Wonderful World/Lunathia

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Age: 16
Occupation: Demon
Height: 145cm
Weight: 40kg
Likes: Having fun, discovering new things
Dislikes: Having spare time
Values: A fishing rod she found
Weapon: Flesh and blood manipulation, summoning techniques

Character Specific Data

  • Health: 700
  • Starting Guts Correction: 40%
  • Guts Correction: 60%
  • Total Effective Health: 887
  • Weight: Lightweight
  • Shave Value: 25%
  • Combo Correction Value: 4%


Lunathia excels at attacking from multiple ranges thanks to her Original Ability, which lets her change the positioning of any attacks that use the S or HS buttons. This, plus a decent selection of anti-airs and a fair chunk of damage on many of her buttons, allows Lunathia to maintain a good all-round balance between zoning and aggressive pressure, and grants her strong okizeme and setplay as well. However, this comes at the cost of low mobility, high recovery times on her specials and ranged normals, and a need to carefully manage what range she's currently set to in order to avoid giving the enemy openings.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Original Ability makes S and HS into flexible tools and helps maintain her pressure. Being able to affect the positioning of her normals and specials that use S or HS lets Luna assert herself at a variety of ranges, which is supplemented by using her Original Ability after many other normals. This either gives her time to set her change of position as she needs to before getting into things, or reduce the recovery time of many of her normals by canceling them with her Original Ability.
  • Stable combos and setplay, no matter the range. Luna's fairly comfortable running her game from whatever distance she pleases, but is especially powerful at zoning and spacing people out followed by running relentless okizeme. It can be hard for opponents to find a gap when she's got her setups running.
  • Good damage at medium and long range. Most of Luna's mid and long range moves are where her powerful hits are concentrated, meaning that her zoning game is especially powerful. Additionally, the reach of Luna's Finish Skill is affected by her Original Ability and becomes stronger when her Original Ability is set to longer ranges, so it becomes a great punisher or combo ender when used correctly.
  • Bad ground mobility. Luna isn't a very fast character, even though she has slightly better air mobility if she can land hits and air dash cancel them. Most situations that she finds herself in defensively will require her to push the opponent out instead of running away from them to make distance.
  • Exploitable gaps if Original Ability is set at the wrong range. While the range changes applied by Luna's Original Ability are still very good to use, they do have a significant effect on how she has to use her S and HS buttons while playing. Using an attack while in the wrong range mode will leave big dead zones in front of her, which can get her into a lot of trouble against faster opponents that can work their way into them.
  • Long recovery on longer-ranged moves. Many of Luna's ranged moves have noticeable recovery time. Much like the weakpoints of her Original Ability, this can make it easy for faster opponents to get in on her if she makes a mistake.


Original Abilities
Change Summoning Position / 召喚位置変更 4+O / 5O / 6+O
Trinity Farm / トリニティファム 22+O (costs 50% of the Skill Meter)
Dash Cancel / ダッシュキャンセル Can cancel air jump cancelable moves into an airdash.
Command Moves
Phantom Whip / ファントムウィップ 4+S
Dagger Worm / ダガーワーム 4+HS
Howling Beast / ハウリングビースト 236+P
Curse Link / カースリンク 623+K
Misfortune / ミスフォーチュン 214+S
Hell's Rain / ヘルズレイン 236+S (air OK)
Coffin Blood / コフィンブラッド 236+HS
Disaster / ディザスター 214+HS
Fresh Hunter / フレッシュハンター 22+HS
Finish Skills (cost 100% of the Skill Gauge)
Bad End / バッドエンド 2146+S

Original Abilities Overview

Luna's Original Ability will change the range of any moves that use the S or HS buttons. You can also use her Original Ability after many of her normals; in the frame data below, these will have OA in their Cancelable window.

Normal Moves & Original Abilities

WanWan Lunathia 5P.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - Jump 1 ? ?

A quick swipe that advances Lunathia forward slightly.

WanWan Lunathia 5K.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - Jump 1 ? ?

Another advancing swipe, much like 5P.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - Jump 1 ? ?

Lunathia summons a small beast that jumps from the ground forward.

The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

WanWan Lunathia 5HS.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - Jump 1 ? ?

Lunathia summons a pair of blood-covered blades that close together like a pair of scissors. Against an airborne opponent, you can combo into 6HS as long as you haven't already juggled the opponent for many hits.

The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

WanWan Lunathia 2P.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid, Air Unblockable - - - - 1 ? ?

A small, overhead swipe. It is air unblockable, but the hitbox isn't too great so you'll mainly only use it to punish people chicken-blocking in the air.

WanWan Lunathia 2K.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Low - - - - 1 ? ?

A low swipe at the opponent's shins. Lunathia's quickest low, but has a pretty bad prorate.

WanWan Lunathia 2S 1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Low - - - - 1 ? ?
WanWan Lunathia 2HS.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Lunathia summons a waterfall of blood. This move has a great vertical hit box, and is very good at keeping airborne opponents in check (although they can superjump and get above it). Against airborne opponents it will knock down on hit and ground bounce on counterhit.

The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

WanWan Lunathia jP.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- High - - - Jump 1 ? ?

A quick, airborne horizontal swipe. Decent hitbox, and can be used for air-to-air attacks in a pinch, but in many cases is overshadowed by Lunathia's other air attacks.

WanWan Lunathia jK.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- High - - - Jump 1 ? ?

A vertical swipe with a good hitbox. Can be airdash canceled.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- High - - - Jump, Airdash 1 ? ?

Lunathia summons a small fleshblob with spiky bones that hits the opponent twice.

The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- High - - - - 1 ? ?

Lunathia summons a cross-shaped burst of blood. This move is arguably her best air move overall, with a good hit box and decently fast startup. The burst's position is fixed based on Lunathia's position when the move is activated, so if you jump and immediately do j.HS, it will even hit crouching opponents! Be careful, though, since this move leaves you in recovery until landing unless you special cancel it.

The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

Change Summoning Position

4+O / 5O / 6+O
WanWan Lunathia 5O.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

This move changes the distance that many of Lunathia's attacks come out. Specifically, it changes the range of all moves that use the S and HS button; it also changes where the opponent appears after using Curse Link. 4O locks her S and HS moves to close range, 5O to mid-range, and 6O to long range. By default, Luna starts out at 4O range.

Trinity Farm

WanWan Lunathia 22O.PNG
Costs 50% Skill Gauge to use.
Costs 50% Skill Gauge to use.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Describe 22O effects here.

Command Moves

Phantom Whip

WanWan Lunathia 4S.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A short range swipe that comes out decently fast. The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

Dagger Worm

WanWan Lunathia 4HS.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A pair of bloody, wormlike summons appear at a fixed distance and bite the opponent. The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability, but reaches a little farther than 4S.

Universal Moves

Just Break
WanWan Lunathia 6HS.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- High 4 - - - 1 ? ?

Universal overhead option. A giant claw comes up from the ground and then smashes down on the opponent, launching them into the air. The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

When close, 4 / 6+HS
WanWan Lunathia Throw.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- - 4 - - - 1 ? ?


Air Throw
Air Throw
In air, 4 / 6+HS when close
WanWan Lunathia AirThrow.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- - 4 - - - 1 ? ?



Howling Beast

WanWan Lunathia 236P.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - BRK 1 ? ?

A small beast erupts from the ground at Lunathia's feet. Launches the opponent up and away; will wallbounce, but will only grant knockdown near the corner. A good move to use at the end of a ground combo if you don't have meter to launch into a juggle with Misfortune, but very unsafe on guard if not BRK'd.

Curse Link

WanWan Lunathia 623K.PNG
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- - - - - - 1 ? ?

Lunathia grabs the opponent, then the screen goes red as they are hit. Where they appear is dependent on your current distance set with Lunathia's Original Ability. Additionally, more damage is done if the stance is set to a farther distance (although it is harder to get it, since you still need to get close while having a limited close-range attack set). Can be followed with 5S, 2S, or 5H.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Low - - - - 1 ? ?

Lunathia creates a small ring on the ground. It only lasts briefly, but if the opponent is hit by it a sword erupts upward out of it to launch the opponent. BRK'ing this move is the typical way of going from a ground combo to an air combo - follow it up with a 5S or 2S timed to hit right after the sword. Only the first hit (the ring on the ground) hits low and is air unblockable. Due to the incredibly small vertical range of this move, it is not worth it to try and use it as an anti-air, even though it is air unblockable.

The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

Hell's Rain

236+S (air OK)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - BRK 1 ? ?

Lunathia summons a set of spears in the air that travel almost straight down in front of her. The ground version summons 4 spears, while the air version only summons three. This move will knock down airborne opponents, and is normally comboed into after jH to end an air combo. While it's an unusual circumstance, if you land a counter hit against an airborne opponent, the opponent will groundbounce for a free combo (also note that, if another spear hits them, the groundbounce will be canceled, as only the first hit is a counter hit).

The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

Coffin Blood

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - BRK 1 ? ?

Lunathia creates an arcing downward wave with a respectable hitbox. On hit, it captures the opponent into a coffin and then hits them. Appears to do the same amount of damage regardless of how long your combo leading up to it has been, making it a good combo ender, and it can be canceled into 2146S for even more damage, especially if Luna is in long-range mode. Unforunately, it's a bit slow and doesn't combo off of any groundstrings.

The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - BRK 1 ? ?

Lunathia summons a puddle on the ground. If the opponent touches it, a set of spikes erupt from it. On hit, the opponent is stuck in place for a moment before being launched slightly into the air. If you hit them quickly (and they were standing on the ground when they got hit), you can do a ground combo; otherwise, you'll get an air combo. This move can be great for baiting opponents to attack you (as they'll get caught by it if they're not careful), but if Lunathia gets hit before the move fully comes out, the puddle will disappear and not hit the opponent at all. Additionally, this move can be used to set up okizeme on a downed opponent.

The horizontal position this move appears at varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

Fresh Hunter

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Lunathia creates a pool of blood that travels along the ground and stops. If the opponent walks over it, a giant construct rises up, bites them, and throws them into the air.

The distance the pool travels varies with the distance set by Lunathia's Original Ability.

Finish Skills

Bad End

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
- Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Lunathia's arm extends into a demon claw that reaches forward - the distance it goes depends on the distance currently set by her Original Ability. If it hits, the opponent is sucked into an orb as Lunathia materializes a scythe and cuts them. This move will combo fully off of an OTG 5S or 2S, allowing you to get extra damage on a downed opponent. Additionally, the damage increases the further out the Original Ability's range is set.

Gameplan & Strategy



TODO - fill in - freaking projectiles.


TODO - fill in - lightning hurts.


TODO - fill in - ... ?


You're going to be guarding. A lot. If Aiwhen touches you with anything, you're going to be in guardstrings and mixups forever. Try to bust out with a Moment Attack if you can, but make sure you don't get baited. Dagger teleports are dangerous, try to anticipate where she will end up next. Since Lunathia doesn't have any real reversals, you don't have much you can do on wakeup. Reversal backdash doesn't work either, since she can easily enough punish it.
Once you get her away, try to zone her out and make her take risks to approach. However, you may want to avoid going in to medium or far range, since chances are she'll be in your face again before you have time to readjust. Play patient, and wait for the opponent to mess up. Once you get her, it shouldn't take much to win a round, due to Aiwhen's incredibly low health.


TODO - fill in - ... ?


TODO - fill in - ;_;


Like all mirror matchups, this is all about who can outplay their opponent better. What's different with this one is that, because of Lunathia's large variety of strategies from various distances, things can get very hectic.


TODO - fill in - 6P is still bullshit.


Keeping distance should be easy in this matchup, since Cielo moves so slow and can't airdash. Hell's Rain alone can make her approach miserably difficult, and mixing in other things only makes it even rougher. If she does get close, though, caution is advised since she can do tons of damage with only a couple hits.



TODO - fill in - don't get hit. :V


Unlike most matchups, you'll want to fight Neva almost exclusively at short range. Trying for long range is just tempting her to use her 236P to charge in and counterhit you into big damage. Also, be very careful about jumping - Neva's large-hitbox anti-airs will cause lots of trouble if you try to jump around a lot.


You want to try and keep your distance a bit more in this matchup, since Lynia has an excellent pressure game which can leave Lunathia guarding mixups for what seems like an eternity.




External Links


P Button K Button S Button HS Button
WanWan Lunathia Color P.png
WanWan Lunathia Color K.png
WanWan Lunathia Color S.png
WanWan Lunathia Color HS.png
O Button SP Button Hidden
WanWan Lunathia Color O.png
WanWan Lunathia Color SP.png
WanWan Lunathia Color H.png
