Ultra Fight Da! Kyanta 2/Myusha

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UFDK2 Myusha Header.png


(This is portmanteau of the AI translation in the character data section to be more "understandable.")
(This may be wrong entirely, but this can remain for now until someone translates the japanese description properly.)

A robot designed by Dr. Komachi, the designer of Rare. Myusha wears a maid outfit, which seems to reflect the doctor's taste, and Myusha herself likes it. She has a personality despite being a robot, and like Rare, she has amazing abilities as a weapon of destruction. She thinks Dr. Komachi died due to forced labor and takes care of Rare, she's hoping to find a genius programmer to upgrade herself and Rare further to confront the organization that took away Dr. Komachi. She thinks Rare is cute and often gets carried away with repairing Rare when he breaks down, she's very talented at repairs, or breaking things if she needs to.


who knows


Input Damage Guard Notes
5A 5 Mid Normal standing jab.
2A 5 Low Low jab, disjointed.
j.A 8 High Active-until-landing jump-in, adds to your horizontal momentum.
j.A~A 5 High Mash follow-up after the initial j.A, can be cancelled into j.B and j.A~A~A.
j.A~A~A 10 High Mash follow-up after the initial j.A, can be cancelled into j.B.

Has a weird quirk where this hit will ALWAYS do 10 damage, no matter your damage scaling.

5B 15 Mid Advancing launcher, can be converted off of with 5A at certain ranges.

Kind of an awkward move, not safe on block but has slight disjoint, useful for juggles when you hit them with the later frames.

6B 20 Mid Long poke boxing glove.

Not a disjoint, as the spring has a hurtbox, but the glove itself has no hurtbox.
Safe on block and faster than 5B, useful for starting juggles using the second hit launch.

2B 5*3,15 (20) Low Multi-hitting sweep, kind of sub-par for a sweep as it has very small hitboxes and isn't very fast or plus on block.

Does good boko damage and builds a lot of meter in combos due to being a multihit.

j.B 15 High Active-until-landing momentum-changing air normal.

Great jump-in and combo tool as it has a unique ground bounce that can be used at any point during a combo.

5X 20 Mid A rocket falls down from the sky, the projectile will always come out even if Myusha is hit.

Similar to 2X, you can use this on trades and convert into full combos, although 5X knocks down allowing for better combos.

1/2/3X 10 Mid Aimable rocket that goes up and then comes back down.

Extremely useful in neutral as it's forever active and the projectile will come out even on trades and doesn't disappear if Myusha is hit.

j.X (Laser) 10*4 (28) Mid Laser!

It's a fast multi-hitting laser, it's not a projectile, similar to Azuma's j.X but far faster. Pretty good boko damage.
Very good.

j.Y (Flight) N/A N/A Flight!

Similar to Rogue's j.Y, you can move back and forth with 4/6 and cancel into all of your air options.

5EX 25*2 (48) Mid EX 6B, multi-hitting and quite fast but has a very low knockdown and is hard to convert off of.
1/2/3EX 30 Mid Beefier but slower 2X.
j.EX 15*6 (60) Mid 3/4ths-screen laser.

Sort of like Azuma's Gun, but not a high.
Somewhat good for cranking BOKO bar in blockstrings.

Ultra 1 (Y) ? (120) Mid Multi-hitting advancing explosions, slow start-up but lots of damage.

Hard to apply in juggles.
Mostly useful on oki.

Ultra 2 (Y) 15*7 (105) Grab Raging Demon with very low invuln, it launches high up so you can combo after with j.B.
Throw 15*3 (45) Grab Unique high launch throw that can be combo'd after with j.B.
Taunt N/A N/A Unique taunt that completely heals all BOKO damage taken.

Sample Combos

Investigator Azuma
Well Done
Mask Michelle
Katana Kyanta
Dr. K