Wonderful World/Hinokage

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Hinokage Kotoba
Age: 15
Occupation: Foreign Swordswoman
Height: 148cm
Weight: 40kg
Interests: Enjoying travel destinations once she arrives to them
Dislikes: Being a burden to people
Values: Her treasured sword
Weapon: Kotoba Youkage-style Swordsmanship, with the swords "Homura Miyabi" and "Tsuya Ikazuchi"

Character Specific Data

Health: 710
Starting Guts Correction: 30%
Guts Correction: 45%
Total Effective Health: 971
Shave Rate: 25%
Combo Correction Value: ?


Hinokage is a stance-switching character--in her normal form she has much more limited chains and movement, but can play a mid-range poking and zoning game with her wide-reaching attacks. In her kitsune form during Kamioroshi, she becomes much more agile and aggressive, and the properties of several of her moves change to accommodate a more combo and rushdown-oriented style. In both forms, she can put out a lot of damage with the right amount of resources, but their specific strengths and weaknesses are very different from each other, and is a lot like learning how to play two separate characters. Knowing when and how to switch, and having a keen understanding of how her move properties are different in both forms, is critical to mastering Hinokage's playstyle in its entirety.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Great damage output in both normal and kitsune forms. Hinokage can put out a fair bit of damage regardless of which form she's in; normal form is more suited to big damage from single strikes and short combos, while kitsune form has more combo potential with strong metered finishers. With meter, Hinokage's damage potential in both forms expands tremendously.
  • Highly versatile playstyle. Normal form's focus on poking, zoning, and punishes is complemented well by kitsune form's increased combo kit, more potent oki, strong strike/throw setups with Kami 214K, and extremely high mobility. With properly timed switches, Hinokage can flow between either form as needed to suit the situations she has to deal with.
  • Easily accessible switch options with 22O. With meter on hand, 22O allows for quick and seamless transitions between normal form and kitsune forms when needed without sacrificing damage. Each version of 22O also benefits from giving Hinokage great positioning for the form she's switching into, which lets her continue pressuring people or gives her room to breathe and consider her next move.
  • Limited mobility, cancel options, and slower specials in normal form. Normal form does not excel at movement or lots of combos. As a result, it's much harder to close on enemies in normal form, and it is generally worse at air to air combat in most situations. Opponents that are agile will have an easier time working around normal form's strengths.
  • Shorter range and slightly less damage in kitsune form. In kitsune form, Hinokage has to fight in close-quarters to capitalize off of how much faster her moves are, since they noticeably lose range. This means kitsune form will have a harder time against zoners or opponents with bigger normals, and Hinokage will usually need meter to get more damage out of a hit in this form.
  • Complex decision-making trees. Playing Hinokage well requires a deep knowledge of her button and move ranges in both forms, as well as form-specific gatlings and routes, which can be a lot to juggle. Different matchups will require Hinokage to use one form or the other--or sometimes both--in order to work around her opponent's toolset.


If a move has no name in either the Normal or During Kamioroshi column, it cannot be used in that form.

Original Abilities
Normal During Kamioroshi
Kamioroshi / 神降ろし Kamiage / 神上げ 5O
Sei no Ki / 静の気 Cannot air dash or double jump in normal form.
Shinki / 神気 Can triple jump or double air dash during Kamioroshi.
Shinsoku Raikou / 神速雷公 Shin'en Hasshi / 神焔発止 22+O (costs 50% of the Skill Gauge)
Command Moves
Kamikiri / 髪切 Harin / 羽輪 2+S (air)
Senkou / 鮮光 Senkou / 鮮光 236+P / K / S / HS
Muei / 夢影 Kitsune Bayashi / 狐狐囃子 214+P
Mueijin / 夢影刃 5HS during Muei
Kasumi Ashi / 霞歩 Kasumi Ashi / 霞歩 214+K
Sendan / 穿弾 Souhasen / 蒼波閃 214+K, then P
Raimei / 雷冥 Tsuzuri Juuji / 綴十字 214+S
Karin / 火輪 Amanotsuchi / 天槌 214+HS
Kasane Hazuki / 重ね綺月 Kasane Hazuki / 重ね綺月 214+HS (air)
Finish Skills (cost 100% of the Skill Gauge)
Aizen Kyouka / 愛染狂歌 Katen Byakko / 火天白狐 2146+S
Zankei Yozakura / 残景夜桜 Raika Kenran / 雷華絢爛 236236+HS

Original Abilities Overview

Hinokage's Original Abilities are centered around her 5O and 22O: they are used to transition her into and out of the Kamioroshi state. Using 5O or 22O while she's in normal form will put her into Kamioroshi, and using 5O or 22O again during Kamioroshi will put her back to normal form. Several of Hinokage's moves have different properties or change entirely depending on which form she's in when she uses them, which is discussed in the frame data for each move. Her movement options are also significantly different depending on what form she's currently in; those are discussed in the frame data for 5O and 22O.

Normal Moves & Original Abilities

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 32 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage draws and slashes her sword. Can't chain it into anything, but it cancels into other Skills and Finish Skills.

During Kamioroshi 10 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage hits with the pommel of one of her swords. Shorter range than normal 5P, but cancelable.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 17 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage attacks with the butt of her sheathed sword. Launches the opponent on hit; it can be canceled into Skills, Original Abilities and Finish Skills, but the low hitstun will make it hard to land moves unless 5S or 5HS is used as a bridge to get more untech time.

During Kamioroshi 11 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Same animation as regular 5K, but doesn't launch and has more cancel options.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 54 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage slashes twice. Mostly for horizontal space control, but it angles upward just enough to be an excellent stabilizer from a 5K hit.

During Kamioroshi 17 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage slashes outward and forward, striking with the tip of her sword. Has more range than normal f.5S.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
During Kamioroshi 23 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Only available during Kamioroshi. A close-range outward slash with several cancel options.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 63 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A broad horizontal slash with the sword. One of Hinokage's farthest reaching buttons in her normal form, it's excellent for spacing against enemies on the ground. Her 236P/K/S/HS will all hit at its maximum range, though the HS version won't combo in most circumstances due to its slow startup. For Finish Skill cancels, 2146S is guaranteed at pretty much any range except the tip, and 236236HS will not combo at max range.

During Kamioroshi 29 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

An upward two-handed cut with a backward pulling motion. Vacuums the opponent on contact, allowing Hinokage to stabilize combos with finicky distances.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 18 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A jab with the hilt of one of her swords. Can cancel into 2S or 2HS.

During Kamioroshi 10 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Same animation as normal 2P but has more options for cancels, including into other crouching normals or Skills.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 19 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage slashes at the opponent's feet with a quick slash. Can cancel into 2S or 2HS.

During Kamioroshi 11 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Same animation as normal 2K but has more options for cancels.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 52 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A longer slash to the feet that knocks down.

During Kamioroshi 24 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Same animation as normal 2S but doesn't knock down.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 58 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

An upward-angled crouching slash.

During Kamioroshi 33 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Same animation as 2HS.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 17 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A jumping elbow strike.

During Kamioroshi 9 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Same animation as normal j.P, but can be canceled into other normals.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 27 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A quick slash angled slightly downward.

During Kamioroshi 12 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Same animation as j.K, but can be canceled into j.S or j.HS in addition to having a jump cancel point.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 48 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

An upward reverse-grip slash. Great for air-to-airs, particularly when attacking an enemy above you.

During Kamioroshi 17 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Same animation as normal j.S, but can be jump canceled or canceled into j.2S.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 61 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A big, downward angled turn slash.

During Kamioroshi 22 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Similar in animation to normal j.HS but with a sharper angle, reducing its horizontal reach. Cancels into j.2S.


Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal (Kamioroshi) - Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Shifts Hinokage into Kitsune form, altering the properties of the majority of her moves and her movement options. The effects of Kamioroshi on her movement are as follows.

  • Hinokage's grounded dash crosses up opponents in its first x frames if they are not in the corner. It also becomes a run if 6 is held.
  • Hinokage's grounded backdash turns into a backhop, putting her in the air.
  • She gains an extra air action after jumping once, allowing her to triple jump or double air dash. She can double jump and do one airdash, or vice versa, but cannot triple jump and double airdash in the same jump action.
  • Her forward airdash will angle upward if it's the first air action performed, and downward if it's the second.
  • Her backward airdashes will always go upward regardless of when she does them.

Generally speaking, activating Kamioroshi is used for when Hinokage is ready to go on the offensive at close-mid range; Kitsune form opens up a number of new cancels, move properties, and more for her to utilize for much longer combos than her normal form. However, it does somewhat reduce her poking ability by changing the range of some of her normals and other moves, so against opponents that can shut down rushdown, using Kamioroshi carelessly may make it harder for Hinokage to actively do work in matchups.

During Kamioroshi (Kamiage) - Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Cancels Kamioroshi and returns Hinokage to her normal form. The effects of Kamiage on her movement are as follows:

  • Hinokage can only jump once.
  • Hinokage cannot airdash.

While Hinokage's normal form is much less mobile than her Kitsune form in Kamioroshi and has much shorter combos with less cancel points, it is much better suited for zoning, poking, and punishment, since many of Hinokage's moves gain much bigger hitboxes and longer range. When you are in a matchup where Kamioroshi and Kitsune form are not to your advantage, it may be worth considering leaning on her normal form more frequently to take the edge in those aspects, especially since her damage is still very good in normal form.

Shinsoku Raikou
Shin'en Hasshi

Costs 50% Skill Gauge to use.
Costs 50% Skill Gauge to use.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal (Shinsoku Raikou) 116 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

An anti-air slash that switches Hinokage into Kamioroshi at the end of the attack. It can be canceled into from a number of her Skills, allowing her to convert stray hits into a Kamioroshi transformation very easily.

During Kamioroshi (Shin'en Hasshi) 245 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A rushing ground slash that switches Hinokage out of Kamioroshi at the end of the attack. Much like with Shinsoku Raikou, you can cancel into this from a number of her Skills. If you want to end a combo with big damage and seamlessly switch back into normal form, this move is great for that if you have the meter.

Command Moves


In air, 2+S
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal (Kamikiri) 56 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

An upward slash angled a bit more forward than her normal j.S.

During Kamioroshi (Harin) 27 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A falling circular spin slash. Causes a hard knockdown.

Universal Moves

Just Break
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 50 High 4 - - - 1 ? ?

Universal overhead option. A stepping slap that can't be canceled into anything, but does allow links into 2146S and 236236HS respectively.

During Kamioroshi 40 High 4 - - - 1 ? ?

Universal overhead option. An upward angled slash that can be jump canceled like most other Just Breaks.

When close, 4 / 6+HS
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 0 - 4 - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage pushes the opponent away without damaging them, similar to throws in most Samurai Shodown games. Can be followed up with normals of your choosing, though her shorter-range ones are likely to whiff. If you want to keep the opponent on the same side, backthrow them with 4.

During Kamioroshi 110 - 4 - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage dashes through and slashes the opponent.

Air Throw
Air Throw
In air, 4 / 6+HS when close
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 120 - 4 - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage grabs the opponent and then does an upward slice to knock them up and away while she falls down.

During Kamioroshi 135 - 4 - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage grabs the opponent, disappars to slice them multiple times, then uses a final strike to pull them back to the ground with her.



236+P / K / S / HS
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
P (Normal) 105 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A turning step followed by a straight slash. The horizontal range on this move is great despite the slow startup--the tip hits from even about 3/4ths of the screen--but it has little, if any, vertical clearance. Knocks down.

K (Normal) 95 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Similar to the P version, but angled upward; trades a little bit of the horizontal reach of the P version for a better vertical hitbox. Its tip is a little bit less than 3/4ths of the screen.

S (Normal) 105 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Similar to the P version, but angled downward. Much like the K version its tip is at about a little under the 3/4ths mark of the screen.

HS (Normal) 152 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

After a longer turning step, Hinokage does all three versions of Senkou at once.

P (During Kamioroshi) 85 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A faster version of normal 236P where Hinokage slides forward instead of stepping forward, but with less range and a bit less damage. To compensate for this, it can be canceled into Finish Skills or 22O.

K (During Kamioroshi) 65 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A faster version of normal 236K, with the same changes as Kami 236P.

S (During Kamioroshi) 75 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A faster version of normal 236S, with the same changes as Kami 236P.

HS (During Kamioroshi) 109 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A faster version of normal 236HS, with the same changes as Kami 236P.

Kitsune Bayashi

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal (Muei) 20 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage winds up, then steps forward and hits the opponent with the butt of one of her swords. This can be canceled into any other Skill or Finish Skill of your choice.

HS during Muei (Normal form only)
Mueijin / 夢影刃
90 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage draws her sword after the hit from Muei, slashing the opponent and putting them into a long stagger state. She can follow this up with Skills or Finish Skills, but as links, not direct cancels; the amount of pushback caused by the move generally only makes 236P viable at midscreen and requires the corner to hit most anything else.

During Kamioroshi (Kitsune Bayashi) 30 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage waves her tail and unleashes a ring of fire directly in front of her. Works excellent as an oki option, especially when done meaty after a hard knockdown.

Kasumi Ashi

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 0 - - - - - 1 ? ?

A command dash where Hinokage does a step forward. It can't be canceled into from any normals but is good for covering ground after knockdowns.

During Kamioroshi 0 - - - - - 1 ? ?

A faster and slightly further-traveling version of the normal Kasumi Ashi. Unlike the normal version, it can be canceled into from any cancelable normals, giving it use for a quick dash-in with strike/throw mix.

214K~P (Normal)
Sendan / 穿弾
65 - - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage does a second step out of Kasumi Ashi and hits with a palm strike. You can cancel into 5S or 5HS on hit, as well as other Skills.

214K~P (During Kamioroshi)
Souhasen / 蒼波閃
90 - - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage steps through the opponent and slashes them, knocking them down. Excellent setup for Kami 214P oki afterwards.

Juuji Tsuzuri

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal (Raimei) 145 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

An upward reverse slash with a burst of lightning that launches the opponent super high up on hit. Great setup for 22O to switch into kitsune form.

During Kamioroshi (Juuji Tsuzuri) 91 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage does a pair of slashes as she spin-steps forward. If both hits land, a pair of lightning slashes knocks down the opponent. Excellent setup for Kami 214P oki.


Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal (Karin) 115 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A forward jump followed by a circular slash. Hits overhead.

During Kamioroshi (Amanotsuchi) 80 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage draws her sword and slams down with a slash of lightning. Knocks down the opponent right in front of you--they can low tech but will put themselves into range for a meaty Kami 214P even with that.

Kasane Hazuki

In air, 214+HS
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal 102 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

A spinning attack with two sword slashes. Knocks down at a narrow angle.

During Kamioroshi 78 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Similar to the normal version, but travels further forward. Knocks the opponent farther away; when used against an opponent in the air, the knockdown can be teched if you're too high up when you perform it.

Finish Skills

Aizen Kyouka
Katen Byakko

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal (Aizen Kyouka) 275 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage slashes forward. On hit, the screen fades to white, and Hinokage sheathes her sword, damaging the opponent again. Has relatively far reach; the tip is at about midscreen.

During Kamioroshi (Katen Byakko) 325 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage spirals upward in a swirl of flame, then uses a long horizontal slash to knock the opponent away. Its horizontal range is way worse than Aizen Kyouka, but it reaches quite high into the sky.

Zankei Yozakura
Raika Kenran

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Cancel Type Attack Level Grounded Frame Advantage Aerial Frame Advantage
Normal (Zankei Yozakura) 384 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage does a huge upward slash. On hit, she does a jumping slash, lands, and does another one. A great anti-air technique due to how high up it reaches.

During Kamioroshi (Raika Kenran) 338 Mid - - - - 1 ? ?

Hinokage dashes forward. On hit, she'll pass through the opponent and strike them with a powerful series of slashes.

Gameplan & Strategy



External Links


P Button K Button S Button HS Button
O Button SP Button Hidden
