Eternal Fighter Zero/Akane Satomura

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Satomura Akane


Satomura Akane (里村 茜) is the Millia of EFZ, both in how she plays and how she looks. While she has low damage, her mixup game is extremely strong as in addition to Millia’s tools, she received Urien’s Aegis Reflector and Akuma’s Demon Flip. She is also a threat in the neutral game, being able to use Captain Commando style assists to control space. Her limits are mostly linked to the player’s execution, as the timings of her various setups and combos are extremely tight and character specific.

Akane is one of the heroines of ONE, a visual novel produced by Tactics in 1998. She is a classmate of Kouhei. When it rains, one will always find Akane at the grassy field, looking as if she was waiting for someone. She is very quiet to the point where you could say she isolates herself from others. During ONE, Kouhei learns the reason for Akane's melancholy, which is connected to his own fate...

Stage: Rainy Field (雨の空き地)

BGM: A Tair

Character-Specific Notes

  • Akane is able to air jump once, and air dash/backstep once.
  • A few of Akane's moves call forth her friend Shiko to the battle. If Shiko is already on-screen, Akane will not be able to use any Shiko-centric moves until Shiko is off-screen again.

Normal Moves

The notation for the movelists can be found under Controls.


Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
170 - - Ground, any 4 1 6 +3 +2 N Sp Su J IC R

Akane does a quick slap to the opponent's face. Has very short range compared to most characters. Almost impossible to link two 5As together. Using the 2A would be safer.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
360※ - - Ground, any 5 7 6 +1 +1 N Sp Su J IC f5B 2B

Akane tosses her hair forward into the opponent. ※ 1~2F = 360, 3~4F = 350, 5~7F = 300

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
400 - - Ground, any 7 5 11 +0 -2 N Sp Su J IC

Akane's hair forms into a blade and stabs directly forward.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
80x9 - - Ground, any 10 9 17 -3~+5 -5~+3 Sp Su IC

Akane's hair forms into a large drill in front of her and spins. Since this move hits multiple times and cannot be guarded normally in the air, it can be an effective move against opponents jumping in.


Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
170 - - Low 5 5 2 +3 +2 N Sp Su J IC R

Akane does a small kick at the opponent's feet.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
370 - - Low 6 10 11 -5 -7 N Sp Su J IC

Akane slides forward feet first as a kick. As this attack moves you closer to the enemy, it has some uses for tick throwing.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
550 - - Ground, any 9 2 25 -6 Sp Su J IC

Akane extends her head out almost touching the ground and back again, allowing her hair to cut a wide arc in front of her. This move will knock down the opponent if it connects. It's a good combo starter if you have the meter to IC. Otherwise, you can set up some oki tricks off a non IC'd hit.


Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
180 - - High/Air 6 10 2 N Sp Su J IC R

Akane does short diagonal kick that extends more down than forward.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
380 - - High/Air 6 / 6.33 3 15 N Sp Su J IC

Akane spins in midair, causing her hair to extend out a good distance horizontally.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
600 - - High/Air 11 9 Until landing Sp Su J IC

Akane's hair forms into a large hammer, which she then swings down hard. This move will cause the opponent to shoot towards the ground on hit and should only be used for ending an air combo.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
550 - - High/Air 8 6 19 Sp Su J IC

Akane's hair forms into a large hammer, which she then swings forward with good horizontal range.


Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
250 - - Ground, any 7 1 5 +4 +3 Sp Su IC

Akane does a quick slap to the opponent's face.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
150x3 - - Ground, any 7 10 11 -5~+1 -7~-1 Sp Su J IC

Akane tosses her hair forward into the opponent. Two trailing shadows repeat the motion.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
650 - - Ground, any 8 2 16 +5 +3 Sp Su J IC

Akane puts all of her body into a two-handed shove. This move causes wallbounce when used on airborne opponents. This property makes this move one of Akane's most useful normal moves to use during combos.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
220 - - Low 6 6 1 +3 +2 Sp Su IC

Akane does a small kick at the opponent's feet.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
370 - - Low 6 14 8 -4 -6 Sp Su IC

Akane slides forward feet first as a kick.

Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
600 - - High/Air 26 5 12 +6 +4 Sp Su IC

Akane does a short running hop, turns her hair into a large hammer, and swings down hard. Because of the long startup time for this move, it is really only useful as an overhead attack on a waking opponent.


Close 6C/4C
Ground Grab
Close 6C/4C
EFZ Akane GroundGrab.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
0 + 1000 - - None 5 1 - - - IC

Akane grabs the opponent with both hands and then shoves them away. The second hit can be IC'd for a followup combo.

Close j6C
Air Grab
Close j6C
EFZ Akane AirGrab.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
0 + 1200 - - None 2 1 - - - None

Akane grabs the opponent and throws them over her shoulder once she reaches the floor.

Special Moves

The notation for the movelists can be found under Controls.


Enter Shiiko-san
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 650 - - Any 2 Until off screen None

Shiiko appears from offscreen behind Akane, and twirls across the upper half of the screen.

B 500 - - Any - 2 - None

Shiiko runs from offscreen behind Akane to where the opponent was when the move was performed, and throws a punch.

C 800 - - Any 11 Until off screen - - - None

Shiiko appears from offscreen behind the opponent riding a scooter, and drives across the screen.

Rainy Spin
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 400 + 70x6 - - Any 5 2 + 2x6 69 - - IC

Akane spins into the air. Unfortunately doesn't make for a very good antiair. Extremely punishable on whiff or block without IC. Very fast startup which can be buffered during RG. Can be IC'd from any of the hits. Akane remains grounded for the first hit which can allow combos with 412C~C if this hit trades. Can be used as a grounded launcher if the first hit (or second if buffered) is IC'd which can give Akane enough time to switch sides with 662B.

B 100x4 + 250 + 100x4 - - Any 10 2x4 + 2 + 2x4 64 - - IC

Akane skims along the ground and then spins into the air. Extremely punishable on whiff or block without IC. Fully invincible frames 10-13 preventing the initial hit from trading. Can be IC'd from any of the hits, but ICing the launching hit (5th hit) will launch the opponent while keeping Akane grounded.

C 100x6 + 400 + 100x6 - - Any 10 2x6 + 2 + 2x6 73 - - IC

Akane skims a further distance along the ground and then spins into the air. Extremely punishable on whiff or block without IC but some characters may struggle to chase. Fully invincible frames 1-13 making it an effective reversal against grounded opponents. Can be IC'd from any of the hits, but ICing the launching hit (7th hit) will launch the opponent while keeping Akane grounded.

Assault Leap
214*~Empty followup
214*~Empty followup
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
214* - - None

Akane somersaults into the air. After a short time she can choose to cancel into any of followups below.

  • A: Akane leaps slightly forward.
  • B: Akane leaps slightly backwards.
  • C: Akane leaps forwards.
Empty 214
500 - - Low 6 10 15 -5 IC

Akane lands and does a sliding kick similar to 2B that launches on hit. This followup does not occur on 214B.

Air Carrier
1000 - - Grab 4 1 None

From Assault Leap only.

During Akane's Assault Leap, Akane stops somersaulting and reaches out with her hand. On connecting, the opponent is first airthrown, and then launched into the air. This move requires strict timing. Once the move is performed, Akane's hand must reach the opponent within about half a second, otherwise the move becomes harmless and can be easily punished. This move can set up for high damage combos in the corner, though it's difficult to follow up out of corner.

Stun Needle
200x3 - - Any 13 Until off screen FIC

Akane throws 3 fast hair needles forward and slightly down at the opponent. The direction of the input always remains the same even when crossing behind the opponent. If the C version needles are blocked, they will bounce up into the air and fall down on the opponent. The angle of the needles is exceptional for playing a good keepaway game, and can be used to punish various long range setups. Using various heights can be effective in confusing a player, too.

Air Sting
400 - - Any 5 Until landing IC

Akane abruptly divekicks downwards at a steep angle. Auto-corrects to face towards the opponent except when used after Trick Leap.

Trick Leap
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
412* - - - - - - - - - None

Akane quickly leaps a certain distance forward in the air, and drops straight down.

  • A: Akane leaps a short distance forward.
  • B: Akane leaps a medium distance forward.
  • C: Akane leaps a long distance forward.

You can also use the 5C and 236* followups from Assault Leap with this move.

Pile Masher
250x3 - - Any 10 Until landing None

From Trick Leap only.

Akane's hair forms a drill around her feet and drills straight down. This move will knock down the opponent if it connects. Has ground bounce properties which allow OTG combo followups once the opponent touches the floor.

Bad Waffle
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 250xN - - High/Air 18 Until landing 16 - - IC

Akane's hair transforms into a giant waffle surrounding Akane, and spins diagonally down-forward until reaching the ground. TK this (2369A) when close to your opponent for a fast overhead that will avoid many low attacks.

B 250xN - - High/Air 19 Until landing 16 - - IC

Similar to above, except with a different angle - goes back a bit before going down. Airdash or jump over a knocked down opponent and use this for an ambiguous left/right overhead.

C 140xN - - High/Air 13 Until landing 16 - - IC

Similar to the B version. Fully invincible until the first active frame. The hits tick much faster resulting in higher overall damage if not cancelled.

Eternity Specials

Rain of Tears
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 80x16 + 150/200/250x16 - - Any 21-24 Until offscreen, Until landing - - - None
B 80x24 + 150/200/250x24 - - Any 13-16 Until offscreen, Until landing - - - None
C 80x33 + 150/200/250x33 - - Any 5-8 Until offscreen, Until landing - - - None

Akane launches several hair swords straight up off screen. A moment later, the swords fall aimed at the opponent. There are three different random angles of falling sword which have increasing damage and chip correlating to how steep the sword falls. The opponent can be hit by both the launched swords going up and the falling swords coming down. The number of swords that fall is directly related to the number of swords Akane launches. If Akane is interrupted by an opponent during the move and only launches 5 swords, only 5 swords will fall. In the corner, this attack can easily be comboed after a 214 4C or a 66C wallbounce. It is usually used for tech trap okizeme setups or just for damage. Don't use this randomly because it is easily punished by throws, the throw invincibility keeps the opponent safe from falling swords.

Absolute Rejection Barrier
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 500 - - Any 19 120 - -12 None

Akane turns her back toward the opponent as a light-blue barrier appears a short distance in front of Akane.

B 500 - - Any 19 120 - -12 None

The barrier appears a medium distance in front of Akane. Metered midscreen oki option when used with trick leap.

C 500 - - Any 19 120 - -12 None

The barrier appears a short distance above Akane.

Dempshiiko Roll
EFZ Akane 641236C.png
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 130x8 + 1600 - - Any 10 2x8 + 2 - - +14 IC

Shiiko jumps in front of Akane with boxing gloves and performs a Dempsey Roll boxing technique, ending with an uppercut. Can FIC any time after Shiiko arrives until before the final hit.

B 150x14 + 1500 - - Any 9 1x14 + 2 - +12 IC

Shiiko jumps in front of Akane with boxing gloves and hits the opponent by moving her head in a figure-eight pattern (part of the Dempsey Roll boxing technique). Shiikoko then finishes the move with an uppercut. Can FIC any time after Shiiko arrives until before the final hit.

C 3500 - - None - Until off screen - None

Shiiko jumps in front of Akane with boxing gloves and moves her head in a figure-eight pattern (part of the Dempsey Roll boxing technique) in the background. After a few seconds, Shiiko launches herself straight up and slightly forward to do a powerful and unblockable frog uppercut. In this version, Akane is able to move after Shiko starts moving her head. This time should be used to keep the opponent in the exit path of Shiiko's uppercut.

Final Memory

Unpleasant Hell Murder
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
4500 - - None 1 50 0 None

Akane, with one leg raised and bent, slowly slides forward. On connecting, the screen turns black for a few seconds, and then Akane is seen looking away from the downed opponent. If this move drains the last of the opponent's hit points, the kanji for "Unpleasant" (嫌) appears in the background. Even though this move is unblockable, Akane can still be hit out of it very easily.


Akane is an executionally demanding setplay oriented character with strong mixup options, especially with meter.
Akane's combo damage is often quite low without utilising her advanced combos which are difficult and vary a lot depending on the opponent's character and screen position.
Akane's longer range attacks have extended hurtboxes which are often beaten by more footsie based characters. This leads to Akane often playing a patient neutral utilising her assist, Shiiko, to control space.


Notable moves
f5B - A decently ranged poke with low commitment.
2B - A fast low slide, it doesn't go as far as its dashing counterpart but is safer and good in RG battles. There is also a momentum glitch which gives this move a substantial speed and distance boost. This can be performed by pressing 3B in a single frame window (you can start from 6).
5C - Giant multi-hitting air unblockable drill. This move usefulness is very matchup dependant, some characters with small crouching hurtboxes like Ikumi, Mayu, Mio and Nayuki (Asleep) can crouch and even poke underneath this attack.
662B - Very fast long distance sliding low, great for punishing and making your opponent watch their toes.
j6C - Amazing horizontal and upwards vertical reach, use this to defend your airspace. Unfortunately difficult to convert from unless near the corner.
j5B - Akane's go to air to air move, it has the same startup as her j5A with less active frames but much better horizontal reach. Easy to convert from.
236A - It is important to consider screen position when using this move, when Akane is cornered the move hits much faster, when the opponent is cornered it will reach them extremely slowly. There are several ways this move can play out against a jump in. The most simple is opponent is hit by Shiiko, depending on their height and distance from Akane it may be possible to combo afterwards. The opponent can hit Akane and then gets hit by Shiiko, this is often the ideal scenario and gives the most opportunity to combo at the expense of some HP. The opponent can hit Shiiko knocking her out for a short time, depending on the attack this can give Akane time to jump up and punish (provided the attack didn't also hit Akane).
236B - The same rules and scenarios as 236A apply. This is slightly slower but does hit lower down where 236A would whiff, this is most useful against hoverdashes and instant airdashes.
Airthrow - A solid anti-air option in EFZ, 2f startup after jumping and beats opponents trying to air RG your anti airs. Gives decent corner carry and time for non-super meter mixups.
RG 5A/5B - This is a strong option select against mid sized air normals and empty mixups. 5A is small horizontally but very fast and has good vertical reach, 5B is almost as fast and trades some vertical reach for horizontal. By buffering the RG and pressing attack can you OS against empty mixups. This OS is defeated by multi-hitting or rapid cancelling attacks which will hit you out of your attack after RG (these kinds of attacks are usually quite small or high committal so are vulnerable to other anti-airs). The opponent is also able to counter RG your attack.
RG 236A/236B - Similar to above but 236A hits higher to retaliate against larger attacks or double jump cancels. This can also beat out some multi-hitting attacks by allowing Akane to tank the hit for Shiiko to hit them.
RG FM - If the opponent is close and low enough there is nothing they can do to stop this hitting unless they have an invincible air move.
623C - Invincible startup with low hitboxes but fast forward movement. With BIC this can be cancelled into pressure on block or into high damage on hit. Without BIC, on hit it does not lead to a knockdown or a guaranteed airtech trap and essentially resets to neutral. This needless to say, this move is extremely unsafe on whiff or block without BIC.
641236B (Level 2 Shiiko Super) - Invincible startup, reasonable damage on hit and can be FIC'd to make it safe even if the opponent doesn't block it. Unfortunately, this move does not possess good vertical reach and the opponent will often fall out of the super if they are hit by it in the air.
FM - While this possesses no invincible frames, it does have a 1 frame startup so can challenge close up opponents moves that are not already active.
Akane has some unique options in RG battles by using her assault leap or trick leap specials to bypass the movement restrictions that are usually imposed by RG.


Mixup options
TK bad waffle (2369A) is a fast scary overhead that can beat low mash and converts into good damage with IC. 5A, 2A, c5B and 2B are all jump cancellable on block allowing for a fast TK waffle but be sure to watch for RGs. It is also possible to buffer a dashing TK bad waffle using 62369A to threaten overhead from a longer range.
662C is also another overhead that can beat some lows, it is slower and has a more obvious startup but can still catch people off guard. Notably 662C can be linked into 5A and converted from without IC or super meter.
Akane's ground throw can be IC'd, with BIC in the corner this can lead to very good damage.
2A is Akane's fastest low, you may want to delay it sometimes to catch opponents trying to fuzzy your overhead. It has good range, frame advantage and active frames for a 2A.
2B is a slightly longer range low that is further down the cancel chain, make sure to use this to ensure your opponent keeps blocking low.
If the opponent is blocking low midscreen and spaced correctly or just outside the corner you can attempt to cross up with IAD jAB 2B/662B or IAD jC 2B/662B.
5C is a good mixup tool if the opponent likes to RG a lot due to the lack of absolute guard in EFZ. The very fast multi-hit properties makes it is extremely difficult to RG and in the case that it is RG'd it is very difficult to challenge the followup hits. On hit, you can combo into 623B/C (IC) on reaction.
Pressure resets
66A and 662A have a fast startup, forward movement, low recovery are plus on block so use them to stay close to your opponent and keep the threat of TK bad waffle. 66C is also plus on block but may not put you at as good spacing and has worse startup and recovery.
236B is an interesting reset option but as with anything Shiiko related it's effectiveness depends on your screen position. Providing the opponent is close enough to your corner this can be tight from 5C, 2C and 66C. On block this will give you frame advantage reset and often puts you at a spacing where 662B is plus on block. You can also dash, airdash or trick leap back in for more pressure or a mixup. On RG the opponent is locked in place but free to attack so be cautious when trying to reset and think about the best way to avoid or punish the button they may press.
236C can be used as a frametrap and pressure reset from longer ranges where your opponent may feel safer trying to jump out.
214 assault leap and 412 trick leap can be used to reset pressure. The 5C air sting divekick followup can be plus on block depending on spacing and timing but you need to be ready to IC or counter RG if they RG. On IC you can double jump, airdash, bad waffle or land 2A as a mixup. From assault leap you also can try to throw the opponent with 4C air carrier (which also grabs airborne opponents!) if they commit to trying to RG (or air RG) your 5C air sting divekick. You can use the 236 stun needle followup to bait and punish anti-airs, you can also FIC these needles to airdash in for a pressure reset or combo.
412* trick leap into the 2C pile masher followup can be used to crossup the opponent, is hard to anti-air and will often punish jumps. 2C pile masher can sometimes be plus on block depending on the height it is blocked from.
623B IC can also be used to reset pressure, especially after using a 662B that may be punishable or not spaced to be plus. It is multi-hit and moves forward so can provide some corner carry. You can IC any blocked hit and even IC it to end up in the air for an interesting mixup situation. Be careful of RGs because this move has a 10 frame startup and will often lose in an RG battle despite its special trade prevention invincibility frames. You may want to IC the move you are cancelling from or use 623A IC instead in these scenarios. 623C is the frame 1 invincible EX variant, but you will need BIC to IC this (or an almost fully red RF gauge so you generate enough RF meter to IC back while they block it).


Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various contributors, some combo notations may deviate slightly from the notation listed below.

For more information, see Controls

IC Input Instant Charge (22C) when you have the right amount of RF Meter.
FIC Input Flicker Instant Charge (22C) when you have the right amount of RF Meter.
{X/Y/Z} Move X or Y or Z can be used.
#* Indicates that any of A, B and C may be used with #. Example: 214*.
[<- X] [-> X] Side switch notation. All inputs grouped by the square brackets are performed facing the arrow's direction. They are still written as if they were done facing right, however.
[X]xN Loop the inputs in the square brackets as many times as N.
c5B Proximity normal only usable while close.
f5B Proximity normal only usable outside of c5B range or when cancelled from another normal. Known as far 5B.
jX Button X is input during your first jump.
djX Button X is input during your double jump.
X(whiff) Indicates that X is intended to whiff.
X(tech trap) Indicates a combo ender intended to catch the opponent's air tech. The most common kind of tech trap is j6C, which will air throw early techs and jC later techs. Executionally identical to X(whiff) but different in purpose.
~ Indicates a followup for moves which have them. Example: 236A~236A.
.. Indicates a short delay.
IAD Indicates an Instant Air Dash.
IABD Indicates an Instant Air Back Dash.
(X) X move is omittable from the combo.
tk.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.


5ABB 2C 623B - 1947 damage
5ABC 236B 662B 623B - 2188 damage
214C 4C j6C 214C 4C j6C j6C - 2700 damage


Midscreen :
5AB 2C 236C A 5B 2C IAD jB 66B jB j6C jB jC j236A - 3412 damage
2369A(TK) IC 5B 2C IAD jB 5B 2C IAD jB 66B jB j6C jBjC j236A - 3251 damage
2369A(TK) IC 66B jB 66 jB 214C 4C j6C j6C - 2439 damage
2369A(TK) IC 66B jB 66 jB 214C 4C 236236A/B/C 214C 4C - 3k->4k+ damage
2369A(TK) IC 5B 2C IAD jB 5B 2C IAD jB 66C 236A 66 236236A - 3950 damage
2369A(TK) 5B 2C IAD jB 5B 2C IAD jB 66C 662A(whiff) 214214A jABC - 3500 damage
2369A(TK) IC 5C 412B 5C 5B 214C 5C 5A 66C 236A 66 236236A - 2439 damage
2369A(TK) IC 5C 412B 5C 5B B 2C IAD jB 66C 236A 66 236236A -2800 damage
Corner :
5ABB 2C IC 66C 766 jB 5B jB j6C jB jC j236A - 3132 damage
5ABB 2C IC 66C 214B 5C 66A 66C 236A 44 236236A 412A 2C 2A 5B jB j6C jB jC - 2813-2833 damage
jC 2B 2C IC 66C 744 j214B 5C 5B 2C IAD jB 66C 236A 44 236236A - 3500 damage
5ABB 2C IC 66C 412B(412A) 2C 2A 5B 2C 412C 2C 2A 5B jB j6C jB jC j236A - 3599 damage
2369A(TK) IC 66C 766 jB 66C 412B 2C 2A5B2C 412C 2C 2A5B jBj6C jBjC - 3601 damage


Midscreen :
5AB 2C IC 66B jB 66 jB jB 66 jB 214C 4C 236236C 214C 4C - 5741 damage
5ABB 2C IC 662B 66A 66C 214C 5C j6C j6C j214C 4C 236236C - 6000 damage
Grab IC 5B 214C 5C 5B 214C 5C 5B 214C 5C 5A 66C 236A 66 236236C - 6239 damage
Grab IC 66C 214B 5C 66 jB 66 jB j214C 4C 236236C j6C j214C 4C - 6153 damage
Grab IC 66B IAD jB 66B jB 9jB 66 jB j214C 4C 236236C - 5731 damage
Grab IC 66B IAD jB IAD jB 66B jB 66 jB j214C 4C 236236C - 5578 damage
Grab IC 66B 214C 5C 5C 412B 5C 5B 214C 5C 5B 2C IAD jB 66C 236A 44 236236A - 4900 damage
Corner :
5ABB 2C IC 66C 766 jB 66C 766jB 66C 44 66A 66C 236A 44 236236A - 4473 damage
5ABB 2C IC 66C 766 jB 66C 766 jB 66C 412B 2C 2A 5B 2C 412C 2C 2A 5B jB j6C jB jC j236A - 5535 damage
5ABB 2C IC 66C 66A 66C 66A 66C 66A 66C 236236C 214C 4C - 6248 damage
5ABB 2C IC 66C 214B 5C 66C 214B 5C 66C 214B 5C 66C 236A 44 236236C 214C 4C - 6634 damage
5ABB 2C IC 66C 766 jB 66C 641236C 66A 66B jB j6C jB jC 214B (land) 236B 66C jB j6C jB j6C 214C - 6746 damage
236B 5C 623C IC jB j6C j214C 4C 236236A 236236A 236236A - 7600 damage

Combos into FM

5ABB 2C IC 662B FM
5AB 2C IC 6 5B 2C 412C 2C 5A FM
Grab FM / Grab IC FM
5ABB 2C IC 66C FM (rep5-5)
  • 662B doesnt work on everyone !
  • The combo with 236C (rep2-4) only works at midscreen!
  • For 5B 2C IAD jB its an important combo chain of Akane so you should practice it ! Choose Mio/Misaki/Ayu for dummy its easier to hit them with it. The right height for it to work is around Akane's skirt.

Situational Combos - 2C IC-less Pickups

From deep jump-ins or starters very close to the opponent, it can be possible to perform extended combos without using IC by jump cancelling 2C.
j.C/5A(A)/2A(A) 2B delay 2C jAAB6C djBC j236A - 2562 damage from a 2A starter (IC the j236A tech trap for another combo)
  • Works on everyone except Akane, Mayu and Unknown.
  • Hard on Mio (the second jA sometimes drops with very close 2Cs) and Mishio.
2A 5B 2B delay 2C jAAB6C djBC j236A - 2739 damage (IC the j236A tech trap for another combo)
  • Works on everyone except Akane, Mayu, Sayuri, Unknown and Mishio.
(j.C/5A/2A) 2B delay 2C jB 66 jB j214C 4C ({j6C dj6C} or {236236X etc.}) 2414 damage from 2A starter (2715 or 2985 with j6C(s))
  • Works on everyone except Makoto.
  • Hard on Mizuka, Rumi, Ayu, Shiori, Misuzu, Doppel, Unknown and Nayuki (Awake).
IC-less swords setup
j.C/5A/2A 2B delay 2C jAA delay jA(A) 5a delay 66c 236A 44 236236A
  • Unfortunately too hard to be practical.

5A/2A 2B delay 2C jB 66 jB j214C 4C (j6C (dj6C)) - 2414 damage from a 2A starter (2715 or 2985 with j6C(s)) (no good tech trap except swords in the corner)
  • Works on Mio, Shiori, Mai, Kaori, Akiko and Kanna.
  • Hard but possible on Kano, Ikumi and Unknown.
5A/2A 5B 2B delay 2C jC - 1833 damage from a 2A starter
  • Works on Rumi, Mio, Doppel and Nayuki (Awake).
5A/2A 2B delay 2C jC - 1580 damage from a 2A starter
  • Works on Mizuka, Rumi, Mio, Doppel, Nayuki (Awake), Mishio and Akiko.


IAD jC land 2A, can land on either side for a left/right mixup with 2A depending on spacing and how long you hold the airdash. Delaying slightly can mixup high/low with jC and 2A but make sure you are spaced sufficently to hit jC in front.
If spaced correctly (quite close so that the airdash is cancelled for turn around buttons) or just outside the corner you can attempt to cross up with IAD jAB 2B/662B or IAD jC 2B/662B.
jumpback air IAD jC, safejump setup which can land on either side. jC can crossup here but it is quite difficult so make sure to practice.
669 jC, another safejump setup which can land on either side. jC can crossup here but it is quite difficult so make sure to practice. The advantage of this setup is that you still have a double jump and airdash available on block for further mixups.
jump 9 jA double jump 9 jA fall down jC, yet another safejump setup which can land on either side. This one is quite hard for the opponent to see and is easier due to the speed of falling from a greater height.
Remember from any safejump setup there is is option of timing it early for a low mixup or with respect empty low/throw/overhead.
In the corner 236B Shiiko can be used for safe okizeme. You can block while she hits and are free to mix them up afterwards. You can also leave a tiny gap between the opponent and the corner by airdashing at them after a wallbounce, you can use this to make Shiiko hit crossup by using 412 trick leap and then the 5C divekick followup to pickup a combo.
With IC
If you end a corner combo with 236C and then push the opponent just outside the corner with 662B, the exhaust fumes of the scooter can be used to hide your left/right/high/low mixup
IAD j236A or IAD j236B. By airdashing just behind the opponent and using bad waffle you can do a crossup high and combo or start pressure on block. The B version will be an uncrossup high since it moves backwards during the startup which can be very hard to block correctly. The low mixup is (jC startup) land 2A, the startup of jC looks somewhat like bad waffle which make it even harder to react to.
669 (IA jA whiff) j236*. Similar to above but you can choose to do the bad waffle from higher up which forfeits the low mixup potential for another left/right mixup depending on whether bad waffle has passed through them by the time they wakeup.
late 669 jC (high up) j236A. This can be used to bait some reversals because they will whiff under the jC and on RG it is hard to counterpoke against bad waffle at that height.
214*~236* FIC 412*~2C. A very silly experimental crossup mixup with stun needles and trick leap. You must FIC and trick leap as fast as possible to get the crossup. On hit the 2C pile masher followup will allow you to pickup an OTG combo afterwards.
With Super Meter
From 2C 214214B midscreen setup. Its important to make know the spacing of the B barrier so it will meaty their wakeup and not to cancel from 2C too early or it might combo. You can threaten a left right mixup with trick leap and on hit pickup a combo afterwards.
From 236236* corner setup. You can use 412A~2C and mixup the timing for a left/right mixups. On hit you can OTG pickup with 2A 66C 236A 44 236236 to go straight into this same setup again. You can also IAD as an alternative left/right mixup option more choice of mixups if they guess correctly.
641236C level 3 Shiiko is unblockable and you can punish any reversals depending on the setup. The typical setup from a corner combo is: 66C 641236C backwards hit 66A which puts them into the corner to be meatied by the unblockable. Just setting up 641236C from any closeup knockdown (like a dropped combo) and then meatying with 1A c5B 5C 623B is also an option to keep the opponent stuck in the unblockable. This is not unescapeable or safe from all reversals though so be sure to check your opponents meter and be ready to bait.

Win Quotes

Japanese English


Don't bother me...


My hair...
seems to have become
a bit unruly...


How are things
going at school?


It's over.
Do you understand?
Then leave immediately.

(To Ayu)


(To Ayu)
Taiyaki are good, but waffles are much better...

Next time...
I'll take you to a shop I know.

(To Mai)

(To Mai)
I didn't want to do this.
But it was a 2-on-2 battle.
You shouldn't have an issue
with the outcome.

(To Mio)

(To Mio)
Rehearsing for a play
is surprisingly difficult,
isn't it...




I don't need something
like that...

Please go away...

I will end
everything here.

(To Akane)

(To Akane)
Did you think to drive me mad?
You're but a meaningless illusion. Begone with you...



In-game References

External References

  • The shapeshifting hair that Akane uses in many of her attacks is a reference to Millia Rage's hair, from the Guilty Gear series.
  • The A version of Akane's "Shiko-san Appears" move is based on one of Captain Commando's "Captain Strike" moves, from Marvel vs Capcom 2.
  • Akane's "Bad Waffle" move is based on Millia Rage's "Bad Moon" move, from the Guilty Gear series.
  • Akane's "Rainy Spin" move is based on Sol Badguy's "Grand Viper" move, from the Guilty Gear series.
  • Akane's "Assault Leap" and "Trick Leap" moves are based on Akuma's "Hyakki Shuu" move, from Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike.
  • Akane's "Air Sting" move is based on Akuma's "Hyakki Goujin" move, from Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike.
  • Akane's "Stun Needle" move is based on Millia Rage's "Silent Force" attack, from the Guilty Gear series.
  • Akane's "Rain of Tears" move is based on War Machine's "War Destroyer" move, from the Marvel vs Capcom series.
  • Akane's "Unpleasant Hell Murder" move is based on Akuma's "Shun Goku Satsu" move, from Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike.

ONE References

  • The raining field in the background is the one where Akane frequently visits during the game.

Nayuki (asleep)
Nayuki (awake)