Melty Blood/MBAACC/Akiha Tohno/Half Moon: Difference between revisions

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|note= text
|note=Standard melty airthrow ender. its important to note that this one of her weaker enders for oki and typically should be used in cases where you are sure j2C will not land or if you need the damage to finish the round.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent,
|note=One of her best enders since it sets up web ball oki(j236B).

Revision as of 12:07, 30 June 2020

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  • Text goes here after asterisk
  • Text goes here after asterisk


  • Text goes here after asterisk
  • Text goes here after asterisk


Strengths Weaknesses
  • Text goes here after asterisk
  • Text goes here after asterisk
  • Place text here be sure to use "*" for each point*

General Gameplan

Place text here*


Place text here*


Place text here


Place text here


place text here*


Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X > delay Y Must wait for a short period before cancelling X input into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons X and Y must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Either the X or Y input can be used.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack X with Y follow-up input.
  2. Input X then within a few frames, input Y. Usually used for option selects.
X(w) X input must not hit the opponent (Whiff).
j.X X input is done in the air, implies a jump/jump cancel if the previous move was done from the ground.

Applies to all air chain sections:

  • Assume a forward jump cancel if no direction is given.
  • Air chains such as j.A > j.B > j.C can be shortened to j.ABC.
sj.X X input is done after a super jump. Notated as sj8.X and sj9.X for neutral and forward super jumps respectively.
dj.X X input is done after a double jump.
sdj.X X input is done after a double super jump.
tk.X Stands for Tiger Knee. X motion must be buffered before jumping, inputting the move as close to the ground as possible. (ex. tk.236A)
(X) X is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input X is held down. Also referred to as Blowback Edge (BE). Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input X is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down. This type of input is referred to as Negative Edge.
{X} Button X should only be held down briefly to get a partially charged version instead of the fully charged one.
X(N) Attack "X" should only hit N times.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit.
Air CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit on an airborne opponent.
66 Performs a ground forward dash.
j.66 Performs an aerial forward dash, used as a cancel for certain characters' air strings.
IAD/IABD Performs an Instant AirDash.
AT Performs an Air Throw. (j.6/4A+D)
IH Performs an Initiative Heat.
AD Performs an Arc Drive.
AAD Performs an Another Arc Drive.


Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent,
  • Airthrow/6A+D

Meter Gained: text Meter Given (vs C-Moon): text
Standard melty airthrow ender. its important to note that this one of her weaker enders for oki and typically should be used in cases where you are sure j2C will not land or if you need the damage to finish the round.
Normal starter, grounded opponent,
  • j2C

Meter Gained: text Meter Given (vs C-Moon): text
One of her best enders since it sets up web ball oki(j236B).

OTG Pick ups

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent,
  • 623C

Meter Gained: text Meter Given (vs C-Moon): text
Your meter dump that also allows you set up web in the corner. Generally use either to meter manage or to set up web for your oki. Usually seen in the corner.
Normal starter, grounded opponent,
  • 2AAA 5B 4C 623C

Meter Gained: text Meter Given (vs C-Moon): text
A more optimized otg sequence for more damage and meter gain for meter management. Corner only.
Normal starter, grounded opponent,
  • j.22C

Meter Gained: text Meter Given (vs C-Moon): text
This only is typically seen midscreen after a j2C ender to extend the combo and corner carry.

Normal Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent,
  • text after asterisk

Meter Gained: text Meter Given (vs C-Moon): text

Corner Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent,
  • text after asterisk

Meter Gained: text Meter Given (vs C-Moon): text

Move Descriptions

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Move Box Colors

Light gray = Collision Box (A move lacking one means it can go through the opponent's own collision box).
Green: Hurt Boxes.
Red: Hit(/Grab) Boxes.
Yellow: Clash Boxes (When an active hitbox strikes a clash box, the active hitbox stops being active. Multi-hit attacks can beat clash since they will still progress to the next hitbox.)
Magenta: Projectile-reflecting boxes OR Non-hit attack trigger boxes (usually).
Blue: Reflectable Projectile Boxes.

Damage Base damage done by this attack.

(X) denotes combined and scaled damage tested against standing V. Sion.

Red Damage Damage done to the recoverable red health bar by this attack. The values are inherently scaled and tested against standing V. Sion.

(X) denotes combined damage.

Proration The correction value set by this attack and the way it modifies the scaling during a string. See this page for more details.

X% (O) means X% Overrides the previous correction value in a combo if X is of a lower percentage.
X% (M) means the current correction value in a combo will be Multiplied by X%. This can also be referred to as relative proration.

Circuit Meter gained by this attack on hit.

(X%) denotes combined meter gain.
-X% denotes a meter cost.

Cancel Actions this move can be cancelled into.

SE = Self cancelable.
N = Normal cancelable.
SP = Special cancelable.
CH = Cancelable into the next part of the same attack (Chain in case of specials).
EX = EX cancelable.
J = Jump cancelable.
(X) = Cancelable only on hit.
-X- = Cancelable on whiff.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

L = Can block crouching
H = Can block standing.
A = Can block in the air.
U = Unblockable.

Startup Amount of frames that must pass prior to reaching the active frames. Also referred to as "True Startup".
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.

(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present. Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
X denotes active frames with a duration separate from its origin move's frame data, such as projectile attacks. In this case, the total length of the move is startup+recovery only.

Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled. The character goes into one frame where they can block but not act afterwards, which is not counted here.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).

If the opponent uses a move with startup that is at least 2 frames less than this move's negative advantage, it will result in the opponent hitting that move.
±x~±y denotes a range of possible advantages.

Invul Lists any defensive properties this move has.

X y~z denotes X property happening between the y to z frames of the animations. If no frames are noted, it means the invincibility lasts through the entire move.


Strike = Strike invincible.
Throw = Throw invincible.

Hurtbox-Based Properties:

Full = No hurtboxes are present.
High = Upper body lacks a hurtbox.
Low = Lower body lacks a hurtbox.

Miscellaneous Properties

Clash = Frames in which clash boxes are active.
Reflect = Frames in which projectile-reflecting boxes are active.
Super Armor = Frames in which the character can take hits without going into hit stun.

Normal Moves

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
Text Text Text Text Text
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
Text Text Text Text Text Text


Universal Mechanics

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
Text Text Text Text Text
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
Text Text Text Text Text Text


Special Moves

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
Text Text Text Text Text
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
Text Text Text Text Text Text


Arc Drive

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
Text Text Text Text Text
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
Text Text Text Text Text Text


Another Arc Drive

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
Text Text Text Text Text
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
Text Text Text Text Text Text


Last Arc

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
Text Text Text Text Text
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
Text Text Text Text Text Text


MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull