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  |guard= Ground
  |guard= Ground
  |startup= 6.33
  |startup= {{EFZ-SF
  |active= 5
  |active= 5
  |recovery= 4
  |recovery= 4

Revision as of 06:30, 24 June 2021

Kouzuki Mio


Kouzuki Mio (上月 澪) is two characters packed into one, and can switch between 2 stances, close range and long range mode. Both stances have their own normals, specials, supers and even movement options. In her close range stance, Mio is an excellent in-fighter, with great normals, fast movement, many mixup options and a large array of reversals. In her long range stance, she becomes arguably the strongest zoner in the game, with ridiculous dhalsim style normals that can chain into each other and space control specials that can even overwhelm the other zoning specialists. The stance switching itself is extremely strong too, being fast to the point where she can gain frame advantage by cancelling moves into it. Her only real weakness is her lack of strong reversal option once she gets cornered in long range mode, which can easily take her from a full life lead to a loss against characters with strong offense. While her lack of zoning moves in close range mode might be a weakness in theory, it only comes up in a handful of scenarios in practice.

Mio is one of the heroines of ONE, a visual novel produced by Tactics in 1998. Mio is a 1st grade student in the same school as Kouhei. She always carries a sketchbook with her since she is mute. Also, her face expresses a lot of emotion, so you can easily tell how she is feeling just from looking. During ONE, Kouhei helps Mio with the theater club, and ends up remembering something that he'd long since forgotten...

Stage: Gymnasium (体育館) BGM: Smiling in innocence (無邪気に笑顔)

Character-Specific Notes

  • Mio's current mode is shown right below her health bar. Blue text means that she is in Short Range Mode, and red text means she is in Long Range Mode.
  • Mio's Short Range Mode is able to air jump once, and air dash/backstep once.
  • Mio's Long Range Mode is able to air jump once, and air dash/backstep twice.
  • Mio's Long Range Mode is quite slow and has one of the most floaty jumps in the game.

Normal Moves (Short Range Mode)

The notation for the movelists can be found under Controls.

The normal move table can be found under Mio Kouzuki/Move Data.


EFZ Mio SR 5A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
170 - - Ground 5 5 4 +2 +1 N Sp Su J IC R SB

Mio extends her arm and smacks the opponent with her notebook.

EFZ Mio SR c5B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
350 - - Ground 5 5 8 +5 +3 N Sp Su J IC SB

Mio extends her arm in an upward motion, hitting the opponent with her notebook.

  • Not the most common anti air but great to start combos off of if it hits an aerial opponent.
EFZ Mio SR f5B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
370 - - Ground 7 1 13 +3 +1 N Sp Su JH IC SB

Mio swings her arm around to hit the opponent with her notebook.

EFZ Mio SR 5C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
580 - - Ground 14 6 16 +2 0 Sp Su JH IC SB

Mio uses both arms to thrust her notebook forward.

  • Causes a wallbounce if it hits an aerial opponent.
EFZ Mio SR 6C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
600 - - Ground G: 3-13 17 12 28 -6 -8 Sp Su IC SB

Mio, dressed up like Kyo Kusanagi from The King of Fighters series, delivers a hook punch at the opponent.

  • Despite the guard point, this move is mostly reserved for combos.


EFZ Mio SR 2A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
160 - - Low 4 6 3 +2 +1 N Sp Su J IC R SB

Mio lifts her notebook from the ground to straight out in front of her.

  • 4 frame startup makes this a very powerful low, in fact it is tied for Mio's fastest normal with SR 662A.
EFZ Mio SR 2B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
80 x 8 - - Ground 7 - 21 8 x 2 12 -9 ~ +5 -11 ~ +3 N Sp Su JH IC f5B SB

Mio spins her book in front of her momentarily.

  • 8 hits makes this move very annoying to RG, along with making hitconfirms beyond easy. Hitconfirming with multiple 2A's before cancelling into this is still often better for its proration efficiency, however.
EFZ Mio SR 2C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
600 - - Low 10 12 23 / -3 Sp Su IC SB

Mio slides forward with her foot extended upwards.

  • Sweep with an extremely low hurtbox that can dodge many moves.


EFZ Mio SR j5A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
170 - - High 5 9 4 / / N J AD IC R

Mio thrusts her arm and foot out in front of her.

  • Amazing priority.

EFZ Mio SR j5B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
400 - - High 6 8 10 / / N J AD IC

Mio swings her notebook in a downward arc.

EFZ Mio SR j5C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
200 x 3 - - High, Any※ 14 5 12 / / J AD IC

Mio spins her notebook downwards.

  • Can cross up.

※ First active frame hits high.

EFZ Mio SR j2C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
600 - - High 15 Until landing 25 / / Sp Su FIC

Mio, dressed up like Shinnosuke Kagami from The Last Blade series, flies down from the sky at a 45-degree angle towards the opponent.

  • Mio stops moving during startup.
  • Launches opponent on hit.
  • Cancellable after landing, making it unusually annoying to punish on block or whiff.
  • Can instant overhead, cross up, and more while providing a full combo with IC or guard gauge.


EFZ Mio SR 66A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
150 - - Ground 6 9 3 -1 -2 Sp Su IC SB

Mio extends her arm and smacks the opponent with her notebook.

  • When the opponent is on the ground this move should not really be considered when 662A is faster, does more damage, and gives better frame advantage.
EFZ Mio SR 66B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
450 - - Ground 8 5 8 +4 +2 Sp Su JH IC SB

Mio extends her arm in an upward motion, hitting the opponent with her notebook.

  • Hit/hurtboxes are nerfed from (c)5B, but this move still sees use in combos.
EFZ Mio SR 66C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
550 - - Ground LI: 1-26 7 4 30 -10 -12 Sp Su IC SB

Mio, dressed up like Kyo Kusanagi from The King of Fighters series, does a jumping forward kick.

  • Launches the opponent.
  • Has lower body invincibility through startup, active, and some of the recovery.
  • Combo starter if used near the corner.
EFZ Mio SR 662A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
160 - - Low 4 5 3 +2 +1 Sp Su IC SB

Mio lifts her notebook from the ground to straight out in front of her.

EFZ Mio SR 662B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
400 - - Low 7 2 20 / -7 Sp Su IC SB

Mio, dressed up as Sakura Kusagano from the Street Fighter series, will do a sliding low kick.

  • Knocks down the opponent.
  • Usually outclassed by 662C, but can be the meter-optimal whiff for specific combos.
EFZ Mio SR 662C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
500 - - Low 9 20 12 / -10 Sp Su IC SB

Mio slides forward, head first, with her notebook extended out in front of her.

  • Like 2C this move has notable capacity for low profiling.


EFZ Mio SR Throw.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
100 x 8 + 400 - - Grab 5 1 17 / / None

Mio swings behind her opponent and begins to choke them until they collapse into a knockdown. This throw does not move the opponent much if at all, and Mio will remain behind her opponent following the move.

EFZ Mio SR Airthrow.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
1000 - - Grab 2 1 / / / None

Mio propels a bowl of noodles into the opponent's face with so much force that they fly backwards into a knockdown.

Special Moves (Short Range Mode)

The special move table can be found under Mio Kouzuki/Move Data.


Mode Switch
EFZ Mio LR 5S.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
/ - - / 6 / 10 / / None
  • Mio does a quick pose, and goes into Long Range Mode.
Costume-Adventurer (衣装・冒険家)
EFZ Mio SR 236.png
(From top to bottom) 236A/B, 236A/B~236B, 236C
(From top to bottom) 236A/B, 236A/B~236B, 236C
Mio dresses up as Indiana Jones and whips the opponent. This is Mio's only armor breaking move.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A/B 500 - - Any / 21 13 31 -12 -10 IC Rekka
  • This special can lead into follow ups with another 236A/B.
  • The first 236A/B is the same with both buttons, but the two versions differ in their 236A follow ups.
  • Breaks armor.
A~A Followup 0 x 3 - - Any / 22 ~ 34 2 x 3 17 +5 -9 IC
  • Mio pulls the opponent towards her for a chance to combo after.
B~A Followup 1500 - - Any / 22 ~ 34 1, 2 x 2, 3, 4, 6 34 / -18 IC
  • Mio pulls the opponent towards her and punches them into the air.
  • Breaks armor.
B Followup 825 - - Any / 40 ~ 52 4 36 ~ 46 / -18 None
  • Explosions travel along the whip that will push the opponent away.
C 900 - - Any I: 1-11 17 13 29 / -20 IC
  • Mio whips with a much bigger hitbox and causes a wallbounce.
  • This version cannot be followed up.
  • Breaks armor.
Costume-Onmyoji (衣装・陰陽師)
EFZ Mio SR 623B.png
EFZ Mio SR 623C.png
Mio dresses up as Akari Ichijo from the Last Blade series, spins, and rises, hitting the opponent along the way. Mio has a 10F recovery when she lands. Extremely fast reversal that can be easily comboed out of with IC, only being limited by its lack of horizontal range.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 400 - - Any HI: 1-7 4 4 58 / -40 IC
- 100 x 5 - - Any / 8 20 48 / / -
  • One of Mio's best anti-airs that stands out for its speed.
B 400 - - Any LI: 1-7 4 4 84 / -66 IC
- 80 x 9 - - Any / 8 36 55 / / -
  • Mio spins about twice as high as the A version.
C 400 - - Any I: 1-6 4 3 125 / -106 IC
- 120 x 14 - - Any / 7 42 96 / / -
  • Mio spins about 3 times as high as the A version.
  • Untechable.
Costume-Red Hood (衣装・あかずきん)
EFZ Mio SR 214.png
Mio dresses up as B.B.Hood from Darkstalkers and charges, swinging her knife in a windmill motion.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 200 x 4 - - Any / 19 20 22 -12 -14 IC
  • Airborne from frames 3-55.
  • Not a very good move.
B 120 x 10 - - Any / 22 36 23 -9 -7 IC
  • Airborne from frames 3-55.
  • Also not generally useful.
C 100 x 10 - - Any I: 1-11 & LI: 12-22 19 30 32 - - IC
- 75 x 9 - - Any / 49 9 12 +7 +5 -
  • A reversal option with long invincibility, but even longer startup. Usually not as reliable as the faster 623*, but is far better on block, has good range, and can be comboed after even without resources.
  • Airborne from frames 3-59.

Eternity Specials

Costume-Cat who wore short boots (衣装・長くない靴を履いた猫)
EFZ Mio SR 236236.png
Mio dresses up in a cat rain slicker and pulls a string that comes from up high. Pans, spotlights, and weights (in ascending order of damage) begin to fall on the opponent in random amounts. Both the initial hit and all falling objects are untechable launchers.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 0 + 250/300/400xN - - High I: 25 22 3 142 / -127 FIC
  • Hits before superflash.
  • With proper setup this move gives great okizeme, where any stray hit during the projectile rain will lead into a full combo whilst your opponent racks up their guard gauge. You even have ample time to threaten an airdash crossup as you mix between low 2A, instant overhead j.B, falling j.2C, etc.
B 0 + 250/300/400xN - - High I: 25 22 3 176 / -157 FIC
  • More falling objects.
  • Hits before superflash.
C 0 + 250/300/400xN - - High I: 8-11 16 3 177 / -160 FIC
  • Even more falling objects.
  • More reactable despite the faster startup as it hits post-superflash.
Costume-Student Soldier (衣装・学徒兵)
EFZ Mio SR 214214.png
Mio dresses up as a student from Gunparade March and stretches her palm forward, shooting an energy blast. NOT a projectile. All versions are untechable.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 800 + 260 x 7 - - Ground I: 1-5 7 39 33 / -48 ~ -27 IC
  • Great as both a combo tool and a reversal.
  • Has a tendency to trade but since this is untechable the opponent can often still be comboed.
  • This version strangely has a few inactive hitboxes towards the end of the blast animation, they are counted as recovery.
B 700 + 200 x 15 - - Ground I: 1-8 7 48 21 / -44 ~ -3 IC
  • Superior invincibility can get through scenarios where 214214A would trade or lose.
C 3000 - - Ground I: 1-8 7 8 36 +40 -22 IC
  • Does not launch.

Final Memory

Costume-Anyway, a lot (衣装・とにかくたくさん)
EFZ Mio SR FM.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
0 + 400 x 5 + 100 x 4 + 400 + ((236C) 100 x 30) / ((623C) 400 + 1500) - - Any I: 1-2 3 24 70※2 -28 -30 IC ※

Mio dashes toward the opponent. Continuing to hold C while dashing towards the opponent will increase the window for the next step.
※ Pressing A just after Mio collides into the opponent will lead to...
※ Mio shoves her notebook at the opponent's face. Pressing B just after the notebook hits will lead to...
※ Mio swings her notebook in front of her in a downwards arc. Pressing C after the notebook is swung down will lead to...
※ Mio, dressed up as Ecoco (company mascot of Tohoku Electric Power), swings a matchstick downwards in front of her. Pressing A after the matchstick is swung will lead to...
※ Mio, dressed up as Sakura Kusagano (from the Street Fighter series), does a sweeping kick along the floor. Pressing B just after the sweep hits will lead to...
※ Mio, dressed up as Kyo Kusanagi (from The King of Fighters series), does a spinning back kick aimed at the body. Pressing C just after the kick hits will lead to...
※ Mio, dressed up as B.B.Hood (from the Darkstalkers series), spins her knife-wielding arm vertically. Pressing S just after the knife hits 3 times will lead to...
※ Mio, dressed up as [???] (from Gunparade March), slams her clawed hand into the opponent's chest, stunning them with a burst of energy. Finally, depending on whether 236C or 623C was pressed after the palm strike hits...
※ Mio wears a Dejiko costume (from the anime Di Gi Charat) and shoots a beam at the opponent.
※ Mio wears a Kyo Kusanagi costume (from The King of Fighters series), uppercuts the opponent, and then kicks them into the wall. This move causes wallbounce and can be followed up.

  • First hit and enders cannot be IC'd.
  • Both enders are untechable.
  • This move only properly combos on a grounded opponent.

2 Mio falls into a self-knockdown if she does not cancel the first hit and is thereby invincible for the tail end of recovery.

Normal Moves (Long Range Mode)

The normal move table can be found under Mio Kouzuki/Move Data.


LR c5A
EFZ Mio LR c5A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
170 - - Ground
5 4 +2 +1 N Sp Su J IC R SB

Slightly slower than SR 5A.

LR f5A
EFZ Mio LR f5A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
170 - - Ground 7 6 9 -4 -9 N Sp Su J IC SB

Mio partially extends her notebook forward.

EFZ Mio LR 5B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
380 - - Ground 8 8 17 -8 -10 N Sp Su JH IC SB

Mio fully extends her notebook forward into the air.

Above Hit (上当て)
EFZ Mio LR 4B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
380 - - Ground 10 6 16 -5 -7 N Sp Su J IC SB

Mio extends her notebook high into the air.

EFZ Mio LR 5C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
550 - - Ground 10 2 23 -1 -3 Sp Su IC SB

Mio swings her notebook in front of her.


LR c2A
EFZ Mio LR c2A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
160 - - Low 5.33 6 3 +2 +1 N Sp Su J IC R SB

Slightly slower than SR 2A.

LR f2A
EFZ Mio LR f2A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
160 - - Low 8 6 8 -3 -4 N Sp Su J IC SB

Mio partially extends her notebook low to the ground.

EFZ Mio LR 2B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
400 - - Any 10 6 15 -4 -6 N Sp Su J IC SB

Mio fully extends her notebook across the ground.

EFZ Mio LR 2C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
150 - - Any SI: 1-2 8 2 35 / -15 Sp IC SB
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
120 x 5 - - Any / 14 2 x 5 31 / -9 ~ -1 Sp IC SB

Mio swings her notebook in a full circle multiple times above her head.

  • Fantastic anti air and combo tool that strangely has brief strike invincibility on startup.
  • First hit lauches.
  • Small inactive gap between the first and second hit while she raises the notebook higher.


LR j5A
EFZ Mio LR j5A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
170 - - Any 8 6 10 / / N Su Sp J AD IC

Mio extends her notebook slightly below her.

LR j5B
EFZ Mio LR j5B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
400 - - Any 9 14 14 / / N Su Sp J AD IC

Mio extends her notebook slightly above her.

LR j2B
Below Hit (下当て)
EFZ Mio LR j2B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
400 - - Any 11 6 12 / / N Su Sp JH AD IC

Mio fully extends her notebook below her.

LR j5C
EFZ Mio LR j5C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
600 - - High 12 6 28 / / Su Sp J IC

Mio fully extends her notebook directly in front of her.

LR j2C
Right Below Hit (真下当て)
EFZ Mio LR j2C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
600 - - High 12 9 12 / / Su Sp J IC

Mio fully extends her notebook to hit almost directly beneath her.

  • Is techable but sends the opponent so quickly downwards that as a combo ender they should hit the ground before being able to tech.
  • Can also be used as an extremely fast instant overhead but has little reward on hit.


LR 66A
EFZ Mio LR f5A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
170 - - Ground 7 6 9 -4 -5 Sp Su IC SB

Mio partially extends her notebook forward.

LR 66B
EFZ Mio LR 5B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
380 - - Ground 8 6 14 -3 -5 Sp Su JH IC SB

Mio fully extends her notebook forward into the air.

LR 66C
EFZ Mio LR 66C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
550 - - Ground 10 2 23 -1 -3 Sp Su IC SB

Mio swings her notebook in front of her.

  • Causes a wallbounce when hitting an aerial opponent.
LR 662A
EFZ Mio LR f2A.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
160 - - Low 8 6 7 -3 -4 Su Sp IC SB

Mio partially extends her notebook low to the ground.

LR 662B
EFZ Mio LR 2B.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
400 - - Any 10 5 16 -4 -6 Sp Su IC SB

Mio fully extends her notebook across the ground.

LR 662C
EFZ Mio LR 2C.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
150 - - Any SI: 1-4 11 2 43 / -23 Sp Su IC SB
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
120 x 6 - - Any / 17 2 x 6 37 / -17 ~ -7 Sp IC SB

Mio swings her notebook in a full circle multiple times above her head.


LR c6C / LR c4C
6C / 4C
EFZ Mio SR Throw.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
100 x 8 + 400 - - None 5 1 17 / / None

Identical to the short range version.

LR cj6C
EFZ Mio SR Airthrow.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
1000 - - None 2 1 / / / None

Identical to the short range version.

Special Moves (Long Range Mode)

The special move table can be found under Mio Kouzuki/Move Data.


Mode Switch
EFZ Mio LR 5S.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
/ - - / 6 / 10 / / None

Mio does a quick pose, and goes into Short Range Mode.

LR j5S
Flight (飛行)
EFZ Mio LR j5S.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
/ - - / / / 95 / / N Sp Su AD ※

Mio greatly reduces her air speed, allowing her to stay airborne much longer.

  • This move drains the IC bar while active.

※ This move can be cancelled with a 2 input.

LR 236*
Costume-Shikigami Tamer (衣装・式神使い)
EFZ Mio LR 236.png
Cancel window for FIC is right after an arrow is fired.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 700 - - Any / 22 / 26 / +4 FIC
  • Mio fires an arrow forwards.
  • Not the fastest startup and the projectile is not very big, but has a lot of hitstun.
B 700 x 2 - - Any / 26, 42 / 51, 34 / -3 FIC
  • Mio fires two arrows forwards.
C 700 - - Any I: 1-11 26/126 / 19 / +11 FIC
  • Mio fires an arrow backwards which reappears on the other side of the screen.
  • Looks silly when messing up the opponent's combos, but not usually justifiable as a use of RF meter.
LR 214*
Costume-Card Captor (衣装・カードキャプター)
EFZ Mio LR 214.png
Top layer hitboxes not pictured.
Top layer hitboxes not pictured.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 250 x 6 - - Any 35, 37, 39 ※ 9 x 3 16 / +15※2 FIC

Mio throws 3 cards into the ground, all summoning lightning strikes in quick succession.

  • Distance thrown ascends with button strength, with A going about 40% of the screen, B going half screen, and C about 70%.
  • No RF/EX version, 214C behaves like a normal special move.
  • Cancellable while the cards are in the air.
  • Effective zoning tool, but can also be effective for corner pressure.

※ The startup data is for the middle lightning strike only and describes when each section's hitbox (top, middle, bottom) becomes active. Check the table below for the full frame data.
2 Advantage from the latest hitbox (bottom of the left strike) when blocked last.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
B 250 x 6 - - Any 35, 37, 39 ※ 9 x 3 13 / +18※2 FIC

See above.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
C 250 x 6 - - Any 35, 37, 39 ※ 9 x 3 10 / +21※2 FIC

See above.

Left Middle Right
Top 41F 35F 38F
Middle 43F 37F 40F
Bottom 45F 39F 42F
LR 412*
Costume-Little Match Girl (衣装・マッチ売りの少女)
EFZ Mio LR 412.png
Mio continuously shoots fire from a matchstick which launches the opponent. Great at stuffing out buttons thanks to its large amount of active frames. Can be done on the ground and in the air.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 120 x 7 - - Any / 19 43 63 / / FIC
  • Combo tool.
B 120 x 12 - - Any / 23 63 85 / / FIC
  • Mio moves far backwards, making her harder to punish.
C 120 x 14 - - Any I: 1-17 19 71 59 / / FIC
  • Moves Mio far backwards.
  • Mio recovers before landing.
  • Most practical reversal option in Long Range, but will almost always whiff on a point blank opponent.
jA 120 x 7 - - Any / 13 43 - / / FIC
jB 120 x 12 - - Any / 15 63 - / / FIC
jC 120 x 14 - - Any I: 1-11 13 71 - / / FIC

Eterny Specials

LR 236236*
Costume-Snow Princess (衣装・雪女)
EFZ Mio LR 236236.png
EFZ Mio LR 236236C.png
Mio launches a large ball of ice across the screen, freezing the opponent and knocking them back. Can be done on the ground and in the air. Primary use is as a combo ender.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 430 x N - - Any / 9 / 64 - - None
B 600 x N - - Any I: 5-7 9 / 64 - - None
  • Travels faster than the A version.
  • Untechable.
C 850 x N - - Any I: 1-9 11 / 70 - - None
  • Travels faster than the B version and with a bigger hitbox.
  • Untechable.
jA 430 x N - - Any / 4 / - - - None
jB 600 x N - - Any I: 1-2 4 / - - - None
  • Travels faster than the A version.
  • Untechable.
jC 850 x N - - Any I: 1-4 6 / - - - None
  • Travels faster than the B version and with a bigger hitbox.
  • Untechable.
LR 214214*
Costume-Vampire Hunter (衣装・ヴァンパイアハンター)
EFZ Mio LR 214214.png
Mio, dressed up like Ciel from the visual novel Tsukihime, throws several volleys of launching Black Keys at an upward angle of 30 degrees. Used as a combo ender. All versions are untechable.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 200 x 12 - - Any I: 1-10 16 / 75 / -44 ~ -7 None
  • Mio throws 4 volleys of 3 Black Keys, for a total of 12.
B 200 x 18 - - Any I: 1-5 10 / 79 / -7 None
  • Mio throws 6 volleys of 3 Black Keys, for a total of 18.
  • All volleys but the last cause no pushback.
C 200 x 30 - - Any / 4 / 98 / -7 None
  • Mio throws 10 volleys of 3 Black Keys, for a total of 30.
  • All volleys but the last cause no pushback.

Final Memory

LR Final Memory*
Costume-Doing many things with a Fake Nanase (衣装・アレ以外の何か with 偽七瀬)
EFZ Mio LR BA2AB.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
0 + 5000 - - Any I: 1-6 6 1 22 / -9 None

Mio knocks out the opponent and proceeds to act out several scenes with other ONE characters under spotlights, finishing with an explosion. The 2 does not need to be input after the first A, it can actually be held as soon as the frame after the first B is pressed, so B2AAB would be a valid alternative input. Letting go of 2 before pressing the first A however would be invalid.

  • Knocks down both Mio and her opponent.
  • Can be comboed into or used as a last resort reversal.


Mio is an open ended character with a lot of combo variety thanks to her two stances.
Mio's ability to stance switch every ground normal can make many normals with exploitable 5S cancels appealing, but getting RG'd while stance switching as early as possible means Mio can forfeit her ability to RC back.


Notable moves
SR 2B - Really active and safe move that is annoying to RG thanks to its 8 hits.
SR 662C - Moves Mio really far forward making it good for punishes. On block you have the common IC cancel, but Mio can also opt to cancel into 623* to catch a button or 5S if they are respecting the DP.
SR jA - Super disjointed and fast normal, usually needs your double jump to combo from though.
LR 214* - Quick and large projectile.
LR 412* - Very active move that covers a lot of space and has a huge FIC window.
SR c5B - Not the best hitbox Mio has but great juggle potential.
SR 623A/C - Multihit and very easy to juggle after with IC.
LR 2C - Amazing multihit move with a massive hitbox and multiple conversions.
SR 623* - Frame 4 meterless reversal with the other aforementioned strengths, but has almost no horizontal reach.
SR 214C - Slow but travels far across the ground and is plus on block.
SR 236C - Can be used to fight pressure from moderate distance but on wakeup is weaker than other options.
SR 214214A/B - Air unblockable, fully invincible, gets a combo with IC and a knockdown without it.
LR 412C - Lots of iframes but not something to use on wakeup since it's slow and doesn't hit point blank, definitely decent on RG though.
It's not uncommon to get crossed up and "misinput" 214C when attempting 623C and vice-versa, making some oki options particularly frustrating to attempt on Mio.


Mixup options
SR j2C - Low crushing frame 19 instant overhead or crossup overhead or delay-landing overhead or a move to mess up anti air timing, all in one move that starts devastating combos and is cancellable on whiff including FIC. Also you don't even need FIC to combo after with Guard Gauge.
Pressure resets
SR 662A - Gets in their face and plus on block.
SR 66C - Moves forward while dodging lows but is minus unless 5S cancelled.


Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various contributors, some combo notations may deviate slightly from the notation listed below.

For more information, see Controls

IC Input Instant Charge (22C) when you have the right amount of RF Meter.
FIC Input Flicker Instant Charge (22C) when you have the right amount of RF Meter.
{X/Y/Z} Move X or Y or Z can be used.
#* Indicates that any of A, B and C may be used with #. Example: 214*.
[<- X] [-> X] Side switch notation. All inputs grouped by the square brackets are performed facing the arrow's direction. They are still written as if they were done facing right, however.
[X]xN Loop the inputs in the square brackets as many times as N.
c5B Proximity normal only usable while close.
f5B Proximity normal only usable outside of c5B range or when cancelled from another normal. Known as far 5B.
jX Button X is input during your first jump.
djX Button X is input during your double jump.
X(whiff) Indicates that X is intended to whiff.
X(tech trap) Indicates a combo ender intended to catch the opponent's air tech. The most common kind of tech trap is j6C, which will air throw early techs and jC later techs. Executionally identical to X(whiff) but different in purpose.
~ Indicates a followup for moves which have them. Example: 236A~236A.
.. Indicates a short delay.
IAD Indicates an Instant Air Dash.
IABD Indicates an Instant Air Back Dash.
(X) X move is omittable from the combo.
tk.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.

Basic Concepts

Mio having access to both Short Range (SR) and Long Range (LR) modes essentially makes her two characters in one, adding the fact she can switch between these modes mid combo means she has many more combo options to choose from than the rest of the cast. Players must be able to choose the correct combo options for the situation without hesitation to prevent dropped combos and less than satisfactory enders, making this a double edged sword.
Mio players will find themselves making on the spot decisions and improvising combo sections frequently. A major feature of hers is the ability to efficiently carry the opponent to the corner using her stance cancels. Out of the entire cast, Mio is possibly the best suited to EFZ's free-form combo system.
Rough Combo Flow
  • Launch the opponent into the air
  • Carry to nearest corner
  • Juggle for damage (earning back some IC and super meter in the process)
  • Knock down or tech trap
Mio has the ability to use LR 66C and SR 5C to wallbounce an aerial opponent and further extend her combos. This is an important part of her combos.
In both modes, Mio's ability to carry the opponent to the corner is very high, any hit can lead to corner carries and you'll likely be using LR 66C or SR 5C at least once to achieve this.
The features of each mode are as follows:
Short Range
  • Okizeme using j2C, cancellable into specials and supers even on whiff
  • Okizeme using 236236A
  • 214C, 623* and 214214* are excellent reversal specials
  • 662C is an excellent sliding normal, often cancelled into 214214*
Long Range
  • Zoning with her very large normals
  • Two air dashes
  • j5D to float, giving her an option to stall aerial movement at will
  • 412A/C against mashing, also usable in the air
  • 236* for fast projectiles
  • 214* for zoning lightning pillars
Okizeme using SR j2C and 236236A need RIC. 236236A also needs 1 super stock. Mio will make a lot of her combo decisions based around whether she has access to RIC in order to followup with this type of okizeme. If she has BIC in stock, Mio also has options to convert into higher damage routes if the player believes they can secure the kill.

Non-Juggle Combos


  • (SR) 2A 2A 2B 5C 236B~236A
Amazingly drains about half BIC gauge.
  • (SR) 2A 2B 2C
  • (LR) 2A 2B 5C 236236*


  • (SR) 2A 2B 5C 236B~236A IC 662C 214214A
    Very easy and useful BnB. Although it lacks in damage for the cost, it works anywhere on every character even on a far hit.

    Juggle Starters


    • (SR) j2C (with significant Guard Gauge)
    • (SR) 214214A(trade) 66B
    • (LR) (2A 2B) 2C 236A 66C
    • (SR) 66C 5S 66C
    Punish near the corner.
    • (SR) 66C 5S 2C(1) 5S 2B(1) 5C
    Very powerful punish for point blank in the corner.
    • (LR) 412A 662C(1) 5S 2B(1) 5C
    Uncommon but useful starter.


    • (SR) 2A 2A 2B 5C 236A~236A 623B(1) IC
    Needs a fairly close hit or the 623B will whiff. Consider cancelling 2B early as you don't have much juggle to work with.
    • (SR) 2A 2A 2B 2C 214214A(1) IC
    Damaging use of meter and RIC.
    • (SR) j2C IC
    • (LR) (2A 5B 5C) 412A IC
    • (SR) 2A 2A 2B 5C 236C


    • (SR) 2A 2A 2B 5C 236B~236A BIC

    Midscreen Juggles

    These parts are used to carry the opponent nearer to the corner.
    • (SR) jB j66 jBC
    Proration limit: Power needs to be over 75.1% when the first jB hits.
    This is the most useful juggle for Mio, so this should be highest priority to learn. Pay close attention to the proration limit. If you have extra proration to spend, you can do jB j66 jB c5B jB j66 jBC.
    • (SR) j66 jABC
    Proration limit: Roughly 70%
    An option for strange combo starters. It's important to consider how you're going to land from this, in some cases a delay between jB and jC may be necessary.
    • (SR) jA j9 djB dj66 djBC
    • (SR) jA j9 djB djB
    Reference Video
    Combos for converting from jA air-to-airs and tech traps. This is an important component to keep in mind to make the most of jA confirms, which is typically hard to combo from. djB djB is a link that opens up better combo options.
    • (SR) jC(1or3) j66 jBC
    This is an alternative to jB j66 jBC. Especially useful for situations where jB may not hit or if you need to adjust the opponent's height higher. Against Mai, this version is essential after j2C RIC.
    • (LR) [jAB j66]x2 jA .. jB
    Corner carry combo piece for when you're in Long Range mode.
    • (SR) j66 jB
    The jB should hit just before landing.
    Allows you to push the opponent with your air dash and use less proration. Carries for a similar distance as jB j66 jBC. While it is mainly used for BIC, it can still be used for certain RIC starters, so keep this option in mind to maximise distance carried and damage.
    • (SR) jA .. jB .. jC
    If after a wall bounce the proration is between 70% and 75.1%, you can use this.
    • (LR) jB 66 jB 66 jA jB (land) 66C
    May need to omit or replace parts for proration or if opponent is too high or too low.

    Corner Juggles

    • (SR) j9 (jA) jB jC
    • (SR) jB 66 jB jC
    Useful from a 7, 8, or 9 jump.
    • (SR) j8 j8 djB djB
    • (LR) [<- 662C(1)(back-hit) 5S] [-> 2B(1) 5C (5S) (66)]
    Flashy and proration efficient loopable juggle until around 68%. Not advisable versus Doppel, Makoto, Rumi, Sayuri, or Shiori.

    Midscreen Combo Ender

    Reference Video
    • (1 Super Stock) (LR mode) 214A/214C 214214A
    Use this ender when you think you might not be able to reach the corner. 214214A is untechable, deals decent damage and often stalls time enough to get RIC back. If you think you can secure the kill with a bit more damage, use 214214B/C.
    • (1 Super Stock) (SR mode) 214214A
    SR 214214A is also untechable. It may feel wasteful using this as a combo ender considering the cost effectiveness, but it's still much better than allowing your opponent to tech and run away, so it's an important option to remember.
    This ender is also used as a last resort in other combos where the opponent is too high to convert from. One example is the 2B(1) (f5B) 5C juggle described earlier.
    There are still okizeme options for this in SR mode, so let's push the wasteful nature of this ender to the backs of our mind.
    • (1 Super Stock) (LR mode) 662C(3~5) 214214A
    This ender is used if the opponent is too low after her typical LR mode corner carry combo: [jA jB j66]x2 jA .. jB
    Mio lands first and raises the opponent's juggle height using 662C allowing her to combo into 214214A. The number of hits of 662C depends on how low the opponent is, as you're trying to position the opponent to be hit optimally by all the projectiles in 214214A.

    Tech Trap Ender

    As previously mentioned, Mio has a strong capability to carry to the corner. This means that your combo recipes will center around corner combo ender setups, whether they be tech punish setups or knockdowns.
    SR 236236A and LR 214214A are both untechable. LR j2C is difficult to tech. As long as you remember these combo ender options, you shouldn't have much trouble.
    If there is no other option but to go for a tech trap midscreen, it will be a j6C tech trap like other characters. This option is not recommended due to her other better methods.

    Corner Combo Enders

    Reference Video
    • LR mode - (jA) jB jC (j8/j9) djA dj2B dj2C dj2C(whiff)
    LR ender. One of Mio's easier enders, it is recommended to learn this one first. Hitting the opponent with j2C secures the knockdown, meaning you can choose this option and not worry about a tech trap, but you to want to whiff a second one for meter build. This option is great damage for when you have no supers in stock. This combo ender only works at above approximately 51.5% power. If the power is lower than this, you can skip some normals. For example: jB jC [j8 or j9] jA j2C
    • SR mode - 5AxN c5B (8/9) jAAB dj6C(whiff)
    One of Mio's SR enders. This ender is ideal for following up with 236236A okizeme. 5AxN is roughly 5. You're able to adjust the opponent's juggle height by adding delays between these 5As, and from c5B onwards inputting as fast as possible. For the dj6C(whiff) tech trap, you'll want to input it shortly after you start coming down from your double jump. You should be aiming to enter j6C just after the opponent techs. Adjusting the height with 5As is important to ensure this tech trap while also maintaining some damage, giving you more time for the 236236A oki setup, allowing for more items to be summoned.
    • SR mode - 2B(3) 6C 236A~236A
    Another SR ender. 236A~236A causes a knockdown with a gap in the corner, opening up more ways to mixup your opponent and allowing for 236236* oki. One downside is the damage is lower than the previous options and there is less time to set up okizeme. This setup is particularly hard on Unknown, her small juggle hurtbox makes height adjustment difficult.
    • SR mode - 662C 236A~236A
    An alternate setup for corner gap 236236* oki.

    2~3 Stock Super Enders

    Reference Video
    • (SR mode) 2B(1) (f5B) 5C 5D(LR) walk towards corner slightly jA jB j7 djA dj2B dj236236*
    • (SR mode) 236236A IC 2B(1) (f5B) 5C 5D(LR) walk towards corner slightly jA jB j7 djA dj2B dj236236*
    • (LR mode) 214C 214214A 66C 214214*

    FM Combos

    • (SR) 2A 2A 2B 5C 641236C
    • Corner ender for 623C followup - (SR) [<- 662A(whiff, pass under the opponent)] [-> 2B(1) 5C 5S jB jC djA dj2B dj2C]
    Same deal if you don't end up in the corner but getting in front of them is less stressful.
    • (LR) 2A 2B 5C IC 662B BA2AB

    Example Full Combos

    • (SR) 5B jB 66 jB jC 2B(1) 5B 5C 5S 214C 214214A -
      Example of a midscreen anti-air juggle.
      • (SR) 2A 2B 5C 236C j9 jB jC 2B(1) 5C 5S j7 jA jB jC dj9 djA dj2B dj2C dj2C(whiff) -
        Universal 2A starter corner combo with RIC.
        • (SR) j2C FIC jB 66 jB 2B(1) 5C j7 jB 66 jB jC 2B(1) 5C 5S j7 (jA) jB jC dj9 djA dj2B dj2C dj2C(whiff) -
          Universal j2C RIC starter combo.
          • (SR) j2C FIC jB 66 jB 2B(1) 5C 5S 66 [<- 662C(1)(back-hit) 5S] [-> 2B(1) 5C .. j9 jB jC 2B(3) 6C 236A~236A 236236A] FIC -
            Relatively advanced (not universal) j2C RIC starter combo.
            • (LR) 2A 2B 5C 412A FIC (land) j9 jB 66 jA jB (land) 66C walk/wait j8 jA jB j9 djA dj2B dj236236B -
              This is in a sweet spot to show off the j236236B ender, otherwise this combo should mostly be done when not near the corner. Expect to do the regular LR ender in a match.


              • The adjustment from SR 2B(1) 5C to 5A 2B(1) 5C is often needed or is appreciated for hitting Akiko, Doppel, Kano, Rumi, and Sayuri. While midscreen, 2B(1) 5B 5C can often help with ensuring a wallbounce, or simply 5A 5C against a high opponent or naturally high falling characters.
              • Be sure to land the first hit of LR 662C in back-hit combos, the later hits do not give as much juggle time.
              • The A version of LR j236236* is techable, so as an ender it is mainly used as a higher damage option to secure kills at the end of matches.


              SR j.C is good at crossing up even while airdashing, and if spaced right has good reward.
              Instant LR j.2C is extremely fast but you can't combo off of it, airdashing away immediately is advised. Great for finishing off opponents.
              LR 412A/B is a low risk way to get some chip and build IC.
              With IC
              Instant SR j.2C FIC gives a full combo and lets you keep your turn on block, you can also do a few 2A's beforehand.
              Non-landing crossup SR j.2C FIC looks very deceptive but can tricky to implement.
              SR j.2C FIC right before landing from a jump is ideal for creating a 4 way mixup as it can be done on either side of the opponent and hits at the same time as a 2A would.
              With Super Meter
              After ending a combo with SR 236236*, Mio can FIC as the opponent wakes up and mix however she pleases. Instant SR j.B becomes amazing during the object rain, being a frame 10 overhead that only whiffs on Ayu, Ikumi, Kano, Mayu, Mio, and Neyu. While landing from a j.B, Mio can again perform her j.2C shenanigans before hitting the ground, as well as airdash to further delay and even go for a double or triple overhead if she wants to with jA (jA) j2C. If the 236236* was preceded by a 236A~236A to get the opponent out of the corner, Mio also gains the freedom to cross up or not before and/or after any attempt at a high. If the opponent is hit while you are facing away from the corner, you can try repositioning yourself with SR 662A. Wakeup time matters for this setup, it will be a lot more effective the slower the wakeup is.

              Win Quotes

              Japanese English



              I don't think
              that this is

              the correct way to
              use a sketchbook.



              You hit me
              with all your might...

              It really




              Thank you
              for rehearsing with me.




              My costume got dirty...

              The club president

              will be mad at me...


              it hurts...

              (To Akane)


              (To Akane)
              I want to

              look good with
              long hair like you.

              (To Misaki)


              (To Misaki)

              I wish you
              would notice me
              a little sooner.

              (To Ayu)


              (To Ayu)
              They're real feathers.

              They're very

              (To Mio)

              (To Mio)
              You can't just
              copy others.



              In-game References

              External References

              • Mio's standing throw is based on Sakura Kusagano's "Sailor Strangle" throw, from the Street Fighter series.
              • During Short Range Mio's dashing crouch medium move, she dresses up like Sakura Kusagano, from the Street Fighter series.
              • Short Range Mio's dashing strong move is based on Kyo Kusanagi's standing fierce kick, from The King of Fighters series.
              • Short Range Mio's "Costume-Student Fighter" move is based on Kyo-1's "Kurogami" move, from The King of Fighters series.
              • Short Range Mio's "Costume-Tokugawa Aristocrat" move is based on Shinnosuke Kagami's "Kurogami" move, from The Last Blade series.
              • Short Range Mio's "Costume-Adventurer" move is based on Dandy-J's "Hissatsu Rope" move, from Waku Waku 7.
              • Short Range Mio's "Costume-Onmyoji" move is based on Akari Ichijo's "Tenmon Hoshi No Meguri" move, from The Last Blade series.
              • Short Range Mio's "Costume-Red Hood" move is based on the first part of B.B.Hood's "Beautiful Memory" move, from the Darkstalkers series.
              • Short Range Mio's "Costume-Student Soldier" is based on some move in the life-simulation Gunparade March.
              • The beam finisher for Short Range Mio's "Costume-Anyway, a lot" move is based on Cyclops's "Mega Optic Blast" move, from the Capcom Marvel Series.
              • The uppercut finisher for Short Range Mio's "Costume-Anyway, a lot" move is based on Kyo Kusanagi's "Crouching Strong Punch" -> "125 Shiki: Nanase" combo, from The King of Fighters series.
              • During Long Range Mio's "Costume-Vampire Hunter" move, she dresses up like Ciel from the visual novel Tsukihime.

              ONE References

              • The many costumes Mio uses in her moves is a reference to her role as a member of the drama club in the visual novel.

              Nayuki (asleep)
              Nayuki (awake)