Battle Craze!!/Ajit/L-Side

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L-Ajit is great if you're sick of the limit in damage or your opponent is not throwing many projectiles. CT granting him craze meter is useful, but you will need to manage that with your craze cancels in order to get the best use out of it.
Pros Cons
  • *All-Rounder: L-Ajit generally has a pretty strong answer for a lot of situations and a good way to pick up off of them.
  • Neutral: Has some of the strongest neutral in the game with good fireballs and EX fireball to shutdown other zoning attempts.
  • Control of Craze Guage: His C-Tech can increase his Craze Gauge.
  • High damage: Using EX moves increase damage. combining this with "Cobra Minigun" restands can let Ajit melt opponents.
  • Small normals: L-Ajit's normals are generally a little stubby.
  • Reliance on Craze Gauge: Since EX moves drain the Craze Gauge there may be less opportunities to take advantage of its utility.


Trait "Fuel to the Fire": Ajit has access to EX moves with the use of Craze Gauge. Consuming Craze Gauge grants Ajit an 6% damage bonus for each Gauge spent. This bonus decays over time.
Health 1000
Mobility Run

Move Overview

Universal Mechanics

Craze Tech

Burn Meditation(5CT, air OK)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
N/A N/A N/A? - - N/A N/A Counter N/A

Gives you about 2% Craze Gauge. Can be canceled into after every special.


Wake Up! (5GP)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
16-16-16-16-56 (120) Throw Tech 3 - - +11 N/A

Ajit's forward throw, knocks the opponent away.

Back Shoot (4GP)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Throw Tech 3 - - +15 N/A

Ajit's back throw, knocks the opponent far behind him.

Sunset Driver (j.5GP)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Throw Tech 2 - - +16 N/A

Ajit's air throw, if it's hit raw it launches the opponent up for a combo.


Heartbreaker (5CT while blocking)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
32 Mid 2 - - +1 -23

Ajit's heartbreaker, uses far 5SP's animation.



Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
36 Mid 4 - - 0 -2

Poke and combo filler.

5SP (close)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
80 Mid 6 - - +5 -1

Can be linked back to lights. mostly outclassed by cl.5SK but can be better for juggles.

5SP (far)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
80 Mid 9 - - 0 -6

Mostly outclassed by far 5SK.

5LK (close)
AJIK5LK 1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Mid 4 - - +3 -1

Your actual light combo filler since it does more damage than 5LP.

5LK (far)
AJIK5LK 2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Mid 6 - - +3 -2

Reachest farther than 5LP but has a bit more start up.

5SK (close)
AJITclSK 1.png
AJITclSK 2.png
Second hit of cl.5SK
Second hit of cl.5SK
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
56-28 (84) Mid 7 - - +5 -2

Can be linked back to lights, main heavy combo extender on standing opponents.

5SK (far)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
88 Mid 9 - - +3 -3

Decent heavy button, typically used to cancel into your command normals at the end of ground strings.
Pushes Ajit a little bit forward


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
36 Mid 4 - - 0 -2

Crouching version of 5LP, nearly identical but catches low-profile.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
88 Mid 9 - - +2 -2

Good anti-air button, does a bit more damage than 5SP

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
36 Low 5 - - +3 -3

Ajit's fastest low.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
112 Low 9 - - +43 -7

Ajit's sweep, you can OTG with 2LK and get a better mix-up and a little more damage.


AJITjuLP 1.png
AJITjuLP 2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
36 Overhead 5 - - - -

Has active frames until Ajit hits the ground, allowing him to start his jump in at any time during his arc.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
88 Overhead 7 - - - -

Combo filler but in the air, probably could also be used as an air-to-air button.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Overhead 6 - - - -

Your best jump-in. Very good at cross-ups and has pretty decent range.

AJITjuSK 1.png
AJITjuSK 2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
80 Overhead 9 - - - -

First hitbox extends pretty far outward so it could be used as a pretty risky air-to-air.

Command Normals

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
104 Mid 14 - - 0 -3 Counter Crumple

Highest damage command normal, try to combo into this whenever you can. However, it has low range.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
80 Overhead 20 - - +1 -6 Dire Stagger

Basic overhead normal with low-crush boxes. Moves Ajit forward a bit which could help in certain conversions.
Be weary when using this for mix as it puts you in Dire state and can be punished by lights and certain close heavy normals.


Lion's Sunspot (236P)
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
non-EX 120 Mid 16 - - - - Dire Crumple

Basic fireball, LP travels slower and SP travels faster.

EX 86-29-29 (144) Mid 16 - - - - Dire Crumple

Multi-hit fireball that does more damage. Beats most fireballs in the game. Due to it's multi-hit properties it has better advantage on block because it continues to hit their block as Ajit finishes the animation.

Roc Twister (214K,K,K,K, air OK)
AJIT214K 1.png
AJIT214K 2.png
AJIT214K 3.png
AJIT214K 4.png
Roc Twister!
Roc Twister!
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LK 96,16,16,16 (144) Mid, Overhead (last hit) 13, 6 (aerial) - - - - Dire Ground Bounce (last hit)

Hits twice and flips opponents out, allowing for resets.

SK 96,16,16,16 (144) Mid, Overhead (last hit) 13, 6 (aerial) - - - - Dire Ground Bounce (last hit)

The full 4 hit tatsu. Worse on block but does more damage and has better carry.
Generally more useful as you can usually be lower than the opponent on the floor splat, allowing you to extend off it.

EX 27,27,27,27,31,34 (174) Mid, Overhead (last hit) 6 - - - - Dire Ground Bounce (last hit)

Goes pretty high like the light version, adds an extra 2 hits and does more overall damage. Always does every hit.

Tiger Strike (623P)
AJIT623P 1.png
AJIT623P 2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LP 128 Mid 4 - - +15 -25 Dire N/A (forces Tiger's Whip)

Ajit's Dragon Punch, this version specifically is better for combos as Ajit doesn't go as high into the air as<br the heavy version. This version also doesn't have any invuln. Can be followed up by Tiger's Whip.

SP 128 Mid 4 - - +15 -33 Dire N/A (forces Tiger's Whip)

An actual reversal, invuln to everything except supers on frame 1. Can be followed up by Tiger's Whip.

EX 150-18 (169) Mid 9 - - +46 -21 Dire Ground Bounce

Also a reversal, does more damage than the other dps even without the forced Tiger's Whip. Extremely plus on hit.

Tiger's Whip (623P~P)
AJIT623P P.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
17 Mid 4 - - - - Dire Ground Bounce

Follow-up after Tiger Strike, can't be done on guard.

Dragon's Blaze (63214P)
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LP 136 Mid 16 - - +2 -3 Dire Wall Bounce

Big punch, use this in block strings as it's mostly safe on block. Also low profiles.

SP 152 Mid 22 - - +29 -2 Dire Wall Bounce

Bigger punch, use this in combos in the corner after 6LP. Also low profiles.

EX 167 Mid 16 - - +29 -3 Dire Wall Bounce

Has the speed of the light version with the on hit properties of the heavy version

Cobra Gatling (421P)
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
non-EX 116 Mid 17 - - +2 -20 Dire Power Launch

Cool looking rapid punches. This is the move you want to use your Dire effect on.

EX 157 Mid 15 - - +4 -20 Dire Crumple

Even cooler looking rapid punches, restands for mixups.


All-Out Attack

Solar Flare (236236P)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
200 Mid 9 - - +46 -25 Dire N/A

Big Palm strike with startup invulnerability. Probably best as a raw punish rather than a combo ender as it's his lowest damage super.

Exodus (236236K)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
240 Mid 14 - - +24 -13 Dire N/A

KoF style rush super, use this super to end juggles.

Heatstroke (214214K, air OK)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
248 Mid 17 - - +24 -23 Dire N/A

Air super. Highest damage out of all of his other level 1 supers but not very consistent in juggles.

All-Out EX

Exodus EX (236236KK)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
304 Mid 13 - - +24 -13 Dire N/A

Ajit's level 2 super. Basically the exact same as Exodus but with more damage.

All-Out Destruction

Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Soul (214214PP)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
392 Mid 8 - - +24 -29 Dire N/A

Ajit's level 3 super. Ajit's highest damaging combo ender, far less recovery on whiff for whatever reason.

Battle Craze Navigation

la justiciaCLS
Jane BaneCLS