Skullgirls/Black Dahlia: Difference between revisions

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| intro =[[file:SG_dhl_icon.png|32px]] '''Black Dahlia''' has an optional blurb here if we want to put one.   
| intro =[[file:SG_dhl_icon.png|32px]] '''Black Dahlia''' is an aggressive zoner who controls the stage with various tricks, traps, and a grenade launcher with specialized rounds.   
* '''Pro''' - brief elaboration
* '''Pro''' - brief elaboration
* '''Mobility''' - Sporting a UNI-style forward dash along with her normal dashes, a two-step teleport, and a j.LK that slightly adjusts her momentum, Dahlia has plenty of movement options to help her approach or retreat.
* '''Pro''' - brief elaboration
* '''Great Normals''' - Most of Dahlia's normals have long range and/or disjointed hitboxes, and her H buttons have useful followups when empowered. Her 2MK places a grounded trap that holds opponents in place it it hits them.
* '''Grenade Launcher''' - One of the most versatile tools in the game. Dahlia's grenade launcher can hold six different types of ammo, which has various applications for zoning, pressure, combos, assists, you name it. In addition, "Last Call" lets her load any type of ammo in any order, allowing for highly damaging combos with 5 buck shots or varied zoning with a mix of ice and rail shots. Get creative!
* '''Utility Supers''' - Dahlia has four supers that trade raw damage for utility; "Last Call" lets Dahlia load a custom mag into her grenade launcher, "Stage Hazard" is great for combo extensions, and "Parting Gift" sticks an armor-breaking explosive on the opponent that can be detonated at any time. Most notably, "Girls Night" gives Dahlia unmatched neutral control, threatening the opponent from several different ranges at once independent of Dahlia herself.

* '''Con''' - brief elaboration
* '''Some Assembly Required''' - Dahlia's best tools - from special ammo to doilies to Empowered state - all require proper setup before they can be used. Since she'll be using these tools often, knowing where and when to set up is key to playing Dahlia effectively, as one mistimed reload can very quickly spell death for her.
* '''Con''' - brief elaboration
* '''Weak Defense''' - Dahlia's only reversal tool, "Counter, Strike!", is very exploitable without a properly-spaced doily, making her reliant on either her teammates or system mechanics to get her out of trouble.
* '''Con''' - brief elaboration
* '''No Dedicated Damage Supers''' - Versatile as they may be, Dahlia's supers deal relatively low damage, meaning she'll have a harder time finishing off a character than most.

Revision as of 23:06, 12 April 2023


Black Dahlia is the right hand assassin of Lorenzo Medici, head of the mighty Medici crime syndicate that rules New Meridian from the shadows. A former agent of the Anti-Skullgirl Labs, Black Dahlia was mortally wounded decades ago in a confrontation with a Skullgirl and rebuilt with experimental cybernetic technology. The experience left her with an unquenchable thirst for blood and fascination with the despair and suffering of others.

She betrayed her peers to fight as a hired hitwoman for whomever could keep her paid (and entertained). After Medici Tower is destroyed by the Skullgirl, Lorenzo sends Black Dahlia off on a killing spree to stop Marie and retrieve the stolen Life Gem from Ms. Fortune. However, Black Dahlia finds herself jaded with her employer and drawn to the forbidden thrills only the Skull Heart can provide...


(Outline of how this character plays goes here)

SG dhl icon.png Black Dahlia is an aggressive zoner who controls the stage with various tricks, traps, and a grenade launcher with specialized rounds.
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Mobility - Sporting a UNI-style forward dash along with her normal dashes, a two-step teleport, and a j.LK that slightly adjusts her momentum, Dahlia has plenty of movement options to help her approach or retreat.
  • Great Normals - Most of Dahlia's normals have long range and/or disjointed hitboxes, and her H buttons have useful followups when empowered. Her 2MK places a grounded trap that holds opponents in place it it hits them.
  • Grenade Launcher - One of the most versatile tools in the game. Dahlia's grenade launcher can hold six different types of ammo, which has various applications for zoning, pressure, combos, assists, you name it. In addition, "Last Call" lets her load any type of ammo in any order, allowing for highly damaging combos with 5 buck shots or varied zoning with a mix of ice and rail shots. Get creative!
  • Utility Supers - Dahlia has four supers that trade raw damage for utility; "Last Call" lets Dahlia load a custom mag into her grenade launcher, "Stage Hazard" is great for combo extensions, and "Parting Gift" sticks an armor-breaking explosive on the opponent that can be detonated at any time. Most notably, "Girls Night" gives Dahlia unmatched neutral control, threatening the opponent from several different ranges at once independent of Dahlia herself.
  • Some Assembly Required - Dahlia's best tools - from special ammo to doilies to Empowered state - all require proper setup before they can be used. Since she'll be using these tools often, knowing where and when to set up is key to playing Dahlia effectively, as one mistimed reload can very quickly spell death for her.
  • Weak Defense - Dahlia's only reversal tool, "Counter, Strike!", is very exploitable without a properly-spaced doily, making her reliant on either her teammates or system mechanics to get her out of trouble.
  • No Dedicated Damage Supers - Versatile as they may be, Dahlia's supers deal relatively low damage, meaning she'll have a harder time finishing off a character than most.





Weight Dash Double Jump Airdash IAD Lockout
Medium Step N/A N/A N/A

Wakeup Time

Forward Tech Backward Tech Sliding KD Hard KD Crumple


Move List

Standing Normals

SG dhl slp.png
SG dhl slp hb.png
Business and Pleasure
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LP s.Sg lp.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 300 2.5% +4 +2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 2 14 19 17 7 N/A
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 300 2.5% +4 +2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
8 3 13 19 17 9 N/A
  • If 5LP x1 whiffs, x2 followup becomes slower (13f startup).
SG dhl smp.png
SG dhl smp hb.png
Serrated Edge
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MP s.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 200 x2, 250 3.6% x2, 5.4% -8 -14
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
16 3 x3 33 27 21 3x2, 9 (1x2, 9 on block) N/A
  • Moves her forward.
SG dhl shp.png
SG dhl shp hb.png
Skull Cracker
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HP s.Sg hp.png
5HP Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 1000 10.0% Ground Bounce -17
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
20 2 43 34 27 11 N/A
5[HP] Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High, Mid - 1000, 500 10.0%, 4.5% Ground Bounce, KD -15
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
20 2, (12), 6 45 34 27 x2 11, 8 N/A
  • Her only grounded overhead.
  • Can be held for a followup when empowered.
SG dhl slk.png
SG dhl slk hb.png
Shin Splitter
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LK s.Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low - 425 2.5% +3 +4
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 2 21 25 26 6 N/A
  • Standing low.
  • Moves her forward slightly.
SG dhl smk.png
SG dhl smk hb.png
Stilletto Stab
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MK s.Sg mk.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 600 7.5% -3 -7
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
21 4 27 27 23 9 N/A
  • Moves her forward significantly.
SG dhl shk.png
SG dhl shk hb.png
Highball Heel
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HK s.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Launcher 700 10.0% ±0 -13
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
17 3 30 12 23 10 N/A
  • Her only launcher.
  • Moves her forward slightly.

Crouching Normals

SG dhl clp.png
SG dhl clp hb.png
Tchotchke Roulette
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LP c.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 325 2.5% +2 +1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 2 17 20 19 7 N/A
  • Her fastest normal.
  • A random weapon will be used to attack, but every weapon behaves the same, similar to Peacock's M Bang.
SG dhl cmp.png
SG dhl cmp hb.png
Swan Strike
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MP c.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 500 7.5% -6 -5
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
13 3 28 24 25 9 N/A
  • Powerful vacuum inwards on hit.
SG dhl chp.png
SG dhl chp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HP c.Sg hp.png
2HP Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 750 10.0% -4 -9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
17 5 31 20 23 20 (on block 12) N/A
2[HP] Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 750, 500 10.0%, 4.5% Sliding KD -12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
17 3, (14), 5 42 20, 24 23, 27 20, 7 N/A
  • Sets off the oil from Stage Hazard.
  • First 2 active frames cannot hit the opponent, they are there to trigger the oil from Stage Hazard.
  • Can be held for a followup when empowered.
  • Both versions hit on both sides.
SG dhl clk.png
SG dhl clk hb.png
Blade Waltz
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LK c.Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low - 175 x3 2.05% x3 +1 +1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
8 4 x3 17 21 x3 21 x3 3x3 N/A
  • pizza cutter
SG dhl cmk.png
SG dhl cmk hb.png
Medici Mousetrap
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MK c.Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low 70% Damage Scaling 400 5.25% +35 -1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
25 147, (4), 4 30 25 17 35 (7 on block) N/A
  • Leaps backwards with a slight high profile.
  • The trap will activate after a 4 frame delay when an opponent steps on it, or after a few seconds have elapsed.
  • The high hitstop makes it very easy to convert from a hit.
  • If a trap is already onscreen, this move will move you backwards as usual, but it will not spawn a new trap.
  • Despite the animation Dahlia is never airborne throughout this move.
SG dhl chk.png
SG dhl chk hb.png
Clean Sweep
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HK c.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low Sweep 1050 7.5% Soft KD (Invuln.) -5
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
17 3 24 28 21 10 N/A
  • Black Dahlia's sweep.
  • Negligible low profile.

Jumping Normals

SG dhl jlp.png
SG dhl jlp hb.png
Knife Drawer
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLP j.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 325 2.5% +5 +8
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 3 16 23 26 7 N/A
  • Like 2LP, she pulls out a random weapon to attack, but all weapons behave the same.
SG dhl jmp.png
SG dhl jmp hb.png
Cape Fear
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMP j.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 300, 200 7.5% x2 +4 -4
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 2, (3), 3 24 28 x2 31, 20 9x2 N/A
  • Pushes the opponent away, comboing consistently into jHK.
SG dhl jhp.png
SG dhl jhp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHP j.Sg hp.png
jHP Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 650 10.0%
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
16 3 19 29 32 11 N/A
j[HP] Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 400x3 10.0%x3 KD
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
13 6 17 18 21 16 N/A
  • Good for crossups, empowered version especially so.
  • Empowered version has 3 seperate hitboxes, need a wide character to hit all 3 on.
SG dhl jlk.png
SG dhl jlk hb.png
Exploding Knees
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLK j.Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High (rising mid) - 300 2.5%
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 4 19 16 19 7 N/A
  • Sets off oil from Stage Hazard.
  • Halts downward momentum slightly.
SG dhl jmk.png
SG dhl jmk hb.png
Fatal Fleury
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMK j.Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 500 7.5%
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
14 3 25 27 30 10 N/A
  • Can crossup.
SG dhl jhk.png
SG dhl jhk hb.png
Death Pendulum
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHK j.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 500, 450 5.0%x2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
21 3, (7), 2 36 28x2 31x2 5, 11 N/A
  • Long very disjointed hitbox, great to harass with and burst bait.
  • Combo after with 236LP KK.

Universal Mechanics

SG dhl throw.png
SG dhl throw hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Throw 50% Damage Scaling 800 (1750 Sg hp.png) 5.0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 1 28 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Empowered version does more damage and leaves your victim closer to you for an easier pickup.
  • Convert from regular throw midscreen with Shotgun, Barrel or Sticky Bomb.
SG dhl airthrow.png
SG dhl airthrow hb.png
Door Mat
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Air Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png (in air)
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Air Throw 50% Damage Scaling 900 9.0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 3 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Notes go here
SG dhl tag.png
SG dhl tag hb.png
Shot In The Dark
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Tag Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Uses ammo, fires a shot of the previously loaded type.
  • If Dahlia has no ammo the tag animation plays but no shot is fired.
SG dhl snap.png
SG dhl snap hb.png
See You Around
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Snapback Sg 236.png + Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg 236.png + Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Snapback 0 -100% N/A -21
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 + 3 4 44 21 30 9
  • Notes go here


SG dhl kk.png
Onslaught Sg k.png + Sg k.png (Air OK)
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 - 23
  • She got UNI Assault
  • Can "chain" to normals and specials after 10 frames of mandatory startup.
  • Airborne on frame 6 if done from the ground.
  • Cannot be input while crouching.
SG dhl qcfp.png
SG dhl qcfp hb.png
"A classic!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Order Up! SG dhl Ammo1.png Sg 236.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)
Sg p.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile 750 (400) (2.5%) 5.14% +11, KD in air -1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
23 -- 31 26 21 16, 9 on block N/A
  • Dahlia shoots her gun, with different properties depending on ammo type. Grounded LP shoots straight ahead, while MP and HP point upwards. Air LP points downwards, MP points straight ahead, and HP points upwards.
  • Standard Shot - Regular projectile, arcs downwards when fired.
SG dhl qcfp.png
SG dhl qcfp hb.png
"Medici Mule!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Order Up! SG dhl Ammo2.png Sg 236.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)
Sg p.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid (ground) High (air) - 1100 (250) (2.5%) 6% Wall Bounce +8
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
21 2 30 26 26 13 N/A
  • Buck Shot - A large shotgun blast instead of a projectile, bounces the opponent off of the walls or ceiling.
  • Highest damage with the least amount of damage scaling out of all shots.
SG dhl qcfp.png
SG dhl qcfp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Order Up! SG dhl Ammo3.png Sg 236.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)
Sg p.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile 800 (500) (2.5%) 4.5% KD -1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
21 4 28 28 26 17, 4 on block N/A
  • Rail Shot - Shoots a beam in a straight line.
SG dhl qcfp.png
SG dhl qcfp hb.png
"Hot Toddy!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Order Up! SG dhl Ammo4.png Sg 236.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)
Sg p.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile 300, 400 (100, 200) (2.5%) 1.8%, 6% +11, KD -1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
21 -- 31 26, 25 23, 19 16, 12 (7, 7 on block) N/A
  • Fire Shot - Arcs downward when fired, does not have a hitbox while travelling but leaves behind a multi-hit flame once it hits the ground.
  • 28 frame gap between blocking the first hit and the second hit exploding.
SG dhl qcfp.png
SG dhl qcfp hb.png
"Bottoms up!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Order Up! SG dhl Ammo5.png Sg 236.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)
Sg p.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile, 75% Damage Scaling 250x3 (125x3) (2.5%) 1.93%x3 +13
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
21 1, (14), 1, (14), 1 31 N/A
  • Ice Shot - Projectile that freezes the opponent on hit, trapping them for a long time. Arcs downward when fired.
SG dhl qcfp.png
SG dhl qcfp hb.png
"Dark and stormy!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Order Up! SG dhl Ammo6.png Sg 236.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)
Sg p.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile 375x3 (100x3) (2.5%) 1.44%x3 +30 -1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
21 1, (3), 1, (2), 1 31 14 17 47, (13 on block) N/A
  • Lightning Shot - Projectile with extra hits and blockstun compared to Standard shot. Moves in a straight line.
  • Characters hit with electricity are stalled mid-air.
SG dhl qcfp.png
SG dhl qcfp hb.png
"Just kidding!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Order Up! (Empty) Sg 236.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)
Sg p.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A -- N/A (2.5%) N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
36 N/A 12 N/A N/A N/A
  • Dahlia attempts to shoot her gun, leaving her wide open.
SG dhl qcbp.png
"Shaken, not stirred."
Another Round Sg 214.png + Sg p.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
28 N/A 33 (22 perfect) N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Dahlia reloads her ammo, with the LP version loading all slots with standard ammo, MP loading the 3rd slot with a special ammo type, and HP loading the 3rd and 6th slots with special ammo types.
  • Special bullet types are loaded on a randomized cycle, and once all 5 types have been loaded a new cycle is generated. HP reload will always give two different types of special bullet, and any special bullets obtained on one reload are locked out of the next one.
  • Pressing any punch button as the bullets reach their apex will shorten the move's recovery.
  • Ammo is reloaded on the 29th frame.
SG dhl qcbk.png
"I fancy Early Grey."
Tea Time / Tea Slip Sg 214.png + Sg k.png
Set Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A - N/A (2.5%) N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
26 N/A 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Activate Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A Invuln. (Full) (Frame 10) N/A (2.5%) N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
24 N/A 34 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Activate (Fake) Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A Invuln. (Full) (Frame 10) N/A (2.5%) N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
24 N/A 29 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • On the first use, Dahlia throws a doily on the ground. Using the same strength twice in a row will teleport her to the doily, using a different strength will replace the doily with a new one.
  • Teleporting while holding K or having an assist on screen will cause her to feint and teleport in place.
  • Doily takes 84 frames to set for all strengths.
SG dhl qcfthrow.png
SG dhl qcfthrow hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Empower Sg 236.png + Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Hit Grab, 55% Damage Scaling 200, 50, 500 (150) (2.5%) 7.5% +15 -15
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
16 2 42 22 19 25 (9 on block) N/A
  • Dahlia grabs the opponent and then enters Empower state, which lets her power up a HP normal or her ground throw by holding HP during the animation. Once she uses a powered up move, she exits the state.
  • If Empower is used a second time in a combo, your victim falls into a Soft KD (Invuln.)
SG dhl dpk.png
SG dhl dpk hb.png
"Bring it!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Counter, Strike! Sg 623.png + Sg k.png
Parry Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A - N/A (2.5%) N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
0 26 44 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Riposte Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 1200 18% Crumple -11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
20 20 14 (6 on block) N/A
  • Ayo she got Testament Warrant.


SG dhl qcfkk.png
SG dhl qcfkk hb.png
"Time to start the party!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Stage Hazard
Level 1
Sg 236.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile,
55% Minimum Scaling (Oil)
45% Minimum Scaling (Barrel explosion)
200, 100xN, 1500 -100% KD -14
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 + 8 -- 29 20 13 10 (1 on block)
  • Dahlia pulls out an oil barrel and kicks it forward, leaving oil puddles behind it.
  • Certain fire-based moves from Dahlia can ignite the oil, causing a large burst of flames.
  • Hitting the barrel will send it forward with an attack, similar to Ms Fortune's Decap Attack.
  • Dealing enough damage to the barrel will cause it to explode. It'll explode instantly when hit by an oil puddle explosion.
SG dhl qcfpp.png
SG dhl qcfpp hb.png
"Enjoy it while it lasts... There's no escape."
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Parting Gift
Level 1
Sg 236.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png
Set Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile
45% Damage Scaling
0 -100% Stagger (+37 / +52 CH) OR +3 -16
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 + 0 -- 38 25 17
Detonate Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile 1750 0%, -100% (if DHC) KD -12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 + 7 2, (3), 4 33 20 9
  • Dahlia chucks a bundle of dynamite that sticks to the opponent, bunny girls, any assist, or the ground that can be manually detonated later.
  • If a character stuck with dynamite is tagged out, dynamite will stay on that character after tagging back in.
SG dhl qcbkk.png
"What'll it be?"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Last Call
Level 1
Sg 214.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A N/A -100% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
8 + 0 N/A 31 N/A N/A N/A
  • Dahlia does an improved version of her reload, which lets her choose any ammo type in any order, while also putting her in Empower state.
  • During the super flash, pressing buttons will load in one bullet:
    • Sg lp.png - Standard Shot SG dhl Ammo1.png
    • Sg mp.png - Buck Shot (Shotgun) SG dhl Ammo2.png
    • Sg hp.png - Rail Shot (Beam) SG dhl Ammo3.png
    • Sg lk.png - Fire Shot SG dhl Ammo4.png
    • Sg mk.png - Ice Shot SG dhl Ammo5.png
    • Sg hk.png - Lightning Shot SG dhl Ammo6.png
    • If no buttons are pressed, standard shots will gradually be loaded automatically.
SG dhl qcbpp.png
SG dhl qcbpp hb.png
"I've got a job for you, girls."
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Girls Night
Level 3
Sg 214.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png
Summon Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
- - N/A -300% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
5 + 0 N/A 24 N/A N/A N/A
Bonnie (Shotgun) Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 75% Damage Scaling 850x3 (200x3) N/A N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
N/A N/A N/A 20 23 45 (8 on block) N/A
Killer (Knife) Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 75% Damage Scaling 600x3 (0x3) N/A N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
N/A N/A N/A 20 23 45 (8 on block) N/A
Buttercup (Pistol) Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 75% Damage Scaling 400x3 (150x3) N/A N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
N/A N/A N/A 20 23 35 (8 on block) N/A
  • Dahlia rings a bell to summon her three stooges that act independently from her, with each having their own attack and pattern.
  • Bonnie moves towards the front of your opponent, she waits 100f before her next attack.
  • Killer circles around your opponent, she waits 85 before her next attack.
  • Buttercup maintains a distance from your opponent, she waits 100f before her next attack.
  • Common delay of 20F before the girls can attack when recovering from physical hitstun.
  • Common delay of 10F before the girls can attack when recovering from projectile hitstun.
  • Total lifetime is 20s (1440 frames) if you somehow wait them out.
  • Delays also start on the last frame of whatever the state is before they go to idle.
  • Buttercup shoots at targets 86 units off the ground or lower.


SG dhl taunt.png
SG dhl taunt hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
It's Apple Juice
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Notes go here
  • Dudley rose
  • Deals no damage
  • Puts opponent in absurd amount of hitstop on CH
SG dhl assist.png
Assist Taunt Automatically done after an assist move
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Amount of time it takes for the character to turn invulnerable after they finish performing their assist action.
  • Longer recovery → more time to punish the assist.


SG dhl color1.png SG dhl color2.png SG dhl color3.png SG dhl color4.png SG dhl color5.png
Color 1
Default color palette.
Color 2
Original alternate color palette.
Color 3
Original alternate color palette.
Color 4
Based on Doom Slayer from the Doom series.
Color 5
Original alternate color palette.

SG dhl color6.png SG dhl color7.png SG dhl color8.png SG dhl color9.png SG dhl color10.png
Color 6
Original alternate color palette.
Color 7
Original alternate color palette.
Color 8
Based on Dictator from the Street Fighter series.
Color 9
Based on Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil 8.
Color 10
Based on V1 from Ultrakill.

SG dhl color11.png SG dhl color12.png SG dhl color13.png SG dhl color14.png SG dhl color15.png
Color 11
Based on Ivy Valentine from the Soulcalibur series.
Color 12
Based on Dark Samus from the Metroid series.
Color 13
Based on Crueulla de Vil from Disney's 101 Dalmatians.
Color 14
Based on Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII.
Color 15
Based on Queen from Deltarune.

SG dhl color16.png SG dhl color17.png SG dhl color18.png SG dhl color19.png SG dhl color20.png
Color 16
Based on Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop.
Color 17
Based on Elphelt Valentine from Guilty Gear XRD -Sign-.
Color 18
Based on Emperor Belos from The Owl House.
Color 19
Based on Opal from Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Color 20
Based on Jun the Swan from Science Ninja Team Gatchaman.

SG dhl color21.png SG dhl color22.png SG dhl color23.png SG dhl color24.png SG dhl color25.png
Color 21
Based on BLU Demoman from Team Fortress 2.
Color 22
Based on RED Demoman from Team Fortress 2.
Color 23
Based on Ramlethal Valentine from the Guilty Gear series (Strive costume).
Color 24
Based on Ada Wong from the Resident Evil series.
Color 25
Based on Lord Dominator from Wander over Yonder.

SG dhl color26.png SG dhl color27.png SG dhl color28.png SG dhl color29.png SG dhl color30.png
Color 26
Based on B.B. Hood/Bulleta from the Darkstalkers series.
Color 27
Based on Surge the Tenrec from the Sonic the Hedgehog Comic Series.
Color 28
Based on Spamton NEO from Deltarune.
Color 29
Based on Venom from the Guilty Gear series.
Color 30
Based on Vile from the Megaman X series.

SG dhl color31.png
Color 31
Based on Utsuho Reiuji from the Touhou series.

Intro Poses

SG intropose BDL.jpg Intro pose 1:
Sg lp.png OR Sg lk.png
Black Dahlia crouches on top of a car driven by her Bunnies, then jumps off it.
Bring the hearse on your way back, girls!

Oh dear, I'm late! That's about to be the both of us!

Keep honking, I'm reloading!

SG intropose BDM.jpg Intro pose 2:
Sg mp.png OR Sg mk.png
Black Dahlia appears out of thin air from a doily placed on the floor.
I won't be quick.

Nowhere left to run. Show me what you're made of!

Death comes for us all, but especially for you!

SG intropose BDH.jpg Intro pose 3:
Sg hp.png OR Sg hk.png
Black Dahlia strolls forward with her doily draped around her body.
Show me your true face!

You've got guts, they'll look beautiful splattered on the floor!

I'll handle this one personally...

Win Poses

SG winpose BDLPLKMPMK.jpg Intro pose 1:
Sg lp.png OR Sg lk.png OR Sg mp.png OR Sg mk.png
Black Dahlia disappears and reappears, lounging on her throne as her Bunnies serve her tea and a cake with a design unique to each character she KOs last.

Nothing like the satisfaction of a job well done.

How beautiful and bountiful your agony was!

Bloodshed and Earl Grey make a PERFECT afternoon!

SG winpose BDHP.jpg Intro pose 2:
Sg hp.png
Black Dahlia laughs maniacally.
"Maniacal laughter"
SG winpose BDHK.jpg Intro pose 3:
Sg hk.png
Black Dahlia wraps herself in her doily and warps away.

Players to Watch

Name (English/Japanese) Color Location Team Contact Status Notes Example Play
Player enter ? ? ? ? ? Link

External Links

Training Room
Game Data Legend
Ms. Fortune
Big Band
Black Dahlia