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===Universal Mechanics===
===Universal Mechanics===
====Craze Tech====
====Craze Tech====
|name=Last Will and Testament
|input= 5CT
  | damage= 136
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 21
  | advHit= +1
  | advBlock= -1
  | punishState= Dire
  | direEffect= Ground Bounce
  | description= * Overhead kick.
* If you use this during a knockdown (any knockdown) she'll lock the opponent in it and force an OTG.
* Essential to her mix and vortex, basically no reason to not end combos with this if you don't use a super.
|name=Third Sphere: Angel's Talon
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 4
  | advHit= +30
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= Necross' forward throw, knocks the opponent away.
|name=Third Sphere: Angel's Blight
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 4
  | advHit= +20
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= Necross' back throw, knocks the opponent far behind her.
|name= Third Sphere: Angel's Plummet
|input= j.5GP
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 2
  | advHit= +50
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= Necross' air throw, if it's hit raw it launches the opponent up for a combo.
|name= Heartbreaker
|input= 4CT while blocking
  | damage= 32
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 17
  | advHit= +1
  | advBlock= -23
  | description= Necross' heartbreaker, uses 5SP's animation.
  | damage= 36
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 4
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -1
  | description= * Fast poke, good for punishes and pressure.
  | version= Uncharged
  | damage= 88
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 9
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= * Far ranged strike that advances her forward a bit.
* Oddly enough this normal's better for going into 4SP for her links.
  | header= no
  | version= Charged
  | subtitle= 6SP
  | damage= 104
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 18
  | active = 2
  | advHit= wall bounce
  | advBlock= -3
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect =
  | description= * Her main extender.
* Starts high damage combos anywhere she wants, most of her routing just goes straight into this move.
  | damage= 36, 12 (48)
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 5
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= -4
  | description=  *Good normal for hitconfirms and combo filler.
*First hit doesn't push her back, allowing her to extend loops for a lot longer.
  | version= Uncharged
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 9
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -1
  | description= * Amazing for hit confirms because of it's range and damage.
* Her main cancel into 6SP.
  | header= no
  | version= Charged
  | subtitle= 6SK
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 17
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -3
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect =
  | description= * Brings the opponent closer to her on hit or block.
* Good for threatening grabs or if you just went into 5SP and you need a different way to end a string.
  | damage= 36
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 4
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -1
  | description= * Crouching version of 5LP.
* Catches low-profiles and also has better frame advantage on block, good to just add to her vortex.
  | version= Uncharged
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 11
  | active = 4
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= * Can be used as a low profile, or just to advance a little further forward for a hit confirm.
  | header= no
  | version= Charged
  | subtitle= 3SP
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 17
  | active = 4
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -5
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect =
  | description= *Pretty uncommon, has a pretty good low-profile hurtbox.
  | damage= 40
  | guard= Low
  | startup= 6
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -1
  | description= * Very fast far reaching low.
* The main normal she uses. Reaches far, hits low, and has pretty good frame data all around.
  | version= Uncharged
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Low
  | startup= 11
  | active = 3
  | advHit= +41
  | advBlock= -7
  | description= *Really standard sweep.
  | header= no
  | version= Charged
  | subtitle= 3SK
  | damage= 128
  | guard= Low
  | startup= 19
  | active = 3
  | advHit= +48
  | advBlock= -6
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect =
  | description= *Very strong poke, better than her normal sweep in every way other than its start-up.
*Can be special canceled unlike her normal sweep.
  | damage= 44
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 4
  | active = 3
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | description= * Good air-to-air normal.
* Optimal in her combos if it's used early into them.
  | version= Uncharged
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 7
  | active = 12
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | description= * Early hitbox can be used for some cheeky cross-ups but this is mostly combo filler.
* Main cancel into 2SK.
  | header= no
  | version= Charged
  | subtitle= j.2SP
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 7
  | active = 12
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect =
  | description= * Decent tool for ambiguous cross-ups that can be canceled into CT to go into another overhead or j.236P to make it safe on block.
* worse than j.2SK in every way in combos.
  | damage= 40
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 6
  | active = 12
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | description= * Great jump-in normal and generally just good for pressure.
  | version= Uncharged
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 8
  | active = 4
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | description= * Used in rejump combos, mostly outclassed by j.SP in other routes, though.
  | header= no
  | version= Charged
  | subtitle= j.2SK
  | damage= 112
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 19
  | active = 4
  | advHit= *wall bounce (first 2 hits of a combo)
* tumble (any hit after the second one in a combo)
  | advBlock= -
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect =
  | description= * Basically the air version of 6SP, just as essential for her combos as well.
* On top of being an amazing extender it's also one of her best starters, too.
* Can also be used as an ambiguous cross-up after landing a rising j.LK that goes right over the opponents head, making it very tricky to mash on her.
====Command Normals====
====Command Normals====
|name=Third Sphere: Archangel's Staff
  | damage= 88
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 21
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -6
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Crumple
  | description= * Has very low blockstun so it can be used to slip command grabs into a block string.
* Floor splats against air opponents.
|name= Third Sphere: Tower of Babel
|input= 4SP
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 7
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +5
  | advBlock= -2
  | punishState = Counter
  | direEffect = Power Launch
  | description= * Very short range anti-air, very rewarding on hit, though.
* Linker, used in her standing strings.
* Great close range blockstring ender (heavy emphasis on close range).
* Hilariously has a sweet spot at the top of the hitbox that sends opponents higher in juggles.
|name=Second Sphere: Dominion's Request
|input=236P (air OK)
  | version= LP
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 15
  | advHit= +1
  | advBlock= -12
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Crumple
  | description= * Tether grapple, used to snipe people pressing buttons from far away.
* Be careful using this move, if they're close and they block it you are going to get dire punished and probably lose the round.
  | header= no
  | version= SP
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 11
  | advHit= 0
  | advBlock=
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Crumple
  | description= * Anti-air grapple.
* Insane anti-air, reaches incredibly fair.
* Will whiff on grounded opponents.
  | header= no
  | version= Air
  | damage= 144
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 11
  | advHit= +24
  | advBlock=
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= * The light version is an incredible space control tool, if it's used close to the ground it's plus on block.
* The heavy version is good to snipe anti-air attempts, usually much less safe on block when it's being used but can also be made plus on block.
* Both versions are great combo extenders as well, allowing Necross to go into a ground juggle from the air.
|name=Second Sphere: Dominion's Leash
  | damage= 24
  | guard=
  | startup=
  | active =
  | advHit= +17
  | advBlock= -
  | punishState =
  | direEffect =
  | description= *Follow-up after 236P on the ground, no reason to not go into this from those moves.
* Can use CT after this move to start her vortex.
|name=Second Sphere: Power's Advance
|input= 214K
  | version= LK
  | damage= 136
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 13
  | active = 7
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -3
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Stagger
  | description= * Necross' "tatsu".
* Her most consistent blockstring ender.
* If you go into her command grab super from this on block you can threaten a command grab while beating the opponent's mash.
* Low crushes.
  | header= no
  | version= SK
  | damage= 144
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 15
  | active = 10
  | advHit= +15
  | advBlock= -6
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect =Wall bounce
  | description=
* Decent as a meaty option.
* Extremely niche anti-air.
|name=Second Sphere: Principalities' Demand
  | version= LK
  | damage= 152
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 12
  | active = 9
  | advHit= +17
  | advBlock= -4
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Spin out
  | description= * Advancing knee.
* The first hit restands and can be craze canceled, making this the go-to craze cancel move.
* Also her main meterless combo ender since it puts the opponent right in front of her after she uses her CT.
* Low-crushes.
  | header= no
  | version= SK
  | damage= 152
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 16
  | active = 9
  | advHit= +17
  | advBlock= -4
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Spin out
  | description= * The same move as the light version in every way other than the fact that it's slower and goes farther.
* Not super useful outside of meaty set-ups.
|caption= May god have mercy on your soul if you get Dire Countered with this move.
|name=First Sphere: Seraphim's Roar
|input= 63214P
  | damage= 176
  | guard= N/A
  | startup= 4
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +22
  | advBlock= N/A
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Flip out
  | description= * Command grab.
* Very rewarding to land, restarts her vortex right in front of the opponent's face and also just does a lot of damage.
* Very fast, making this useful to punish certain moves as well.
* Heavy version switches sides.
|name=First Sphere: Cherubim's Cord
|input= 41236K
  | damage= 128
  | guard= N/A
  | startup= 17
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +19
  | advBlock= N/A
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Stagger
  | description= * Long ranged command grab.
* Easy command grab to land during blockstrings.
* Can also be used to snipe someone respecting you at mid range.
* Main mid screen Dire extender that looks really sick.
====All-Out Attack====
====All-Out Attack====
|name=First Sphere: Seraphim's Sword
|input= 236236K
  | damage= 248
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 6
  | active = 9
  | advHit= tumble
  | advBlock= -24
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= * Main combo ending level 1 super.
* Low-crushes.
|caption= I HATE MY SON
|name= First Sphere: Seraphim's Smash
|input= 63214PP
  | damage= 264
  | guard= N/A
  | startup= 6
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +26
  | advBlock= N/A
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= * Command grab super.
* Her only true reversal (barring level 2).
* Frame 0 post super flash, meaning the opponent can't jump it on reaction to the super flash.
====All-Out EX====
====All-Out EX====
|name= First Sphere: Seraphim's Smash EX
|input= 63214KK
  | damage= 320
  | guard= N/A
  | startup= 4
  | active = 2
  | advHit= +4
  | advBlock= N/A
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= * Just the level 1 command grab but better.
* Has worse oki.
* Still frame 0 post super flash.
====All-Out Destruction====
====All-Out Destruction====
|name= First Sphere: Seraphim's Ecstasy
  | damage= 400
  | guard= N/A
  | startup= 7
  | active = 2
  | advHit= tumble
  | advBlock= N/A
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
* Has a lot of range so it can be used to snipe someone trying to stay away from you and throwing stuff out.
* NOT frame 0 post super flash.

==General Gameplan==
==General Gameplan==
Line 77: Line 745:
| xN || Amount of hits needed for a move before a cancel, will be omitted if it uses all hits.
| xN || Amount of hits needed for a move before a cancel, will be omitted if it uses all hits.
===Direless routes===
'''''Grounded light starter''''': 2B > 2A > 5D > 6C<br>
'''''Air throw starter''''': AT (lol)<br>
| data      =
'''''Command grab starter''''': 63214P 6CC j.5BD land<br>
'''''Dire command grab starter''''': 63214P j.5AD2C land<br>
    |input      = 2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP dash j.5LK> dl.j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SP > 6LP > 623LK, CT
===Direless bnbs===
    |simput    =
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" style="text-align: center"
    |condition  = Mid-screen, light starter
! '''Condition''' !! style="width: 45em;" | '''Notation''' !! '''Damage''' !! '''Video'''
    |meter      = 0
    |characters = All
| Mid-screen|| starter j.5BC > j.236C land 2B > 5B > 5C > 6A > (214D, CT) / (236236K) / (236236PP)|| 273/324/408||
    |damage    = 317
    |metergen  =  
| Corner|| starter j.5BC2D > j.236C land 2B > 5B > 5D > 6A > (623B, CT) / (236236K) / (236236PP)|| 301/349/432||
    |metero    =
    |link      =
|| Mid-screen, Craze Cancel|| starter j.5BC > j.236C land 2B > 5B > 5C > 6A > 623Bx1 9CC j.5BC land 2B > 5B > 5C > 4C, 2B > 5B > 5D > 6C j.5BC > j.236C land 2B > 5B > 5C > 6A > (236236K) / (236236PP)|| 446/526||
    |note      =  
The dash after 6SP can be omitted if you're near the edge of the screen.
| Corner, Craze Cancel|| starter j.5BC2D > j.236SP land 2B > 5B > 5D > 6A > 623Bx1 9CC j.5BC land 2B > 5B > 5D > 4C, 2B > 5B > 5D > 6C j.5BC2D > 236C land 2B > 5B > 5D > 6A > (236236K) / (236236PP)|| 496/576||
<br>You can get a j.5LP instead of j.5LK but it's a little bit harder and screen dependent, better to just go with j.5LK.
| j.236C starter|| j.236C land 2B > 5B > 5C > 6A > (214D, CT) / (236236K) / (236236PP) || 253/311/402
    |input      = 2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP, j.5LP> j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SK > 6LP > 623LK, CT
| j.236C starter, Craze Cancel|| j.236C land 2B > 5B > 5C > 6A > 623Bx1 9CC j.5BC land 2B > 5B > 5C > 4C, 2B > 5B > 5D > 6C j.5BC > j.236C land 2B > 5B > 5C > 6A > (236236K) / (236236PP) || 421/501
    |simput    =
    |condition  = Corner, light starter
    |meter      = 0
    |characters = All
    |damage    = 319
    |metergen  =
    |metero    =
    |link      =
    |trial      =
    |note      =
    |input      = 2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP dash j.5LK> dl.j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SP > 6LP > 236236K
    |simput    =
    |condition  = Mid-screen, light starter
    |meter      = 1 bar
    |characters = All
    |damage    = 381
    |metergen  =
    |metero    =
    |link      =
    |note      =
The dash after 6SP can be omitted if you're near the edge of the screen.
<br>You can get a j.5LP instead of j.5LK but it's a little bit harder and screen dependent, better to just go with j.5LK.
    |input      = 2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP, j.5LP> j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SK > 6LP > 236236K
    |simput    =
    |condition  = Corner, light starter
    |meter      = 1 bar
    |characters = All
    |damage    = 383
    |metergen  =
    |metero    =
    |link      =
    |trial      =
    |note      =
    |input      = 2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP dash j.5LK> dl.j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SP > 6LP > 236236PP
    |simput    =
    |condition  = Mid-screen, light starter
    |meter      = 3 bars
    |characters = All
    |damage    = 467
    |metergen  =
    |metero    =
    |link      =
    |note      =
The dash after 6SP can be omitted if you're near the edge of the screen.
<br>You can get a j.5LP instead of j.5LK but it's a little bit harder and screen dependent, better to just go with j.5LK.
    |input      = 2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP, j.5LP> j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SK > 6LP > 236236PP
    |simput    =
    |condition  = Corner, light starter
    |meter      = 3 bars
    |characters = All
    |damage    = 469
    |metergen  =
    |metero    =
    |link      =
    |trial      =
    |note      =
    |input      = 2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP, j.5LP> j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SK > 6LP > 623LK > 9CC, j.5LK > j.5SK land 5LK(1) > 4SP, 5LP > 5LK(1) > 5SP > 4SP, 5LP > 5LK > 5SK > 6SP, j.5LP> j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SK > 6LP > 236236PP
    |simput    =
    |condition  = Corner, Light starter
    |meter      = 3 Bars
    |crazegauge = Max Craze Gauge
    |characters = All
    |damage    = 613
    |link      =
    |note      = sweet
==Notable Players==
==Notable Players==
Line 106: Line 851:
   |regionNote = Arkansas
   |regionNote = Arkansas
   |status = Active
   |status = Active
   |notes  = Long combo andy and raw level 3 enthusiast.<br>[ Example Play]
   |notes  = Hi :D<br>[ Example Play]
   |name  = Buster
   |name  = Buster<br>[ @BigHugeBuster]
   |color  = SP
   |color  = SP
   |region = US
   |region = US

Latest revision as of 11:13, 1 March 2024


link C-Necross is a slow grappler that keeps her opponent guessing for their life.
Pros Cons
  • Damage and conversions: C-Necross has some of the best conversions in the game, having a good way to start combos off most of her moves in neutral. She also typically gets more than 250 off most of her common starters.
  • Normals: All of her normals are pretty long ranged and can reach even farther if she spends some health for her charge normals.
  • OTG Vortex: has access to an extremely scary vortex if she's close enough to the opponent after an OTG.
  • Weak to zoning: While C-Necross at close to mid range is very threatening, she has a lot of issues getting around zoning due to her best anti-zoning too being dire prone and pretty slow.
  • Spends health: Necross has to spend health to use her charge normals for her great conversions and range, making the player have to think when they use her charge normals so she doesn't shoot herself in the foot playing neutral.
  • Reversals: Her only reversal tools are her command grab supers.


Trait "Threats from Abbadon": Necross can charge her strong normals to extend their range and apply Dire Counter Effects at the cost of some health. Cross glyph moves can be followed up with her Craze Technique.
Health 1000
Mobility Dash

Move Overview

Universal Mechanics

Craze Tech

Last Will and Testament
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
136 Overhead 21 - - +1 -1 Dire Ground Bounce
  • Overhead kick.
  • If you use this during a knockdown (any knockdown) she'll lock the opponent in it and force an OTG.
  • Essential to her mix and vortex, basically no reason to not end combos with this if you don't use a super.


Third Sphere: Angel's Talon
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Throw Tech 4 - - +30 N/A

Necross' forward throw, knocks the opponent away.

Third Sphere: Angel's Blight
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Throw Tech 4 - - +20 N/A

Necross' back throw, knocks the opponent far behind her.

Third Sphere: Angel's Plummet
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Throw Tech 2 - - +50 N/A

Necross' air throw, if it's hit raw it launches the opponent up for a combo.


4CT while blocking
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
32 Mid 17 - - +1 -23

Necross' heartbreaker, uses 5SP's animation.



Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
36 Mid 4 2 - +3 -1
  • Fast poke, good for punishes and pressure.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
Uncharged 88 Mid 9 2 - +2 -3 - -
  • Far ranged strike that advances her forward a bit.
  • Oddly enough this normal's better for going into 4SP for her links.
104 Mid 18 2 - wall bounce -3 Dire -
  • Her main extender.
  • Starts high damage combos anywhere she wants, most of her routing just goes straight into this move.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
36, 12 (48) Mid 5 2 - +2 -4
  • Good normal for hitconfirms and combo filler.
  • First hit doesn't push her back, allowing her to extend loops for a lot longer.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
Uncharged 96 Mid 9 2 - +3 -1 - -
  • Amazing for hit confirms because of it's range and damage.
  • Her main cancel into 6SP.
96 Mid 17 2 - +3 -3 Dire -
  • Brings the opponent closer to her on hit or block.
  • Good for threatening grabs or if you just went into 5SP and you need a different way to end a string.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
36 Mid 4 2 - +3 -1
  • Crouching version of 5LP.
  • Catches low-profiles and also has better frame advantage on block, good to just add to her vortex.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
Uncharged 96 Mid 11 4 - +3 -3 - -
  • Can be used as a low profile, or just to advance a little further forward for a hit confirm.
96 Mid 17 4 - +3 -5 Dire -
  • Pretty uncommon, has a pretty good low-profile hurtbox.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Low 6 2 - +3 -1
  • Very fast far reaching low.
  • The main normal she uses. Reaches far, hits low, and has pretty good frame data all around.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
Uncharged 120 Low 11 3 - +41 -7 - -
  • Really standard sweep.
128 Low 19 3 - +48 -6 Dire -
  • Very strong poke, better than her normal sweep in every way other than its start-up.
  • Can be special canceled unlike her normal sweep.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
44 Overhead 4 3 - - -
  • Good air-to-air normal.
  • Optimal in her combos if it's used early into them.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
Uncharged 96 Overhead 7 12 - - - - -
  • Early hitbox can be used for some cheeky cross-ups but this is mostly combo filler.
  • Main cancel into 2SK.
96 Overhead 7 12 - - - Dire -
  • Decent tool for ambiguous cross-ups that can be canceled into CT to go into another overhead or j.236P to make it safe on block.
  • worse than j.2SK in every way in combos.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Overhead 6 12 - - -
  • Great jump-in normal and generally just good for pressure.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
Uncharged 96 Overhead 8 4 - - - - -
  • Used in rejump combos, mostly outclassed by j.SP in other routes, though.
112 Overhead 19 4 -
  • wall bounce (first 2 hits of a combo)
  • tumble (any hit after the second one in a combo)
- Dire -
  • Basically the air version of 6SP, just as essential for her combos as well.
  • On top of being an amazing extender it's also one of her best starters, too.
  • Can also be used as an ambiguous cross-up after landing a rising j.LK that goes right over the opponents head, making it very tricky to mash on her.

Command Normals

Third Sphere: Archangel's Staff
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
88 Overhead 21 2 - +3 -6 Dire Crumple
  • Has very low blockstun so it can be used to slip command grabs into a block string.
  • Floor splats against air opponents.

Third Sphere: Tower of Babel
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
96 Mid 7 2 - +5 -2 Counter Power Launch
  • Very short range anti-air, very rewarding on hit, though.
  • Linker, used in her standing strings.
  • Great close range blockstring ender (heavy emphasis on close range).
  • Hilariously has a sweet spot at the top of the hitbox that sends opponents higher in juggles.


Second Sphere: Dominion's Request
236P (air OK)
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LP 120 Mid 15 - - +1 -12 Dire Crumple
  • Tether grapple, used to snipe people pressing buttons from far away.
  • Be careful using this move, if they're close and they block it you are going to get dire punished and probably lose the round.
SP 120 Mid 11 - - 0 - Dire Crumple
  • Anti-air grapple.
  • Insane anti-air, reaches incredibly fair.
  • Will whiff on grounded opponents.
Air 144 Mid 11 - - +24 - Dire N/A
  • The light version is an incredible space control tool, if it's used close to the ground it's plus on block.
  • The heavy version is good to snipe anti-air attempts, usually much less safe on block when it's being used but can also be made plus on block.
  • Both versions are great combo extenders as well, allowing Necross to go into a ground juggle from the air.
Second Sphere: Dominion's Leash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
24 - - - - +17 - - -
  • Follow-up after 236P on the ground, no reason to not go into this from those moves.
  • Can use CT after this move to start her vortex.

Second Sphere: Power's Advance
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LK 136 Mid 13 7 - +3 -3 Dire Stagger
  • Necross' "tatsu".
  • Her most consistent blockstring ender.
  • If you go into her command grab super from this on block you can threaten a command grab while beating the opponent's mash.
  • Low crushes.
SK 144 Mid 15 10 - +15 -6 Dire Wall bounce
  • Decent as a meaty option.
  • Extremely niche anti-air.

Second Sphere: Principalities' Demand
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LK 152 Mid 12 9 - +17 -4 Dire Spin out
  • Advancing knee.
  • The first hit restands and can be craze canceled, making this the go-to craze cancel move.
  • Also her main meterless combo ender since it puts the opponent right in front of her after she uses her CT.
  • Low-crushes.
SK 152 Mid 16 9 - +17 -4 Dire Spin out
  • The same move as the light version in every way other than the fact that it's slower and goes farther.
  • Not super useful outside of meaty set-ups.

First Sphere: Seraphim's Roar
May god have mercy on your soul if you get Dire Countered with this move.
May god have mercy on your soul if you get Dire Countered with this move.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
176 N/A 4 2 - +22 N/A Dire Flip out
  • Command grab.
  • Very rewarding to land, restarts her vortex right in front of the opponent's face and also just does a lot of damage.
  • Very fast, making this useful to punish certain moves as well.
  • Heavy version switches sides.

First Sphere: Cherubim's Cord
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
128 N/A 17 2 - +19 N/A Dire Stagger
  • Long ranged command grab.
  • Easy command grab to land during blockstrings.
  • Can also be used to snipe someone respecting you at mid range.
  • Main mid screen Dire extender that looks really sick.


All-Out Attack

First Sphere: Seraphim's Sword
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
248 Mid 6 9 - tumble -24 Dire N/A
  • Main combo ending level 1 super.
  • Low-crushes.

First Sphere: Seraphim's Smash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
264 N/A 6 2 - +26 N/A Dire N/A
  • Command grab super.
  • Her only true reversal (barring level 2).
  • Frame 0 post super flash, meaning the opponent can't jump it on reaction to the super flash.

All-Out EX

First Sphere: Seraphim's Smash EX
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
320 N/A 4 2 - +4 N/A Dire N/A
  • Just the level 1 command grab but better.
  • Has worse oki.
  • Still frame 0 post super flash.

All-Out Destruction

First Sphere: Seraphim's Ecstasy
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
400 N/A 7 2 - tumble N/A Dire N/A
  • Has a lot of range so it can be used to snipe someone trying to stay away from you and throwing stuff out.
  • NOT frame 0 post super flash.

General Gameplan





Symbol Meaning
A, B, C, D LP, LK, SP, SK
> Cancel from the previous move to the following move
land The player must land
, Link from the previous move to the following move
dl./delay Delay before using the following move
nj.X Neutral Jump
X~Y Use Y followup after hitting X move
AA Anti-Air, must hit an airborne opponent
[X] Hold the input
(X) Optional input
[X]*N Repeat (sequence) N number of times
CC Perform a Craze Cancel
xN Amount of hits needed for a move before a cancel, will be omitted if it uses all hits.

Direless routes

Condition Notation Damage Notes
Mid-screen, light starter
Works On: All
2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP dash j.5LK> dl.j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SP > 6LP > 623LK, CT 317
The dash after 6SP can be omitted if you're near the edge of the screen.
You can get a j.5LP instead of j.5LK but it's a little bit harder and screen dependent, better to just go with j.5LK.
Corner, light starter
Works On: All
2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP, j.5LP> j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SK > 6LP > 623LK, CT 319 ???
Mid-screen, light starter
1 bar
Works On: All
2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP dash j.5LK> dl.j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SP > 6LP > 236236K 381
The dash after 6SP can be omitted if you're near the edge of the screen.
You can get a j.5LP instead of j.5LK but it's a little bit harder and screen dependent, better to just go with j.5LK.
Corner, light starter
1 bar
Works On: All
2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP, j.5LP> j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SK > 6LP > 236236K 383 ???
Mid-screen, light starter
3 bars
Works On: All
2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP dash j.5LK> dl.j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SP > 6LP > 236236PP 467
The dash after 6SP can be omitted if you're near the edge of the screen.
You can get a j.5LP instead of j.5LK but it's a little bit harder and screen dependent, better to just go with j.5LK.
Corner, light starter
3 bars
Works On: All
2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP, j.5LP> j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SK > 6LP > 236236PP 469 ???
Corner, Light starter
3 Bars
Max Craze Gauge
Works On: All
2LK > 2LP > 5SK > 6SP, j.5LP> j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SK > 6LP > 623LK > 9CC, j.5LK > j.5SK land 5LK(1) > 4SP, 5LP > 5LK(1) > 5SP > 4SP, 5LP > 5LK > 5SK > 6SP, j.5LP> j.5SP > j.2SK > j.236SP land 2LK > 5LK > 5SK > 6LP > 236236PP 613

Notable Players

Disclaimer: This list is derived from community input and is in no way comprehensive or a form of ranking of any kind. Our community criteria can be found here.

Usual Color Handles/Links Region Status Notes
BC Necross PalCT.png
CURSES! United States
United States
Active Hi :D
Example Play
BC Necross PalSP.png
United States
United States
New York
Active Alleged C-Necro player

Battle Craze Navigation

la justiciaCLS
Jane BaneCLS