Samurai Shodown/Cham Cham

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Cham Cham
チャムチャム, Chamu Chamu


Cham Cham is yet to be explored to her full potential, but as a returning character from Samsho 2, her overall move sets have returned to the fans. Leading season 3, this cat girl with a boomerang has brought us yet more excitement and energy.

Cham Cham can be played in many ways. She has quite some good buttons, such as her long reaching mediums and heavies. That being said, she has longer range compared to most of the characters in the cast. She also has some tricks so she can approach in a few different ways, and make some adjustments in her game plan.

She is a fun character that is not the best, but definitely something new to hype your day.

SS ChamCham Icon.png Cham Cham is a flexible rushdown-character who can pester the opponent from afar or up-close.
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Good close and midrange presence: Cham Cham has undeflectable A normals with good speed and range, active D buttons that are good for stuffing pokes and solid B normals that cover the close-to-midscreen space. Her 2B can also be cancelled into her 236D for some extra damage off of pokes and whiff punishes.
  • Good anti-air: Thanks to her high-reaching air-to-airs as well as her n.5C, WFT and anti-air fireballs, Cham Cham has a variety of effective anti-air options.
  • Solid anti-fireball: Cham Cham's fireball is unique in that it does not destroy other fireballs when colliding, allowing her to knock down the opposing character in fireball exchanges. Her "demon flip" is also good for jumping over fireballs on a hard read.
  • Full-screen SSM
  • Bad heavies: Cham's C normals have slow startup and huge recovery. They are also easy to jump over and do not recoil on block, making them unambiguously punishable.
  • Bad zoning: Cham's fireballs have poor range and startup as well as enormous recovery. It is very hard for her to win fireball wars and her zoning can easily be disrespected and punished.
  • Shallow jump normals: Cham Cham's floaty jump arc combined with the poor depth of her jump normals make airborne offense difficult.
  • Bad running normals: Cham Cham's running normals are uniformly terrible and make it hard for her to establish a strike/throw game.
  • Gimmicky mix-up: Cham Cham's "demon flip" special is easy to react to and hard to set up off of knockdowns, reducing its viability as a true mix-up option. Her other mixup tools such as her 66B and 66C have very slow startup and are easy to fuzzy guard.
  • One of lowest-damaging SSM's


  • Damage Taken: 100%
  • Rage Factor: 0.24
  • Rage Duration: 10 seconds
  • Jump: 46 frames (Average)
  • Forward Walk Speed: 0.3 (Average)
  • Back Walk Speed: 0.23 (Average)
  • Dash Speed: 1.35 (Very Fast)
  • Back Dash: 27 frames
  • Weapon Pickup / Drop: 51 / 40 frames


Cham Cham, as one of the newest characters, still has some good tools for a game plan. Her potential isn't fully discovered yet so let's go through a few.


Her mediums make a great poke as they go for decent range. Her 2C is pretty fast to stop a dash and its range is almost half screen. Her 236D is pretty far to make a good punish, and can jump over some ground stuff such as Wu's trap. Her fireballs with her boomerang making a pretty solid anti-air but she can't really zone people with it as people can just dash-in and avoid the boomerang by not jumping too much. Her dashing normals do not have a long range compared to her standing ones. But her 66C is good to catch a jump and it can cross up if it's used at the right range.

Her air buttons are decent with her heavy hitting up, which can catch opponents with high jumps, and medium hitting down, which is good to use for jump-in mostly.

Her flips can follow up with a low for mix up, but just flipping without using any command is a little unsafe but it can get her out of corner. Using the B follow up after flip makes a good air to air and can make her flips a little safer.


Cham Cham can do a solid Oki with just her two moves: 66B and 3D. Her 66B even though has a short range but it's not too bad on block, serves as a good overhead. Her 3D with the same animation as her 66D but knocks down, makes it one of the best slide out of the ones left that knocks down.

Her flip can help her to do some Oki as well. Especially in corner, you can try to use the A or C follow up for a command grab. Though you need to be pressing the button when you are almost at your opponent for it to work, so requires some practice. But the corner can solve the problem of hard to aim. She can also flip over her opponent and do a quick left and right mix up. Pretty safe on block so she can set up for a deflect sometimes.

Normal Moves

Far Slashes

SS7 Cham 5A.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
30 Mid 5 - - 16 +1 -2 5 Yes No No No

Cancellable scratch though no real combo potential.

SS7 Cham 5B.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
100 Mid 11 - - 34 -3 -12 10 No Yes Yes No

Poke with decent range but no cancel.

SS7 Cham 5C.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
240 Mid 26 11 - 64 +1~+11 -15~-5 25 No No Disarm No

Long range heavy, no recoil on block, quite safe if spaced right.

SS7 Cham 2A.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
30 Mid 5 - - 18 -1 -4 5 Yes No No No

Another cancellable scratch, no real combo potential.

SS7 Cham 2B.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
90 Mid 13 - - 32 +1 -12 10 Yes Yes Yes No

Her main combo tool at mid range, 236D or WFT always connects after.

SS7 Cham 2C.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
150 Mid 22 8 - 60 -11~-4 -15~-8 25 No No Disarm No

Similar to her 5C but faster startup, though more negative on block.

Near Slashes

SS7 Cham n5B.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
80 Mid 8 - - 29 -1 -12 10 Yes Yes Yes No

Another main combo tool, also connects to 214S.

SS7 Cham n5C.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
220 Mid 15 - - 45 -3 -28 25 No Yes Disarm No

Boomerang attack with upward hitbox, can be used as a situational Anti-Air, it has heavy push back that after guard crush, a flip is needed for n.2C to connect.

SS7 Cham n2B.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
80 Mid 6 - - 29 0 -12 10 Yes Yes Yes No

Has a similar property as n.5B.

SS7 Cham n2C.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
150 Mid 19 - - 50 -4 -28 25 Yes Yes Disarm No

Only useful for combos.


SS7 Cham 5D.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 Mid 10 - - 22 0 -3 5 No No No Yes

Fast kick.

SS7 Cham 6D.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
30 Mid 10 8 7~1 23 -1~+6 -6~+1 5 No No No Yes

A push that can be plus if hit meaty, set up for block string.

SS7 Cham 2D.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
20 Low 6 - - 19 -1 -4 5 No No No Yes

Standard low kick.

SS7 Cham 3D.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
70 Low 12 9 16~8 35 KD -7~+1 5 No No No Yes

Great slide, good and efficient mix up combined with 66B.

Dash Normals

SS7 Cham 66A.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 Mid 8 3 26~24 35 -5~-3 -8~-6 5 Yes No No No

Lack range but good punish tool by its ability to combo (even into WFT, will always connect if 66A hits).

SS7 Cham 66B.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
80 High 22 - - 43 KD(+81) -11 10 No No No No

Dashing headbutt. Hits overhead, but does not have the fastest startup.

SS7 Cham 66C.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
140 Mid 28~29 2 40~39 69 KD -25~-24 20 No No Disarm No

Can cross up if used close to the opponent but unlike Hanzo's 66C it's not an overhead, also makes for a pretty good anti air.

SS7 Cham 66D.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
70 Low 10~20 10 15~5 34 -8~+2 -12~-2 5 No No No Yes

Not a useful move compared to 3D.

Air Normals

SS7 Cham jA.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 High 6 - - - - - 5 No No No No

Scratch for a fast air to air.

SS7 Cham jB.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
100 High 11 - - - - - 10 No No No No

Air normal hits downward good for jump in.

SS7 Cham jC.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
160 High 14 - - - - - 20 No No No No

Air normal slashes from down up.

SS7 Cham jD.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
30 High 8 - - - - - 5 No No No Yes

Fast Air to air.

Unarmed Normals

SS7 Cham u5A.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 Mid 5 - - 24 +1 -4 5 No No No Only


SS7 Cham u2A.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 Mid 5 - - 27 -2 -7 5 No No No Only


SS7 Cham ujA.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 High 6 - - - - - 5 No No No Only

More scratch.

SS7 Cham u66A.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
50 Mid 5 - - 30 KD(+102) -10 5 No No No Only

Harsh Scratch that knocks down the opponent.

Universal Mechanics

Guard Break
Guard Break (Throw)
5/6C+D / 4C+D
SS7 Cham 5CD.jpg
Neutral / Forward Throw
Neutral / Forward Throw
SS7 Cham 4CD.jpg
Back Throw
Back Throw
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
Neutral / Forward 0 Throw 3 - 71 74 +20 N/A - No No No Yes

Universal throw. Can be followed up with an attack.

Back 0 Throw 5 - 69 74 +25 N/A - No No No Yes

Universal throw. Can be followed up with an attack.

Surprise Attack
Surprise Attack (Overhead)
SS7 Cham 5BC.jpg
Armed overhead
Armed overhead
SS7 Cham u5BC.jpg
Unarmed overhead
Unarmed overhead
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
Armed 70 High 20 - - - +2 -11 10 No No No No

Universal overhead.

Unarmed 70 High 20 - - 43 KD(+100) -11 10 No No No Only

Universal unarmed overhead.

SS7 Cham 5AB.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
0 N/A 1 16 22 38 N/A N/A - N/A - N/A Yes

Universal dodge. Avoids all attacks for a brief moment, and is mainly used to avoid throws.

Complete invincibility from frames 1 to 10. Strike invincibility from frames 11 to 16.

Stance Break
Stance Break
A+B during Just Defense
SS7 Cham gAB.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
0 Mid 5 - - 52 KD -24 - - - - Yes

Universal Stance Break.

Counter / Blade Catch
Counter / Blade Catch
SS7 Cham Deflect.jpg
SS7 Cham bladecatch1.jpg
SS7 Cham bladecatch2.jpg
Blade Catch
Blade Catch
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
Armed 0 N/A 2 11 34 46 +35~+59 N/A - N/A - N/A No

Universal counter. Allows you to follow up with a guaranteed attack of your own. The amount of time you have to follow up depends on the strength of the attack you counter, with heavy attacks staggering the opponent for the longest amount of time. Additionally, if you counter a heavy slash or a running slash, your opponent will be disarmed.

Disarmed 0 N/A 2 12 9 22 KD N/A - N/A - N/A Only

Universal counter. While disarmed, your counter will disarm and knock away your opponent regardless of slash level countered.

Rage Explosion
Rage Explosion
SS7 Cham RE.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
0 Unblockable 21 1 - 58 0 - - - - - No

Unblockable pushback attack.

Lightning Blade
Lightning Blade (Issen)
5A+B+C during Rage Explosion
SS7 Cham issen.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
300~709 Mid 9 - - - KD -44 - No No No No

Has full invincibility and can anti-air. Damage scales up based on remaining health.

Command Moves

Wall Jump
Wall Jump
9 (near wall)
SS7 Cham Walljump.jpg
Wall Jump
Wall Jump
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
- - - - - - - - - - - - Yes

Special Moves

Sideway Thrown Out!
Sideway Thrown Out!
SS7 Cham 236S.jpg
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
A 60 Mid 21~49 - - 56 -15~+13 -22 5 No No No No
B 80 Mid 24~53 - - 66 -22~+7 -29 5 No No No No
C 150 Mid 27 - - 102 KD(+49) -52 9 No No No No
Rage 180 Mid 27~55 - - 102 KD(+92) -53 15 No No No No

Rage enhanced version of 236C deals more damage, gives better knockdown and can't be reflected.

Upper Thrown Out!
Upper Thrown Out!
SS7 Cham 214S.jpg
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
A 60 Mid 21 - - 58 KD(+86) -24 5 No No No No
B 80 Mid 24 - - 66 KD(+81) -29 5 No No No No
C 150 Mid 14 - - 89 KD(+49) -52 9 No No No No
Rage 180 Mid 14 - - 89 KD(+92) -53 15 No No No No

Rage enhanced version of 214C, deals more damage, gives better knockdown and can't be reflected.

SS7 Cham 623S.jpg
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
A - - 23 - 10(Landing) 52 - - - - - - Yes
B - - 24 - 10(Landing) 63 - - - - - - Yes
C - - 28 - 10(Landing) 67 - - - - - - Yes
Scratches Face!
Scratches Face!
During 623S, A/C
SS7 Cham Scratch.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
180 Throw 6~7 - 57(Landing) - KD(+36) - - - - - Yes
Scratches Back!
Scratches Back!
During Caught!, D
SS7 Cham Slide.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
140 Low 9 - 45(Landing) - KD(+77) -12~-4 5 No No No Yes
Surprise Bop!
Surprise Bop!
During Caught!, B
SS7 Cham Bop.jpg
SS7 Cham uBop.jpg
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
Armed 100 High 11 - 19(Landing) - KD -9~-2 10 No No No No
Unarmed 50 High - - - - - - - No No No Only
Paw-erful Pounce!
Paw-erful Pounce!
SS7 Cham 236D.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
120 Mid 17~32 - - 49~64 KD(+98) -15 13 No No No Yes


Weapon Flipping Technique

No More Forgiveness
SS7 Cham WFT.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
420(490) Mid 1+15~30 - - 102 KD -38 - No No No No

Available only during Max Rage or Rage Explosion. Disarms on hit. The mighty big boomerang of (Green) Hell. Makes for a superb anti air.

Super Special Move

It's the End, My Fur-end!
SS7 Cham SSM.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Dmg Cancel Recoil Deflectable Unarmed
650[100,100,450] Mid 10+18~43 - - 93~118 KD -30 - No No No No

Available only once per match. Fully invincible frames 1~10. Travels fullscreen (distance is fixed so it won't stop when reaching a wall) at a quick pace.


List combos, use numpad notation.


  • 66A xx 236D / 214C / WFT
    Long range punish combo, need to run in quite close for 66A to hit.
  • 2B xx 236D / WFT
    Mid range punish combo.
  • (n.5B / n.2B) xx 236D / 214C / WFT
    Close range punish combo, same damage for both medium.
  • (5CD/4CD)...
    • 2B xx 236D / WFT
      Normal throw combo.


  • (5CD/4CD)...
    • n.2C xx 236D / 214C / WFT
      Corner throw combo for most damage.

Guard Crush

  • n.5C / 5C...
    After recovery...
    • SSM
      SSM follow up. (Be careful with opponent bursting to avoid it)
    • 2B xx 236D / WFT
      Need to run up at far range.
  • n.5C / 5C...
    Cancel recovery...
    • Lighting Blade
      Universal Issen combo.


CHAM CHAM Tutorial and Combos by LegendaryWolf Shirou (2021)


SS Cham Cham 1.png
SS Cham Cham 2.png
SS Cham Cham 3.png
SS Cham Cham 4.png

External Links

Link to docs hosted in other sites.

Patch Notes
System Data
Cham Cham
Gongsun Li
Tam Tam