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Umbrella is currently running a pyramid scheme to fund her Hungry Hungry Hippos knock-off "Hungry Hungry Hungern". She plans to use the money from her board game sales to buy more ice cream.


Umbrella is a strange setplay/grappler hybrid. From her slow, menacing bubbles to her high-damage grabs, she's definitely not at a loss for ways to keep you locked in or out. Her main neutral options are going to be sending out two of those aforementioned bubbles, but make one mistake around them and she goes a mile with it, with combo damage that sends chills down Big Band's spine.

SG umb icon.png Umbrella has an optional blurb here if we want to put one.
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Extremely high damage - Pretty much all of umbrella's moves, especially her punch normals and specials, do insane damage.
  • Horrifying strike/throw - Getting opened up by Tongue Twister could very well result in the death of your character, even from full health.
  • Anti-Zoning tools - Retina Reflector reflects projectiles, making zoning against Umbrella generally unviable. On top of that, her s.HP hits projectiles back, baseball style.
  • Clunky movement - Umbrella's step dash is relatively slow and cannot be stopped until her foot is planted on the ground, making full screen approaches slightly more difficult.
  • Extensive hurtboxes - Hungern is almost always considered a part of Umbrella's hurtbox, meaning that she has very few actual disjoints to work with.

Important Moves

  • Tongue Twister - A very fast grounded command grab, which can stretch to full screen in Ravenous.
  • Salt Grinder - Your hit grab combo extender. Very high damage and staggers on release, leading to easy follow-ups.
  • Wish Maker - Slow, horizontal bubble that traps your opponent in a bubble on hit, mainly used in neutral or for combo extensions.



Standing 3 Buttons: Sg lp.png or Sg lk.pngSg mp.png or Sg mk.pngSg hp.png or Sg hk.png
Crouching 3 Buttons: Sg lp.png or Sg lk.pngSg mp.png or Sg mk.pngSg hp.png or Sg hk.png
Air 5 Buttons: Sg lp.pngSg lk.pngSg mp.pngSg mk.pngSg hp.png or Sg hk.png


Weight Dash Double Jump Airdash IAD Lockout
Light Step → Step (repeats) No No N/A

Wakeup Time

Forward Tech Backward Tech Sliding KD Hard KD Crumple
38 39 -3 (81) 43 43

Move List

IMPORTANT MESSAGE Due to the previous format hitting the template/size limit very quickly this will be my second attempt at it, please go here for your frame data needs in the meantime. My apologies for the inconvenience. - Seen

SG umb Starving.png Starving
SG umb Ravenous.png Ravenous
SG umb Satiated.png Satiated
SG umb Overstuffed.png Overstuffed

Character Mechanic: Hungern and the Hunger Bar

Hungern's current level of hunger is Umbrella's defining characteristic that sets her apart from the rest of the cast. Depending on certain factors, Hungern will grow either more hungry or more full, leading to attacks involving him to gain different properties, damage, and other such effects. To play Umbrella, one must learn to manage Hungern's appetite mid-match, and be able to adapt their neutral game, pressure, and combo routes to account for Hungern's ever growing appetite.

The moves that are influenced by Hungern's hunger level are as follows:

  • All of Umbrella's punch normals, including Tight Squeeze (6LP) and Cliff Hanger (6HP)
  • Tongue Twister
  • All punch specials
  • All of Umbrella's bubble specials
  • Retina Reflector
  • Under the Weather
  • Feeding Time

The moves that can influence Hungern's hunger level are as follows:

  • All bubble specials
  • Salt Grinder
  • Tongue Twister
  • Hungern Rush
  • Feeding Time
  • Hug it Out (taunt)
  • All punch normals

SG umb hunger.png

Hungern has four stages of hunger he can be in throughout the match. Each state gives Hungern different and unique properties depending on which of them he is currently in. The stages of Hungern's hunger are as follows:


Starving is the weakest stage of hunger that can be achieved. This state is achieved through a lack of ingesting the opponent, and being unable to manage it. This stage is noted in appearance by Hungern appearing wilted. Unlike his other stages, he appears wilted, with cracks appearing on his skin and flakes of his skin falling whenever Umbrella moves. In her original palette, he appears a darker, less vibrant shade of purple than his other phases. The pips of the hunger meter are a dark purple color when you enter this state.

When you're Starving, its essentially like being in Overstuffed, with none of the benefits and all of the drawbacks. You lack consistent frame advantage, and you can't even gatling your punch normals into each other. Starving makes all of your Hungern normals vastly inferior to the previous versions. In addition, Starving Slurp N' Slide now causes Umbrella to slip and fall if she slides over a puddle with the attack, leaving her wide open for punishes.

Any attack where Hungern ingests an opponent becomes highly valued due to you having the Hunger to burn to do max damage. Your grabs/command grabs become vastly more threatening, and you're able to dish out high single instance damage via throws and hitgrabs. Feeding Time is at its most dangerous here, being able to take massive chunks off of the enemy health bar. Just be wary that throws/command grabs leave the opponent with recoverable red health. Essentially, Starving's biggest strength is that you can both deal a lot of damage and get to return to having regular Hungern normals if you land a grab/command grab.

Moves that would be beneficial to use in this state are:

  • Grounded grab
  • Salt Grinder
  • Tongue Twister
  • Cutie Ptooie
  • Feeding Time

Additionally, all punch specials have increased startup.

During Starving, you completely lose access to both Bobblin' Bubble and Wish Maker, with Umbrella doing the animation for these attacks, but no bubbles appearing due to there being no hunger to burn for these attacks. In addition, Under the Weather is severely weakened, spawning only 3 bubbles when the super is used. Cutie Ptooie, however, is unique. Like the other bubble specials, no bubble will appear. However, if you use this move it will instantly put you back into Ravenous, giving you access to that forms' quick normals and damaging throws.

Standing Punches

SG umb slp.png
SG umb slp hb.png
Lips Stick
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LP s.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 350 2.5% -5 -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
13 3 19 16 19 8
  • Decent speed and okay reach for a poke normal, confirms into 2MK, or 5MK if closer, except at max range.
SG umb smp.png
SG umb smp hb.png
Skewer Spewer
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MP s.Sg mp.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 500 7.5% -4 -8
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
20 5 24 20 11 24
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 100 x4, 200 1.06% x5 -1 -11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11 6, 6, 6, 6, 3 25 32 x4, 26 16 x5 1x4, 10
  • Slides Umbrella forward a large distance for a long range poke.
SG umb shp.png
SG umb shp hb.png
Grand Slam
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HP s.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 1000 4.5% KD -17
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
30 3 47 26 22 12
  • Abysmal button in this state, do not use.
  • Reflects projectiles 2f before active frames.

Crouching Punches

SG umb clp.png
SG umb clp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LP c.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 300 2.5% +1 +3
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 2 15 17 19 7
  • Absurd low profile.
SG umb cmp.png
SG umb cmp hb.png
Tongue Lash
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MP c.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 600 7.5% 0 -8
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
19 2 26 27 19 9
  • Slow disjointed poke that has a good low profile. Confirms from Sg lk.png.
SG umb chp.png
SG umb chp hb.png
Salt Lick
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HP c.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Template:Propety-SG 350, 500 5% x2 +3 -12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
17 3, (17), 2 31 24, 35 12, 21 7, 9
  • Standard two-hit launcher.
  • Is not a true string on block, albeit the gap is only 1f.

Jumping Punches

SG umb jlp.png
SG umb jlp hb.png
Taste Test
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLP j.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High 400 2.5% -5 -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
15 9 16 19 22 8
  • Important to note that jLP is not an overhead while rising (except on Big Band (WHY THOUGH?)), meaning it cannot be used for instant overheads.
SG umb jmp.png
SG umb jmp hb.png
Melon Splitter
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMP j.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High 650 7.5% +7 +1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
25 3 20 29 23 11
  • Bonk
  • Is still your air to ground move, despite it's slow speed.
SG umb jhp.png
SG umb jhp hb.png
Ice Cream Swirl
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHP j.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High}, Mid 150 xN, 1000 1.06% xN, 7.5% KD -20
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
31 3, (2), 3..., (4), 3 25 26 xN, 50 18 xN, 17 3 xN, 12
  • Can not be combo'd into by normal means due the abysmal startup.
  • Can special/super cancel the landing hit, even during startup, which will retain the combo stage.


Ravenous is the gateway form between Satiated and Starving, and is the strongest state to be in. This state is achieved through a lack of ingesting the opponent, but managing it enough to keep from being hungry. This stage is noted in appearance with Hungern's eyes becoming bloodshot and him moving erratically within Umbrella's grip. In addition, his tongue sticks out from the top of his "mouth". In her original palette, Hungern's body becomes covered with red, vein-like stripes and red energy flows through him. The pips of the hunger meter are a red color when you enter this state.

When Ravenous, you have access to Umbrella's fastest collection of normals, including the game's fastest normal (Ravenous 2LP; 4 frame start up). With these speed comes advantage, as all of your lights are very advantageous on block, allowing you many points to reset pressure and can lead to tick throw setups with grab or Tongue Twister. In addition, you get access to a lightning fast universal instant overhead in j.MP, which can be used to enforce high/low mixups, on top of strike/throw, and leads to great damage.

When specials are concerned, Slurp N' Slide is an interesting case. It's extremely fast, moves farther, and you get a full combo if this move hits (which sends the opponent behind Umbrella). In addition, the launch angle on hit can allow for interesting combo routes and resets with different assists, so be sure to take advantage of Ravenous SnS. Ravenous Hungern Rush will deal more damage and has a slightly modified ground bounce in comparison to Satiated.

Since Ravenous has a lot of hunger stored, your grab based specials are all extremely strong. Tongue Twister travels full screen when you're in this state. However, one may want to manage and see whether they'd rather cash out for damage or take advantage of the general speed that Ravenous provides.

As for your supers, Under the Weather produces a moderate amount of bubbles, and Feeding Time does higher than average damage due to the amount of hunger Ravenous has stored up. However, Retina Reflector acts a bit different. Instead of the typical 6 eyes surrounding the field Umbrella fires out of Hungern, there are now 8, meaning you get 2 additional hits on the physical projection if the attack, 2 additional projectiles able to be reflected/deflected, and you get 2 more eyes to hit with opponents for a chance to detonate on them later.

Standing Punches

SG umb slp.png
SG umb slp hb.png
Lips Stick
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LP s.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 350 2.5% -1 +2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 3 15 16 19
  • Fast poke with great range for a light normal
  • Confirm at any range with 5MP (parasoul is jealous)
SG umb smp.png
SG umb smp hb.png
Skewer Spewer
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MP s.Sg mp.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
500 -1 -5
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11 5 21
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
100 x4, 200 +3 -7
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 21
  • Slides Umbrella forward a large distance for a long range poke.
SG umb shp.png
SG umb shp hb.png
Grand Slam
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HP s.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 1000 4.5% KD -14
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
15 3 34 22
  • Reflects projectiles during active frames
  • Has a unique wall bounce effect when Overstuffed

Crouching Punches

SG umb clp.png
SG umb clp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LP c.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 300 2.5% +4 +6
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
4 2 12 17 19
  • When Ravenous, is the fastest normal in the game at 4f startup
  • Has good advantage on hit or block in all states
SG umb cmp.png
SG umb cmp hb.png
Tongue Lash
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MP c.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
600 7.5% +5 -3
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 2 21
  • Extremely long range poke, and the tongue is disjointed
  • When Ravenous, hits low and pulls inward for max range conversions
  • Good low-profile. Doesn't go as low as 2LK, but the animation is longer, making it easier to time
  • Please use 2MK in hitconfirms and not 2MP unless you're Ravenous
SG umb chp.png
SG umb chp hb.png
Salt Lick
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HP c.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
350, 500 5% x2 +6 -9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11 3, (7), 2 28
  • Typical two-hit launcher.

Jumping Punches

SG umb jlp.png
SG umb jlp hb.png
Taste Test
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLP j.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 9 13
  • Important to note that jLP is not an overhead while rising (except on Big Band), meaning it cannot be used for instant overheads.
SG umb jmp.png
SG umb jmp hb.png
Melon Splitter
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMP j.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 3 20
  • bonk
  • Is an instant overhead on everyone while Ravenous
SG umb jhp.png
SG umb jhp hb.png
Ice Cream Swirl
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHP j.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Can special/super cancel the landing hit, which will retain the combo stage


Satiated is the mode that Umbrella starts in when the match begins. This is the "neutral" state, where Umbrella is at a balance of her modes, namely between Overstuffed and Ravenous. This stage is noted in appearance with Hungern moving the least while in this stage, resembling a closed umbrella. He is thin, and does not have any unique effects to him, unlike the other three modes. In her original palette, Hungern is his normal purple color. The pips of the hunger meter are yellow in color when you enter this state.

This state acts as the "jack of all trades" of Hungern's state. This state, overall, doesn't do anything better than than the others, but it lacks the drawbacks of the other 3 states, making it the safest state to be in generally. You have alright advantage on block, you do a moderate amount of damage from all sources, and you act as a way to lead into the other states that you want to be.

All of your specials are available, and they all work as they should. Slurp N' Slide is advantageous on block. All three of your bubble based specials work as intended and travel a fair distance, and your grab based attacks deal good damage when used. Your supers all do as they're intended with Under the Weather spewing a moderate amount of bubbles and Retina Reflector dealing 6 hits.

Overall, this state you will most likely end up spending a lot of time in. Whether its just using it in neutral for its consistency, or planning out which mode you will transfer into next. Satiated is a swiss army knife that allows Umbrella to stay competitive with the rest of the cast from the start of the round.

Standing Punches

SG umb slp.png
SG umb slp hb.png
Lips Stick
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LP s.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 350 2.5% -5 -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 3 19 16 19
  • Fast poke with great range for a light normal
  • Confirm at any range with 5MP (parasoul is jealous)
SG umb smp.png
SG umb smp hb.png
Skewer Spewer
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MP s.Sg mp.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
500 7.5% -4 -8
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
14 5 24
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
100 x4, 200 -1 -11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
11 6, 6, 6, 6, 3 20
  • Slides Umbrella forward a large distance for a long range poke.
SG umb shp.png
SG umb shp hb.png
Grand Slam
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HP s.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 1000 4.5%F KD -17
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
18 3 37 22
  • Reflects projectiles during active frames
  • Has a unique wall bounce effect when Overstuffed

Crouching Punches

SG umb clp.png
SG umb clp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LP c.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 300 2.5% +1 +3
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 2 15 17 19
  • When Ravenous, is the fastest normal in the game at 4f startup
  • Has good advantage on hit or block in all states
SG umb cmp.png
SG umb cmp hb.png
Tongue Lash
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MP c.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
600 7.5% 0 -8
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
13 2 26
  • Extremely long range poke, and the tongue is disjointed
  • When Ravenous, hits low and pulls inward for max range conversions
  • Good low-profile. Doesn't go as low as 2LK, but the animation is longer, making it easier to time
  • Please use 2MK in hitconfirms and not 2MP unless you're Ravenous
SG umb chp.png
SG umb chp hb.png
Salt Lick
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HP c.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
350, 500 5% x2 +3 -12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
14 3, (10), 2 31
  • Typical two-hit launcher.

Jumping Punches

SG umb jlp.png
SG umb jlp hb.png
Taste Test
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLP j.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 9 16
  • Important to note that jLP is not an overhead while rising (except on Big Band), meaning it cannot be used for instant overheads.
SG umb jmp.png
SG umb jmp hb.png
Melon Splitter
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMP j.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
15 3 20
  • bonk
  • Is an instant overhead on everyone while Ravenous
SG umb jhp.png
SG umb jhp hb.png
Ice Cream Swirl
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHP j.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Can special/super cancel the landing hit, which will retain the combo stage


Overstuffed occurs when Hungern is full, and can be achieved by performing moves where he is ingesting the opponent. This stage is noted in appearance with Hungern becoming wider in shape, more lethargic in demeanor, and dripping spit droplets whenever Umbrella moves. In her original palette, this is also noted by Hungern becoming more blue in appearance. The pips of the hunger meter also turn a shade of blue when you enter this state.

In this state, Umbrella does by far the most damage with her punch normals when compared to the other states. They gain additional hitstun and advantage, and certain moves gain additional properties, such as:

  • Wall bounce (st. HP)
  • Ground bounce (j. MP, j. HP)

In addition to your punch normals becoming stronger, your LP buttons also have very good frame advantage, with all three of these buttons being advantageous on block.

And your normals are not the only things that have been strengthened. Your bubble specials have also been enhanced by a significant margin, in addition to Under the Weather.

  • Cutie Ptooie is larger, a increase in damage, and causes KD on hit.
  • Bobblin' Bubble gains a increase in size, damage, and hitstop.
  • Wish Maker travels much farther.
  • Under the Weather creates less bubbles, but gains a increase in size and damage, as well as knockdown.

In addition to these changes, some of Umbrella's Hungern specials have had some of their properties changed, namely:

  • Slurp N' Slide knocks the opponent away on hit, and is unsafe on block.
  • Hungern Rush, instead of ingesting the opponent, causes a single strong hit into a knockdown, and is non-super cancellable.

To compensate for these strengths, Overstuffed does have a few important weaknesses. In this state, her grab game is worsened. With all of her grabs doing less overall damage due to their primary damage source (hunger) being at a minimum.

Standing Punches

SG umb slp.png
SG umb slp hb.png
Lips Stick
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LP s.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 400 2.50% +1 +4
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
13 3 19 22 25
  • Fast poke with great range for a light normal
  • Confirm at any range with 5MP (parasoul is jealous)
SG umb smp.png
SG umb smp hb.png
Skewer Spewer
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MP s.Sg mp.png
x1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
600 0 -8
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
20 5 24
x2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
500 +4 -15
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 3 33
  • Slides Umbrella forward a large distance for a long range poke.
SG umb shp.png
SG umb shp hb.png
Grand Slam
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HP s.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 1400 (1000 on second use) 4.5% ? -16
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
30 3 47 27
  • Reflects projectiles during active frames
  • Has a unique wall bounce effect when Overstuffed

Crouching Punches

SG umb clp.png
SG umb clp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LP c.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 350 2.5% +6 +2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
10 2 15 22 18
  • When Ravenous, is the fastest normal in the game at 4f startup
  • Has good advantage on hit or block in all states

SG umb cmp.png
SG umb cmp hb.png
Tongue Lash
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MP c.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
700 7.5% 0 -6
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
19 2 26
  • Extremely long range poke, and the tongue is disjointed
  • When Ravenous, hits low and pulls inward for max range conversions
  • Good low-profile. Doesn't go as low as 2LK, but the animation is longer, making it easier to time
  • Please use 2MK in hitconfirms and not 2MP unless you're Ravenous
SG umb chp.png
SG umb chp hb.png
Salt Lick
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HP c.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
400, 750 5% x2 +3 -11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
17 3, (17), 2 31
  • Typical two-hit launcher.

Jumping Punches

SG umb jlp.png
SG umb jlp hb.png
Taste Test
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLP j.Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
15 9 16
  • Important to note that jLP is not an overhead while rising (except on Big Band), meaning it cannot be used for instant overheads.
SG umb jmp.png
SG umb jmp hb.png
Melon Splitter
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMP j.Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
26 3
  • bonk
  • Is an instant overhead on everyone while Ravenous
SG umb jhp.png
SG umb jhp hb.png
Ice Cream Swirl
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHP j.Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Can special/super cancel the landing hit, which will retain the combo stage

Standing Kicks

SG umb slk.png
SG umb slk hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5LK s.Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 250 4.5% +4 +2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 3 15 21 18
  • Umbrella's fastest move when Starving or Overstuffed
SG umb smk.png
SG umb smk hb.png SG umb smkpuddle hb.gif
Shin Dig
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5MK s.Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 550 3.75% -2 -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
12 2 23 22 22
  • Splashes puddles for extra range/hitstun/blockstun
SG umb shk.png
SG umb shk hb.png
Rough Housing
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
5HK s.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Hit Grab 1100 5.5%
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
35 13 26, 42 19
  • Hitbox only activates once Umbrella passes through the opponent, like Cerebella's Kanchou
  • First recovery frames are for vulnerable recovery, second recovery frames are for invuln which are not on the graph

Crouching Kicks

SG umb clk.png
SG umb clk hb.png
Rain Boot
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2LK c.Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low 200 2.5% -1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
8 3 19 19 20
  • Extreme low-profile, even lower than Squigly 2LK.
  • Slides forward a good distance if done while dashing.
SG umb cmk.png
SG umb cmk hb.png SG umb cmkpuddle hb.gif
Puddle Stomp
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2MK c.Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
475 3.75% +3 -2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
14 2 18 14 17
  • Throw invulnerable f1-3 + 12-16.
  • Disjointed low.
  • Great high-profile/low-crush to mix up with 2LK.
  • Umbrella does her best Slayer 2H impression, becoming throw invul during the first 3 frames of startup, the frame before active, and during active the frames. Useful as a way to avoid suspected throws and to crush low pokes.
  • If she is on a puddle, the opponent will be launched, allowing followups.
SG umb chk.png
SG umb chk hb.png
See You Next Fall
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
2HK c.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Low Sweep 750 7.5% KD -11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
17 3 23 11
  • Unlike other sweep normals, Umbrella's 2HK is a regular KD instead of a soft KD.
  • Vacuums in on hit or block.
  • Hungern's handle is disjointed.

Jumping Kicks

SG umb jlk.png
SG umb jlk hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jLK j.Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 5 16
  • Lunges Umbrella forward a decent distance both forward and slightly up, making it a good movement tool and situational air-to-air
  • Can be held on hit or block for 8 extra hits
SG umb jmk.png
SG umb jmk hb.pngSG umb jmkpuddle hb.gif
Budding Grace
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jMK j.Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
14 3 18
  • Holding jMK gives Umbrella a short float, which, if held for long enough, causes Umbrella to fall helplessly to the ground with a low hitbox that can splash puddles.
  • j[MK] can NOT be super or special cancelled unlike jHP, and the recovery is too high to convert without an assist or a puddle
SG umb jhk.png
SG umb jhk hb.png
Carousel Kick
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
jHK j.Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Your go-to restand button when you're unsure of your route

Universal Mechanics

SG umb throw.png
SG umb throw hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
600, 300 x4 1%, 2% x4, 5%
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 1 28
  • First mandatory chew will fill Hungern by 1 pip
  • Repeatedly tapping LP+LK will cause Hungern to chew up to 4 additional times, reducing hunger with each bite.
  • If Hungern reaches max fullness while chewing, the move will end prematurely after that hit.
SG umb airthrow.png
SG umb airthrow hb.png
Acid Reflux
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Air Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png (in air)
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
500 6%
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
7 3 16
  • Traps the opponent in a bubble that slowly falls to the ground, allowing for follow-ups. Independent from Wish Maker bubble
SG umb tag.png
SG umb tag hb.png
Merry Pop-in
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Tag Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High 600 7.5%
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
4 41 18
  • Can be held until you reach the opponent, granting projectile invulnerability until release
  • Holding forward or back while floating will speed you up and slow you down respectively
  • Ground bounce on air hit makes her tag comboable if you have OTG
  • Only tag to not hit mid, and only tag to do more than 500 damage
SG umb snap.png
SG umb snap hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Snapback Sg 236.png + Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg 236.png + Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 0 -100% -9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
15 3, (20), 3 24 45 17
  • Only multi-hitting snap
  • Since the 2 hits aren't a true blockstring, it can catch people who stop blocking after the first hit

Command Normals

SG umb flp.png
SG umb flp hb.png
Tight Squeeze
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
6LP 6.gif + Sg lp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 475 2.5% +4 -1
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
16 5 18 26 21 9
  • Good pre-emptive anti-air due to its active frames, hitstun, Hungern not having a hurtbox until recovery frames.
  • Confirm into 5MP or 2MP depending on their height.

SG umb fhp.png
SG umb fhp hb.png
Cliff Hanger
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
6HP 6.gif + Sg hp.png
Level 1 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid 250 x3, 400, 1100 7.5% x4, 4.5%
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
Level 2 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High 250 x3, 400, 1400 7.5% x4, 4.5%
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
Level 3 Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
High 250 x3, 400, 1700 7.5% x4, 4.5%
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Umbrella raises Hungern up, and Hungern grows exponentially before Umbrella slams him down. Hungern actually has a hitbox when growing, making it a really strong combo tool.
  • Can be charged to increase damage and change hit effects, with fully charged gaining a 2nd ground bounce.


SG umb bfthrow.png
SG umb bfthrow hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Tongue Twister [ 4.gif ] , 6.gif + Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png

Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png, Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png, ...

Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Command Grab 55% Damage Scaling 675*4, 1000 (2.5%) 3% x5, 5% x2
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
15 2 37
  • Repeatedly tapping LP+LK will cause Hungern to chew up to 4 additional times, reducing hunger with each bite.
  • If Hungern reaches max fullness while chewing, the move will end prematurely after that hit.
  • The damage of each hit is determined by the initial hunger state, so if used while Satiated and Hungern turns Overstuffed in the middle of the move, additional hits will still deal Satiated damage.
  • The Ravenous and Satiated versions can be held to extend the active frames and range of the grab, while increasing the recovery.
SG umb qcflp.png
SG umb qcflp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Salt Grinder Sg 236.png + Sg lp.png
4.gif , 6.gif , 4.gif , 6.gif ...
or → Sg lp.png , Sg hp.png , Sg lp.png , Sg hp.png ...
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Hit Grab, 55% Damage Scaling 500, 100 x5, 150 x3, 375, 750 (150) (2.5%) 3%, 1% x5, 2% x3, 3%, 4% Stagger +29 or Soft KD -24
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
24 2 42
  • After a successful grab, mashing LP & HP or left & right cause Hungern to chew up to 10 additional times, reducing hunger with each bite.
  • If Hungern reaches max fullness while chewing, the move will end prematurely after that hit.
  • The damage of each hit is determined by the initial hunger state, so if used while Satiated and Hungern turns Overstuffed in the middle of the move, additional hits will still deal Satiated damage.
SG umb bfmp.png
SG umb bfmp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Slurp 'n' Slide [ 4.gif ] , 6.gif + Sg mp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Umbrella mounts hungern and slides forward, stopping when traveling the full distance or when striking a enemy.
  • If ravenous, she will move far faster and farther, knock up the enemy and pass through them, and can follow up with a full combo.
  • If stuffed, will cause the enemy to be knocked away.
  • If Umbrella travels through a puddle, she will ignore the effects of her current state and the slide will act as if it was ravenous. If sliding over a puddle during starving, she will trip instead.
SG umb duhp.png
SG umb duhp hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Hungern Rush [ 2.gif ] , 8.gif + Sg hp.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Hungern lunges upward in an attempt to eat the opponent and come crashing down, allowing for dash 2lk full combo.
  • Unblockable against rising characters, but loses the property as a assist.
  • When overstuffed, becomes a single, non-supercancellable normal hit.
  • When ravenous, will gain a slightly modified ground bounce, allowing for easier followups.
  • Horrible horizontal range, but its unique function as a unblockable-rising-hitgrab dp allows trades to be very skewed in your favor.
SG umb qcblk.png
SG umb qcblk hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Cutie Ptooie Sg 214.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Notes go here
SG umb qcbmk.png
SG umb qcbmk hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Bobblin' Bubble Sg 214.png + Sg mk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Notes go here
SG umb qcbhk.png
SG umb qcbhk hb.png
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Wish Maker Sg 214.png + Sg hk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Hit Grab
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
  • Notes go here


SG umb qcfpp.png
SG umb qcfpp hb.png
"Our true power... UNLEASHED!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Retina Reflector
Level 1
Sg 236.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid Invuln. (Full) 1750 (500) -100% Wall Splat -49
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 + 3 6 59 28 15 15 5
  • Umbrella charges Hungern up for a powerufl blast.
  • Umbrella's reversal super and combo ender. Good for DHCs.
SG umb dppp.png
SG umb dppp hb.png
"Retina... reflector!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Retina Reflector: Contact Lens
Level 1
Sg 623.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid , , Projectile 375x 6/8 -100% +57/66/75 +36/44/54
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
6 + 0, 16/24/34 - 40 35 x6/8 13 x6/8 0 1
  • Umbrella charges Hungern up to send a relective mirror towards the opponenet, animation is subtely different from
  • Mirror is active for ~358f(9 x6/8 on contact) and slowly moves forward, nullifying beams and reflecting all projectiles, will break when it collides with another reflector.
    • Startup, advantage, and mirror placement varies on version used (L/M/H respectively). With L spawning shortly in front of Umbrella (and being proj. invul), M spawning roughly half screen, and H spawning roughly 3/4 screen.
    • Spawns with 8 eyes while Ravenous. Will not be able to spawn another mirror until the first dissipates.
  • Umbrella can hit the mirror with any physical hit to break it, sending the eyes forward as projectiles that stick to the opponenet on contact.
    • The eyes detonate after 166f, deal 250 damage (100 chip) each, have 3 active frames each, KD on hit, with 22 hitstun, 19 blockstun, and 6 hitstop.
SG umb qcfkk.png
SG umb qcfkk hb.png
"Cloudy with a chance of Hungern!"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Under the Weather
Level 1
Sg 236.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Mid (frame 9-19) 1250 -100% KD See Notes
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
9 + 4, 13 4 62 26 19 11 1
  • Spawns 12 bubbles that do 175 damage (75 chip), have 26 hitstun, 19 blockstun, have 6 hitstop. Bubbles can directed by holding 4 or 6 before they spawn.
    • While Starving, will spawn 3 bubbles that can not be directed, and loses the first hit.
    • While Overstuffed, will spawn 9 bubbles that do 225 damage (125 chip), KD on hit, have 24 hitstun, 21 blockstun, and have 9 hitstop.
    • Only one wave of bubbles will be active at a time, doing the super again will despawn all bubbles active from previous super.
  • First hit only coded to hit airborne characters?
    • Seems to be approx -60 at minimum (tested on Big and MF rising into land cancel, but will vary), bubbles will likely get in the way of punishing.
SG umb qcbpp.png
SG umb qcbpp hb.png
" Down the hatch! Not tasty?"
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Feeding Time
Level 3
Sg 214.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
Command Grab , 55% Damage Scaling, 55% Minimum Scaling 0, 6750/4750/3500, 500 -300% Sliding KD N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
4 7 78 N/A N/A N/A 1
  • A VERY long ranged command grab super with potentially high damage to boot.
    • Can convert with a well placed Wish Maker bubble.
    • Damage is for Starving/Ravenous, Satiated, and then Overstuffed state.


SG umb taunt.png
Hug It Out Sg 360.png + Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
N/A N/A 112 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Increases hunger by 1 pip over the duration, can hold to increase recovery and hunger gained.
SG umb assist.png
Assist Taunt Automatically done after an assist move
Guard Properties Damage Meter On Hit On Block On Pushblock
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A
Startup Active Recovery Hit Stun Block Stun Hit Stop Super Hit Stop
N/A N/A 50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Amount of time it takes for the character to turn invulnerable after they finish performing their assist action.
  • Longer recovery → more time to punish the assist.


SG umb color1.png SG umb color2.png SG umb color3.png SG umb color4.png SG umb color5.png
Color 1
Default color palette.
Color 2
Original alternate color palette.
Color 3
Original alternate color palette, likely inspired by Christmas colours.
Color 4
Original alternate color palette.
Color 5
Original alternate color palette.

SG umb color6.png SG umb color7.png SG umb color8.png SG umb color9.png SG umb color10.png
Color 6
Original alternate color palette.
Color 7
Based on Parasoul.
Color 8
Based on May from Guilty Gear; includes Hungern as Mr. Dolphin.
Color 9
Based on Beowulf; includes Hungern as Grendel.
Color 10
Based on Princess Peach from the Mario franchise.

SG umb color11.png SG umb color12.png SG umb color13.png SG umb color14.png SG umb color15.png
Color 11
Based on Moana from the film of the same name. Includes Hungern as Heihei.
Color 12
Based on Ash Ketchum from the Pokemon franchise. Includes Hungern as Pikachu.
Color 13
Based on Tiana from the film The Princess and the Frog. Includes Hungern as Prince Naveen in frog form.
Color 14
Based on Hat Kid from A Hat in Time.
Color 15

SG umb color16.png SG umb color17.png SG umb color18.png SG umb color19.png SG umb color20.png
Color 16
Color 17
Color 18
Color 19
Color 20

SG umb color21.png SG umb color22.png SG umb color23.png SG umb color24.png SG umb color25.png
Color 21
Color 22
Color 23
Color 24
Color 25

SG umb color26.png SG umb color27.png SG umb color28.png SG umb color29.png SG umb color30.png
Color 26
Based on Roll from Mega man, includes Hungern as Eddie.
Color 27
Color 28
Color 29
Based on Neopolitan from RWBY.
Color 30
Based on Marie, the skullgirl.

Intro Poses

Umbrella has 3 different intro poses that can be selected by holding a light, medium or heavy button during the loading screen before a match. (Currently these lines are cycled through her poses.)

SG intropose umbL.png Intro pose 1:
Sg lp.png OR Sg lk.png
Umbrella floats on screen, Mary Poppins style.
Voice line 1!

Voice line 1!

SG intropose umbM.png Intro pose 2:
Sg mp.png OR Sg mk.png
Umbrella walks on screen then waves ecstatically at the opponent.
Voice line 2!

Voice line 2!

SG intropose umbH.png Intro pose 3:
Sg hp.png OR Sg hk.png
Umbrella feeds Hungern a double scoop ice cream then readies herself.
Voice line 3!

Voice line 3!

Win Poses

File:SG pose umb 1.jpg Winpose 1:

Voice line 1!

Voice line 2!

Players to Watch

Disclaimer: This list is derived from community input and is in no way comprehensive or a form of ranking of any kind. Our community criteria can be found here.

Usual Color Handles/Links Region Status Notes
SG umb color1.png
Placeholder player
(social media link)
United States
United States
region note
Active Team
One-line summary of player
(Example play link)
SG umb color2.png
Placeholder player
(social media link)
European Union
European Union
region note
Retired Team
One-line summary of player
(Example play link)
SG umb color3.png
Placeholder player
(social media link)
region note
Inactive Team
One-line summary of player
(Example play link)

Training Room
Game Data Legend
Ms. Fortune
Big Band
Black Dahlia