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SG eli icon.png


Eliza is the celebrity diva of New Meridian’s premiere nightclub, Bastet’s Den. Unbeknownst to the club’s patrons, however, she’s also been host to the skeletal Parasite Sekhmet for untold years. Widely known for her blood drive charities, in reality these serve to feed Sekhmet and maintain Eliza’s ageless beauty. Recently discovered and blackmailed by the Medici into pursuing the Skull Heart, Eliza’s ancient ambitions stir once more…


Eliza has a vast array of offensive tools that make her both a very scary rushdown character when she’s in the opponent’s face, but also play confident in mid-range as well, letting her get in as she pleases.

  • Midrange and Close-up Pressure: Eliza's large buttons combined with her fast moves and air dash make her close up pressure hard to pushblock out, making her very deadly when she corners the opponent. However Eliza doesn't just do well close-up, she is good at midrange too! Her large pokes in her jMK, cLK, and sHP cover a large amount of space, and she gets especially dangerous with her DP: Upper Khat (623P). Her H DP covers a large range, is very tall, is strike invulnerable, and is jump cancelable making it both a full combo starter and a safe assist punish tool. Because it can reach so far on top of most throws being very short, Eliza can throw out this DP as a midrange that can be very difficult for the opponent to contest with, making her a very deadly character from even just the round start spacing!
  • Sekhmet Armor: With the Sekhmet's Turn (214 P) special, Eliza retreats to the background as her skeleton Sekhmet comes under direct player control. Sekhmet has it's own unique moveset, unlimited armor against most moves, and can only be hit via throws, snapbacks, bursts, or any kind of armor-breaking move or sweep. Summoning Sekhmet can be a way to armor through attacks or for unique conversions. If she is blocked, using her basic chain route and mixing up between her low and overhead can be a risky and expensive mixup.
  • Servant Summons: All of Eliza's servant summon special moves demand unique countermeasures from the opponent. The Throne of Isis (236 LK) can absorb an unlimited number of projectile hits without breaking, does not count as a projectile itself, but can be broken by a carefully placed non-projectile attack. Horace counts as a projectile during Dive of Horus (236 MK), so he can trade with another projectile, get hit out of his attack, or trade directly with an opponent and cause a ground bounce anyway. Albus has no vulnerable boxes during Weight of Anubis (236 HK); he can throw an opponent while the opponent has no way of interacting with Albus. All of these attacks can continue and will hit even if Eliza happens to get hit during her recovery.

SG eli icon.png Eliza is a midrange whiff/stagger punish character that has access to a constantly armored mode with Sekhmet.
Pros Cons
  • Space Control: Eliza has very good reach on her normals and her specials each control a part of the screen, giving her effective space control.
  • Pressure and Mixups: Eliza is very sticky with her airdash pressure and is able to mixup the opponent with a crossup or a high/low on hit and block.
  • Sekhmet: Eliza has access to her skeleton, Sekhmet, she has a constant hyper armor state that takes no hitstun from most basic attacks.
  • Assists: Eliza has good assists that can create lockdown pressure, create a wall in neutral for characters that need resources and more.
  • Hurtboxes: Eliza is very tall standing and while her normals have very good reach, they extend her hurtboxes before the hitbox becomes active, leading her to getting clipped easier than most other characters.
  • Reversals: Eliza's only meterless reversal can be avoided easily and is only a projectile, while her only metered reversal costs 3 bars.

Important Moves

  • jLK - staple of her offense, fast with IADs
  • 2LK - far hitting 2LK compared to the rest of the cast for low hitting pressure
  • H Upper Khat (623HP) - far reaching invincible DP that is more like a strong neutral poke than a defensive reversal
  • Dive of Horus (236MK) - strong overhead mixup tool that keeps Eliza somewhat safe and is a decent anti-air
  • jMK - far horizontal air move that’s essential for Eliza midrange spacing
  • 5MP - disjointed launcher that's perfect for anti-airing opponents above Eliza
  • Reversals
    • Upper Khat (623P) is strike invulnerable
    • Level 3 (214PP)


SG eli sekhmet.png
  • Sekhmet has unlimited armor against most attacks.
    • Sekhmet's armor reduces damage by 25%. For comparison, characters with armor on their specials/supers (Bella/Fukua/Band) have 50% reduction, and characters with armor on their normals (Robo/Beo/PW) have no reduction.
    • The opponent can only break the armor and send Sekhmet back to Eliza by landing a sweep, armor-breaking move (such as Double's Cilia Slide), throw, hitgrab, snapback, or burst.
    • Hitting Sekhmet with a snapback always gives a wallbounce for a punish rather than forcing her off screen, but causes 75% scaling.
    • Hitting Sekhmet with a sweep causes a knockdown that is both vulnerable and a red bounce, which allows a follow up combo. For most characters, this is the only way their sweep can start a combo.
  • Keeping Sekhmet out drains Eliza's health over time. The health drain starts slowly but speeds up over time. Additionally, whenever Sekhmet attacks, a chunk of health will be lost.
    • When uses Sekhmet as an assist, life drain is always at its max, and the assist will be locked out for longer than a normal assist after use.
    • Eliza cannot die from this health drain alone; instead she will be left with 1 HP.
  • Attacking the opponent with any of Sekhmet's blood weapons will cause the opponent to leave blood drops on the ground. When Sekhmet returns, Eliza can pick up the blood to heal herself.
  • The LP, MP, and HP attacks from Sekhmet's Turn summons Sekhmet as she attacks with the corresponding button. She can use these, along with her 1 crouching and 3 jumping normals, in relatively easy chain combos but has no specials, throws, supers, or other moves of any kind.

For more guides and resources jump to the External Links section.



Standing 3 Buttons: Sg lp.png or Sg lk.pngSg mp.png or Sg mk.pngSg hp.png or Sg hk.png
Crouching 3 Buttons: Sg lp.png or Sg lk.pngSg mp.png or Sg mk.pngSg hp.png or Sg hk.png
Air 6 Buttons: Sg lp.pngSg lk.pngSg mp.pngSg mk.pngSg hp.pngSg hk.png


Weight Dash Double Jump Airdash IAD Lockout
Medium (Light outside of combos) Step No Yes 8

Wakeup Time

Forward Tech Backward Tech Sliding KD Hard KD Crumple
39 40 4 34 32

Move List

Standing Normals

SG eli slp.png
SG eli slp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LP s.Sg lp.png
x1, x2, x3 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 200 2.5% +1 +3
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 2 14 16 18 7 N/A

  • Eliza moves slightly forward during her jab, which adds up to a significant boost forward when used three times in a row.
  • High hitbox makes it somewhat useful for situational anti-airs or the occasional high hitconfirm for combos

SG eli smp.png
SG eli smp hb.png
Siren Serpopards
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MP s.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Launcher 550 7.5% -2 -12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11 4 28 29 19 9 N/A

  • This launcher has a single hit and sends the opponent to a low height for an air chain.
  • The height of the launched opponent sets up perfectly to be confirmed into Dive of Horus for very easy anti-air confirms.
  • Due to being a disjointed, fast, large anti-air normal that can be canceled into special moves to be made relatively safe, this ends up being one of if not the best anti-air tools in the game.
  • Especially good to use for incoming setups on opponents for an easy left/right. Canceling into Dive of Horus not only adds an overhead to the mix, but also makes this setup much harder to punish while also easily letting you confirm on hit.

SG eli shp.png
SG eli shp hb.png
Sirocco Storm
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HP s.Sg hp.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 400 3.3% ±0 -10
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
21 2 30 31 21 8 N/A
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 500 4% -3 -13
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
18 2 33 31 21 8 N/A
x3 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 750 5% KD or -8 -18
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
18 4 36 27 21 9 or 10 (2nd use) N/A

  • Disjointed attack that hits in 3 parts. Eliza gets a lengthy knockdown from the final hit the first time she uses it in a combo and no knockdown if used more than once in a combo.
  • 2nd hit pulls opponents down, making it useful for distant confirms when used with Dive of Horus or L Upper Khat.
  • Eliza moves backwards during startup, which allows for some useful kara cancels.

SG eli slk.png
SG eli slk hb.png
Sandal Wedge
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LK s.Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 325 2.5% +2 -1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 2 18 21 18 8 N/A

  • Disjointed light attack that has a somewhat higher hitbox than 2LK, making it preferred in certain combo strings

SG eli smk.png
SG eli smk hb.png
Chaos Banish
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MK s.Sg mk.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 225 x3 2.5% x3 -3 -9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
15 1, (2), 1, (3), 3 26 25 x3 19 x3 3 x2, 9 N/A
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 325 2.9% -2 -9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 2 27 26 19 9 N/A

  • Eliza extends a three hit bloody snake from her leg for the first attack. The second chops the snake's head off with the single hit.
  • Higher hitbox that makes it situationally preferred over 2MP or 2MK in certain combo strings, usually when near the corner.
  • Pulls opponents to the ground after the last hit, leaving them standing.

SG eli shk.png
SG eli shk hb.png
Solar Arc
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HK s.Sg hk.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 500 5% -7 -8
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
22 3 32 27 26 10 N/A
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 900 6.6667% Sliding KD -22
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
25 3 39 27 19 13 N/A

  • The first 5HK's slow, arcing swing from the Staff of Ra leaves Eliza fairly vulnerable with used by itself. She should only attempt the first hit if she wants to ends a ground chain with the second hit's slide stun.
  • Large hitting hitbox that can hit from behind, making it somewhat useful for an occasional anti-air
  • Eliza moves forward during startup for both hits, allowing for some useful kara cancels.

Crouching Normals

SG eli clp.png
SG eli clp hb.png
Nemes Set
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LP c.Sg lp.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 250 2.5% +5 +3
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 2 14 20 18 7 N/A
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 250 2.5% +4 +2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 2 15 20 18 7 N/A

  • Eliza attacks with a bloody pharaoh's beard and snake crown. Although this is slower than 5LP, shorter characters can't crouch underneath this jab.
  • The lower hitbox and having a second chainable part makes this move useful in certain combo strings over 5LP

SG eli cmp.png
SG eli cmp hb.png
Middle of the Sphynx
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MP c.Sg mp.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low Chains Into Self 550 7.5% +4 -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11 3 18 24 18 9 N/A
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile 300 4.5% +1 -5
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 16 31 24 18 7 N/A

  • Eliza attacks low with a sphinx's paws, then sneezes the nose off of her own face for a projectile second hit.
  • Due to having short recovery, this move is typically prefered in blockstrings over 2MK to keep Eliza somewhat safe, even from early pbgc attempts.

SG eli chp.png
SG eli chp hb.png
Isis Wings
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HP c.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Launcher 400, 500 5% x2 +5 -9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
21 3, (12), 3 26 25, 33 19 x2 7, 9 N/A

  • Eliza must use this 2 hit attack instead of the faster 5MP if she wants a full height launcher.

SG eli clk.png
SG eli clk hb.png
Bast's Cuff
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LK c.Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low - 275 2.5% +6 +3
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 2 14 21 18 7 N/A

  • The bloody cat scratch reaches relatively far, has quick start up, and is Eliza's best way to start an ground chain from a low attack.
  • Eliza's leg and cat are extended hurtboxes from the first frame.

SG eli cmk.png
SG eli cmk hb.png
Sobek Slide
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MK c.Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low - 400, 500 3.75% x2 Soft KD -12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 16, (13), 1 35 (27 on whiff) 24, 16 23 x2 6, 9 N/A

  • Eliza slides forward behind a bloody crocodile head. She only performs the second hit if the first hit makes contact, giving Eliza a consistent advantage on hit and block.

SG eli chk.png
SG eli chk hb.png
Solar Barge
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HK c.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low Armor (vs projectiles),
1200 10% Soft KD (Invuln.) -42
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
24 44 17 15 18 13 N/A

  • Eliza cruises forward with a long range slide attack behind armor that will absorb an unlimited number of projectile hits. Eliza can use her sweep to rush forward before cancelling the later active frames into a special move.
  • Due to being a sliding sweep, is useful for breaking armor or armored assists.
  • Far travel distance and ability to cancel consistently into H DP makes this move useful in several combos when used as otg for more damage.

Jumping Normals

SG eli jlp.png
SG eli jlp hb.png
Sistrum Shake
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLP j.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 300 2.5% -4 -8
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
8 18 8 21 17 7 N/A

  • Disjointed high up hitbox alongside her relatively smaller hurtbox position allows it to be used as a somewhat effective air-to-air button
  • Hurtbox appears before hitbox

SG eli jmp.png
SG eli jmp hb.png
Crescent Scribe
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMP j.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 450 7.5% -1 -5
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
13 3 22 23 19 10 N/A

  • Hits at a diagonal angle downwards and sends the opponent downwards, hard to use as a jump in or air-to-air, but very useful in hitconfirm strings or restand combos
  • Hurtbox appears before hitbox

SG eli jhp.png
SG eli jhp hb.png
Aten Array
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHP j.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 875 10% -2 -5
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
19 5 23 25 22 12 N/A

  • Bloody sun rays hit in a wide arc in front of and below Eliza. Combining this attack with Eliza's angled air dash can hit an opponent as a cross up.
  • Despite the animation, the active hit boxes don't actually cover that far behind or directly below Eliza, so use in neutral with caution.
  • Hurtbox appears before hitbox

SG eli jlk.png
SG eli jlk hb.png
Low Glyph
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLK j.Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High (rising mid) - 300 2.5% +2 -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 6 14 21 17 7 N/A

  • When Eliza is on on the way up from her jump, the attack does 350 damage instead, and the opponent can block this attack as a mid.
  • The low angle of this move makes it very useful for IADs.
  • Hurtbox appears before hitbox

SG eli jmk.png
SG eli jmk hb.png
High Glyph
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMK j.Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 500 7.5% +5 ±0
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
13 12 8 24 19 10 N/A

  • Far reach covers large range on grounded opponents.
  • Far reach makes it useful for certain air to airs, however you usually need to convert with a j.H Sekhmet.
  • Keeps opponents up on hit in air strings, making this move somewhat useful to setup air reset opportunities
  • Hurtbox appears before hitbox

SG eli jhk.png
SG eli jhk hb.png
Hesat Head
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHK j.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 875 10%
Sliding KD or KD (vs air)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
18 4 21 25 22 12 N/A

  • Eliza uses a bloody bull's head for a high impact kick. The attack abruptly changes Eliza's momentum in the air and will cause one of two knockdown effects on hit.
  • Hurtbox appears before hitbox

Universal Mechanics

SG eli throw.png
SG eli throw hb.png
Lower Domain
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Throw 50% Damage Scaling 0, 250, 100 x4, 350 5%, 4%, 1% x4, 0% Sliding KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 1 28 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • One of the bigger throws in the game
  • The a sliding knockdown at the end of Eliza's ground throw leaves the opponent at range for a MP or HP Upper Khat.

SG eli airthrow.png
SG eli airthrow hb.png
Upper Domain
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Air Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png (in air)
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Air Throw 50% Damage Scaling 0, 1000 5%, 9% Wall Splat N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 3 16 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • Eliza catches and attempts to carry the opponent to the side of the screen for a wall splat. Eliza can combo into Nekhbet Breaker after an air throw even if she doesn't reach the corner.
  • Can convert meterlessly with 2MK, but uses otg. Can also convert with jHP adc if you haven’t used an air dash to save otg

SG eli tag.png
SG eli tag hb.png
Chauffeur Service
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Tag Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Tag 500 7.5% Ground Bounce ?
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
15 18 43 10 13 12 N/A

  • Eliza enters from the top of the screen, carried in by Horace performing a dive kick.

SG eli snap.png
SG eli snap hb.png
Exile from Aaru
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Snapback Sg 236.png + Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg 236.png + Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Snapback 0 -100% N/A -13
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 + 3 2 29 14 17 13 9


SG eli dpp.png
SG eli dp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Upper Khat Sg 623.png + Sg p.png
Sg lp.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Strike),
350 (100) (2.5%) 6% +4 -9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11, 4 3 30 28 15 8 N/A
Sg lp.pngSg mp.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Projectile 550 (100) (2.5%) 6% -6 -20
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12, 4 3 41 28 14 9 N/A
Sg lp.pngSg mp.pngSg hp.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Launcher,
750 (100) (2.5%) 6% -19 -29
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12, 4 3 50 33 13 10 N/A
Sg mp.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Strike),
550 (100) (2.5%) 6% -1 -15
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11, 4 3 36 28 14 9 N/A
Sg mp.pngSg hp.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Launcher,
750 (100) (2.5%) 6% -15 -25
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12, 4 3 46 33 13 10 N/A
Sg hp.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Strike),
750 (100) (2.5%) 6% -11 -21
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11, 4 3 42 33 13 10 N/A

  • A move using 3 hieroglyphic servants who appear out of the ground as projectiles. The LP version starts with the shortest servant, allowing a chain into the medium MP and tall HP servant. The MP version can use the medium and tall while the HP version can only attack with the tallest servant. On successful hit, the final servant will take the opponent off of the ground and allow Eliza to jump cancel.
  • All versions have the same invulnerability to hits with the initial hit.
  • Due to being disjointed invincible hits, H DP in particular is a very strong poke in neutral that can be difficult for multiple characters to punish. If Eliza hits an assist, she can suki cancel off of the assist just like a normal launcher; however, if Eliza also hits a blocking opponent, then she cannot launcher cancel at all even when hitting an assist.
  • If Eliza is grabbed after the initial 11 startup frames (12 for the followups), but before the projectile hitbox is active, the projectile will still rise up but it will no longer have a hitbox and will immediately dissipate.

SG eli qcbk.png
SG eli spiral hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Osiris Spiral Sg 214.png + Sg k.png
Sg lk.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 300, 600 (100, 100) (2.5%) 2.25%, 3.75% +10 or +4 -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
15 3, (13), 5 14 26, 28 or 26, 22 19, 16 7, 10

(5, 10 on block)

Sg mk.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 250 x3, 600 (100 x4) (2.5%) 4% x3, 12% +4 -5
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
17 8, 4, (15), 8, 3 22 26 x3, 28 17 x3, 19 7 x3, 10

(4 x3, 10 on block)

Sg hk.png Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 200 x7, 750

(110 x7, 130)

(2.5%) 2.25% x7, 7.50% -1 -9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
19 6 x3, 3, (13), 6 x3, 3 27 26 x7, 28 15 x7, 20 7 x7, 10

(2 x7, 10 on block)


  • Eliza twirls the Staff of Ra, her skirt, then skin around herself to reveal Sekhmet. The multiple hits deal significant chip damage, making it a strong assist. This attack will pop a grounded opponent into the air, but will not knockdown. Eliza has limited use for Osiris Spiral as a point character.
  • L spiral being -2 makes it useful for blockstrings to keep safe.
  • L spiral hitting the opponents up on hit makes it good as an occasional reset tool to catch opponents as they land.
  • L spiral has a 5 frame buffer to allow for easier light button links in combos. Linking from L Spiral twice in a combo will do less hitstun, allowing only one L Spiral link per combo.

SG eli qcflk.png
SG eli qcflk hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Throne of Isis Sg 236.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 1000 (100) (2.5%) 7.5% Soft KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
16 -- 42 17 20 8 (7 on block) N/A

  • Albus or Horace comes charging in from the side of the screen, pushing Eliza's couch and attempting to ram the opponent. The vulnerable boxes of the couch are immune from projectiles and it doesn't count as one itself, so it is best used to interrupt an opponent attempting to keep Eliza at long range. It will shatter instantly after taking a direct hit, making it less useful when Eliza wants to keep an opponent at long range.
  • Due to appearing behind Eliza in its startup, can be used occasionally to stuff out teleports or IADs that hit from behind Eliza

SG eli qcfmk.png
SG eli qcfmk hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Dive of Horus Sg 236.png + Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High 66% Damage Scaling,
850 (100) (2.5%) 4.95% Ground Bounce -5
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
19 (Until ground) 37 12 15 10 (7 on block) N/A

  • Eliza calls Horace to come in from the top of the screen with a dive kick. He arrives quickly enough to combo off of some of Eliza's heavier ground normals, allowing her to combo into this attack then continue the combo from the ground bounce.
  • Defensively, Horace has vulnerable boxes that can take a hit for Eliza and he will keep going even when Eliza is hit out of her recovery.
  • Somewhat safe in blockstrings to use, however note that the opponent can land cancel when blocking the divekick to punish, so use with caution.
  • Due to Horace coming from the top of the screen, can be used to effectively anti-air opponents coming from high above Eliza such as Valentine, Painwheel, and Robo Fortune.
  • When used as an assist, Horace enters his hitstun animation when Eliza is hit out of her recovery.

SG eli qcfhk.png
SG eli qcfhk hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Weight of Anubis Sg 236.png + Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Command Grab - 0 (2.5%) 0% Sliding KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
37 2 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • Eliza calls Albus, who appears at the opponent's feet for a grab attempt. If successful, Albus will slide the opponent across the floor, giving Eliza an easy opportunity to start a combo but dealing no damage with the throw itself. Albus doesn't have a vulnerable box, so the opponent can't hit him to stop the throw.
  • "As the only two moves in the game to put you directly into sliding knockdown with no chance of hitting the victim out of the air first, Eliza’s Weight of Anubis assist and Peacock’s normal throw assist cause twice as much sliding time before the opponent is allowed to tech."

SG eli qcbp.png
Sekhmet's Turn Sg 214.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
- - N/A 0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
17 N/A 20 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • Eliza ejects Sekhmet, adding additional start up before Sekhmet performs an attack corresponding to the strength of the button pressed.

Sekhmet Moves

SG eli sekl.png
SG eli sekl hb.png
Warrior's Khopesh
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Sekhmet 5L Sg lp.png / Sg lk.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 300 (75) N/A -3 -10
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
13 3 25 24 17 7 N/A
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Chains Into Self 300 (75) N/A -3 -10
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 3 25 24 17 7 N/A
x3 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 550 (100) N/A -7 -17
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 3 32 27 17 11 N/A

  • Sekhmet's single jab is good enough to chain into 5HP.
  • Due to being a chaining normal, can also autocorrect on opponents crossing up

SG eli sekcl.png
SG eli sekjl hb.png
Sekhem Lunge
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Sekhmet 2L d + Sg lp.png / Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low - 350 N/A +1 -15 to -7
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
14 12 22 34 18 8 N/A

  • Sekhmet's quick lunge forward is her only low and can chain directly to 5HP to start a combo.

SG eli sekm.png
SG eli sekm hb.png
Butcher's Blade
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Sekhmet 5M Sg mp.png / Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - 200 x10 (30 x9, 25) N/A ±0 -11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
16 4 x2, 2 x8 20 24 x10 15 x10 4x 9, 10 N/A

  • This attack can add 10 hits to the end of a combo while only using meter from a single button press. In neutral it leaves Sekhmet standing in place and swinging away.

SG eli sekh.png
SG eli sekh hb.png
Carpenter's Axe
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Sekhmet 5H Sg hp.png / Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 1100 (100) N/A Ground Bounce -10
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
20 3 26 15 18 13 N/A

  • This overhead axe swing is Sekhmet's most damaging attack. The lengthy ground bounce animation can be used more than once per combo.

SG eli sekjl.png
SG eli sekjl hb.png
Sekhem Dive
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Sekhmet jL j.Sg lp.png / Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 350 N/A +1 -7
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11 12 9 21 13 8 N/A

  • The air version of Sekhmet's lunge has less active frames than the 2LP version.

SG eli sekjm.png
SG eli sekh hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Sekhmet jM j.Sg mp.png / Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 1100 (100) N/A Ground Bounce -10
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
15, (until ground) 3 26 15 18 13 N/A

  • Sekhmet drops to the ground before performing an axe attack similar to 5HP. Because this is an MP button attack, it will chain to 5HP after Sekhmet lands.
  • The 5HP chain can be used for slight stagger pressure. The fear of stagger pressure can let you trick the opponents into not punishing your attacks, ensuring a safe recall or another chance at a mixup.
  • The hitbox does not appear until Sekhmet is at the ground, meaning that it won't combo from Sekhmet jL unless the chain starts at a low height.

SG eli sekjh.png
SG eli sekjh hb.png
Signature Attack
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Sekhmet jH j.Sg hp.png / Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High - 1050 (100) N/A Wall Bounce -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
18 2 20 16 19 12 N/A

  • The cartouche spells "Sekhmet" in the large active hit box.
  • Large range can be used as a surprisingly useful air-to-air move, especially when used from base Eliza using Sekhmet's Turn.

SG eli sekbpp.png
SG eli sekbpp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Sekhem Rebound 4.gif, 4.gif OR 4.gif + Sg p.png + Sg p.png (after making contact with any Sekhmet move)
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A Invuln. (Throw) (Frames 1-4) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
N/A N/A 25 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • Sekhmet quickly retreats backwards out of harm's way, at the cost of health.
  • Can only be done on the ground, meaning it can be done after jM, but not jL or jH.
  • The pictured hitbox is taken from the peak of the arc, with the anchor as a size reference.

SG eli sekreturn.png
Hathor's Return Sg 214.png / Sg 236.png + Sg p.png / Sg k.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A - N/A N/A N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop

  • Sekhmet's run back to Eliza still has armor but is otherwise vulnerable.
  • Call an assist sometime before returning to help stay safe from opponent punishes.
  • While this can't be used on block normally, it can be used on hit, allowing for further combo extensions with base Eliza.
  • Can be used if an attack is blocked by the opponent but hits their assist, allowing for a safeish recall against certain characters.


SG eli qcfpp.png
SG eli qcfpp hb.png
"She who mauls!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Lady of Slaughter
Level 1
Sg 236.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png
Eliza Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 66.7% Minimum Scaling (last hit),
Hit Grab
0, 80x25, 1200(min. 800) (100) -100% KD -54
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
16+1 16 37 N/A, 36 x8, 16 x17, 16 21 N/A (12 on block) 5

  • Eliza ejects Sekhmet, who performs an SNK-ish auto combo super on hit. Ends with Sekhmet under player control.
  • Due to being an armored hitgrab super, using this as DHC makes for some edgecase punishes that most level 1 supers can’t otherwise do.
  • Only the first hit of this super progresses damage scaling

SG eli jqcfkk.png
SG eli jqcfkk hb.png
"No mercy... the clutches of eternity!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Nekhbet Breaker
Level 1
(Air Only) Sg 236.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 33.3% Minimum Scaling,
Hit Grab
0, 3000 (100) -100% Hard KD -32
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 + 3 until ground 35 N/A 18 N/A (9 on block) 4

  • Eliza forms wings and grabs at the opponent, slamming them into the ground in a single, damaging hit that grants hard knockdown.
  • While not invincible, the fast speed of this super makes it somewhat useful still as a defensive move to catch the opponents attempting to hit Eliza from below.

SG eli sekqcfkk.png
SG eli sekqcfkk hb.png
*Sekhmet laughs*
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Crimson Scourge
Level 1
(Sekhmet Only) Sg 236.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Full), 27.5% Minimum Scaling,
Hit Grab
0, 2000 (100) -100% Crumple -31
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 + 3 20 30 15 18 N/A (8 on block) 7

  • Sekhmet lunges at the opponent and upon contact, does her signature attack that spawns 8 blood drops, heals for 75% of the damage it does, and crumples the opponent which allows followups.
  • Repositions Eliza's anchor directly behind Sekhmet to allow her to follow up easier.
  • Useful for DHC followups.

SG eli qcbpp.png
SG eli qcbpp hb.png
"Sunrise! High noon! Sunset!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Khepri Sun
Level 3
Sg 214.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Full),
45% Minimum Scaling
380x10, 100x11, 50, 100x9, 1200

(100 x 31, 200)

-300% Ground Bounce -51
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 + 3 3 x3, 4 x6, 3, 1, (12),

3 x2, 4 x7, 2, 1, (12), 3 x2, 4 x6, 1, 3

66 16x10, 14, 16x10, 40, 16x9, 14 19 x10, 17, 19 x10, 17, 19 x9, 17 2 x10, 15, 2 x10, 15, 2 x9, 29

(last hit is 15 on block)


  • Eliza forms an effigy of the sun, flying straight up, across the top of the screen, and back down to the ground. Button inputs can trigger "early" turns. The many, rapid, low damage hits make the attack a damage efficient ending for a fully scaled combo.
  • When this super hits raw, due to traveling far across the screen, it will likely go near the corner allowing Eliza to confirm easily for a longer combo. However, even if it ends midscreen, Eliza can still confirm using 2MK, 5HP, or Dash 2LK on certain characters, or using H DP on everyone.


SG eli taunt.png
"Keep young and beautiful!"
Scarlet Ladies Sg mk.png , Sg lp.png , 2.gif , Sg lk.png , Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
N/A N/A 85 N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • Eliza leans forward with Sekhmet standing straight up out of Eliza's back, making for a doubly provocative gesture. As long as she successfully completes the animation, all blood drops near Eliza will move closer towards her.

SG eli assist.png
"Kiss kiss"
Assist Taunt Automatically done after an assist move
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid - N/A 0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
N/A N/A 48 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Amount of time it takes for the character to turn invulnerable after they finish performing their assist action.
  • Longer recovery → more time to punish the assist.


SG eli color1.png SG eli color2.png SG eli color3.png SG eli color4.png SG eli color5.png
Color 1
Default color palette.
Color 2
Based on Cleopatra (as portrayed by Elizabeth Taylor) from Cleopatra.
Color 3
Based on Eliza from Tekken Revolution.
Color 4
Original alternate color palette.
Color 5
Original alternate color palette.

SG eli color6.png SG eli color7.png SG eli color8.png SG eli color9.png SG eli color10.png
Color 6
Original alternate color palette.
Color 7
Original color palette based on bloody Eliza from her story mode.
Color 8
Based on Princess Iset from Vindictus.
Color 9
Based on Jedah from the Darkstalkers / Vampire series. Includes Albus as Jon Talbain.
Color 10
Based on C. Viper from Street Fighter 4; includes Albus as Rufus and Horace as Goku.

SG eli color11.png SG eli color12.png SG eli color13.png SG eli color14.png SG eli color15.png
Color 11
Based on Tharja from Fire Emblem: Awakening.
Color 12
Based on Dr. Doom from Marvel vs Capcom 2.
Color 13
Based on I-No from Guilty Gear.
Color 14
Based on Queen Odette from Odin Sphere.
Color 15
Based on Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders; includes Albus and Horace as The World.

SG eli color16.png SG eli color17.png SG eli color18.png SG eli color19.png SG eli color20.png
Color 16
Based on Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop; includes Albus as Spike Spiegel and Horace as Jet Black.
Color 17
Based on Velvet from Odin Sphere.
Color 18
Based on Ragyō Kiryūin from Kill la Kill; includes Sekhmet as Life Fibers, Albus as Rei Hoomaru, and Horace as COVERS.
Color 19
Based on Red from Transistor; includes Sekhmet as The Process.
Color 20
Original alternate color palette.

SG eli color21.png SG eli color22.png SG eli color23.png SG eli color24.png SG eli color25.png
Color 21
Based on Porrim Maryam from MS Paint Adventures. Crowdfunding request.
Color 22
Original alternate color palette. Crowdfunding request.
Color 23
Based on Urien from Street Fighter 3; includes Sekhmet as Twelve, Albus as Gill, and Horace as Necro.
Color 24
Based on Raven from Teen Titans; includes Sekhmet as Trigon and Albus and Horace as Beast Boy. Crowdfunding request.
Color 25
Based on Elizabeth from Persona 3; includes Sekhmet as Thanatos.

Eliza 26.png Eliza 27.png SG eli color28.png SG eli color29.png SG eli color30.png
Color 26
Based on Ana from Overwatch.
Color 27
Based on Sora from Kingdom Hearts III.
Color 28
Based on Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe.
Color 29
Based on Ajna from Indivisible.
Color 30

SG eli color31.png SG eli color32.png
Color 31
Based on Kikuri-Hime from Shin Megami Tensei (Nocturne onward).
Color 32
Based on Astarte from Castlevania.

Intro Poses

Eliza has 3 different intro poses that can be selected by holding a light, medium or heavy button during the loading screen before a match.

Eliza intro 1.png Intro pose 1:
Sg lp.png OR Sg lk.png
Sekmet emerges from a pool of blood.
Gaze into the face of your death!
Your cells shall betray you!
Eliza intro 2.png Intro pose 2:
Sg mp.png OR Sg mk.png
Eliza poses with sunglasses and a stylish purse.
How do I look?
Deal with it!
Eliza intro 3.png Intro pose 3:
Sg hp.png OR Sg hk.png
Eliza's servants carry her upon a palanquin.
Albus! Horace! I shouldn't be long. Yes, boss!
Happy hunting! It's gonna be your funeral!

Win Poses

Eliza's single win pose has 8 variants, and the winning player can select a variant by holding a button at the end of the match.

Additionally, Sekhmet has her own win pose if the round ends with her summoned.

SG pose eli LP.png Winpose 1:
Sg lp.png

How do I look?
SG pose eli MP.png Winpose 2:
Sg mp.png

Yes, I am rich.
SG pose eli HP.png Winpose 3:
Sg hp.png

Victory looks good on me.
SG pose eli LK.png Winpose 4:
Sg lk.png

Boys! Prepare the limo!
SG pose eli MK.png Winpose 5:
Sg mk.png

I could go for a dip right about now...
SG pose eli HK.png Winpose 6:
Sg hk.png

I give the orders!
SG pose eli PP.png Winpose 7:
Sg p.png + Sg p.png

How do I look?
SG pose eli KK.png Winpose 8:
Sg k.png + Sg k.png

Deal with it!

Players to Watch

Disclaimer: This list is derived from community input and is in no way comprehensive or a form of ranking of any kind. Our community criteria can be found here.

Usual Color Handles/Links Region Status Notes
SG eli color18.png
Inactive(?) Double Clide / Squigly DnB / Eliza H Spiral and Eliza H Spiral / Squigly DnB / Double M Bomber

Example Play
SG eli color11.png
United States
United States
Inactive(?) Double L Bomber / Squigly DnB / Eliza H Spiral
Example Play
SG eli color18.png
United States
United States
Inactive(?) Ms. Fortune H Fiber / Eliza Butcher's

Example Play
SG eli color14.png
United States
United States
Active Cerebella H LNL / Eliza Butcher's / Big Band H Train
Creator of the self titled Eliza guide.
Example Play
SG eli color8.png
RoyalHeart v2
United States
United States
Lurking N/A
Yes, he is rich.
Example Play
SG eli color7.png
Sinclair Moreau
European Union
European Union
Active Eliza Butcher's / Double L Bomber
evil vile little creature incapable of feeling empathy or remorse
Example Play
SG eli color30.png
Active Eliza H Spiral / Double L Bomber / Squigly DnB
I have no weaknesses
Example Play

NOTE: These tables are still WIP- seen

External Links

When browsing Skullheart, keep in mind it was most active when the game was on an older patch.

Training Room
Game Data Legend
Ms. Fortune
Big Band
Black Dahlia