Mizuumi Wiki:Sandbox

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Revision as of 20:21, 27 June 2024 by Grati0 (talk | contribs)
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This is a sandbox page for general testing, everyone is able to edit here. Feel free to practice wiki editing or play around with existing templates to familiarize yourself with them.

test content 1

Health 3000

Tier bboysonicx.jpg

Tier scrubsaibot.jpg

select screen

SS Amakusa Icon.png Amakusa SS Baiken Icon.png Baiken SS Basara Icon.png Basara  SS ChamCham Icon.png Cham Cham SS Charlotte Icon.png Charlotte  SS Darli Icon.png Darli Dagger
SS Earthquake Icon.png Earthquake SS Galford Icon.png Galford SS Genjuro Icon.png Genjuro  SS Gongsun Icon.png Gongsun Li SS Hanzo Icon.png Hanzo  SS Haohmaru Icon.png Haohmaru
SS Hibiki Icon.png Hibiki SS Iroha Icon.png Iroha SS Jubei Icon.png Jubei  SS Kazuki Icon.png Kazuki SS Kyoshiro Icon.png Kyoshiro  SS Mina Icon.png Mina
SS Nakoruru Icon.png Nakoruru SS Rimururu Icon.png Rimururu SS Shiki Icon.png Shiki  SS Shizumaru Icon.png Shizumaru SS Sogetsu Icon.png Sogetsu  SS TamTam Icon.png Tam Tam
SS Ukyo Icon.png Ukyo SS WanFu Icon.png Wan-Fu SS Warden Icon.png Warden  SS Wu Icon.png Wu-Ruixiang SS Yashamaru Icon.png Yashamaru  SS Yoshitora Icon.png Yoshitora

we out here glove on fightin

A Normals
7A 8A 9A
4A 5A 6A

Sidestep Move Hits High

1A 2A 3A
B Normals
7B 8B 9B
4B 5B 6B

Sidestep Move Hits High

1B 2B 3B
Special Moves
j.2B How do you use air moves in a jumpless game???
236X This move goes places...
22X DP? Sure
4AB DP? Sure
6AB Desperation Super.
2AB Futaba Date slows down the state of time. This is the ultimate move, and makes her top 1 in every game, even if she isn't playable or does not appear in a game.

beware, noob testing

Mirei (Warrior)
Mirei (Assassin)

testing stuff again

Wild Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
15 Unblockable - - - - -

doddooddododo it's the description

Wild Throw (Air)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
18 Unblockable - - - - -

also a description

Something Else

Lua error: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Platform\SQLPlatform::makeList: empty input for field main_table.
Lua error: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Platform\SQLPlatform::makeList: empty input for field main_table.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jab 1

No results

Jab 2

No results

Jab 3

No results

Reflectable Projectiles Table
Character Move
A.B.A Kihi (Purple Fireball; Normal Mode)
Anji (FB) Shitsu (Butterfly projectile)

Shin: Ichishiki (Aerial fan projectiles)

Axl None
Baiken None
Bridget None
Chipp None
Dizzy None
Eddie Normal Shadow's ]D[ (Ball)
Faust None
I-no (Air/FB) Antidepressant Scale (Flat Note)

(Horizontal/Vertical) Chemical Love (Big Laser)

Jam None
Johnny None
Justice None
Kliff None
Ky Stun Edge / Air Stun Edge (Lighting Shot)

(Air/FB)Charged Stun Edge (Big Lightning Shot, 1st part only)

Sacred Edge (Glowing Blue Blade)<SUPER>

May None
Millia (FB) Tandem Top (Discs)
Order-Sol None
Potemkin None
Robo-Ky 2H (Knee Missile)

Want some Ky? (Bazooka) Aerial Want some Ky? (Aerial Missiles)

Slayer None (lol)
Sol (DI) Gunflame (Ground Hugging Flames)
Testament None
Venom (FB) (Charged) Stinger Aim (Horizontal Ball Shot)

(FB) (Charged) Carcass Raid (Vertical Ball Shot) Ball Seisei / Ball Set (Cue Ball, Only when the ball is in motion)

Dubious Curve (Ball Skull Bash, Only when the ball is in motion)

Red Hail (Multi Shot Raid) <SUPER>

Tactic Arch (Cue Ball Setup, Only when balls are in motion) <SUPER>

Zappa None

}} }}

Chun Li

Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale
InuYasha FFT PSX Cover.png

Bandai, Dimps



Online Play

Delay-based (Netplay Pack)

Community Channels

The Community Discord


InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale (犬夜叉 戦国お伽合戦, Inuyasha: Sengoku Otogi Kassen) is a 2D fighting game based on the manga and anime series Inuyasha. It consists of battles and minigames in an effort to retrieve shards of the sacred Jewel of Four Souls, essentially following the overall plot of the series.

Throw Img test

Kaeru Spring
Behind 4P+K
Condition(s) Startup Active Recovery On Escape On Success
Opponent backturned, standing x x x -x +x
SG fil slp1 fd.png

blah blah blah something like this but an image should be above between the data above and this


Kaeru Package Hold
Condition(s) Startup Active Recovery On Escape On Success
Crouching x x x -x -
SG fil slp1 fd.png
Reverse Power Bomb
P+K (Reversal 1)
Condition(s) Startup Active Recovery On Escape On Success
Reversal - - - -x -
SG fil slp1 fd.png


Red Earth

Normal Moves

RE Leo DP 123 First Fire.png   Fire
RE Leo DP 123 First Ice.png   Ice
RE Leo DP 123 First Axe.png   Axe
RE Leo 1.png
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
12-15 Mid 26 (9-2-15) 10 2 15 -6 -7 -7 (+8) Yes

Leo steps forward, striking with a vertical slash. It not only possesses a tall hitbox, but is super and special cancellable. Useful for not only anti-airs, but for blockstrings on an airborne opponent, leading to an extension dependent on orb count and distance.

RE Leo 2.png
Can be ducked.
Can be ducked.
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
13-16 Mid 36 (12-4-20) 13 4 20 -7 -8 -8 (+7) Super only

Honestly one of his weaker normals. The range is nice, and super cancelling is too, but most of the time 1 or cr.1 is the safer and better option. Use in fringe cases.

RE Leo 3.png
Staggers Kenji.
Staggers Kenji.
RE Leo 3 3.png
3 followup.
3 followup.
Version Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
3 14-17 Mid 34 (13-3-18) 14 3 18 -1 (+4) -6 -6 (+9) No

Leo swings horizontally once again, but with a twist. In exchange for cancel ability and some range, Leo can chain into a second slash. The meat to it is that this followup is optional, as well as highly delayable. A good check option, especially if the opponent likes to jump or Ultimate Guard. Great conditioning tool, just mind the range is a bit short.

3 > 3 14-17 Mid 62 (41-2-19) 42 [minimum] 2 19 HKD -2 -2 (+13) No

Will guard crush if the first 3 was blocked, allowing you to confirm into Hercules Rush at certain ranges.

RE Leo 4.png
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
7-9 Mid 16 (2-6-8) 3 6 8 +3 +2 +2 (+17) Yes

Leo's fastest grounded normal. Simple and to the point, Leo knees the opponent in the gut. Can be super and special cancelled, and is plus on contact. Great for staggering and tick throws into his command grabs.

RE Leo 5.png
"The Father"
"The Father"
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
9-11 Mid 21 (4-6-11) 5 6 11 +8 +7 +7 (+22) Yes

Similar story to 4, but at the cost of being slightly slower to start and recover, has a great vertical hitbox, and has the luxury of being his strongest special cancellable normal. Exceptional anti-air button, and great combo fuel, leaving you a whopping +8 on hit, +7 on block. One of his best normals, use often.

RE Leo 6.png
Can be ducked. Staggers Kenji.
Can be ducked. Staggers Kenji.
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
10-13 High 34 (16-5-13) 17 5 13 +7 (+14) +6 +6 (+21) No

Only for the brave or foolish, Leo steps forward, booting the opponent in the face. Leo is left +7 on hit, and left close, making links both tantalizing AND rewarding. The catch is while it is an overhead, it whiffs on the cast crouching, bar a guarding Tessa, or himself. As such, it's recommended to only save this for optimal Ultimate Guard punishes, or brutal mirror match shenanigans.

RE Leo Crouch 1.png
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
12-15 Low 27 (8-4-15) 9 4 15 -8 -9 -9 (+6) Yes

Off the bat, the range of this thing is huge. Pokes as far if not slightly less than cr.5, which is nothing to scoff at. On top of this, it's super and special cancellable, leading to some dangerous footsies if he has orbs. Be wary of a lightning orb Leo. Only drawback is that it's minus on hit or block, and as such is best cancelled into something, namely his dp.1. Even so, one can use it to bait an Ultimate Guard, and cancel into 360. Also owns the high praise of being Leo's only cancellable low. Definitely one to experiment with.

RE Leo Crouch 2 First.png
RE Leo Crouch 2 Second.png
Two hits. First hit can be ducked.
Two hits. First hit can be ducked.
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
17-22 Mid 44 (13-6-25) 14 3/3 25 -12 -13 -13 (+2) No

Leo swings low to the ground. While weak as a poke, it's surprisingly decent as an anti-air, hits twice, and is fairly good at keeping a cornered opponent locked down. Wouldn't advise using too often, but certainly a tool to remember.

RE Leo Crouch 3 First.png
RE Leo Crouch 3 Second.png
RE Leo Crouch 3 Third.png
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
14-17 Mid 41 (8-6-27) 9 2/2/2 27 Launch -22 -22 (-7) No

Slashing upwards in a pose not unbefitting of a Master of the Universe, cr.3 is a decent anti-air option due to it's wide hitbox when Leo's arm is fully extended, also causing a juggle state on hit that can be extended on a ground connect, but be warned: This move has absolutely ABYSMAL frame data if whiffed/blocked. Very committal, swing with this move and you better mean it.

RE Leo Crouch 4.png
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
11-14 Mid 34 (8-6-20) 9 6 20 -15 -16 -16 (-1) No

Most attacks in Red Earth are well designed, and have distinctive uses that make them at least somewhat viable in some situations. This however, is the exception that proves the rule. There is no reason to press this button. Ever. Its angle is pitiful, its damage is mediocre, you can't cancel from it and to top it off its not even a low, AND is mega minus even on hit. Assuming you LIKE having a health bar, DO, NOT, PRESS, THIS, BUTTON!

RE Leo Crouch 5.png
"The Son"
"The Son"
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
12-15 Low 32 (7-4-21) 8 4 21 -9 -10 -10 (+5) No

A classic normal among Leo mains, Leo stabs outward, plain and simple. The most obvious benefit of this move is that it's GIGANTIC, seriously covers a good 2/3 of horizontal screen give or take, while also being a low, COMMANDING the opponent be ready for it. Pushes the opponent a decent bit back, meaning at max range it can be difficult, if not almost impossible to be punished meterless. Be wary however, this godlike range comes at a cost. A good chunk of Leos sword is also classified as a hurtbox, and the move is also pretty minus on contact, -9 on hit and -10 if blocked, meaning an ill spaced poke can be punished by everyone to some extent. A good button, make no mistake. But one that's weaknesses must be properly respected.

RE Leo Crouch 6.png
RE Leo Crouch 6 6.png
6 followup.
6 followup.
Version Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
cr.6 12-15 Low 30 (11-3-16) 12 3 16 HKD 0 0 (+15) No
cr.6 > 6 13-16 Low 66 (33-3-30) 34 [minimum] 3 30 HKD -14 -14 (+1) No

Similar to cr.1 and cr.5 in that it reaches pretty far, the main distinction of this button is twofold. For one, it's Leo's designated sweep, meaning it can be pretty good for closing the distance when connected. Second, completely safe, making it an actually decent button to throw out against a grounded opponent. It also helps that it can actually be cancelled into a followup with the same input, making it an ambiguous button the opponent will think twice about disrespecting. However, due to this a savvy opponent can Ultimate Guard the second swing, and punish accordingly if you're too predictable.

RE Leo Jump 1.png
Version Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
j.1 12-15 High Varies 6 2 Until landing +15 [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No
sj.1 12-15 High 27 (5-2-20) 6 2 20 +15 [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No

Comes out fairly quickly. However, its only real weakness is that it doesn't really have much of a use outside of poking an opponent at weird angles. As an air to air tool, it's mostly outclassed by j.3 in basically every metric that matters

RE Leo Jump 2.png
Version Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
j.2 12-15 High Varies 9 3 Until landing +16 [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No
sj.2 12-15 High 33 (8-3-22) 9 3 22 +16 [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No

Reaches slightly further than j.1, but is also 3 frames slower. In regards to an air to air situation, j.3 is generally a safer, and thus more appealing button to press in that scenario.

RE Leo Jump 3.png
Staggers Kenji.
Staggers Kenji.
Version Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
j.3 13-16 High Varies 6 2 Until landing +20 (+27) [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No
sj.3 13-16 High 28 (5-2-21) 6 2 21 +20 (+27) [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No

Definitely Leos best air to air button, as well as an acceptable jump in option. Comes out just as fast as j.1, but has the benefit of his hurtbox being substantially more squashed, and thus more difficult to trade with for the opponent, alongside the actual hitbox being fairly disjointed from it.

RE Leo Jump 4 First.png
RE Leo Jump 4 Second.png
Version Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
j.4 12-15 High Varies 9 2/3 Until landing +15 [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No
sj.4 12-15 High 29 (8-5-16) 9 2/3 16 +15 [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No

To be blunt, one of Leo's best normals, and one you should press often. Its hitbox is excellent, in that it is really wide underneath him, serving not only as his most reliable cross up button, but making it just a solid button to press while the opponent is beneath you to keep them pinned. Does enough hitstun to comfortably link into his cancellable normals, making it his most consistent jump in tool as well.

RE Leo Jump 5.png
"The Holy Spirit"
"The Holy Spirit"
Version Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
j.5 12-15 High Varies 10 14 Until landing +16 [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No
sj.5 12-15 High 32 (9-14-9) 10 14 9 +16 [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No

A great neutral tool as it's active for 14 frames, and covers a good distance in front and below Leo. Incredibly useful for controlling space and challenging your opponents escape options. Be warned however, as Ice Super and characters with a DP can hit you out of it if you perform it too close, so don't lean on it. Excellent normal, hard to go wrong.

RE Leo Jump 6 First.png
RE Leo Jump 6 Second.png
Staggers Kenji (+27).
Staggers Kenji (+27).
Version Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
j.6 12-15 high Varies 9 2/2 Until landing +20 (+27) [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No
sj.6 12-15 high 34 (8-4-22) 9 2/2 22 +20 (+27) [maximum] +15 [maximum] +15 (+30) [maximum] No

High utility normal right here. Comes out fairly quick, and has 2 hitboxes (only hits once however), one that hits fairly low, and one that reaches higher in front of him. Definitely Leo's strongest jump-in, and pretty decent for guard break strings in the corner.

gaming in progress

Default Colors

Alt Blue
Alt Red
Alt Green
Alt Gray
Alt Purple
Custom Color 1
Custom color 2

Seasonal Colors

CEO Dreamland 2017
Frostbite 2017

Premium Skins

Early Access Promo
Shine 2017
Golden Zetterburn Promo
Lovers of Aether

Testing image size

Koihime Kanu 214.png
Type Hits Version
'Jab' 1 0.1.1.x
Start Up Active End Lag Total Land lag Whiff Lag Frame Adv iFrames Grants Spark
4 3 16 23 0 0 -4/ -10 - Yes
Damage Angle Knockback Knockback Growth Shield Stun Hitlag Paralyzer Chargeable
2 75 30 0 6 4 - No

Jab 1

Koihime Kanu 214.png
Type Hits Version
'Jab 2' 1 0.1.1.x
Start Up Active End Lag Total Land lag Whiff Lag Frame Adv iFrames Grants Spark
5 3 16 24 0 0 -3/ -9 - Yes
Damage Angle Knockback Knockback Growth Shield Stun Hitlag Paralyzer Chargeable
2 45 40 0 7 5 - No

Jab 2

Type Hits Version
'Jab 3' 1 0.1.1.x
Start Up Active End Lag Total Land lag Whiff Lag Frame Adv iFrames Grants Spark
8 4 21 33 0 0 -8/ -19 - Yes
Damage Angle Knockback Knockback Growth Shield Stun Hitlag Paralyzer Chargeable
3 45 40 1 2 4 - No

Launching Jab 3

Devon Lee
Skeleton Lord
Terry Silver
{{Navbox| title=Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel | link=Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel
| rows=
 {{Navbox/Row| text=General | textwidth=56 | maxlines=1
 | data=
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=icon controls.png | text=Controls}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=icon glossary.png | text=Notation}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=icon hud.png      | text=HUD}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=icon system.png   | text=System}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=icon faq.png      | text=FAQ}}
 {{Navbox/Row| text=Characters | iconwidth=68 | maxlines=1
 | data=
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Ein Icon.png      | text=Ein}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Al Icon.png       | text=Al Azif}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Mora Icon.png     | text=Mora}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Ruili Icon.png    | text=Ruili}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Anna Icon.png     | text=Anna}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Saya Icon.png     | text=Saya}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Ignis Icon.png    | text=Ignis}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Muramasa Icon.png | text=Muramasa}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Ethica Icon.png   | text=Ethica}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Saber Icon.png    | text=Saber}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Ouka Icon.png     | text=Ouka}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Sonico Icon.png   | text=Sonico}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Heart Icon.png    | text=Heart}}
  {{Navbox/Icon| image=NPB Homura Icon.png   | text=Homura}}

Health Values

Health Values
Health Character(s) Notes
1050 Part 6: JJASBR Ermes Small Icon.png Ermes
  • Ermes triggers Resolve Mode at low health.
1000 Part 1: JJASBR Jonathan Small Icon.png Jonathan
Part 2: JJASBR Joseph Small Icon.png Joseph, JJASBR Stroheim Small Icon.png Stroheim
Part 3: JJASBR Jotaro Part 3 Small Icon.png Jotaro (Part 3), JJASBR Avdol Small Icon.png Avdol
Part 4: JJASBR Josuke Part 4 Small Icon.png Josuke (Part 4), JJASBR Jotaro Part 4 Small Icon.png Jotaro (Part 4), JJASBR Okuyasu Small Icon.png Okuyasu, JJASBR Rohan Small Icon.png Rohan
Part 5: JJASBR Risotto Small Icon.png Risotto
Part 8: JJASBR Josuke Part 8 Small Icon.png Josuke (Part 8)
  • Through a certain ability, Jonathan can revive after a KO with 100 health.
  • Through a certain ability, Risotto can recover 100 health as White Damage.
950 Part 1: JJASBR Zeppeli Small Icon.png Zeppeli, JJASBR Speedwagon Small Icon.png Speedwagon
Part 2: JJASBR Caesar Small Icon.png Caesar, JJASBR Wamuu Small Icon.png Wamuu
Part 3: JJASBR Old Joseph Small Icon.png Old Joseph, JJASBR Hol Horse Small Icon.png Hol Horse, JJASBR Vanilla Ice Small Icon.png Vanilla Ice
Part 4: JJASBR Akira Small Icon.png Akira, JJASBR Kira Small Icon.png Kira
Part 5: JJASBR Giorno Small Icon.png Giorno, JJASBR Bruno Small Icon.png Bucciarati, JJASBR Mista Small Icon.png Mista, JJASBR Trish Small Icon.png Trish, JJASBR Abbacchio Small Icon.png Abbacchio, JJASBR Prosciutto Small Icon.png Prosciutto, JJASBR Ghiaccio Small Icon.png Ghiaccio
Part 6: JJASBR Jolyne Small Icon.png Jolyne
Part 7: JJASBR Johnny Small Icon.png Johnny
  • Wamuu and Vanilla Ice are considered Stone Mask characters, incurring White Damage upon being hit.
  • Through a certain ability, Vanilla Ice can recover health.
  • Giorno, Bucciarati, Mista, Abbacchio, Prosciutto and Ghiaccio trigger Resolve Mode at low health.
  • For the cost of 1 HH Gauge, Bucciarati can revive after a KO with 95 health.
  • Through a certain ability, Giorno can recover 100 health as White Damage.
930 Part 3: JJASBR Polnareff Small Icon.png Polnareff
920 Part 7: JJASBR Diego Small Icon.png Diego, JJASBR AW Diego Small Icon.png AW Diego
900 Part 2: JJASBR Lisa Lisa Small Icon.png Lisa Lisa
Part 3: JJASBR Kakyoin Small Icon.png Kakyoin, JJASBR Mariah Small Icon.png Mariah
Part 4: JJASBR Koichi Small Icon.png Koichi, JJASBR Yukako Small Icon.png Yukako, JJASBR Shigechi Small Icon.png Shigechi, JJASBR Keicho Small Icon.png Keicho, JJASBR Kosaku Small Icon.png Kosaku
Part 5: JJASBR Fugo Small Icon.png Fugo, JJASBR Diavolo Small Icon.png Diavolo
Part 6: JJASBR FF Small Icon.png Foo Fighters, JJASBR Anasui Small Icon.png Anasui, JJASBR Weather Small Icon.png Weather, JJASBR WS Pucci Small Icon.png Pucci (WS), JJASBR Final Pucci Small Icon.png Pucci (Final)
Part 7: JJASBR Gyro Small Icon.png Gyro, JJASBR Valentine Small Icon.png Valentine
  • Prior to version 2.00, Kakyoin possessed 1000 health.
  • For the cost of 1 HH Gauge, Yukako can revive after a match-losing KO with 175 health.
  • Prior to version 2.00, Keicho possessed 840 health.
  • Prior to version 1.30, Kosaku possessed 1000 health.
  • Through his GHA, Kosaku can recover 200 health.
  • Fugo triggers Resolve Mode at low health.
  • Prior to version 2.30, Foo Fighters possessed 950 health.
  • Through her HHA, Foo Fighters can recover 100 health.
  • Obtaining 2 Holy Corpse parts reduces the amount of damage Valentine takes by 10%.
  • With D4C -Love Train- active, the amount of damage taken by Valentine is reduced by 25%.
  • Once per match, Valentine can fully recover his health through a certain ability.
850 Part 2: JJASBR Kars Small Icon.png Kars
Part 4: JJASBR Yuya Small Icon.png Yuya
Part 5: JJASBR Narancia Small Icon.png Narancia
Part 8: JJASBR Wonder of U Small Icon.png Wonder of U
Other: JJASBR Baoh Small Icon.png Baoh
  • Kars is considered a Stone Mask character, incurring White Damage upon being hit.
  • Through certain abilities, Yuya can recover health as White Damage.
  • Prior to version 1.30, Narancia possessed 950 health.
  • Wonder of U's Calamity Level increases as it loses health.
  • Baoh triggers Baoh Armed Phenomenon at low health.
840 Part 3: JJASBR DIO Small Icon.png DIO
  • DIO is considered a Stone Mask character, incurring White Damage upon being hit.
  • Through a certain ability, DIO can recover health.
800 Part 1: JJASBR Dio Brando Small Icon.png Dio Brando
Part 2: JJASBR Esidisi Small Icon.png Esidisi
Part 3: JJASBR Iggy Small Icon.png Iggy, JJASBR Pet Shop Small Icon.png Pet Shop
  • Dio Brando and Esidisi are considered Stone Mask characters, incurring White Damage upon being hit.
  • Through certain abilities, Dio Brando can recover health.
  • Through his HHA, Esidisi can recover 120 health.
Load Ran/Dark Ran
TSS LoadRan.png

TSS DarkRan Render.png
Speed ☆☆
Shot ☆☆
Load Ran
TSS LoadRan.png
Attack Rating ★★★☆☆
Defense Rating ★★☆☆☆

Dark Ran
TSS DarkRan Render.png
Attack Rating ★★★☆☆
Defense Rating ★★☆☆☆

Sky Cross Duel

|image=The file you want use as an image. Use the abbrevation for your game as a prefix for the filename. Example: SXD_Ronin_5L.png
|caption=If you want to add a note below the image
|image2=For when you need a second image. image3 for when three are needed, and so on.
|caption2=Per above.
|name=Your move's name (or input, if it's a normal)
|input=The input of your special move, assuming a name was put above
 |version=For when you need to talk about versions of a given move. Leave empty if not needed
 |subtitle=For a name below the version. Useful for when they have different ones
What you want to say about this move.
*A note you may want to add.
*Another one. Use as many as needed.
 |version=If you needed to use this, you will need to copy this box for every version you need.
 |header=if you want the header at the top of the template (Damage, Launch Height, etc.) to show up for this version. If you don't want this, put "no"
Second verse
*Same as the first
*And the third
That's an attack, alright
That's an attack, alright
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
5 16 7 3 15 +2 30 10

Ronin does something here

  • This is something I want to add about this move.
  • I guess I needed to say more.


Special Move Name
Special Move Input
That's an attack, alright
That's an attack, alright
And this is another one
And this is another one
Version Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
Special Move Version Name
5 16 7 3 15 +2 30 10

Ronin does something here

  • This is something I want to add about this move.
  • I guess I needed to say more.
Special Move Version Name
9 16 7 3 15 +2 30 10

Ronin does something else here

  • This is something I want to add about this other move.
  • I guess I needed to say more about this other move.
Move Name Angle 45°
Picture Description