Wonderful World/Duna

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Full Name:   Duna Haizen (デュナ=ハイゼン)

Occupation:   Bounty Hunter <br\><br\> Height:   158cm  —  Weight:   46kg <br\><br\> 3 Sizes:   B83 W57 H84 <br\><br\> Interests:   Eating rice, Touring <br\><br\> Dislikes:   Not eating <br\><br\> Values:   Sword she got from her parents <br\><br\> Weapon:   Sword that can discharge electricity



A bounty hunter who's always poor. Generates lightning when she gets excited, so she always carries around a sword which absorbs the lightning. Always refers to people using honorifics. While she's usually seen as a foolish person, she's actually quite reliable. Also, her sword skill is excellent.

王都アインフィルを中心に活動する賞金稼ぎ。 身体に雷を宿す特異体質で、興奮すると放電してしまう困った娘。 誰にでも丁寧語で話し、分け隔てなく接する。 ボーっとしてるように見えて、意外としっかりしてるのだが、やっぱりどこかが抜けている。 幼少期は放電体質から、近所の子供たちには避けられており、鍛冶師である両親はそんな娘を見かねて、雷を吸収する剣を作り、デュナに渡した。 しかし、特に剣の修行をしたわけでもなく、才能もなかったため、剣技の腕前はかなり微妙で、一般人よりはマシな程度である。 放電は特異能力であり、魔法ではないので、これとは別に魔力も持っているようだが、センスは皆無。

せっかくの特異体質だし、何かに役立たないかと思い、16歳で賞金稼ぎになる。 非常に頑張ってはいるのだが、体質のせいで余計なものを壊すことが多く、報酬が貰えなかったり、弁償代としてむしろ取られたり。 おかげでいつも貧乏で、毎日ご飯が食べられないことを嘆いている。 同じく賞金稼ぎのオルフェには、とある仕事で組んで以来、気に入られている。

使用武器の名は「クリムレイン」 雷を引き寄せ、吸収することで硬度を増していく鉱石で鍛えられた剣。 両親が娘に剣を与えた理由は、鍛冶師として自分が鍛えた武器を子供に使ってもらいたかったから。 デュナ本人は、せめて短剣くらいにして欲しかったと思ってはいるが、非常に大切にしている。 完全に雷を抑えてくれるわけでもなく、やはりちょっと驚いた拍子とかに放電することがある。 雷撃を吸収できる範囲は十数メートルで、それ以上剣から離れると効果を受けられない。

Game Play

A strong zoning character, good at restricting movement with her variety of projectiles. She also has anti airs, good mobility, and a variety of other tools that gives her a lot of options.

She's a good character for beginners.

Character Specific Data

Total Life - 690
Combo Hits Before Damage Reduction -

Move List

Special Skills
Chain Lightning / チェインライトニング O.png (Air usable, press button again to activate)
Blue Line / ブルーライン 2.png3.png6.png+.pngP.png (Air usable)
Tirfing / ティルフィング 6.png2.png3.png+.pngS.png or HS.png
Bolt Thrust / ボルトスラスト 2.png1.png4.png+.pngHS.png
Lightning Assault / ライトニングアサルト 6.png2.png3.png+.pngK.png
Stun Trap / スタントラップ 2.png1.png4.png+.pngK.png
Storm Feather / ストームフェザー 2.png1.png4.png+.pngK.png (Air only)
Spark Field / スパークフィールド 2.png1.png4.png+.pngP.png
Crescent Shock / クレセントショック 6.png3.png2.png1.png4.png+.pngS.png
Finishing Moves
Thunder Spread / サンダースプレッド 2.png3.png6.png2.png3.png6.png+.pngP.png

Notation Key
7.png8.png9.png 7 8 9
4.png N 6.png 4 5 6
1.png2.png3.png 1 2 3
P.pngK.pngS.pngHS.pngO.pngSP.png P K S HS O SP
BRK Skill Break, used on the previous move.
xx Some suitable chain or lead-in to the rest of the combo.
> A link or cancel into something other than a normal.
~ Input move 2 quickly after move 1, actual timing may vary.
X > Y / Z X goes into Y OR Z.
(<move>) Possible to omit some move.
<move>(X) Some move hits X times.
j(X)., dj(X). Jump or double jump. May or may not specify a direction (X).
cl., f. Close and far version of a move, respectively.


Neutral Game





A basic loop of hers goes something like this:

xx > 2HS > 214HS > Cancel > 5HS > 2369P >Dash > 2S >5HS > 2369P > Dash > 5HS > 214HS


<Meter Cost, Location <notation>
•<description(if needed)>

<Meter Cost, Location <notation>
•<description(if needed)>

Example Combo Ender <notation
•<description(if needed)>


<Meter Cost, Location <notation>
•<description(if needed)>


Post OTG Game




<please indent descriptions>














Move Details

Special Skills

<delete if inapplicable to character>

<fullmovename> - <notation> [ <property1>, <property2> ]
<fullmovename> - <notation> [ <property1>, <property2> ] <notation> > <cancelsintothis>, <andthis...>
<fullmovename> - <notation [ <property1>, <property2> ]
<fullmovename> - <notation [ <property1>, <property2> ]


Blue Line - (j.)236P [ Projectile, BRK ]
Lightning projectile. Moves fast, cheerfully powers through other projectiles, covers the entire screen horizontally at once.

Air version angles downwards 45 degrees and bounce off the ground. If the opponent is standing on the bounce spot, it'll hit 4 times - twice going in, twice coming out.

BRK right as the bolt is about to leave her hands.

Tirfing - 623S/HS [ Projectile?, BRK ]
Duna calls lightning from the ground and shoots it upwards. HS version makes her dash forward about 1 character length before doing it. Used in meter combos because HS version is BRK as she's lifting her hand up.
Bolt Thrust - 214HS [ Mid, BRK ]
Stabs the opponent, and then tears her sword out, causing a burst of lightning. BRK after the first stab until just after she pulls her sword out.
Lightning Assault - 623K [ ? ]
One of Duna's more interesting moves, a lightning powered jump that takes her up very quickly and allows her all of the options of a normal jump. Despite looking like a DP, it has no invulnerability (but it does move extremely fast), and looks like one of the main components of her pressure game (maybe?)
Stun Trap - 214K [ Projectile? ]
Creates a small stationary disc of lightning that causes damage and launch on hit. Only 2 may be active at the same time (does not overlap with how many feathers are on screen, however). Trying to throw more will just make her wave her arm without doing anything. If you cross up while one of these are out, they will still bounce your opponent in the same direction it would have, so away from you.
Storm Feather - J.214K [ Projectile? ]
Creates a pretty feather of lightning that drifts slowly downwards. Only 2 may be active at the same time (does not overlap with how many discs are on screen -- maximum 2 feathers + 2 discs simultaneously). Air recovery after this move, so you can TK it or do it high in the air, then do something else like j.236P on the way down. Trying to throw more will just make her wave her arm without doing anything.
Spark Field - 214P [ Projectile, BRK ]
Duna creates a ball of lightning and thrusts it into the ground, creating an area of lightning-covered floor that will shock the opponent if they try to walk on it. BRK while her arm is above her head. Maximum of 2 active simultaneously, trying to throw another will cause the oldest disc to vanish. Does not overlap with other projectiles.
Crescent Shock - 63214S [ High, Projectile?, BRK ]
Duna's new big slow overhead. It has a massive hitbox, but it's also pretty slow. Air techable when it hits someone on the ground, but you can BRK to continue to continue the combo. Knocks down when it hits people in the air.

Finishing Moves

Thunder Spread - 236236P
Super move, launches huge blast of lightning across the screen.

Command Normals

<fullmovename> - <notation> [ <property1>, <property2> ]
<fullmovename> - <notation> [ <property1>, <property2> ] <notation> > <cancelsintothis>, <andthis...>
<fullmovename> - <notation [ <property1>, <property2> ]
<fullmovename> - <notation [ <property1>, <property2> ]


<fullmovename> - <notation> [ <property1>, <property2> ]
<fullmovename> - <notation> [ <property1>, <property2> ] <notation> > <cancelsintothis>, <andthis...>
<fullmovename> - <notation [ <property1>, <property2> ]
<fullmovename> - <notation [ <property1>, <property2> ]

Air Normals

<fullmovename> - <notation> [ <property1>, <property2> ]
<fullmovename> - <notation> [ <property1>, <property2> ] <notation> > <cancelsintothis>, <andthis...>
<fullmovename> - <notation [ <property1>, <property2> ]
<fullmovename> - <notation [ <property1>, <property2> ]

Frame Data

From the JP Wonderful World wiki.


Move Startup Duration Recovery Total Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
5P 9 5 20 34 1 0 0
5K 10 5 25 40 1 -5 -5
cl.5S 14 5 30 49 1 -10 -10
f.5S 17 5 35 57 2 -5 -15
5HS 15 5 39 59 2 -2(*1) -12(*1)
2P 8 5 18 31 1 2 2
2K 10 5 25 40 1 -5 -5
2S 13 5 35 53 2 -5 -15
2HS 16 3 41 60 2 -9 -19
j.P 8 5 23 36 1 -3 -3
j.K 9 10 23 42 1 -8 -8
j.S 12 5 30 47 2 0 -10
j.HS 18 3 38 59 2 -8(*2) -18(*2)
6HS 38 5 36 79 2 -6 -16
O (set) 18 - 22 40 - - -
O (activate) 22 5 20 47 2 15 5
j.O (set) 6 - 34 40 - - -
j.O (activate) 20 5 30 55 2 0 -10


Move Startup Duration Recovery Total Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Blue Line 23 - 49 72 1 -19 -19
Blue Line (Air) 20 - 43 63 1 - -
Tirfing (S) 9 16 52 77 1 -28 -
Tirfing (HS) 19 20 53 92 1 -33 -
Bolt Thrust 15 7 37 59 3->1(*3) -14 -14
Lightning Assault 16 - 43 59 - - -
Stun Trap 14(*4) - 41 55 1 28 28
Feather Storm 17 - 78 95 1 - -
Spark Field 47 - 25 72 1 - -
Crescent Shock 31 5 53 89 2 -21(*1) -31(*1)

Finishing Skills

Move Startup Duration Recovery Total Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Thunder Spread 7 46 104 157 2 -36 -46


  • *1: <note1>
  • *2: <note2>


Normal Moves

5P mid: An off-hand jab. Chains into 2K, 5S, 2S, 5HS, and 2HS.

2P: mid A low punch. Chains into 2K, 5S, 2S, and 2HS.

5K: mid A side kick. Chains into 5P, 2P, 2K, 5S, 2S, and 2HS.

2K: low A low leg poke. Chains into 2S and 2HS.

5S (close): mid, JC A horizontal sword swipe. Chains into itself, 5HS and 2HS.

5SS: mid, JC A vertical sword swipe. Chains into 5HS and 2HS.

5S (far): mid, JC The same as the second hit of her 5SS. Chains into 5HS and 2HS. Arguably Duna's best poke, good range and speed.

2S: mid A crouching vertical sword swipe. Chains into 5HS and 2HS. Has throw invulnerability.

5HS: mid, JC Turn-around sword smack. Doesn't chain into anything. Wiffs crouchers.

2HS: low Crouching sword sweep. Knocks down, doesn't chain.

Aerial Normals

  • All air normals only chain from light to heavy.

j.P: Jumping downwards jab, pretty quick, looks stupid.

j.K: Downwards kick, you can actually hit people on the way up with it if they're tall enough.

j.S: Jumping short sword slash, hits down at an angle.

j.HS: DJC Big downwards air slash, barely crosses up. You need it for combos since it's your only double jump cancellable air normal. Hits at the same angle as j.S but with more range and less speed.

Command Normals

6HS: Standard universal overhead that is only jump cancelable on hit.

Special Moves

236P: Blue Line Lightning projectile. Moves fast, cheerfully powers through other projectiles, covers the entire screen horizontally at once. BRK right as the bolt is about to leave her hands.

236P (air): Air Blue Line Lightning projectile. Same as 236P, but will angle downwards 45 degrees and bounce off the ground. If the opponent is standing on the bounce spot, it'll hit 4 times - twice going in, twice coming out. BRK right as the bolt is about to leave her hands.

623S/HS: Tirfing Duna calls lightning from the ground and shoots it upwards. HS version makes her dash forward about 1 character length before doing it. Used in meter combos because HS version is BRK as she's lifting her hand up.

214HS: Bolt Thrust Stabs the opponent, and then tears her sword out, causing a burst of lightning. BRK after the first stab until just after she pulls her sword out.

623K: Lightning Assault One of Duna's more interesting moves, a lightning powered jump that takes her up very quickly and allows her all of the options of a normal jump. Despite looking like a DP, it has no invulnerability (but it does move extremely fast), and looks like one of the main components of her pressure game (maybe?)

214K: Stun Trap Creates a small stationary disc of lightning that causes damage and launch on hit. Only 2 may be active at the same time (does not overlap with how many feathers are on screen, however). Trying to throw more will just make her wave her arm without doing anything. If you cross up while one of these are out, they will still bounce your opponent in the same direction it would have, so away from you.

214K (air): Storm Feather Creates a pretty feather of lightning that drifts slowly downwards. Only 2 may be active at the same time (does not overlap with how many discs are on screen -- maximum 2 feathers + 2 discs simultaneously). Air recovery after this move, so you can TK it or do it high in the air, then do something else like j.236P on the way down. Trying to throw more will just make her wave her arm without doing anything.

214P: Spark Field Duna creates a ball of lightning and thrusts it into the ground, creating an area of lightning-covered floor that will shock the opponent if they try to walk on it. BRK while her arm is above her head. Maximum of 2 active simultaneously, trying to throw another will cause the oldest disc to vanish. Does not overlap with other projectiles.

63214S: Crescent Shock Duna's new big slow overhead. It has a massive hitbox, but it's also pretty slow. Air techable when it hits someone on the ground, but you can BRK to continue to continue the combo. Knocks down when it hits people in the air.

236236S: Thunder Spread Super move, launches huge blast of lightning across the screen.
