Skullgirls/Cerebella/Team Building

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Assists this character provides

Cerecopter (default assist)

SG cer dphp.png

A lengthy lockdown assist with a fairly large hitbox.

H Lock'n'Load (default assist)

SG cer qcfp.png

A single hit, delayed startup armored assist with damage that hits like a truck. An opponent must hit Cerebella multiple times or carefully place a sweep to stop the assist once she's on screen, making it extremely difficult to stop her before she lunges forward.

Excellebella (623LP+LK)

SG cer dpthrow.png

An anti-air grab (unblockable while rising) that doubles as a setup assist. Builds a generous amount of meter, has good conversions, and allows characters to build resources due to the lengthy animation.

Diamond Drop (236LP+LK)

SG cer qcfthrow.png

A high damage throw assist. During the throw animation the point character has plenty of time set up resources.

Tumbling Run Followups

Input [4]6 HP+HK for Battle Butt, [4]6 MP+MK for Kanchou, and [4]6 LP+LK for Run Stop. Pummel Horse is not selectable as an assist.

Assists this character especially benefits from

  • Conversions: Cerebella benefits a lot from an assist that lets her convert off Dynamo and Diamond Drop. These moves are very important to Cerebella's gameplan and don't normally have a meterless followup midscreen. The ability to combo off these moves provides much more reward when these moves land.
  • Lockdown: She can also benefit from assists that have lengthy blockstun or slow startup that allow her to use her normally unsafe moves, primarily Battle Butt, and stay safe. This not only gives her a safe defensive tool with Battle butt + assist, but also enhances Battle Butt as a poking tool which can be very strong.
  • Frontloaded Damage: Single-hit assists that launch and knock down give Bella a scary amount of frontloaded damage in the corner, since they allow use of Battle Butt and 6HP early in the combo.
    • Examples: Brass Knuckles, H Hurl (Beowulf), Dive of Horus (Eliza), H Buer (Painwheel), Napalm Pillar (Parasoul)
    • Example route using H Hurl.


  • She can continue a combo with Dynamo without meter if she ends up putting the opponent in the corner and has OTG. She can also combo midscreen with the right assist making this an even stronger option.
  • Diamonds (Level 3) is good damage, allows for a follow-up, and (mostly?) safe on block.
  • Her 360 can be DHC'd out of after the most damaging hit. Examples of DHCs allow a continued combo are; SBO, Lenny, Hatred Install, Beast of Gehenna, Airwulf (with hype).

Meter management

  • Lock n Load and Excellebella (on point and as an assist) builds a ton of meter in one hit. She also generally builds good meter in her combos using run follow ups.
  • Cerebella gets a lot of mileage out of her supers. Dynamo and 360 are two great reversals, and are used in conjunction with Lock n Load. Dynamo is also used for many of her conversions. Diamonds (level 3) does good damage and has other utility (hyper armor, hits low, negates projectiles, and is safe).

Training Room
Game Data Legend
Ms. Fortune
Big Band
Black Dahlia