Battle Craze!!/la justicia/L-Side: Difference between revisions

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*'''High Health:''' L-justicia has 50 more health than average.
*'''High Health:''' L-justicia has 50 more health than average.
*'''Grabs:''' L-justicia has 5 unique throws and 2 command throws. This gives her the ability to move opponents wherever through grabs.
* Something not cool :(
*'''Mobility:''' L-justicia has a slower dash, which makes it hard to her to make her way in.

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===Universal Mechanics===
===Universal Mechanics===
====Craze Tech====
====Craze Tech====
|image=Jusxctech5.png|caption= Throne of Justice
|image3=Jusxctech4.png|caption3= Overthrone
|image2=Just6LP.png|caption2= Throne Driver
|name=Throne of Justice, Throne Driver, Overthrone
|input= 5CT
  | version= 5CT
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 21
  | active =
  | advHit=
  | advBlock=
  | punishState= Counter
  | direEffect= Stagger
  | description= Chair, can be hit by justicia to turn it into a projectile. All on hit values are the projectile version of the chair.
  | header=no
  | version= 6CT
  | damage= 112
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 21
  | active= 4
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -3
  | punishState= Dire
  | direEffect= Stagger
  | description= Overhead chair, still sets the chair down after the move.
  | header=no
  | version= 4CT
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 14
  | active= 45
  | advHit=
  | advBlock=
  | punishState= Counter
  | direEffect= Stagger
  | description= Chair toss, she can still hit the chair while it's in the air. If the opponent is hit by the chair before it lands justicia will not be able to hit it anymore.
|name=Power Bomb
|input= 5GP
  | damage= 144
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 4
  | advHit= +29
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= Justicia's highest damaging normal throw, moves her just a little bit forward too. Leaves the opponent right in front of her.
|name=German Suplex
|input= 4GP
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 4
  | advHit= +28
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= Justicia's back throw, knocks the opponent far behind her.
|name=Running Scoop Slam
|input= 6GP
  | damage= 104
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 4
  | advHit= +29
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= Gives a very substantial amount of corner carry, moves both justicia and the opponent about half screen.
|name=Fireman's Heave-Ho
|input= 8GP
  | damage= 8
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 4
  | advHit= +42
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= Tosses the opponent up for a combo. Scales the combo very hard when done raw though so its usually not worth going for this one outside of combos.
|name=Bear Hug
|input= 2GP
  | damage= 104
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 4
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= Gives the opponent a bear hug :D. Leaves them standing right in front of justicia, giving her some good pressure.
|name= Air Dynamic Driver
|input= j.5GP
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 2
  | advHit= +35
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= Justicia's air throw, if it's hit raw it floor splats. Notably moves her very far forward compared to other air throws.
|name= Heartbreaker
|input= 5CT while blocking
  | damage= 32
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 17
  | advHit= +1
  | advBlock= -23
  | description= Justicia's heartbreaker, uses 5SK's animation.
  | damage= 36
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 4
  | active = 3
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -1
  | description= Basic 5LP, a bit stubby but hits frame 4.
|image=Just5SP 1.png
|image2=Just5SP 2.png
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 10
  | active = 3
  | advHit= 0
  | advBlock= -6
  | description= Reaches pretty far compared to her light buttons, not as far as 5SK but is a bit faster than it.
|name= 5LK (close)
  | damage= 40
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 5
  | active = 3
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -1
  | description=Combo filler.
|name=5LK (far)
  | damage= 40
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 6
  | active = 3
  | advHit= +1
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= Reaches farther than 5LP while still being relatively fast.
|name=5SK (close)
  | damage= 88
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 5
  | active = 3
  | advHit= +5
  | advBlock= -1
  | description= Links back to lights and into itself, very good for combos in general as it helps with juggles too.
|name=5SK (far)
  | damage= 104
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 12
  | active = 3
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= -4
  | description= Reaches very far and does the most damage out of her standing normals. Interestingly, this can be spaced for better advantage on block.
  | damage= 36
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 4
  | active = 3
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= -2
  | description= Pretty much just 5LP except that it beats low-profile moves.
  | damage= 104
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 11
  | active = 5
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= Decent anti-air.
  | damage= 40
  | guard= Low
  | startup= 5
  | active = 3
  | advHit= +1
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= Reaches decently far, pretty average 2LK.
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Low
  | startup= 11
  | active = 3
  | advHit= +43
  | advBlock= -7
  | description= Justicia's sweep.
  | damage= 44
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 4
  | active = 3
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | description= Good air-to-air.
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 7
  | active = 2
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | description= Hits above justicia, essentially has the same range as j.5SK.
  | damage= 40
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 5
  | active = 15
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | description= Good jump-in. Can cross-up but it can be a bit finnicky.
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 10
  | active = 6
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | description= Really good air-to-air and jump-in, reaches far and very fast.
====Command Normals====
|name=Dropkick Jr.!
|input= 6LK
  | damage= 104
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 20
  | active = 7
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -3
  | punishState= Dire
  | direEffect= Wall Bounce
  | description= Weaker version of C-justicia's C-Tech, useful for cancels and pressure.
|image=Just3SK 1.png
|image2=Just3SK 2.png
|name=Duck and Roll, Senton
  | version= roll
  | damage=
  | guard=
  | startup= 26
  | recovery= 2
  | advHit=
  | advBlock=
  | punishState = Counter
  | direEffect =
  | description= Low-profile, also immune to projectiles.
  | header= no
  | version= Senton
  | damage= 136
  | guard= Low
  | startup= 29
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +47
  | advBlock= -2
  | punishState = Counter
  | direEffect =
  | description= Functions like a sweep, useful for punishing fireballs or punishing people trying to hit you out of the roll. Inputted by holding SK during the roll.
|name=Revolution Slash
  | version= LP
  | damage= 152
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 13
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +1
  | advBlock= -3
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Stagger
  | description= Big smack, good for juggles. Vacuums opponents in which is extremely powerful for mix.
  | version= SP
  | damage= 152
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 23
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +7
  | advBlock= 0
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Stagger
  | description= Bigger smack, can be linked off of if hit on a standing opponent. Still vacuums opponents on hit.
|name=Flamingo Splash
  | version=Ground
  | damage= 128
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 10
  | active = Inf.
  | advHit=
  | advBlock=
  | punishState = Counter
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= A splash, mostly functions like C-justicia's j.2C but it changes her air momentum depending on the button pressed. LP goes back, SP goes a little bit forward, LK goes a very small distance forward (almost neutral), and SK goes far forward.
  | header= no
  | version=Air/Counter
  | damage= 143
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 10
  | active = Inf.
  | advHit= +32
  | advBlock=
  | punishState = Counter
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= During a counterhit or a hit against an aerial opponent, justicia suplexes the opponent. Flips the opponent out for a combo.
|image=Just236K 1.png
|image2=Just236K 2.png
|name=Rising Star, Meteor Clutch
  | version=Star
  | damage= 128
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 6
  | active = 10
  | advHit= +10, +8 (heavy)
  | advBlock= -21, -24 (heavy)
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Power Launch
  | description= Air invuln, heavy goes farther forward and has worse advantage on hit and block.
  | header= no
  | version=Clutch
  | damage= 151
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 6
  | active = 10
  | advHit= +23
  | advBlock= -21, -24 (heavy)
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Ground Bounce
  | description= Follow up after Rising Star, useful as a combo ender.
|name=Justice Hammer
  | damage= 184
  | guard= N/A
  | startup= 4
  | active =
  | advHit= +20, +11 (heavy)
  | advBlock= N/A
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Floor Splat
  | description= Command grab, has insane corner carry. Light goes forward, Heavy goes back.
|name=Sunset Slam
  | damage= 168
  | guard= N/A
  | startup= 14, 18 (heavy)
  | active =
  | advHit= +17
  | advBlock= N/A
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Ground Bounce
  | description= Running command grab. Heavy version travels 3 quarters across the screen.
====All-Out Attack====
|image2=Just236P 2.png
|caption2= BIONIC ARM!
|name=Moment of Truth
  | damage= 232
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 9
  | active = 5, 3
  | advHit= +24
  | advBlock= -15
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= Dash punch, still just a combo ender. Safe on block at max range.
|name= Defining Verdict
|input= 63214PP
  | damage= 272
  | guard=
  | startup= 4
  | active =
  | advHit= +44
  | advBlock=
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= Command grab super, justicia's highest damaging level 1 super. Mostly used for mix-ups.
====All-Out EX====
|image2=Just236P 2.png
|name=Moment of Truth EX
  | damage= 304
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 5
  | active= 5, 3
  | advHit= +24
  | advBlock= -15
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= Stronger version of Moment of Truth.
====All-Out Destruction====
|caption= RAAAHHHH
|name= And Justice For All
|input= 63214KK
  | damage= 400
  | guard= N/A
  | startup= 4
  | active =
  | advHit= +44
  | advBlock= N/A
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= Justicia's level 3, one of the only cutscene supers in the game. Can't juggle into it, meaning her highest damaging combo ender tends to be level 2. Can't be jumped out of at point blank range. Hype.
[[Category:Battle Craze!!]]
[[Category:la justicia]]

Latest revision as of 08:10, 30 October 2023


link L-la justicia exists
Pros Cons
  • High Health: L-justicia has 50 more health than average.
  • Grabs: L-justicia has 5 unique throws and 2 command throws. This gives her the ability to move opponents wherever through grabs.
  • Mobility: L-justicia has a slower dash, which makes it hard to her to make her way in.


Trait "Advanced Wrestling Technique": la justicia has access to multiple different throws by inputting the Grapple command and then any direction.
Health 1050
Mobility Dash

Move Overview

Universal Mechanics

Craze Tech

Throne of Justice, Throne Driver, Overthrone
Throne of Justice
Throne of Justice
Throne Driver
Throne Driver
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
5CT 120 Mid 21 - - - - Counter Stagger

Chair, can be hit by justicia to turn it into a projectile. All on hit values are the projectile version of the chair.

6CT 112 Overhead 21 4 - +3 -3 Dire Stagger

Overhead chair, still sets the chair down after the move.

4CT 120 Mid 14 45 - - - Counter Stagger

Chair toss, she can still hit the chair while it's in the air. If the opponent is hit by the chair before it lands justicia will not be able to hit it anymore.


Power Bomb
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
144 Throw Tech 4 - - +29 N/A

Justicia's highest damaging normal throw, moves her just a little bit forward too. Leaves the opponent right in front of her.

German Suplex
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Throw Tech 4 - - +28 N/A

Justicia's back throw, knocks the opponent far behind her.

Running Scoop Slam
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
104 Throw Tech 4 - - +29 N/A

Gives a very substantial amount of corner carry, moves both justicia and the opponent about half screen.

Fireman's Heave-Ho
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
8 Throw Tech 4 - - +42 N/A

Tosses the opponent up for a combo. Scales the combo very hard when done raw though so its usually not worth going for this one outside of combos.

Bear Hug
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
104 Throw Tech 4 - - +2 N/A

Gives the opponent a bear hug :D. Leaves them standing right in front of justicia, giving her some good pressure.

Air Dynamic Driver
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Throw Tech 2 - - +35 N/A

Justicia's air throw, if it's hit raw it floor splats. Notably moves her very far forward compared to other air throws.


5CT while blocking
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
32 Mid 17 - - +1 -23

Justicia's heartbreaker, uses 5SK's animation.



Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
36 Mid 4 3 - +3 -1

Basic 5LP, a bit stubby but hits frame 4.

Just5SP 1.png
Just5SP 2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
96 Mid 10 3 - 0 -6

Reaches pretty far compared to her light buttons, not as far as 5SK but is a bit faster than it.

5LK (close)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Mid 5 3 - +3 -1

Combo filler.

5LK (far)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Mid 6 3 - +1 -3

Reaches farther than 5LP while still being relatively fast.

5SK (close)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
88 Mid 5 3 - +5 -1

Links back to lights and into itself, very good for combos in general as it helps with juggles too.

5SK (far)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
104 Mid 12 3 - +2 -4

Reaches very far and does the most damage out of her standing normals. Interestingly, this can be spaced for better advantage on block.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
36 Mid 4 3 - +2 -2

Pretty much just 5LP except that it beats low-profile moves.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
104 Mid 11 5 - +2 -3

Decent anti-air.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Low 5 3 - +1 -3

Reaches decently far, pretty average 2LK.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Low 11 3 - +43 -7

Justicia's sweep.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
44 Overhead 4 3 - - -

Good air-to-air.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
96 Overhead 7 2 - - -

Hits above justicia, essentially has the same range as j.5SK.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Overhead 5 15 - - -

Good jump-in. Can cross-up but it can be a bit finnicky.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
96 Overhead 10 6 - - -

Really good air-to-air and jump-in, reaches far and very fast.

Command Normals

Dropkick Jr.!
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
104 Mid 20 7 - +3 -3 Dire Wall Bounce

Weaker version of C-justicia's C-Tech, useful for cancels and pressure.

Duck and Roll, Senton
Just3SK 1.png
Just3SK 2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
roll - - 26 - 2 - - Counter -

Low-profile, also immune to projectiles.

Senton 136 Low 29 2 - +47 -2 Counter -

Functions like a sweep, useful for punishing fireballs or punishing people trying to hit you out of the roll. Inputted by holding SK during the roll.


Revolution Slash
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LP 152 Mid 13 2 - +1 -3 Dire Stagger

Big smack, good for juggles. Vacuums opponents in which is extremely powerful for mix.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
SP 152 Mid 23 2 - +7 0 Dire Stagger

Bigger smack, can be linked off of if hit on a standing opponent. Still vacuums opponents on hit.

Flamingo Splash
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
Ground 128 Overhead 10 Inf. - - - Counter N/A

A splash, mostly functions like C-justicia's j.2C but it changes her air momentum depending on the button pressed. LP goes back, SP goes a little bit forward, LK goes a very small distance forward (almost neutral), and SK goes far forward.

Air/Counter 143 Mid 10 Inf. - +32 - Counter N/A

During a counterhit or a hit against an aerial opponent, justicia suplexes the opponent. Flips the opponent out for a combo.

Rising Star, Meteor Clutch
Just236K 1.png
Just236K 2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
Star 128 Mid 6 10 - +10, +8 (heavy) -21, -24 (heavy) Dire Power Launch

Air invuln, heavy goes farther forward and has worse advantage on hit and block.

Clutch 151 Mid 6 10 - +23 -21, -24 (heavy) Dire Ground Bounce

Follow up after Rising Star, useful as a combo ender.

Justice Hammer
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
184 N/A 4 - - +20, +11 (heavy) N/A Dire Floor Splat

Command grab, has insane corner carry. Light goes forward, Heavy goes back.

Sunset Slam
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
168 N/A 14, 18 (heavy) - - +17 N/A Dire Ground Bounce

Running command grab. Heavy version travels 3 quarters across the screen.


All-Out Attack

Moment of Truth
Just236P 2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
232 Mid 9 5, 3 - +24 -15 Dire N/A

Dash punch, still just a combo ender. Safe on block at max range.

Defining Verdict
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
272 - 4 - - +44 - Dire N/A

Command grab super, justicia's highest damaging level 1 super. Mostly used for mix-ups.

All-Out EX

Moment of Truth EX
Just236P 2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
304 Mid 5 5, 3 - +24 -15 Dire N/A

Stronger version of Moment of Truth.

All-Out Destruction

And Justice For All
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
400 N/A 4 - - +44 N/A Dire N/A

Justicia's level 3, one of the only cutscene supers in the game. Can't juggle into it, meaning her highest damaging combo ender tends to be level 2. Can't be jumped out of at point blank range. Hype.

Battle Craze Navigation

la justiciaCLS
Jane BaneCLS