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* 2AAA5B2C4C623C airdash j.A(whiff) into corner combo (either Momiji loop or 4C into air combo)
* 2AAA5B2C4C623C airdash j.A(whiff) into corner combo (either Momiji loop or 4C into air combo)
: You get a fair bit of damage for your meter investment here, so it's generally worth it if you're pursuing a kill.
: You get a fair bit of damage for your meter investment here, so it's generally worth it if you're pursuing a kill.

===Character Specifics===
===Character Specifics===

Revision as of 05:10, 28 April 2016


Midscreen combos

  • 2AA5B5C4C(2) j.ABC dj.BC AT
Basic BnB
  • 2AA5B5C4C(2) j.ABC dj.C 236C j.A (whiff) j.BE214A
100 meter knockdown
  • 2AA5B5C4C(1) tk j.22B airdash j.C land j.BC dj.C AT
Advanced, damage combo
  • 2AA5B5C4C(2) 236C 5C3C j.BC dj.C AT
100 meter damage combo
  • 2AA5B5C4C(2) j.AC sdj tk j.236B (2369B) wait, airdash j.214A
Midscreen hard knockdown for oki.
  • 2AA5B5C623A tk j.22C airdash j.AB land j.BC dj.C AT
Corner carry from midscreen or 3/4th of screen. On some characters (eg Ryougi) you need to do airdash j.A airdash j.AB instead.

For combos 3,4,5,6, you can switch the enders from j.BC dj.C AT to j.B sdj.C j.236C for hard knockdown oki.

Near corner

  • 2AA5B5C623A j.22A j.C land j.BC dj.BC AT
Damage combo in corner. Slightly delay the j.22A for ease.
  • 2AA5B5C623A(1) IAD j.C land j.BC dj.BC AT
Damage and corner carry

Momiji loops

Momiji loops are basically you doing 623B over and over (up to three times) in a combo. The meter build for a Momiji loop combo is huge (up to 95% meter for a basic combo), so if you're meter starved or need just a little bit for an IH opportunity, it can be worth it, otherwise they do terrible damage.

  • Starters
2AA5B2C delay 3C623B
Basic starter.
Number of hits required for 623B to connect is character specific.
2AA5B5C236C 2C3C
Does not work on crouching characters; use 4C if too far for 2C to connect.
  • Enders
2C623A j.8 delay j.22A j.236A
Crossup setup
2C3C623B 2C delay 4C(1) j.22A j.236A
Crossup setup 2
2C3C623B 2C3C623B
Hard knockdown
  • Hard knockdown okizeme
tk7 j.22B j.214B on landing
Safe way to start ground pressure
sj forward j.22A j.236A
Safe way to start air pressure, can go into (j.22B j.22C)x N loop for some meter gain

Misc. Combos

  • Air counterhit
land 5C4C(2) j.BC j.BC AT
  • Shield counter
2C3C j.BC dj.BC AT
  • Raw airthrow
j.22A land j.BC dj.BC AT
immediate j.236a/b
  • Overhead 6[C]
623B 2C3C623B
Knockdown in corner
6C xx 5C4C(2) j.BC j.(B)C AT
When you need damage off overhead in corner
dash 2C delay 4C(2)623B -> Momiji loop
Fullscreen knockdown
dash 5C4C(2) j.BC dj.BC AT
Damage, when in corner omit the dash and link directly into 5c
  • 623C
airdash j.A (whiff) land ...2C3C j.BC dj.BC AT
(reversal 623c)...2C623B 2C3C623B
Knockdown. Doesn't work if your back was straight in the corner (the 2C3C623B will not be in range
(reversal 623c) airdash cancel late j.22a land j.bc j.bc AT


FVAkiha doesn't really use OTG's because her corner knockdown game is strong, however they are an option. You usually want to OTG in the corner, so these are corner only.

  • 2AAA5B
Simple OTG. In the corner it leads to tech punishes using 5B 5C.
  • 2AAA5B2C4C623C airdash j.A(whiff) into corner combo (either Momiji loop or 4C into air combo)
You get a fair bit of damage for your meter investment here, so it's generally worth it if you're pursuing a kill.

Character Specifics

  • Necos

Standard combos don't work, do this instead.

2AA5B2C3C j.BC dj.BC AT.


She move real fast.


She move real fast.


She move real fast and real well.


She does mixup good.


Her frame traps are nice.

TK air puffball

Super jump puffball isn't that good. You want to normal jump tk puffball, you do this by either 412369A or [2]369A (hold 2 for a little while before doing the rest of the motion).


Her oki is real good.

Air throw

Air throw is one of the more common knockdowns you will be landing, so it's important to know what kinds of oki options you get.

Corner 623B

Ender to Momiji loop and hard knockdown.


Her life is real low.

Pit loops

j.22x over and over paired with j.214x. Real hard but real worth it.

Move Descriptions

Normal Moves


Hits Low, +3 on block. Your standard 2A jab and combo starter. Shorter reach then 5A.


Hits Mid, +4 on block. A strong pressure tool that can be used as a decent anti-air.


Hits Mid. -3 on block. Same as C and H moon, it has a 2BB follow up. The second B has to be blocked Low and the third B is jump cancelable.


Hits Low, -1 on block. Another strong pressure tool. Akiha moves forward slightly. On counter-hit in the corner, you can link into another 5B for massive damage.


Hits Low, -4 on block. Used in combos, primarily in the Momiji loop. Its faster then her C/H version, but the hitbox is much lower. Not as good an anti-air as the other moons.


Hits Mid, -5 on block. Same as C/H but doesn't wallslam anymore. Can be used as a good anti-air.


Hits Mid, -/+0 on block. Most much useless. Does pretty good guard bar damage though.


Overhead, -4 on block. Her overhead, same as the other moons.


Hits Mid, -16 on block! But, it pushes you out pretty far on block. Hits 2 times and launches. Useful for stuffing out jumps.


Hits Mid, -4 on block. Very similar to C/H's 5BB. Launches on hit. Not very useful, only used in max damage Momiji loops. 4C is just a better launcher in just about every way.


A quick jab that's decent air to air.


An upward kick with a pretty good hitbox in front of her. Good for fishing for air to air counterhits.


Just like H moon's J.C except it can't be dash canceled. Still great for air to ground mixups.

Special Moves

Illuminating Judgment: Scarlet Spot 「赫訳・緋斑」 - 236ABC
  • Ground Puffballs. Akiha reaches out in front of her and summons a flaming ball at the tip of her finger. Both A and B versions are air unblockable, but the EX version is not.
  • (A version) - The puffball is pointed slightly upwards and hits 2 times twice. It has no use.
  • (B version) - Ditto A version but pointed forward instead. Still useless.
  • (EX version) - (100 Meter) Looks like a powered up version of A. Launches on hit. Only used in some metered midscreen combos.
Illuminating Judgment: Fire Curtain 「赫訳・火帳」 - J.236ABC
  • Air Puffballs. While midair Akiha jumps a bit higher into the air and puts a flaming ball underneath her. This move is key to her pressure and is exclusive to F moon. It stuffs just about anything underneath it and opens up opportunities for some nasty mixups. It counts as a projectile and can be TKed for a pressure reset. Combined with her 2 jumps and airdashes, this move makes her float up in the air for an almost unfair amount of time. All versions give an untechable knockdown that you can OTG from. Puffballs affect the momentum of your jump, and their effect is accentuated/diminished if you did a dash jump for A and B version respectively.
  • (A version) - Akiha jumps and gains slightly forward momentum after the puffball.
  • (B version) - Same as A but backward momentum instead of forward.
  • (EX version) - (100 meter) You can also influence which direction you drift by holding 4 or 6 right after the move. This can be used create some nasty which-ways in the corner.
Illuminating Judgment: Maple Leaves 「赫訳・紅葉」 - 623ABC
  • Affectionately called the Momiji (or Momiji rush). Akiha spins around once and rushes toward her opponent, striking them again after jumping in the air, and hitting them back to the ground. Used primarily in the corner combos called Momiji loops.
  • (A version) - Akiha dashed along the ground but doesn't jump up for the final blow. Hits twice and is jump cancelable. Used in near corner combos and post Momiji corner setups. You can IH it on wiff as well.
  • (B version) - Just like the Momiji rush from the other 2 moons. Hits 4 times and is used in combos.
  • (EX version) - (100 meter) OTGs. Used in fullscreen Momiji loops. Has a small amount of invincibility up until the first hit. Can be used as a makeshift reversal, although not recommended.

Piercing Moon 「月を穿つ」 - (J.)214ABC
  • Flame Pillars. Akiha flicks her hand upward and summons a flame pillar in front of her that moves forward slowly. It's very similar to C/H moon's except that F moon's pillars are slightly taller and can be used in the air. This can make moving around her pillars much more difficult compared to the C/H version of herself. Akiha can (and should) use pillars in the air. Using Air Pillars is core to her neutral and pressure game. Keep in mind that air pillars move a shorter distance then ground pillars and that you cannot preform any input till you land and recover on the ground. She will also resume the air momentum she had before the pillar was summoned. Pillars can be used for good oki. Pillars are also able to OTG, but it is not recommended.
  • (A version) - The pillars spawn just in front of Akiha. and move about 3 character lengths away. Can be charged to about 5 character lengths. Used for spacing and blockstrings.
  • (B version) - Same as A. But the pillars spawn where A's uncharged version ends. Moves 3 character lengths away from that spot. Can also be charged to move farther.
  • (EX version) - (100 meter) Starts where A starts and travels all the way to where a fully charged B would end. (Almost full screen!!!) If you can get your opponent to block it, it will carry them more or less right into the corner.
Illuminating Judgement: Enticing Lull 「赫訳・誘凪」 - (J.)22ABC
  • Flame pits. Akiha hops back slightly and summons a swilling pit on the ground. This move can be used on the ground or in the air. The pit stays for a set amount of time and disappears if akiha is hit. The pits ignite if the opponent is over them and in block/hit stun. You can also manually ignite them by inputting their motion a second time. These pits do not launch your opponent like C/H moon's pits but they do add quite a bit of damage in addition to being able to be summoned faster. Flamepits are usually TKed and used in combos and blockstrings. An interesting side note: If you get a Half moon character while in auto heat into blockstun with any C normal canceled into pit (so that it auto ignites from the blockstun), the pit forces a circuit spark. Air flamepits make you stop in the air and their ability to break momentum isn't affected by doing a dash jump.
  • (Version A) - Akiha summons a pit right underneath herself.
  • (Version B) - This version has the pit summon about where a 214b would spawn.
  • (Version C) - Cost no meter. Just summons a pit a little bit farther then the B version.

Arc Drive

Crimson Lord: Uncountable Pureness 「赤主・遍生」
  • Akiha lifts her arms up and shoots a small full-screen laser from her eyes. Hits 10 times. Only does about 2.8k of damage. Pretty much useless. You can use it to end a Momiji loop or catch people mashing backdash on wakeup if your feeling yourself. Is very punishable on wiff. Somewhat punishable on block.

Another Arc Drive

Crimson Lord: Uncountable Pureness 「赤主・遍生」
  • A stronger version of her first Arc Drive. Hits 19 times for about 4.4k. Nothing special or really useful about this attack. Can be used as a full screen punish if you see them doing something unsafe.

Last Arc

Crimson Lord Uncountable Pureness: Scarlet Banquet's Good Hill 「赤主遍生・朱宴ノ良坂」
  • Akiha's Last Arc. It is preformed by doing an EX shield on the ground. Akiha traps her opponent in the air and summons a vast amount of flametongues to engulf the poor victim in a sea of red. Hits 16 times and depending on how much meter you had left when you LA, does between 3.5k to 6.3k

MBAACC Navigation

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