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Clarice di Lanza


Always bubbling over with exuberance, Clarice cares very little for the trivial matters that frequently pop up in everyday life and goes through her days in a state of ignorant bliss. Clarice first became interested in the human world due to the influence of Lord Felchenerow (Lilica's father), a high-ranking demon who willingly gave up his powers in order to live on the mortal plane.

As a demon, she is seen as an enemy by the Celestial Union, and upon Elsa's imminent demise, entered into a contract with the Arcana of Sin, Sorwat, in a misguided hope to keep her from dying. Like Elsa, she is in Japan in order to help Rosenberg eliminate the Drexler Institute.


Clarice is a versatile high risk, high reward character. Also known for having high movement speed and strong mixups.

Recommended Arcana

  • Wind: Wind is a very popular choice for Clarice. The wind arcana can support your hit confirms and increase your damage. It makes Clarice even more agile than she already is, but you risk dying in only two or 3 combos. Wind's advancing guard is also nice for players that aren't used to using 4C. Skris is also useful as a zoning tool as you space with La・Granfia, throw one out whenever you have a free moment. Wind is a good selection for players that love to stay on the offensive.
  • Earth: The Earth arcana is great for people that want to use Clarice and improve her defense and health. The knock down off Earth's Kaichimon Mekkijin (Foot), all helps Clarice gain safe access to Il・Chroma. Earth is a good selection for players that want to play more defensively.
  • Love: Love is a strong arcana choice for most characters, and Clarice is no exception. Love balls do a good job of making her unsafe moves safer, the ability to float adds another dimension to her already strong air movement options, and the lockdown that love beam provides sets her up to use her 421 series for fullscreen zoning. Also, the above average meter gain that love provides particularly helps a character like Clarice who heavily relies on homing cancels to convert her random hits to damage.

Normal Moves

AH3 Clarice 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500 All - 4 4 15 -7 A

A slight flick of her finger to attack the opponent, hits mid. Fairly quick and can reflect projectiles. This will not combo into 2A though, so this is also hard to confirm off of.

Clash Frames 1~3

AH3 Clarice 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
800*2 All - 8 3*2 12 +1 B

Two hit slash with her claws. You often hit confirm off this move into 4C since it will combo from 2B easily. The hit box rises about as high as it looks and can be used off a 5A clash.

Clash Frames 5~7

AH3 Clarice 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500*2, 1700 All All 10 1*3 21 -1 C

A three hit forward slash with her claws, hits mid. Quite easy to clash with this because it has clash frames throughout the move from the second frame of its start up. Just like 2C, you cannot cancel the first or second hit of this move.

AH3 Clarice 5E.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 2400 Mid Sp, Su 16 4 15 +2 D

Clash Frames 10~15

Charged 2800 Unblockable - 36 6 23 - E

Clarice thrusts her wing straight forward, air unblockable. This move is really big, big enough to be used as an anti air. You often see this used in tandem with the Thunder Arcana to steal hits. Also with the Wind arcana to give you jump cancels to go with that range. Even without these arcana specific abilities, take advantage of it's +2 block by throwing it out during a blockstring. Be careful though because if you're too far away it will whiff on some crouching profiles.

Clash Frames 29~35

AH3 Clarice 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500 All - 4 5 14 -6 A

While crouching, Clarice flicks her finger to attack the opponent, hits mid and reflects projectiles. Decent start up, good for your combo starters, but its hard to hit confirm with because it does not cancel into itself.

Clas Frames 1~3

AH3 Clarice 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
700*2 Low/Air - 8 1,2 17 -3 B

A two hit, low hitting slash. Used in plenty of combos.

AH3 Clarice 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
500*2, 1200 Low/Air Sp, Su 8 1*3 22 -2 C

A three hit, arcing slash while Clarice stays low to the ground, hits mid and reflects projectiles. Multi-hit, all purpose anti-air move. This works great on jump ins and IADs, after getting a hit off it, confirm it into La Fala to keep your combo going. Remember that you cannot cancel the first or second hit of this move.

‘Clash Frames 6~9

AH3 Clarice 2E.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 2400 Mid Sp, Su 15 4 20 -3 D

Clash on wing frames 11~14
Reflect on upper body frames 8~14

Charged 2800 Unblockable Sp, Su 29 1 23 - E

Clarice thrusts a wing straight up into the air, air unblockable. Pretty big range on this move and it hits slightly behind her. The recovery is rather fast, but it's not a move you really want to be whiffing without some backup

Clash Frames 25~28
Reflect on upper body frames 23~28

AH3 Clarice 4C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 Low/Air Sp, Su 1 1 51 -27 C

Clarice swipes at the opponents feet, hits low and downs. This is Clarice's signature move. The fastest normal in the game (1F!), has good reach and is generally used to force your way out of pressure as well as winning clash battles on the ground. Not the best move to use at the end of a ground string as the untechable time will plummet, making it impossible to do the most optimal air combo. It's still worthwhile to stagger during pressure but be sure to cancel it into a slash or E attack to make it safe on block. The recovery is almost incalculably long on whiff, but you can kara into EF activation to make it far safer.

AH3 Clarice j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
600 High/Air Sp, Su, J 4 3 20 - A

Another finger flick. Nothing too impressive about the range, but the start up is the same as her ground A moves and it reflects projectiles as well.

Clash Frames 1~10

AH3 Clarice j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
700*2 High/Air Sp, Su, J 7 1,2 23 - B

A slash diagonally downward, hits two times. This is your primary air to air tool, so get used to confirming it into a combo. In case of a clash on the first hit you'll generally want to leave it alone and let the second hit come out to win the clash war.

AH3 Clarice j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2100 High/Air Sp, Su 12 6 15 - C

A downward crescent slash in air, another rare jump cancellable JC move. This move has excellent cross up potential and has the most active frames of any of clarice's air moves. It also has the slowest startup, so it's risky to throw out when the opponent is in your face. It does, however, have full body clash on frame 1-4 which can make it a valid tool even for these close range situations. It's not the best idea to rely on the clash though, JB is a better option for reactionary close ranges.

Clash Frames (Full Body) 1~4
Clash Frames (Shockwave) 9~11
Reflect Frames 4~8

AH3 Clarice j.E.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2700 High/Air Sp, Su 10 1 32 - D

Clarice thrusts her wing out diagonally downward, the recoil from this move pops her up and back. This move has great range, and is actually faster than her JC. Excellent air-to-air spacing move, even though it groundslams, The C version of La・Granfia will combo from it.

Reflect Frames 2~13

AH3 Clarice j.1C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
1400*2 High/Air Sp, Su 10 1, 2 21 - C

Clarice's turns in air and does a JC-like move behind her. Hits two times and has pretty good cross up potential. Not as stable as JC but it's faster and multi-hit, you literally drag this move behind your opponent. Remember that this will not combo from JC. Also reflects projectiles.

Reflect Frames 7~19


Neutral Throw
AH3 Clarice 2E.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2000 Throw - 5 1 23 - -
Lever Throw
Lever Throw
AH3 Clarice Throw.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 Throw - 3 1 23 - -
Air Throw
Air Throw
AH3 Clarice AirThrow.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 Throw - 3 1 23 - -

Special Moves

La Granfia
La Granfia
AH3 Clarice LaGranfiaA.png
AH3 Clarice LaGranfiaB.png
AH3 Clarice LaGranfiaC.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
La Granfia A: 2640
B: 2549
C: 2466
A/B: All
C: Low/Air
Su 9 5 34 -1 D
Tarda [A]: 2640
[B]: 2549
[C]: 2466
[A]/[B]: All
[C]: Low/Air
Su 39 5 7 +31 D

Mist Finer on steroids. Clarice does a claw slash that reaches out about 3/4s of the screen when unzoomed. This is one of the defining moves for Clarice. It's used for a lot of her neutral spacing and a bunch of combos. The start up in all versions is the same, what changes are the properties of the attack on hit and the damage. In exchange for quick start up, the recovery is long and you can be counter hit during it. Make sure that you always cancel the recovery of this into homing or EF. Also, the hitbox starts up towards the tip of the move, then expands back towards Clarice. This move also has clash frames, giving each version versatility in their usage.

j.La Granfia
La Granfia (air)
AH3 Clarice j.LaGranfiaA.png
AH3 Clarice j.LaGranfiaB.png
AH3 Clarice j.LaGranfiaC.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
La Granfia [A]: 2466
[B]: 2549
[C]: 2640
A/B: All
C: High/Air
Su 9 5 34 -7 D
Tarda [A]: 2466
[B]: 2549
[C]: 2640
[A]/[B]: All
[C]: High/Air
Su 40 5 11 +25 D

La Fala
La Fala
AH3 Clarice LaFalla.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
La Fala 2740 All Su 9 A/C: 5 B: 16 44F Total +6 D

A Upper Body Invincible Frames 1~13
B/C Upper Body Invincible Frames 9~13

Tarda 2740 All Su 30 A/C: 5 B: 16 44F Total +27 D

This is La Granfia, but almost straight up. A good move for hit confirms off 2C or as anti air that will tag cross ups easily. This is not a charge move so be careful about the input. The different versions change the vertical reach slightly, but the differences are barely noticeable.

A Upper Body Invincible Frames 1~13
B/C Upper Body Invincible Frames 9~13

236X or 28X after any 236X or 28X
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
- - - - - - - -

This is a follow up to your Mist Finers. After La Fala or La Granfia, by using the same motion (but different button), You can send out another slash right after the first one. Not available from the Tarda variants

La Balestra
La Balestra
AH3 Clarice La Balestra.png
AH3 Clarice La BalestraC.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A 500, 1000 All - 3 1(22)6 13 +8 B

This move homes on to your opponent and slashes right on them. This vacuum slash is not clash-able. The different versions slightly change the properties of this move. The A and B versions of this move are good for stopping the opponent from releasing projectiles or setting something up. The A version is the fastest by far, but it only hits one time. The finger that Clarice lifts can also hit the opponent.

Upper Body Invincible Frames 1~2
Reflect Frames 3~16

B 2740 All - 39 3, 3, 5 48F total +23 B

The B version is much slower, but hits three times. The finger that Clarice lifts can’t hit the opponent.

Reflect Frames 3~41

C 2740 All - 45 3, 3, 5 58F total +19 B

The C version is the slowest, but it hits three times and Clarice warps behind the opponent before it actually hits. A good move when you have a long time to set up okizeme or even to escape from the corner.

Throw Invincible Frames 1~4
Invincible Frames 5~10

La Brezza
La Brezza
AH3 Clarice LaBrezza.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
A 2000 High/Air - 19 10 X+20 +1 D

Strike Invincible Frames 1~2
Reflect Frames 19~34

B 2000 High/Air - 20 10 X+20 -1 D

Strike Invincible Frames 1~3
Reflect Frames 20~35

C 2000 High/Air - 21 10 X+20 +1 D

This is a dive move from the air, hits overhead. During the dive, Clarice can reflect projectiles. The different versions change how far Clarice will rush downward, and slightly change the start up of each. On hit, Clarice will fly though the opponent. If you hit them out of the air they will float upwards. You can HC afterward for a combo, but it is fairly difficult on a crouching opponent. This move has a myriad of uses, from combos to surprise attacks, cross ups, moving around quickly and unblocks. If you hit the ground during this move, there will be a period of landing recovery, so make you you cancel that one way or another. If you hit the wall, Clarice will cling to the wall for a moment, then descend to the ground. Make sure you do not find yourself in that situation, you cannot do anything during that period of time.

Strike Invincible Frames 1~5
Reflect Frames 21~36

La Catena
La Catena
AH3 Clarice LaCatena.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
2500 Unb - 5 3 25 - -

This is a command throw. On hit, Clarice will circle behind the opponent then wall slam them. As soon as you blow them away, you can EF or homing cancel to follow this up with a super, Arcana super, etc. The command throw prorates a lot, so don't expect too much damage from this. This move is good when there is a lot of space behind you, then you could use moves that have long start ups like Il Chroma. Also, on hit this will zero out the opponent arcana gauge, giving you an advantage in terms of meter.

Super Moves

Il Fracco
Il Fracco
AH3 Clarice IlFracco.png
AH3 Clarice IlFracco2.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Ground 1000, 300*N All - 0+3 2(7)Till offscreen 31+17 51F total B, D*N

Clarice slices through the air to create a torrent of scratch attacks. This is a full screen projectile move. The first slash from Clarice is unclashable and homing cancellable. There is a single invincibility frame on this super, but it has fast startup so you could use this after a 6D guard cancel to cut into the opponent. This will put a lot of space between you and your opponent making it a good move for reestablishing neutral ground. The slashes do not move that fast so don't use this carelessly and leave yourself open for punishes.

Invincible Frame 1
Throw Invincible Frame 2

Air 1000, 300*N All - 0+3 2(7)Till offscreen 31+17 49F total B, D*N

Throw Invincible Frame 2

Il Chroma
Il Chroma
AH3 Clarice IlChroma.png
AH3 Clarice IlChroma2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
6600, 500*N, 3000*N Mid, All*N - 117+74 - 122F Total - E, A*N, E*N

Clarice summons the demon Chromatius a long while after scattering 4 seals to the ground. Once Kuro is out, he will perform a diagonally rising attack. After taking off into the air, he'll drop several exploding fireballs to the ground.

Only use if you have a way to set up into it. If you do manage to pull this move off, you'll be able to clash the whole screen after Kuro takes off. While rising, he will have clash and be air unblockable. The fireballs do some serious damage, unworthy of a 1 bar super. Still, this move is almost unreasonably slow (117+74 or 3 full seconds).

Clash Frames (Kuro’s Body) 120~190

Il Tirone
Il Tirone
AH3 Clarice IlTirone.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
3000*3 Mid - 74(90)1 25 87F Total +43 E

A fake Il Chroma move. Clarice stops summoning Kuro half way, and the beast creates an inferno in that area. The flames are air unblockable. This move is still under research but it screams gimmicks.

Invincible Frames 71~82

Il Rapimento
Il Rapimento
AH3 Clarice IlRapimento.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
- - - 0 - 25F Total - -

This move summons a magic circle that surrounds Clarice for a limited time. If the enemy is anywhere near it, it will continuously suck its HP even during blockstun or hitstun. Summoning the circle is a pre-requirement for her Critical Heart but on its own it acts as a powerful spacing tool. There is barely any invincibility on this but the recovery is fairly short, so you can use this during oki.

Invincible Frames 1~7
Throw Invincible Frames 8~25

La Vicenda
La Vicenda
22A during Il Rapimento
AH3 Clarice LaVicenda.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
- - - 0 - 36F Total - -

This changes the magic circle from HP drain to Arcana Gauge drain. Using this again returns it to normal, no meter is used in the change.

La Repulsa
La Repulsa
22B during Il Rapimento
AH3 Clarice LaRepulsa.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
3420 All - 9 - 44F Total +22 -

Cancels the magic circle and turns it into an attack that drains Arcana Gauge or health depending on the status of the field. Il Rapimento and La Vicenda versions deal the same damage.

Critical Heart

Il Risveglio
63214AB during Il Rapimento
AH3 Clarice IlRisveglio.png
Clothing optional :eyes:
Clothing optional :eyes:
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Level
Normal 9980 All, Unb - 0+7 4(88)6 48 - E

Clarice binds the opponent to the magic circle before following up with a powerful attack. This only takes 2 Arcana Gauge bars. This move actually gives Clarice a good bit of invincibility and it is unclashable. Could be used as a powerful reversal. If you whiff or have this blocked, she will shake her finger like "shame on you"... but this actually is an attack, and for whatever reason, completely unblockable. Too bad that she is still completely open for a long time.

Invincible Frames 1~7
Reflect Frames 1~6

Extend Force 12876 All,Unb - 0+6 4(76)5 41 -97 E

The EF version has Clarice following up with two attacks after the opponent is bound to the magic circle.

Invincible Frames 1~6
Reflect Frames 1~5


Solo Combos

  • 5A 5B 5C 236C 236B 9D jB jC djc jB j1C E 236C
  • 5A 5B 5C 236B 5D 9JB j1C land 5B 5C 236C
  • 5E 6D 236B 9D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE 236C
  • fully charged 5E 6D 236B 9D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE 236C
  • fully charged 2E 5D jC djc jA jB j1C jE j236C
  • 63214x 6D 236B 9D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE j236C
  • 2147x land jA jB j1C jE j236C
  • 2147A/B land 236A 5D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE j236C
The B version is recommended, since it's easier to do the followup and it provides slightly better wall carry
  • 2147C land jA jB j1C j236B j9D j1C jE j236C
  • 2147C land 28B 28C 5D j5C djc jA jB j1C jE j236C
  • neutral throw 5D jC djc jA jB j1C jE j236C

Air to air

  • jA jB 236A 236B 5D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE 236C

Used for the gold star in trial 2. Might not be optimal route

  • 5B 5C 236B 9D jB land 5B 5C 236B 9D jB land 5B 5C 236B 9D jB land 5B
  • jB j1C land 5B 5C 236B 9D jB land 5B 5C 236B 9D jB land 5B

Used for the gold star in trial 3. Might not be optimal route

  • Starting close to the wall; 5A 5B 5C 236C 236B 6D 28B 28C 5D jA jB j1C 236B 236A j5D jE

Used for the silver star in trial 5. Might not be optimal route

  • 421B 236C 236B 9D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE j236C
  • 421C 236C 236B 9D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE j236C
  • 5B 5C 236B 6D 5B 5C 236B 6D 5B 5C 236B 6D 5B 5C 236B 236C

The last combo must be done close to the wall if the arcana of earth is used

Arcana Combos

Earth (Ohtsuchi)

  • 623E 6D 5B 5C 236B 236A 9D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE j236C
  • 236E 6D 236C 236B 9D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE j236C

Punishment (Koshmar)

  • 236E 6D 5A 5B 5C 236C 236B 9D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE j236C
  • 623E 6D 5A 5B 5C 236C 236B 9D jB j5C djc jB j1C jE j236C

Wind (Tempestas)

  • Fully charged 2E 6 j5D j5C djc jA jB j5C djc jB j1C je j236c
Used for the gold star in trial 5. Might not be optimal route.




External Links

Arcana Heart 3 LOVEMAX SIXSTARS!!!!!!



ChangelistDefenseMeter GainHealth Modifiers




BloodBlossoms (Flower)DarknessEarthEvilFenrirFireHoly (Sacred)IceLight (Halo)LoveLuckMagnetismMetalMirrorNature (Plant)PunishmentSinSound (Tone)ThunderTimeTyrWaterWind