Melty Blood/MBAACC/Roa/Crescent Moon: Difference between revisions

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== Character Page Progress ==
== Character Page Progress ==
== Additional resources ==
[ C-Roa Match Video Database]<br>
[ Melty Bits: C-Roa]
== Players to watch ==
*[ Red melon (赤いメロン)]
*[ Ragu (らぐ)]
*[ Hikonyan (ひこにゃん)]
*[ Shana]
*[ Kurodyne]

== Overview ==
== Overview ==
[[File:MBAACC_Roa_Face.png]] '''C-Roa''' is a zoner with ridiculously powerful screen control and horrifying pressure.
* '''Pressure''': Suffocating pressure that is almost inescapable.
* '''Mobility''': Above average speed.
* '''Great meter gain''': Consistent meter gain from orbs which give an insane amount of meter along with avoiding metergain penalty.
* '''Neutral''': Orbs which are incredibly versatile and getting even one out in a match could mean the end.
* '''Whiff Punish''': Access to a nearly full screen whiff punish tool in 236C.
* '''Chip''': Orbs deal heavy chip damage even if the opponent does respect.
* '''Setting orbs''': C-Roa struggles to stop fast characters from approaching without an orb on the screen, and his limited reach on his normals makes neutral play more difficult overall.
* '''Committive movement''': Slow dash startup and unremarkable distance from airdash without dash momentum makes it difficult to get where he wants to be in neutral.

{| class="wikitable"
|+Strengths / Weaknesses
*Suffocating pressure that is almost inescapable.
*Above average speed.
*One of the biggest heat activations in the game.
*Orbs which are incredibly versatile and getting even one out in a match could mean the end.
*Access to a nearly full screen whiff punish tool in 236C.
*Most of his normals are average to below average.
*Although he has many reversal options, none of them are particularly good.
*Character has some problems with aggressive characters if he doesn't have an orb present on the screen.
C-Roa is considered one of the strongest characters in Current Code right below  F-Hime. Sporting some of the most powerful special moves in the game, including his infamous orbs which have incredibly fast start up, air unblockable when blowback edged (similar to increasing a move in UNIST), can be confirmed at most ranges, and grant massive frame advantage on block. Outside of his orbs, he sports above average ground and air speed, a myriad of reversals, and solid albeit average normals. All of these traits create a character truly worthy of the community given nickname of “War Crime”. Although he is extremely strong, he does require a lot of practice to play well as his combos and are pretty difficult so be ready to spend a lot of time in training mode.
== General Gameplan ==
C-Roa is known for being an extremely oppressive character by those who are familiar with Melty. His fast dashes coupled with the ability to cancel his specials and obtaining massive frame advantage grant him not only one of the strongest pressures in the game, but also an infinite skill ceiling. It’s not wrong to highlight the fact that it’s up to the player whether C-Roa is a top tier or not, it all boils down to the dedication put forth by anyone who picks him.
His game plan consists of finding space to set his orbs in an efficient and safe way, so the Roa player doesn’t suffer any risks, and gathers neutral advantage. For that, you’ll have to be extremely cautious with your movement, as spacing determines whether your opponent will be able to close the gap between you both and score a counter hit during your orb setups. The same thought process can also apply to 22A, which is not only your go to cancel, but a great way to build more and more damage as the match progresses and will have its properties explained in a while. Your short normals make it hard to play matchups like Len and Wara, who can easily invade your space, either due catwalk in Len’s case, or the sheer speed and huge normals that Wara possesses, all requiring extra cautiousness from the player. In contrast to what the majority thinks, C-Roa isn’t unbeatable. A badly timed orb detonation, poor defense, or simple lack of patience to make his setups can surely put you in a tight spot against aggressive players and cost you the match. Also, it is extremely important C-Roa to save some meter for 236C, as it grants you a free corner carry on hit.
Being patient is your greatest weapon when learning this character, be it for playing his neutral or learning his intricate setups. Be sure you have a large amount of it by your side.
=== Neutral ===
Great part of C-Roa's neutral revolves around placing his orbs (214X / j.214X), and being able to vary their detonation timings, for that you will have to find ways to score counter hits using his normals such as 5A, 2A, 2B, 5B (a detail about his B normals: they can punish backdash attempts) and j.A. You can place orbs vertically and horizontally, and depending on your gameplan and the matchup, you can end up using one more than the other. Something crucial when playing C-Roa is knowing that charged orbs are air unblockable, deal more damage, and also have amplified range.
Regarding orb usage: vertical orbs are usually set uncharged as they have quicker startup, and significantly faster recovery compared to horizontal 214X and are mainly used in the lighting loops. As for horizontal orbs, you’ll seek to place their charged version, since they possess the advantages mentioned in the above paragraph. Seek to place charged orbs whenever there’s enough space between you and your opponent, or safely after a hard knockdown. You can also stop them from contesting your orb setups by instantly detonating one for them with 214[A] > 214[B] > 214[A](!).
The real problem is, contrary to the belief that C-Roa is unbeatable in neutral, having room for all of that. As said before: being patient with C-Roa can be game changing for anyone learning him.
=== Pressure ===
C-Roa's pressure is powerful because he can use a lot of resources to stop the opponent from trying to escape his pressure while gaining a lot of Magic Circuit in the process. It consists on using specials like 236A, 22C, 236B (sometimes), and his '''5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5C(1)''' coupled to Rebeat.
The basic way to apply pressure is to simply do '''2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 236A > 22C or 22A''', C-Roa is the only character in the game able to cancel specials into specials, for that reason you have more freedom when applying pressure. 236A is a great tool for this, due to its speed and leaving you plus when cancelled in 22C or 22A. Usually 236A is used after a string with normals. 2A can be used like an starter, but it is not your only one, you can start pressuring with of your any normals. 22C is mostly used when the opponent is already in the corner, because it gives you total advantage in addition to catching any escape attempts. From there, 2A will normally be used to keep pressuring.
You can implement the use of regular orbs in the pressure as well if you place them safely, for example: '''(Blockstring) > 236A > 214X > 22C'''. This 236A give you time to set one orb and hit the opponent with 22C. After that, just restart the pressure having an orb to activate freely. t is not recommended to place charged  orbs in the pressure, since it's slower than a regular one, placing you in a dangerous situation.
Your 236B is a more slower and has less damaging version or your 236A and cancels only into 22A or 22C, it is only used in the loaded version, or as a form of frametrap to capture button attempts in some cases. You can also use 236[A] > 236[B] to push your opponent to the corner or even delay them as a trap to catch mashes, but don't use it too much, as shielding wins agaisnt this. Horizontal charged orbs, if set in advance, can also be used in pressure as they last for 15 seconds until they disappear and, thanks to them, your opponent will usually be afraid to press any buttons at all.
Using IAD is also a good way to start the pressure. Knowing what do to in a given situation comes with experiece
=== Okizeme ===
Well, the  okizeme of C-Roa is a good okizeme since it has the chance to be able to define horizontal charged orbs always after a hard knockdown, that's usually what you want, you can also do something like '''2AA > 236C, 2C > (3x Orb Set)''' after the hard knockdown.
After a hard knock down with 22C, a charged orb is usually set, since not all characters have the same wakeup time and not even the same hurtbox, the safest way is always to put one and thus keep the pressure, you will only want to use, all three orbs after a setup with 2C. For example: After 236C you can do this, or in a more advanced way: '''2AA > 2B > 5C(1) > 2C > 214[A] > 22C > 214[A](!) > 2C''' and place three TK j.214X, this type of setup is not 100% functional in all characters and 236C remais the most practical way to do this.
You can also try an okizeme with IAD and meaty, because you can do the cancel of vertical orb set to 22A, and try to use a meaty or delay, vertical loaded orbs are also a good fit for okizeme, for example after '''236C, 2C > 6C > 22C''', you can do '''214[X] > 22A''', this will make recovery after setting the charged orb faster, giving you time to try an iad, meaty, a delay blow or even detonate the orb.
=== Advanced Techniques ===
still under construction.
=== Defense ===
== Combos ==
=== Enders ===
*'''Airthrow''' (4123)
*'''j.623B''' (4211)
*'''j.623A > j.623C''' (4517)
*'''214X, 2C, TK 214A, 214B
*''' 214X 22C, TK 214A, 214B
=== Normal Combos ===
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 2B > 5B > 2C > 6C > j.BC > j.BC > AT
|note=Basic Combo.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 236A > 22C > 22C
|note=Basic Combo.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 236A > 22C > (Orb Set)
|note=Basic Combo with charged orb oki.
C-Roa is considered one of the strongest characters in Current Code and generally regarded as a contender for the best character in the game. Sporting some of the most powerful special moves in the game, including his infamous orbs which have incredibly fast start up, which are air unblockable when blowback edged (holding down the button, similar to increasing a move in UNIST), can be confirmed into a combo at most ranges, and grant massive frame advantage and meter gain on block. Outside of his orbs, he sports above average ground and air speed, a myriad of reversals, and solid albeit average normals. All of these traits create a character truly worthy of the community given nickname of “War Crime”. Although he is extremely strong, he does require a lot of practice to play well as his combos are pretty difficult so be ready to spend a lot of time in training mode.
=== Metered Combos ===
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 5C(2) > 6C > 236C > (66) > 2C > 6C '''> ...''
|note=This combo can be ended in two ways.
|condition=(Follow-up of the combo above)
|input=*'''...''' > j.BC > dj.BC > Ender
|condition=(Follow-up of the combo above)
|input=*'''...''' > 22C
|note=Leads to 3-way mixup. (high/low + crossup)
=== Advanced Combos ===
Special notations:
*'''214X(!)''': Detonate orb.
*'''22C(x)''': x number of 22A charges in gauge.
*VS Ryougi you have to use A orbs instead of B orbs in lightning loops.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 5C(1) > 2C > 236A > 22A > 5A > j.BC > dj.BC > Ender
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 5C(1) > 6C > 2C > 236A > 214B > 22C > 214B(!) > 214B > 22C > (236[A]) > 214B(!) > 214B > 22C
|note=Advanced combo.
* 214C 22A 5B
* 214[C] 22A 2A
* TK214[X]

== Move Descriptions ==
== Move Descriptions ==
Line 211: Line 33:
Line 218: Line 40:
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
Line 224: Line 47:
|description=Whiff cancelable. Kinda stubby, and the outer hitbox will whiff on most crouchers. The inner hitbox is great for staggers and tick throws, and when further out the move is solid for reverse beating into as well as catching jump outs. It doesn’t push Roa very far away so it’s useful for the anti H-Moon bunker OS and since it hits crouchers you can use the anti-heat OS when resetting your pressure.
|description=Whiff cancelable. Kinda stubby, and the outer hitbox will whiff on most crouchers. The inner hitbox is great for staggers and tick throws, and when further out the move is solid for reverse beating into as well as catching jump outs. It doesn’t push Roa very far away so it’s useful for the anti H-Moon bunker OS and since it hits crouchers you can use the anti-heat OS when resetting your pressure.
Line 234: Line 73:
Line 241: Line 80:
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
Line 247: Line 87:
|description=Mid with an exceptionally long reverse beat window. It can be whiff canceled into for staggers and can be used after 22C(0) at distance to continue blockstrings as it will beat out most 2As.
|description=Mid with an exceptionally long reverse beat window. It can be whiff canceled into for staggers and can be used after 22C(0) at distance to continue blockstrings as it will beat out most 2As.
Line 257: Line 113:
|damage=400, 550 (825)
|damage=400, 550 (825)
|reddamage= (559)
|reddamage= 294, 343 (559)
|proration=80% (O), 90% (M)  
|proration=80% (O), 90% (M) ~ 80% (O)
|circuit=4.0%, 5.5% (9.5%)
|circuit=4.0%, 5.5% (9.5%)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|active=3 (10) 7  
|active=3 (10) 7  
Line 270: Line 127:
|description=2 kicks that hit mid. Really you should always be canceling before the second hit on block, as the first hit getting ex blocked will usually result in the second hit whiffing and you dying. On top of that people can bunker out between the two hits. That’s not to say that the second hit is useless, 5C(2) is difficult to get over due to its height and covers a large area while active as it covers 2 sprite states over 7 active frames. Additionally it moves Roa forward quite a ways, so it can be used as a sort of way to get back in after getting pushed out by your pressure while throwing out a hitbox that will challenge attempts to escape. It’s situational for sure, but in conjunction with plus specials like 236[A] > 22A and 236C, you can use 5C(1) whiff to some strong results.
|description=2 kicks that hit mid. Really you should always be canceling before the second hit on block, as the first hit getting ex blocked will usually result in the second hit whiffing and you dying. On top of that people can bunker out between the two hits. That’s not to say that the second hit is useless, 5C(2) is difficult to get over due to its height and covers a large area while active as it covers 2 sprite states over 7 active frames. Additionally it moves Roa forward quite a ways, so it can be used as a sort of way to get back in after getting pushed out by your pressure while throwing out a hitbox that will challenge attempts to escape. It’s situational for sure, but in conjunction with plus specials like 236[A] > 22A and 236C, you can use 5C(1) whiff to some strong results.
|shieldadv=-38 / -25 ~ -22
Line 281: Line 154:
Line 288: Line 161:
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
Line 294: Line 168:
|description=The normal of choice for Roa’s extended staggers and a good normal for tick throws. Like his 5A, it’s a bit stubby so it’s not that great for abare.
|description=The normal of choice for Roa’s extended staggers and a good normal for tick throws. Like his 5A, it’s a bit stubby so it’s not that great for abare.
Line 304: Line 194:
Line 311: Line 201:
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
Line 317: Line 208:
|description=Another decent normal that can be used to follow up 22C(0) at distance, when spaced properly it will beat out most 5As, but it will lose to 2A mash.
|description=Another decent normal that can be used to follow up 22C(0) at distance, when spaced properly it will beat out most 5As, but it will lose to 2A mash.
Line 327: Line 234:
Line 334: Line 241:
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=Hard knockdown. A solid 2C that slides Roa forward and has a small disjoint, it’s useful to call out jump outs due to causing hard knockdown and having  a hitbox that extends rather high up. Helps Roa establish presence in pressure outside of 2B range. Can be used as abare to challenge characters able to pressure outside of the range of 2A as it is relatively quick and since it moves him forward so much covers a large amount of ground. The disjoint will cause it to beat out a number of normals, like Nero’s 2B before frame 13 and F Nanaya’s 5B, and its relatively low startup lets Roa contest more than he would otherwise be able to. Good places to look to use it as abare are after a Reverse Beat into 2A/5A when you think they are going to follow up by poking to try to catch a jump, pokes after moves that are neutral or minus, such as F-Sion using 236A 2B, or when your opponent is using repeated non-disjointed pokes. Keep in mind though, while it’s quick and moves him quite a ways, it will still get blown up by big disjointed normals such as Warachia 2C, C Nero 5C and the like.
|description=Hard knockdown. A solid 2C that slides Roa forward and has a small disjoint, it’s useful to call out jump outs due to causing hard knockdown and having  a hitbox that extends rather high up. Helps Roa establish presence in pressure outside of 2B range. Can be used as abare to challenge characters able to pressure outside of the range of 2A as it is relatively quick and since it moves him forward so much covers a large amount of ground. The disjoint will cause it to beat out a number of normals, like Nero’s 2B before frame 13 and F Nanaya’s 5B, and its relatively low startup lets Roa contest more than he would otherwise be able to. Good places to look to use it as abare are after a Reverse Beat into 2A/5A when you think they are going to follow up by poking to try to catch a jump, pokes after moves that are neutral or minus, such as F-Sion using 236A 2B, or when your opponent is using repeated non-disjointed pokes. Keep in mind though, while it’s quick and moves him quite a ways, it will still get blown up by big disjointed normals such as Warachia 2C, C-Nero 5[C] and the like.
Line 351: Line 275:
Line 358: Line 282:
|cancel=SE, N, SP, EX, J  
|cancel=SE, N, SP, EX, J  
Line 364: Line 289:
|description=Roa’s go to air to air, it’s quick and can be canceled into itself, letting you confirm or air tick throw. You can use it to cancel your forward airdashes while running away to get to the ground quicker.
|description=Roa’s go to air to air, it’s quick and can be canceled into itself, letting you confirm or air tick throw. You can use it to cancel your forward airdashes while running away to get to the ground quicker.
Line 374: Line 315:
Line 381: Line 322:
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
Line 387: Line 329:
|description=Roa’s usual jump outside of the corner as it won’t push the opponent out nearly as much as j.C on block. It’s active for 7 frames so you can use it somewhat early when you are jumping in so you don’t run the risk of being airthrown. Used as an air to air for opponents under you.
|description=Roa’s usual jump outside of the corner as it won’t push the opponent out nearly as much as j.C on block. It’s active for 7 frames so you can use it somewhat early when you are jumping in so you don’t run the risk of being airthrown. Used as an air to air for opponents under you.
Line 397: Line 355:
Line 404: Line 362:
Line 410: Line 369:
|description=Used heavily in IAD shenanigans as its long reach and ability to link into 2B lets Roa combo off airdash back J.C, which plays a large part in his mixups and okizeme. Another solid air to air for opponents under you, but since it’s less active than J.B its less useful for scrambles.
|description=Used heavily in IAD shenanigans as its long reach and ability to link into 2B lets Roa combo off airdash back J.C, which plays a large part in his mixups and okizeme. Another solid air to air for opponents under you, but since it’s less active than J.B its less useful for scrambles.
Line 421: Line 396:
Line 428: Line 403:
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
Line 434: Line 410:
|description=Reverse Beatable mid command normal. Solid for calling out jump outs from too far out to use 5A, and more reliable than 2C or 5C due to hitting higher up. Generally, when using it to poke like this, cancel into 22C when farther out to get a hard knockdown on hit and plus frames on block, and 5a when a bit closer to whiff cancel back into your blockstring or confirm into 22C on hit. One strong example of this kind of tool is distanced 5C(1) > reverse beat 5A whiff cancel 6C > 22C, which is a solid way to spending 1-3 22A charges to reset pressure.
|description=Reverse Beatable mid command normal. Solid for calling out jump outs from too far out to use 5A, and more reliable than 2C or 5C due to hitting higher up. Generally, when using it to poke like this, cancel into 22C when farther out to get a hard knockdown on hit and plus frames on block, and 5a when a bit closer to whiff cancel back into your blockstring or confirm into 22C on hit. One strong example of this kind of tool is distanced 5C(1) > reverse beat 5A whiff cancel 6C > 22C, which is a solid way to spending 1-3 22A charges to reset pressure.
Line 446: Line 438:
Line 454: Line 446:
Line 460: Line 453:
|description=Roa takes the opponent by the neck then throws them forward/backward. Ground techable knockdown.
|description=Roa takes the opponent by the neck then throws them forward/backward. Ground techable knockdown.
Line 469: Line 478:
Line 475: Line 485:
|description=Throws the opponent into an invincible untechable knockdown directly next to Roa.
|description=Throws the opponent into an invincible untechable knockdown directly next to Roa.
Line 486: Line 512:
|damage=1600 (Raw)<br>1200 (Ender)
|damage=1600 (Raw)<br>1200 (Ender)
Line 493: Line 519:
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
Line 499: Line 526:
|description=OTG-able ground bounce when done raw, untechable knockdown as a combo ender.
|description=OTG-able ground bounce when done raw, untechable knockdown as a combo ender.
Line 510: Line 553:
|input=214D in neutral or blockstun
|input=214D in neutral or blockstun
Line 518: Line 561:
Line 524: Line 568:
     |invuln=Clash 1-10
     |invuln=Clash 1-10
     |version={{Tooltip | text=(Clash)| hovertext=If an attack connects with this Shield Bunker's clash box, this is the followup that happens afterwards.}}
     |version={{Tooltip | text=(Clash)| hovertext=If an attack connects with this Shield Bunker's clash box, this is the followup that happens afterwards.}}
Line 534: Line 594:
Line 540: Line 601:
     |invuln={{Tooltip | text=Strike 1-7| hovertext=1-15 Strike invicibility on whiff.}}
     |invuln={{Tooltip | text=Strike 1-7| hovertext=1-15 Strike invicibility on whiff.}}
     |description=Similar to 6C.
     |description=Similar to 6C.
Line 551: Line 628:
Line 558: Line 635:
Line 564: Line 642:
     |invuln=Full 1-21
     |invuln=Full 1-21
     |description=One of the larger heat activations out there.
     |description=One of the larger heat activations out there.
Line 576: Line 670:
Line 584: Line 678:
Line 590: Line 685:
     |invuln=Full 1-39
     |invuln=Full 1-39
Line 600: Line 711:
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
Line 606: Line 718:
     |invuln=Strike 1-30
     |invuln=Strike 1-30
     |description=Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.
     |description=Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

=== Special Moves ===
=== Special Moves ===
Line 628: Line 755:
Line 636: Line 763:
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-SP-| hovertext=214X, 22X}}, -EX-
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-SP-| hovertext=214X, 22X}}, -EX-
Line 642: Line 770:
|seqid=400 [404]
Line 651: Line 795:
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-SP-| hovertext=236B/[B], 623X, 214X, 22X}}, -EX-
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-SP-| hovertext=236B/[B], 623X, 214X, 22X}}, -EX-
Line 660: Line 805:
Horizontal lightning that can be blowback edged to make it +7 on block and increases the range. The blowback edged version of it can also be canceled into 236B/[B].<br>
Horizontal lightning that can be blowback edged to make it +7 on block and increases the range. The blowback edged version of it can also be canceled into 236B/[B].<br>
Can also be canceled into 22A to become +3/+8 at the earliest possible cancel.
Can also be canceled into 22A to become +3/+8 at the earliest possible cancel.
|seqid=400 [416]
|damage=700*2 (1242)
|damage=700*2 (1242)
Line 669: Line 830:
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-SP-| hovertext=22X}}, -EX-
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-SP-| hovertext=22X}}, -EX-
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=2, 2}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=2, 2}}
Line 675: Line 837:
|seqid=401 [406]
|damage=1000*2 (1774)
|damage=1000*2 (1774)
Line 684: Line 862:
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-SP-| hovertext=214X, 22X}}, -EX-
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-SP-| hovertext=214X, 22X}}, -EX-
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=2, 2}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=2, 2}}
Line 690: Line 869:
|description=Same properties as 236A but the blowback edged version is only +5 and canceling uncharged version into 22A is only +1.
|description=Same properties as 236A but the blowback edged version is only +5 and canceling uncharged version into 22A is only +1.
|seqid=401 [417]
|damage=1200*3 (2650)
|damage=1200*3 (2650)
Line 699: Line 894:
|active={{Tooltip | text=10| hovertext=3 hits.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=10| hovertext=3 hits.}}
|frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=2 hits.}} ~ 4
|frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=2 hits.}} ~ 4
|invuln=Full 4
|invuln=Full 4
|description=Triple pronged lightning that is +3~4 on block, air unblockable, wall bounces and covers almost the entire screen. Just as powerful as it sounds, you will be spending most of your meter on this move as it is extremely versatile. It can be used to anti air at a distance, done out of EX Shield to beat certain safe jumps, used to continue pressure, corner carry, and a combo tool.
|description=Triple pronged lightning that is +3~4 on block, air unblockable, wall bounces and covers almost the entire screen. Just as powerful as it sounds, you will be spending most of your meter on this move as it is extremely versatile. It can be used to anti air at a distance, done out of EX Shield to beat certain safe jumps, used to continue pressure, corner carry, and a combo tool. For some reason, this move becomes even more advantageous at +5 when the first hit is EX Guarded.
|seqid=402 [418]
Line 718: Line 930:
|damage=500, 1500 (1351)
|damage=500, 1500 (1351)
Line 726: Line 938:
|active={{Tooltip | text=7| hovertext=4, 3}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=7| hovertext=4, 3}}
Line 734: Line 947:

Air unblockable, but no invulnerability. Air version is fully air blockable but can still be used as an anti air after setting orbs to catch an air dashing opponent off guard.
Air unblockable, but no invulnerability. Air version is fully air blockable but can still be used as an anti air after setting orbs to catch an air dashing opponent off guard.
|hitcount=0 ~ 1, 1
|otg=Y ~ N, N
|damage=500*3, 1000 (2133)
|damage=500*3, 1000 (2133)
Line 743: Line 972:
|guard=LH (1), LHA (2-4)
|guard=LH (1), LHA (2-4)
|active={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=4, 4, 2, 2}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=4, 4, 2, 2}}
Line 749: Line 979:
|invuln=Full 1-5
|invuln=Full 1-5
|description=A true DP with invulnerability. Not as good as an anti air since it’s only 2 frames air unblockable but can be effective in certain situations.
|description=A true DP with invulnerability. Not as good as an anti air since it’s only 2 frames air unblockable but can be effective in certain situations.
|hitstopstrength=3*3, 10
|shieldadv=-62 ~ -52
|damage=400*6, 1000 (2706)
|damage=400*6, 1000 (2706)
Line 758: Line 1,004:
|active={{Tooltip | text=25| hovertext=4 x5, 2, 3}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=25| hovertext=4 x5, 2, 3}}
|frameAdv=-58 (min)
|frameAdv=-58 (min)
|invuln=Full 1-4
|invuln=Full 1-4
|description=Fully air unblockable and each hit must be shielded individually and wall slams on hit. Air version is air blockable but still has invulnerability. Mostly situational as most of the time it’s not worth the meter.
|description=Fully air unblockable and each hit must be shielded individually and wall slams on hit. Air version is air blockable but still has invulnerability. Mostly situational as most of the time it’s not worth the meter.
|hitcount=0*6, 1
|hitstopstrength=3*6, 10
|shieldadv=-58 ~ -80
|otg=Y*6, N
Line 776: Line 1,039:
|input=214A/B/C (Hold OK)<br>(~214A/B/C)
|input=214A/B/C (Hold OK)<br>(~214A/B/C)
Line 784: Line 1,047:
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=Orb is summoned at this frame.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=Orb is summoned at this frame.}}
Line 790: Line 1,054:
Line 799: Line 1,079:
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=Orb is summoned at this frame.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=Orb is summoned at this frame.}}
Line 805: Line 1,086:
Line 814: Line 1,111:
|guard=LH {{Tooltip | text=(/ LHA)| hovertext=Aerial uncharged orb detonation.}}
|guard=LH {{Tooltip | text=(/ LHA)| hovertext=Aerial uncharged orb detonation.}}
Line 820: Line 1,118:
|seqid=580-582 [590]
Line 830: Line 1,144:
|active={{Tooltip | text=10| hovertext=2 x5}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=10| hovertext=2 x5}}
Line 840: Line 1,155:
With a normal orb being +18 on block and the blowback version being a whopping +26 means that blocking one can result in almost inescapable pressure when combined with rebeat pressure and his ability to cancel his specials into other specials.<br>
With a normal orb being +18 on block and the blowback version being a whopping +26 means that blocking one can result in almost inescapable pressure when combined with rebeat pressure and his ability to cancel his specials into other specials.<br>
Although this move is extremely powerful it does have few although hard to exploit weaknesses that should be noted. The start up is rather slow on the blow back version so if an opponent has a fullscreen attack such as a fast projectile or can position themselves to bait Roa into setting an orb they can punish accordingly. Some notable ways to do this are C-Ciel and H-Roa 236C, Nero and Wara airdash j.C, and H-Ryougi's knife throw.
Although this move is extremely powerful it does have few although hard to exploit weaknesses that should be noted. The start up is rather slow on the blow back version so if an opponent has a fullscreen attack such as a fast projectile or can position themselves to bait Roa into setting an orb they can punish accordingly. Some notable ways to do this are C-Ciel and H-Roa 236C, Nero and Wara airdash j.C, and H-Ryougi's knife throw.
|seqid=580-582 [591]
Line 853: Line 1,184:
|version=A (Min)
|version=A (Min)
Line 861: Line 1,192:
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=1 Charge is added on this frame.&#010;If held, adds 1 charge on the 32th frame of this move, then another one every 32 frames afterwards.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=1 Charge is added on this frame.&#010;If held, adds 1 charge on the 32nd frame of this move, then another one every 32 frames afterwards.}}
Line 868: Line 1,200:
|description=*Charges up a lightning bolt, or releases it. If the charge would go over 9, it's treated as 22C instead (i.e. doesn't add charges, just releases lightning).<br>
|description=*Charges up a lightning bolt, or releases it. If the charge would go over 9, it's treated as 22C instead (i.e. doesn't add charges, just releases lightning).<br>

Charges up +1. Can be held to continue charging, giving an additional charge every 32 frames this move is held in total.
Charges up +1. Can be held to continue charging, giving an additional charge every 32 frames this move is held in total, although you can cancel this move into itself rapidly to get more charges in a shorter amount of time than you would get than just holding the input.
Line 878: Line 1,226:
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=3 Charges are added on this frame.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=3 Charges are added on this frame.}}
Line 884: Line 1,233:
|description=Charges up +3. Cannot be held.
|description=Charges up +3. Cannot be held.
|version=C<br>0 ~ Best
|version=C<br>0 ~ Best
|damage=1000 ~ {{Tooltip | text=3500| hovertext=9 hidden charges.}}
|damage=1000 ~ {{Tooltip | text=3500| hovertext=9 hidden charges.}}
Line 893: Line 1,258:
|guard=LHA ~ {{Tooltip | text=LH| hovertext=At least 6+ hidden charges.}}
|guard=LHA ~ {{Tooltip | text=LH| hovertext=At least 6+ hidden charges.}}
|startup=15 ~ {{Tooltip | text=13| hovertext=At least 5+ hidden charges.}}
|startup=15 ~ {{Tooltip | text=13| hovertext=At least 16+ hidden charges.}}
|recovery=18 ~ {{Tooltip | text=8| hovertext=7-9 visible charges, less than 5 hidden charges.}}
|recovery=18 ~ {{Tooltip | text=8| hovertext=7-9 visible charges, less than 5 hidden charges.}}
Line 908: Line 1,274:
* At 4+, it sets off your orbs.
* At 4+, it sets off your orbs.
* At exactly 6, the lightning [[Melty Blood/Circuit Break|Circuit Break]]s (400f) and deals less damage than normal, and the bolt comes out one frame later (+1 startup, -1 recovery). Knocks down if hidden charges <5 (at least one B-charge), else launches (6 A-charges).
* At exactly 6, the lightning [[Melty Blood/Circuit Break|Circuit Break]]s (400f) and deals less damage than normal, and the bolt comes out one frame later (+1 startup, -1 recovery). Knocks down if hidden charges <5 (at least one B-charge), else launches (6 A-charges).
* At 7+, it strikes where the opponent is, rather than in front of you.
* At 7+, the lightning tracks the opponent's position (this tracking is not very accurate and will commonly whiff against many forms of movement including superjump forward, most runs and dashes, and C/H NecoMech forward walk)

'''Hidden''': The number of times charges have been added. All A-version charges count fully, but B-version charges count the number of times the move was used, so each use counts as 1 instead of 3.
'''Hidden''': The number of times charges have been added. All A-version charges count fully, but B-version charges count the number of times the move was used, so each use counts as 1 instead of 3.
Line 949: Line 1,315:
{{!}} 9 {{!}}{{!}} 3500, +16 {{!}}{{!}} 2800, +16 {{!}}{{!}} 2200, +16 {{!}}{{!}} 1700, +18 {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}} 9 {{!}}{{!}} 3500, +16 {{!}}{{!}} 2800, +16 {{!}}{{!}} 2200, +16 {{!}}{{!}} 1700, +18 {{!}}{{!}}  
|shieldadv=-7 ~ 4
|projstart= {{Tooltip | text=13| hovertext=Charges go away on frame 5}}
|seqid=102 [554]
Line 963: Line 1,345:
|damage=500, 1500 (1351)
|damage=500, 1500 (1351)
Line 971: Line 1,353:
|active={{Tooltip | text=7| hovertext=4, 3}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=7| hovertext=4, 3}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=6| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=6| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
Line 979: Line 1,362:

Despite being air blockable, it can still be used as an anti air after setting orbs to catch an air dashing opponent off guard.
Despite being air blockable, it can still be used as an anti air after setting orbs to catch an air dashing opponent off guard.
|damage=300*3, 1000 (1599)
|damage=300*3, 1000 (1599)
Line 988: Line 1,387:
|active={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=4, 4, 2, 2}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=4, 4, 2, 2}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
Line 994: Line 1,394:
|description=Higher reach, but no invincibility.
|description=Higher reach, but no invincibility.
|hitstopstrength=3*3, 10
|damage=350*6, 1000 (2456)
|damage=350*6, 1000 (2456)
Line 1,003: Line 1,419:
|active={{Tooltip | text=25| hovertext=4 x5, 2, 3}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=25| hovertext=4 x5, 2, 3}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
Line 1,009: Line 1,426:
|invuln=Full 1-6
|invuln=Full 1-6
|description=Air version is air blockable but still has invulnerability. Mostly situational as most of the time it’s not worth the meter.
|description=Air version is air blockable but still has invulnerability. Mostly situational as most of the time it’s not worth the meter.
|hitcount=0*6, 1
|hitstopstrength=3*6, 10
|otg=Y*6, N
Line 1,021: Line 1,454:
|input=j.214A/B/C (Hold OK)<br>(~j.214A/B/C)
|input=j.214A/B/C (Hold OK)<br>(~j.214A/B/C)
Line 1,029: Line 1,462:
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=Orb is summoned at this frame.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=Orb is summoned at this frame.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=11| hovertext=Until jump cancel.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=11| hovertext=Until jump cancel.}}
Line 1,035: Line 1,469:
Line 1,044: Line 1,494:
|cancel=-SP-, -EX-, -J-
|cancel=-SP-, -EX-, -J-
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=Orb is summoned at this frame.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=Orb is summoned at this frame.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=11| hovertext=Until jump cancel.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=11| hovertext=Until jump cancel.}}
Line 1,050: Line 1,501:
Line 1,059: Line 1,526:
|guard=LHA {{Tooltip | text=(/ LH)| hovertext=Grounded uncharged orb detonation.}}
|guard=LHA {{Tooltip | text=(/ LH)| hovertext=Grounded uncharged orb detonation.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Until jump cancel.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Until jump cancel.}}
Line 1,065: Line 1,533:
|seqid=595-597 [605]
Line 1,075: Line 1,559:
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(10)| hovertext=2 x5}}
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(10)| hovertext=2 x5}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Until jump cancel.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Until jump cancel.}}
Line 1,084: Line 1,569:
The ability to cancel a blowback edge air orb set into shield, jump and DP means you can almost always stay safe after a successful orb set.<br>
The ability to cancel a blowback edge air orb set into shield, jump and DP means you can almost always stay safe after a successful orb set.<br>
They almost go fullscreen and become air unblockable when blowback edged meaning once you get an orb out the opponent is taking a huge risk when approaching you in any way as getting hit by an orb means eating a combo into more orbs being set up.<br>
They almost go fullscreen and become air unblockable when blowback edged meaning once you get an orb out the opponent is taking a huge risk when approaching you in any way as getting hit by an orb means eating a combo into more orbs being set up.<br>
|seqid=595-597 [605]
Line 1,095: Line 1,596:
|input=41236C during MAX/Heat
|input=41236C during MAX/Heat
|damage=7000 (3080)
|damage=7000 (3080)
Line 1,102: Line 1,603:
|invuln=Full 7-8, 13-14
|invuln=Full 7-8, 13-14
|description=An almost fullscreen horizontal lightning strike which goes into a cutscene on hit. Untechable knockdown.
|description=An almost fullscreen horizontal lightning strike which goes into a cutscene on hit, returning you to midscreen. This property of the move makes it undesirable in a combo when compared to 236C, so it is best reserved when the extra damage provided by it will kill. Regardless, it still gives an untechable hard knockdown, so even if it doesn't kill, you can get an orb or two up for oki. If your opponent consistently shields 236C, Arc Drive can be used as a gimmicky mixup as an unshieldable attack with a similar looking startup and EX flash.
|seqid=150 [154]

=== Another Arc Drive ===
=== Another Arc Drive ===
Line 1,120: Line 1,637:
|input=41236C during Blood Heat
|input=41236C during Blood Heat
|damage=8000 (3520)
|damage=8000 (3520)
Line 1,127: Line 1,644:
|invuln=Full 6-7, 12-13
|invuln=Full 6-7, 12-13
|description=Functions the same as Arc Drive, with more damage added. Untechable knockdown that can be hit OTG.
|description=Functions the same as Arc Drive, but with more damage added and without the ability to hit OTG. Has less recovery on hit than AD, allowing you to link 2C into an ender.
|seqid=180 [187]
Line 1,144: Line 1,678:
|input=Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
|input=Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
Line 1,151: Line 1,685:
|description=Fullscreen command grab Last Arc. Notable for doing fixed damage no matter how much Blood Heat gauge Roa has left.
|description=Fullscreen command grab Last Arc. Notable for doing fixed damage no matter how much Blood Heat gauge Roa has left. Startup is short enough that it is unavoidable if activated with a vulnerable attack that experiences hitstop (most normals and non-projectile specials). Can be avoided with throw invulnerability via things like a DP, jump startup, or super armor (excluding Kohaku's install). Things like backdash, dodge, airdodge, or clashes will not work.
== General Gameplan ==
C-Roa is an extremely oppressive character once he gets going. His bursty movement coupled with his ability to cancel specials and obtain massive frame advantage grant him not only some of the best pressure in the game, but also a very high skill ceiling. Roa is a top tier, but he requires plenty of effort to play like one.
The core of Roa's game plan consists of finding space to set his orbs (mostly charged air orbs) safely and efficiently. For that, you’ll have to be very aware of your own movement, as well as your opponent's. Your spacing will determine whether your opponent will be able to close the gap and score a counter hit during your orb setups. The same thought process can also apply to 22A which is a much safer, but less rewarding, way to slowly build some pressure on your opponent. Roa's normals are by no means weak, but they are not what make him top tier, so trying to navigate neutral without orbs can be tough against some characters. Characters with a strong ability to stick to you especially can make it very stressful, so being observant and paying close attention to your opponent's habits is important. Although C-Roa is extremely powerful, he can be quite volatile and small mistakes can quickly snowball and lead to a lost round.
Being patient is your greatest weapon when learning this character, be it for playing his neutral or learning his intricate setups. Be sure you have a large amount of it by your side.
=== Neutral ===
A large part of C-Roa's neutral revolves around placing his orbs (214X/[X] and j.214X/[X]) and using the threat of a detonation to set more, cycling them in and out between "sets" and "dets". Pay attention to how you detonate your orbs and how your opponent reacts to them, as becoming predictable is the main way in which you will lose neutral while orbs are up.
For the most part, you will want to set charged air orbs (j.214[X]; often tk.214[X]) in neutral. They cover large horizontal space (about 3/4 of the screen), are air unblockable, can be special cancelled immediately after the orb appears, and are multi-hit allowing for easy confirms. Your go-to orb setup in neutral will be two orbs at ground height and one at jump/double jump height (often called the "Holy Trinity"). This allows you to cycle the two grounded orbs to prevent ground approaches, forcing your opponent into the air where you can catch them with the third orb. In order to efficiently use orbs, a very important technique to learn is chaining sets and dets using the special cancel properties on j.214[X]. For example, you can do j.214[A] > j.214[B] > j.214[C], to set all 3 available orbs very quickly, or you can do something like j.214[A] > j.214[B] > j.214[A]! to cancel your orb sets into a quick detonation. Do note that you can not cancel an orb into its own detonation.
Grounded orbs are situationally good in neutral against characters that like to hover in the air or have many air options. Uncharged ground orbs can be good for scoring counter hits allowing for a full conversion, while charged ground orbs have greater range, more active frames, and give more time to convert non counter hits with 22C.
Uncharged air orbs are almost strictly worse than charged air orbs. Although they are faster to set, they can not be special canceled leading to charged air orbs being faster in the most common situation where you are setting multiple orbs or chaining a detonation. Even ignoring that, saving 9 frames is almost never worth the massive downgrade. Being the only air blockable orb greatly hurts their utility. Uncharged air orbs do have niche usage in that they do not pop you up like their charged counterparts do, allowing you to land faster during certain setups.
Now the only issue is how to set up the orbs. The solution depends on the matchup. Against slower characters or more passive players, you can simply make some space to safely set an orb. Roa's movement was tailor-made for getting across the screen fast and will help you here. Against faster characters and more aggressive players, you may find it difficult to create space. In that case you can either try to out maneuver the opponent to find an opportunity for an orb, or you can fall back on fishing for hits to either score a knockdown or make some time to set an orb. All of his normals have uses in neutral, and 236A and 22C can cover grounded and airborne approaches respectively with a bit more commitment and risk. If you have meter to spend (and you will) 236C also serves as a massive air unblockable hitbox that hits air and ground approaches and converts into Roa's strongest oki. Opponents can shield it on reaction to the EX Flash, but this will rarely lead to you being punished or even pushed into a disadvantage.
=== Pressure ===
C-Roa's pressure is incredibly powerful. His [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Roa/Crescent_Moon#Special_Cancels|Special Cancels]] allow for almost inescapable pressure that forces your opponent to gamble with unsafe options. All of his B and C normals also move forward, diminishing the ability of EX Guard to push him out (Try to avoid 5C though if your opponent is EX Guarding a lot).
Midscreen, Roa's pressure will mostly serve the purpose of pushing the opponent away to make space for orbs or pushing them towards the corner where his pressure truly shines. The most basic way to apply pressure is to route into 236A > 22A (+3 on block) or 214X > 22C (+2 on block). Even just having these as plus on block resets is useful, but both of these strings also provide you with an additional resource allowing for you to reset potentially gaplessly.
236A > 22A grants you one charge. To get detailed information on how Roa's charges work, read his 22C description, but the important thing here is that having any charges at all will make 22C so plus that you can redash and 2A with no gap. This means something like 2A > 5B > 236A > 22A, 2A > 5B > 22C, 66 2A... can be looped in the corner endlessly and the only gaps will be after each 236A > 22A which is only 2 frames. You can also replace 236A > 22A with 236[A] > 22A which will leave a gap before the 236[A], but will result in you being +8 on block, making a 2A afterwards completely gapless. Outside of the corner 236A > 22A is simply a good string to push the opponent away and end plus.
214X > 22C grants you a set orb. Detonating this orb will make you plus enough to redash and 2A much like charged 22C. This means something like 2A > 5B > 236A > 214X > 22C, 2A > 5B > 236A > 214X! 66 2A... can be looped in the corner endlessly and the only gaps are before and after the 22C, both of which are only 3 frames. Although this string provides the opponent more opportunities for counterplay, having an orb set provides a sort of passive pressure that charged 22C doesn't. Even if you push yourself out, you could detonate that orb at any time, and it will even catch jump outs. This passive pressure can allow you to get away with more in pressure than just having charges would. Just like with 236A > 22A, 236[A] can be substituted in to remove a gap after 236A but add one before. Outside of the corner, the orb is much less likely to be useful later, making this string much more situational than 236A > 22A.
On top of being more plus than 236A, 236[A] can also be cancelled into any special, not just 214X or 22X. Most commonly this is useful for 236[A] > 236[B] which creates much more space than just 236A will midscreen. Special cancels also include shield meaning 236[A] > 5/2D, allowing 236[A] to bait EX reversals by cancelling it into shield on reaction to the EX Flash. 236{A} (partial charge) can also be used to purposefully create a small gap to catch people trying to mash or jump against 236[A].
236B and 236[B] are mostly just worse versions of 236A and 236[A], mostly being reserved as cancel options for 236[A].
214X and 214[X] share the same startup animation as 236X and 236[X] meaning you can often get away with 214[X] > 22C in pressure if you use it in a spot where you could also be using 236X (i.e. after a normal or after 236[A]), since your opponent doesn't know if you are doing 214[X] or 236[X].
With all of these unmashable and unjumpable strings, your opponent will be inclined to gamble with shield, bunker, or reversals. If your opponent is shielding your 2As after resets, present 5B and 2B to make their shield a 50/50 or throw. If they are shielding your specials there is a good chance they will not even be able to punish you. Shield only leads to a true punish against 236A/[A]/B/[B] > 22A or 22C if they have a 6f or faster option making shield pretty weak for many F and H moons. Against uncharged orbs shield is -4 and against charged orbs shield is -12 and can often be thrown on reaction. Bunker can be baited like normal by leaving large gaps but if C/F moon bunkers against any 236X > 22A, orb, or 22C you can block in time. H Moon bunker is simply a strong option against Roa due to the nature of his pressure, but can still be baited in the normal ways or avoided entirely by running pressure entirely with orbs (essentially how you run neutral but near the corner). Reversals simply need to be baited outside of the specific circumstance with 236[A] > 5/2D mentioned above.
Last but not least, Roa's throw provides him with insane reward. In the corner, a well timed 2C can catch all techs allowing you to either convert into a combo or go directly into your strongest oki. If they didn't tech, you can convert 2C into an OTG string into 236C (2C > 2AAA > 5B > 5C(1) > 5A > 2A > 236C), still providing you with 2C oki. Midscreen you can catch all techs and no tech with 236C, although the timing is much tighter than with 2C. If you throw them just outside of the corner, dashing into the corner will make 2C whiff against forward tech, so walk forward before 2C if you are close enough or otherwise walk backwards and 236C (so that forward tech will not cross up).
=== Okizeme ===
Roa has three main hard knockdown enders being (in order of strength) air throw, 22C, and 2C (with a jump cancel remaining). A few common ways of setting up 2C oki are listed in the combo section.
Air throw is +4 at most heights against V. Sion. In the corner you can try 236A > 22A, or just dash up and hope they respect it. If you have orbs set you can detonate them on wakeup and it will catch jumps, but the threat of them detonating also makes it easier to sneak in a dash. Midscreen you can often safely fit in an orb against slower characters. Against faster characters you may have to cancel the orb into shield or take some other risks. Against standard wakeups 236C after air throw will be perfectly timed to have its superflash right after their first actionable frame, meaning it will catch their jump startup if they held up and they will not be able to do anything on reaction to the EX Flash. This is made all the better by the fact that jump is a good level 1 answer to 236A > 22A after air throw.
22C gives varying advantage depending on the height you hit it at as well as if you had any charges, but even at its worst advantage you have time to set one orb and jump away to safety, or IAD over them for a cross up (assuming you were close enough to set the orb behind them).
2C gives incredible advantage. You have time to set all 3 orbs and detonate one of them to hit their wakeup (meaty against some chars). Triple orb oki is much stronger if you are close enough to set the orbs behind them, since this opens up many avenues for mix ups. The basic mix is to detonate an orb on their wakeup, which pushes them towards you. You then double jump forward over them and either airdash back and j.C or stay cross up and detonate another orb. Be wary of always setting triple orb as this leaves you susceptible to DPs, so against some characters you may want to set just 2 orbs and then get out of their reversal range. When setting 2 orbs you still have an opportunity to mix by double jump IADing over them and detonating an orb cross up or delaying the IAD so that their collision blocks you and you can do a same side j.C. This can be tight and won't work against all characters or against players who crouch block the first orb det.
Roa can fuzzy some characters with 66 IABD j.C dj.C, and can confirm with an orb detonation. The dash momentum is necessary to stay close enough for the j.C to hit.
Also note that Roa can catch many backdashes with 2A(w) > 5B/2B instead of 2A(w) > 2C like many other characters have to do.
=== Special Cancels ===
One of C-Roa's defining characteristics is his ability to cancel specials into other specials. Having a grasp on what can be canceled into what is important both to efficiently play Roa as well as play against him. Roa's special cancels can be divided into three groups: orb cancels, special cancels, and EX cancels. All of these cancels work on whiff.
====Orb Cancels====
Some of C-Roa's specials can be cancellable specifically into orbs. These include:
====Special Cancels====
Some of C-Roa's specials can be cancelled into any special (and shield, bunker, and airdodge). This is the type of cancel that allows for triple orb sets and set into det. These include:
====EX Cancels====
Although EX cancels are a universal mechanic, C-Roa's 22X specials are all considered EX moves for the purpose of EX cancels despite not costing any meter. Specials EX Cancelable into 22X include:
=== Defense ===
C-Roa's defense boils down mostly to universal mechanics combined with his DP. That may seem underwhelming, but the universal options at his disposal work especially well with his kit.
C-Moon mechanics benefit Roa massively, with strong options out of shield and EX shield as well as the high meter gain to utilize heat activation, shield bunker, and circuit spark more frequently than others:
*EX guard compliments his already high meter gain and allows him to create space to contest a dash back in, force his turn through 236C, or return back to neutral and begin his attempt at establishing orbs.
*Shield allows Roa to reversal out of gaps in pressure, gain plus frames or punish from long range with 236C, or score anti-air counter hits with EX shield 5A.
*Roa's shield bunker can force advantageous situations for him and create an opening to return to neutral or utilize set orbs that will expire by the time the block string is over.
*Roa's heat activation is larger than average and on hit allows him to safely establish a charged orb or two while regaining red health and sending the opponent full screen.
*Circuit spark is enabled by Roa's high meter gain and allows him to force a left-right mixup with a charged orb on hit, further refunding a significant amount of meter.
Roa's buttons all serve specific purposes on defense:
*His 5A and 2A have mediocre range and 5f (average) startup making them perfectly fine for mashing resets. His 5A also hits high enough to be useful as a last-minute anti-air.
*His 5B and 2B are larger and more active but have a good bit more startup and mostly serve to contest opponents trying to outspace A buttons or to stuff approaches.
*2C is the same speed as 5B, is incredibly active, and has only 13f of recovery. It is a more committal way to stuff approaches but also hits quite high and can catch jumps and even anti air some characters.
*5C(2) can serve as a slow and very niche anti-air and extends his highest hitbox on a normal during the second hit.
*Roa's air normals all hit pretty well in front of him and can all pass as good options to hit opponents chasing a jump out.
*22C will cover the entire vertical space in front of him but is air blockable with less than 6 hidden charges. It mainly sees use in sniping opponents high out of the air or serving as a hard callout against airdash approaches. Keep in mind that it is only active for 2 frames.
*Although it is pretty bad compared to other DPs, Roa still does have a fully invulnerable reversal in 623B which he probably does not deserve. Only the first hit is air unblockable, and it is minus on hit which can often lead right back to you blocking again. 623A has no invulnerability but is fully air unblockable.
*j.623A hits a pretty large area pretty quickly and can be surprisingly good at landing single hit counter hits which can often be converted into combos after landing. Only has 6f of landing lag, significantly less than its grounded version.
All of Roa's B and C normals move him forward meaning they will bring him out of the corner. This is especially useful on 2B and 2C which can often go under IADs and air approaches.
It can be tempting to want to use risky defensive options often to try to get back to your incredibly powerful advantage state, but remember that your opponent is also aware of this and good players will work around his options with OSes and baits. Players who can properly and patiently leverage Roa's variety of reversals and defensive options will find themselves greatly rewarded. Mismanaging these options will lead to very quick losses and a lack of the resources that give Roa his top tier status.
== Combos ==
C-Roa's combos are extraordinarily open ended in their routing. Combined with the massive combination of available resources (meter, pre-set orbs, 22C charges), trying to list out all of his combos is impractical. A few key combos are listed, but it is much easier to learn individual strings that work and then learn to put them together into combos given your current resources. These "individual strings" can be seen under "Combo Snippets". The list is not 100% comprehensive, but should give you a good idea of what is possible on C-Roa.
A quick note: Due to the forward movement on all of Roa's B and C normals, dash momentum is rarely ever a factor in his combos.
====Special Notation====
*X, Y, Z : Used for A, B, and C inputs on orbs that are interchangable.
**X, Y, and Z are not necessarily different buttons if the situation allows. (ex. 214X ... 214X!, 214Y > 22C - assuming no other orbs are set, Y can be the same as X, but does not need to be)
*(j.)214X! : Detonate orb.
*(j.)214[X]! : Detonate charged orb.
*22C(X) : X = number of charges assuming only 22A is used. See 22C move description for details.
===Ground Strings===
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 5C(1) > (6C)
|note=Standard starter that works midscreen and in the corner. Omit 6C if distance is an issue.
|condition=Corner starter, grounded opponent
|input=*(2A > 5C(1) > 236A > 22C)x2/3 > 2A > (5B > 2B > ) 5C(1)
|note=Corner only starter. Number of loops is char specific and can differ between standing and crouching. Omit 5B and/or 2B if distance or hit count are an issue.<br>236B can be used instead of 236A for more damage per rep, but it results in more hits and more pushback, making it only situationally better.
===Standard Combos===
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*(Ground String^) > 2C > 236A > 22A, 5A > j.C(dl)B > dj.BC > (AT)/(j.623A > j.623C)
|note=Standard damage route, sacrificing oki. The 5A will whiff if you are too far from the opponent. To fix this, omit 6C (6C must always be omitted against Hisui).
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*(Ground String^) > 2C > 236A > 214A/B > 22C, (214A/B!, 214A/B > 22C)x2
|note=Orb loops. Standard resourceless oki route. This is your go-to meterless combo. Choose A or B orb based on distance, although either will work most of the time. 22C can sometimes whiff if the opponent is too far away (character specific). This can be fixed either by omitting hits during the starter to remain closer or by going straight from 214A/B! into 22C (most characters' hurtboxes shrink as they begin to fall from the orb hit).
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter
|input=*(Ground String^) > 2C > 236A > 22A, (5A > ) 236C, (66)¹ 2C > (2C Oki^)
|note=Metered conversion that allows Roa to get a corner knockdown from anywhere on screen. Roa has such great meter gain that you will almost always be able to afford this combo, and it is almost always worth it.<br>The 5A can optionally give a bit more height and damage, as well as make the timing more lenient, but it can whiff at certain distances. 236A > 22A, 236C is impossible at higher hitcounts (>11 internal).<br>¹The method of getting to the corner depends on how far from the corner you start. At many distances, 66 works (with time to walk forward a bit before hand), but from farther out, 66 > IAD j.C(w) or 66 5A/2A(W) 66 can work.<br>Getting a point blank 2C knockdown is preferred over a spaced one for mixups, so you may want to dash up even if you are already near the corner, but be careful, as you may cross under the opponent if you do not delay it (although crossing under can be used for other mixups).
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*(Ground String^) > 2C > 214[A] > 22C, 214[A]!, (2A > ) 2C > (2C Oki^)
|note=Meterless 2C oki route. Sacrifices a good bit of damage and a little metergain, so not always preferable.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, MAX/HEAT
|input=*(Ground String^) > 2C > 236A > 22C > AD
|note=Arc Drive combo. Does a lot of damage and gives alright oki (although it forces you back to midscreen). Note that AAD can not OTG and should be done immediately after 2C.
===Combo Snippets===
|condition=2C / Airborne opponent
|input=*(2C) > 236A > 22A, 5A > j.BC/214X/[X]!/22C/236C
|note=j.C(dl)B is more stable than j.BC at a distance and does more damage.<br>5A > 214X/[X]! is impossible at higher hitcounts (>11 internal).<br>22C may whiff if your starter placed you too far away.<br>236C may whiff depending on distance to the opponent, distance to the corner, and character.
|condition=2C / Airborne opponent
|input=*(2C) > 236A > 22A, 5C
|note=This opens up Roa's damage potential greatly, but is a 1f link that is difficult to plink. Given how much Roa sacrifices for dropping a combo, this routing is not often attempted. Impossible at higher hit counts (>11 internal).
|condition=2C / Airborne opponent
|input=*(2C) > 236A > 22A, 236C
|note=Confirm into 236C that prevents EX-Cancel scaling. Impossible at higher hit counts (>11 internal).
|condition=2C / Airborne opponent
|input=*(2C) > 236A > 214X/214[X] > 236C
|note=214[X] version is impossible at higher hit counts (>11 internal). Can be used to setup extended corner conversions for damage routes or more complicated mix-ups than the standard triple orb mix.
|condition=1 orb set
|input=*(214X!, 214X > 22C)xN (3 max)
|note=Orb loops
|condition=1 orb set
|input=*214X!, 66 22C
|note=Close the gap on far orb hits
|condition=1 orb set
|input=*j.B dl C > dl j.214X!/j.214[X]! 22C, 2A/2C
|note=Possible damage extension common after 2C > 236A > 214X/214[X] > 236C in the corner. May sacrifice oki depending on the routing.
|condition=Grounded opponent, 1 charged orb set
|input=*214[X]! (Grounded/OTG), (2A > ) 2C
|note=Meterless 2C oki. The 2C is done immediately, before the opponent has a chance to be popped up by the orb hitting.
|condition=Grounded opponent, 1 charged orb set
|input=*214[X]! (Grounded/OTG), 214Y > 22A, 5A
|note=Combo extension for charged orb confirms during your starter, or after OTG.
|condition=1 charged orb set
|input=*(214[X]!, 214[X] > 22C)xN (3 max)
|note=Starting orb loops with a charged orb gives enough time to continue with more charged orbs.
|condition=1 charged orb set
|input=*214[X]!, 22A, 22C
|note=Allows for better combo extensions after 22C depending on how many charges you had prior.
|condition=1 charged orb set
|input=*214[X]!, 66 214Y > 22C
|note=Charged orbs have enough advantage to convert into uncharged orb loops even after a dash to close distance.
|condition=2 charged orbs set
|input=*214[X]!, j.214[X] > j.214[Y]!
|note=Useful for long range confirms with double orbs out<br>Ex. with 2 ground height charged orbs: (Ground String^) > 236A > 214[X]!, j.9 dl j.214[X] > j.214[Y]! 66 214[X]! > ...
|condition=2 charged orbs set
|input=*j.214[X]!, dj.214[Z] > j.214[Y]!
|note=Extra orb set off of airborne det. More practical in neutral than in combos, but can be useful for confirms.
|condition=4 or more 22C charges
|input=*22C(>4), 214X/214[X] ( > 22A), 2A/2C
|note=The following examples are without taking into account gravity scaling and should only be used as a rough guideline for height requirements (at the moment of 22C hitting).
*214X: 2A works grounded. 2C works at 2C > 22C height.
*214X > 22A: 2A works grounded (1f link). 2C works at 2C > 5A height.
*214[X]: 2A works at 2C > 22C height. 2C works at 2C > 6C height.
*214[X] > 22A: 2A works at 2A > 5C height. 2C works at 2C > 6C > 214Y! height.
|condition=Specific height
|input=*22C, 2A/2C
|note=22C(0): 2A can pick up after 22C hitting at about 214X!, 214Y! or 2C > 5C > 214X! height.<br>22C(1-3): 2A can pick up at at about 214X! or 2C > 5C height, and 2C can pick up at about 214X!, 214Y! or 2C > 5C > 214X! height.<br>22C(>4): The opponent is popped up, opening more options.<br>22C, 2A > (dl) 2C is possible, but very inconsistent.
|condition=100% meter
|input=*22C, 236C (OTG)
|note=236C OTG relaunches allowing it to be confirmed into at almost any point in a combo.
|condition=BLOOD HEAT
|input=*AAD, 2C
|note=A 2C can be linked after AAD allowing for a longer combo or 2C oki.
===2C Oki===
|condition=2C knockdown, jump cancel remaining,<br>in range to set orbs behind
|input=*tk.214[X] > j.214[Y] > j.214[Z] > j.214[X]!
|note=Triple orb oki. A bit dangerous against characters with DPs, but sets up a strong mixup: j9 slight delay 44 j.C OR j9 delay j.214[Z]!.<br>If you set three orbs and then suddenly feel a DP coming, you can (s)dj.9 instead of detonating to try to get out of the way.
|condition=2C knockdown, jump cancel remaining,<br>in range to set orbs behind
|input=*tk.214[X] > j.214[Y] > IAD j.214[X]! / dl.IAD j.C / 2B / 5B
|note=By setting up only two orbs, you can present a some more options on oki. In the order above they are: crossup mid, same side high, same side low, same side low-shield crush.<br>Keep in mind that depending on the character, timing the IAD j.C to not whiff overtop crouchers is difficult (and impossible vs cats).<br>This mix is entirely reactable but can be nice to throw in vs unexpecting opponents.
|condition=2C knockdown, jump cancel remaining
|input=*tk.214[X] > IABD j.C(w) 236A
|note=Sacrifice orb sets for safer oki, if done quickly enough the 236A can be meaty vs standard wakeups or slower.
|condition=2C knockdown, jump cancel remaining
|input=*IABD j.214[X] > j.214[Y] > j.214[X]!
|note=Alternate way to do safe oki while keeping an orb up after. Depending on how close you are during 2C, you may have to sacrifice hitting meaty in order to get out of range of some larger DPs.
|condition=2C knockdown, jump cancel remaining
|input=*tk.214[X] > (s)dj.9, dl (66/44) j.214[X]!
|note=Alter the timing on this setup however you need to stay out of the opponent's reversal range. Adds another layer of safety by crossing the opponent up, potentially messing up their reversal inputs. Be careful with how high you let yourself jump, as this setup puts you at risk of becoming minus if done poorly.
== Additional Resources ==
[ C-Roa Match Video Database]<br>
[ Melty Bits: C-Roa]<br>
[ C-Roa document by DCGrz]
== Notable Players ==
{| class="wikitable"
!width="95"|Name!! width="80"|Color
!width="125"|Region !! Common Venues !! Status !! Details
| [ Alma]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| North America || Netplay || Active || C-WArc main with a solid C-Roa. Found in the Melty Blood Community Server.
| [ hikonyan (ひこにゃん)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| Japan || KorewaMelty || Inactive ||
| [ Kurodyne]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| North America || Netplay || Active || The best C-Roa in the west, won CEOtaku 2023. Excellent showcase of the character being played at a high level. Known liar. 
| [ Nanyako]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| South America || Dream Match, Netplay || Active ||
| [ nouburu (ノーブル)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| Japan || A-cho, Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd || Inactive ||
| [ ragu (らぐ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| Japan || A-cho || Inactive ||
| [ Red Melon (赤いメロン)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| Japan || Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd || Active || The trademark red coat Japanese C-Roa player.
Has been playing the character at a high level for a long time, so a wide array of footage is available.
| [ Shana]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| North America || Next Level || Active ||


Latest revision as of 09:46, 2 June 2024

Character Page Progress

This page is still a work in progress, consider joining as an editor to help expand it. Please update this character's roadmap page when one of the editing goals have been reached.

In Progress To-do
  • Combos
    • Add videos
    • Probably improve the formatting or find a better way to communicate his combo possibilities


MBAACC Roa Face.png C-Roa is a zoner with ridiculously powerful screen control and horrifying pressure.
Pros Cons
  • Pressure: Suffocating pressure that is almost inescapable.
  • Mobility: Above average speed.
  • Great meter gain: Consistent meter gain from orbs which give an insane amount of meter along with avoiding metergain penalty.
  • Neutral: Orbs which are incredibly versatile and getting even one out in a match could mean the end.
  • Whiff Punish: Access to a nearly full screen whiff punish tool in 236C.
  • Chip: Orbs deal heavy chip damage even if the opponent does respect.
  • Setting orbs: C-Roa struggles to stop fast characters from approaching without an orb on the screen, and his limited reach on his normals makes neutral play more difficult overall.
  • Committive movement: Slow dash startup and unremarkable distance from airdash without dash momentum makes it difficult to get where he wants to be in neutral.

C-Roa is considered one of the strongest characters in Current Code and generally regarded as a contender for the best character in the game. Sporting some of the most powerful special moves in the game, including his infamous orbs which have incredibly fast start up, which are air unblockable when blowback edged (holding down the button, similar to increasing a move in UNIST), can be confirmed into a combo at most ranges, and grant massive frame advantage and meter gain on block. Outside of his orbs, he sports above average ground and air speed, a myriad of reversals, and solid albeit average normals. All of these traits create a character truly worthy of the community given nickname of “War Crime”. Although he is extremely strong, he does require a lot of practice to play well as his combos are pretty difficult so be ready to spend a lot of time in training mode.

Move Descriptions

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Move Box Colors

Light gray = Collision Box (A move lacking one means it can go through the opponent's own collision box).
Green: Hurt Boxes.
Red: Hit(/Grab) Boxes.
Yellow: Clash Boxes (When an active hitbox strikes a clash box, the active hitbox stops being active. Multi-hit attacks can beat clash since they will still progress to the next hitbox.)
Magenta: Projectile-reflecting boxes OR Non-hit attack trigger boxes (usually).
Blue: Reflectable Projectile Boxes.

Damage Base damage done by this attack.

(X) denotes combined and scaled damage tested against standing V. Sion.

Red Damage Damage done to the recoverable red health bar by this attack. The values are inherently scaled and tested against standing V. Sion.

(X) denotes combined damage.

Proration The correction value set by this attack and the way it modifies the scaling during a string. See this page for more details.

X% (O) means X% Overrides the previous correction value in a combo if X is of a lower percentage.
X% (M) means the current correction value in a combo will be Multiplied by X%. This can also be referred to as relative proration.

Circuit Meter gained by this attack on hit.

(X%) denotes combined meter gain.
-X% denotes a meter cost.

Cancel Actions this move can be cancelled into.

SE = Self cancelable.
N = Normal cancelable.
SP = Special cancelable.
CH = Cancelable into the next part of the same attack (Chain in case of specials).
EX = EX cancelable.
J = Jump cancelable.
(X) = Cancelable only on hit.
-X- = Cancelable on whiff.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

L = Can block crouching
H = Can block standing.
A = Can block in the air.
U = Unblockable.

Startup Amount of frames that must pass prior to reaching the active frames. Also referred to as "True Startup".
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.

(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present. Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
X denotes active frames with a duration separate from its origin move's frame data, such as projectile attacks. In this case, the total length of the move is startup+recovery only.

Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled. The character goes into one frame where they can block but not act afterwards, which is not counted here.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).

If the opponent uses a move with startup that is at least 2 frames less than this move's negative advantage, it will result in the opponent hitting that move.
±x~±y denotes a range of possible advantages.

Invul Lists any defensive properties this move has.

X y~z denotes X property happening between the y to z frames of the animations. If no frames are noted, it means the invincibility lasts through the entire move.


Strike = Strike invincible.
Throw = Throw invincible.

Hurtbox-Based Properties:

Full = No hurtboxes are present.
High = Upper body lacks a hurtbox.
Low = Lower body lacks a hurtbox.

Miscellaneous Properties

Clash = Frames in which clash boxes are active.
Reflect = Frames in which projectile-reflecting boxes are active.
Super Armor = Frames in which the character can take hits without going into hit stun.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

MB C Roa 5A.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
300 147 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) LH LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 8 0 3.0% -

Whiff cancelable. Kinda stubby, and the outer hitbox will whiff on most crouchers. The inner hitbox is great for staggers and tick throws, and when further out the move is solid for reverse beating into as well as catching jump outs. It doesn’t push Roa very far away so it’s useful for the anti H-Moon bunker OS and since it hits crouchers you can use the anti-heat OS when resetting your pressure.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 6 Y 0 -16
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 0001
MB C Roa 5B.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
550 392 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 5 13 -3 5.5% -

Mid with an exceptionally long reverse beat window. It can be whiff canceled into for staggers and can be used after 22C(0) at distance to continue blockstrings as it will beat out most 2As.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 8 Y -3 -22
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 0002
MB F Roa 5C.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
400, 550 (825) 294, 343 (559) 80% (O), 90% (M) ~ 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 3 (10) 7 14 -16, -3 ~ 0 4.0%, 5.5% (9.5%) -

2 kicks that hit mid. Really you should always be canceling before the second hit on block, as the first hit getting ex blocked will usually result in the second hit whiffing and you dying. On top of that people can bunker out between the two hits. That’s not to say that the second hit is useless, 5C(2) is difficult to get over due to its height and covers a large area while active as it covers 2 sprite states over 7 active frames. Additionally it moves Roa forward quite a ways, so it can be used as a sort of way to get back in after getting pushed out by your pressure while throwing out a hitbox that will challenge attempts to escape. It’s situational for sure, but in conjunction with plus specials like 236[A] > 22A and 236C, you can use 5C(1) whiff to some strong results.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1*2 0*2 10 Y 0 -38 / -25 ~ -22
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 0003

Crouching Normals

MB C Roa 2A.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
300 196 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) LH LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 8 0 3.0% -

The normal of choice for Roa’s extended staggers and a good normal for tick throws. Like his 5A, it’s a bit stubby so it’s not that great for abare.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 6 Y 0 -16
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 0004
MB C Roa 2B.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
550 343 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 6 14 -5 6.0% -

Another decent normal that can be used to follow up 22C(0) at distance, when spaced properly it will beat out most 5As, but it will lose to 2A mash.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 8 Y -5 -24
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 0005
MB C Roa 2C.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
900 686 55% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 11 13 -6 9.0% -

Hard knockdown. A solid 2C that slides Roa forward and has a small disjoint, it’s useful to call out jump outs due to causing hard knockdown and having a hitbox that extends rather high up. Helps Roa establish presence in pressure outside of 2B range. Can be used as abare to challenge characters able to pressure outside of the range of 2A as it is relatively quick and since it moves him forward so much covers a large amount of ground. The disjoint will cause it to beat out a number of normals, like Nero’s 2B before frame 13 and F Nanaya’s 5B, and its relatively low startup lets Roa contest more than he would otherwise be able to. Good places to look to use it as abare are after a Reverse Beat into 2A/5A when you think they are going to follow up by poking to try to catch a jump, pokes after moves that are neutral or minus, such as F-Sion using 236A 2B, or when your opponent is using repeated non-disjointed pokes. Keep in mind though, while it’s quick and moves him quite a ways, it will still get blown up by big disjointed normals such as Warachia 2C, C-Nero 5[C] and the like.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 Y - -28
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 0006

Aerial Normals

MB C Roa jA.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
250 147 75% (O) SE, N, SP, EX, J LHA LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 4 10 - 2.5% -

Roa’s go to air to air, it’s quick and can be canceled into itself, letting you confirm or air tick throw. You can use it to cancel your forward airdashes while running away to get to the ground quicker.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 6 Y - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 0007
MB C Roa jB.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
700 490 90% (O) N, SP, EX, J HA H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 7 - - 7.0% -

Roa’s usual jump outside of the corner as it won’t push the opponent out nearly as much as j.C on block. It’s active for 7 frames so you can use it somewhat early when you are jumping in so you don’t run the risk of being airthrown. Used as an air to air for opponents under you.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 8 Y - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 0008
MB C Roa jC.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
950 686 90% (O) - HA H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 - - 9.5% -

Used heavily in IAD shenanigans as its long reach and ability to link into 2B lets Roa combo off airdash back J.C, which plays a large part in his mixups and okizeme. Another solid air to air for opponents under you, but since it’s less active than J.B its less useful for scrambles.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 Y - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 0009

Command Normals

MB C Roa 6C.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
1000 784 65% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 5 16 -3 10.0% -

Reverse Beatable mid command normal. Solid for calling out jump outs from too far out to use 5A, and more reliable than 2C or 5C due to hitting higher up. Generally, when using it to poke like this, cancel into 22C when farther out to get a hard knockdown on hit and plus frames on block, and 5a when a bit closer to whiff cancel back into your blockstring or confirm into 22C on hit. One strong example of this kind of tool is distanced 5C(1) > reverse beat 5A whiff cancel 6C > 22C, which is a solid way to spending 1-3 22A charges to reset pressure.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 Y - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 386

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
Ground Throw
MB H Roa Throw.png
Neutral Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
1000 392 50% - U U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 1 20 - 0.0% -

Roa takes the opponent by the neck then throws them forward/backward. Ground techable knockdown.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
0 0 - N - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - - - - 269
~2 Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
800 392 50% - U U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 1 20 - 0.0% -

Throws the opponent into an invincible untechable knockdown directly next to Roa.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
0 0 - N - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - - - - 269
Air Throw
Air Throw
MB H Roa Airthrow.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
1600 (Raw)
1200 (Ender)
588 100% - U U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2 1 12 - 0.0% -

OTG-able ground bounce when done raw, untechable knockdown as a combo ender.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
0 0 - N - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - - - - -
Shield Bunker
Shield Bunker
214D in neutral or blockstun
MB C Roa 214D.png
Bunker Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
500 196 100% - LHA H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 4 19 -5 0.0%
(-50.0% in blockstun)
Clash 1-10
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 Y - -27
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 85
(Clash) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
500 196 100% - LHA H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 19 -5 0.0%/-50.0% Strike 1-7

Similar to 6C.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 Y - -27
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 85
MB C Roa ABC.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
100 0 100% - U H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
19 3 25 - -100.0% (min) Full 1-21

One of the larger heat activations out there.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 6 Y - -34
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 260
Circuit Spark
Circuit Spark
A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
MB C Roa CSpark.png
MB C Roa CSpark Air.png
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
100 0 100% - U LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 10 20 - removes all Full 1-39
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 N - -17
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y - - - 262
Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
100 0 100% - U LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 10 15 - removes all Strike 1-30

Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 N - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y - - - 263

Special Moves

Grounded Specials

MB C Roa 236A.png
MB C Roa 236A BE.png
MB C Roa 236B.png
MB C Roa 236B BE.png
MB C Roa 236C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
1000 784 70% (O) -SP-, -EX- LHA LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14 2 23 -2 (3) 10.0% -
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 8 No 1 -12
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- N N 12 HS 400 [404]
[A] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
1400 1176 70% (O) -SP-, -EX- LHA LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 2 19 7 (8) 10.0% -
  • Roa shoots a horizontal needle a short distance in front of him.

Horizontal lightning that can be blowback edged to make it +7 on block and increases the range. The blowback edged version of it can also be canceled into 236B/[B].
Can also be canceled into 22A to become +3/+8 at the earliest possible cancel.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 No 7 -8
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- N N 23 HS 400 [416]
B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
700*2 (1242) (1043) 80% (O) -SP-, -EX- LHA LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 4 21 -2 (1) 7.0%*2 (14.0%) -
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1*2 0*2 6 N 1 -10
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
1-2 N N 16 HS 401 [406]
[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
1000*2 (1774) (1217) 80% (O) -SP-, -EX- LHA LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
23 4 17 5 (4) 7.0%*2 (14.0%) -

Same properties as 236A but the blowback edged version is only +5 and canceling uncharged version into 22A is only +1.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1*2 0*2 6 N 5 -6
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
1-2 N N 23 HS 401 [417]
EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
1200*3 (2650) (1731) 80% (M)*3 - LH LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+5 10 14 3 ~ 4 -100.0% Full 4

Triple pronged lightning that is +3~4 on block, air unblockable, wall bounces and covers almost the entire screen. Just as powerful as it sounds, you will be spending most of your meter on this move as it is extremely versatile. It can be used to anti air at a distance, done out of EX Shield to beat certain safe jumps, used to continue pressure, corner carry, and a combo tool. For some reason, this move becomes even more advantageous at +5 when the first hit is EX Guarded.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
0*3 0*3 8 N - -9
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
1-3 N Y*3 7 HS 402 [418]
MB H Roa 623A.png
MB H Roa 623B.png
MB H Roa 623C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
500, 1500 (1351) (1059) 100% -EX- LH H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 7 42 -31, -27 3.0%, 10.0% (13.0%) -
  • Typical DP that's on the weak side but still useful as a reversal.

Air unblockable, but no invulnerability. Air version is fully air blockable but can still be used as an anti air after setting orbs to catch an air dashing opponent off guard.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
0 ~ 1, 1 0*2 10 Y - -49
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y Y ~ N, N - - 490
B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
500*3, 1000 (2133) (1671) 100% - LH (1), LHA (2-4) H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 12 46 -40, -36,
-32, -30
3.0%*3, 10.0% (19.0%) Full 1-5

A true DP with invulnerability. Not as good as an anti air since it’s only 2 frames air unblockable but can be effective in certain situations.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1*4 0*4 3*3, 10 Y - -62 ~ -52
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 491
EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
400*6, 1000 (2706) (2023) 100% - LH H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+1 25 51 -58 (min) -100.0% Full 1-4

Fully air unblockable and each hit must be shielded individually and wall slams on hit. Air version is air blockable but still has invulnerability. Mostly situational as most of the time it’s not worth the meter.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
0*6, 1 0*7 3*6, 10 Y - -58 ~ -80
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y Y*6, N - - 492
Numerology - Nest of Snakes
214A/B/C (Hold OK)
MB C Roa 214X.png
BE Orbs appear 25% larger.
BE Orbs appear 25% larger.
MB C Roa 214X!.png
214X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
- - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 1 18 - - -
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
- - - - - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - - - - 580-582
214[X] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
- - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
21 1 14 - - -
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
- - - - - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - - - - 580-582
~214X(!) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
1000 784 70% (O) - LH (/ LHA) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
17 6 4 18 10.0% -
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
0 0 10 N - 3
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- N Y 14 - 580-582 [590]
~214[X](!) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
500*5 (1630) (1279) 70% (O) - LH LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
17 10 0 26 5.0%*5 (25.0%) -
  • The reason you play C-Roa. If his orbs were their own characters they would be better than most of the cast. For notation, 214X(!) means a specific orb is detonated, and 214[X](!) only means that the detonated orb was set as a Blowback Edge one beforehand instead of the detonation input itself being held. The only difference in frame data between detonating a ground or air orb on the ground, is that uncharged air orbs are still air blockable.

Effectively a swiss army knife of a move as it can allow you to switch between zoning and pressuring freely as well as serving as an effective anti-air due to the fact it is extremely active and will trade with almost any jump in and allows you to confirm afterwards.
With a normal orb being +18 on block and the blowback version being a whopping +26 means that blocking one can result in almost inescapable pressure when combined with rebeat pressure and his ability to cancel his specials into other specials.
Although this move is extremely powerful it does have few although hard to exploit weaknesses that should be noted. The start up is rather slow on the blow back version so if an opponent has a fullscreen attack such as a fast projectile or can position themselves to bait Roa into setting an orb they can punish accordingly. Some notable ways to do this are C-Ciel and H-Roa 236C, Nero and Wara airdash j.C, and H-Ryougi's knife throw.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
0*5 0*5 10 N - 11
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
1-5 N Y*5 14 - 580-582 [591]
MB C Roa 22AB.png
MB C Roa 22C.png
A (Min) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
- - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 1 14 - - -
  • Charges up a lightning bolt, or releases it. If the charge would go over 9, it's treated as 22C instead (i.e. doesn't add charges, just releases lightning).

Charges up +1. Can be held to continue charging, giving an additional charge every 32 frames this move is held in total, although you can cancel this move into itself rapidly to get more charges in a shorter amount of time than you would get than just holding the input.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
- - - - - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - - - - 105
B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
- - - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 1 28 - - -

Charges up +3. Cannot be held.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
- - - - - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - - - - 101
0 ~ Best
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
1000 ~ 3500 686 ~ 2705 50% (O) - LHA ~ LH LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 ~ 13 2 18 ~ 8 2 ~ 18 10.0% ~ 30.0% -

Releases the lightning in front of you, expending all charges.


There are actually two counters for charges: visible and hidden.

Visible: The number of charges, as displayed on the screen. If you'd end up at more than 9 charges, lightning is released.

  • Recovery is reduced with more charges. Compared to a 0-charge bolt, 1-3 charges reduces recovery by 6 frames, 4-6 by 8 frames, and 7-9 by 10 frames.
  • At 4+, it sets off your orbs.
  • At exactly 6, the lightning Circuit Breaks (400f) and deals less damage than normal, and the bolt comes out one frame later (+1 startup, -1 recovery). Knocks down if hidden charges <5 (at least one B-charge), else launches (6 A-charges).
  • At 7+, the lightning tracks the opponent's position (this tracking is not very accurate and will commonly whiff against many forms of movement including superjump forward, most runs and dashes, and C/H NecoMech forward walk)

Hidden: The number of times charges have been added. All A-version charges count fully, but B-version charges count the number of times the move was used, so each use counts as 1 instead of 3.

  • Increases damage. See table below.
  • At 0-3, airborne opponents will be knocked down.
  • At 1+, launches grounded opponents. (At 0, it only knocks them back.).
  • At 3+, launches grounded opponents higher.
  • At 4+, the launch is untechable. Airborne opponents will bounce up instead of going down. (If visible=6, airborne opponents start bouncing at 5+.)
  • At 5+, the bolt comes out two frames earlier (-2 startup, +2 recovery). This even applies to the Circuit Break bolt's +17.
  • At 6+, it is air unblockable.
  • At 9, it has a larger (4/3x) hitbox. This even applies to the Circuit Break bolt.
Damage, frame advantage by charges
22B count Notes
0 1 2 3
0 1000, +2 - - -
1 1300, +14 - - -
2 1500, +14 - - -
3 1700, +14 1200, +14 - -
4 2000, +16 1500, +16 - -
5 2200, +14 1700, +16 - -
6 2000, +15 1500, +17 1200, +17 - Circuit Break
7 2800, +16 2200, +16 1700, +18 -
8 3100, +16 2600, +16 2000, +18 -
9 3500, +16 2800, +16 2200, +16 1700, +18
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
0 0 10 N 8 -7 ~ 4
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- N Y 13 - 102 [554]

Aerial Specials

MB H Roa 623A.png
MB C Roa j.623B.png
MB H Roa 623C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
500, 1500 (1351) (1059) 100% -EX- LHA H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 7 6 - 3.0%, 10.0% (13.0%) -
  • Aerial version of Roa's DP. All versions are air blockable.

Despite being air blockable, it can still be used as an anti air after setting orbs to catch an air dashing opponent off guard.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1*2 0*2 10 Y - -38
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 496
B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
300*3, 1000 (1599) (1278) 100% - LHA H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 12 9 - 3.0%*3, 10.0% (19.0%) -

Higher reach, but no invincibility.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1*4 0*4 3*3, 10 Y - -43
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y N - - 497
EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
350*6, 1000 (2456) (1778) 100% - LHA H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+2 25 9 - -100.0% Full 1-6

Air version is air blockable but still has invulnerability. Mostly situational as most of the time it’s not worth the meter.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
0*6, 1 0*7 3*6, 10 Y - -61
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- Y Y*6, N - - 498
Numerology - Nest of Snakes (Air)
j.214A/B/C (Hold OK)
MB C Roa j.214X.png
MB C Roa j.214X!.png
j.214X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
- - - -J- - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 1 11 - - -
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
- - - - - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - - - - 595-597
j.214[X] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
- - - -SP-, -EX-, -J- - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
18 1 11 - - -
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
- - - - - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - - - - 595-597
~j.214X(!) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
1000 784 70% (O) -J- LHA (/ LH) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 6 3 - 10.0% -
Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 N - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- N N 10 - 595-597 [605]
~j.214[X](!) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
500*5 (1630) (1279) 70% (O) - LH LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 X (10) 9 - 5.0%*5 (25.0%) -
  • Data on C-Roa's air orbs. For notation, j.214X(!) means a specific orb is detonated, and j.214[X](!) only means that the detonated orb was set as a Blowback Edge one beforehand instead of the detonation input itself being held.

The ability to cancel a blowback edge air orb set into shield, jump and DP means you can almost always stay safe after a successful orb set.
They almost go fullscreen and become air unblockable when blowback edged meaning once you get an orb out the opponent is taking a huge risk when approaching you in any way as getting hit by an orb means eating a combo into more orbs being set up.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1*5 0*5 10 N - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
1-5 N N 10 - 595-597 [605]

Arc Drive

Heavenly Crashing Thunder
41236C during MAX/Heat
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
7000 (3080) (2182) 50% (O) - LH U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7+6 2 38 -15 removes all Full 7-8, 13-14

An almost fullscreen horizontal lightning strike which goes into a cutscene on hit, returning you to midscreen. This property of the move makes it undesirable in a combo when compared to 236C, so it is best reserved when the extra damage provided by it will kill. Regardless, it still gives an untechable hard knockdown, so even if it doesn't kill, you can get an orb or two up for oki. If your opponent consistently shields 236C, Arc Drive can be used as a gimmicky mixup as an unshieldable attack with a similar looking startup and EX flash.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 N - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - N 13 - 150 [154]

Another Arc Drive

Heavenly Crashing Thunder
41236C during Blood Heat
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
8000 (3520) (2380) 50% (O) - LH U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6+6 2 38 -15 removes all Full 6-7, 12-13

Functions the same as Arc Drive, but with more damage added and without the ability to hit OTG. Has less recovery on hit than AD, allowing you to link 2C into an ender.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 10 N - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - N 12 - 180 [187]

Last Arc

Hollow Course - Seventeen Reincarnations
Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
MB C Roa LA.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard Shield
5000 3920 N/A - U U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 1+1 40 - removes all Full

Fullscreen command grab Last Arc. Notable for doing fixed damage no matter how much Blood Heat gauge Roa has left. Startup is short enough that it is unavoidable if activated with a vulnerable attack that experiences hitstop (most normals and non-projectile specials). Can be avoided with throw invulnerability via things like a DP, jump startup, or super armor (excluding Kohaku's install). Things like backdash, dodge, airdodge, or clashes will not work.

Scaling Hitcount Bonus Scaling Hitstop Strength Self Hitstop Hit Advantage Shield Advantage
1 0 - N - -
Multishield Auto SC OTG Relaunch Projectile Startup Projectile Despawn Sequence ID
- - Y - - 190

General Gameplan

C-Roa is an extremely oppressive character once he gets going. His bursty movement coupled with his ability to cancel specials and obtain massive frame advantage grant him not only some of the best pressure in the game, but also a very high skill ceiling. Roa is a top tier, but he requires plenty of effort to play like one.

The core of Roa's game plan consists of finding space to set his orbs (mostly charged air orbs) safely and efficiently. For that, you’ll have to be very aware of your own movement, as well as your opponent's. Your spacing will determine whether your opponent will be able to close the gap and score a counter hit during your orb setups. The same thought process can also apply to 22A which is a much safer, but less rewarding, way to slowly build some pressure on your opponent. Roa's normals are by no means weak, but they are not what make him top tier, so trying to navigate neutral without orbs can be tough against some characters. Characters with a strong ability to stick to you especially can make it very stressful, so being observant and paying close attention to your opponent's habits is important. Although C-Roa is extremely powerful, he can be quite volatile and small mistakes can quickly snowball and lead to a lost round.

Being patient is your greatest weapon when learning this character, be it for playing his neutral or learning his intricate setups. Be sure you have a large amount of it by your side.


A large part of C-Roa's neutral revolves around placing his orbs (214X/[X] and j.214X/[X]) and using the threat of a detonation to set more, cycling them in and out between "sets" and "dets". Pay attention to how you detonate your orbs and how your opponent reacts to them, as becoming predictable is the main way in which you will lose neutral while orbs are up.

For the most part, you will want to set charged air orbs (j.214[X]; often tk.214[X]) in neutral. They cover large horizontal space (about 3/4 of the screen), are air unblockable, can be special cancelled immediately after the orb appears, and are multi-hit allowing for easy confirms. Your go-to orb setup in neutral will be two orbs at ground height and one at jump/double jump height (often called the "Holy Trinity"). This allows you to cycle the two grounded orbs to prevent ground approaches, forcing your opponent into the air where you can catch them with the third orb. In order to efficiently use orbs, a very important technique to learn is chaining sets and dets using the special cancel properties on j.214[X]. For example, you can do j.214[A] > j.214[B] > j.214[C], to set all 3 available orbs very quickly, or you can do something like j.214[A] > j.214[B] > j.214[A]! to cancel your orb sets into a quick detonation. Do note that you can not cancel an orb into its own detonation.

Grounded orbs are situationally good in neutral against characters that like to hover in the air or have many air options. Uncharged ground orbs can be good for scoring counter hits allowing for a full conversion, while charged ground orbs have greater range, more active frames, and give more time to convert non counter hits with 22C.

Uncharged air orbs are almost strictly worse than charged air orbs. Although they are faster to set, they can not be special canceled leading to charged air orbs being faster in the most common situation where you are setting multiple orbs or chaining a detonation. Even ignoring that, saving 9 frames is almost never worth the massive downgrade. Being the only air blockable orb greatly hurts their utility. Uncharged air orbs do have niche usage in that they do not pop you up like their charged counterparts do, allowing you to land faster during certain setups.

Now the only issue is how to set up the orbs. The solution depends on the matchup. Against slower characters or more passive players, you can simply make some space to safely set an orb. Roa's movement was tailor-made for getting across the screen fast and will help you here. Against faster characters and more aggressive players, you may find it difficult to create space. In that case you can either try to out maneuver the opponent to find an opportunity for an orb, or you can fall back on fishing for hits to either score a knockdown or make some time to set an orb. All of his normals have uses in neutral, and 236A and 22C can cover grounded and airborne approaches respectively with a bit more commitment and risk. If you have meter to spend (and you will) 236C also serves as a massive air unblockable hitbox that hits air and ground approaches and converts into Roa's strongest oki. Opponents can shield it on reaction to the EX Flash, but this will rarely lead to you being punished or even pushed into a disadvantage.


C-Roa's pressure is incredibly powerful. His Special Cancels allow for almost inescapable pressure that forces your opponent to gamble with unsafe options. All of his B and C normals also move forward, diminishing the ability of EX Guard to push him out (Try to avoid 5C though if your opponent is EX Guarding a lot).

Midscreen, Roa's pressure will mostly serve the purpose of pushing the opponent away to make space for orbs or pushing them towards the corner where his pressure truly shines. The most basic way to apply pressure is to route into 236A > 22A (+3 on block) or 214X > 22C (+2 on block). Even just having these as plus on block resets is useful, but both of these strings also provide you with an additional resource allowing for you to reset potentially gaplessly.

236A > 22A grants you one charge. To get detailed information on how Roa's charges work, read his 22C description, but the important thing here is that having any charges at all will make 22C so plus that you can redash and 2A with no gap. This means something like 2A > 5B > 236A > 22A, 2A > 5B > 22C, 66 2A... can be looped in the corner endlessly and the only gaps will be after each 236A > 22A which is only 2 frames. You can also replace 236A > 22A with 236[A] > 22A which will leave a gap before the 236[A], but will result in you being +8 on block, making a 2A afterwards completely gapless. Outside of the corner 236A > 22A is simply a good string to push the opponent away and end plus.

214X > 22C grants you a set orb. Detonating this orb will make you plus enough to redash and 2A much like charged 22C. This means something like 2A > 5B > 236A > 214X > 22C, 2A > 5B > 236A > 214X! 66 2A... can be looped in the corner endlessly and the only gaps are before and after the 22C, both of which are only 3 frames. Although this string provides the opponent more opportunities for counterplay, having an orb set provides a sort of passive pressure that charged 22C doesn't. Even if you push yourself out, you could detonate that orb at any time, and it will even catch jump outs. This passive pressure can allow you to get away with more in pressure than just having charges would. Just like with 236A > 22A, 236[A] can be substituted in to remove a gap after 236A but add one before. Outside of the corner, the orb is much less likely to be useful later, making this string much more situational than 236A > 22A.

On top of being more plus than 236A, 236[A] can also be cancelled into any special, not just 214X or 22X. Most commonly this is useful for 236[A] > 236[B] which creates much more space than just 236A will midscreen. Special cancels also include shield meaning 236[A] > 5/2D, allowing 236[A] to bait EX reversals by cancelling it into shield on reaction to the EX Flash. 236{A} (partial charge) can also be used to purposefully create a small gap to catch people trying to mash or jump against 236[A].

236B and 236[B] are mostly just worse versions of 236A and 236[A], mostly being reserved as cancel options for 236[A].

214X and 214[X] share the same startup animation as 236X and 236[X] meaning you can often get away with 214[X] > 22C in pressure if you use it in a spot where you could also be using 236X (i.e. after a normal or after 236[A]), since your opponent doesn't know if you are doing 214[X] or 236[X].

With all of these unmashable and unjumpable strings, your opponent will be inclined to gamble with shield, bunker, or reversals. If your opponent is shielding your 2As after resets, present 5B and 2B to make their shield a 50/50 or throw. If they are shielding your specials there is a good chance they will not even be able to punish you. Shield only leads to a true punish against 236A/[A]/B/[B] > 22A or 22C if they have a 6f or faster option making shield pretty weak for many F and H moons. Against uncharged orbs shield is -4 and against charged orbs shield is -12 and can often be thrown on reaction. Bunker can be baited like normal by leaving large gaps but if C/F moon bunkers against any 236X > 22A, orb, or 22C you can block in time. H Moon bunker is simply a strong option against Roa due to the nature of his pressure, but can still be baited in the normal ways or avoided entirely by running pressure entirely with orbs (essentially how you run neutral but near the corner). Reversals simply need to be baited outside of the specific circumstance with 236[A] > 5/2D mentioned above.

Last but not least, Roa's throw provides him with insane reward. In the corner, a well timed 2C can catch all techs allowing you to either convert into a combo or go directly into your strongest oki. If they didn't tech, you can convert 2C into an OTG string into 236C (2C > 2AAA > 5B > 5C(1) > 5A > 2A > 236C), still providing you with 2C oki. Midscreen you can catch all techs and no tech with 236C, although the timing is much tighter than with 2C. If you throw them just outside of the corner, dashing into the corner will make 2C whiff against forward tech, so walk forward before 2C if you are close enough or otherwise walk backwards and 236C (so that forward tech will not cross up).


Roa has three main hard knockdown enders being (in order of strength) air throw, 22C, and 2C (with a jump cancel remaining). A few common ways of setting up 2C oki are listed in the combo section.

Air throw is +4 at most heights against V. Sion. In the corner you can try 236A > 22A, or just dash up and hope they respect it. If you have orbs set you can detonate them on wakeup and it will catch jumps, but the threat of them detonating also makes it easier to sneak in a dash. Midscreen you can often safely fit in an orb against slower characters. Against faster characters you may have to cancel the orb into shield or take some other risks. Against standard wakeups 236C after air throw will be perfectly timed to have its superflash right after their first actionable frame, meaning it will catch their jump startup if they held up and they will not be able to do anything on reaction to the EX Flash. This is made all the better by the fact that jump is a good level 1 answer to 236A > 22A after air throw.

22C gives varying advantage depending on the height you hit it at as well as if you had any charges, but even at its worst advantage you have time to set one orb and jump away to safety, or IAD over them for a cross up (assuming you were close enough to set the orb behind them).

2C gives incredible advantage. You have time to set all 3 orbs and detonate one of them to hit their wakeup (meaty against some chars). Triple orb oki is much stronger if you are close enough to set the orbs behind them, since this opens up many avenues for mix ups. The basic mix is to detonate an orb on their wakeup, which pushes them towards you. You then double jump forward over them and either airdash back and j.C or stay cross up and detonate another orb. Be wary of always setting triple orb as this leaves you susceptible to DPs, so against some characters you may want to set just 2 orbs and then get out of their reversal range. When setting 2 orbs you still have an opportunity to mix by double jump IADing over them and detonating an orb cross up or delaying the IAD so that their collision blocks you and you can do a same side j.C. This can be tight and won't work against all characters or against players who crouch block the first orb det.

Roa can fuzzy some characters with 66 IABD j.C dj.C, and can confirm with an orb detonation. The dash momentum is necessary to stay close enough for the j.C to hit.

Also note that Roa can catch many backdashes with 2A(w) > 5B/2B instead of 2A(w) > 2C like many other characters have to do.

Special Cancels

One of C-Roa's defining characteristics is his ability to cancel specials into other specials. Having a grasp on what can be canceled into what is important both to efficiently play Roa as well as play against him. Roa's special cancels can be divided into three groups: orb cancels, special cancels, and EX cancels. All of these cancels work on whiff.

Orb Cancels

Some of C-Roa's specials can be cancellable specifically into orbs. These include:

  • 236A
  • 236[B]

Special Cancels

Some of C-Roa's specials can be cancelled into any special (and shield, bunker, and airdodge). This is the type of cancel that allows for triple orb sets and set into det. These include:

  • 236[A]
  • j.214[X]

EX Cancels

Although EX cancels are a universal mechanic, C-Roa's 22X specials are all considered EX moves for the purpose of EX cancels despite not costing any meter. Specials EX Cancelable into 22X include:

  • 236A/[A]/B/[B]
  • 214X/[X]


C-Roa's defense boils down mostly to universal mechanics combined with his DP. That may seem underwhelming, but the universal options at his disposal work especially well with his kit.

C-Moon mechanics benefit Roa massively, with strong options out of shield and EX shield as well as the high meter gain to utilize heat activation, shield bunker, and circuit spark more frequently than others:

  • EX guard compliments his already high meter gain and allows him to create space to contest a dash back in, force his turn through 236C, or return back to neutral and begin his attempt at establishing orbs.
  • Shield allows Roa to reversal out of gaps in pressure, gain plus frames or punish from long range with 236C, or score anti-air counter hits with EX shield 5A.
  • Roa's shield bunker can force advantageous situations for him and create an opening to return to neutral or utilize set orbs that will expire by the time the block string is over.
  • Roa's heat activation is larger than average and on hit allows him to safely establish a charged orb or two while regaining red health and sending the opponent full screen.
  • Circuit spark is enabled by Roa's high meter gain and allows him to force a left-right mixup with a charged orb on hit, further refunding a significant amount of meter.

Roa's buttons all serve specific purposes on defense:

  • His 5A and 2A have mediocre range and 5f (average) startup making them perfectly fine for mashing resets. His 5A also hits high enough to be useful as a last-minute anti-air.
  • His 5B and 2B are larger and more active but have a good bit more startup and mostly serve to contest opponents trying to outspace A buttons or to stuff approaches.
  • 2C is the same speed as 5B, is incredibly active, and has only 13f of recovery. It is a more committal way to stuff approaches but also hits quite high and can catch jumps and even anti air some characters.
  • 5C(2) can serve as a slow and very niche anti-air and extends his highest hitbox on a normal during the second hit.
  • Roa's air normals all hit pretty well in front of him and can all pass as good options to hit opponents chasing a jump out.
  • 22C will cover the entire vertical space in front of him but is air blockable with less than 6 hidden charges. It mainly sees use in sniping opponents high out of the air or serving as a hard callout against airdash approaches. Keep in mind that it is only active for 2 frames.
  • Although it is pretty bad compared to other DPs, Roa still does have a fully invulnerable reversal in 623B which he probably does not deserve. Only the first hit is air unblockable, and it is minus on hit which can often lead right back to you blocking again. 623A has no invulnerability but is fully air unblockable.
  • j.623A hits a pretty large area pretty quickly and can be surprisingly good at landing single hit counter hits which can often be converted into combos after landing. Only has 6f of landing lag, significantly less than its grounded version.

All of Roa's B and C normals move him forward meaning they will bring him out of the corner. This is especially useful on 2B and 2C which can often go under IADs and air approaches.

It can be tempting to want to use risky defensive options often to try to get back to your incredibly powerful advantage state, but remember that your opponent is also aware of this and good players will work around his options with OSes and baits. Players who can properly and patiently leverage Roa's variety of reversals and defensive options will find themselves greatly rewarded. Mismanaging these options will lead to very quick losses and a lack of the resources that give Roa his top tier status.


Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X > delay Y Must wait for a short period before cancelling X input into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons X and Y must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Either the X or Y input can be used.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack X with Y follow-up input.
  2. Input X then within a few frames, input Y. Usually used for option selects.
X(w) X input must not hit the opponent (Whiff).
j.X X input is done in the air, implies a jump/jump cancel if the previous move was done from the ground.

Applies to all air chain sections:

  • Assume a forward jump cancel if no direction is given.
  • Air chains such as j.A > j.B > j.C can be shortened to j.ABC.
sj.X X input is done after a super jump. Notated as sj8.X and sj9.X for neutral and forward super jumps respectively.
dj.X X input is done after a double jump.
sdj.X X input is done after a double super jump.
tk.X Stands for Tiger Knee. X motion must be buffered before jumping, inputting the move as close to the ground as possible. (ex. tk.236A)
(X) X is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input X is held down. Also referred to as Blowback Edge (BE). Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input X is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down. This type of input is referred to as Negative Edge.
{X} Button X should only be held down briefly to get a partially charged version instead of the fully charged one.
X(N) Attack "X" should only hit N times.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit.
Air CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit on an airborne opponent.
66 Performs a ground forward dash.
j.66 Performs an aerial forward dash, used as a cancel for certain characters' air strings.
IAD/IABD Performs an Instant AirDash.
AT Performs an Air Throw. (j.6/4A+D)
IH Performs an Initiative Heat.
AD Performs an Arc Drive.
AAD Performs an Another Arc Drive.

C-Roa's combos are extraordinarily open ended in their routing. Combined with the massive combination of available resources (meter, pre-set orbs, 22C charges), trying to list out all of his combos is impractical. A few key combos are listed, but it is much easier to learn individual strings that work and then learn to put them together into combos given your current resources. These "individual strings" can be seen under "Combo Snippets". The list is not 100% comprehensive, but should give you a good idea of what is possible on C-Roa.

A quick note: Due to the forward movement on all of Roa's B and C normals, dash momentum is rarely ever a factor in his combos.

Special Notation

  • X, Y, Z : Used for A, B, and C inputs on orbs that are interchangable.
    • X, Y, and Z are not necessarily different buttons if the situation allows. (ex. 214X ... 214X!, 214Y > 22C - assuming no other orbs are set, Y can be the same as X, but does not need to be)
  • (j.)214X! : Detonate orb.
  • (j.)214[X]! : Detonate charged orb.
  • 22C(X) : X = number of charges assuming only 22A is used. See 22C move description for details.

Ground Strings

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 5C(1) > (6C)

Meter Gained: 28.5% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 8.5%
Standard starter that works midscreen and in the corner. Omit 6C if distance is an issue.
Corner starter, grounded opponent
  • (2A > 5C(1) > 236A > 22C)x2/3 > 2A > (5B > 2B > ) 5C(1)

Meter Gained: 72.5% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 21.7%
Corner only starter. Number of loops is char specific and can differ between standing and crouching. Omit 5B and/or 2B if distance or hit count are an issue.
236B can be used instead of 236A for more damage per rep, but it results in more hits and more pushback, making it only situationally better.

Standard Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • (Ground String^) > 2C > 236A > 22A, 5A > j.C(dl)B > dj.BC > (AT)/(j.623A > j.623C)

Meter Gained: 83.5% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 25.0%
Standard damage route, sacrificing oki. The 5A will whiff if you are too far from the opponent. To fix this, omit 6C (6C must always be omitted against Hisui).
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • (Ground String^) > 2C > 236A > 214A/B > 22C, (214A/B!, 214A/B > 22C)x2

Meter Gained: 75.5% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 29.2%
Orb loops. Standard resourceless oki route. This is your go-to meterless combo. Choose A or B orb based on distance, although either will work most of the time. 22C can sometimes whiff if the opponent is too far away (character specific). This can be fixed either by omitting hits during the starter to remain closer or by going straight from 214A/B! into 22C (most characters' hurtboxes shrink as they begin to fall from the orb hit).
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter
  • (Ground String^) > 2C > 236A > 22A, (5A > ) 236C, (66)¹ 2C > (2C Oki^)

Meter Gained: -48.7% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 20.2%
Metered conversion that allows Roa to get a corner knockdown from anywhere on screen. Roa has such great meter gain that you will almost always be able to afford this combo, and it is almost always worth it.
The 5A can optionally give a bit more height and damage, as well as make the timing more lenient, but it can whiff at certain distances. 236A > 22A, 236C is impossible at higher hitcounts (>11 internal).
¹The method of getting to the corner depends on how far from the corner you start. At many distances, 66 works (with time to walk forward a bit before hand), but from farther out, 66 > IAD j.C(w) or 66 5A/2A(W) 66 can work.
Getting a point blank 2C knockdown is preferred over a spaced one for mixups, so you may want to dash up even if you are already near the corner, but be careful, as you may cross under the opponent if you do not delay it (although crossing under can be used for other mixups).
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • (Ground String^) > 2C > 214[A] > 22C, 214[A]!, (2A > ) 2C > (2C Oki^)

Meter Gained: 57.3% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 24.4%
Meterless 2C oki route. Sacrifices a good bit of damage and a little metergain, so not always preferable.
Normal starter, grounded opponent, MAX/HEAT
  • (Ground String^) > 2C > 236A > 22C > AD

Meter Gained: -MAX/HEAT Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 19.4%
Arc Drive combo. Does a lot of damage and gives alright oki (although it forces you back to midscreen). Note that AAD can not OTG and should be done immediately after 2C.

Combo Snippets

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
2C / Airborne opponent
  • (2C) > 236A > 22A, 5A > j.BC/214X/[X]!/22C/236C

Meter Gained: 23.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 6.9%
j.C(dl)B is more stable than j.BC at a distance and does more damage.
5A > 214X/[X]! is impossible at higher hitcounts (>11 internal).
22C may whiff if your starter placed you too far away.
236C may whiff depending on distance to the opponent, distance to the corner, and character.
2C / Airborne opponent
  • (2C) > 236A > 22A, 5C

Meter Gained: 19.5% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 5.8%
This opens up Roa's damage potential greatly, but is a 1f link that is difficult to plink. Given how much Roa sacrifices for dropping a combo, this routing is not often attempted. Impossible at higher hit counts (>11 internal).
2C / Airborne opponent
  • (2C) > 236A > 22A, 236C

Meter Gained: -90% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 6.3%
Confirm into 236C that prevents EX-Cancel scaling. Impossible at higher hit counts (>11 internal).
2C / Airborne opponent
  • (2C) > 236A > 214X/214[X] > 236C

Meter Gained: -90.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 6.3%
214[X] version is impossible at higher hit counts (>11 internal). Can be used to setup extended corner conversions for damage routes or more complicated mix-ups than the standard triple orb mix.
1 orb set
  • (214X!, 214X > 22C)xN (3 max)

Meter Gained: 38.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 18.0%
Orb loops
1 orb set
  • 214X!, 66 22C

Meter Gained: 20.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 6.0%
Close the gap on far orb hits
1 orb set
  • j.B dl C > dl j.214X!/j.214[X]! 22C, 2A/2C

Meter Gained: - Meter Given (vs C-Moon): -
Possible damage extension common after 2C > 236A > 214X/214[X] > 236C in the corner. May sacrifice oki depending on the routing.
Grounded opponent, 1 charged orb set
  • 214[X]! (Grounded/OTG), (2A > ) 2C

Meter Gained: 34.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 10.2%
Meterless 2C oki. The 2C is done immediately, before the opponent has a chance to be popped up by the orb hitting.
Grounded opponent, 1 charged orb set
  • 214[X]! (Grounded/OTG), 214Y > 22A, 5A

Meter Gained: 28.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 8.4%
Combo extension for charged orb confirms during your starter, or after OTG.
1 charged orb set
  • (214[X]!, 214[X] > 22C)xN (3 max)

Meter Gained: 66.5% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 31.5%
Starting orb loops with a charged orb gives enough time to continue with more charged orbs.
1 charged orb set
  • 214[X]!, 22A, 22C

Meter Gained: 38.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 11.4%
Allows for better combo extensions after 22C depending on how many charges you had prior.
1 charged orb set
  • 214[X]!, 66 214Y > 22C

Meter Gained: 35.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 10.5%
Charged orbs have enough advantage to convert into uncharged orb loops even after a dash to close distance.
2 charged orbs set
  • 214[X]!, j.214[X] > j.214[Y]!

Meter Gained: 50.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 15.0%
Useful for long range confirms with double orbs out
Ex. with 2 ground height charged orbs: (Ground String^) > 236A > 214[X]!, j.9 dl j.214[X] > j.214[Y]! 66 214[X]! > ...
2 charged orbs set
  • j.214[X]!, dj.214[Z] > j.214[Y]!

Meter Gained: 50.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 15.0%
Extra orb set off of airborne det. More practical in neutral than in combos, but can be useful for confirms.
4 or more 22C charges
  • 22C(>4), 214X/214[X] ( > 22A), 2A/2C

Meter Gained: 23.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 6.9%
The following examples are without taking into account gravity scaling and should only be used as a rough guideline for height requirements (at the moment of 22C hitting).
  • 214X: 2A works grounded. 2C works at 2C > 22C height.
  • 214X > 22A: 2A works grounded (1f link). 2C works at 2C > 5A height.
  • 214[X]: 2A works at 2C > 22C height. 2C works at 2C > 6C height.
  • 214[X] > 22A: 2A works at 2A > 5C height. 2C works at 2C > 6C > 214Y! height.
Specific height
  • 22C, 2A/2C

Meter Gained: 13.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 3.9%
22C(0): 2A can pick up after 22C hitting at about 214X!, 214Y! or 2C > 5C > 214X! height.
22C(1-3): 2A can pick up at at about 214X! or 2C > 5C height, and 2C can pick up at about 214X!, 214Y! or 2C > 5C > 214X! height.
22C(>4): The opponent is popped up, opening more options.
22C, 2A > (dl) 2C is possible, but very inconsistent.
100% meter
  • 22C, 236C (OTG)

Meter Gained: -90.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 6.3%
236C OTG relaunches allowing it to be confirmed into at almost any point in a combo.
  • AAD, 2C

Meter Gained: - Meter Given (vs C-Moon): -
A 2C can be linked after AAD allowing for a longer combo or 2C oki.

2C Oki

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
2C knockdown, jump cancel remaining,
in range to set orbs behind
  • tk.214[X] > j.214[Y] > j.214[Z] > j.214[X]!

Meter Gained: - Meter Given (vs C-Moon): -
Triple orb oki. A bit dangerous against characters with DPs, but sets up a strong mixup: j9 slight delay 44 j.C OR j9 delay j.214[Z]!.
If you set three orbs and then suddenly feel a DP coming, you can (s)dj.9 instead of detonating to try to get out of the way.
2C knockdown, jump cancel remaining,
in range to set orbs behind
  • tk.214[X] > j.214[Y] > IAD j.214[X]! / dl.IAD j.C / 2B / 5B

Meter Gained: - Meter Given (vs C-Moon): -
By setting up only two orbs, you can present a some more options on oki. In the order above they are: crossup mid, same side high, same side low, same side low-shield crush.
Keep in mind that depending on the character, timing the IAD j.C to not whiff overtop crouchers is difficult (and impossible vs cats).
This mix is entirely reactable but can be nice to throw in vs unexpecting opponents.
2C knockdown, jump cancel remaining
  • tk.214[X] > IABD j.C(w) 236A

Meter Gained: - Meter Given (vs C-Moon): -
Sacrifice orb sets for safer oki, if done quickly enough the 236A can be meaty vs standard wakeups or slower.
2C knockdown, jump cancel remaining
  • IABD j.214[X] > j.214[Y] > j.214[X]!

Meter Gained: - Meter Given (vs C-Moon): -
Alternate way to do safe oki while keeping an orb up after. Depending on how close you are during 2C, you may have to sacrifice hitting meaty in order to get out of range of some larger DPs.
2C knockdown, jump cancel remaining
  • tk.214[X] > (s)dj.9, dl (66/44) j.214[X]!

Meter Gained: - Meter Given (vs C-Moon): -
Alter the timing on this setup however you need to stay out of the opponent's reversal range. Adds another layer of safety by crossing the opponent up, potentially messing up their reversal inputs. Be careful with how high you let yourself jump, as this setup puts you at risk of becoming minus if done poorly.

Additional Resources

C-Roa Match Video Database
Melty Bits: C-Roa
C-Roa document by DCGrz

Notable Players

Name Color Region Common Venues Status Details


North America Netplay Active C-WArc main with a solid C-Roa. Found in the Melty Blood Community Server.
hikonyan (ひこにゃん)


Japan KorewaMelty Inactive


North America Netplay Active The best C-Roa in the west, won CEOtaku 2023. Excellent showcase of the character being played at a high level. Known liar.


South America Dream Match, Netplay Active
nouburu (ノーブル)


Japan A-cho, Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd Inactive
ragu (らぐ)


Japan A-cho Inactive
Red Melon (赤いメロン)


Japan Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd Active The trademark red coat Japanese C-Roa player.

Has been playing the character at a high level for a long time, so a wide array of footage is available.



North America Next Level Active

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