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===Universal Mechanics===
===Universal Mechanics===
====Craze Tech====
====Craze Tech====
|name=Looming Sight
|input= CT (can hold)
  | damage= N/A
  | guard= N/A
  | startup= 22, 36
  | advHit= N/A
  | advBlock= N/A
  | punishState= Counter
  | direEffect= N/A
  | description= * Throws a pumpkin on the stage.
|name=Booming Fright
|input= CT (air OK) (requires pumpkin)
  | damage= 136
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 16
  | advHit= +51
  | advBlock= +22
  | punishState= Counter
  | direEffect= Power Launch
  | description= * You make the pumpkin explode and it's great for extending your combos.
* If you are close enough to the pumpkin you get launched vertically in the air. You can drift left or right once you are in the air.
|caption=FIERY DECAY
|name=Dooming Blight
|input= 2CT (air OK) (requires pumpkin)
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 18
  | advHit= +25
  | advBlock= +13
  | punishState= Counter
  | direEffect= Crumple
  | description= * One of Jane's best moves.
* Use it for mainly oki and neutral.
* You can use it for combos if you want to keep the opponent standing, but using Booming Fright is more consistent.
|name=Cheshire Chewsday
  | damage= 20 x 6 (120)
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 4
  | advHit= +36
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= * There is a cat in Jane's hat. This throw gives you enough time to use Craze Tech to put out a pumpkin if you don't already have one out.
|name=Frankensteiner's Monster
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 4
  | advHit= +29
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= * It's a back throw alright.
|input= j.GP
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Throw Tech
  | startup= 2
  | advHit= +30
  | advBlock= N/A
  | description= * This can start combos if hit raw.
|name= Heartbreaker
|input= 4CT while blocking
  | damage= 32
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 17
  | advHit= +1
  | advBlock= -23
  | description= * Heartbreaker.
  | damage= 40
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 5
  | active =
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= * Standard 5 frame jab.
|name=5SP (close)
  | damage= 92
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 6
  | active =
  | advHit= +5
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= * Good for links.
|name=5SP (far)
  | damage= 92
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 9
  | active =
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= -6
  | description= * Amazing poke tool.
  | damage= 44
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 7
  | active =
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= * It's a kick you use in combos.
  | damage= 84
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 9
  | active =
  | advHit= +9
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= * Launches the opponent in the air. Amazing for juggling combos.
  | damage= 40
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 5
  | active =
  | advHit= = +2
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= * A punch
  | damage= 92
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 9
  | active =
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -4
  | description= * Anti Air Button, it's pretty good.
  | damage= 44
  | guard= Low
  | startup= 7
  | active =
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= -3
  | description= * It's a low.
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Low
  | startup= 14
  | active =
  | advHit= +44
  | advBlock= -6
  | description= * Long range sweep.
|caption=Scripulous Fingore
  | damage= 40
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 5
  | active =
  | advHit= - +6-12
  | advBlock= +3-5
  | description= * Good air-to-air.
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 8
  | active =
  | advHit= +5-13
  | advBlock= +1-11
  | description= * This move will knock the opponent to the ground for a ground bounce.
  | damage= 40
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 7
  | active =
  | advHit= +7-12
  | advBlock= +4-9
  | description= * The best normal for cross-ups.
  | damage= 80
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 7
  | active =
  | advHit= +7-13
  | advBlock= +5-11
  | description= * Main move for juggles.
====Command Normals====
====Command Normals====
|name=Yacky Sack
  | damage= 80
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 6
  | active =
  | advHit= +3
  | advBlock= -3
  | punishState = Counter
  | direEffect =
  | description= * Great if you want to launch the pumpkin vertically straight in the air.
|name= Trick Kick
|input= 6LK
  | damage= 88
  | guard= Overhead
  | startup= 21
  | active =
  | advHit= +2
  | advBlock= -4
  | punishState = Counter
  | direEffect = Stagger
  | description= * Overhead, since you're airborne you can do Backburner after on hit.
|name= Singe Snap
|input= 6LP
  | damage= 96
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 11
  | active =
  | advHit= 0
  | advBlock= -6
  | punishState = Counter
  | direEffect = Crumple
  | description= * The main command normal you use for combos.
* Can also delete projectiles for some reason.
|input=236P (can hold)
  | version= LP
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 17, 25
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | punishState = Counter
  | direEffect = Stagger
  | description= * Decent fireball.
*  If you hold the button the fireball goes vertically at like a 70-degree angle and bounces once on the ground.
  | header= no
  | version= SP
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 17, 25
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | punishState = Counter
  | direEffect = Stagger
  | description= * Goes more vertically, great for anti-airing.
*  The hold version goes at about a 90-degree angle and bounces once on the ground.
|input=236P (in air)
  | damage= 120
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 16
  | advHit= -
  | advBlock= -
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Stagger
  | description= You can TK it and it's pretty great.
|input=214P (in air) (can hold)
  | version= LP
  | damage= 136
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 23
  | advHit= +6
  | advBlock= +4
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Wall Bounce
  | description= * Your "air dash". It's great for mobility and getting in.
  | header= no
  | version= SP
  | damage= 136
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 25
  | advHit= +16
  | advBlock= +4
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Wall Bounce
  | description= * Better for combos than the LP version.
  | version= LP
  | damage= 136
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 14
  | advHit= +1
  | advBlock= -5
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Wall Bounce
  | description= * The main move you will use to end combos if the SP version to slow to hit in your combo.
  | header= no
  | version= SP
  | damage= 136
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 22
  | advHit= +1
  | advBlock= -3
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Wall Bounce
  | description= * The main move you will use in combos, tumbles the opponent.
* Will wall stick the opponent if the opponent is in the corner.
|name=Rigor Repulse
  | version= LK
  | damage= 128
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 16
  | advHit= +26
  | advBlock= -7
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Wall Bounce
  | description= * You're projectile invulnerable. If done with proper timing it will spit back a projectile.
* Good for combos if you don't want to increase your heat gauge.
* Tumbles the opponent
  | header= no
  | version= SK
  | damage= 136
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 22
  | advHit= +36
  | advBlock= -6
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = Wall Bounce
  | description= * Better for combos because it wall bounces the opponent.
* Wall sticks the opponent if they are in the corner.
====All-Out Attack====
====All-Out Attack====
|name=Burning Brouhaha
|input= 236236P
  | damage= 225
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 12
  | active = 16
  | advHit= +41
  | advBlock= -26
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= Main combo ender super. It builds up her heat gauge.
|name=Scary Loathe
|input= 214214K
  | version= LK
  | damage= 246
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 6
  | active =
  | advHit= +24
  | advBlock= -37
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= * You can hold back to side-swap with the move and put the opponent behind you.
* The LK version hitbox goes more horizontal and does more damage. Use this version if you want to end your combos with it and to keep your opponent close.
  | header= no
  | version= SK
  | damage= 216
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 4
  | active =
  | advHit= +24
  | advBlock= -35
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= * The SK version is a reversal and the hitbox is more vertical.
* Use this version if you're stuck in the corner and want to put you're opponent in the corner.
* Also a pretty decent anti-air if your opponent is jumping in on you.
====All-Out EX====
====All-Out EX====
|name= The Pumpkin Queen?
  | damage= 316
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 13
  | active =
  | advHit= +29
  | advBlock= -40
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= * An alright super but it's not that useful compared to her other supers.
* Very niche, just use level 1 instead or save for level 3.
====All-Out Destruction====
====All-Out Destruction====
|caption= Alrighty Girls
|name= Freaks Finale
  | damage= 398
  | guard= Mid
  | startup= 42
  | active = -
  | advHit= +14
  | advBlock= -36
  | punishState = Dire
  | direEffect = N/A
  | description= * It's a projectile that can go through other projectiles.
* Great combo ender.
* This move is also great as a random surprise in any situation :)

==General Gameplan==
==General Gameplan==

Latest revision as of 12:06, 4 May 2024


link C-Jane Bane is a setplay zoner that loves playing with fire.
Pros Cons
  • Range: Jane has great range on many of her normals, giving her good neutral.
  • Projectiles: Jane has great angles on ground and air fireball, allowing her to control space effectively.
  • Setplay: Pumpkin is great to have on the stage for pressure, especially 2CT which creates a fire puddle that the opponent has to respect.
  • Reflector: She can reflect the opponent's projectiles back at them at the start of 214K but it requires some timing and prediction to do so.
  • 5 Framer: Jane's fastest button is 5 frames.
  • No meterless reversal: Has to use level one if the opponent is pressuring her a lot.
  • Pumpkin reliant: If pumpkin is on the other side of the stage or you don't have it out there isn't much you can do.
  • Very Tall: Her hitbox is tall and can get hit by things normal characters can't.


Trait "Slow-Burn Creep": Burn moves cause the opponent to slowly take damage and build Jane’s Heat gauge. If an attack would increase this gauge to full, the Heat is consumed and the opponent is afflicted with Burn Out, resulting in a Dire Counter Effect.
Health 1000
Mobility Dash

Move Overview

Universal Mechanics

Craze Tech

Looming Sight
CT (can hold)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
N/A N/A 22, 36 - - N/A N/A Counter N/A
  • Throws a pumpkin on the stage.
Booming Fright
CT (air OK) (requires pumpkin)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
136 Mid 16 - - +51 +22 Counter Power Launch
  • You make the pumpkin explode and it's great for extending your combos.
  • If you are close enough to the pumpkin you get launched vertically in the air. You can drift left or right once you are in the air.
Dooming Blight
2CT (air OK) (requires pumpkin)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
120 Mid 18 - - +25 +13 Counter Crumple
  • One of Jane's best moves.
  • Use it for mainly oki and neutral.
  • You can use it for combos if you want to keep the opponent standing, but using Booming Fright is more consistent.


Cheshire Chewsday
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
20 x 6 (120) Throw Tech 4 - - +36 N/A
  • There is a cat in Jane's hat. This throw gives you enough time to use Craze Tech to put out a pumpkin if you don't already have one out.
Frankensteiner's Monster
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Throw Tech 4 - - +29 N/A
  • It's a back throw alright.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Throw Tech 2 - - +30 N/A
  • This can start combos if hit raw.


4CT while blocking
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
32 Mid 17 - - +1 -23
  • Heartbreaker.



Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Mid 5 - - +2 -3
  • Standard 5 frame jab.

5SP (close)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
92 Mid 6 - - +5 -3
  • Good for links.
5SP (far)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
92 Mid 9 - - +2 -6
  • Amazing poke tool.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
44 Mid 7 - - +2 -3
  • It's a kick you use in combos.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
84 Mid 9 - - +9 -3
  • Launches the opponent in the air. Amazing for juggling combos.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Mid 5 - - = +2 -3
  • A punch

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
92 Mid 9 - - +3 -4
  • Anti Air Button, it's pretty good.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
44 Low 7 - - +2 -3
  • It's a low.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
120 Low 14 - - +44 -6
  • Long range sweep.


Scripulous Fingore
Scripulous Fingore
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Overhead 5 - - - +6-12 +3-5
  • Good air-to-air.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
96 Overhead 8 - - +5-13 +1-11
  • This move will knock the opponent to the ground for a ground bounce.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
40 Overhead 7 - - +7-12 +4-9
  • The best normal for cross-ups.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block
80 Overhead 7 - - +7-13 +5-11
  • Main move for juggles.

Command Normals

Yacky Sack
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
80 Mid 6 - - +3 -3 Counter -
  • Great if you want to launch the pumpkin vertically straight in the air.

Trick Kick
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
88 Overhead 21 - - +2 -4 Counter Stagger
  • Overhead, since you're airborne you can do Backburner after on hit.

Singe Snap
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
96 Mid 11 - - 0 -6 Counter Crumple
  • The main command normal you use for combos.
  • Can also delete projectiles for some reason.


236P (can hold)
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LP 120 Mid 17, 25 - - - - Counter Stagger
  • Decent fireball.
  • If you hold the button the fireball goes vertically at like a 70-degree angle and bounces once on the ground.
SP 120 Mid 17, 25 - - - - Counter Stagger
  • Goes more vertically, great for anti-airing.
  • The hold version goes at about a 90-degree angle and bounces once on the ground.

236P (in air)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
120 Mid 16 - - - - Dire Stagger

You can TK it and it's pretty great.

214P (in air) (can hold)
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LP 136 Mid 23 - - +6 +4 Dire Wall Bounce
  • Your "air dash". It's great for mobility and getting in.
SP 136 Mid 25 - - +16 +4 Dire Wall Bounce
  • Better for combos than the LP version.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LP 136 Mid 14 - - +1 -5 Dire Wall Bounce
  • The main move you will use to end combos if the SP version to slow to hit in your combo.
SP 136 Mid 22 - - +1 -3 Dire Wall Bounce
  • The main move you will use in combos, tumbles the opponent.
  • Will wall stick the opponent if the opponent is in the corner.

Rigor Repulse
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LK 128 Mid 16 - - +26 -7 Dire Wall Bounce
  • You're projectile invulnerable. If done with proper timing it will spit back a projectile.
  • Good for combos if you don't want to increase your heat gauge.
  • Tumbles the opponent
SK 136 Mid 22 - - +36 -6 Dire Wall Bounce
  • Better for combos because it wall bounces the opponent.
  • Wall sticks the opponent if they are in the corner.


All-Out Attack

Burning Brouhaha
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
225 Mid 12 16 - +41 -26 Dire N/A

Main combo ender super. It builds up her heat gauge.

Scary Loathe
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
LK 246 Mid 6 - - +24 -37 Dire N/A
  • You can hold back to side-swap with the move and put the opponent behind you.
  • The LK version hitbox goes more horizontal and does more damage. Use this version if you want to end your combos with it and to keep your opponent close.
SK 216 Mid 4 - - +24 -35 Dire N/A
  • The SK version is a reversal and the hitbox is more vertical.
  • Use this version if you're stuck in the corner and want to put you're opponent in the corner.
  • Also a pretty decent anti-air if your opponent is jumping in on you.

All-Out EX

The Pumpkin Queen?
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
316 Mid 13 - - +29 -40 Dire N/A
  • An alright super but it's not that useful compared to her other supers.
  • Very niche, just use level 1 instead or save for level 3.

All-Out Destruction

Freaks Finale
Alrighty Girls
Alrighty Girls
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Punish State Dire Effect
398 Mid 42 - - +14 -36 Dire N/A
  • It's a projectile that can go through other projectiles.
  • Great combo ender.
  • This move is also great as a random surprise in any situation :)

General Gameplan




Notable Players

Disclaimer: This list is derived from community input and is in no way comprehensive or a form of ranking of any kind. Our community criteria can be found here.

Usual Color Handles/Links Region Status Notes
BC Jane PalLK.png
NosyNate United States
United States
New York
Active C-Jane MASTER, frequently plays in the Battle Craze Arena. Founder of the Nate Special.

Battle Craze Navigation

la justiciaCLS
Jane BaneCLS