Ultra Fight Da! Kyanta 2/Hisomi

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< Ultra Fight Da! Kyanta 2
Revision as of 00:15, 17 August 2022 by Aru762mmR (talk | contribs) (Adjusted move descriptions and added char summary tagline)
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Hisomi used to be a normal girl with a normal life attending lchigo Milk Primary School.
Everything changed when she was tragically struck by a motorcycle by a reckless gangster.
She nearly died, but an alien named Megamajidesu happened to see the accident.
By lending her some of his power, he was able to save her life.

Since then, they’ve become the best of friends, and she calls him Mega-chan for short.
By attaching himself to her body, Mega-chan can partially control Hisomi and grant her supernatural speed and strength.

File:UFDK2 Hisomi Colors.png



Recommended Types: Stamina

UFDK2 Hisomi Icon.png Hisomi is an all-rounder whose core gameplan revolves around zoning with web-balls and countering your opponent's offense with 2EX.
Pros Cons
  • Mess Up Once, Die: If you get caught by a web ball and Hisomi is close she can rep U2s to deals unscaled 150~ish damage per rep, if she touches you once that can be the whole round.
  • Web Balls: Three amazing projectiles that come at odd angles and let Hisomi push mixes while they approach, getting hit usually means certain death or Hisomi building a ton of meter.
  • 2EX: 2EX is a great multi-hit EX with collision, that has a SINGLE frame of vulnerability at the end of it, effectively making it fully invulnerable. Probably 'the' most versatile EX in the game.
  • "What are you gonna do? Kill me?": Hisomi has such absurd neutral and ease to taunting that by picking Hisomi and just getting off a taunt, even on death you're up two bars for your next character. Potentially MORE thanks to Hisomi's web balls and plus on meter corner combos. Making fighting Hisomi a losing scenario no matter what.
  • Unsafe Buttons: 5B, j.B, j.A, 5X, 2X, U1, U2, and 2B are largely unsafe when not properly spaced or parried, meaning Hisomi has to play very passively despite how oppressive her projectiles should let her be.
  • Combo Game?: Hisomi lacks a meaningful combo game without routing into 2EX or U2, or without having projectiles setup ahead of time, making it harder for her to get started with a defecit.



Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
3 Mid 1 1 2 0 ? ? ? N/A

Ridiculous huge jab that comes out lightning fast, deals 3 dmg as a trade-off.

Hisomi's ONLY low
Hisomi's ONLY low
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
5 Low 2 1 1 0 ? ? ? N/A

Standard low jab, her only low.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Effect
15 High 7 Until Ground Until Ground 0 N/A

Extremely hard to contest hitbox from below.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
16,15,15 High 0 6(4)6 10 0 ? ? ? N/A

Instant overhead.
Impossible to get all the hits to connect and leaves you minus on hit.
Should be used to catch people off guard and then KC'd for a combo.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
25 Mid 5 8 8 0 ? ? ? C

Unsafe on hit or block, combo fodder. your main reactionary whiffed DP punish if you don't have meter for 5X U2.

Just Parry Bro
Just Parry Bro
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Effect
19 High 35 Until Ground Until Ground 0 N/A

Floaty pseudo-vega claw move, knocks down on hit which starts combos.
Incredibly unsafe on parry due to the hitbox being at her feet.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
15 Mid 15 Until Off-screen 6 0 Web ? ? W

High arc web-ball, useful for anti-airs and hits.
Useful for repping U2s.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
15 Mid 19 Until Off-screen 7 0 Web ? ? W

Low arc web-ball, lets you control the ground and or run up with the web-ball.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Effect
10 Mid 15 Until Off-screen Until Ground 0 W

Mid arc web-ball, lets you move while performing it.
Acts differently from the other web-balls, not forcing opponents to the ground on hit, unlike 5X or 2X.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
?? High 0 7(4)4(7)2(2)4 7 1-22 Knockdown ? ? KD

Souped up version of 5B with all of the same problems, meter is better spent on 2EX.
Aru please get the proper hits/dmg for this move, thx

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
25,25?? High 6 12 5 1-22 Knockdown ? ? KD, C

The best move in this character's kit. Nearly Fully Invincible, Plus on block forward moving attack. It is your main confirm from 5A and 2A, and by following up with 5As in the corner you can go meter positive on your combo. Can easily be jumped over though, so use with care.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Effect
15*3(39) Mid 7 Until Off-screen Until Ground 1-11 W

Your only air invincible move.

 Vomits all 3 web-balls all at once and stops your air trajectory faster than jX.
 If 5X, 2X or jX are already on the screen this move will shoot one less webball for each, respectively. 
 Niche use as a round start tool and to speed up the damage from web loops in the corner.
Ultra 1 (Y)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
25*6(120) High ? ? ? ? ? ? ? KD

Overhead knowledge check, looks like a low/mid.
U2 is better, but this still has the occasional niche in combos since it doesn't send them flying.

Ultra 2 (Y)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
30*6(150) Mid ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -

Ridiculous anti-air super/combo tool that you can only get 3 hits of without the web.
With web you deal 165 damage, loops into itself with every U2 dealing another 150-ish damage.
Her main combo tool and threat.

Grab (AB)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
15*3(45) Grab 4 2 29 0 Knockdown Knockdown N/A KD, KB, FC

Combo throw, it's hard to get despite the big reward.
Recovery can be cancelled into Ultras, mainly just for U2 though.

Taunt (Select)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Invuln Adv. Hit Adv. Block Adv. Parry Effect
3, 3, +1 bar to EX gauge N/A ? ? ? N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Has a slow but tall anti-air hitbox, if this hits someone is bm'ing.
Grants 1 bar of meter.


Notation Help

Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.
For more information, see Controls.
Character-specific notation, will be on the character's page.

FB Refers to the act of gaining a "Flash Bonus", which grants you extra meter, on the hit of a move.
KC Refers to pressing B+Y on the same frame, or the macro-button for B+Y. This is known as a Kyanta-Cancel, this game's Roman-Cancel.
DC Refers to cancelling a move by activating Demon type's buff, similar to KC.
XEX Refers to pressing X+Y on the same frame, or the macro-button for X+Y.

This is known as an EX move, for example: j.EX>5EX>2EX.

{X/Y/Z} Move X or Y or Z can be used.
#X Indicates that any of A, B and C may be used with #. Example: 3A (Down-right, Light.)

If you have trouble with this notation, you may want to google for "Numpad Notation" elsewhere.

(X)xN or (X)xN-N Loop the inputs in the square brackets or parenthesis as many times as N, sometimes doesn't include brackets or parenthesis but still means the same thing.

Also occasionally includes a dash to indicate that a varying amount of hits can be performed.

j.X Button X is input while you are in the air jump.
X(whiff) Indicates that X is intended to whiff.
(Delay) or (Wait) Indicates a short delay on the hit.
(X) X move is omittable from the combo, this will be mentioned in the hover text.
tk.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
AA Indicates the move hits an opponent in the air, referred to as an Anti-air. Hence AA.
[X] Indicates if a move should be held down.
]X[ Indicates if a held move should be released, for example: 5[B] > 5]B[.

//Have Fun Aru//

Old Combos

5X > 5A*5 (35)

  • Go to anti-air punish, builds meter back nicely. End with 2EX if you manage to hit them standing when they exit the webbed state for a Knockdown.

Web > (U2 > 5X)xN

  • 150 per rep, stupid damage.

Throw > (5A)x4 (60)
Throw > 2EX > (5A)x5 (86)

  • Meter refund combo

2EX (2-hit) > (5A)x5-12

  • Only can mash 5 hits on most characters, on Hisomi/Rogue you can mash 12 hits.

2EX (1-hit) > 5X > (U2 > 5X)xN

  • Web ToD confirm.

Web Loop

Unlike Tsukinami's net infinite, this isn't an infinite and it's far far harder to do.
The opponent can hold pretty much any air button and if it trades or beats tk.j.X/tk.j.EX you escape the combo.
There are no full buffer versions of the loop and if you web the opponent twice they will be intangible.


  • 2EX(1-hit)
  • j.B
  • AA 2B


  • 5A > tk.j.X > 2B > ((delay) 5A > tk.j.X > 2B)xN
  • 5A > tk.j.X > ((delay) 5A > 5A > tk.j.X )xN (2B Unloopable Char Variant)


  • ((delay) 5A > tk.j.X > 2B)xN
  • ((delay) 5A > 5A > tk.j.X)xN (2B Unloopable Char Variant)


  • ... > (delay) 5A > 2B > 5X > 2B > (5A)x4

(If you mess up and accidentally do 5X when trying to input a tk.j.X, you can buffer 2B as normal and mash 5A, which is a good ender.)

  • ... > (delay) 5A > 2B > 5X > (5A)x2 > (U2)xN (2B Loopable Char ONLY)

(Alternatively you can just drop the loop entirely once you have enough meter and snap into U2 TOD, this is impossible in 5A loop due to needing to web twice.)

  • ... > (delay) 5A > 5A > j.X > U2

(Since you have to link with j.X since you cannot land for 5X, U2 pops the opponent up, if you web again they will be intangible.)

Character's escape options for the loop:
(All characters can parry out, but it has to be done backwards since they're facing the wall.)

Character Meterless Metered Unloopable (2B)
Kyanta Y (j.B) N N
Buttobi N Y (j.EX) N
Spike Y (j.X) Y (j.EX) N
Anna Y (j.A/j.X) Y (j.EX) N
Tsukinami N Y (j.EX) N
Blues N Y (j.EX) N
Jakor N Y (j.EX) N
Sendou Y (j.X) Y (j.EX) Y
Michelle N Y (j.EX) N
Chihiro Y (j.A/j.B/j.X) Y (j.EX) Y
Azuma-Deka Y (j.B) N N
Rogue N Y (j.EX) Y
Rare N Y (j.EX) Y
Garasha Y (j.B/j.2X) Y (j.EX) N
Hisomi Y (j.B) Y (j.EX) Y
Well Done Y (j.B) Y (j.EX) N
Cocorn Y (j.X) Y (j.EX) N
Nanatsu Y (j.B) N N
Robo-Azuma N Y (j.EX) N
Gyanta N Y (j.EX) N
M. Michelle N Y (j.EX) N
K. Kyanta N Y (j.EX) Y
Masao Y (j.X) Y (j.EX) N
Taro Y (j.B/j.X) Y (j.EX) Y
Hatoyan N Y (j.EX) N
Masako Y (j.A/j.B) N N
kinoko Y (j.A/j.B) N Y
ZackyWild N Y (j.EX) N
Natanee N Y (j.EX) N

Examples of all of the 2B web loop variants, here: Hisomi Web Loop By Durdge-o
Examples of both web loop variants, here: Hisomi CMV - Just 2EX by YFDHippo

Other Resources/Notable Players

Other Guides/Showcases

Hisomi CMV - Just 2EX by YFDHippo

Notable Players

  • Aru7.62mmR

(Names to look out for when searching for VODs of this character.)

Investigator Azuma
Well Done
Mask Michelle
Katana Kyanta
Dr. K