stay in against early pushblocks, catching up-back and backdashes

SG fuk chk.png
SG fuk chk hb.png
Tread of Hair
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HK c.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low Sweep 1100 10.0% Soft KD (Invuln.) -27
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 26 19 14 17 11 N/A

  • Sweep that moves froward and can low profile projectiles like Robo beams
  • Used in optimal combos

Jumping Normals

SG fuk jlp.png
SG fuk jlp hb.png
Jumping Jab
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLP j.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 200 2.5% +7 +10
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 4 7 17 20 7 N/A

  • Fantastic air to air button with speed, big hitbox, and easy confirms into j.HK. Very important normal

SG fuk jmp.png
SG fuk jmp hb.png
Buzz Cut
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMP j.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 150 x5, 250 1.0588% x6 +7 +8
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 9 16 x5, 17 18 x6 4 x5, 9 N/A

  • Multi-hit, useful against armor
  • Combo filler later in combos

SG fuk jhp.png
SG fuk jhp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHP j.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High, (mid when chained from j.HK) - 700 10.0% or 6% -3 -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 8 15 25 20 11 N/A

  • Decent air to air button, optimal burst punish combo starter.
  • Useful in pressure after a blocked j.HK, and staying in against pushblock, just be wary as no button afterwards will be a true blockstring.
  • Can be chained into from j.HK, but does less damage and hits mid.
  • Meter gain decreases from 10% to 6% when chaining from j.HK.

SG fuk jlk.png
SG fuk jlk hb.png
Thigh High
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLK j.Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 200 2.5% +6 +9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 4 8 17 20 7 N/A

  • Good air to air button

SG fuk jmk.png
SG fuk jmk hb.png
Bounce, No Volume
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMK j.Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 450 7.5% +3 +4
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 6 11 19 20 8 N/A

  • Good jump in button, easy to cross up with.
  • Used in some resets and side switch combos.

SG fuk jhk.png
SG fuk jhk hb.png
Butterfly Kiss
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHK j.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Backwards (to j.HP) 500 4.50% +18 ±0
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 2 26 32 21 10 (8 on block) N/A

  • Fantastic button, key to her combos, confirms, pressure and resets.
  • On hit or block, Fukua drags herself down to the ground, allowing for very easy restands on hit.
  • Can be chained backwards into j.HP.
  • Instant j.HK is her prime reversal against throw attempts, and a good option in scramble situations. Either situation often leads to HCH combos.

Universal Mechanics

SG fuk throw.png
SG fuk throw hb.png
Shamone Cuddle
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Throw 50% Damage Scaling 0, 212 x4 0, 5.0% x4 KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 1 28 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • Must BFF or have Clones setup previously to convert off of midscreen
  • Corner conversions use OTG

SG fuk airthrow.png
SG fuk airthrow hb.png
Widow's Peak
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Air Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png (in air)
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Air Throw 50% Damage Scaling 300, 1000 10.0% x2 Sliding KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 3 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • Airthrow leading to sliding knockdown allows for Fukua to setup consistent oki situations with held Clones and meaty L Air fireball. Kara 5MK into H clone, threaten 2LK or 2MK on wakeup is a simple and effective method
  • Can confirm off it with proper assists, and solo if you have a Clone set out previously.
  • Example setups: 2LK 2MP 2HP hold any clone, dash up 2LK 2MP, delay jump air throw, release clone

SG fuk tag.png
SG fuk tag hb.png
Bounce, No Volume
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Tag Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Tag 500 7.5% KD -39
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
43 6 58 12 13 35 (11 on block) N/A

  • Two Fukua clones appear from the top of the screen and converge as they land. This move doesn't have a hitbox until it reaches the ground.
  • Can combo off of it by spending OTG, or if it hits near the top of the hitbox without spending OTG.
  • Not a good reversal

SG fuk snap.png
SG fuk snap hb.png
Lash Out
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Snapback Sg 236.png + Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg 236.png + Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Snapback 0 -100% N/A -12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 + 3 3 23 10 13 13 9


SG fuk qcfp.png
SG fuk qcfp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Love Dart (Fireball) Sg 236.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)
Ground Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile 600 (200) See Desc. +6 -7
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 -- 35 31 or 12 (close, far) 18 9 N/A
Air Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile 600 (200) See Desc. N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11 (Until ground), 33 (Air) 24 24 or 12 (close, far) 18 or 12 9 N/A

  • Fukua throws out a projectile. The LP version bounces on the ground until it leaves the screen, MP version travels straight, and HP version travels in an arc above Fukua. Only 1 projectile can be out at a time.
  • Very key to fukua's zoning and neutral.
  • Fukua's does not gain meter from Love dart until the projectile returns to her and the meter gain is based on the distance between her and the projectile (the further she is the more meter she gets).
Format below is move, % gained on hit, % gained on whiff.
L Dart, 2.34% to 9%, 0.66% to 1.5%
M Dart, 2.7% to 9%, 0.72% to 1.5%
H Dart, 2.52% to 9%, 0.72% to 1.5%
L Dart (Air), 0.18% to 7.2%, 0.39% to 1.23%
M Dart (Air), 0.9% to 9%, 0.69% to 1.44%
H Dart (Air), 1.26% to 9%, 0.63% to 1.5%

SG fuk qcbk.png
SG fuk qcbk hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Forever a Clone (Shadows) Sg 214.png + Sg k.png
Sg lk.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low Projectile,
Sweep (vs assists)
600 (100) (2.5%) 4.15% Soft KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
21, X, 2 17 21 18 12 9 (8 on block) N/A
Sg mk.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile,
Hit Grab
0, 750 (100) (2.5%) 0%, 2.5% Ground Bounce N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
25, X, 8 2 19 N/A 15 N/A (6 on block) N/A
Sg hk.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High Projectile 600 (2.5%) 4.15% Ground Bounce N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
25, X, 8 3 19 18 14 14 (8 on block) N/A

  • Fukua sends out a clone to attack the opponent. This move is core to Fukua's identity as a character, having some usages in neutral but really unlocking her reset and combo potential and flexibility. Clones can be delayed by up to 500f by holding the kick button, but doing so slowly drains her health (5.5% of her total health if held for the entire 500f) and she can not die while doing this.
  • Fukua can regain this lost health by taunting, hitting with Inevitable Snuggle, and Twice Shy, recovering 20%/33%/55% respectively.
  • Clones can be removed by strike attacks but not projectiles, similar to Parasoul's Egret Charge.
  • Only 1 clone can be out at a time.
  • Sg lk.png
    • Hits low.
    • Breaks armor against assists only.
  • Sg mk.png
    • Grabs the opponent with a hitgrab and slams them to the floor.
    • The shadow will wait until it's close to the opponent to attack, fading away without attacking if the opponent is too far.
    • On hit, is cancel-able into L or H shadow if not previously used in the combo.
  • Sg hk.png
    • Hits high.
    • The shadow will wait until it's close to the opponent to attack, fading away without attacking if the opponent is too far.
    • Ground bounces on ground hit allowing easy confirms
  • It is important to note that the second and third shadow in a combo, if used to reset and start another combo, will scale the combo greatly.

X indicates any additional startup from holding the button.

SG fuk qcfk.png
SG fuk qcfk hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Platonic Drillationship (Drill) Sg 236.png + Sg k.png
Sg lk.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 350x3 (100 x3) (2.5%) 2.5714% x3 +5 -3
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 12 24 20x2, 30 22x3 1x2, 8 N/A
Sg mk.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 300x3, 500 (100 x4) (2.5%) 2.5714% x4 +4 -6
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
14 17 25 21x3, 30 22x3, 20 1x3, 10 N/A
Sg hk.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Strike) 300x4, 600 (100 x5) (2.5%) 2.5714% x5 ±0 -15
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
18 22 32 22x4, 33 22x4, 18 1x4, 10 N/A

  • Fukua lunges towards the opponent with a drill attack. The HK version loses invulnerability when used as an assist.
  • H drill is a decent reversal, and used in her more optimal combos.

SG fuk qcfthrow.png
SG fuk qcfthrow hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Tender Embrace Sg 236.png + Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Command Grab 55% Damage Scaling 0, 300, 300, 1100 (0%) 0%, 7% x3 KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
8 2 34 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • Confirm off it with BFF, or OTG in corner

SG fuk qcbthrow.png
SG fuk qcbthrow hb.png
"Let's go!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Inevitable Snuggle Sg 214.png + Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Command Grab Armor (7 hits),
55% Damage Scaling
0, 300, 300, 1100 (0%) 0%, 7% x3 KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
30 2 43 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • Inevitable Snuggle recovers 33% of hp spent on shadows.
  • Almost the same as Tender Embrace, except this move has longer startup, has armor, and leaves the opponent closer to Fukua, allowing for easier follow-up.
  • Confirm using OTG, or BFF to save OTG for 1 bar


SG fuk qcfpp.png
SG fuk qcfpp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Blown Kiss
Level 1
Sg 236.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)
Ground Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile,
Invuln. (Full) (1 frame before flash)
900, 600x3 (205 x4) -100% KD ±0
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
5 + 6 -- 50 26 x4 29 x4 16 x4 (2 x4 on block) 5
Air Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile,
Invuln. (Full) (1 frame before flash)
900, 600x3 (205 x4) -100% KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
8 + 4 (Until ground) or -- 43 26 x4 29 x4 16 x4 (2 x4 on block) 4

  • Fireball super good for chip damage and DHCs, depending on your team composition.
  • Blown Kiss, DHC before it hits opponent to unscale, is more damage than Drill of my Dreams depending on the character coming in.
  • Not a safe DHC if they pushblock properly in most situations.
  • Can convert off it in the corner using OTG, Hdrill > Fireball Super is a good tool to call out people atacking out of the corner, and easily converts into a double snap on hit
  • Trajectory of Blown Kiss (Air) is affected by buttons held: LP+MP is similar to L Dart but at a slightly outward angle. MP+HP being similar to M Dart. And LP+HP is straight forward.
  • Does 540 damage at max scaling, 1,599 when DHC'd into at max scaling below 240 undizzy, and 878 when DHC'd into above 240 undizzy.

SG fuk qcfkk.png
SG fuk qcfkk hb.png
"Get ready!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
The Drill of My Dreams
Level 1
Sg 236.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png (Air OK)
Ground Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Full) (1 frame before flash) 350x14, 400 (75 x15) -100% KD -37
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
5 + 3 25 37 18 x15 21x15 3x14, 20 (1 x14, 20 On block) 5
Air Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Full) (1 frame before flash) 275xN, 400 (75 xN) -100% Ground Bounce -17
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
5 + 3 (Until ground), 1 30 25xn, 18 21xn 3xn, 20 (1 x14, 12 On block) 5

  • Not a reversal
  • Optimal solo combo ender
  • Air version does more hits the more she travels
  • Can convert off air super in the corner using OTG, good for meter dump combos.
  • Does 1,060 damage at max scaling, 1,800 when DHC'd into at max scaling below 240 undizzy, and 1,232 when DHC'd into above 240 undizzy.

SG fuk qcbkk.png
SG fuk qcbkk hb.png
"We're gonna get you~"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Best Friends Forever! (BFF)
Level 1
Sg 214.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Full),
50% Damage Scaling
200, 2300 (100) -100% Crumple or Soft KD -24
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
29 or 34* + 6 15 35 35, 15 24 58, 20 (1 on Block) 8

  • Her only 1 bar reversal, but it's extremely slow and hits low to the ground
  • Really good in DHC wars due to the length of the invuln
  • Important for confirms, spending multiple bars in one combo, and getting a hard knockdown if you already spent OTG.
  • Less start up when DHC'd into, skips preflash animation
    • *When this move invuls through a throw, it gains extra startup.
  • Does 672 damage at max scaling, 1,548 when DHC'd into at max scaling below 240 undizzy, and 851 when DHC'd into above 240 undizzy

SG fuk qcbpp.png
SG fuk qcbpp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Twice Shy
Level 3
Sg 214.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Full),
45% Minimum Scaling,
Hit Grab
2300, 600, 2000 (300) -300% Wall Splat -38
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
4 + 2 1 61 N/A 23 N/A (8 on block) 3

  • Her level 3 is a strong reversal option with a very large hitbox.
  • Restores 55% of health drained from clones.
  • Hitgrab makes it a good call out vs armor.
  • Great anti-air.
  • Can confirm off it at any positioning on the screen.
  • Does 2,205 damage at max scaling, 3,430 when DHC'd into at max scaling below 240 undizzy, and 2,205 when DHC'd into above 240 undizzy

SG fuk 360.png
SG fuk 360 hb.png
"Let's go!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Head Over Heels
Level 5
Sg 360.png + Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Command Grab Invuln. (Full),
200% Damage Scaling
0, 0, 3000 -500% KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
5 + 0 2 39 N/A N/A N/A 1

  • The explosion will hit assists and (can) allow a happy birthday followup Video.
  • Her level 5 is a command grab that decreases scaling on the combo following, meaning the first hit after it in the combo will do double damage.
  • Niche and situational, but fun level 5.
  • if used in a combo, via a staggering assist or stagger>DHC into it, fukua's lvl 5 will restore your OTG use.


SG fuk taunt.png
Breakdown Sg lk.png , Sg mk.png , 4.gif , Sg mp.png , Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
N/A N/A 87 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • Heals 20% of life drained from shadows, and gives her opponent 4% meter.

SG fuk assist.png
"I'm done."
Assist Taunt Automatically done after an assist move
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - N/A 0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
N/A N/A 33 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Amount of time it takes for the character to turn invulnerable after they finish performing their assist action.
  • Longer recovery → more time to punish the assist.


SG fuk color1.png SG fuk color2.png SG fuk color3.png SG fuk color4.png SG fuk color5.png
Color 1
Default color palette. [1]
Color 2
Original alternate color palette.
Color 3
Original alternate color palette.
Color 4
Based on Decapre from Ultra Street Fighter 4.
Color 5
Based on Ermac from Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.

SG fuk color6.png SG fuk color7.png SG fuk color8.png SG fuk color9.png SG fuk color10.png
Color 6
Based on Shadow Lady from Marvel vs Capcom.
Color 7
Based on Akuma from Street Fighter 2: Super Turbo.
Color 8
Based on Mech-Zangief from Marvel vs Capcom.
Color 9
Original alternate color palette.
Color 10
Based on Sean from Street Fighter 3.

SG fuk color11.png SG fuk color12.png SG fuk color13.png SG fuk color14.png SG fuk color15.png
Color 11
Based on Rain from Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.
Color 12
Based on Reptile from Mortal Kombat.
Color 13
Based on a Naruto parody by blackbookalpha.
Color 14
Based on Falco from Super Smash Bros: Melee.
Color 15
Based on Alpha-152 from Dead or Alive 4.

SG fuk color16.png SG fuk color17.png SG fuk color18.png SG fuk color19.png SG fuk color20.png
Color 16
Based on Violent Ken from SNK vs Capcom: Chaos.
Color 17
Based on Shadow from the Sonic series.
Color 18
Based on Eva Earlong's Shadow from One Must Fall: 2097.
Color 19
Based on Allen Snider from Street Fighter EX.
Color 20
Based on Red Venom from Marvel vs Capcom.

SG fuk color21.png SG fuk color22.png SG fuk color23.png SG fuk color24.png SG fuk color25.png
Color 21
Based on Honoka from Dead or Alive 5 Last Round.
Color 22
Based on War Machine from Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
Color 23
Based on Robo-Ky Mk. II from Guilty Gear Isuka.
Color 24
Based on "mind controlled" Ryūko from Kill la Kill.
Color 25
Based on Orochi Shermie from King of Fighters.

Fukua 27.png Fukua 26.png SG fuk color28.png
Color 26
Based on 2B's Paletteswap in Sol Calibur.
Color 27
Based on Princess Daisy from Super Mario.
Color 28
Based on Ann Takamaki from Persona 5.

Intro Poses

Fukua has 4 different intro poses that can be selected by holding a button or combination of buttons during the loading screen before a match.

Fukua intro 1.png Intro pose 1:
Sg lp.png OR Sg lk.png
Fukua fuses with her shadow.
Fukua intro 2.png Intro pose 2:
Sg mp.png OR Sg mk.png
Fukua poses and throws sparks.

Intro pose 3:
Sg hp.png OR Sg hk.png
Fukua is late for work.
Fukua intro 4.png Intro pose 4:
Hold either two punches or two kicks.

eg. Sg p.png + Sg p.png OR Sg k.png + Sg k.png
Fukua slides onto the screen with a special effect.

Win Poses

Fukua has 2 win poses, and the winning player can select a win pose by holding a button at the end of the match.

SG pose fuk 1.png Winpose 1:
Sg p.png
I guess we've won.
SG pose fuk 2.png Winpose 2:
Sg k.png

Notable Players

Name (English/Japanese) Color Location Team Contact Status Notes Example Play
Sonicfox enter NY, USA H Updo/ M Bomber/ H Drill E Active THE ONE AND ONLY. Link
Wandering Tonberry enter Canada N/A - Retired PSN's solo Fukua, creator of Reset #13. "Ask me about Reset #12." - Wandering Tonberry Link
ShadeMoneh enter NY, USA H Updo / L Bomber/ H Drill (Old Team) @ShadeMoneh Active Another win for New York. Link
Acido enter Brazil H Updo / L Dart / L Bomber @Andreacguilherm Active - Link

NOTE: These tables are still WIP- seen

External Links

When browsing Skullheart, keep in mind it was most active when the game was on an older patch.

Training Room
Game Data Legend
Ms. Fortune
Big Band
Black Dahlia