Eternal Fighter Zero/Misaki Kawana: Difference between revisions

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| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''236236* - High-Speed Lunch (ハイスピードランチ)'''
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** Misaki shoots out 30 plates. This version starts the fastest of the three (frame 4) and has the most invincibility from frames 1-7. Your best bet as a reversal of the three, although the meter probably isn't worth the damage and chance that the opponent with go under it. Probably Misaki's third best reversal option outside of C Assault Gush and C Turbulence.
** Misaki shoots out 30 plates. This version starts the fastest of the three (frame 4) and has the most invincibility from frames 1-7. Your best bet as a reversal of the three, although the meter probably isn't worth the damage and chance that the opponent with go under it. Probably Misaki's third best reversal option outside of C Assault Gush and C Turbulence.
| width="" | [[image:Misaki236236.png‎‎|center|180px]]
| width="" | [[image:Misakij236236.png‎‎|center|180px]]
| width="" | '''j236236* - Down Burst (ダウンバースト)'''
| width="" | '''j236236* - Down Burst (ダウンバースト)'''

Revision as of 09:50, 12 January 2018



Kawana Misaki (川名 みさき) is a solid and mobile character who attacks with the power of wind. Her speed gives her an excellent rushdown game, and the Guard Attack property she gains on a few of her moves gives her a counter-attack that's impossible to RG if used right.

Misaki is one of the heroines of ONE, a visual novel produced by Tactics in 1998. She is a 3rd grade student in the same school as Kouhei. A girl with cold eyes but a warm smile, Misaki became blind due to an event that occured in the past. She enjoys talking to others since that is the only way she can get to know other people. Kouhei first met her on the roof of the school during sunset. During ONE, Misaki and Kouhei spend some time together, but there is an eternity, after all...

Stage: Sunset Rooftop (夕焼けの屋上)

BGM: A fine young lady at first sight (見た目はお嬢様)


Misaki stands out amongst the cast as having what may be the absolute highest damage potential in the game. Whereas most characters will use a Blue IC to barely scrape the 4000/5000 mark, Misaki can surpass that amount on combos for no meter whatsoever. Her speed lends itself well to this fact, and although she doesn't have the fastest normals in the game, most of her moves are not particularly slow. With excellent far reaching dashes, decent pressure options, great combo tools, generous amounts of autoguard, terrifying damage and the like, Misaki may very well be the stuff comebacks are made of, as she is likely the only character in the game capable of 100% combos.

Getting the opportunities for that damage, however, require a little more work to obtain. Misaki has an extremely limited high/low mixup, since she has absolutely zero grounded overheads and no command throws. Even though she has very useful oki options and plenty of cross up material, Misaki has surprisingly little mixup to work with against a cornered opponent, which is exactly where you would like to end up getting them to pull out your merciless damage potential. Additionally, while Misaki has many great ground-to-ground, air-to-ground, and anti-air options, she has nearly nothing in terms of air-to-air. All of her jumping normals only hit below her, and your only options to compensate for that are laggy or cost meter.


  • Ridiculous damage output
  • Great mobility
  • Decent speed normals
  • Good frame advantage
  • High autoguard
  • Strong pressure game
  • Great on the ground overall
  • Excellent anti-air
  • Decent air-to-ground game
  • Extremely deceptive oki game


  • Almost no long-range options
  • Horrible high/low mixup game
  • Terrible in air-to-air
  • Reliable reversals cost meter
  • Generally weak to lows
  • Loses options on corner oki

Overall, Misaki will thrive in the hands of players capable of getting in on opponents, and comfortable with staying there. Two combos may be all you need to take victory, and Misaki has every tool you'll need to pull them off.

Character-Specific Notes

  • Misaki is able to air jump once, and air dash/backstep once.
  • Misaki's dashes are some of the longest in the game, giving her the ability to go nearly full screen on all of her dashes, grounded or aerial.

Normal Moves

The notation for the movelists can be found under Notation.

Move Hits Damage Guard Move
5A 1 210 Ground Yes Yes Yes
2A 1 230 Low Yes Yes Yes
j.A 1 240 High/Air Yes Yes Yes
66A 1 250 Ground Yes No Yes
662A 1 300 Low Yes No Yes
5B(c) 1 420 Ground Yes Yes Yes
5B(f) 1 500 Ground Yes No Yes
2B 1 400 Low Yes Yes Yes
j.B 1 420 High/Air Yes Yes Yes
66B 1 550 Ground Yes No Yes
662B 1 450 Low Yes No Yes
5C 1 670 Any Yes On Hit Yes
2C 1 700 Low Yes No Yes
j.C 1 650 High/Air Yes Yes Yes
66C 1 750 Ground Yes No Yes
662C 1 600 Any Air only No Yes
Throw 2 1250 Throw No No No
j.Throw 1 1300 Air Throw No No No



[ Startup: 6 | Hit:+6 | Block:+5 ]

Misaki swipes out her arm in a backhand motion horizontally. A decent pressure tool and a workable anti-air that can't be air blocked. This is one of Misaki's faster normals (frame 6), with some strong frame advantage (+5) and versatility in that it can be cancelled into anything, although to go into her 2A you have a very lenient link. Tends to whiff on crouchers.


[ Startup: 7 | Hit:+6 | Block:+4 ]

Misaki swings her back arm forward in a standing uppercut. Another decent move in Misaki's arsenal, this is a frame 7 swing with frame advantage (+4) that sees its use as both a combo tool and clutch anti-air. Though it has its occasional use in normal ground strings, most of its combo use is either to relaunch during an air combo with 5C in the corner, or to relaunch midscreen by itself. Its range makes it fairly difficult to combo into without a Blue IC, so your timing with it will be tight. Using it as an anti-air combo starter is also somewhat risky because of the range, but it cannot be air blocked, so if somebody tries an empty jump or does something stupid, this will net you a free 3000+ damage. Be careful with this move, though, because there is gap between the distances where c.B and f.B will activate, where both of them will miss.


[ Startup: 11 | Hit:+0 | Block:-2 ]

Miskai swipes her hand down with a gush of wind. Great for long range poking, f.B has probably the strongest range of Misaki's standing normals due to its disjointed hitbox, though it will completely whiff if you get in too close. It has a property where it will deal slightly less damage the second half of the window that the move is active, but it's decent regardless. Against air characters, this will generally knock down if they're low enough to the ground, and cannot be air blocked. On the flip side, it also cannot be jump cancelled, so in order to combo afterwards you'll need to go into the somewhat difficult hitconfirm into your 2C.


[ Startup: 12 | Hit:-- | Block:-13 ]

Misaki bursts waves of wind all around her. The pride of hitboxes everywhere, the size of this move is astounding. Misaki will surround herself in a small hurricane of gusts that will knock down anybody who gets hit by this move. Furthermore, it's got 8 frames of high autoguard and an above average active window, so this move will catch people unaware. However, it's also pretty risky to use. It has a slow startup (frame 12). The autoguard doesn't go active until frame 3. It can be airblocked unlike most of Misaki's grounded normals. And even though it looks like the hitbox lingers excessively, it's incredibly unsafe on block (it can only be jump cancelled on hit as well). This move has its use mainly in corner loops and combos, but it can still be a strong anti air if you know the opponent is going to go for a jump in. Otherwise, save it for combos unless you can reliably counter Recoil Guard.



[ Startup: 5 | Hit:+3 | Block:+2 ]

Misaki sticks out her arm in a palm, in what looks like a cute little jab. Easily one of Misaki's best moves. Although the range isn't the best, it's Misaki's fastest normal (frame 5), an amazing pressure tool that hits low, has decent frame advantage (+2), and cancels into itself and everything else (besides 5A, which it links to). You'll see this move used a lot in both pressure strings, in tick throw setups, and as combo starters.


[ Startup: 7 | Hit:+3 | Block:+1 ]

Misaki does a crouching kick. Yet another good poke. This is slightly slower than Misaki's 2A, but it still has minimum frame advantage (+1), hits with a little more range and still combos nicely into her f.B. It can be comboed into after her A attacks or even after a j.B or j.C when the opponent is grounded, and forgoing the 2A on landing will increase your damage output for relatively little risk if you hit confirm your jump in. Additionally, this move is a universal OTG relauncher after an A Down Burst, so you can get some extra damage afterwards if you don't have the meter for another Down Burst, you just want to end the combo near the ground, or you're not comfortable trying to OTG with a 66A.


[ Startup: 10 | Hit:-- | Block:-6 ]

Misaki slides forward with a floor hugging kick. Misaki's sweep in an ode to both Bison and Slayer, this move, along with B Assault Gush is what will turn your ground strings into Misaki's true damage potential. The hitbox on this move lingers twice as long as her other non-dashing, grounded normals, and it is comboed into from nearly all of them. IC'ing it from anywhere, whether your IC is Blue or Red, will still yield damage ranging exceeding 3000 on red, and hitting even as high as the 9000s when you have full meter and have the opponent cornered. Don't throw this out wildly, though. It's unsafe on block, is slow to start (frame 10), and cannot be jump cancelled under any circumstances. It can still be special cancelled though, so a Half Gush for pressure on block will help make it safe unless RG'd, which must be counter RG'd in response.



[ Startup: 6 ]

Misaki sticks out her foot at a downwards angle. An extremely quick overhead (frame 6) that's nearly instant if you do it immediately off the ground, j.A cancels into itself and j.B and j.C, and can be airdash cancelled like most air normals, allowing for great pressure and combo starters. The move's hitbox also lingers for a good 10 frames, working as a very good catch for people below you, or as a great, meaty overhead on oki.


[ Startup: 8 ]

Misaki swipes her arm downwards in a sweeping motion. The staple move of both air combat and Misaki's air loop, j.B has a great horizontal hitbox that hits below her on both sides. Airdash cancelling it is essential, since it leads into a continuation of her air combos, and can be used for addtional pressure or mixups when guarded. You will use this move a lot, as it's probably her best jumping normal, which really says something. If you use this on Oki, you can airdash over an opponent as they get up and use it as a crossup attempt, since its hitbox is so wide. One thing to note, however, is that even though there's a wave of air above Misaki, this move seems to have no hitbox above her, so be extremely cautious in air-to-air when the opponent is above you.


[ Startup: 9 ]

Misaki kicks both feet out into a powerful horizontal blow in front of her. Used mostly near or in the corner for combos or for an aerial GTFO, this move has massive blowback on hit. It's active for longer than her other two aerials and does the most damage, with a slightly slower startup (frame 9). Because of its proration, using it in corner combos is generally best when you don't wish to use meter, and might opt for j.C 66 j.B j.C instead of normally starting from a j.B. You'll also get this if you go for an air throw and miss, and this move's hitbox and damage are not a bad alternative for opponents who tech into it. Overall, it's a good move along with her other two jumping normals.



[ Startup: 7 | Hit:+6 | Block:+5 ]

Misaki dashes forwards and does the same swipe as she does in her 5A with slightly higher damage. One of Misaki's many great normals. This move is a staple combo tool used to continue after an IC'd 2C or Assault Gush, since it links into her c.B, which then leads into her staple j.B loop. . It also works after nearly any air string, B Hyper Accel (if they're close enough to the corner), B Half Gush, and Reverse Air Raid, though its vertical hitbox is small, so you'll need to time it properly. Furthermore, it can even be used to OTG into a followup after a low or Tiger Knee'd Down Burst. Misaki has a frame advantage on block (+5, same as 5A).

center‎‎ 66B

[ Startup: 11 | Hit:+5 | Block:+3 ]

Misaki dashes into the same animation as her f.B. The same problem arises as Misaki's f.B in terms of the move's whiffing when you get in too close, so be careful with this move. It's best used as a dashing punish against people in the air, since you won't be able to cancel it into anything except one of Misaki's specials. Assault Gush might work if you land it on a grounded opponent, while Half Gush can be used for additional pressure or pushback if blocked. It's safe if blocked however (+3), so feel free to go for the punish if you see the opportunity.


[ Startup: 17 | Hit:-- | Block:-10 ]

Misaki dashes into a far reaching Donkey Kick. This great range move is an excellent combo starter and catcher for people trying to jump out if you you can successfully predict it. It's granted a generous 11 frames of high autoguard starting frame 4, and it will block up to two straight attacks. This move causes wallbounce if it hits a grounded opponent along with excessive hitstun, allowing for a decent B Hyper Accel Loop if you catch them while you're deep in the corner. Doing it from further out or midscreen will generally lead to weaker followups if you go for j.B loop, but B Hyper Accel Loop will still work at certain distances. Landing it against an aerial opponent will knock them down and lead to less hitstun, so you can follow up with an IC'd B Assault Gush, or even a tight Half Gush if you can time it properly. Don't get too happy with this move, as -10 on block will force you to use it carefully.

center‎‎ 662A

[ Startup: 8 | Hit:+0 | Block:-1 ]

Misaki dashes forwards, and crouches into her 2A with some more damage than before. This move doesn't seem to be used as often, due to the lack of its cancel properties, its slower startup than 2A, and its loss of frame advantage. That said, it prorates less than most of her other moves and can be linked into her faster normals, so it may have use as a punisher.

center‎‎ 662B

[ Startup: 7 | Hit:-- | Block:+2 ]

Misaki dashes into the same animation as her 2B. This move trips the opponent if it hits, leading into B Assault Gush, which can be IC'd for decent damage on Red or Blue IC. It also leads into A and C Hyper Accel (A is relatively easy, C version is a very tight hitconfirm), which ends up being difficult to follow up if you've opted to use RF meter. Its frame advantage (+2) makes it an alright pressure tool, and the ability to combo into B Assault Gush is nice, but otherwise this move is seldom used.


[ Startup: 14 | Hit:-- | Block:-4 ]

Misaki lunges forwards into a slightly angled version of her j.C. A ground normal that goes airborne, this move can only be cancelled into Misaki's Assault Gush or Down Burst. The airborne property allows it to go over low hitting moves, and it has 6 frames of guard point starting on frame 7. This move knocks down on hit with some pretty intensive blowback that can be linked into a 2A in the corner, but IC'ing it can lead to a more vicious corner loop or Hyper Accel loop. Unfortunately, although this move looks like an overhead, it is very much a mid that can also be airblocked, and although a somewhat smaller frame disadvantage than her riskier moves (-4) might seem safer, it can still be punished by those paying attention. However, it's telegraphed use with a very short landing lag can be used to bait opponents into rushing headfirst into a super or other mixup option. Mix it up, but be cautious when in range to have it blocked.

Special Moves

The notation for the movelists can be found under Notation.

Move Hits Damage Guard IC
Half Gush
236A 1 650 Any Yes (FIC)
236B 1 650 Any Yes (FIC)
236C 1 600 Any Yes (FIC)
Hyper Accel
623A 1 850 Air Throw Yes
623B 1 650 Air Throw Yes
623C 5 ≈1320 Air Throw Yes
Assault Gush [+Aerial]
214A 1 600 Any Yes
j.214A 1 650 High/Air Yes
214B 1 600 Any Yes
214C 1 200 Any Yes
1 1200 Any Yes
Reverse Air Raid
22A/B 1 650 Counterhit No
High-Speed Lunch [SP Level 1-3]
236236A 15 ≈2270 Any No
236236B 21 ≈3050 Any No
236236C 30 ≈4080 Any No
Down Burst [SP Level 1-3]
j.236236A ≈12 ≈2150 Any No
j.236236B ≈20 ≈2740 Any No
j.236236C ≈36 ≈3580 Any No
Turbulence [SP Level 1-3]
6321463214A 6 2400 Unblockable No
6321463214B 28 3000 Unblockable No
6321463214C 3 4200 Unblockable Yes
High-End Crash [1/3 HP, SP Level 3]
222S 2 5500 Counterhit Yes


236* - Half Gush (ハーフガッシュ)
  • Misaki swings her arm forwards and produces a wave of wind. All versions can be used out of a backdash to cover you during a retreat.
  • A Version
    • This one comes out the fastest (frame 20) without burning meter. It's got a good active window (17 frames) better frame advantage (~+9) and starts at a closer range, but goes the least distance and has the lowest amount of hitstun, rarely allowing for followups unless FIC'd, though it seems to score extensive hitstun on opponents attempting to jump out. Best used when you expect the opponent to keep blocking. The vertical range on this move is also deceptive, as it won't land a hit unless the opponent is lower than about a 1/4th of way below the tip. FIC timing is on frames 12-15.
  • B Version
    • The B version has the same hitbox as, but comes out slower than the A version (frame 24), has weaker frame advantage (~+2) and can't really be comboed into to easily, if at all. But it goes further than the A version, and is active for nearly double the length of time (30 frames). Even better, it has 10 frames of high body autoguard starting on frame 3, and has extensive hitstun, leading to good damage against players rushing in blindly, even without an FIC. In addition, that FIC will allow you to punish players coming in from above with a Hyper Accel or j.A/j.B. FIC timing is on frames 16-19.
  • C Version
    • The EX version of this move will come out much quicker than the other two (frame 9) and will hit in five somewhat quick, subsequent bursts that travel down the screen. The hitbox is also fairly larger than the normal versions, so it's a good move for getting the opponent off of you. It's kind of wonky to combo off of though, since it will plummet very quickly when it lands. However, this move particularly shines as guard pressure, as it leaves you free to act relatively quickly and will allow you to cross the opponent up while they block each blast. Definitely a very useful pressure tool. Be careful, though, as it has no invincibility whatsoever. FIC timing is on frames 7-10.
623* - Hyper Accel (ハイパーアクセル)
  • Part of Misaki's excellent anti-air game, as each version will grab airborne opponents. All versions of this move can be used as tech punishes, jump chases and combo tools.
  • A Version
    • Misaki leaps at an upwards angle and will hurl the opponent behind her at a slightly downwards angle if she catches them. This is the fastest version and can generally be comboed into after a 2C from anywhere on screen, resulting in a nice little damage boost. You might want to opt to ignore this move and simply take the knockdown if you've already got the opponent in the corner, but if you're cornered, it can easily reverse the situation by itself or out of a combo. It can also be IC'd, allowing you to follow up with greater damage if landed when you're cornered.
  • B Version
    • Similar to the A version, except Misaki flings the opponent upwards instead of downwards. It also has some nice upper body invincibility from frames 1-9. The opponent can be comboed for the entire time they've been thrown until they hit the ground, so this move can be used a few times in a combo to perform a damaging loop from anywhere, especially midscreen. It is, however, much slower than the A version and generally can't be comboed into unless the opponent is already a short distance above Misaki and still has a good amount of histun remaining. The IC on this move is not entirely necessary, but can make your followup easier and a bit stronger as well.
  • C Version
    • Essentially an anti-air version of her ground throw, Misaki will instead grab the opponent from the air and slam them down, causing a floor bounce that leads to j.B loop. By itself, this move is minutely quicker than the A version and has a good 7 frames of full invincibility from the start, but it has an extremely small active window and is generally not a very good option. Even comboing into it is not the best option, as the prorate will make a followup fairly difficult. This is quite the unused move due to its strictness and general lack of versatility.
214* - Assault Gush (アサルトガッシュ)
  • Misaki flings herself forward and performs a different followup based on the version used. This move provides an amazing mixup option when the different versions are varied in use.
  • Standing A Version
    • Misaki will go a set distance before performing an animation similar to her j.B, complete with the same wonderful width in its hitbox. It can lead into a combo, and is safe on block (~+5), and on oki, it works very well as a crossup due to the delay. Even though this move can't be reliably comboed into, and its cross up option is worthless in the corner, what makes this move great is both its ability to be comboed out of extremely easily, and the tick throw and pressure setups you get when it's blocked.
  • Aerial A Version
    • The same animation as her standing A version, except this time Misaki's swipe is an overhead that causes knockdown. It will still cross up the same as the standing A version along with a better startup speed and active window (10 frames), but because of the knockdown, it won't lead to much of anything. As the only off the ground overhead in your arsenal, you'll need to mix this in with the other versions due to its startup. Relying solely on it will become extremely predictable and unsafe.
  • Standing B Version
    • What makes the standing B version great is combo-ability, its startup, its active window, and its minor invincibility. This move combos from Misaki's sweep and most of her normals, so it's decent damage although you'll sacrifice knockdown without meter. If you IC it, you can get massive damage with or without meter. If you land it late, you can link it into 2A or 5A on landing. Next, it is tied for the fastest grounded version of this move with 214C (frame 8). Following, its hitbox stays out for a good quarter of a second (14 frames). And lastly, it has lower body invincibility from 1-7, so it'll plow through poorly executed lows, along with having full body invincibility on frames 4 & 5.
  • Aerial B Version
    • Looks and acts nearly the same as the Standing B Version, but with one major difference and a few minor ones. It's good if you've comboed the opponent into the corner and want to Blue IC into Misaki's Down Burst loop, but what's really cool about it is that it looks like a cross up, without ever actually crossing the opponent up. Tiger Kneeing this move is essential on oki, as it will completely screw with the opponent's head when utilized properly. However, it tends to whiff on crouchers, so you'll need to rely on forcing them to block high with the Aerial A Overhead Version. Used in conjunction with other versions of this move, this will quickly scare opponents into wondering exactly how they need to block or even try to execute a reversal.
  • Standing C Version
    • This is one of your best reversal options period. Frame 8 startup, knockdown on hit, and a whopping 21 frames of invincibility, this move will plow through absolutely anything your opponent attempts to pressure you with on oki, rushdown or otherwise. Furthermore, it's active for nearly half a second, goes airborne, and the followup will definitely turn the tables for you. But as with all reasonable reversals, this move is also incredibly unsafe on block, so don't get predictable, especially if your RF meter has just gone red. If your RF meter is light blue, you can IC it to make it safe or lead to followups, though that's a hit or miss because even though the prorate on this move is extremely light, burning that much meter to make it safe might not be worth the attempt.
  • Aerial C Version
    • Used best as a combo ender if you didn't IC to start the combo, or managed to keep it going long enough to build up enough meter to get it back to red before the combo ended. This move lacks the invincibility of its ground counterpart, but starts immediately, so no matter how little hitstun the opponent has left, you're pretty much guaranteed your last punch of damage and knockdown if you cancel your last normal into this.
22A/B - Reverse Air Raid (リバースエアレイド)
  • Misaki steps backwards slightly and places both hands out in a catching motion. If the opponent's move is caught, she will knock them upwards in a powerful blasting kick.
  • Both versions of this move act as counters. The B version has a slightly longer counter window, but also has a slightly longer cooldown than the A version. Both versions will knock the opponent into the air, allowing for a very easy combo afterwards, and this followup hit can be IC'd for more damage. Although the B version supposedly launches the opponent slightly higher, the difference is negligible. The setbacks to this move are significant, but the move remains useful. First, neither version can catch low attacks; this move will only work against mids, aerials and overheads, not lows or throws. Second, both versions start on frame 5, so this move cannot be used as a wakeup reversal. Use this intelligently.
    • Interestingly enough, even with its setbacks, this move has some unusual uses to it. This move leans back during the counter animation, and can actually be used to make throws whiff. Due to throw animations having high cooldown, you can use this in anticipation of a throw and punish the attempt, although this is more of a gimmick than a reliable option. Another thing to note is that if you counter an opponent's safe jump in, they can block or reversal through the counterattack animation. But what's great is that it doesn't matter, as you're completely invincible until the end of the animation, allowing you to block, RG or even try and reversal through whatever the opponent attempted. Furthermore, the counterattack cannot be Recoil Guarded, so the only counter options to a successful catch are the aformentioned block and the following point. If you successfully counter an aerial attack, if the opponent did it out of a dash, their momentum may carry them right over your counterattack. You'll still be safe, but maybe a little disappointed.

Eternity Specials

236236* - High-Speed Lunch (ハイスピードランチ)
  • Misaki goes through several dozen plates of lunch in the blink of an eye, throwing them haphazardly in front of her.
  • Every individual plate does 170 damage, 20 guard damage, and is active until it is off screen. The dispersion of each plate is random, though each one will go to the side Misaki was facing when she executed the move. Each version can be comboed into off of most of Misaki's normals, though the most common are 2C and 5C. If used as a reversal, it's best used against an opponent coming in from the air that isn't right over Misaki's head. And if timed properly, each version can be OTG'd afterwards.
  • A version:
    • Misaki shoots out 15 plates. This move starts the slowest of the three (frame 7) and has minor invincibility from frames 1-3. The beginning of this move will tend to whiff on people who are close and crouching, due to the random nature of the plates, so be careful.
  • B version:
    • Misaki shoots out 21 plates. This move starts faster than the A version (frame 5) and has more invincibility from frames 1-5. A workable, if risky reversal, since it has the same problem with opponents up close and crouching.
  • C Version:
    • Misaki shoots out 30 plates. This version starts the fastest of the three (frame 4) and has the most invincibility from frames 1-7. Your best bet as a reversal of the three, although the meter probably isn't worth the damage and chance that the opponent with go under it. Probably Misaki's third best reversal option outside of C Assault Gush and C Turbulence.
j236236* - Down Burst (ダウンバースト)
  • Misaki raises her hand high, and then brings it down, creating a huge column of swirling wind directly below her. Great for pressure and chip damage (50 points per hit) overall.
  • A version:
    • This really is an excellent super. Bread and Butter in Misaki's highest damage combos which can even exceed 100% if used with a blue IC and full meter. Afterwards, it can be OTG'd into one of Misaki's several combo options, which can lead back into this move again.
  • B version:
    • Same as A version, but it lasts longer. This is the least used version of the three, since the A version tends to be easier to OTG out of, and will combo back into itself for much higher damage at the same meter cost. This version still works well for a lazy combo ender or pressure tool.
  • C version:
    • Starts the same as the other two, but with 22 frames of invincibility from the start. It also lasts even longer and will actually continue to hit after Misaki has landed, leading to braindead easy relaunches and damage. The proration, however, might force you to Blue IC if you want more damage out of a hit. When this move is used as a pressure tool, however, it essentially locks the opponent down and gives you free reign to do whichever mixup you please. Obviously rare due to its meter cost, but for how much you spend, the pressure you get out of it is astounding.
6321463214* - Turbulence (ターヴィランス)
  • A command grab super with two versions acting as reversals, and all three being useful in both your blockstrings and the opponent's pressure openings.
  • A version:
    • Misaki draws the opponent in with a vacuum of air. When close enough, she grabs them and slams their head into the ground a few times. She then finishes by jumping on top of them with a pose.
    • Alright as a reversal option, as it is fully invincible for the five frames until the super flash. Be careful about it though, as the flash is a signal to the opponent to hit you out of it, since the move actually goes active on frame 8, three frames after said flash. And if you use this from far away, you'll be hit out of it easily. This move will only grab grounded opponents, so it's best used against an opponent already in grab range, grounded, and in the middle of a short move.
  • B version:
    • Same as A, but with stronger suction, and instead of jumping on the opponent at the end, she leaps into the air over them and blasts a burst of wind down onto them.
    • Has the same invincibility as the A version, but with stronger suction, higher damage, and quicker startup (frame 6). This version will actually function as reversal as opposed to the previous one, since once the flash occurs, the move is active and there is no window for the opponent to hit you if they're next to you already. Suffers the same problem as before: using it haphazardly with far away opponents will get you nailed out of it. Will also only grab grounded opponents, and will still work best with an opponent in grab range who is grounded, though the quicker startup will force them to jump out and attack to avoid it.
  • C version:
    • Like previous versions, she draws the opponent in with the strongest vacuum of the three, grabbing them when close. She then unleashes a twister of wind from her body before blasting her opponent to the sky with wind.
    • Flat out your best reversal option. This move is absolutely monstrous, as it will super flash on 0, it has full body invincibility from frames 1-16, and is upper body invincible until frame 60. If that weren't beastly enough, it has ridiculously powerful suction, and will grab aerial opponents, meaning it can be comboed in to. If you have a Blue IC, you can do it for a minor tack of damage on the end if you think you can kill the opponent in a few more hits. The one flaw it has is the loss of lower body invincibility that occurs when it goes active. If the opponent knows the move is coming and manages to back out far enough, they can tag you with a low as they're pulled back in. Regardless, this move should strike fear into every opponent you face, because when you have full meter, you have this under your belt.

Final Memory

222S - High-End Crash (ハイエンドクラッシュ)
  • Misaki gets into her countering stance for about a second. If hit while in stance, she hits her opponent with a burst of wind before finishing up with a larger blast of wind, sending the opponent flying.
  • A counter with instant startup (active frame 0), and a catch window of a staggering 40 frames that will catch any direct attack, high or low. Unfortunately, this move suffers the same unfortunate properties of Kaori's Final Memory and Misuzu's counter super: all three have a very obvious super flash that anybody paying attention to it is going to sit there and let you take those three bars of meter and dump them in the trash. However, all of these counters have the excellent property of being frame 0. If you expect or see an opponent Recoil Guard and expect or know that they're going to attempt a counter attack, you can IC whichever move you threw out and go immediately into High End Crash. Because of the generous buffer window on an IC, you can perform the input for High End Crash and press the button as the screen freeze ends, and watch your opponent cringe as you open them up and read them like a New York Times Bestseller. It's a somewhat risky maneuver, but it is extremely flashy and essentially guaranteed if you know the opponent is going to try to hit you out of their RG.

Strategy, Tactics, and Combos


Misaki's BnB involves hitting either launching them into or catching them in the air with a j.B, airdash cancelling it, and then following up with j.A j.B at midscreen, or j.B j.C near or in the corner. Normally from midscreen either by itself or out of a Red IC, you'll only be able to get one to two reps, but in the corner with a Blue IC, you can generally get three off of any starter, with enough time to perform an air string at the end.

Most of the time, you'll want to end those air strings with a single set of j.A (j.A) j.B j.C and then wait. If the opponent techs haphazardly, you'll be in the perfect position to jump and airthrow them to punish the tech. Furthermore, you may also want to jump cancel the last j.C into another set of j.A j.B j.C, airdash cancel and punish any techs that way. Although this is harder, you can net more damage this way.

Lastly, if you have the meter, you can end with C Assault Gush for a small buff in damage and a guaranteed knockdown.

Misaki's BnB combo starter: (close) 2ABBC [IC] 66A 5B (into air loop).

Misaki's midscreen air loop: j.B [airdash] j.AB (repeat).

Misaki's corner air loop: j.B [airdash] j.BC [land] 5BC (repeat).

No IC 2A 2B(B) 2C 623A

Red IC 2A 2B 2C 22C 66A 5B into...

Midscreen: j.B airdash j.AB 5B j.ABC j.ABC airdash (tech punish)

Corner: j.B airdash j.BC 5BC j.ABC j.ABC airdash (tech punish)

Blue IC 2A 2B 2C 22C 66A 5B into...

Midscreen: [j.B airdash j.AB 5B]xN

Corner: [j.B airdash j.BC 5BC]xN

With yourself cornered: 623B -> Corner version

If you end the combo in a corner, you may be able to use the j.ABC j.ABC airdash (tech punish) ender.

Basic combos

Red IC

Midscreen :

jC 2A2B2C IC 66A B jB 66 jAjB BC jAjBjC 9 jAjBjC - 4124 damage (rep2-1)

jAjB 2A2B2C IC 66A 66A 66A 2ABC jAjBjC 9 jAjBjC - 3685 damage (rep2-2)

Corner :

66C jB 66 jAjB 66A B 623B IC 66 B 623B BC jAjBjC - 3741 damage (rep2-3)

214B IC 66A B jB 66 jB B jB 66 jBjC jAjBjC BC jAjBjC - 4199 damage (rep2-5)

214B IC 66 jB B jB 66 jB B jB 66 jAjB BC jAjBjC 9 jAjBjC - 4143 damage (rep2-6)

2C IC 66A B jB 66 jAjB jB 66 jAjB 66A B jAjBjC 9 jAjBjC - 3822 damage (rep2-7)

2C IC 66A B jB 66 jAjB jB 66 jAjB 2A B jAjAjB 9 jAjBjC - 3671 damage (rep2-8)

Replay : Download Here

Advanced Combos

Red IC

Corner :

2A2BB2C 214B IC j236236A 2ABC jAjBjC jAjBjC - 4874 damage (rep1-1)

2A2BB2C 214B IC j236236A 2B jAjAjBjC 5B5C - 4659 damage (rep1-2)

2A2BB2C 214B IC j236236A 2BB2C 236236B - 5397 damage (rep1-3)

Blue IC

Corner :

ABB2C 214B IC j236236A 66A 5B jB 66 jBjC j236236A 66A ABC jAjBjCjAjBjC 214C - 8239 damage (rep1-4)

Midscreen :

j236236A 66A 5B jB 66 jBjC j236236A 66A ABC IC 5B jB 66 jBjC j236236A 66A ABC jAjBjC jAjBjC - 8984 damage (rep1-5)

j236236A 2A5B 623B IC 66 623B dash 5B jB 66 jBjC j236236A 2ABC jAjBjC jAjBjC 214C - 7984 damage (rep1-6)

Replay : Download Here


All the advanced combos above use OTG ( off the ground ). You can use these moves to OTG your opponent :

  • 66A : can be used on all characters with an appropriate height (really hard against Ayu, Mai, Akiko)
  • 2B : can be used on all characters (hard against Ayu, Mai, Akiko)
  • 2A : can be used on these characters : Kano, Kanna, Sayuri, Minagi, Nayuki (Sleep), Nayuki (Awake), Mizuka, Kaori, Unknown, Misuzu .
  • 662A : can be used on these characters : Nagamori, Neyuki, Makoto, Sayuri, Kano, Minagi, Unknown, Nayuki, Kaori .
  • c5B : can be used only on Kano, Kanna, Sayuri , Nayuki (Sleep), Minagi

The above are the usual pick ups, but 2C, 214B, and TK j214C can also be used against some characters.

j.A to the Face

Jumping A is a great air-to-ground that will actually land fairly easily out of jumping when under C Down Burst pressure. It's difficult to land this move right off the ground against crouchers especially, so your best bet is to airdash cancel into more pressure, or go straight to j.C for the blowback and combo out of it.

Mixing with j.B

Misaki's j.B normal is one of her best crossup moves. If you get a knockdown, you can do an airdash over the opponent while they are waking up and use j.B. The crossup will be completely ambiguous depending on how you timed your dash.

Fear of Assault Gush

Mixing in the Standing A, Aerial A and Standing B versions of Assault Gush are your primary mixup oki options. Using all of them properly will scare your opponents senseless, allowing you to even walk in throw on oki on certain occasions.

Half Gusty Pressure

Extremely useful as a blockstring tool, this move is great when used occasionally, since it is susceptible to early jump outs. FIC'ing it will allow you to punish those attempts and when players attempt to beat you by going over it. The EX version will spike up multiple times and allow you to move out of it early, giving you an opportunity to cross the opponent up.

Hyper Traps

Not only can you end most of your combos in a favorable position to punish techs, Misaki can also back up and harshly punish obvious forward techs with B Hyper Accel, taking them out of the corner and throwing them across the stage back into the other. All versions of Hyper Accel can also be used to catch jump outs, start or end combos, or even put somebody who has you cornered into it.

Leap of Combo Faith

Assault Gush will lead to combos only in certain instances. Standing A version will combo on hit fairly easily, though you'll need to link in a 2A or 5A, with 2A being the easiest due to it being Misaki's fastest normal. You can technically also combo into B & C High Speed Lunch, although it's likely not worth it since you can combo into them following your 5/2A combos, and the move might outright miss even if you time it properly. You must use 2A against a crouching opponent, as 5A will generally whiff. Aerial A version will not lead to combos because it knocks down.

Both B versions can be IC'd into various things: grounded can lead to the standard 66A 5B, while IC'ing while airborne can lead to an airdash falling j.B into a relaunch, A Down Burst into OTG, or your other aerials if you want to get creative.

Both C versions can be comboed out of the same as the B versions, although the IC timing is stricter on both of them. Generally, you won't be using either of these to start combos.

Turbulence Rushdown

An interesting trick you can try with Turbulence is to do one half circle back, double tap forwards, and then do another half circle back into a button press. If you do it correctly, you can dash straight into this move, allowing you to go almost 2/3rds of the screen and activate this move immediately against unsuspecting turtles and people expecting your usual pressure. Better yet, you can do this out of an FIC'd Half Gush to mask your rush in, which will allow you to get in and either grab before the projectile hits them, or afterwards, scaring the opponent into wondering what to do. You can even throw out the move a little before your dash actually reaches the opponent, as you'll slide in as you perform the second half circle. Best used with C Turbulence to catch jumpers.

  • Normal Dash Turbulence Input: 632146[6] (hold 6 until near the opponent) 3214 A/B/C
  • Half Gush Buffer Input: 236 A/B/C [FIC] (During the FIC: 632146) 6[6] 3214 A/B/C. -It's best to buffer the half circle during the FIC, then dash immediately afterwards.

Win Quotes

Japanese English






The wind is always blowing, reaching places. Is it going where I think it is?

Hehe, did you hear those strange things?




I'm hungry. I guess I'm not used to this.



Katsu Curry after winning is a very special gem. How about this time, too?










What a sad wind...

It's really carrying a heavy burden...

(To Mio)


(To Mio)
I can't really tell who it is... Is it Mio, by any chance?

I'm sorry it's taking me so long to figure this out...



The world is running scared...

Just what are you? Who was it?



In-game References

External References

  • Misaki's 2C is based on M. Bison's crouching roundhouse, from the Street Fighter series.
  • Misaki's 66C is based on Ryu's "Joudan Sokutou Geri", from the Street Fighter series.
  • Misaki's "Half Gush" move is based on Geese Howard's "Reppuken" move, from the Fatal Fury series.
  • Misaki's "Hyper Accel" move is either based on Anji Mito's "On" move, from the Guilty Gear series, or Rose's "Soul Thru" move, from the Street Fighter series.
  • Misaki's "High-Speed Lunch" move is based on Norimaro's "Hyper Strong Miracle Treasure" move, from Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter.
  • Misaki's "Turbulence" move is based on Leopold Goenitz's "Yamidoukoku" move, from The King of Fighters series.
  • Misaki's "High-End Crash" is based on Seth's "Morote-Sho-Yoh" move, from The King of Fighters series.

ONE References

  • Misaki's stage, the sunset rooftop, is where Kouhei first met Misaki in ONE.
  • Misaki's use of wind based moves is a reference to her habit of standing atop the school rooftop; feeling and commenting on the wind at many points during the game.
  • Misaki's "High-Speed Lunch" move is a reference to her prodigious appetite in the game.
  • The huge stack of toast Akiko serves Misaki during Akiko's "There is also some that isn't sweet" move is another reference to her appetite during the game.


For much more detailed information on combos, see this site. (Warning: Japanese)

Nayuki (asleep)
Nayuki (awake)