Samurai Shodown/Darli Dagger: Difference between revisions

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Line 1,113: Line 1,113:
* If she hits a projectile with the hammer, it's reflected; if the projectile is hit by the spark, it's negated.  
* If she hits a projectile with the hammer, it's reflected; if the projectile is hit by the spark, it's negated.  
* Half charged at about 1.5 seconds, fully charged at about 2 seconds.  
* Half charged at about 1.5 seconds, fully charged at about 2 seconds.  
* All fully charged versions have a point of armor.
* All fully charged versions have a point of armor (when she is in the air about smash her hammer)

Revision as of 12:57, 4 February 2024

SamSho Darli Profile.png
Darli Dagger
ダーリィ ダガー, Dāryi Dagā
  • Damage Taken: 100%
  • Rage Factor: 0.32
  • Rage Duration: 7 seconds
  • Jump: 43 frames (Fast. Back jump is 40F)
  • Forward Walk Speed: 0.3 (Average)
  • Back Walk Speed: 0.25 (Above Average)
  • Dash Speed: 1.1 (Slow)
  • Back Dash: 27 frames
  • Weapon Pickup / Drop: 40 / 64 frames


A shipwright by trade, Darli uses a variety of carpenter's tools combined with powerful strikes to focus on a high-damage, close-range brawling style.

Darli's primary gameplan centers around rushdown and bullying opponents with the damage from her normal moves, especially her jumping buttons; her j.B is a frighteningly good crossup when her safejumps are set up correctly, and j.C is a huge air-to-air and air-to-ground deterrent with amazing damage. She feels most at home at the close-to-mid range, although she also has access to some light anti-zoning tools with Serpentine Breaker to deflect/negate projectiles, High Tide to convert into knockdowns off of max-range pokes, and a somewhat unconventional conversion and mobility option in her Blade Surf special move. Once Darli gets in, she can assert herself with her close normals and more of her special moves; 5A and 2A are quick, pokey checks, n.5B is a quick and deadly close-range anti-air button and combo tool, B and C Blade Surf cross up at close-range, and she can catch bad rolls with both regular throw and her Riptide Pierce command throw. It's especially worth noting that once she's in close, her C buttons are extremely powerful because of how quickly they build guard crush; her n.5C is especially good at stopping Rage Explosions from your opponents if you can crush with it.

Darli’s main weakness is rooted in her lack of versatility. While she is very good at playing rushdown and has a fair spacing game, her grounded buttons aren't as strong as her aerial ones, being a bit slower and easier to punish; as a result, if her jumping game is shut down, she has a harder time staying in the match against opponents with a more solid ground approach than hers. While a few of her special moves either create great safejump opportunities or let her catch people sleeping when she recoil cancels a blocked move, they're also very risky to hedge bets on, and Darli can be punished hard for going for a 50/50 or recoil gamble if she makes a bad guess or if the opponent calls out the correct option for what she's going to do.

For players willing to bet big and fish for powerful blows, Darli is one of the go-to characters.

SS Darli Icon.png Darli Dagger is a no-nonsense rushdown character who keeps up the pressure with her great jumping buttons and high damage.
Strengths Weaknesses
  • High Damage: Darli has multiple sources of huge damage with her buttons and specials, as well as one of the highest damage knockdown throw combos.
  • Rules the Air: With some of the best jump buttons in the game, it is very difficult and risky to challenge Darli in the air. She also gets huge reward off air resets and can easily force opponents to play a lower-damage grounded poking game.
  • Good at Guard Crush: With her excellent j.C and f.5C, Darli can build guard crush easily and capitalize off it by crushing with n.5C, which cannot be Rage Exploded on hit because it puts the opponent airborne.
  • Strong Mixup: With 50/50 options from both close range and midscreen as well as extremely ambiguous meaty crossups via Blade Surf, Darli has a mixup game to be reckoned with.
  • Weak Ground Game: Darli's ground buttons generally have either very poor range or very high recovery. She has a hard time competing with most characters on the ground without patient play, which makes it easy to zone her out.
  • Needs To Jump: Darli needs to jump to use her best neutral tools. Characters with good AA can shut her down and force her to take big risks.
  • High Risk: Darli's 50/50 tools and recoil options are very unsafe, and she can take a lot of damage when she guesses wrong.


Darli prefers to play at close/mid range so that she can oppress the opponent with buttons and some mindgames. 236S is her primary tool for getting in from cancelable normals: it gives her both damage and positions her at her best spacing. Once she's in, she has n.5B and 2B as powerful setups for combos or recoils, and her jump-ins can act as either amazing cross-ups, wakeup baits, or help her defend her position in the air. At close range, both her normal throw and her 214D command throw let her set up safejumps, and 214D can be used to challenge certain strings/moves or wakeup rolls and get corner carry as a reward.

Playing the close-mid game also gives Darli room to play with overheads, both the universal one and her 214S as a second option that can be feinted with a backdash to bait attacks and punish. She also has good options for damage, carry, or knockdown from throws. Her 2D and 3D both happen to be relatively quick as far as kicks go, so they can help enforce a low game if used carefully despite not being cancelable.

However, once Darli is pushed out, she has a tough time working her way back in, and while she does have a fair share of punish options, she doesn't have a ton of flexibility with them if she's been put too far out of her comfort zone. Do your best to maintain at close range and close-mid range.


As far as pokes go, 5B is Darli's least committal button at midrange. It is cancelable on its first hit, and combined with 236S's distance traveled as well as 236D's incredible reach and reliability, she can easily convert pokes from 5B into consistent, strong positional shifts.

2B is a bit slower and has slightly shorter reach, so it's better mostly as a punish--that said, it does have a little more reach than it seems, so when it's well-spaced and the opponent is a little intimidated, it can be put out as a deterrent. It also has some use as an anti-air, but n.5B is generally more reliable for that due to how the hitbox works.

Once she's in close, 5A, 2A, and n.5B (and occasionally 2B) are all good oppressive tools. Though 5A and 2A don't have much in the way of guaranteed combos outside of 236A, they're good for pressuring the opponent a little bit, potentially setting things up for tick throws or 214D command throw. n.5B is much more flexible as an option--for instance, 236S is still an option from n.5B, but you can also use 236D after n.5B if you're looking for corner carry instead.

When it comes to punishes, 5B, 5C, 66B, 66C, and 66D all do the job in different ways. 5B's cancel properties make it a viable option if you're in a little closer and don't need to dash in. 5C does a lot of damage and is a little quicker than it looks, but getting deflected and losing your weapon is a dangerous gamble. Also while 5C does the most damage, even if the spacing is a little off, but the whiff recovery is nasty. 66B is the fastest option of the four, and the first hit can be canceled similarly to 5B, provided your spacing is right. 66C and 66D are slower but knock down--choosing between 66C and 66D is mostly a matter of trying to either enforce a guessing game of high or low, or using 66D to go over incoming lows if you have good timing.

For air-to-air, j.B and j.C both have amazing reach; j.B is slightly better to preempt your opponent in close air scrambles while j.C is better if you jump from farther out and have enough time to let it wind up. j.C also has slightly more utility as an air-to-ground button provided the spacing is correct, especially if you've set up a safejump. j.A is much shorter ranged but is especially fast if you think the timing is going to be too tight for a j.B or j.C, and j.D has so-so reach towards the ground.


Once the opponent is knocked down, Darli has a few oki options. The timing for safejumps are all relatively similar, though the button that you'll be using is different depending on the situation. If you're not directly at midscreen, getting a 214D or 236D that puts the opponent to the corner will usually give you enough time to jump in with a j.B to try and set up for crossup oki shenanigans, a j.C to stuff most attacks, or land safely and block whatever your opponent puts out next, provided that you time your jump correctly. If the opponent is going for rolls, particularly to side switch you, you have two options--charging 214S on initial knockdown and releasing it if they roll past you, or grabbing them with 214D to put them back in the blender. Between these two options, 214D is more reliable and generally less likely to backfire on you badly.

Aside from using 214S for sideswitch shenanigans, you can use it to bait wakeup attacks by backdash canceling it. Once the opponent is conditioned, this can be an essential part of mindgames, especially if using 214A and getting enough charge time for a full charge or close to.

Normal Moves

Far Slashes

SS Darli 5A.png
SS Darli 5A hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
30 Mid 5 5 10 19 -2 -5 5 Yes No Yes No

A smack with the bottom of the saw.

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SS Darli 5B.png
SS Darli 5B hb.png
SS Darli 5B-2.png
SS Darli 5B-2 hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
110 (50, 10*6) Mid 11 3 (8) 3 35 60 -27 (first hit), -9 (all hits) -12 10 Yes (on first hit) Yes Yes No

Darli swings the saw in, then pulls it back.

  • If you're not close enough some hits will whiff.
  • Cancelable on the first hit, allowing you to easily get 236S or 236D at most ranges.
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SS Darli 5C.png
SS Darli 5C hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
220 (max range)
305 (closer, 50, 25*6, 80)
Mid 22 (max range)
20 (closer)
2 (max range)
1 (15) 11 (closer)
37 (max range)
48 (closer)
60 (max range)
94 (closer)
KD -16 25 No Yes Yes (Disarms) No

Darli swings her saw overhead.

  • If at the tip of the range (about round start distance), you only get one hit; if you're closer (but not close enough for n.5C), you'll get a saw effect where she pulls it out of the enemy for the 305 damage hit.
  • Darli steps forward for a few frames during her windup, slightly extending her range. The f19 active frame for the closer hit only activates when she's in the proper range to hit with it.
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SS Darli 2A.png
SS Darli 2A hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
30 Mid 6 3 10 18 0 -5 5 Yes No Yes No

A crouching version of 5A.

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SS Darli 2B.png
SS Darli 2B hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
90 Mid 11 6 24 40 -9 -12 10 Yes Yes Yes No

Darli chops her saw downward.

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SS Darli 2C.png
SS Darli 2C hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
300 (100*3) Mid 24 3 44 70 KD -29 25 No Yes Yes (Disarms) No

Darli swings her saw upward.

  • Darli moves forward a little during the initial upswing, giving the move a bit more horizontal range than it appears.
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Near Slashes

SS Darli n5B.png
SS Darli n5B hb.png
SS Darli n5B-2 hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
80 Mid 7 4 19 29 -2 -12 10 Yes Yes Yes No

Darli quickly swings her saw upward.

  • Works as a great anti-air during the last two active frames, as the hitbox shifts upward to the edge of her saw.
  • Has great reliability in jump-in combos, as well as landing 236S or WFT from it.
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SS Darli n5C.png
SS Darli n5C 1 hb.png
SS Darli n5C 2 hb.png
SS Darli n5C 3 hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
225 (150, 50, 25) Mid 15 3 57 74 KD -29 25 No Yes Yes (Disarm) No

A big, upward saw swing.

  • The hitbox slightly expands forward on the second and third active frames.
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SS Darli n2C.png
SS Darli n2C hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
200 Low 20 5 48 72 KD -28 25 No Yes No No

Darli swings her saw downward, scooping the opponent's angles and then cutting away from herself.

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SS Darli 5D.png
SS Darli 5D hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 Mid 13 5 18 35 -4 -7 5 No - - Yes

A swinging kick with the rear leg.

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SS Darli 6D.png
SS Darli 6D hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
60 Low 17 2 26 44 KD -17 5 No - - Yes

Darli swings her foot up for a stomp.

  • Despite the animation, this is a low.
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SS Darli 2D.png
SS Darli 2D hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
20 Low 6 3 14 22 -4 -7 5 Yes(Whiff Only) - - Yes

A straight leg kick.

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SS Darli 3D.png
SS Darli 3D hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
70 Low 9 2 21 31 KD -14 5 No - - Yes

A sweeping kick.

  • Knocks down.
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Dash Normals

SS Darli 66A.png
SS Darli 66A hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
30 Mid 5 5 11 21 -3 -19 5 No - Yes No

A dashing version of 5A.

  • Not cancelable on hit but has a whiff cancel window.
  • Darli isn't disarmed if it's deflected.
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SS Darli 66B-1.png
SS Darli 66B 1 hb.png
SS Darli 66B-2.png
SS Darli 66B 2 hb.png
SS Darli 66B 3 hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
110 (30, 20, 10x3, 30) Mid 8 2 (10) 6 22 47 -2 -36 10 Yes (first hit only) Yes Yes (Disarm) No

A dashing version of 5B.

  • The damage is distributed a little differently, with most of the power coming from the first and last hits with one less actual hit.
  • Cancellable on the first hit, similarly to 5B.
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SS Darli 66C.png
SS Darli 66C hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
150 Low 14 4 44 61 KD -24 20 No No No No

A dashing version of her n.2C that does less damage.

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SS Darli 66D.png
SS Darli 66D hb.png
SS Darli 66D Unarmed.png
SS Darli u66D hb.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
Armed 130 High 20 6 42 67 KD -27~-25 10 No No No No

Darli does a dropkick using her saw as a vault that does 10% guard damage on block (unarmed version as well).

  • Can go over lows.
  • Darli's pushbox disappears on frame 10, and comes back on frame 39.
Unarmed 130 High 17 6 42 64 KD -49 10 No No No Only

Darli does a dropkick without her saw.

  • Unarmed version is 3 frames faster, but has 3 less frames of blockstun.
  • Can go over lows.
  • Darli's pushbox disappears on frame 10, and comes back on frame 39.
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Air Normals

SS Darli jA.png
SS Darli jA hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
30 High 10 2 - - - - 5 No - - No

A jumping version of 5A.

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SS Darli jB.png
SS Darli jB 1 hb.png
SS Darli jB 2 hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
100 High 11 5 - - - - 10 No - - No

An upward swing with the saw.

  • Can cross-up, and is one of her frequently used buttons for this purpose.
  • The hitbox shifts forward and up over its first 2 frames and stays in front for the last 3.
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SS Darli jC.png
SS Darli jC 1 hb.png
SS Darli jC 2 hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
150 High 14 4 - - - - 20 No - - No

A big downward saw swing.

  • The hitbox shifts downward immediately at frame 2.
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SS Darli jD.png
SS Darli jD hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
30 High 8 4 - - - - 5 No - - Yes

A downward swing kick.

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Unarmed Normals

SS Darli u5S.png
SS Darli u5S hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 Mid 12 7 23 41 -9 -14 5 No - - Only

A straight punch.

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Toggle Hitboxes
SS Darli u2S.png
SS Darli u2S hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 Low 12 2 23 36 -4 -9 5 No - - Only

A hook punch to the ankles.

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SS Darli juS.png
SS Darli juS hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 High 7 7 - - - - 5 - - - Only

A downward punch.

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Toggle Hitboxes
SS Darli u66S.png
SS Darli u66S hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 Mid 8 2 21 30 KD -7 5 No - - Only

A dashing uppercut.

  • Knocks down.
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Universal Mechanics

Guard Break
Guard Break (Throw)
SS Darli 6CD.png
SS Darli 5CD hb.png
Forward Throw
Forward Throw
SS Darli 4CD.png
SS Darli 4CD hb.png
Back Throw
Back Throw
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
Forward 0 Throw 3 - 71 74 +20 - - No No No Yes

Universal throw. Can be followed up with an attack.

Back 0 Throw 5 - 69 74 +25 - - No No No Yes

Universal throw. Can be followed up with an attack.

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Surprise Attack
Surprise Attack (Overhead)
SS Darli 5BC.png
SS Darli 5BC hb.png
SS Darli 5BC-2.png
SS Darli u5BC hb.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
Armed 80 High 23 - - 49 +4 -14 10 - - - No

Universal overhead.

Unarmed 70 High 16 - - 37 +4 -9 10 - - - Only

Universal overhead.

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SS Darli 5AB.png
SS Darli 5AB hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
0 N/A 1 16 22 38 N/A N/A - N/A N/A N/A Yes

Universal dodge. Avoids all attacks for a brief moment, and is mainly used to avoid throws.

Complete invincibility from frames 1 to 10. Strike invincibility from frames 11 to 16.

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Stance Break
Stance Break
A+B during Just Defense
SS Darli gAB.png
SS Darli gAB hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
0 Mid 5 - - 52 KD -24 - No - - Yes

Universal Stance Break.

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Counter / Blade Catch
Counter / Blade Catch
SS Darli 236AB.png
SS Darli 236AB hb.png
SS Darli u236AB.png
SS Darli u236BC hb.png
Blade Catch
Blade Catch
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
Armed 0 N/A 2 11 34 46 +35~+59 N/A - N/A N/A N/A No

Universal counter. Allows you to follow up with a guaranteed attack of your own. The amount of time you have to followup depends on the strength of the attack you counter, with heavy attacks staggering the opponent for the longest amount of time. Additionally if you counter a heavy slash or a running slash, your opponent will be disarmed.

Unarmed 0 N/A 2 12 9 22 KD N/A - N/A N/A N/A Only

Universal counter. While disarmed, your counter will disarm and knock away your opponent regardless of slash level countered.

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Rage Explosion
Rage Explosion
SS Darli 5ABC.png
SS Darli 5ABC hb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
0 Unblockable 21 1 - 58 0 - - - - - No

Universal Rage Explosion. Check the Mechanics page for more info.

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Lightning Blade
Lightning Blade (Issen)
5A+B+C during Rage Explosion
SS Darli Issen.png
SS Darli Issen hb.png
SS Darli Issen-2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
300~709 Mid 9 - - - KD -44 - No No No No

Universal Lightning Blade. Check the Mechanics page for more info.

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Special Moves

Blade Surf
Blade Surf
SS Darli BladeSurf.png
SS Darli 236S hb.png
SS Darli 236C Rage hb.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
A 110 (30*2, 50) Mid 12 - - 64 KD -55 3*3 No - - No

Darli jumps forward with a blue wave effect on her saw. 3 hits.

  • All versions have a ton of recovery, so don't throw them out carelessly. Their trajectories make them odd, and somewhat workable, anti-airs or jump deterrents when used correctly.
  • Light version will land Darli right in front of the opponent's face.
  • A fairly reliable conversion from both 5B and 2B.
B 130 (20, 30*2, 50) Mid 15 - - 70 KD -54 3*4 No - - No

Does 4 hits.

  • Goes a bit higher and farther than light version, and Darli lands on the other side of the opponent.
  • Still converts well from 5B and 2B.
  • At point blank, it will crossup after the second hit, so opponents will have to quickly block the other way.
C 160 (20*2, 30, 40, 50) Mid 17 - - 91 KD -63 3*5 No - - No

Does 5 hits.

  • Travels the highest and farthest of all three versions, and is the most punishable.
  • Darli lands at about the same position as the medium version.
  • Still crosses up after the second hit when done point-blank.
Rage 252 (12*6, 60, 120) Mid 17 - - 122 KD -51 3*8 No - - No

Same trajectory as the Heavy version, but has 7 hits, with an extra attack on landing that knocks the opponent to the other side of the screen if it hits.

  • Invulnerable to in-air attacks on start-up, making it a viable anti-air option.
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Serpentine Breaker
Serpentine Breaker
214S (hold S to charge)
SS Darli SerpentineBreaker-1.png
SS Darli 214S noCharge hb.png
SS Darli SerpentineBreaker-2.png
SS Darli 214S halfCharge 1 hb.png
SS Darli SerpentineBreaker-3.png
SS Darli 214S halfCharge 2 hb.png
SS Darli SerpentineBreaker-4.png
SS Darli 214S FullCharge 1 hb.png
SS Darli 214S FullCharge 2 hb.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
A (Uncharged) 80 Mid 41 - - 65 -3 -10 15 No - - No

Darli pulls out a hammer and holds it while the button is held down. She swings it when the button is released, creating a spark when she swings.

  • This move will autocorrect to hit an opponent behind Darli if the button is released once the opponent has crossed behind her, and can be backdash canceled while holding it.
  • If she hits a projectile with the hammer, it's reflected; if the projectile is hit by the spark, it's negated.
  • Half charged at about 1.5 seconds, fully charged at about 2 seconds.
  • All fully charged versions have a point of armor (when she is in the air about smash her hammer)
A (Half-charged) 160 (80*2) Mid - - - - KD -10 35 No - - No

Darli swings the hammer around, then overhead, creating two sparks.

A (Charged) 200 Unblockable - - - - KD - - No - - No

Darli jumps up and swings the hammer down.

B (Uncharged) 90 Mid 45 - - 69 -3 -10 16 No - - No

Half charged at about 2 seconds, fully charged at about 3 seconds. Otherwise similar to the A version.

B (Half-charged) 220 (100, 120) Mid - - - - KD -10 45 No - - No

Similar to the half-charged A version.

B (Charged) 250 Unblockable - - - - KD - - No - - No

Similar to the A version, but hits full-screen.

C (Uncharged) 100 Mid 49 - - 73 -3 -10 18 No - - No

Half charged at about 2 seconds, fully charged at about 4 seconds. Otherwise similar to the A and B versions.

C (Half-charged) 180 (80, 100) Mid - - - - KD -10 60 No - - No

Similar to the A and B versions.

  • Forces a stun state onto the opponent when it hits and they've recovered from the hit, allowing for free combos.
C (Charged) 500 Unblockable - - - - KD - - No - - No

Similar to the B version, but does much more damage.

  • Forces stun state like the half-charged version does.
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High Tide
High Tide
SS Darli HighTide-1.png
SS Darli 236D hb.png
SS Darli HighTide-2.png
...and release!
...and release!
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
110 (10, 100) Mid 18 - - 60 KD(+50) -22 10 No - - No

Darli swings her saw forward. If it hits, she pulls the opponent in, then knees them away from her.

  • Has incredible reach--if she's standing on the edge of the screen it will reach the middle.
  • It is not a command throw, but a hit-throw, and can be blocked.
  • Has a hitbox that extends a bit further back from the impact point, making it a reliable and safe cancel at close range if 236S might miss.
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Riptide Pierce
Riptide Pierce
SS Darli RiptidePierce-1.png
SS Darli 214D hb.png
SS Darli RiptidePierce-2.png
Drill, baby, drill
Drill, baby, drill
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
140 (20*7) Throw 6 - - 55 KD(+58) - - No - - No

Darli uses a drill and grinds the opponent's guts with it before it breaks and blasts them away from her.

  • Command throw.
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Point Break
Point Break
SS Darli PointBreak-1.png
SS Darli u236S hb.png
"Why I oughta.."
"Why I oughta.."
SS Darli PointBreak-2.png
The spirit of Galactica Phantom comes to Samurai Shodown 2019
The spirit of Galactica Phantom comes to Samurai Shodown 2019
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
A 300 Mid 85 - - - KD -60 80 No No No Only

Darli rolls her shoulder a bit as she walks forward, then punches.

  • Blockable, but it can be canceled with either a forward dash or a backdash, and it does a lot of damage.
B 300 Mid 85 - - - KD -60 80 No No No Only

No known differences from the light version.

C 600 Unblockable 85 - - - KD - - No No No Only

Visually the same as the other versions.

  • Does the most damage of all three versions, but cannot be backdash canceled. Instead, it gets one guard point during startup.
  • Completely unblockable.
  • It is visibly similar to the other versions so it can be used as a very, very limited mixup tool with the correct conditioning while unarmed.
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Weapon Flipping Technique

Lagoon Onslaught
SS Darli WFT.png
SS Darli 236BC 1 hb.png
SS Darli WFT-2.png
SS Darli 236BC 2 hb.png
SS Darli WFT-3.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
408 (476) Mid 1+12 - - - KD -26 - - - - No

Darli hits the opponent with an uppercut, then two more blows from her saw.

  • Available only during Max Rage or Rage Explosion. Disarms opponent on hit.
  • Has a guard point during the startup so she can block incoming attacks.
  • The rest of the move will come out on block, but not on whiff.
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Super Special Move

Perfect Storm
SS Darli SSM-1.png
SS Darli 641236CD hb.png
SS Darli SSM-2.png
SS Darli SSM-3.png
A shipwright's drill is her soul.
A shipwright's drill is her soul.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
680 Mid 10+21 - - - KD -42 - No - - No

Available only once per match.

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  • 5A/2A xx...
    • 236A
      A short and quick combo into 236A for knockdown at midscreen.
    • 236BC
      Combo straight into WFT. You need to be in close for this to work or it'll whiff hard.
  • 66B xx...
    • 236S
      Long range punish combo.
    • 236D
      Another long range punish combo.
    • 236BC
      Combo into WFT.
  • 2B/n.5B xx...
    • 236S
      Good close range conversion into 236S. This doesn't work very well at 2B's max range, though. Use n.5B when at all possible.
    • 236D
      At ranges where you know you're not getting n.5B, or if you hit with the tip of 2B, this combo is what you want.
    • 236BC
      Combo into WFT. Much like comboing off of 5A/2A, you need to be in close or you'll get a whiff.
  • 5CD/4CD...
    • 5B(1)/66B(1) xx 236S/236D
      Easy conversion option from 5B or 66B.
    • 5B xx WFT
      WFT combo.
    • 5C
      1.11 conversion thanks to 5C's decreased startup.
    • 66C
      Max damage option from a forward throw. Gives a knockdown.
    • 236A/236B
      Similar to 5A/2A 236A, gives you good positioning.
  • 4CD xx 5C
Max damage option from a back throw. If you're having trouble getting 5C, try double or triple tapping C as the backthrow ends.
  • j.B/j.C...
    • n.5B xx 236A/236B/236BC
      If you hit with a deep jump-in for j.B or j.C, this is basically your max damage combo. The timing can be a little strange when going from j.B/j.C to n.5B; if you're having trouble try to make sure you're not hitting the opponent too high in your jump arc, and that you're not pressing 5B too early. It should be possible to get WFT if the n.5B lands.
    • 5B xx WFT
      WFT combo.
    • 2B xx 236D
      If you're worried that you're out of range for n.5B, you can go into this instead.
  • j.C...
    • 5C
      Requires a deep hit but it will work.
  • 214C (half/max charge)...
    (Note: these combos are real, but will require your opponent to be very scared of your charges and not try to knock you out of them. Don't focus on setting these up unless you've conditioned them to get hit.)
    • 641236CD
      Max damage followup after a half/max charged 214C. The stun will give you more than enough time to run up if you're at more than half-screen.
    • j.B/j.C xx n.5B/2B...:
      Jump-in combo. You'll have to time it carefully to make sure you don't whiff the jump-in while the opponent is stunned. Refer to the j.B/j.C starters above for combo options.
    • 2BCD xx 236C
      Self-disarm for a guaranteed 236C. Much like going into SSM, this will basically do enough damage to end a round flat.


Pretty much all of Darli's midscreen combos work in the corner, too.

  • n.5B/2B xx 236S/236D
    Guaranteed in the corner.
  • CD...
    • n.5B xx 236A/236B/236D
      Similar to the throw combo above, but with n.5B added for more damage.
    • microwalk n.5B xx 236BC
      Throw combo into WFT. Microwalk is required to keep n.5B from whiffing.

Guard Crush

  • n.5C...
    Combo from second or third hit...
    • 236C
      Juggle combo.
    • WFT
      Juggle combo. (Corner Only)
  • 5C...
    After recovery...
    • 5C
      Follow up at mid range for 7-hit 5C.
    • 5B xx 236S/236D
      Standard follow up at mid range.
    • n.5B xx 236S/236D/WFT
      Standard follow up at close range.
    • 66B xx 236S/236D/WFT
      Standard follow up at long range.
  • n.5C...
    Cancel second hit...
    • 236C
      Mid screen combo.
    • WFT
      Mid screen WFT combo.
    • Lightning Blade
      Universal Issen combo.
  • 5C...
    Cancel recovery...
    • Lightning Blade
      Universal Issen combo.
  • 5C...
    Meaty attack on opponent techroll with proper timing...
    • SSM
      SSM follow up. Can be Rage Exploded, so be careful of that.



SS Darli 1.png
SS Darli 2.png
SS Darli 3.png
SS Darli 4.png

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Patch Notes
System Data
Cham Cham
Gongsun Li
Tam Tam