Eternal Fighter Zero/Doppel Nanase

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Doppel Nanase


Doppel Nanase (ドッペル七瀬) uses her high priority normals and strong but committal neutral options to secure knockdowns and run scary mix-ups that loop into themselves. In the corner she gets explosive damage from wallbounce loops, ending with a special attack that leaves a gap in the corner allowing her to run her mix-ups anywhere. Doppel shares some of Rumi Nanase's unarmed normals but plays very differently.

Doppel Nanase is not featured in any Tactics or Key visual novels but she did appear on the Former Tactics Homepage and in Variety Tactics. Her victory music in EFZ is the same as the ONE characters.

Doppel was added to EFZ's cast in Bad Moon Edition.

Stage: Park on the Path to School (Night) (通学路の公園(夜))

BGM: A Would-Be Maiden (乙女希望)

Character-Specific Notes

  • Doppel is able to double jump once, and air dash once.
  • Doppel is one of a few characters who gains some throw invincibility after double jumping.
  • Doppel's command throw follow-ups can be teched. See Maiden Capture for more information.

Normal Moves

Frame Data Help
The notation for the move lists can be found under Controls.
Cells filled with a "-" indicate a placeholder. Cells filled by a "/" indicate a non-applicable field.
Values separated by a "~" (X~Y) indicate a range or variance. A "~" preceding a single value (~X) may indicate approximation. A "-" separating frame values of a property (X-Y) indicate the duration of the property.
Cell data accompanied by a ※ indicate properties unusual to the template. Explanations for such properties can be found at another ※ in the description. If a move requires multiple ※'s, subscripts will be attached to indicate relation (※1, ※2, ※3...).
Frame data with decimal values .33 or .66 relate to subframes.
Version Used for moves with multiple special attacks on one motion.
Damage The base damage value that the specific hit will do. See damage scaling for more information.
Proration Base value Power% reduces by per hit.
Juggle Juggle value used to determine juggle time after a move hits an aerial or juggle state opponent.
Guard Indicates how the move must be blocked, if it can be blocked at all.

Low: Crouch Block
High: Stand Block
Ground: Air Unblockable, may be blocked either Crouching or Standing
Any: Air, crouch, and stand block
Throw: Cannot be blocked, throw type hitbox that targets the collision box
Unblockable: Cannot be blocked, unblockable hitbox that targets hurtboxes

Property Shows what properties the move has and the time (in frames) that these properties are active. Example: "I: 0.33-9", which means the move is invulnerable on the first subframe of the move until the 9th full frame (or 27th subframe).

I: Full Invincibility
TI: Throw Invincibility
SI: Strike Invincibility
HI: Upper Body/High Invincibility
LI: Low Invincibility/Low Crush
A: Armour
G: Guard Point

Startup Indicates where the move's first active hitbox is.
Active Total frames the hitbox is active for.
Recovery Total frames until the character can block.
Note: After the recovery of any action, before any other action may occur, there exists 1 frame in which the only action you may take is to block.
Adv Hit Frame advantage on hit.
Adv Block Frame advantage on block.
Cancel Possible cancel options.

N: Normals
Sp: Specials
Su: Supers
J: Jump cancel possible on hit, block and RG
JH: Jump cancel possible on hit only
AD: Air Dash
IC: Instant Charge after hit (22C)
FIC: Flicker Instant Charge (22C, fixed IC window, regardless of hit or whiff)
R: Repeatable, always A normals. Will cancel into other A normals.
f5B/2B: Usually c5B cancel option
SB: S button cancelling, character specific. Examples: stance, summon or flight cancels.
Rekka: A special move with multiple parts that require additional inputs.
: Special rules, see description for details (look for the ※)


Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
5A 220 94% 90 Ground 4 4 5 +1 -1 N SP J IC R
5A (FM) 220 94% 90 Ground 2.66 2.66 4.66 +3.33 +2.33 N SP J IC R

Doppel does a quick horizontal jab with her left hand, prone to being low-profiled. Mainly used to check jump-ins after a RG or in combos, 2A is preferred in every other situation.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
c5B 500 92% 150 Ground 6 7 8 +1 -1 N SP J IC f5B/2B
c5B (FM) 500 92% 150 Ground 4 5.66 7.66 +3.33 +1.33 N SP J IC f5B/2B

Doppel does an uppercut. Large safe hitbox, fast start-up, and great untech. Used in most of her combos. Prone to whiffing on crouching opponents.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
f5B 500 94% 120 Ground 6 5 10 +1 -1 N SP JH IC
f5B (FM) 500 94% 120 Ground 3.33 4.33 9 +3.33 +1.33 N SP JH IC

Doppel does a punch with her right hand.

Completely disjointed hitbox with great juggle and start-up, hits where c.5B can't. Used in optimal juggles due to it incurring less scaling than c.5B, although it requires awkward spacing.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
5C 650 - - Ground 13 5 18 +0 -2 N SP IC
5C (FM) 650 - - Ground 10.33 4.33 16.33 +3 +1 N SP IC

Doppel headbutts the opponent, moving her forward.

Maiden Straight

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
6C 700 - - Ground 16 10 24 - -13 SP IC

Doppel twists her body in a long punch to the gut, punching forward with a large hitbox.

This is Doppel's preferred launcher with IC and hard knockdown without.

Although it's extremely punishable, when spaced correctly it's very safe and hard to contest, you can couple it with 2B and 214A to make it harder to punish.

Ideal ender midscreen for setting up spacing for jC/2A mixups.

6C (FM) 700 - - Ground 12 9.33 22.33 / -9.33 SP IC


Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
2A 200 - - Low 4 4 5 +1 +0 N SP J IC R
2A (FM) 200 - - Low 2 3.33 4.66 +1.66 +1.66 N SP J IC R

Doppel throws a short straight jab from her crouching position.

Safe, privileged, jab that beats 4.33+ (3f in Gold) start-up jabs (like half the cast normally, or EVERYONE in Gold) and usually hits both high and low-profile moves.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
2B 450 - - Low 9 2 16 -2 -4 N SP J IC
2B (FM) 450 - - Low 6.33 1.33 14.33 +1 -0.33 N SP J IC

Doppel extends her body and punches at the opponent's feet.

Has lower forward invincibility which makes it a potent poking and general pressure tool.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
2C 250 - - Ground 10 2 23 -1 -3 N SP JH IC
- 450 - - Ground 13 2 21 +1 -1 N SP JH IC
2C (FM) 250 - - Ground 7.33 1.33 19.66 +2.66 +0.66 N SP JH IC
- 450 - - Ground 8.66 1.33 18.33 +4 +2 N SP JH IC

Doppel does a multi hitting uppercut, launches the opponent upwards, scales terribly, and has poor untech time.

Very slow and hard to apply as an anti-air despite how it looks and is terrible in combos.


Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
j5A 220 - - High/Air 6 10 5 - - N J AD IC
j5A (FM) 220 - - High/Air 4 9.33 5.33 / / N J AD IC

Doppel does a quick, downward aerial jab.

The size of the hitbox and length of the active frames make this move superb at contesting for aerial space.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
j5B 480 - - High/Air 9 10 9 - - N J AD IC
j5B (FM) 480 - - High/Air 6.33 9.33 8.66 / / N J AD IC

Doppel does a quick aerial uppercut, sends the opponent upward on air connect.

Useful for air-to-air situations where the opponent is above you or in niche combos.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
j5C 600 - - High/Air 10 15 11 - - J AD IC
j5C (FM) 600 - - High/Air 6.66 14.33 10.66 / / J AD IC

Doppel punches towards the ground. Sends the opponent directly down at a fast speed on aerial hit with a large untech time.

The hitbox on this move is gigantic and boasts long active frames which makes this an excellent mixup tool. A staple of Doppel oki.


Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
66A 220 - - Ground 8 4 6 +0 -1 SP IC
66A (FM) 220 - - Ground 6 2.33 6.66 +1.66 +0.66 SP IC

Doppel does a dashing version of 5A.

Better to use 662A as 66A has less travel distance, has longer start-up, and is far less advantageous.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
66B 545 - - Ground 8 1 13 +3 +1 SP IC 6C
66B (FM) 545 - - Ground 5.33 0.33 9.66 +6.66 +4.66 SP IC 6C

Doppel performs a quick leaning downward punch.

This move can whiff at point blank and on crouchers, mostly used for juggle combos and pressure strings.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
66C 700 - - Ground 10 5 18 +1 -1 SP IC 6C

Slightly faster 5C, travels and causes a wall bounces on air hit.

Used in her corner combos for its high damage and wall bounce.

66C (FM) 700 - - Ground 7.33 4.33 16.33 +3.66 +1.66 SP IC 6C
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
662A 220 - - Low 4 4 5 +1 +0 SP IC 6C
662A (FM) 220 - - Low 2 3.33 5 +4.33 +1.66 SP IC 6C

Doppel does a dashing version of 2A.

Mostly used in pressure and for positioning during wallbounce loops.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
662B 450 - - Low 9 2 16 -2 -4 SP IC
662B (FM) 450 - - Low 6.33 1.33 14.33 +1 -0.33 SP IC

Identical to 2B except it travels, amazing poke.

Used mostly as a poke with red IC in stock to convert into combos.

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
662C 450 - - Ground 7 2 26 - -7 SP J IC
662C (FM) 450 - - Ground 3.66 1.33 24 / -3.33 SP J IC

Similar to 2C, but the hitbox on Doppel's body is a lot bigger.

Launches on hit and is a crucial part of her combos, often used to cheaply combo into 214214A or for her optimal blue IC midscreen combos.


Ground Throw
Ground Throw
Close 6C/4C
EFZ Doppel GroundGrab.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
0 + 1200 - - Throw I: 5 - 5.66 5.33 0.66 21.33 / / None

Doppel leaps forward holding her opponent and slams their head into the ground.

Deals more damage than raw 41236* and has faster start-up than 41236C, but is slower out of a dash.

Air Throw
Air Throw
Close j6C
EFZ Doppel AirGrab.png
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
0 + 1400 - - Throw 2 1 / / / None

Doppel falls forward with her opponent in an almost identical manner to her ground throw.

Unlike most throws, this is not invincible during active and can trade.

Special Moves


Maiden Typhoon

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 250x3 - - Any LI: 1-55 16 36 33 - -20 IC
A (FM) 250x2 - - Any LI: 1-39 13.33 27 24 / -13.33 IC

Doppel transforms into a fire tornado with a disembodied head and travels a short distance towards the opponent.

This move has low invincibility making it great for match-ups with lots of lows, like Nayuki Awake.

Prone to being RG'd and has lengthy recovery, keep IC if you plan to use it and don't get predictable.

B 200x3 - - Any HI: 1-78 15 60 33 - -44 IC
B (FM) 200x3 - - Any HI: 1-54 12.33 42.66 24 / -14.33 IC

Same as the A version, except she travels further and low profiles instead.

Very good anti-air and approach tool with IC in stock.

Prone to being RG'd and has lengthy recovery, keep IC if you plan to use it and don't get predictable.

C 100x15 - - Any I: 0.33-29.33 10 58 33 - - IC

RF reversal. Same as the A version, except Doppel doesn't travel and she has full invincibility.

Doppel's main fully invicible reversal. Leaves Doppel very vulnerable if this move is baited.

  • Requires RF to use.
C (FM) 100x15 - - Any I: 1-26 7.33 32 36 / - IC
Maiden Fire

All variants can be FIC'd during the start-up for gimmicks or for safety.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 650 - - Any 21 8 25 / -12 FIC
A (FM) 650 - - Any 14.33 8 18.33 / -4 FIC

Doppel pours spicy kimchi into her mouth and breathes fire.

Great disjoint for poking that lingers even when Doppel is hit. Often trades in Doppel's favour.

Unsafe on block unlike 214B so it's best used at a safe distance to prevent being punished.

  • Works as a combo starter as well with IC or a difficult 662A > 5AB link at point blank/corner.
  • Ridiculously good in Gold, can easily be cancelled into off of 66C/662B and converted off of with 66C/662C/66B.
B 250x3 - - Any 36 24 13 / +2 FIC
B (FM) 250x3 - - Any 31.66 21.33 8 / +5.66 FIC

Safe on block, but slower.

Decent meaty if spaced correctly.

Not as versatile as a combo starter since it launches far higher, requires IC to convert.

C 500x4 - - Any 24 32 26 / -12 FIC
C (FM) 500x4 - - Any 18.66 28 22 / -7.66 FIC

Slightly slower than the A version, longer active frames than B version, and a larger flame.

Can be combo'd off of without IC or meter thanks to having infinite untech time, although heavily scaled.

  • Requires RF to use.
Maiden Capture

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A / - - Throw/Hit throw 20 2 35 / / None

Grabs grounded opponents only, can be combo'd into with specific setups, like after 5C.

Mainly used as a gimmick to catch opponents off guard due to its significant range, being able to throw even after a blockstring.

B / - - Throw/Hit throw 13 2 44 / / None

Throws aerial opponents only, cannot throw grounded opponents.

Your main combo ender, it's very easy to combo into and grants Doppel left/right mix-ups anywhere.

Not applicable as an anti-air throw due to start-up and recovery, despite how it looks.

C / - - Throw 6 1 36 / / None

A standard command throw, cannot be combo'd into and has very poor range.

Your true mix-up command throw, useful for catching opponents off guard.

Powerful after RGing a jump in when the opponent has already spent their double jump.

  • Does not require RF to use.
Maiden Capture
Automatic Follow-up
Automatic Follow-up
All 236* and 236236* follow-ups are interchangeable with 214* and 214214*. All follow-ups do not prorate!
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
Automatic Follow-up 1000 - - / / - / - / / IC ※

The guaranteed ender if you just want okizeme and don't want to risk the scramble after a tech.

Can be IC'd unlike the rest of the follow-ups, although it does nothing.

※ Can be replaced with 236A/B follow-ups.

Maiden Crash
1500 - - / / 7.66 / 41.33 / / 2

This is the high damage follow-up to 41236*, able to be further followed up with unique supers.

Each follow-up super costs 1 bar each, so a full chain takes 2 bars.

Depending on the character, this follow-up crosses up, you can read more in the table below.

  • 236A follow-ups (including this one) can be escaped with the C button.
  • Must be inputted after the opponent stops shaking in Doppel's hand.

2 Can be followed up after hitting with 236A/B.

Maiden Fuji Yama
0 - - / / 14.33 / 31.66 / / None

Doppel throws the opponent up and behind her, dealing no damage.

Has no untech time so Doppel can freely combo them after.

This follow-up has a couple of weird character/port-specific interactions.

  • 236B follow-ups (including this one) can be escaped with the B button.
  • Must be inputted after the opponent stops shaking in Doppel's hand.
Teched follow-up (Doppel) / - - / I: 0-22(?) / / 22(?) / / None
Teched follow-up (Opponent) / - - / - / / - / / None
Teched Follow-up
(Stage 1, left.)
(Stage 2+, right.)

The opponent jumps up and back out of wherever Doppel's hands are, denying her follow-up and returning to neutral.

Notes about Teching:

  • The first button you press during the tech window has priority and will be your "chosen" tech.
  • If both B and C are pressed at the same time during the tech window, it will give you B tech.
  • Pressing A or S during the tech window locks you out of teching.
  • On certain tech stages against certain characters (i.e. Mizuka mashing B on Stage 2+), you can be meatied as you leave the tech animation.
    To OS block after a tech, perform your follow-ups as 23[6]* to guarantee that you'll be blocking if the opponent breaks your throw.

This will also setup the proper distance on Stage 1 tech for c5B mash traps.

Eternity Specials

Maiden Crash
Follow-ups (236A)
All 236* and 236236* follow-ups are interchangeable with 214* and 214214*. All follow-ups do not prorate!
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
Relentless Granite-Breaking Barrage
50 x 24 + 500 - - / / / / - / / 3

Doppel repeatedly punches the opponent into the ground.

  • 236A follow-ups (including this one) can be escaped with the C button.
  • Must be inputted as the opponent hits the ground.

3 Can be followed up with 236236A/B, only before the 23rd hit.

Maiden Finger
4200 - - / / / / - / / None

Doppel lifts the opponent up and explodes them in the same manner as her 236236C super.

Gives similar okizeme to 6C, allowing you to perform 669/IAD oki for a left/right or a high/low safe jump.

  • 236A follow-ups (including this one) can be escaped with the C button.
Falling Maiden
4500 - - / / / / - / / None

Doppel jumps offscreen for a moment before crashing down onto the opponent.

Deals more damage than Maiden Finger follow-up but sacrifices okizeme.

Near the corner you can get a similar left/right to automatic follow-up on characters with mid/slow wake-ups.

  • 236B follow-ups (including this one) can be escaped with the B button.
Maiden Crash
Follow-ups (236B)
All 236* and 236236* follow-ups are interchangeable with 214* and 214214*. All follow-ups besides 236A~236B~236236B do not prorate!
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
Exploding Inner-Soul Fist
1800 - - / / / / - / / 3

Doppel delivers a single explosive punch the opponent on the ground.

  • 236B follow-ups (including this one) can be escaped with the B button.
  • Must be inputted as the opponent hits the ground.

3 Can be followed up with 236236A/B, up until Doppel fully stands up.

Human Floor-Burning Polisher
80 x N + 3000 - - / / / / - / / None

Doppel dives head first into the opponent and scrapes them across the screen until exploding at the wall.

This move hits more times the longer it travels, making it the preferred ender when facing away from a corner.

However you cannot get okizeme off this follow-up, even against slow wake-ups.

  • 236A follow-ups (including this one) can be escaped with the C button.
Maiden Volcannon
1400 x 3 - - / / / / - / / None

Doppel creates 3 fire eruptions in quick succession in the same manner as her 214214C super.

Gives similar okizeme to 6C, allowing you to perform 669/IAD oki for a left/right or a high/low safe jump.

  • 236B follow-ups (including this one) can be escaped with the B button.
Maiden Finger

※ Starts up sooner if Doppel enters proximity of the opponent.
Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 2300 - - Ground I: 1 - 11 16.33~40※ 10 49(hit), 22(whiff/block) / -0.33 None

Doppel rushes forward to grab the opponent. Has a few invulnerable frames on startup.

Occasionally useful at point blank against armor (like Rumi) or specific moves (like Kano's Soul Strike).

Also sometimes useful as a combo-ender in the corner, such as after 2AAA 5B 5C 6C. This is true for all variants.

B 3300 - - Ground I: 1 - 26~61 16.33~52※ 10 49(hit), 22(whiff/block) / -0.33 None

Same as the A version, except higher damage and range. Fully invincible until recovery.

Can be used as a catch-all reversal, unlike 236236A, it also OS'es with 214214B against cross-up okizeme.

C 4900 - - Ground I: 1 - 26~73 16.33~64※ 10 49(hit), 22(whiff/block) / -0.33 None

Same as the B version, except higher damage and range. Fully invincible until recovery.

Can be used to punish moves like Shiori's 236* at fullscreen thanks to the extra range and invincibility it has.

Maiden Volcannon

Version Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
A 1800 - - Ground - 18 6 / / -28.66 None
Doppel / - - / - 18 / 50.66 / / None

Doppel causes an eruption of fire to burst from the ground. This move is Doppel's bread and butter.

Used in her juggles when the opponent is too far away for other juggle options.

B 1500 - - Ground I: 1-13 18 6 / / - None
- 1500 - - Ground - 38 6 / / -28.66 None
Doppel / - - / - 18 / 70.66 / / None

Same as A version, now with one extra eruption.

Uses the most proration for the least damage, not worth the meter.

Deals the least damage per super meter spent of the three versions, if meter dumping it's best to use the C version.

C 1600 - - Ground I: 1-13 18 6 / / - None
- 1600 - - Ground - 38 6 / / -48.66 None
- 1600 - - Ground - 58 6 / / -28.66 None
Doppel / - - / - 18 / 90.66 / / None

Same as A version, now with two extra eruptions, extremely hard to combo out of.
Has niche use as a meter dump after a heavily scaled combo to forcefully corner carry or close out a round, or some rare BIC combos.

This has the least proration of all three 214214* moves, but costs the most along with being very slow.

Notes about 214214B/C:

  • The extra eruptions give Doppel more recovery, making her far more punishable and making follow-ups impossible outside of the corner.
  • The extra eruptions can occasionally whiff due to launch height and some character's air hurtboxes, especially in the corner.

Final Memory

Maiden Enlightenment
Known as "Gold Doppel"
Known as "Gold Doppel"
Damage Proration Juggle Guard Property Startup ¹ ² Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Cancel
/ - - / / / / 0 / / None

Doppel enters her "Enlightened" install for the rest of the match. This Final Memory has no input and activates automatically when Doppel has met these five requirements:

  1. Doppel has 1/6th health or less (half of the normal FM threshold)
  2. Doppel has 3 SP bars
  3. Doppel is on the ground
  4. Doppel has returned to her idle stance (not dashing, attacking, or in hit/block/RG stun)
  5. It is the final round (both players are one round away from victory)

While enlightened, Doppel gains numerous benefits:

  • Faster movement (increase varies across movement types but her walk is especially faster)
  • Faster moves (all normals and 623/214 specials are faster)
  • Passively generates super meter, even during superflash, hitstop, and cinematics (1 bar every 333.33 frames, just over 5 seconds)
  • Almost always plus (6C is her only normal negative enough to be punished on block and her 2f 2A can give her the advantage even when she's slightly minus)
  • Can do infinites (66B & 662A can 1f link into themselves forever, although extremely difficult)

Still, this Final Memory is very rarely impactful due to how close to death you have to be to trigger it.


For starters, let's make something clear - Doppel does not play like a traditional grappler.
Her 41236A command throw is next to useless, her 41236B anti-air throw is her main combo ender, and 41236C can be used in place of your normal throw and with RGs. All possible follow-ups to her 41236* command throws can be teched by the opponent. If the opponent successfully techs a follow-up, they'll jump into the air creating a scramble situation, causing Doppel to lose her okizeme opportunities (which she strives off). It's still worth going for the command throw follow-ups occasionally to keep your opponent on their toes, but being aware of their huge downsides is crucial. Doppel instead focuses on using her strong normals to try and fish for one knockdown into looping okizeme. She also has access to some strong pressure strings which open up plenty of tick throw opportunities.


  • Huge hitbox that's active for 5 frames and no hurtbox on the arm at all. Moves her forward slightly, as well as her stepping forward out of her collision box. Incredible move.
  • Huge 10F active hitbox that moves Doppel a decent distance forward. Surprisingly effective neutral tool if you space it to hit at the tip.
  • This move is ridiculous. The majority of Doppel's body is invulnerable, she leans forward a lot, and if spaced right you can cancel this into 6C 214A for a very annoying pressure string. More on that later.
  • Your best air to air. One of EFZ's better jA's, 6F startup and 10F active, huge hitbox. Only issue is converting from hits is extremely difficult.
  • Same as 2B except it has some forward momentum, which makes this move even more ridiculous. Mostly the same strengths as 2B, only difference is you cannot cancel into 6C. To make the most out of this dash normal, you'll want to get used to this red IC combo: 662B IC 662C 214214A.
  • Same as 2C except it has forward momentum, unlike 662B you don't need to IC it since it can be jump cancelled. Hitting it gives you a combo, having it blocked lets you jump cancel for an IAD hi/lo or to back off. You will need to get used to doing 214214A after to get a combo, or 41236B for a knockdown without meter.
  • Another incredible hitbox. 214A/B are good to use in tandem with 6C and 2B, while 214C is a huge surprise hitbox with longer active frames than 214B, 24 frames startup.


Doppel has access to a decent amount of pressure sustain with her dash normals and obnoxiously huge hitboxes. Making use of her dash momentum with 2AAA, 662B/C, and j.AAA are your main tools for getting back in their face when you're pushed out. But you don't always want to do use this, especially when you're in the corner. When you've cornered the opponent, you can stay at an ideal distance and harass with f.5B, 2B, 6C, 214A/B. If the opponent becomes overly respectful, you can begin to dash in 41236A/C as a mix-up.
Dealing with RG
  • As with any pressure in EFZ, keep your pressure timing unpredictable as possible while still making it difficult to mash out of. Recoil Guard makes this an absolute requirement. The easiest way to do this is to vary your 2AAAA chains and varying your space closing moves in timing slightly, changing up which move you use to close the distance to make it less predictable. Using red IC to makes moves such as 623B, 662B, and 662C safe. 662B IC is especially potent, which leads into 662C which can net you a combo or safely reset with an IAD on block. Using Recoil Counter if any of these options are called out to reset.
214B FIC 66 41236C Mix-up
  • This mix-up can be especially potent. 214B looks exactly the same as 214A and has slower startup, allowing you to FIC just before the move comes out.
2B 6C 214A
  • Once you've cornered your opponent, this string can be incredibly annoying to deal with when spaced correctly. You'll want to vary the timing on each part if you plan to loop it.
  • This trick allows you to use dash momentum without getting the 662A dash normal. The [5] is important to make the dash as short as possible.


Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various contributors, some combo notations may deviate slightly from the notation listed below.

For more information, see Controls

IC Input Instant Charge (22C) when you have the right amount of RF Meter.
FIC Input Flicker Instant Charge (22C) when you have the right amount of RF Meter.
{X/Y/Z} Move X or Y or Z can be used.
#* Indicates that any of A, B and C may be used with #. Example: 214*.
[<- X] [-> X] Side switch notation. All inputs grouped by the square brackets are performed facing the arrow's direction. They are still written as if they were done facing right, however.
[X]xN Loop the inputs in the square brackets as many times as N.
c5B Proximity normal only usable while close.
f5B Proximity normal only usable outside of c5B range or when cancelled from another normal. Known as far 5B.
jX Button X is input during your first jump.
djX Button X is input during your double jump.
X(whiff) Indicates that X is intended to whiff.
X(tech trap) Indicates a combo ender intended to catch the opponent's air tech. The most common kind of tech trap is j6C, which will air throw early techs and jC later techs. Executionally identical to X(whiff) but different in purpose.
~ Indicates a followup for moves which have them. Example: 236A~236A.
.. Indicates a short delay.
IAD Indicates an Instant Air Dash.
IABD Indicates an Instant Air Back Dash.
(X) X move is omittable from the combo.
tk.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
Replay pack: Mizuumi Doppel Combos
Doppel has a nasty okizeme game anywhere on the screen. If you can space her 6C knockdowns well midscreen, you'll get very hard to see 669 jC left/right/high/lows. In the corner, Doppel ends with 6C 41236B to leave a gap in the corner, letting her get even nastier corner setups.


  • 2AA c5B 5C 6C (replay 1-1)
  • 2AA c5B 5C 6C 41236B (replay 1-1)

Red IC

Doppel has two main launchers - 6C and 5C IC 662C. 6C you'll use in the corner, 5C IC 662C midscreen. Here we begin to see Doppel's fundamental corner juggles: [66C 662A(whiff) c5B], which will be explained more in depth in the Blue IC section.
  • 2AA c5B 5C IC 662C 214214A 662C jC j44 (replay 1-2)
  • j44 sets up the correct distance for 669 jC okizeme.
  • 2A c5B 5C 6C IC 66C 214214A 5AB 41236B (replay 1-3)
  • Basic combo.
  • 6C IC 66C [662A(whiff) c5B 66C]x2 214214A 5AB 41236B (replay 1-4)
  • Doppel is able to hassle in the corner with 2B 6C at the right distance. This combo and the one below are for stray hits during this pressure.
  • 2B 6C IC 66C 662A(whiff) c5B 66C 214214A 5AB 41236B (replay 1-5)
Corner no Super Meter
  • 2AA c5B 5C 6C IC 66C 662A(whiff) c5B c5B 2B 6C 41236B (replay 1-6)
  • Example combo ender without using super meter.

Blue IC

  • 2AA c5B 5C IC 662C IAD jB walk forward c5B 66B 662A c5B 662C 214214A 66B 6C 41236B (replay 1-7)
  • 2AAB 5C IC 662C IAD jB walk forward c5B IAD jAB c5B 214214A 66C [<- 662A(whiff)] c5B c5BBC 41236B
  • Double IAD route. You will need to adjust the ender after 214214A when starting further from the corner (e.g. 662C jC j44).


Doppel makes use of wallbounce loops for the majority of her corner juggles. The core of the juggles can be summarised as: 6C IC [66C 662A(whiff) c5B]xN, how many reps you can get depends heavily on your starter and the amount of Blue IC used.
Juggle Loop Breakdown
  • 6C - Launches the opponent allowing them to be juggled.
  • IC - Instant Charge, cancels the 6C early so we can use our next move before the opponent hits the ground.
  • [66C - Wallbounce properties, high damage.
  • 662A(whiff) - After 66C Doppel will be in between the opponent and the corner while they are bouncing off the wall. This move is used to swap back to the original side, facing the corner.
  • c5B] - Stops the juggle animation and momentum, making it easier connect with 66C and start the loop again.
Shorter Version
  • 2AA c5B 5C 6C IC 66C [662A(whiff) c5B 66C]x2 214214A 5AB 41236AB (replay 1-8)
  • An easier alternative if you struggle with the optimal combos below. Very stable.
Higher Damage Versions
  • 2AA c5B 5C 6C~ IC 66C 44 66C [662A(whiff) c5B 66C]x3 214214A 5AB 41236B (replay 1-9)
  • 2B 6C IC 66C [662A(whiff) c5B 66C]x3 662A(whiff) c5B c5B 2B 6C 41236B (replay 2-1)
  • Example from 2B 6C harassment.

Advanced Combos

100% Blue IC

  • 2AA c5B 5C 6C IC 66C [<- 66] [-> 66C f5B 66C] [<- 66] [-> 66B 66C] [<- 662A(whiff)] [-> c5B f5B 6C 214214A c5B f5B 41236B] (Video)


You can find visual examples of these setups here.
  • 669 jC / j9 j66 jC / IAD jC
  • The version used depends on the spacing and character. It is good to mix and match these as much as possible, when possible, to keep the opponent from getting used to a specific setup.
  • ~6C 41236B 669 jC Left/Right
  • When spaced correctly, 41236B will leave a gap in the corner that you can make harder to see by corpse pushing.

Win Quotes

Japanese English



You're not bad.

I look forward
to the next time we meet.



Let's meet again,
somewhere in the world.



I'm still far from being able

to perform an "Instant KO"[1].



Did you underestimate your enemy?

Too bad, this is reality.



Even though
I didn't know how much to hold back,
this is surely overdoing it...

I have much to learn.

(To Mizuka)


(To Mizuka)
Sorry, but I'm
just a counterfeit
of that girl you know.

Don't let it bother you.

(To Mio)


(To Mio)
You've went a little too far
with your pranks this time.

I'll use you to
let that eternally locked up person
know that I'm serious.

(To Rumi)

(To Rumi)
I can't help
but be concerned
if this utter mess is my Original.

(To Mai)


(To Mai)
Iai[2], the mastercraft of unsheating and cutting in one fell swoop.
It appeared to be no more than a flash of light.

And you even had something like an Option[3]
floating around you.
It was a good experience.



In-game References

External References

  • Doppel's "Maiden Typhoon" move is based on Jin Saotome's "Saotome Typhoon" move, from the Marvel vs Capcom series.
  • Doppel's "Maiden Fire" move may be based on Mech Zangief's "Vodka Fire" move or potentially Dhalsim's "Yoga Flame" move, from the Marvel vs Capcom series.
  • Doppel's "Maiden Finger" move is based on Domon Kasshu's "Hyper God Finger" move, from Kidou Butoden G-Gundam.
  • Doppel's "Falling Maiden" move is based on Shin Akuma's "Misogi" move, from Capcom vs SNK 2.
  • Doppel's "Maiden Straight" move is based on Slayer's "Mappa Hunch" move, from the Guilty Gear series.
  • Doppel's "Human Floor-Burning Polisher" move is based on Jin Saotome's "Saotome Crush" move, from the Marvel vs Capcom series.
  • Doppel's "Maiden Enlightenment" mode is based on Jin Saotome's "Saotome Shine" mode, from the Marvel vs Capcom series.

ONE References

  • Doppel's stage is a reference to the park on the way to the school that the characters of ONE go to.
  • The "Kimuchi" ramen that Doppel eats during her "Maiden Fire" move is a reference to the meal that Kouhei ate with the real Rumi on a Christmas date in the game.

Nayuki (asleep)
Nayuki (awake)