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==Additional Resources==
== Overview ==
[ C-Arcueid Match Video Database]<br>
|intro=[[File:Arc's Severed Head .png|link]] '''C-Arcueid''' is an incredibly strong rushdown character with nearly no flaws.
*'''High reward:''' High and consistent reward off most hits, with excellent damage, meter gain, corner carry and okizeme.
*'''Great defensive options:''' C-Arcueid has a fast meterless reversal in 22B that can challenge crossups and an even faster EX reversal with 22C. She also has a large health pool, allowing her to take more risks.
*'''Amazing pressure:''' Extremely potent corner pressure with great frame advantage from specials, terrifying frametraps, multiple ways to close space or pull the opponent back in and a myriad of mixup options.
*'''Extremely strong all-purpose normals:''' C-Arcueid has some of the best normals in the game. 5A is a quick poke with a high hitting hitbox useful for anti-airing, 2B is an amazing low profile with decent range and a disjoint. In the air, she has a large and fast j.B which can be used to contest airspace, as long as an amazing j.C with long active frames and great air-to-air capabilities due to its disjointed hitbox.'''
*'''Good mobility:''' Good movement in nearly all aspects. Very threatening on the ground due to how quickly she can close space to start offense, and in the air, she has multiple ways to alter her air momentum, including j.2B, j.2C and Air Sonic.
*'''Amazing meter gain:''' C-Arcueid has long combos that give her a lot of meter, this along with C-Moon mechanics allow her to stay near MAX at almost all times.
*'''Contained reach:'''  Lacks mid to far range tools to control space or challenge zoning.

[ C-arc combo compilation]

==Notable Players==
{| class="wikitable"
!width="90"|Name!! width="80"|Color
== Move Descriptions ==
!width="110"|Region !! Common Venues !! Status !! Details
=== Normal Moves ===
| [ Bigorados<br>(Bigorados#6278)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
==== Standing Normals ====
[[File:Arc Color24.png]]
===== <span class="invisible-header">5A</span> =====
| Brazil || Netplay || Active || Found In Reverse Beat Brasil. Strongest C-Arcueid player in the region.
| [ GO1]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color23.png]]
| Japan || A-cho, KoreWaMelty || Inactive ||
| [ KFL]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color20.png]]
| North America || AnimEVO, Climax of Night || Inactive ||
|proration=75% (O)
| [ kosunan]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color17.png]]
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
| Japan || Netplay || Inactive ||
| [ kouki<br>(コウキ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color05.png]]
| Japan || A-cho, KoreWaMelty, Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd || Inactive ||  
| [ニッキ) nikki<br>(ニッキ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
|description=Arcueid does a horizontal swipe. Hits the upper area, but doesn't whiff on crouchers if they're close enough (the visual effect is lying). One of C-Arcueid’s main anti air buttons while also functioning as a jumpout catch.
[[File:Arc Color27.png]]
| Japan || Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd || Inactive ||
| [ sanae<br>(sanae#8997)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color11.png]]
| North America || Netplay || Active ||

== Overview ==
===== <span class="invisible-header">5B</span> =====
{| class="wikitable"
|+Strengths / Weaknesses
|caption2=5[B] first hitbox
*High and consistent reward off most hits, with excellent damage, meter gain, corner carry, and oki.
*Good defensive options, including a fast meterless 22B reversal that can challenge crossups and an even faster EX reversal on 22C, and a large health pool.
|caption3=5[B] second hitbox
*Extremely strong all-purpose normals.
*Good movement in all aspects. Very threatening even at halfscreen due to how quickly she can close space to start offense.
*Extremely potent corner pressure with great frame advantage from specials, multiple ways to close space or pull the opponent in and a variety of mixups.
* Contained reach and no projectile can make getting in on some zoning characters difficult.
* Combos require baseline high execution for loops and even higher execution and routing awareness for optimizations.
|proration=80% (O)
== General Gameplan ==
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
C-Arcueid's general gameplan revolves around using her above average movement to maneuver around the opponents offense, and overwhelm them in the close range with her high performance tools.
Her quick to accelerate dash allows her to control the ground, allowing her to slip into her effective range at a moment's notice.
Her air mobility may seem rather generic, but she has a slew of dominating air tools which make engaging with her in air-to-air exchanges rather risky for the opponent, allowing her to effectively control her airspace with threat alone.  
Lastly, her ability to convert almost any hit into corner carry with above average damage is one of her more defining traits. The sheer damage output combined with the positional advantage makes taking risks with her much more rewarding should they work out in your favor.
|description=A punch that moves Arcueid forward and knocks airborne enemies into a ground techable knockdown on hit, used a lot in pressure and combos. Very useful for confirming air hits into grounded combos.
|proration=60% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=Charged version of 5B that hits overhead, this move is a key part of her mixup game and can be half charged for a high low mixup.

Overall, C-Arcueid is a character with exceptional strengths, possessing essentially every option a rushdown character would want. She only lacks in ranged options, and as a result she needs to use her movement and tools with care against opponents who can keep her at bay.
===== <span class="invisible-header">5C</span> =====
=== Neutral ===
As C-arc your goal is to get in. With her dash speed and  buttons, this shouldn't be too much of a problem. Some common grounded options include 5A, 5B, and 2B.
5A is a top class A normal, having both a tall hitbox while still hitting crouching opponents, and also retracts her lower body hitbox, allowing it to beat other low grounded pokes rather cleanly at times.  
5B is slower, but has a significantly disjointed hitbox, allowing it to cleanly counterpoke some normals, and the forward movement helps in whiff punishing.  
|input=5C(Air Hit)~C<br>5[C]
2B is an absolutely godlike normal with a myriad of uses. Has a disjoint at the tip of her foot, and brings her hurtbox extremely low to the ground, allowing her to low profile with ease. Very versatile, can be used to anti air, poke, abare, etc. Extremely good normal.
In the air, she has jA, jB j2B jC, and Sonic(j624A/B)
jA is a pretty typical jumping A normal, nothing especially noteworthy. Primary usage will be to check air space while maintaining air options.
jB on the other hand, is blisteringly fast for how large it's hitbox is, making it especially good in quick air battles. Be certain that it will connect however, as whiffing it can lead to a punish.
|proration=88% (M)
jC is godlike. Period. Absolutely dominating, the only thing keeping it from being any more broken is it's relatively average speed and angle of it's hitbox. with 10f of activity, and a disjoint all along her leg, this will be your primary method of controlling the skies and bullying those on the ground. Mixing up your timings is key to making the most of this move, pressing it preemptively against those trying to air to air you on reaction is a common tactic, but experiment with this button, it will rarely steer you wrong. Note that jC is susceptible to being low-profiled by some moves and characters, so remain vigilant.
|cancel=SP, {{Tooltip | text=(CH)| hovertext=On air hit.}}, EX
j2B isn't an ordinary divekick as you stay in place(on startup) before diving in a set angle. It has 8f of activity, making it extremely useful for blowing through moves directly below you, particularly rising jumping moves which would beat jC. It is also special cancelable, both on hit AND whiff (upon reaching the ground). This property allows Arc to convert into a combo on hit, and perform some neat tricks, like guard breaking opponents who block j2B in the air by canceling into 22B.
Sonic is Arc's signature move, and will get its own section due to being such a centralizing tool.
Making use of varying your approach from dash 5A/2B/Etc and sj, dash jump and double jump airdash options is key to making the most out of C-arcueid's kit and will reward you so.
=== Pressure ===
C-Arc is a very robust character that takes comfort in not only her ability to use rebeats in her pressure, but also a great bit of specials to add on to it. Going over some of the specials you will regularly use:
Known as elbow. Generally you can use 214A to catch mashes and on the later ends of the active frames you can be +, in some cases if people are trying to shield you can use 214A after 2C for the elbow to whiff and the opponent is now in recovery from failed shield, letting you combo with usually 2B into a combo. 214B is generally used to catch jump outs, which can lead to an air combo.
Rekka, usually seen as a combo ender, however in pressure you can use 236A > 236[A] which is an air unblockable and is a solid frametrap to catches jumps or mashes. If it connects it will launch the opponent, granting a combo opportunity.
If you just do 236[A] by itself, it will vacuum the opponent towards you and grant you ample plus frames. On hit/trade it will lead into a combo as well. A very powerful special when used properly.
With rekka by itself you can either do 236A > 236A > 214B, 236A > 236A > 214[B](High), or 236A > 236A > 236A(low).
For the combo ender you want to do 236A > 236A > 214B.
Rekka has a good amount of stagger windows so sometimes people are looking to block the Overhead option(214[b]) you can also mix it up sparingly with 236A which is a low. On block 214[B] has better frames and while 236A is unsafe, if you happen to catch people with it you can either cancel to 624C which is a knowledge check to the opponent on whether they can dodge or use whichever char specific punish it is or ex cancel to 623C for a good reward on the combo.
|description=Wallslams on air hit, which can be followed up by a homing jump pursuit by pressing C again. Core component in C-Arcueid’s midscreen and corner combos. Only cancellable into specials.
The mindgame of her rekkas because of 236A 236[A] allows her to stop at the first rekka and reset her pressure once you establish that fear into your opponent.
Sonic. This special sees most of its use in corner pressure, as it recovers earlier than it seems, allowing for double jumps, or continuing pressure by going into an aerial special move, namely its aerial version. Due to Arcueids backwards movement, it is also capable to punishing some defensive options such as Heat and Shield Bunker.
One of her most notorious special moves, Air Sonic.
j.624B is generally used in combos as a TK and during the sequence listed right above in the 624A/B section. j.624A is used generally in an air to air (A2A) situation and because it hits behind. You can use it as you are jumping in on someone or when you do j.C which is powerful because its a very good frame trap and also generates a lot of blockstun to set up guard crush situations.
|description=Fully-charged 5C is unblockable. Has 100% proration and on CH, the opponent will be sent flying backwards and is comboable, making it your best CH punish on paper. Partial charging is what makes this move scary. Very risky to go for as a wary opponent playing C/F moon will shield either version of 5C on reaction, leaving you with only the option of doing an EX move as the 5C cannot be jump cancelled or rebeat from.

Now on to her pressure in general. C-arc is one of the most robust characters that can choose to rebeat for fluidity in her pressure sequences and also use her specials such as 236[A], 214A, 214B, tk. 624B at her disposal. One important thing you need to remember about C-arc is that she cannot rebeat from 5C ever. Here are some sample things to her pressure listed below.
==== Crouching Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">2A</span> =====
*2A Stagger 2A, 5{B} 2B, 5A(rebeat)
*2A 2A 5B, stagger 2B 5C 236[A]
*2A 2A 2B stagger 2C 236A
*2A 2A 2B stagger 2C 236A 236[A]
*2A 2A 5B stagger 2C, dl.214A/214B *2C, 214A at this point should make the 214A whiff, this is for making people whiff shield attempts on the elbow and you can now punish with 2B)
|caption2=Second hit of the 2A chain.
*2A 2B 5B 2B, w5A. Iad j.C/j.624A
These are fairly basic strings that you can use but the main important thing again to remember is that 236[A] is massively plus and, while you can jump out of it during its start up, you can sneak in 236[A] by using her rebeats to throw off the timing on their defensive responses and reset pressure via rebeat whiffs, letting your A normals fully recover since you have blessed frame data on your normals or by using 236[A].
=== Okizeme ===
With C-Arc, you have three main enders that give different okizeme options.
The first is airthrow ender, where you don't get much except a 2A/5A meaty.
|proration=75% (O)
The other ones you have are 236[B] and rekka ender.
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, CH, -EX-, (J)
The rekka ender gives a safe jump, with character specific variations on how to do it:
'''Post rekka ender safe jump:'''
*Jump forward, j.C: Ryougi, Miyako, Sion, Vsion, Roa, Mech, Koha, Neco, Hisui, Vakiha, Seifuku, Arc, Ciel, Akiha, Hime
*Delayed Rekka, 9, j.C: Nanaya, Tohno, Wara, Satsuki, Wlen
|description= Standard jab that hits low. Spammable.
*sj.9 j.C: Warc, PCiel
*Delayed Rekka, sj.9 j.C: Aoko, Nero, Len
*Delayed Rekka, slightly walk forward, 9, j.C: Kouma, Ries
Now you can take this even further vs. C-Moon players that really like to use heat as a defensive option by doing the safe jump j.C and then inputting 44 (backdash). If j.C hits, backdash doesn't come out,  as you will be in hitstop, and you can still combo or extend pressure. If they heat, you will land and backdash, avoiding heat giving you a punish opportunity. Of course, most C-moon characters can EX shield and counter your safe jump, but you can blow that up by doing empty jump low, or delay airdash j.C, among other options. Other anti-heat OSs include '''meaty j.C, land, 4A+B''' and '''meaty j.C, land, 2E''', which work under the same principle.
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=SE, N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=A longer reach followup if you cancel 2A into itself on block/hit.  

236[B] can used as long in any point of your combo in the corner as long as you didn't use 3 wall slams. Since 236[B] pulls them out of the corner, you can now perform left/right mixups. Which side you land on is determined by an array of things; the most common sequence you see to set this up is:
===== <span class="invisible-header">2B</span> =====
*5B 2A 2C 5C 236[B]
the side is determined by knowing if the the body is touching the corner or not and C-Arc can throw off her opponent's recognition with various tricks, such as using different delays during the normal sequence above or microwalking the body into the corner before going for the left/right.  
|proration=70% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description= An evasive, fast poke with low recovery that advances forward, useful for cross-unders. Low profiles most standing moves. Used in neutral to stop people running at Arcueid and to beat a lot of moves the opponent would throw out, the low recovery and great hurtbox and hitbox make this a good low commitment option. The move is also able to beat certain jump-ins if spaced properly and the forward movement and low hurtbox sometimes cause people trying to jump-in on Arcueid to end up behind her.

You can add a high/low component to further throw them off, like so:
===== <span class="invisible-header">2C</span> =====
*microwalk, IAD j.2C/j.C(whiff), land (L/R mixup)
*microwalk jump, double jump j.C (high option)
The good part, other than it being a left/right, is that you have the option to blow up high/low shield RPS with either 5B or 2B. Some C-Moon players will choose to heat in that situation, since they don't know which side to block, but you can OS that with 2AA 5B+D or 2AA 5[D]~B.
With this in hand, it can be really potent boon to her offense depending on which ender you decide to do.
=== Defense ===
C-Arc on defense shows once again that she is a robust character, having a of options that your opponent has to keep count of.
|proration=60% (O)
22B is a fully invuln DP that cannot be crossed up at all. The follow up, 66B, is cancelable into j.624C for good damage with AT ender for oki. There is also 22C, which is a bit faster and harder to safe jump but isn't really used much compared to 22B due to costing meter and returning to neutral.
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description= A sweep that reaches pretty high and far, but takes a while to recover. Can be used to challenge a lot of moves that other buttons won't reach, but the long recovery makes the move susceptible to whiff punishes. Can stay safe to certain DPs when spaced. Can also be used to catch people jumping out of the corner from further away.

She also has heat, EX shield, Bunker, dodge and a pretty good backdash, but make sure not to overuse these options. In specific situations, 236C can be used as a longer range reversal to get out of oki or pressure situations where 22X doesn't reach, such as against Nero, Hime or Kohamech.  
==== Aerial Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.A</span> =====
Overall, blocking is still the recommended option. EX guarding, waiting for your turn and jumping out when appropriate renders your other options much stronger, as your opponent will be worried enough about opening you up as is before thinking of your numerous defensive options.
=== Homing ===
Arcueid has access to the 'Homing' movement on some of her moves, most notably her 5CC, and it is integral to many of her midscreen combos. Due to it's nuances, it will have its own section.
Arcueid's homing is accessible from her 5C and her 214B~C followup. In most cases you'll be using 5C. Do take mind that homing takes trajectory based on when the button is pressed meaning after 5CC if you press j.C or j.A as soon as possible, your airheight is lower while delay j.B you will be higher in the air. Shown is an example combos displayed below.
*2C 5CC (delay) jB 5A 5B 2B 2C...
*2C 5CC (j.A delay j.C or j.C delay j.B) 5B 2B 2C....
While those combos appear similar, the context you'll use them in will change depending on what area of the screen you are in.
|cancel=SE, N, SP, EX, J
If you are too close to a corner, the j.B will drop, or will not grant you enough time to land and complete the combo, causing it to drop.
|description=Standard j.A that hits mid. Useful for checking jump-outs when done rising as you can pin a blocking opponent in the air with or recover into falling j.C or sonic.

Conversely, if you are too far from a corner, the j.A j.C routing won't carry you far enough, and will cost you in damage, meter, and knockdown.
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.B</span> =====
The easiest way to plan your routing is to check what area of the screen you are on. Of you were to split the entire stage in half, alter your routing based on what half you are on relative to the corner you're facing.
|caption=(Rising Hit)
If you are on the FAR side of the screen, it's best to use j.B. If you're on the NEAR side of the screen, it's best to use the j.A delay j.C and sometimes j.C delay j.B since max range 2B 2C starter makes j.A j.C whiff at points.
|caption2=(Main hit)
A third scenario which can arise is the fullscreen variant, in which j.B will not be able to carry you completely fullscreen. In this case, there are a myriad of available combos, and they will be addressed in the combos section.
Lastly, homing combos may seem like the best choice of action in almost any scenario, but keep in mind that homing has its own damage scaling applied to it, so in cases where you need more damage to kill the opponent, it would be better to perform other routes, such as 4C combos, instead.
=== Sonic ===
j624A, or 'Sonic' is a cool move. It covers several of Arc's notable weaknesses, one of which being a lack of crossup normal to catch opponents behind her, and also allows her to control space with relatively low commitment.
Here's some more qualities that make it a noteworthy (broken) move:
-Has a disjointed hitbox and 7f startup, making it rather fast for its range.
-Retains air options on recovery, allowing Arc to move rather unexpectedly in the air while sticking out a large disjointed hitbox.
-Has a stupid amount of hitstun, making stray hits turn into confirms rather easily, even from fairly high points on the screen
-Has very little landing recovery, and even if the opponent blocks it, Arc will have substantial, potentially even double digit, + frames. If the opponent blocks it airborne, they will get guard broken 99% of the time
-As a special move it has High Counter property, making trading with it still rather advantageous for Arc frame data wise.
-A version stalls her air movement, but retains her air momentum. B version cuts both. This can make her air positioning rather unpredictable.
-Has projectile property, which means that on shield it is virtually unpunishable. Makes contesting her jump ins with shield extremely risky.
== Combos ==
For optimal routes, watch Kouki's video:
Please, watch this video. It contains all the information you need to become half decent with this character.
<!--to add:hitcount specifics for elbow extension and ground sonic character specifics(and their combos-->
=== Starters ===
CArc can combo from most hits. Examples include, but are not limited to:
|condition=Grounded opponent, midscreen/back to corner
|damage=600, 400
|reddamage=343, 245
|proration=90% (O)
|circuit=6.0%, 4.0% (10.0%)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|input=*(2A > 5B > 2B >) 2C > 5C~C
|active=2 (6) 4
|condition=In/near corner
|proration=90% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C
|description= Aerial button with good range for its speed. A move that hits twice when done rising, and as such often wastes air counter hits without hard reading for a confirm. The first part of the move hits upwards, and the second part hits downwards.
|input=*CH 236x~236[X] > 66
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.C</span> =====
|input=*236X~236X~236X 623C > 66 2A
|note=Sends the opponent flying towards the corner in an untechable state, allowing Arc to pick them up for a combo. Uses one bounce.
|proration=90% (M)
|condition=In/near corner
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|input=*2C > 236X~236X~214X > j.63214C
|note=OTG pickup after knocking down an airborne opponent with rekka
|description=Everyone's favorite move. Lots of active frames, and good recovery when done close to the ground. Used for jumpins, air-to-air, pressure. Rising j.C is a good preemptive mash move because of active frames.
Can be used to set up a fuzzy overhead on Nero, Warachia, Akiha, V.Akiha, Seifuku, Kouma, Ries and Ciel with rising j.C > j.2B > etc. but very hard on everyone but Nero and Warachia.

=== Enders ===
==== Command Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">3C</span> =====
|caption2=(Clash Boxes)
|note= Standard hard knockdown ender, can safejump after. Your primary ending route.
|proration=80% (M)
|cancel=SP, EX, (J)
|invuln=Clash 9-12
|description=An upwards swipe that launches opponents on hit. There are clash frames on her head before the hitboxes come out, and has a disjointed hitbox above her head. Can't rebeat after this move.
===== <span class="invisible-header">4C</span> =====
|note= HKD ender for extended combos. Safejump with sj9 jC; requires manual timing on some characters.
|damage=300, 1000 (1108)<br>/ {{Tooltip | text=800| hovertext=2nd hit only.}}
|reddamage=(750)<br>/ {{Tooltip | text=294| hovertext=2nd hit only.}}
|proration=90% (M), 65% (O)
|circuit=3.0%, 10.0% (13.0%)<br>/ {{Tooltip | text=8.0%| hovertext=2nd hit only.}}
|cancel=(N), (SP), (EX), (J)
|guard=LH, LHA
|active=2 (2) 9
|description=Arcueid does a rising knee strike, only used as a combo tool. Thrusts the enemy upward on hit. It does not thrust in combo.
|proration=50% (O)
|input=*5C > dl236[B]
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|note= HKD into left/right mixup. More risky than the safejump setup; consider using this when in Max mode for insurance.
|frameAdv=-27 {{Tooltip |text=(18)|hovertext=On jump cancel.}}
|description=Becomes cancellable on block and an overhead when charged. Long recovery and startup make this move pretty much useless and not worth going for as 5[B] is a way better option in every situation.
|input=*(4C) > j.(A)BC > dj.ABC > AT
|note= Airthrow ender. Worse oki than above enders; mainly used to kill or timerscam. Add 4C if the preceding hit is 2C (may need to delay), add first jA as needed given height/proration.
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.2B</span> =====
|input=*(4C) > j.(A)BC > dj.ABC > j.2C
|note= Similar to airthrow ender, but ends with a 50/50 tech trap. Can OTG no-tech with j63214C for more damage, or wait and catch their tech. Only use this in the corner.
|cancel={{Tooltip |text=-SP-, -EX-|hovertext=Cancellable during landing recovery.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip |text=14|hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv=2 (TK)
|description= A claw dive with not-so-many active frames. Big recovery (which can be cancelled into specials upon landing), has situational uses, hits mid. Good tool to mix up your air movement. Good at catching neutral/back-teching in the corner after j.2C ender, especially useful against character which are hard to catch with j.624A, such as Satsuki. Has the added benefit of also hitting OTG, after which you can easily catch techs with properly timed 5AA or go for a meaty option. <br>
If blocked in the air, it can set up a guardbreak situation with 22B or 623B. On hit, it can be converted in several ways depending on how low to the ground it hit, via 22B, 623B, Rekka, or 2A/2B. Refer to the Combos section for the full routes.<br>

=== OTG Pick ups ===
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.2C</span> =====
|caption=first hit
|condition=OTG starter, anywhere
|caption2= 2nd hit
|input=*2AA > 2B
|note=simple OTG for midscreen/corner, 5A catches all techs in the corner
|damage=600, 800 (1282)
|circuit=8.0%*2 (16.0%)
|active=2 (16) 3
|recovery={{Tooltip |text=3|hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv=-15, 3 (TK)
|description=2-hitting mid attack with some interesting properties. Mainly used as a neutral tool to change your trajectory or extend your airdash to escape, and (more importantly) as a combo ender, as the second hit gives a ground techable knockdown. You can catch people teching after it with a properly timed j.624A (back/forward) or with j.2B (back/neutral), you can also react to the forward tech with 5A as the animation is really obvious and takes more time.
Can be advantageous on block if done at a very low height but the large gap in the middle of the active frames limits its use in pressure as it consistently loses to the opponent pressing during this gap.
|condition=OTG starter, anywhere, 100% meter
=== Universal Mechanics ===
===== <span class="invisible-header">Ground Throw</span> =====
|input=*(5B/2B > 2AA) > 623C > 66 > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > j.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note=100% meter OTG to bring the opponent into the corner from anywhere
|name=Ground Throw
|linkname=Ground Throw
|condition=OTG starter, corner
|input=*66 > 2AAAA(A) > 5CC > j.AAAB > j.63214A > 2AAAA > 5CC > j.AAAB > j.63214A > 2AA > 2B
|note=5A catches all techs after 2B, doesnt work on wlen, len, neco arc and neco arc chaos
=== Anywhere ===
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|version=Ground Throw
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5C > 623B~6B > ender
|note= Day 1 C-Arc BnB. Pretty easy to do.
|description= Wall splats in the corner and can be converted into an unburstable combo with 22A (2nd hit only) > 623C. Also lets you set up a meterless techtrap situation in the corner using 624{A} (on back/neutral/no tech 624A comes out, and on forward tech 236{A} comes out).  
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66 > j.C > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note= Combo with 1 knee. A good start should you want to learn better combos, but I personally feel it's a bit redundant to just settle with one knee.
|frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=29~37 | hovertext=29 - Everyone else &#010;30 - Hime, Warachia, Satsuki, W.Len &#010;31 - P.Ciel &#010;32 - Warc &#010;33 - Aoko, Len, Nero &#010;36 - Kouma &#010;37 - Riesbyfe}}
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|description= Hold 2 to slam them next to you with a hard knockdown. The preferred version midscreen as it gives some oki instead of resetting to neutral entirely.
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66 > dl j.C > 2C > dl 4C > j.66 > j.C > j.63214A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5{C} > 623B~6B > j.BC > j.ABC > AT/j.2C
|note= Midscreen BnB. Really good damage, and corner to corner carry. Charge the first 4C slightly for lower pickups and better range.  
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|metergen= 59.9%
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66 > dl j.C > 2C > dl 4C > j.2AB > j.63214A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5{C} > 623B~6B > j.BC > j.ABC > AT/j.2C
|note= Spend 50% meter for an easier and more consistent combo. Also VERY SLIGHTLY more damage than meterless version, but you're not gonna do this combo for damage.

=== Full Screen ===
===== <span class="invisible-header">Air Throw</span> =====
|name=Air Throw
|linkname=Air Throw
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|damage=1600 (Raw)<br>1200 (Ender)
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5CC > j.B(2nd hit) > j.63214A > ender
|note=Possible to convert into corner combo with 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5C. Omit 2B > 2C if too far away from corner, and follow up with aerial string instead if done with your back facing the corner.
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=4~12(ender)| hovertext=4 - Everyone else &#010;5 - Tohno, Nanaya, Warachia, Satsuki, W.Len &#010;6 - P.Ciel &#010;7 - Warc &#010;8 - Aoko, Len, Nero &#010;11 - Kouma &#010;12 - Riesbyfe}}
|description=Arcueid grabs the opponent by the neck and slams them to the ground just before landing. Switches sides if not touching the corner wall(assuming there is enough space). As a starter, it bounces the opponent off the ground and can immediatly be followed up with any attack, but most often it is converted with 2B > 2C > ... . As a combo ender, it causes an untechable knockdown with Arcueid landing at a further distance from the opponent.  
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl4C > j.66 > j.C > 2C > 5C > j.B(2nd hit) > land > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
===== <span class="invisible-header">Shield Bunker</span> =====
|name=Shield Bunker
|linkname=Shield Bunker
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66 > dl j.B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl 5CC > j.BC > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl 5C > 236[B] > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|input=214D in neutral or blockstun
|note=Simple fullscreen corner to corner combo with oki. Adding the third rep increases your meter gain slightly but gives significantly more meter to your opponent (+70%, so 140% instead of 70%). You can also go straight for the ender instead of doing the second rep to decrease opponent's meter gain.
    |circuit=0.0%<br>(-50.0% in blockstun)
    |invuln=Clash 1-10
    |version={{Tooltip | text=(Clash)| hovertext=If an attack connects with this Shield Bunker's clash box, this is the followup that happens afterwards.}}
    |invuln={{Tooltip | text=Strike 1-7| hovertext=1-15 Strike invicibility on whiff.}}
    |description=Downward swipe. Moves Arcueid slightly forward.
=== Corner ===
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note=Inconsistencies for certain characters:<br>
2C Whiffs: Ciel, Kohaku, Warc.<br> Solution: Delay 2C slightly.<br>
Crossup after 236[B]: Aoko, Nanaya, Kouma, Miyako, Kohaku<br> Solution: Delay 5C even more.

===== <span class="invisible-header">Heat</span> =====
    |circuit=-100.0% (min)
    |invuln=Full 1-21
|description= Standard heat but quite short. Cannot kill.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note= If the pickup(236[B]>tk624b>5b) after the 15th hit is too difficult for you, omit the TK 624B and use 236[B]>2A>5B>...<br>
<br> Note: It's possible to do a 50/50 if you cut off everything after the second 236[B], and instead do 9 > j.2C > land 2A. To stay sameside, microwalk before the jump and no microwalk to go crossup.<br>
Inconsistencies for certain characters:<br>
2C Whiffs: Ciel, Kohaku, Warc.<br> Solution: Delay 2C slightly.<br>
Crossup after 236[B]: Aoko, Nanaya, Kouma, Miyako, Kohaku<br> Solution: Delay 5C even more.

===== <span class="invisible-header">Circuit Spark</span> =====
|name=Circuit Spark
|linkname=Circuit Spark
|input=A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
    |circuit=removes all
    |invuln=Full 1-39
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
    |circuit=removes all
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl214B > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl4C > j.66 > j.C > j.63214A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 623A
    |recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
    |invuln=Strike 1-30
    |description=Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.
|metergen=147.2% (47.2%)
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214C > 6/66 > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender

=== Miscellaneous combos ===
=== Special Moves ===
==== Special Movement ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">Forward Dash</span> =====
|condition=j.2B starter, grounded opponent
|metergen=142.8% (42.8%)
|name=(Forward Dash)
|linkname=Forward Dash
|input=*j.2B > 22B~66B > j.63214C > j.66 > j.C > j.BC > AT
    |startup={{Tooltip | text=8 (min)| hovertext=Until trigger box is active.}}
    |active={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Crossup portion, invincible.}}
    |recovery={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=No neutral frame.}}
    |invuln=Full 8-22
|description=Special forward dash that makes Arcueid jump behind the opponent on contact. Does not trigger if the opponent is in the corner, with no space inbetween them and the wall. If you input an action (like a jump) immediately after the crossup, the direction will be reversed as if done while still on the pre-crossup side. Can also be used to bait wakeup reversals thanks to having full invul during its active frames.<br>
Can be used as an extra layer of mixup on okizeme on most characters (can't be used on knockdown vs. Sion, VSion, Ciel and Ryougi), but mostly as a gimmick due to being mashable on reaction for the opponent unless you had truly massive amounts of advantage beforehand.
|condition=j.2B starter, grounded opponent
==== Grounded Specials ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">236X</span> =====
|metergen=206.8% (106.8%)
|input=*j.2B > 236X~236X~236X > 623C > 66 > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note=does not work if j.2B is hit too high
|condition=CH j.2B starter, grounded opponent, full screen
|caption5=~236A/B Ender
|caption6=~214A/B Ender
|input=*j.2B (CH) > 2B > 2C > 5CC > j.B(2nd hit) > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|caption7=~214[A/B] Ender
|note=does not work if j.2B is hit too high
|name=You're in the way! <br> (EX: I'm going to get a little serious...!)
|input=236A/[A]/B/[B]/C <br> (~236A/[A]/B/[B]) <br> (~236A/B / 214A/[A]/B/[B])
|condition=CH j.2B starter, grounded opponent, corner
|input=*j.2B (CH) > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B] > dlj.63214B > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note=does not work if j.2B is hit too high
|condition=Throw starter, grounded opponent, corner
|cancel=-CH-, -EX-
|input=*6AD > j.BC > j.BC > ender
|note=Simple combo from throw which leads to airthrow ender/j.2c techtrap.
|condition=Throw starter, grounded opponent, corner<br>Opponent near MAX
|description=* Starter hit, uncharged. Can be as low as -1 on block when spaced.
'''A''': Arcueid swings her arm forward, with a pinkish-purple aura following it. Moves forward.<br>
'''B''': Same as above, but the attack pushes Arcueid slightly further.  
|input=*6AD > 22A > 623C, (walkback) 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, [5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66, j.B > j.63214A]x2, 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66, j.B > j.C > j.63214A, j.AABC > dj.AABC > AT
|note=Unburstable combo which lasts for the duration of C-Moon MAX if started at around 280% meter or more. 623C input has to be done backwards if Arc lands behind the enemy after 22A, which happens when the opponent is very close to the wall.
|proration=70% (O)
|frameAdv=13 / 8
|description=* Charged first hit. Does not go into the rest of the rekka. Extremely advantageous on block. Hitbox is separate from Arcueid herself, resulting in situations where the opponent hits Arcueid, but the move comes out and hits them back, allowing her to get a counter hit combo, most notably after 5C>236[A]. The hitbox being separate also makes it extremely to punish her after the move is shielded. All of these properties make this move very useful for pressure. Can be completely low-profiled by only a handful of moves.
'''[A]''': Pulls the opponent towards you on ground hit(also on block), pulls them upward on air hit. Used during blockstrings for resets.<br>
'''[B]''': Sweeps the enemy, pulls less upward than [A] version on air hit. Core combo tool for BnB and 50/50 setups.
|cancel=-CH-, -EX-
|recovery=17 / 25
|frameAdv=-4 / -12
|description=*Second hit, uncharged.

'''A''': Arcueid swings again, moving her even further. <br>
<ul> - During the corner wall bounce combos, almost every component of the loop has to be delayed (where 'dl' is noted). This is needed to keep the opponent as low as possible without hitting the ground.
'''B''': Same as above, but she moves further.
<ul> - If having trouble with the j.63214B 5B link, make sure to input the TK as low to the ground as possible.
|description=*Second hit, charged. Does not go into the rest of the rekka. In the corner used to fish for counterhits and opponents jumping out. On hit, launches the opponent upwards in an untechable state, resulting in easy, highly damaging confirms. Can combo from counter hit 236A/B as well provided you're close enough.

== Move Descriptions ==
'''[A]''': Shoots enemy in a steep arc, shoots further on air hit.<br>
'''[B]''': Same, but moves less forward.
=== Normal Moves ===
==== Standing Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">5A</span> =====
|version=~236A/B (Ender)
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
|description=Arcueid does a horizontal swipe. Hits the upper area, but doesn't whiff on crouchers if they're close enough (the visual effect is lying).
|description=*Last hit, cannot be charged.

===== <span class="invisible-header">5B</span> =====
'''A''': Arcueid swings one more time. Low-positioned hitbox.<br>
'''B''': Same as above. Goes further.
|caption2=5[B] first hitbox
|caption3=5[B] second hitbox
|proration=80% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=A punch that moves Arc forward and knocks airborne enemies into a ground techable knockdown on hit, used a lot in pressure and combos.
|version=~214A/B (Ender)
|proration=60% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=Charged version of 5B that hits overhead, this move is a key part of her mixup game and can be half charged for a high low mixup
|description=* Alternative rekka ender.
'''A''': Downward swing, hits mid. Hard knockdown on hit.<br>
'''B''': Same as above, but goes slightly further.
|version=~214[A/B] (Ender)
===== <span class="invisible-header">5C</span> =====
|input=5C(Air Hit)~C<br>5[C]
|proration=88% (M)
|cancel=SP, {{Tooltip | text=(CH)| hovertext=On air hit.}}, EX
|description=* Charged version of the above.
'''[A]''': Hits overhead. Hard knockdown on hit.<br>
'''[B]''': Same, but moves further.
|damage=600, 120, 150*3, 600, 120*4, 800, 300 (2716)
|description=Wallslams on air hit, which can be followed up by a superjump pursuit by pressing C again. Only cancellable into specials.
|guard=LHA (1-10, 12), LA (11)
|active={{Tooltip | text=69| hovertext=12 hits. Has separate hitboxes that overlap with the ones coming directly from Arcueid.&#010; 4,1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (20) 4,1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (2) 2 (21) 1 (3) 2}}
|invuln=Full 1-14
|description=Fully-charged 5C is unblockable. On CH opponent will be sent flying backwards and is comboable. Partial charging is what makes this move scary
|description=Automated version of Arcueid's rekka. Hits low at the beginning of the last part (11th hit). Unsafe on block. Can be used to reverse through moves 22X wouldn't reach as well as to punish moves that other options would not reach, a notable example being Nero's summons.

==== Crouching Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">623X</span> =====
===== <span class="invisible-header">2A</span> =====
|caption2=Second hit of the 2A chain.
|name=What are you doing...!
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, CH, -EX-, (J)
|proration=90% (O)
|description= Standard jab that hits low. Spammable.
|description=Low-hitting claw strike, hard knockdown on hit. Used as a combo ender for extended combos where other enders won’t work.
|proration=75% (O)
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=SE, N, SP, EX, (J)
|cancel=-CH-, -EX-, (J)
|description=A longer reach followup if you cancel 2A into itself on block/hit.  
|description=Air-unblockable upper claw strike. Good preemptive grounded anti-air tool. Whiffs on crouchers so usage in pressure and hitconfirms is limited.
===== <span class="invisible-header">2B</span> =====
|proration=50% (O)
|proration=70% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description= A decent poke with low recovery that advances forward, useful for cross-unders. Low profiles most standing moves
===== <span class="invisible-header">2C</span> =====
|proration=50% (O)
|cancel=(SP), (EX), (J)
|proration=60% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description= A sweep that reaches pretty high and far. Long recovery.
|description=6X followup, can be done even on whiff. Arcueid advances for a launching claw strike. Jump cancellable on hit, and if done from 623B you can also cancel into any special on hit.
==== Aerial Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.A</span> =====
|damage=500, 300*6, 600 (2316)
|proration=70% (O)
|cancel=SE, N, SP, EX, J
|active={{Tooltip |text=13 (15) 1|hovertext=8 hits.&#010;1,2,2,2,2,2,2 (15) 1}}
|description=Standard j.A that hits mid.
|description=Multihit EX version similar to 623A~6X. Wallbounces on hit. Can OTG relaunch if the combo hasn’t used any bounces. Interestingly, Arcueid’s hurtbox is vertically smaller than crouching normally until the second part.  

===== <span class="invisible-header">j.B</span> =====
===== <span class="invisible-header">214X</span> =====
|caption=(Rising Hit)
|caption2=(Main hit)
|name=Ready... Go!
|damage=600, 400
|reddamage=343, 245
|proration=90% (O)
|circuit=6.0%, 4.0% (10.0%)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|active=2 (6) 4
|proration=90% (O)
|proration=60% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|cancel=-CH-, -EX-
|description=A move that hits twice when done rising, and as such often wastes air counter hits. The first part of the move hits upwards, and the second part hits downwards.
|description=Arcueid charges in.
'''A:''' Goes a short distance. Plus on block.<br>
'''B:''' Goes about double A's distance, can be plus on block if spaced correctly. Has multiple followups performable even on whiff, see below:
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=29| hovertext=Full duration.}}
|invuln=Full 6-20
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.C</span> =====
|damage=300, 800
|reddamage=196, 294
|proration=80% (M), 65% (O)
|circuit=3.0%, 8.0% (11.0%)
|cancel=(N), (SP), (EX), (J)
|guard={{Tooltip | text=LHA*| hovertext=First hit whiffs vs Air.}}
|active=2 (2) 9
|proration=90% (M)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|proration=50% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|description=Everyone's favorite move. Lots of active frames, and good recovery when done close to the ground. Used in jump-ins. Used in everything. Rising j.C is good preemptive mash move because of active frames.
|cancel=(CH), EX
|description=214B Followups:

==== Command Normals ====
'''~A:''' Performs a dash teleport similar to H/F-Arcueid's 421A, but with shorter distance. Not a very useful tool. <br>
===== <span class="invisible-header">3C</span> =====
'''~B/[B]:''' Performs 4C/[C]. Lets you go into 4C routes from further out where 2C > 4C won't connect.<br>
'''~C:''' Performs a 5C which wallslams even if the opponent is grounded. Homing jump pursuit usable on hit, which can be be converted using the same routes as 5C~C with better proration.
|caption2=(Clash Boxes)
|proration=80% (M)
|cancel=SP, EX, (J)
|invuln=Clash 9-12
|description=A swipe up which launches opponents (grounded or in the air). There are clash frames on her head before the hitboxes come out, and has a disjointed hitboxe above her head. Can't rebeat after this move.
===== <span class="invisible-header">4C</span> =====
|damage=300, 1000 (1108)<br>/ {{Tooltip | text=800| hovertext=2nd hit only.}}
|damage=800, 600*2, 1000 (2602)
|reddamage=(750)<br>/ {{Tooltip | text=294| hovertext=2nd hit only.}}
|proration=90% (M), 65% (O)
|circuit=3.0%, 10.0% (13.0%)<br>/ {{Tooltip | text=8.0%| hovertext=2nd hit only.}}
|cancel=(N), (SP), (EX), (J)
|guard=LH, LHA
|active=2 (2) 9
|invuln=Clash 2-8
|description=Arcueid does a rising knee strike. Thrusts the enemy upward on hit. It does not thrust in combo.
|description=Arcueid charges, and follows with an automatic air combo if the first hit lands. Finishes on a hard knockdown. Has a clash box before going forward but it isn't active on frame 1. <br>
Not a great reversal for many reasons, there is no reason to use this over her other reversals in 22B/C or 236C.  You'll probably never use this.
===== <span class="invisible-header">22X</span> =====
|proration=50% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|frameAdv=-27 {{Tooltip |text=(18)|hovertext=On jump cancel.}}
|caption5=EX<br>(2nd last hitboxes are repeated)
|description=Becomes cancellable on block and an overhead when charged.
|name=Quiet! (Fly!)
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.2B</span> =====
|damage=700, 500 (1125)
|circuit=7.0%, 5.0% (12.0%)
|cancel={{Tooltip |text=-SP-, -EX-|hovertext=Cancellable during landing recovery.}}
|active=2 (1) 7
|recovery={{Tooltip |text=14|hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv=2 (TK)
|description= A claw dive with not-so-many active frames. Big recovery, very situational, hits mid. If this hits too high, use j.22B~66B > j.63214C > air ender or j.22C as those are the moves that hit the quickest after.<br>
|description=Arcueid rises up in the air with an upward slash. Air unblockable, no invicibility, 2 hits. Most often seen in metered corner throw combos.
If it hits just before landing, you can barely convert off of it with rekka(2) > 623C > 66 > corner combo, but is a bit impractical.
|damage=600*2, 300*2 (1666)
|circuit=6.0%*2, 4.0%*2 (20.0%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=4 (1) 7| hovertext=2, 2 (1) 4, 3}}
|invuln=Full 1-8
|description=Arcueid jumps up much higher. 4 hits. Meterless and invincible until after the 2nd hit. Input can't be crossed up, making it incredibly powerful against L/R oki that isn't a safejump. Disgusting reversal but don't overuse it.
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.2C</span> =====
|caption=first hit
|caption2= 2nd hit
|damage=600, 800 (1282)
|circuit=8.0%*2 (16.0%)
|proration=50% (O)
|active=2 (16) 3
|recovery={{Tooltip |text=3|hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv=-15, 3 (TK)
|description=Changes your trajectory, can be used as a sort of airdash. 2 hits, the second one having huge priority but coming very late during the move. Can be neutral/positive on block if done at very low height. Hits mid. 2nd hit inflicts ground techable knockdown on airborne opponents.
=== Universal Mechanics ===
===== <span class="invisible-header">Ground Throw</span> =====
|name=Ground Throw
|linkname=Ground Throw
|version=Ground Throw
|proration=50% (O)
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|description= Wall splats in the corner and is convertible to an unburstable combo(example combo is throw(close to corner)22a(2nd hit only) 623C(reverse the input to be 421C) 5B 2b 2C 4C 66 jC 5B 2B 2C 4C jC j624A jabc jabc AT)
|description=Forward slash followup, often EX cancelled into j.624C to convert into an air combo.
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=29~37 | hovertext=29 - Everyone else &#010;30 - Hime, Warachia, Satsuki, W.Len &#010;31 - P.Ciel &#010;32 - Warc &#010;33 - Aoko, Len, Nero &#010;36 - Kouma &#010;37 - Riesbyfe}}
|frameAdv=-16 (Best)
|description= Hold 2 to slam them next to you with a hard knockdown.
|description=Metered followup. Wallslams on hit.
|damage=600*2, 500*2, 300, 500*2, 300 (3134)
|active={{Tooltip | text=35| hovertext=8 hits.&#010; 3, 3 (2) 4, 2 (1) 1 (11) 4, 2 (1) 1}}
|frameAdv=-45 ~ -54
|invuln=Full 1-11
|description=EX reversal, the bigger hitbox and faster startup allows you to beat some moves, setups or safejumps that would win against 22B. Performs 2 slashes in succession. No followup.  

===== <span class="invisible-header">Air Throw</span> =====
===== <span class="invisible-header">63214X</span> =====
|name=Air Throw
|linkname=Air Throw
|name=It's useless!
|damage=1600 (Raw)<br>1200 (Ender)
|proration=70% (O)
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-N-, -SP-, -EX-, -J-| hovertext=Cancelable during air recovery.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=4~12(ender)| hovertext=4 - Everyone else &#010;5 - Tohno, Nanaya, Warachia, Satsuki, W.Len &#010;6 - P.Ciel &#010;7 - Warc &#010;8 - Aoko, Len, Nero &#010;11 - Kouma &#010;12 - Riesbyfe}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=23| hovertext=Last 10f is landing recovery.}} {{Tooltip | text=(9)| hovertext=Air recovery before becoming cancelable.}}
|frameAdv=-6 {{Tooltip | text=(8)| hovertext=On air cancel.}}
|description=Arc grabs the opponent by the neck and slams them to the ground just before landing. Switches sides if not touching the corner wall(assuming there is enough space). Ground bounces and can immediatly be followed up by any attack if done Raw, untechable knockdown with Arc landing at a further distance from the opponent as a combo ender. 2B>2C>... is the preferred follow up.  
|description=Arcueid jumps back and sends a low-hitting energy wave to the ground. Cancelable into anything just before landing. Has crazy hitstun, can easily go into a combo on hit in the corner.
|proration=70% (O)
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-N-, -SP-, -EX-, -J-| hovertext=Cancelable during air recovery.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=29| hovertext=Last 16f is landing recovery.}} {{Tooltip | text=(9)| hovertext=Air recovery before becoming cancelable.}}
|frameAdv=-12 {{Tooltip | text=(8)| hovertext=On air cancel.}}
|description=B version sends Arcueid much further back. About the same as A version otherwise. No real use, you probably misinputed this while doing TK 624B.
|damage=1000*2, 1500 (2460)
|proration=70% (O)
|active={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=3 x3}}
|description=A bigger, 3-hit version. Can be used to make low rekka ender safe, at the cost of 100% meter and returning to neutral. C/H Moons can dodge it on reaction and punish the recovery. <br>On hit it can be linked into 22C in the corner for additional damage.  
===== <span class="invisible-header">Shield Bunker</span> =====
==== Aerial Specials ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.22X</span> =====
|name=Shield Bunker
|linkname=Shield Bunker
|input=214D in neutral or blockstun
|caption5=EX<br>(2nd last hitboxes are repeated)
    |circuit=0.0%<br>(-50.0% in blockstun)
|name=Quiet! (Fly!)<br>(Air)
|damage=600*2 (1111)
    |invuln=Clash 1-10
|circuit=6.0%*2 (12.0%)
    |version={{Tooltip | text=(Clash)| hovertext=If an attack connects with this Shield Bunker's clash box, this is the followup that happens afterwards.}}
|active=3 (1) 4
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=18| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}  
|invuln=Full 1-5
|description=Very fast, invincible air upward slash. Because it only hits above Arcueid it's inconsistent when used as an air reversal, along with it being extremely unsafe on hit, block and whiff unless canceled into an EX sonic.
|damage=500*2, 400*2 (1632)
    |invuln={{Tooltip | text=Strike 1-7| hovertext=1-15 Strike invicibility on whiff.}}
    |description=Downward swipe. Moves arc slightly forward.
|circuit=4.0%, 5.0%, 4.0%*2 (17.0%)
===== <span class="invisible-header">Heat</span> =====
|active={{Tooltip | text=4 (1) 4 (3) 4| hovertext=1,3 (1) 4 (3) 4}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|invuln=Full 3-6
|description=Jumps up much higher, 4 hits. Startup is just as fast but not frame 1 invincible.
    |circuit=-100.0% (min)
    |invuln=Full 1-21
|description= Standard heat but quite short. Cannot kill.
===== <span class="invisible-header">Circuit Spark</span> =====
|name=Circuit Spark
|linkname=Circuit Spark
|input=A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
|proration=50% (O)
    |circuit=removes all
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
    |invuln=Full 1-39
|proration=50% (O)
    |circuit=removes all
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
    |recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
    |invuln=Strike 1-30
|description=Forward slash followup.
    |description=Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|description=Metered followup. Wallslams on hit.
=== Special Moves ===
==== Special Movement ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">Forward Dash</span> =====
|name=(Forward Dash)
|linkname=Forward Dash
|damage=700, 500, 600, 500, 600 (3134)
    |startup={{Tooltip | text=8 (min)| hovertext=Until trigger box is active.}}
    |active={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Crossup portion, invincible.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=28| hovertext=5 hits.&#010; 3 (1) 2 (2) 2 (12) 2 (2) 2}}
    |recovery={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=No neutral frame.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
    |invuln=Full 8-22
|invuln=Full 1-6
|description=Special forward dash that makes Arc jump up behind the opponent on contact. Does not trigger if the opponent is in the corner, with no space inbetween them and the wall. If you input an action (like a jump) immediately after the crossup, the direction will be reversed as if done while still on the pre-crossup side.<br>
|description=EX reversal. Performs 2 slashes in succession. No followup.
Can be used as an extra layer of mixups on okizeme on most characters (can't be used on knockdown vs. Sion, VSion, Ciel and Ryougi).

==== Grounded Specials ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.63214X</span> =====
===== <span class="invisible-header">236X</span> =====
|name=It's useless! (Air)
|caption5=~236A/B Ender
|caption6=~214A/B Ender
|caption7=~214[A/B] Ender
|name=You're in the way! <br> (EX: I'm going to get a little serious...!)
|input=236A/[A]/B/[B]/C <br> (~236A/[A]/B/[B]) <br> (~236A/B / 214A/[A]/B/[B])
Air sonic. Arcueid swipes in the air. Recovers while airborne. Incredibly strong and versatile with huge frame advantage on block, great hitbox which crosses up and some funky properties. Used in pressure, used in neutral, used in combos, it's the thing that makes C-Arcueid extremely frightening and powerful. Only true weakness is its susceptibility to being low-profiled. Refer to the Sonic section of General Gameplan at the top of the page for more information.
|cancel=-CH-, -EX-
|proration=70% (O)
|frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=1 (TK)| hovertext=Recovers in the air.}}
|description=* Starter hit, uncharged.
Launches Arcueid upward if done rising/TK'd, launches downward if done falling. Horizontal direction of that launch is dependent on your previous air momentum.
'''A''': Arcueid swings her arm forward, with a pinkish-purple aura following it. Moves forward.<br>
<br>Gives incredible frame advantage when done falling ('''+5 ~ +13''' depending on the height), allowing for easy followups on grounded opponents and guard breaks on jumping ones.
'''B''': Same as above, but the attack pushes Arcueid slightly further.  
Line 1,270: Line 1,377:
|frameAdv=13 / 8
|frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=1, 2 (TK)}}
|description=* Charged first hit. Does not go into the rest of the rekka. Extremely advantageous on block. Hitbox is separate from Arcueid herself, resulting in situations where the opponent hits Arcueid, but the move comes out and hits them back, allowing her to get a counter hit combo, most notably after 5C>236[A]. The hitbox being separate also makes it extremely to punish her after the move is shielded. All of these properties make this move very useful for pressure. Can be completely low-profiled by only a handful of moves.
Arcueid instead moves lightly back and downwards when performed, making her land quickly when TK'd.
'''[A]''': Pulls the opponent towards you on ground hit(also on block), pulls them upward on air hit. Used during blockstrings for resets.<br>
<br>The hitbox is a bit wider than A Sonic but the falling frame advantage is much worse (-8 ~ +7 depending on the height). The height it needs to be done at to be plus is significantly lower than for A Sonic, often resulting in Arcueid being at a disadvantage if not used directly above the ground.
'''[B]''': Sweeps the enemy, pulls less upward than [A] version on air hit. Core combo tool for BnB and 50/50 setups.
<br>Mostly used as a TK in combos for loops and in pressure to setup frametraps/pressure resets and safely pressure the opponent hoping to catch their jump out attempt for big damage. Other properties are the same as A version.
|damage=900*3 (1954)
|proration=70% (O), 95% (M)
|cancel=-CH-, -EX-
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=3 hits.}}
|recovery=17 / 25
|frameAdv=-4 / -12
|description=*Second hit, uncharged.
|description=Hits 3 times. Maintains momentum, recovers in the air. Used for OTG relaunching or meterdumping in MAX mode.

'''A''': Arcueid swings again, moving her even further. <br>
=== Arc Drive ===
'''B''': Same as above, but she moves further.
|caption=(Chain textures unavailable)
|name=From Dreams to Reality (Marble Phantasm)
|linkname=Arc Drive
|input=41236C during MAX/Heat
|damage=0, 350*10, 700 (3310)
|circuit=removes all
|invuln=Full 1-19
|description=*Second hit, charged. Does not go into the rest of the rekka. In the corner used to fish for counterhits and opponents jumping out. On hit launches the opponent upwards in an untechable state, resulting in easy, high damaging confirms.  
|description=Fullscreen-wide chain attack, hitbox reaches about Arcueid's height in the animation. Air unblockable hitgrab. Can be used as a whiff punish or a reversal if the situation desires. Hard knockdown on hit.
'''[A]''': Shoots enemy in a steep arc, shoots further on air hit.<br>
'''[B]''': Same, but moves less forward.
|version=~236A/B (Ender)
|description=*Last hit, cannot be charged.

'''A''': Arcueid swings one more time. Low-positioned hitbox.<br>
=== Another Arc Drive ===
'''B''': Same as above. Goes further.
|caption=(Chain textures unavailable)
|version=~214A/B (Ender)
|name=Melty Blood
|linkname=Another Arc Drive
|input=41236C during Blood Heat
|damage=0, 350*10, 700*8 (5352)
|circuit=removes all
|invuln=Full 1-25
|description=* Alternative rekka ender.
|description=Works the same as Arc Drive, but ends in more damage and a ground-techable wallslam.

'''A''': Downward swing, hits mid. Hard knockdown on hit.<br>
=== Last Arc ===
'''B''': Same as above, but goes slightly further.
|caption=Universal version (it tracks)
|caption2=Tohno/Nanaya variation
|name=Shall we play around a bit?
|linkname=Last Arc
|input=Aerial EX Shield during Blood Heat
|version=~214[A/B] (Ender)
|damage=1400*7 (3800 ~ 7500)
|reddamage=(3200 ~ 6100)
|proration=50% + 50% * remaining BH time
|circuit=removes all
|active={{Tooltip | text=17| hovertext=9 hits.&#010; 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1}}
|invuln=Full 1-?
|description=* Charged version of the above.
|description= Full Screen. Light from heaven strikes the opponent from above. Requires EX Shield in the air during blood heat, damage varies on time left for blood heat. Breaks opponents meter for 220f. only use this if you know it will kill. [ Shieldable]
'''[A]''': Hits overhead. Hard knockdown on hit.<br>
'''[B]''': Same, but moves further.
|damage=600, 120, 150*3, 600, 120*4, 800, 300 (2716)
|damage=600*18 (3450 ~ 6700)
|reddamage=(2800 ~ 5450)
|proration=50% + 50% * remaining BH time
|circuit=removes all
|guard=LHA (1-10, 12), LA (11)
|active={{Tooltip | text=69| hovertext=12 hits. Has separate hitboxes that overlap with the ones coming directly from Arcueid.&#010; 4,1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (20) 4,1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (2) 2 (21) 1 (3) 2}}
|invuln=Full 1-14
|invuln=Full 1-?
|description=Automated version of Arcueid's rekka. Hits low at the beginning of the last part (11th hit). Unsafe on block. Can be used to reverse through moves 22X wouldn't reach as well as to punish moves that other options would not reach, a notable example being Nero's summons.
|description=The LA variation for Tohno and Nanaya. Different visual effect as well. Damage numbers taken from Nanaya.

===== <span class="invisible-header">623X</span> =====
== General Gameplan ==
C-Arcueid's general gameplan revolves around using her above average movement to maneuver around the opponent’s neutral tools, and then overwhelm them in the close range with her simple yet terrifying pressure.
Her quick to accelerate dash allows her to control the ground, allowing her to slip into her effective range at a moment's notice.
Her air mobility may seem rather generic, but she has a slew of dominating air tools which make engaging with her in air-to-air exchanges rather risky for the opponent, allowing her to effectively control her airspace with threat alone.
Lastly, her ability to convert almost any hit into corner carry with above average damage is one of her more defining traits. The sheer damage output combined with the positional advantage makes taking risks with her much more rewarding should they work out in your favor.  
Overall, C-Arcueid is a character with exceptional strengths, possessing essentially every option a rushdown character would want. She only lacks in ranged options, and as a result she needs to use her movement and tools with care against opponents who can keep her at bay.
=== Neutral ===
|name=What are you doing...!
As C-Arcueid, your goal is generally to get in and get your pressure started, but you also have the tools needed to control space and play defensively in neutral. Being able to quickly switch between these two states on the fly is the key to manifesting this character's notoriously commanding neutral.
'''Grounded neutral'''
On the ground, C-Arcueid is a force to be reckoned with, having great tools in her arsenal for approaching as well as checking approaches from the opponent. A fast run combined with low commitment yet versatile normals means she can test the waters very easily and get in at a moment's notice.
5A is an above average A normal, having a tall hitbox that can still hit crouching opponents, while also retracting her lower body hitbox, allowing it to beat other low grounded pokes rather cleanly at times. 2B is an absolutely godlike normal with a myriad of uses. Has a disjoint at the tip of her foot, and brings her hurtbox extremely low to the ground, allowing her to low profile with ease. Very versatile, can be used to anti air, poke, abare, etc. 2C and 5B are less widely applicable than the previous two normals, but they have their niches as a long range tripguard option and a whiff punish option, respectively. Other than these, C-Arcueid also has 623B as a pre-emptive anti-air, and the Rekka series as a way to check backdashes in neutral.
|proration=90% (O)
'''Air neutral'''
C-Arcueid can be a veritable wall in the air if she so chooses, with tools such as j.2B (divekick), Air Sonic and the infamous j.C. She can also contest horizontal airspace with her fast and long range j.B, and check air approaces with rising j.A.
j.A is a typical jumping A normal, nothing especially noteworthy. Primary usage will be to check air space while maintaining air options. j.B on the other hand is blisteringly fast for how large its hitbox is, making it especially good in quick air battles. Whiffing it will put you into recovery until landing, so make sure that it'll connect once you decide to throw it out. j.C is godlike. Period. Absolutely dominating, the only things keeping it from being any more broken are its relatively average startup and the angle of its hitbox being susceptible to low profile options (such as Len's catwalk). With 10 active frames, and a disjoint all along her leg, this will be your primary method of controlling the skies and bullying those on the ground. Mixing up your timings is key to making the most of this move, so experiment with various use cases, it will rarely steer you wrong.  
j.2B isn't an ordinary divekick, as you stay in place (on startup) before diving downwards at a set angle. This property is extremelty useful for movement purposes as C-Arcueid is otherwise lacking in options to alter her air movement. It has 8 frames of activity, making it extremely useful for blowing through moves directly below you, particularly rising jumping moves which would beat j.C. It is also special cancelable, both on hit AND whiff (upon reaching the ground). This property allows Arc to convert into a combo on hit, and perform some neat tricks, like guard breaking opponents that blocked j.2B in the air by cancelling into 22B. Air Sonic is C-Arcueid's signature move, and will get its own section due to being such a centralizing tool.
Varying your approaches between dash 5A/2B/etc and sj, dash jump and double jump airdash options is key to making the most out of C-Arcueid's kit and will reward you for managing to do so.
|description=Low-hitting claw strike, hard knockdown on hit. Used as a combo ender when you don't want to increase the combo hit count with rekka.
=== Pressure ===
C-Arcueid is a very robust character that takes comfort in not only her ability to effectively use rebeats in her pressure, but also a great arsenal of specials to add on to it. Going over some of the specials you will regularly use:
Known as elbow. Generally you can use 214A to catch mashing and on the later ends of the active frames you can be plus. In cases where someone is trying to shield your pressure, using 2C > 214A can make the elbow whiff, putting the opponent into recovery from failed shield, usually letting you punish with 2B into a combo. 214B is generally used to catch jump outs, which can lead to an air combo.
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=-CH-, -EX-, (J)
Rekka, other than its use as a combo ender, sees usage in pressure, with its range of options able to cover many escape options the opponent can go for, or sparingly as a mixup tool. A very powerful special when used properly.
With rekka by itself, you can do either 236B~236B~214B (safe ender), 236B~236B~214[B] (high), or 236B~236B~236B (low).
As a combo ender, you want to do 236B~236B~214B, which sets up a safejump with j.C that also lets you OS heat activation with backdash. The timing for the safejump is character specific however (and occasionally height specific) so make sure to study up on the different timing variations.
236B~236[B] is air unblockable and is a solid frametrap to catches jumps or mashes. If it connects it will launch the opponent, granting a combo opportunity.
|description=Air-unblockable upper claw strike.
If you do 236[A] by itself, it will vacuum the opponent towards you and grant you ample plus frames. On grounded hit/trade it will lead into a combo as well.
Rekkas have fairly large stagger windows, so you can occasionally catch someone blocking high as they anticipate the overhead (214[B]) with a very delayed low (236B). On block 214[B] has better frame advantage and while 236A is unsafe, you can either cancel it into 624C on block, which is a knowledge check for the opponent on whether they can dodge or use whichever character specific punish they have, or cancel into 623C for a combo that carries to the corner from anywhere on the screen.
The mindgame of her rekkas uses the threat of 236B~236[B] to allow her to stop at the first rekka and reset her pressure once you instill the fear of a large frametrap in your opponent.
|proration=50% (O)
Another common use for it is as a hitconfirm, since it can let you convert into a combo at ranges where 2B won't combo into 2C or 5C, allowing pickups from tip range 2B with 236B~236B~236B > 623C.
Sonic. This special sees most of its use in corner pressure, as it recovers earlier than it seems, allowing for double jumps, or continuing pressure by going into an aerial special move, namely j.624A. Due to Arcueid's backwards movement, it is also capable of punishing some defensive options such as Heat and Shield Bunker. Looping 624A > j.624A > dash 5A/2A/5B on offense is a safe and potent string to force the opponent into choosing riskier options if they want to escape the pressure loop.
The move that defines C-Arcueid, Air Sonic. Disjointed, greatly advantageous on block, has a crossup hitbox, alters air momentum, this special does it all.
j.624B is a primary component in C-Arcueid's combos. j.624A has a variety of uses, such as in air to air situations due to its disjointed and crossup hitbox, as well as a followup option after jumping in on someone or forcing them to block j.C, which is powerful because it's a very good frame trap that also generates a lot of blockstun to set up guard crush situations.
Now on to her pressure in general. C-Arcueid is one of the most robust characters on offense, able to rebeat at many different points for ambiguity in her pressure sequences, while still representing the constant threat of specials such as 236[A], 214A, 214B, 624A that are at her disposal to create on-demand plus frames, terrifying frametrap situations and safe yet threatening pressure with Rekkas. One important thing you need to remember about C-Arcueid is that she cannot rebeat from 5C ever, forcing you to commit to special cancels once you reach it. Here are some basic pressure strings to build your offense from:
*2A stagger 2A 5B 2B, w5A - basic rebeat string, spaced for 2B/5B to connect on block afterwards.
*2A 2A 2B stagger 2C 236A 236[A] - basic frametrap/jumpout catch string, great reward on hit.
|proration=50% (O)
*2A 2B 5B 2B, w5A. IAD j.C/j.624A - basic IAD pressure reset string.
*2A 2A 5B, stagger 2B 5C 236[A] - 5C > 236[A] beats or trades with the majority of abare buttons unless they're done immediately, forcing a riskier response if the opponent wants to escape.
|cancel=(SP), (EX), (J)
*2A 2A 2B stagger 2C 236A - pressure resetting is possible after 236A provided you have conditioned the opponent.
*2A 2A 5B stagger 2C, dl.214A/214B - 2C > 214A at this point should make the 214A whiff, this is for making people whiff shield attempts on the elbow/rekka, letting you punish with 2B.
*2A/5A (5B) 624A j.624A 66: Potent and safe pressure string in the corner, loops into itself. Forces a response from the opponent if they do not wish to be guard broken.
These are fairly basic strings that you can use but the important things to remember are that while her pressure options are incredibly potent, they also have fairly clear counterplay (i.e 236[A] being massively plus but jumpable), which means overreliance on any single option will hurt your pressure game quite badly. However, you can get away with a lot by using her rebeats to throw off the timing on the opponent's defensive responses and reset pressure via rebeat whiffs, letting your A normals fully recover since you have blessed frame data on your normals or by using 236[A].
|description=6X followup, can be done even on whiff. Arcueid advances for a launching claw strike. Jump cancellable on hit, and if done from 623B you can also cancel into any special on hit.
=== Okizeme ===
With C-Arcueid, you have three main enders that give different okizeme options, those three being '''airthrow/j.2C ender''', '''rekka''' (236A > 236A > 214B) ender and '''236[B]''' ender.
*'''Airthrow/j.2C ender''': Your only knockdown options off air combos.
|damage=500, 300*6, 600 (2316)
Airthrow ender has fairly mediocre oki, leaving you far away midscreen to the point of not being able to meaty, and only having enough frame advantage in the corner for a meaty.
|proration=70% (O)
j.2C ender causes a ground techable knockdown, which in the corner lets you go for a techtrap setup. Falling j.624A can potentially catch all tech options depending on timing, and can be spaced to be safe to Heat Activation as well. There are two timings, late j.624A and early j.624A. Late j.624A will catch back and forward tech, and meaties neutral tech. Early j.624A catches back and neutral tech, but doesn't catch forward tech. Succesful techtraps can be converted into a combo off all tech situations with 5B > 2B > 2C > 5{C}. Note that this situation becomes inconsistent if you're going into your aircombo with a lot of forward momentum (i.e sj9 jA > air combo jump-out catch situations) and the opponent can usually forward tech without much risk.
The situation involves some RPS, because on late j.624A the opponent can neutral tech into DP to beat j.624A. However, if you go for early j.624A to catch neutral tech, the opponent can forward tech and punish your landing recovery without being hit. If you read the opponent choosing not to tech and you haven't used more than one bounce in your combo, you can use falling j.624C to OTG relaunch the opponent for a combo extension.
*'''Rekka ender''': The rekka ender gives a safejump in the corner, with character specific variations on how to perform it:
|active={{Tooltip |text=13 (15) 1|hovertext=8 hits.&#010;1,2,2,2,2,2,2 (15) 1}}
*9, j.C: Ryougi, Miyako, Sion, Vsion, Roa, Mech, Koha, Neco, Hisui, Vakiha, Seifuku, Arc, Ciel, Akiha, Hime
*Delayed Rekka, 9, j.C: Nanaya, Tohno, Wara, Satsuki, Wlen
|description=Multihit EX version similar to 623A~6X. Wallslams on hit. hurtbox is smaller vertically than crouching normally until the second part.[ goes under f-aoko's 236C]
*sj.9 j.C: Warc, PCiel
*Delayed Rekka, sj.9 j.C: Aoko, Nero, Len
*Delayed Rekka, short walk forward, 9, j.C: Kouma, Ries
Midscreen, setups using forward jump j.C and sj j.C will crossup and whiff, so you'll have to manually time a neutral jump j.C to safejump instead. However, this presents an opportunity to fake the safejump by doing neutral jump into forward drift j.C to land crossup instead.
You can take this even further versus C-Moon players that really like to use Heat as a defensive option by doing the safejump j.C and then inputting 44 (backdash) before you land. If j.C hits, backdash doesn't come out, as you will be in hitstop, letting you combo or go into your pressure. If they heat, you will land and backdash, avoiding Heat, giving you a punish opportunity. Of course, most C-moon characters can EX shield and counter your safe jump, but you can stay safe to that by meatying with j.624A instead thanks to its projectile property letting you land and block, or blow it up by doing empty jump low, or delay airdash j.C, among other options. Other anti-heat OSes include '''safejump j.C, land, 4A+B''' and '''safejump j.C, land, 2E''', which work under the same principle.
*'''236[B] ender''': 236[B] can be used at any point in your corner combo as long as you have a wallslam left to set it up with 5C. Since 236[B] pulls the opponent out of the corner, you can use it to set up left/right mixups. The side you land on is determined by various factors; the most common sequence you see to set this up is: ... > 2C > 5C > 236[B]
The side you land on is determined by whether the opponent's body is touching the corner or not. C-Arcueid can throw off her opponent's cognition with various tricks, such as using different delays during the normal sequence above or microwalking the body into the corner before going for the left/right.
You can add additional layers to the mix to further throw them off, like so:
*microwalk, 9/IAD j.2C/j.C(whiff), land 2A/5B/2B (main L/R mixup)
*long microwalk 9 j.C (same side high)
*short microwalk 9 sandoori j.C (crossup high)
*short microwalk 9/IAD j.2C/j.C(whiff), land 66 2A (gimmicky cornersteal into crossup dash)
The opponent can attempt to RPS this mixup using shield, which you will have to call out using 5B or 2B. Some C-Moon players will choose to heat in that situation, since they don't know which side to block, but you can OS that with 2AA 5B+D or 2AA 5[D]~B.
Additionally, against characters with a pixel cue on their sprite that allows them to see which side you will land on (ie. Sion, VSion), use forward jump into neutral double jump drift instead of forward jump j.2C, as this moves the camera higher and covers the opponent's character giving them a much smaller window to look at the pixel cue.
Knowing all this, it's important to consider the ender you want to use depending on your goal at the current moment. Aircombo into airthrow/j.2C enders will let you squeeze out extra damage for the kill, rekka ender provides safe and consistent pressure, and 236[B] ender forces a guessing game with great reward, as C-Arcueid can fully corner carry the opponent from both options and loop the situation again.
=== Defense ===
C-Arcueid shows once again on defense that she is a robust character, having various options that your opponent has to keep track of.
22B is a fully invuln DP that cannot have its input be crossed up, making it incredibly powerful again left/right mixups. The follow up, 66B, is cancelable into j.624C for good damage with airthrow/j.2C ender for oki. There is also 22C, which is a bit faster and harder to safejump but isn't used much compared to 22B due to costing meter and forcing a return to neutral on hit.
She also has Heat, EX shield, Bunker, Dodge and a pretty good backdash, but make sure not to overuse these options. In specific situations, 236C can be used as a longer range reversal to get out of oki or pressure situations where 22X doesn't reach, such as against Nero, Hime or Kohamech.
Overall, blocking is still the recommended option. EX guarding, waiting for your turn and jumping out when appropriate renders your other options much stronger, as your opponent will be hard pressed to open you up as is before thinking of your numerous defensive options.
=== Sonic ===
j.624A, or 'Sonic' is a cool move. It covers several of Arc's notable weaknesses, one of which being a lack of crossup normal to catch opponents behind her, and also allows her to control space with relatively low commitment.
Here are some more qualities that make it a noteworthy move:
- Has a disjointed hitbox and 7f startup, making it rather fast for its range.
- Retains air options on recovery, allowing Arc to move rather unexpectedly in the air while sticking out a large disjointed hitbox.
- Has a stupid amount of hitstun, making stray hits turn into confirms rather easily, even from fairly high points on the screen
- Has very little landing recovery, and if the opponent blocks it, Arc will have substantial, potentially even double digit, plus frames. If the opponent blocks it airborne, they are liable to getting guard broken.
- As a special move it has High Counter property, making trading with it still rather advantageous for Arc frame data wise.
- A version stalls her air movement, but retains her air momentum. B version cuts both. This can make her air positioning rather unpredictable.
- Has projectile property, which means that on shield it is virtually unpunishable. Makes contesting her jump ins with shield extremely risky.
Despite this, Sonic has one fatal flaw, that being its susceptibility to low profile options, such as Len’s catwalk, Nanaya 2C, or even C-Arcueid’s own 2B.

===== <span class="invisible-header">214X</span> =====
== Combos ==
For optimal routes, watch Kouki's video:
Please, watch this video. It contains all the information you need to become half decent with this character.
<!--to add:hitcount specifics for elbow extension and ground sonic character specifics(and their combos-->
=== Combo Theory ===
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Despite the relative difficulty of C-Arcueid's baseline execution, her routes can be fairly consistent provided you correctly identify the situation and convert your hits with the appropriate route. Listed below are core combo components seen in her most common routes.
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*'''5C''': 5C is a crucial move in C-Arcueid's combo structure. In the corner, it wallbounces on air hit, allowing the use of 236[B] in your corner combos to perform loops that do incredible damage off many starters. Midscreen, this move enables corner carry combos through the 'Homing jump' property on her 5C~C followup.
|name=Ready... Go!
*Midscreen: Arcueid's homing jump is accessible from her 5C~C followup on air hit as well as her 214B~C followup. In most cases you'll be using 5C.  The trajectory of the homing jump is dependent on the timing with which you press the air button during the jump. This means that if you press j.C or j.A as soon as possible after 5C~C, your airheight will be lower, while delay j.B will leave you higher.  
Below are the two most common strings you will use to convert off 5C~C homing jump:
*2C 5C~C (dl) j.B land 5A 5B 5C...
*2C 5C~C j.A dl j.C or j.C dl j.B land 5B 2B 2C 5C....
While these combos appear similar, choosing which one to use depends on the area of the screen you are in. If you are too close to the opposite corner, only doing dl j.B will not grant you enough time to land and complete the combo due to the earlier wallbounce, causing the followup combo to drop. Conversely, if you are too far from that corner, the j.A j.C routing won't carry the opponent far enough, causing the combo after to be hard to continue, if not outright impossible.
The easiest way to plan your routing is to check what area of the screen you are on. If you were to split the entire stage in half, alter your routing based on what half you are on relative to the corner you're facing. If you are on the FAR side of the screen, it's best to use j.B. If you're on the NEAR side of the screen, it's best to use the j.A delay j.C and sometimes j.C delay j.B routes for max range 2B 2C starter. A third scenario which can arise is the absolute fullscreen variant, in which j.B might not be able to carry you completely to the other corner. In this case, there are alternative combos available, and they will be addressed in later sections.
One thing to note is that generally, half charging 5C is recommended for tip range hits (e.g tip range 2B), as 5{C} moves Arcueid forward a good amount, allowing you to connect the sequence after without dropping the combo.
Another thing to consider is that due to j.A's fairly limited range, the j.A j.C routes might not work if you are at tip range, or wasn't point blank against certain problem characters that have thin air hurtboxes. Using halfcharge 5{C}~C might help, but it's an important skill to recognize when the combo won't work and go for the j.C j.B route or settle for the dl j.B route ending in aircombo into j.2C instead, as an inferior combo is still preferable to a dropped combo.
Lastly, homing combos may seem like the best choice in almost any scenario due to its consistency, but keep in mind that homing has its own damage scaling applied to it, so in cases where you need more damage to kill the opponent, it would be better to perform other routes, such as 4C combos, instead.
*Corner: In the corner, C-Arcueid can use 5C's bounce on air hit to go into her corner loops, which deals incredible damage, builds obscene amounts of meter, and even sets up unseeable 50/50 situations. The principle behind these loops is using airhit 5C to combo into 236[B] to cause an untechable float and knockdown afterwards, letting C-Arcueid link into tk.63214B to extend her combo or give her massive frame advantage to set up her oki.
Below is the most common variation of it:
*(starter) 2C dl.5C 236[B] ...
After this, you can either do tk.63214B 5B 2B to continue the combo, dash 2A 5B 2B to pick up from further out, or go for her left/right.
One important thing to keep in mind as you do these loops is the bounce limit. Many moves in the game causes a bounce on hit against either the wall or the ground, signified by a shockwave that emanates from the point of impact. You are limited to 3 bounces per combo, with the 3rd bounce causing the opponent to become invincible until they recover. For this reason, you generally want to only use 2 bounces per combo to be able to end your combos in a favorable position.
*'''236[B]''': The move that enables your corner loops, as it causes float on airhit as well as an untechable knockdown. Generally, you will go into this from a 5C bounce. Therefore, it’s important to keep in mind your bounce counter if you try to fit this into a combo.
*'''j.63214B''': Most commonly seen during Arc’s optimized corner routes as a TK special, it’s often used after 236[B] connects and allows you to land and link into 5B or 5A depending on combo hitstun, as well as a raw TK mid combo after 2C that uses a grounded jump cancel. There isn’t much to say about the former situation, as it’s very consistent. The latter, however, has some things one should keep in mind. First, the opponent has to be high enough as 2C hit for the 5B link afterwards to connect. Second, as Melty Blood only allows one grounded jump cancel per combo, you can't use more than one 2C > tk.63214B sequence per combo. Something of note is that at high combo hitcounts, approximately 17 hits or more, linking into 5B after tk.624B becomes quite difficult. Therefore, it's recommended that you either use 5A dl5B instead, or simply omit the tk.624B, as the damage loss is negligible at that point in the combo and you don't risk dropping the combo entirely if you mess up.
Mastering these three components by themselves should suffice for most use cases, however, seasoned C-Arcueid players should know of other useful routes to make the most out of every hit, as well as ensure the combo won’t drop due to some inconsistencies of the above tools. Listed below are more situational but nonetheless important combo tools you should get acquainted with.
*'''Rekka''': The 236X series, aside from being an important combo ender, also has use in hitconfirming tip range hits that 2C 5C~C can’t convert well. 2C 236B~236B~214B will work for all but the absolute max range hits, and can be further converted with meter by cancelling into 623C or linking into tk.632146C. Meterless, it nets you a safejump that’s autotimed for about half the cast and manually timed for the rest. As for the max range hits where 236B~236B~214B can’t connect, 236B~236B~236B will work, and allow you to convert into full corner carry via EX cancelling into 623C, provided you haven’t launched the opponent with 2C beforehand.
*'''4C''': A way to convert hits at awkward ranges, such as 1/4th stage away from the opposite corner, with the added benefit of generally being more optimal than 5C~C routes due to not having the scaling applied on the homing jump. Most often you will go into this move from 2C, and continue the combo by airdash cancelling it into a late air button and then landing into 5B or 2C. These routes can fully corner carry, and eliminate the issue of 5C~C routing not working at absolute fullscreen distance. However, this route requires you to be considerably close to your opponent to work, with other problems being having worse oki than 5C~C routes if you don't manage to transition into the corner loops, which can occur due to increased hitstun decay once you've used two 4Cs in the combo.
*'''623C''': Otherwise known as EX Claw, this move is one of the reasons why C-Arcueid’s ability to convert stray hits is so strong. On the last hit, the opponent is sent across the screen and gets wallbounced, letting C-Arcueid dash after them and pick up with 2A 5B 2B at the corner for a full combo. It can also OTG relaunch, meaning you can use it to convert knockdowns anywhere on the screen into full corner carry. However, keep in mind that as OTG relaunching uses one bounce and the wallslam uses another, you cannot use another move that causes bounce in the followup combo. You can also use this move to convert ground throw into a full combo in the corner with 22A > land 623C, but do keep in mind that due to the slight bounce of the throw, you might have to input 623C in reverse (as 421C) if you’re too close to the corner, and due to the throw using one bounce, you also cannot use another move that causes bounce in the followup combo.
*'''j.63214C''': Also known as EX sonic. This move can be fit into most combos in the same places where you’d use tk.63214B, allowing you to dump meter if you so choose to get marginally better damage. Its more exciting use however, is in the fact that it also has OTG relaunch properties. And, unlike 623C, it only uses one bounce instead of two. However, the tradeoff is that you have to be close enough to the opponent in order to be able to pick up afterwards with dash 5B 2B. This move also has situational use as a meterdump tool to quickly exit Max and begin building meter earlier in your combo, thanks to its ability to be easily fit into any part of your combos.
One situation of note is converting the 236B~236B~214B knockdown with this. The conversion is universal, however, it only works if the Rekka series connected with the opponent in the air. This causes them to fall to the ground later than if they were hit grounded, giving you enough time to recover and connect with tk.63214C. Grounded hit 214B ender rekka into tk.63214C can work, but only on Riesbyfe and Kouma.
*'''214B''': B Elbow has several situational uses in combos, one of which in that its B and C followups allows you to go into the same routes as 4C and 5C~C from further away thanks to the forward movement of B Elbow. These combos are of note as they are often the optimal route midscreen to go into the corner loops, but require stricter hitconfirming to work since they don't work from 2C. The B followup in combos has to be delayed for both hits of the followup to connect and for the combo to work properly. Another use for B Elbow is that you can link into normals after it hits. This is seen in a universal combo extension with corner 2C dl 214B link 5A at high combo hitcounts, and niche, spacing specific routes from midscreen to corner with 2C dl 5C 214B link 5B. For the first use case, the link is difficult but worth doing if you need to go into MAX, as it works on the entire cast and builds an extra 30% meter, as well as tacking on more damage to your combo at the same time. The latter requires very particular spacing to make 214B hit at the tail end of its active frames, giving you enough frame advantage to link into 5B.
Character specific delays for for 214B~C homing combos:
*Delay j.B: Wara, Roa, W.Len
*214B~dlC, dlj.B: Hime, Satsuki
*214B~slight dlC, dlj.B: Ciel, V.Sion
*214B~dlC, large delay j.B: Miyako
*214B~dlC, slight dlj.A, slight delay j.624A: Ryougi
*'''j.63214A''': Usually shortened to j.624A, this move is often used in corner throw conversions, alongside 4C, as it bypasses the jump cancel limit letting you extend throw combos to run out the opponent's MAX or Heat duration. Also sees use in midscreen routes, mostly with 4C > airdodge/airdash > j.624A, but this is quite niche and not necessary to know unless you're trying to squeeze every point of damage available from your combo.
*'''63214A''': Often seen as a starter from the 5A/2A 624A j.624A pressure loop, as on grounded hit it has enough hitstun for you to land and combo after with 2B. During the corner combo, it’s also possible to get 624A to hit the opponent low to the ground, cancel the air recovery with an air normal and land microwalk to pick up with 5B. Can be done at any point in the combo provided the opponent has the correct height for A sonic to hit them low to the ground but still in the air, and not as an OTG relaunch. Keep in mind that the hitcount at the point where you go for this combo will affect the timing, due to gravity scaling making the opponent fall faster. This extension is great for tacking on damage to your combos into 236[B] oki, as it can be fit into the combo multiple times at any point as opposed to the 214B extension that only works at high hitcounts. However, it does not work on the entire cast due to their thin air hurtboxes not allowing walk 5B to connect. The characters that this does not work on are: Sion, V.Sion, Arc, Warc, Hime, Roa, V.Akiha, Hisui, M.Hisui, Satsuki.
*'''623A/623B''': Probably C-Arcueid's least used specials, however, they still have some utility. 623A allows you to secure a hard knockdown from extremely scaled combos where no other ender will work. 623B is used for j.2B standing hit confirms and guard breaks, 623B~6X is used in fullscreen 4C routes to pick up into an air combo at the end, as a confirm for non-counterhit 5AA anti air, even if it requires strict hitconfirming, and lastly as a very niche component in max damage corner combos.
=== Starters ===
C-Arcueid can combo from most hits. Examples include, but are not limited to:
|condition=Grounded opponent, midscreen/back to corner
|input=*(2A > 5B > 2B >) 2C > 5C~C > dlj.B (2nd hit) / j.A dl j.C, 5A > (dl) 5B > 5C
|note= Most common midscreen starter, can full corner carry into corner combo from anywhere with the correct routing.
|condition=In/near corner
|proration=60% (O)
|cancel=-CH-, -EX-
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B]
|note= Common corner starter.
|description=Arcueid charges in.
'''A:''' Goes a short distance. Plus on block.<br>
'''B:''' Goes about double A's distance. Has multiple followups performable even on whiff, see below:
|input=*Air CH, land 66 > 2B > 2C
|note= Common air CH starter. In the corner, omitting 2C using a ground route such as 2B > dl 2A > 5B > 5C has better proration and allows the combo after to do more damage.
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=29| hovertext=Full duration.}}
|invuln=Full 6-20
|input=*j.2B > 22B/236X~236X~214X/623B/2A/2B > ...
|note=j.2B conversion. Has various routes depending on the hit (CH, grounded or air, standing or crouching) which are detailed in sections below.
|input=*236X~236X~236X > 623C, 66 > 2A
|note=Sends the opponent flying towards the corner in an untechable state, allowing Arc to pick up after for a combo. Uses one bounce.
|damage=300, 800
|reddamage=196, 294
|proration=80% (M), 65% (O)
|circuit=3.0%, 8.0% (11.0%)
|cancel=(N), (SP), (EX), (J)
|guard={{Tooltip | text=LHA*| hovertext=First hit whiffs vs Air.}}
|input=*2C > 236X~236X~214X, tk.63214C/623C, 66
|active=2 (2) 9
|note=OTG pickup after knocking down an airborne opponent with 214 rekka ender. Uses one bounce for tk.624C, two for 623C. Can work without 2C on Ries and Kouma.
|condition=In/near corner
|proration=50% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|input=*CH 236X~236[X], 66 > 2A
|note= Fairly rare starter, also hard to hitconfirm.
|condition=In corner
|cancel=(CH), EX
|input=*(5B >) 5C > 623B > tk.63214C > 66 > 5B
|note=Optimal corner starter. Quite niche, but if you can get the hit the opponent is going to hurt.
|condition=In corner
|character= Roa, Ryougi
|description=214B Followups:
|input=*6AD > 22A, 2AA > 5B > 2B > 2C
|note=Ryougi and Roa specific corner throw starter. Extremely difficult link.

'''~A:''' Performs a dash teleport similar to H/F-Arc's 421A, but with shorter distance. Not a very useful tool. <br>
=== Enders ===
'''~B/[B]:''' Performs 4C/[C].<br>
'''~C:''' Performs a 5C which wallslams even if the opponent is grounded. 5C~C superjump pursuit usable on hit. can be comboed off of after homing/pursuit.
|note= Standard hard knockdown ender, can safejump after with character specific timing (detailed in Okizeme section). The preferred ender for combos if you’re not going for mix.
|damage=800, 600*2, 1000 (2602)
|note= HKD ender for extended combos. Safejump with sj9 jC; requires manual timing on some characters.
|invuln=Clash 2-8
|description=Arcueid charges, and follows with an automatic air combo if the first hit lands. Finishes on a hard knockdown. Has a clash box before going forward for reversal purposes. <br>
Not a great reversal as the clashbox is not active on frame 1, the reward on hit is not great, the clash is easily beaten by multihits as well as there being better options for reversals such as 22B/C and 236C which are faster and fully invincible.
|input=*5C > dl236[B], dl microwalk 9
|note= HKD into left/right mixup. The side you land on is primarily determined by how much you microwalk before the 9 jump. Other ways of manipulating the spacing includes using the forward movement of halfcharge 5C to push the opponent into the corner. Much more threatening than the safejump setup but still incurs some risk; consider using this when in MAX mode for insurance.
===== <span class="invisible-header">22X</span> =====
|input=*(4C) > j.(A)BC > dj.ABC > AT
|note= Airthrow ender. Extremely bad oki, only allowing a meaty in the corner and nothing midscreen; mainly used to kill or timerscam. Add 4C if the preceding hit is 2C (may need to delay), add first j.A as needed given height/proration.
|caption5=EX<br>(2nd last hitboxes are repeated)
|name=Quiet! (Fly!)
|input=*(4C) > j.(A)BC > dj.ABC > j.2C
|note= Similar to airthrow ender, but ends with a techtrap with falling j.63214A (beats forward-tech and back-tech) or j.2B (beats neutral-tech and back-tech), and both OTGs no-tech if you haven't used more than one bounce in the preceding combo, leading into another techtrap situation using 5A. Can also OTG no tech with j.63214C for more damage if you haven't used all your bounces in the preceding combo. Much preferred over airthrow as an aircombo ender, but only use this in the corner.
=== Beginner Combos ===
These are the easiest versions of C-Arcueid's most used combos, which beginners should aim to learn before any other. Check the Combo Theory section for more information on how these combos work.
|condition=Normal starter, anywhere
|damage=700, 500 (1125)
|circuit=7.0%, 5.0% (12.0%)
|input=*(2A/5A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > 236B > 236B > 214B
|active=2 (1) 7
|note= Day 1 combo. Use this if you want to play right away but can't do the midscreen combo below just yet.
|condition=Normal starter, corner
|description=Arcueid rises up in the air with an upward slash. Air unblockable, no invicibility, 2 hits.
|input=*(2A/5A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > dl5C > 236[B], dl2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > 236[B], dl 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note= Basic corner loops. This is the foundation for C-Arcueid's notorious corner loops and is vital to playing the character.
|condition=Normal starter, back to corner/midscreen
|damage=600*2, 300*2 (1666)
|circuit=6.0%*2, 4.0%*2 (20.0%)
|input=*(2A/5A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > dl5C~C > dlj.B/ j.A dl j.C, (66) 5A > 5B > 5C > 236[B], dl2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl 5C > 236[B], dl2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|active={{Tooltip | text=4 (1) 7| hovertext=2, 2 (1) 4, 3}}
|note= Basic corner carry route leading into corner loops. This is what you'll be routing into for most midscreen hits. When you're far from the corner, use dl j.B. When you're close, use j.A dl j.C, or j.C dl j.B depending on spacing.
|invuln=Full 1-8
|description=Arcueid jumps up much higher. 4 hits. Meterless reversal, invincible until after the 2nd hit. Your go to option to get out of the corner.
|proration=50% (O)
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
=== Core Combos ===
These are the combos C-Arcueid players should aim to learn to truly start playing the character, as they provide access to one of her greatest strengths: the ability to convert any hit into a full combo and okizeme.
|proration=50% (O)
|condition=Normal starter, back to corner/midscreen
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|input=*(2A/5A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > dl5C~C > dlj.B/ j.A dl j.C, 5A > 5B > 5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > dl5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|description=Forward slash followup.
|note= Midscreen corner carry combo.
|condition=Normal starter, corner
|input=*(2A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > dl5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note= Corner combo incorporating TK Sonic loops. If the pickup(236[B] > tk.624B > 5B) after the 15th hit is too difficult for you, omit the tk.624B and use 236[B], 2A > 5B >...<br>The other solution is doing the last tk.624B as late as possible then doing 5A > dl.5B, which some players may find more consistent<br>
<br> Note: It's possible to do a 50/50 if you cut off everything after the second 236[B], and instead do 9 > j.2C > land 2A. To stay same side, microwalk before the jump and don't microwalk to go crossup.
=== Full Screen ===
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv=-16 (Best)
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66 > dl j.B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C~C > j.BC, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > 236[B] > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|description=Metered followup. Wallslams on hit.
|note=Simple fullscreen corner to corner combo using 4C and homing jump. Adding the third rep increases your meter gain slightly but gives significantly more meter to your opponent (+70%, so 140% instead of 70%). You can also go straight for the ender instead of doing the second rep to decrease opponent's meter gain.
|condition=Normal starter, back to corner/midscreen
|damage=600*2, 500*2, 300, 500*2, 300 (3134)
|input=*(2A/5A > 5B) > 2B > 2C > dl5C~C > d j.B (2nd hit) > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > dl5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|active={{Tooltip | text=35| hovertext=8 hits.&#010; 3, 3 (2) 4, 2 (1) 1 (11) 4, 2 (1) 1}}
|note= Corner to corner combo. Tip range hits where 5A > 5B > 5C whiffs is salvageable with 5A jc > aircombo.
|frameAdv=-45 ~ -54
|invuln=Full 1-11
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|description=EX reversal, the bigger hitbox and faster startup allows you to beat some moves/setups that would win against 22B. Performs 2 slashes in succession. No followup.  
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 214B~C > dlj.B, 5A > 5B > 5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > dl5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note=Fullscreen corner to corner combo with 214B~C. This combo has character specific adjustments, which are detailed in the 214B portion of the Combo Theory section.

===== <span class="invisible-header">63214X</span> =====
=== Midscreen ===
|name=It's useless!
|condition=Normal start, anywhere
|proration=70% (O)
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-N-, -SP-, -EX-, -J-| hovertext=Cancelable during air recovery.}}  
|input=*(2A/5A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > 236B > 236B > 214B
|note= Day 1 combo. Stays relevant as your most consistent grounded combo and can be further converted with TK 624C.
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=23| hovertext=Last 10f is landing recovery.}} {{Tooltip | text=(9)| hovertext=Air recovery before becoming cancelable.}}
|frameAdv=-6 {{Tooltip | text=(8)| hovertext=On air cancel.}}
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|description=Arc jumps back and sends a low-hitting energy wave to the ground. Cancelable into anything just before landing.
|damage=5082 {{Tooltip |text=(5115)|hovertext=Combo values in parentheses are for the alternative airdodge route}}
|metergen=158% (59.9%)
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66 > dlj.C, 2C > 4{C} > j.66 > j.C > j.63214A, 5B > 2B > 2C > 5{C} > 623B~6B > j.BC > j.ABC > AT/j.2C
|note= Midscreen knee combo. Good damage, and corner to corner carry, but with worse oki than homing jump routes. However, you can go into the corner combo after one knee if you're close enough to the corner. Charge the first 4C slightly for lower pickups and better range. If the j.66 > j.C > j.63214A pickup after 4C is too tight, you can use j.B instead, or alternatively, use j.2AB > dlj.63214A for an easier and more consistent combo at the cost of 50% meter.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|proration=70% (O)
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=-N-, -SP-, -EX-, -J-| hovertext=Cancelable during air recovery.}}
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 214B~dlB > j.66 > dlj.63214A, 5B > 2B > 2C > 5{C} > 236[B], j.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > j.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5C > 236[B], j.63214B, 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > Ender
|note= Midscreen to corner combo using 214B~B, can fully corner carry from 3/4th screen away, while building absurd amounts of meter for both you and your opponent. Slightly hitcount sensitive, you should aim for 4 or 5 hits by the time 214B hits. Delay the B followup slightly to ensure both hits connect. Against Miyako, V.Akiha and Ciel, replace j.63214A with j.B. If the full combo is too difficult, it's okay to omit a tk.63214B or two to ensure the combo doesn't drop.
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=29| hovertext=Last 16f is landing recovery.}} {{Tooltip | text=(9)| hovertext=Air recovery before becoming cancelable.}}
|frameAdv=-12 {{Tooltip | text=(8)| hovertext=On air cancel.}}
|description=B version sends Arc much further back. About the same as A version otherwise. You probably misinputed this while doing TK 624B.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|damage=1000*2, 1500 (2460)
|proration=70% (O)
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C> 5{C} > 214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > j.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > 5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > Ender
|active={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=3 x3}}
|note= Spacing sensitive elbow combo, works by hitting the 214B late into its active frames to have enough frame advantage to link into 5B afterwards. Works from about roundstart distance to the corner. 5{C} helps lower the opponent's airheight sufficiently for 5B to connect, as well as move Arc forward enough that the 214B after won't whiff.
|description=A bigger, 3-hit version.  

==== Aerial Specials ====
=== Corner ===
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.22X</span> =====
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|caption5=EX<br>(2nd last hitboxes are repeated)
|note=Basic corner loop to get you started as you learn the more optimal version, however this is only a temporary solution as you lose out on a lot of damage and meter if you want to go for C-Arcueid's better oki situations from this route. Inconsistencies for certain characters:<br>
|name=Quiet! (Fly!)<br>(Air)
2C Whiffs: Ciel, Kohaku, Warc.<br> Solution: Delay 2C slightly.<br>
Crossup after 236[B]: Aoko, Nanaya, Kouma, Miyako, Kohaku<br> Solution: Delay 5C even more.
|condition='''Normal starter, grounded opponent'''
|damage=600*2 (1111)
|circuit=6.0%*2 (12.0%)
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|active=3 (1) 4
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=18| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}  
|note= THE corner combo. If the pickup(236[B] > tk.624B > 5B) after the 15th hit is too difficult for you, omit the tk.624B and use 236[B]>2A>5B>...<br>The other solution is doing the last tk.624B as late as possible then doing 5A > dl.5B, which some players may find more consistent<br>
<br> Note: It's possible to do a 50/50 if you cut off everything after the second 236[B], and instead do 9 > j.2C > land 2A. To stay sameside, microwalk before the jump and no microwalk to go crossup.<br>
|invuln=Full 1-5
|description=Very fast, invincible air upward slash.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl214B > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note= High hitcount B elbow extension. Adds about 30% metergain to your combo so good if you need the extra meter for Heat or MAX.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|character= All but Sion, V.Sion, Arc, Warc, Hime, Roa, V.Akiha, Hisui, M.Hisui, Satsuki
|damage={{Tooltip |text=5754|hovertext=Combo damage on Miyako, the character with the closest health rating to V.Sion that the extension works on.}}
|input=*2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl63214A, j.A (whiff) > microwalk 5B > 2B > 2C > j.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note=Character specific 624A extension. Can be used after every 2C in combos, but timing will depend on hitcount. Does not work on Sion, V.Sion, Arc, Warc, Hime, Roa, V.Akiha, Hisui, M.Hisui, Satsuki.
=== Miscellaneous combos ===
|damage=500*2, 400*2 (1632)
|circuit=4.0%, 5.0%, 4.0%*2 (17.0%)
|condition=j.2B starter, grounded opponent
|active={{Tooltip | text=4 (1) 4 (3) 4| hovertext=1,3 (1) 4 (3) 4}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|input=*j.2B > 22B~66B > j.63214C > j.66 > j.A > j.C > dj.A > j.B(1) > j.C > AT/j.2C
|invuln=Full 3-6
|description=Jumps up much higher, 4 hits. Startup is just as fast but not invincible.
|note= Reliable j.2B normal hit combo, will often connect if you didn't hit j.2B from too high up. Airblocked j.2B > 22B is also a guardbreak situation and can be converted using the same combo. On standing hit, you can cancel into 623B~6B instead of 22B for the same air combo with better damage and no meter spent.
|condition=j.2B starter, grounded opponent
|input=*j.2B > 236X~236X~236X > 623C > 66 > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note= Only works when j.2B is hit very low to the ground. Much more reliable on CH j.2B. On standing hit, cancelling into 623B > 623C is an option that works even when j.2B is hit from higher up, albeit for less damage.
|condition=CH j.2B starter, grounded opponent, full screen
|proration=50% (O)
|input=*j.2B (CH) > 2B > 2C > 5C~C > j.B(2nd hit) > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note= Midscreen meterless j.2B CH confirm. Doesn't work if j.2B hit from too high up.
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|condition=CH j.2B starter, grounded opponent, corner
|proration=50% (O)
|input=*j.2B (CH) > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note= Corner meterless j.2B CH confirm. Doesn't work if j.2B hit from too high up.
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|description=Forward slash followup.
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|description=Metered followup. Wallslams on hit.
=== Throw combos ===
|damage=700, 500, 600, 500, 600 (3134)
|condition=Throw starter, grounded opponent, corner
|active={{Tooltip | text=28| hovertext=5 hits.&#010; 3 (1) 2 (2) 2 (12) 2 (2) 2}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|input=*6AD > j.BC > j.BC > AT/j.2C
|invuln=Full 1-6
|description=EX reversal. Performs 2 slashes in succession. No followup.
|note=Simple combo from throw which leads to airthrow ender/j.2C techtrap.
|condition=Throw starter, grounded opponent, corner<br>Opponent near MAX
|input=*6AD > 22A > 623C, (walkback) 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, [5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66, j.B > j.63214A]x2, 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66, j.B > j.C > j.63214A, land j.AABC > dj.ABC > AT
|note=Unburstable combo which lasts for the duration of C-Moon MAX if started at around 280% meter or more. 623C input has to be done backwards if Arc lands behind the enemy after 22A, which happens when the opponent is very close to the wall. As the combo goes on, the amount you want to halfcharge 4{C} reduces, to the point where the last 4{C} should be barely charged.

===== <span class="invisible-header">j.63214X</span> =====
=== OTG Pick ups ===
|condition=OTG starter, anywhere
|damage={{Tooltip |text=1169|hovertext=DMG including raw 2C knockdown.}}
|name=It's useless! (Air)
|input=*2AA > 2B
|note=Simple OTG for midscreen/corner, 5A catches all techs in the corner
|proration=70% (O)
|frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=1 (TK)| hovertext=Recovers in the air.}}<br>/ 1, 2 (TK)
|description=Air sonic. Arc swipes in the air. Recovers while airborne. Incredibly strong and versatile with huge frame advantage on block, great hitbox which crosses up and some funky properties. Used in pressure, used in neutral, used in combos, it's the thing that makes Arc extremely frightening and powerful. Refer to the Sonic section of General Gameplan at the top of the page for more information.
'''A''': Launches Arc upward if done rising/TK'd, launches downward if done falling. Horizontal direction of that launch is dependent on your previous air momentum.
<br>Gives incredible frame advantage when done falling ('''+5 ~ +13''' depending on the height), allowing for easy followups on grounded opponents and guard breaks on jumping ones.
'''B''': Arc instead moves lightly back and downwards when performed, making her land quickly when TK'd.
<br>The hitbox is a bit wider than A Sonic but the falling frame advantage is much worse (-8 ~ +7 depending on the height. But the height limit to be plus is significantly lower than for A Sonic, often resulting in Arc being at a disadvantage if not used directly above the ground).
<br>Mostly used as a TK in combos for loops and in pressure to setup frametraps/pressure resets and safely pressure the opponent hoping to catch their jump out attempt for big damage. Other properties are the same as A version.
|condition=OTG starter, corner
|damage=900*3 (1954)
|damage={{Tooltip |text=1435|hovertext=DMG including raw 2C knockdown, 236[a] excluded.}}
|proration=70% (O), 95% (M)
|input=*2A(A) > 5B > 5C, dl.236[A]
|note=A variation of the above combo for corner, you can time it so that 236[A] catches back and forward techs and hits meaty on neutral tech.
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=3 hits.}}
|description=Hits 3 times. maintains momentum, recovers in the air. Used as an OTG or a combo extender.
|condition=OTG starter, anywhere, 100% meter
|input=*(5B/2B > 2AA) > 623C > 66 > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > j.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
|note=100% meter OTG to bring the opponent into the corner from anywhere.
=== Arc Drive ===
|condition=OTG starter, corner
|caption=(Chain textures unavailable)
|name=From Dreams to Reality (Marble Phantasm)
|input=*66 > 2AAAA(A) > 5C~C > j.AAAB > j.63214A, 2AAAA > 5C~C > j.AAAB > j.63214A, 2AA > 2B
|linkname=Arc Drive
|input=41236C during MAX/Heat
|note=5A catches all techs after 2B, doesnt work on W.Len, Len, Neco Arc and Neco Arc Chaos.
|damage=0, 350*10, 700 (3310)
|circuit=removes all
|invuln=Full 1-19
|description=Fullscreen-wide chain attack, hitbox reaches about arc's height in the animation. Air unblockable hitgrab. Can be used as a whiff punish or a reversal if the situation desires. Hard knockdown on hit.
<ul> - During the corner wall bounce combos, almost every component of the loop has to be delayed (where 'dl' is noted). This is needed to keep the opponent as low as possible without hitting the ground.
</ul> - Inconsistencies with corner loop for certain characters:<br>
2C Whiffs: Ciel, Kohaku, Warc.<br> Solution: Delay 2C slightly.<br>
Crossup after 236[B]: Aoko, Nanaya, Kouma, Miyako, Kohaku<br> Solution: Delay 5C even more.
<ul> - If you are having trouble with the j.63214B 5B link, make sure to input the TK as low to the ground as possible.
==Additional Resources==
[ C-Arcueid Match Video Database]<br>
[ C-Arc combo compilation]

=== Another Arc Drive ===
==Notable Players==
{| class="wikitable"
!width="90"|Name!! width="80"|Color
|caption=(Chain textures unavailable)
!width="110"|Region !! Common Venues !! Status !! Details
|name=Melty Blood
|linkname=Another Arc Drive
| [ Bigorados<br>(Bigorados#6278)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
|input=41236C during Blood Heat
[[File:Arc Color24.png]]
| Brazil || Netplay || Active || Found In Reverse Beat Brasil. Strongest C-Arcueid player in the region.
|damage=0, 350*10, 700*8 (5352)
| [ GO1]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color23.png]]
| Japan || A-cho, KoreWaMelty || Inactive ||
|circuit=removes all
| [ KFL]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color20.png]]
| North America || AnimEVO, Climax of Night || Inactive ||
| [ kosunan]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color17.png]]
|invuln=Full 1-25
| Japan || Netplay || Inactive ||
|description=Works the same as arc drive, but ends in more damage and a ground-techable wallslam.
| [ kouki<br>(コウキ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color05.png]]
| Japan || A-cho, KoreWaMelty, Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd || Active || Incredibly strong C-Arcueid player with large amounts of footage. Technical treasure trove, he's the one to watch to find tech for every situation imaginable.
| [ニッキ) nikki<br>(ニッキ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color27.png]]
| Japan || Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd || Inactive ||
| [ sanae<br>(s.a.n.a.e)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color11.png]]
| North America || Netplay || Active || 5a 624a j.624a 66
| [ Mega]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Arc Color20.png]]
| North Latin America || Netplay || Active || Player from the LAN region who has shown great performance in recent years with a fairly strong playstyle. (Videos waiting to be published. The uploader has been a little lazy lately)

=== Last Arc ===
=== Players to ask in the community ===
Last updated: 2/1/2024
<br> ''Opinions may differ between players and not all may agree on the same topic.''
|caption=Universal version (it tracks)
{| class="wikitable"
!width="95"|Name !! Discord username !! Languages
|caption2=Tohno/Nanaya variation
|name=Shall we play around a bit?
| doot || dooterinos  || English
|linkname=Last Arc
|input=Aerial EX Shield during Blood Heat
|damage=1400*7 (3800 ~ 7500)
|reddamage=(3200 ~ 6100)
|proration=50% + 50% * remaining BH time
|circuit=removes all
|active={{Tooltip | text=17| hovertext=9 hits.&#010; 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1}}
|invuln=Full 1-?
|description= Full Screen. Light from heaven strikes the opponent from above. Requires EX Shield in the air during blood heat, damage varies on time left for blood heat. Breaks opponents meter for 220f. only use this if you know it will kill. [ it can be shielded/ex shielded]
|damage=600*18 (3450 ~ 6700)
|reddamage=(2800 ~ 5450)
|proration=50% + 50% * remaining BH time
|circuit=removes all
|invuln=Full 1-?
|description=The LA variation for Tohno and Nanaya. Different visual effect as well. Damage numbers taken from Nanaya.


Latest revision as of 23:06, 23 June 2024

Character Page Progress

This page is still a work in progress, consider joining as an editor to help expand it. Please update this character's roadmap page when one of the editing goals have been reached.

In Progress
  • Combos:
    • Add missing combo damage.
  • Move Descriptions:
    • Expand on the move descriptions, cite their uses, add captions where helpful, etc.
  • Additional Resources/Players to watch/ask
    • Add any external links to resources such as video guides or articles.
    • If you know any players in particular that can be helpful for learning this character, please add them with, if possible a way to contact them (such as a Discord handle) and a name that can be searched in the match video database.


link C-Arcueid is an incredibly strong rushdown character with nearly no flaws.
Pros Cons
  • High reward: High and consistent reward off most hits, with excellent damage, meter gain, corner carry and okizeme.
  • Great defensive options: C-Arcueid has a fast meterless reversal in 22B that can challenge crossups and an even faster EX reversal with 22C. She also has a large health pool, allowing her to take more risks.
  • Amazing pressure: Extremely potent corner pressure with great frame advantage from specials, terrifying frametraps, multiple ways to close space or pull the opponent back in and a myriad of mixup options.
  • Extremely strong all-purpose normals: C-Arcueid has some of the best normals in the game. 5A is a quick poke with a high hitting hitbox useful for anti-airing, 2B is an amazing low profile with decent range and a disjoint. In the air, she has a large and fast j.B which can be used to contest airspace, as long as an amazing j.C with long active frames and great air-to-air capabilities due to its disjointed hitbox.
  • Good mobility: Good movement in nearly all aspects. Very threatening on the ground due to how quickly she can close space to start offense, and in the air, she has multiple ways to alter her air momentum, including j.2B, j.2C and Air Sonic.
  • Amazing meter gain: C-Arcueid has long combos that give her a lot of meter, this along with C-Moon mechanics allow her to stay near MAX at almost all times.
  • Contained reach: Lacks mid to far range tools to control space or challenge zoning.

Move Descriptions

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Move Box Colors

Light gray = Collision Box (A move lacking one means it can go through the opponent's own collision box).
Green: Hurt Boxes.
Red: Hit(/Grab) Boxes.
Yellow: Clash Boxes (When an active hitbox strikes a clash box, the active hitbox stops being active. Multi-hit attacks can beat clash since they will still progress to the next hitbox.)
Magenta: Projectile-reflecting boxes OR Non-hit attack trigger boxes (usually).
Blue: Reflectable Projectile Boxes.

Damage Base damage done by this attack.

(X) denotes combined and scaled damage tested against standing V. Sion.

Red Damage Damage done to the recoverable red health bar by this attack. The values are inherently scaled and tested against standing V. Sion.

(X) denotes combined damage.

Proration The correction value set by this attack and the way it modifies the scaling during a string. See this page for more details.

X% (O) means X% Overrides the previous correction value in a combo if X is of a lower percentage.
X% (M) means the current correction value in a combo will be Multiplied by X%. This can also be referred to as relative proration.

Circuit Meter gained by this attack on hit.

(X%) denotes combined meter gain.
-X% denotes a meter cost.

Cancel Actions this move can be cancelled into.

SE = Self cancelable.
N = Normal cancelable.
SP = Special cancelable.
CH = Cancelable into the next part of the same attack (Chain in case of specials).
EX = EX cancelable.
J = Jump cancelable.
(X) = Cancelable only on hit.
-X- = Cancelable on whiff.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

L = Can block crouching
H = Can block standing.
A = Can block in the air.
U = Unblockable.

Startup Amount of frames that must pass prior to reaching the active frames. Also referred to as "True Startup".
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.

(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present. Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
X denotes active frames with a duration separate from its origin move's frame data, such as projectile attacks. In this case, the total length of the move is startup+recovery only.

Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled. The character goes into one frame where they can block but not act afterwards, which is not counted here.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).

If the opponent uses a move with startup that is at least 2 frames less than this move's negative advantage, it will result in the opponent hitting that move.
±x~±y denotes a range of possible advantages.

Invul Lists any defensive properties this move has.

X y~z denotes X property happening between the y to z frames of the animations. If no frames are noted, it means the invincibility lasts through the entire move.


Strike = Strike invincible.
Throw = Throw invincible.

Hurtbox-Based Properties:

Full = No hurtboxes are present.
High = Upper body lacks a hurtbox.
Low = Lower body lacks a hurtbox.

Miscellaneous Properties

Clash = Frames in which clash boxes are active.
Reflect = Frames in which projectile-reflecting boxes are active.
Super Armor = Frames in which the character can take hits without going into hit stun.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 147 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 7 1 3.0% -

Arcueid does a horizontal swipe. Hits the upper area, but doesn't whiff on crouchers if they're close enough (the visual effect is lying). One of C-Arcueid’s main anti air buttons while also functioning as a jumpout catch.

5[B] first hitbox
5[B] first hitbox
5[B] second hitbox
5[B] second hitbox
5B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
650 392 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 4 15 -4 6.0% -

A punch that moves Arcueid forward and knocks airborne enemies into a ground techable knockdown on hit, used a lot in pressure and combos. Very useful for confirming air hits into grounded combos.

5[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 539 60% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
29 6 19 -10 7.0% -

Charged version of 5B that hits overhead, this move is a key part of her mixup game and can be half charged for a high low mixup.

5C(Air Hit)~C
5C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 88% (M) SP, (CH), EX LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 23 -9 10.0% -
~C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 X 0 - - -

Wallslams on air hit, which can be followed up by a homing jump pursuit by pressing C again. Core component in C-Arcueid’s midscreen and corner combos. Only cancellable into specials.

5[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
2500 1960 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
39 2 27 - 18.0% -

Fully-charged 5C is unblockable. Has 100% proration and on CH, the opponent will be sent flying backwards and is comboable, making it your best CH punish on paper. Partial charging is what makes this move scary. Very risky to go for as a wary opponent playing C/F moon will shield either version of 5C on reaction, leaving you with only the option of doing an EX move as the 5C cannot be jump cancelled or rebeat from.

Crouching Normals

Second hit of the 2A chain.
Second hit of the 2A chain.
2A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350 196 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, CH, -EX-, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 8 0 3.0% -

Standard jab that hits low. Spammable.

~2A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350 147 75% (O) SE, N, SP, EX, (J) LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 9 -1 4.0% -

A longer reach followup if you cancel 2A into itself on block/hit.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
450 294 70% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 15 -4 5.0% -

An evasive, fast poke with low recovery that advances forward, useful for cross-unders. Low profiles most standing moves. Used in neutral to stop people running at Arcueid and to beat a lot of moves the opponent would throw out, the low recovery and great hurtbox and hitbox make this a good low commitment option. The move is also able to beat certain jump-ins if spaced properly and the forward movement and low hurtbox sometimes cause people trying to jump-in on Arcueid to end up behind her.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 686 60% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 3 21 -6 10.0% -

A sweep that reaches pretty high and far, but takes a while to recover. Can be used to challenge a lot of moves that other buttons won't reach, but the long recovery makes the move susceptible to whiff punishes. Can stay safe to certain DPs when spaced. Can also be used to catch people jumping out of the corner from further away.

Aerial Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 196 75% SE, N, SP, EX, J LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 10 - 3.0% -

Standard j.A that hits mid. Useful for checking jump-outs when done rising as you can pin a blocking opponent in the air with or recover into falling j.C or sonic.

(Rising Hit)
(Rising Hit)
(Main hit)
(Main hit)
(Rising) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600, 400 343, 245 90% (O) N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 2 (6) 4 - - 6.0%, 4.0% (10.0%) -
(Falling) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400 245 90% (O) N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 4 - - 4.0% -

Aerial button with good range for its speed. A move that hits twice when done rising, and as such often wastes air counter hits without hard reading for a confirm. The first part of the move hits upwards, and the second part hits downwards.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 588 90% (M) N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 10 - - 7.0% -

Everyone's favorite move. Lots of active frames, and good recovery when done close to the ground. Used for jumpins, air-to-air, pressure. Rising j.C is a good preemptive mash move because of active frames.

Can be used to set up a fuzzy overhead on Nero, Warachia, Akiha, V.Akiha, Seifuku, Kouma, Ries and Ciel with rising j.C > j.2B > etc. but very hard on everyone but Nero and Warachia.

Command Normals

MB C-Arc 3C Clash.png
(Clash Boxes)
(Clash Boxes)
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 80% (M) SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 3 22 -10 10.0% Clash 9-12

An upwards swipe that launches opponents on hit. There are clash frames on her head before the hitboxes come out, and has a disjointed hitbox above her head. Can't rebeat after this move.

4C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300, 1000 (1108)
/ 800
/ 294
90% (M), 65% (O) (N), (SP), (EX), (J) LH, LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 2 (2) 9 33 -24 3.0%, 10.0% (13.0%)
/ 8.0%

Arcueid does a rising knee strike, only used as a combo tool. Thrusts the enemy upward on hit. It does not thrust in combo.

4[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 294 50% (O) N, SP, EX, J H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
35 9 36 -27 (18) 8.0% -

Becomes cancellable on block and an overhead when charged. Long recovery and startup make this move pretty much useless and not worth going for as 5[B] is a way better option in every situation.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
750 392 100% -SP-, -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 8 14 2 (TK) 8.0% -

A claw dive with not-so-many active frames. Big recovery (which can be cancelled into specials upon landing), has situational uses, hits mid. Good tool to mix up your air movement. Good at catching neutral/back-teching in the corner after j.2C ender, especially useful against character which are hard to catch with j.624A, such as Satsuki. Has the added benefit of also hitting OTG, after which you can easily catch techs with properly timed 5AA or go for a meaty option.

If blocked in the air, it can set up a guardbreak situation with 22B or 623B. On hit, it can be converted in several ways depending on how low to the ground it hit, via 22B, 623B, Rekka, or 2A/2B. Refer to the Combos section for the full routes.

first hit
first hit
2nd hit
2nd hit
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600, 800 (1282) (627) 100% (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 2 (16) 3 3 -15, 3 (TK) 8.0%*2 (16.0%) -

2-hitting mid attack with some interesting properties. Mainly used as a neutral tool to change your trajectory or extend your airdash to escape, and (more importantly) as a combo ender, as the second hit gives a ground techable knockdown. You can catch people teching after it with a properly timed j.624A (back/forward) or with j.2B (back/neutral), you can also react to the forward tech with 5A as the animation is really obvious and takes more time.

Can be advantageous on block if done at a very low height but the large gap in the middle of the active frames limits its use in pressure as it consistently loses to the opponent pressing during this gap.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
Ground Throw
MB C-Arc Throw 2.png
Ground Throw Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 474 40% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 1 20 - 0.0% -

Wall splats in the corner and can be converted into an unburstable combo with 22A (2nd hit only) > 623C. Also lets you set up a meterless techtrap situation in the corner using 624{A} (on back/neutral/no tech 624A comes out, and on forward tech 236{A} comes out).

~2 Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 379 40% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 1 20 29~37 0.0% -

Hold 2 to slam them next to you with a hard knockdown. The preferred version midscreen as it gives some oki instead of resetting to neutral entirely.

Air Throw
Air Throw
MB C-Arc Throw Air.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1600 (Raw)
1200 (Ender)
474 30% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2 1 12 4~12(ender) 0.0% -

Arcueid grabs the opponent by the neck and slams them to the ground just before landing. Switches sides if not touching the corner wall(assuming there is enough space). As a starter, it bounces the opponent off the ground and can immediatly be followed up with any attack, but most often it is converted with 2B > 2C > ... . As a combo ender, it causes an untechable knockdown with Arcueid landing at a further distance from the opponent.

Shield Bunker
Shield Bunker
214D in neutral or blockstun
MB C-Arc 214D.png
Bunker Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 196 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 4 19 -5 0.0%
(-50.0% in blockstun)
Clash 1-10
(Clash) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 196 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 19 -5 0.0%/-50.0% Strike 1-7

Downward swipe. Moves Arcueid slightly forward.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 6 25 - -100.0% (min) Full 1-21

Standard heat but quite short. Cannot kill.

Circuit Spark
Circuit Spark
A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
MB C-Arc CSpark.png
MB C-Arc CSpark Air.png
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 10 20 - removes all Full 1-39
Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 10 15 - removes all Strike 1-30

Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

Special Moves

Special Movement

Forward Dash
MB C-Arc 66.png
MB C-Arc 66 Crossup.png
Crossup Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 (min) 15 1 - - Full 8-22

Special forward dash that makes Arcueid jump behind the opponent on contact. Does not trigger if the opponent is in the corner, with no space inbetween them and the wall. If you input an action (like a jump) immediately after the crossup, the direction will be reversed as if done while still on the pre-crossup side. Can also be used to bait wakeup reversals thanks to having full invul during its active frames.

Can be used as an extra layer of mixup on okizeme on most characters (can't be used on knockdown vs. Sion, VSion, Ciel and Ryougi), but mostly as a gimmick due to being mashable on reaction for the opponent unless you had truly massive amounts of advantage beforehand.

Grounded Specials

You're in the way!
(EX: I'm going to get a little serious...!)

(~236A/B / 214A/[A]/B/[B])
MB C-Arc 236AB.png
MB C-Arc 236AB BE.png
MB C-Arc 236AB 236AB.png
MB C-Arc 236AB 236AB BE.png
MB C-Arc 236AB 236AB 236AB.png
~236A/B Ender
~236A/B Ender
MB C-Arc 236AB 236AB 214AB.png
~214A/B Ender
~214A/B Ender
MB C-Arc 236AB 236AB 214AB BE.png
~214[A/B] Ender
~214[A/B] Ender
MB C-Arc 236C.png
A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 294 100% -CH-, -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 5 18 -5 6.0% -
  • Starter hit, uncharged. Can be as low as -1 on block when spaced.

A: Arcueid swings her arm forward, with a pinkish-purple aura following it. Moves forward.
B: Same as above, but the attack pushes Arcueid slightly further.

[A/B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 70% (O) -EX- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
30 3 12 13 / 8 10.0% -
  • Charged first hit. Does not go into the rest of the rekka. Extremely advantageous on block. Hitbox is separate from Arcueid herself, resulting in situations where the opponent hits Arcueid, but the move comes out and hits them back, allowing her to get a counter hit combo, most notably after 5C>236[A]. The hitbox being separate also makes it extremely to punish her after the move is shielded. All of these properties make this move very useful for pressure. Can be completely low-profiled by only a handful of moves.

[A]: Pulls the opponent towards you on ground hit(also on block), pulls them upward on air hit. Used during blockstrings for resets.
[B]: Sweeps the enemy, pulls less upward than [A] version on air hit. Core combo tool for BnB and 50/50 setups.

~236A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 196 100% -CH-, -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 5 17 / 25 -4 / -12 3.0% -
  • Second hit, uncharged.

A: Arcueid swings again, moving her even further.
B: Same as above, but she moves further.

~236[A/B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 70% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
22 5 18 -5 10.0% -
  • Second hit, charged. Does not go into the rest of the rekka. In the corner used to fish for counterhits and opponents jumping out. On hit, launches the opponent upwards in an untechable state, resulting in easy, highly damaging confirms. Can combo from counter hit 236A/B as well provided you're close enough.

[A]: Shoots enemy in a steep arc, shoots further on air hit.
[B]: Same, but moves less forward.

~236A/B (Ender) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 392 100% (EX) LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 3 37 -28 7.0% -
  • Last hit, cannot be charged.

A: Arcueid swings one more time. Low-positioned hitbox.
B: Same as above. Goes further.

~214A/B (Ender) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 686 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 2 23 -7 10.0% -
  • Alternative rekka ender.

A: Downward swing, hits mid. Hard knockdown on hit.
B: Same as above, but goes slightly further.

~214[A/B] (Ender) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 686 100% - HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
27 2 23 -7 10.0% -
  • Charged version of the above.

[A]: Hits overhead. Hard knockdown on hit.
[B]: Same, but moves further.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600, 120, 150*3, 600, 120*4, 800, 300 (2716) (2423) 100% - LHA (1-10, 12), LA (11)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+8 69 53 -32 -100.0% Full 1-14

Automated version of Arcueid's rekka. Hits low at the beginning of the last part (11th hit). Unsafe on block. Can be used to reverse through moves 22X wouldn't reach as well as to punish moves that other options would not reach, a notable example being Nero's summons.

What are you doing...!
MB C-Arc 623A.png
MB C-Arc 623A 6X.png
MB C-Arc 623B.png
MB C-Arc 623B 6X.png
MB C-Arc 623C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 490 90% (O) -CH- LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 4 19 -9 7.0% -

Low-hitting claw strike, hard knockdown on hit. Used as a combo ender for extended combos where other enders won’t work.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 784 75% (O) -CH-, -EX-, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 6 17 -5 10.0% -

Air-unblockable upper claw strike. Good preemptive grounded anti-air tool. Whiffs on crouchers so usage in pressure and hitconfirms is limited.

A~6X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 490 50% (O) (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 1 27 -10 4.0% -
B~6X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 490 50% (O) (SP), (EX), (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 2 23 -7 4.0% -

6X followup, can be done even on whiff. Arcueid advances for a launching claw strike. Jump cancellable on hit, and if done from 623B you can also cancel into any special on hit.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500, 300*6, 600 (2316) (1644) 70% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+6 13 (15) 1 25 -14 -100.0% -

Multihit EX version similar to 623A~6X. Wallbounces on hit. Can OTG relaunch if the combo hasn’t used any bounces. Interestingly, Arcueid’s hurtbox is vertically smaller than crouching normally until the second part.

Ready... Go!
MB C-Arc 214AB.png
MB C-Arc 214B A.png
MB C-Arc 214B C.png
MB C-Arc 214C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 392 100% -EX- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 5 12 1 10.0% -
B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 490 60% (O) -CH-, -EX- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14 8 15 -5 7.0% -

Arcueid charges in.

A: Goes a short distance. Plus on block.
B: Goes about double A's distance, can be plus on block if spaced correctly. Has multiple followups performable even on whiff, see below:

B~A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- - 29 - - Full 6-20
B~B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300, 800 196, 294 80% (M), 65% (O) (N), (SP), (EX), (J) LHA*
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 2 (2) 9 33 -24 3.0%, 8.0% (11.0%) -
B~[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 294 50% (O) N, SP, EX, J H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
35 9 36 -27 8.0% -
B~C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 392 100% (CH), EX LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 5 26 -13 7.0% -
B~C~C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 X 0 - - -

214B Followups:

~A: Performs a dash teleport similar to H/F-Arcueid's 421A, but with shorter distance. Not a very useful tool.
~B/[B]: Performs 4C/[C]. Lets you go into 4C routes from further out where 2C > 4C won't connect.
~C: Performs a 5C which wallslams even if the opponent is grounded. Homing jump pursuit usable on hit, which can be be converted using the same routes as 5C~C with better proration.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800, 600*2, 1000 (2602) (1877) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6+7 8 18 -11 -100.0% Clash 2-8

Arcueid charges, and follows with an automatic air combo if the first hit lands. Finishes on a hard knockdown. Has a clash box before going forward but it isn't active on frame 1.
Not a great reversal for many reasons, there is no reason to use this over her other reversals in 22B/C or 236C. You'll probably never use this.

Quiet! (Fly!)
MB C-Arc 22A.png
MB C-Arc 22B.png
MB C-Arc 22AB 66AB.png
MB C-Arc 22X 66C.png
MB C-Arc 22C.png
(2nd last hitboxes are repeated)
(2nd last hitboxes are repeated)
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700, 500 (1125) (543) 100% CH LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 2 (1) 7 36 -25 7.0%, 5.0% (12.0%) -

Arcueid rises up in the air with an upward slash. Air unblockable, no invicibility, 2 hits. Most often seen in metered corner throw combos.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600*2, 300*2 (1666) (992) 100% CH LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 (1) 7 47 -36 6.0%*2, 4.0%*2 (20.0%) Full 1-8

Arcueid jumps up much higher. 4 hits. Meterless and invincible until after the 2nd hit. Input can't be crossed up, making it incredibly powerful against L/R oki that isn't a safejump. Disgusting reversal but don't overuse it.

A~66A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 294 50% (O) -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 6 3 -13 5.0% -
B~66B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 294 50% (O) (EX) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14 6 3 -40 5.0% -

Forward slash followup, often EX cancelled into j.624C to convert into an air combo.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1800 980 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+10 6 3 -16 (Best) -100.0% -

Metered followup. Wallslams on hit.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600*2, 500*2, 300, 500*2, 300 (3134) (2122) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+2 35 40 -45 ~ -54 -100.0% Full 1-11

EX reversal, the bigger hitbox and faster startup allows you to beat some moves, setups or safejumps that would win against 22B. Performs 2 slashes in succession. No followup.

It's useless!
MB C-Arc 63214AB.png
MB C-Arc 63214C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 70% (O) -N-, -SP-, -EX-, -J- L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 9 23 (9) -6 (8) 10.0% -

Arcueid jumps back and sends a low-hitting energy wave to the ground. Cancelable into anything just before landing. Has crazy hitstun, can easily go into a combo on hit in the corner.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 70% (O) -N-, -SP-, -EX-, -J- L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 9 29 (9) -12 (8) 10.0% -

B version sends Arcueid much further back. About the same as A version otherwise. No real use, you probably misinputed this while doing TK 624B.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000*2, 1500 (2460) (1658) 70% (O) - L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+17 9 32 1 -100.0% -

A bigger, 3-hit version. Can be used to make low rekka ender safe, at the cost of 100% meter and returning to neutral. C/H Moons can dodge it on reaction and punish the recovery.
On hit it can be linked into 22C in the corner for additional damage.

Aerial Specials

Quiet! (Fly!)

MB C-Arc j.22A.png
MB C-Arc j.22B.png
MB C-Arc 22AB 66AB.png
MB C-Arc 22X 66C.png
MB C-Arc j.22C.png
(2nd last hitboxes are repeated)
(2nd last hitboxes are repeated)
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600*2 (1111) (543) 100% CH LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 3 (1) 4 18 - 6.0%*2 (12.0%) Full 1-5

Very fast, invincible air upward slash. Because it only hits above Arcueid it's inconsistent when used as an air reversal, along with it being extremely unsafe on hit, block and whiff unless canceled into an EX sonic.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*2, 400*2 (1632) (894) 100% CH LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 4 (1) 4 (3) 4 15 - 4.0%, 5.0%, 4.0%*2 (17.0%) Full 3-6

Jumps up much higher, 4 hits. Startup is just as fast but not frame 1 invincible.

A~66A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 294 50% (O) -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 6 3 - 5.0% -
B~66B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 294 50% (O) (EX) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14 6 3 - 5.0% -

Forward slash followup.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1800 980 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+10 6 3 - -100.0% -

Metered followup. Wallslams on hit.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700, 500, 600, 500, 600 (3134) (1775) 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+3 28 9 - -100.0% Full 1-6

EX reversal. Performs 2 slashes in succession. No followup.

MB C-Arc j.63214AB.png
MB C-Arc j.63214C.png

Air sonic. Arcueid swipes in the air. Recovers while airborne. Incredibly strong and versatile with huge frame advantage on block, great hitbox which crosses up and some funky properties. Used in pressure, used in neutral, used in combos, it's the thing that makes C-Arcueid extremely frightening and powerful. Only true weakness is its susceptibility to being low-profiled. Refer to the Sonic section of General Gameplan at the top of the page for more information.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 70% (O) -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 17 1 (TK) 10.0% -

Launches Arcueid upward if done rising/TK'd, launches downward if done falling. Horizontal direction of that launch is dependent on your previous air momentum.
Gives incredible frame advantage when done falling (+5 ~ +13 depending on the height), allowing for easy followups on grounded opponents and guard breaks on jumping ones.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 70% (O) -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 17 1, 2 (TK) 10.0% -

Arcueid instead moves lightly back and downwards when performed, making her land quickly when TK'd.
The hitbox is a bit wider than A Sonic but the falling frame advantage is much worse (-8 ~ +7 depending on the height). The height it needs to be done at to be plus is significantly lower than for A Sonic, often resulting in Arcueid being at a disadvantage if not used directly above the ground.
Mostly used as a TK in combos for loops and in pressure to setup frametraps/pressure resets and safely pressure the opponent hoping to catch their jump out attempt for big damage. Other properties are the same as A version.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900*3 (1954) (1703) 70% (O), 95% (M) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+5 4 17 - -100.0% -

Hits 3 times. Maintains momentum, recovers in the air. Used for OTG relaunching or meterdumping in MAX mode.

Arc Drive

MB C-Arc AD AAD.png
(Chain textures unavailable)
(Chain textures unavailable)
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
0, 350*10, 700 (3310) (2299) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15+1 2 54 -37 removes all Full 1-19

Fullscreen-wide chain attack, hitbox reaches about Arcueid's height in the animation. Air unblockable hitgrab. Can be used as a whiff punish or a reversal if the situation desires. Hard knockdown on hit.

Another Arc Drive

Melty Blood
41236C during Blood Heat
MB C-Arc AD AAD.png
(Chain textures unavailable)
(Chain textures unavailable)
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
0, 350*10, 700*8 (5352) (4069) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14+1 2 61 -44 removes all Full 1-25

Works the same as Arc Drive, but ends in more damage and a ground-techable wallslam.

Last Arc

Shall we play around a bit?
Aerial EX Shield during Blood Heat
MB C-Arc LA.png
Universal version (it tracks)
Universal version (it tracks)
MB C-Arc LA Tohno Nanaya.png
Tohno/Nanaya variation
Tohno/Nanaya variation
Universal Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1400*7 (3800 ~ 7500) (3200 ~ 6100) 50% + 50% * remaining BH time - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+7 17 - - removes all Full 1-?

Full Screen. Light from heaven strikes the opponent from above. Requires EX Shield in the air during blood heat, damage varies on time left for blood heat. Breaks opponents meter for 220f. only use this if you know it will kill. Shieldable

Nanaya/Tohno Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600*18 (3450 ~ 6700) (2800 ~ 5450) 50% + 50% * remaining BH time - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- 43 - - removes all Full 1-?

The LA variation for Tohno and Nanaya. Different visual effect as well. Damage numbers taken from Nanaya.

General Gameplan

C-Arcueid's general gameplan revolves around using her above average movement to maneuver around the opponent’s neutral tools, and then overwhelm them in the close range with her simple yet terrifying pressure.

Her quick to accelerate dash allows her to control the ground, allowing her to slip into her effective range at a moment's notice.

Her air mobility may seem rather generic, but she has a slew of dominating air tools which make engaging with her in air-to-air exchanges rather risky for the opponent, allowing her to effectively control her airspace with threat alone.

Lastly, her ability to convert almost any hit into corner carry with above average damage is one of her more defining traits. The sheer damage output combined with the positional advantage makes taking risks with her much more rewarding should they work out in your favor.

Overall, C-Arcueid is a character with exceptional strengths, possessing essentially every option a rushdown character would want. She only lacks in ranged options, and as a result she needs to use her movement and tools with care against opponents who can keep her at bay.


As C-Arcueid, your goal is generally to get in and get your pressure started, but you also have the tools needed to control space and play defensively in neutral. Being able to quickly switch between these two states on the fly is the key to manifesting this character's notoriously commanding neutral.

Grounded neutral

On the ground, C-Arcueid is a force to be reckoned with, having great tools in her arsenal for approaching as well as checking approaches from the opponent. A fast run combined with low commitment yet versatile normals means she can test the waters very easily and get in at a moment's notice.

5A is an above average A normal, having a tall hitbox that can still hit crouching opponents, while also retracting her lower body hitbox, allowing it to beat other low grounded pokes rather cleanly at times. 2B is an absolutely godlike normal with a myriad of uses. Has a disjoint at the tip of her foot, and brings her hurtbox extremely low to the ground, allowing her to low profile with ease. Very versatile, can be used to anti air, poke, abare, etc. 2C and 5B are less widely applicable than the previous two normals, but they have their niches as a long range tripguard option and a whiff punish option, respectively. Other than these, C-Arcueid also has 623B as a pre-emptive anti-air, and the Rekka series as a way to check backdashes in neutral.

Air neutral

C-Arcueid can be a veritable wall in the air if she so chooses, with tools such as j.2B (divekick), Air Sonic and the infamous j.C. She can also contest horizontal airspace with her fast and long range j.B, and check air approaces with rising j.A.

j.A is a typical jumping A normal, nothing especially noteworthy. Primary usage will be to check air space while maintaining air options. j.B on the other hand is blisteringly fast for how large its hitbox is, making it especially good in quick air battles. Whiffing it will put you into recovery until landing, so make sure that it'll connect once you decide to throw it out. j.C is godlike. Period. Absolutely dominating, the only things keeping it from being any more broken are its relatively average startup and the angle of its hitbox being susceptible to low profile options (such as Len's catwalk). With 10 active frames, and a disjoint all along her leg, this will be your primary method of controlling the skies and bullying those on the ground. Mixing up your timings is key to making the most of this move, so experiment with various use cases, it will rarely steer you wrong.

j.2B isn't an ordinary divekick, as you stay in place (on startup) before diving downwards at a set angle. This property is extremelty useful for movement purposes as C-Arcueid is otherwise lacking in options to alter her air movement. It has 8 frames of activity, making it extremely useful for blowing through moves directly below you, particularly rising jumping moves which would beat j.C. It is also special cancelable, both on hit AND whiff (upon reaching the ground). This property allows Arc to convert into a combo on hit, and perform some neat tricks, like guard breaking opponents that blocked j.2B in the air by cancelling into 22B. Air Sonic is C-Arcueid's signature move, and will get its own section due to being such a centralizing tool.

Varying your approaches between dash 5A/2B/etc and sj, dash jump and double jump airdash options is key to making the most out of C-Arcueid's kit and will reward you for managing to do so.


C-Arcueid is a very robust character that takes comfort in not only her ability to effectively use rebeats in her pressure, but also a great arsenal of specials to add on to it. Going over some of the specials you will regularly use:

  • 214A/B

Known as elbow. Generally you can use 214A to catch mashing and on the later ends of the active frames you can be plus. In cases where someone is trying to shield your pressure, using 2C > 214A can make the elbow whiff, putting the opponent into recovery from failed shield, usually letting you punish with 2B into a combo. 214B is generally used to catch jump outs, which can lead to an air combo.

  • 236A/B

Rekka, other than its use as a combo ender, sees usage in pressure, with its range of options able to cover many escape options the opponent can go for, or sparingly as a mixup tool. A very powerful special when used properly.

With rekka by itself, you can do either 236B~236B~214B (safe ender), 236B~236B~214[B] (high), or 236B~236B~236B (low). As a combo ender, you want to do 236B~236B~214B, which sets up a safejump with j.C that also lets you OS heat activation with backdash. The timing for the safejump is character specific however (and occasionally height specific) so make sure to study up on the different timing variations.

236B~236[B] is air unblockable and is a solid frametrap to catches jumps or mashes. If it connects it will launch the opponent, granting a combo opportunity.

If you do 236[A] by itself, it will vacuum the opponent towards you and grant you ample plus frames. On grounded hit/trade it will lead into a combo as well.

Rekkas have fairly large stagger windows, so you can occasionally catch someone blocking high as they anticipate the overhead (214[B]) with a very delayed low (236B). On block 214[B] has better frame advantage and while 236A is unsafe, you can either cancel it into 624C on block, which is a knowledge check for the opponent on whether they can dodge or use whichever character specific punish they have, or cancel into 623C for a combo that carries to the corner from anywhere on the screen.

The mindgame of her rekkas uses the threat of 236B~236[B] to allow her to stop at the first rekka and reset her pressure once you instill the fear of a large frametrap in your opponent.

Another common use for it is as a hitconfirm, since it can let you convert into a combo at ranges where 2B won't combo into 2C or 5C, allowing pickups from tip range 2B with 236B~236B~236B > 623C.

  • 624A

Sonic. This special sees most of its use in corner pressure, as it recovers earlier than it seems, allowing for double jumps, or continuing pressure by going into an aerial special move, namely j.624A. Due to Arcueid's backwards movement, it is also capable of punishing some defensive options such as Heat and Shield Bunker. Looping 624A > j.624A > dash 5A/2A/5B on offense is a safe and potent string to force the opponent into choosing riskier options if they want to escape the pressure loop.

  • j.624A/B

The move that defines C-Arcueid, Air Sonic. Disjointed, greatly advantageous on block, has a crossup hitbox, alters air momentum, this special does it all.

j.624B is a primary component in C-Arcueid's combos. j.624A has a variety of uses, such as in air to air situations due to its disjointed and crossup hitbox, as well as a followup option after jumping in on someone or forcing them to block j.C, which is powerful because it's a very good frame trap that also generates a lot of blockstun to set up guard crush situations.

Now on to her pressure in general. C-Arcueid is one of the most robust characters on offense, able to rebeat at many different points for ambiguity in her pressure sequences, while still representing the constant threat of specials such as 236[A], 214A, 214B, 624A that are at her disposal to create on-demand plus frames, terrifying frametrap situations and safe yet threatening pressure with Rekkas. One important thing you need to remember about C-Arcueid is that she cannot rebeat from 5C ever, forcing you to commit to special cancels once you reach it. Here are some basic pressure strings to build your offense from:

  • 2A stagger 2A 5B 2B, w5A - basic rebeat string, spaced for 2B/5B to connect on block afterwards.
  • 2A 2A 2B stagger 2C 236A 236[A] - basic frametrap/jumpout catch string, great reward on hit.
  • 2A 2B 5B 2B, w5A. IAD j.C/j.624A - basic IAD pressure reset string.
  • 2A 2A 5B, stagger 2B 5C 236[A] - 5C > 236[A] beats or trades with the majority of abare buttons unless they're done immediately, forcing a riskier response if the opponent wants to escape.
  • 2A 2A 2B stagger 2C 236A - pressure resetting is possible after 236A provided you have conditioned the opponent.
  • 2A 2A 5B stagger 2C, dl.214A/214B - 2C > 214A at this point should make the 214A whiff, this is for making people whiff shield attempts on the elbow/rekka, letting you punish with 2B.
  • 2A/5A (5B) 624A j.624A 66: Potent and safe pressure string in the corner, loops into itself. Forces a response from the opponent if they do not wish to be guard broken.

These are fairly basic strings that you can use but the important things to remember are that while her pressure options are incredibly potent, they also have fairly clear counterplay (i.e 236[A] being massively plus but jumpable), which means overreliance on any single option will hurt your pressure game quite badly. However, you can get away with a lot by using her rebeats to throw off the timing on the opponent's defensive responses and reset pressure via rebeat whiffs, letting your A normals fully recover since you have blessed frame data on your normals or by using 236[A].


With C-Arcueid, you have three main enders that give different okizeme options, those three being airthrow/j.2C ender, rekka (236A > 236A > 214B) ender and 236[B] ender.

  • Airthrow/j.2C ender: Your only knockdown options off air combos.

Airthrow ender has fairly mediocre oki, leaving you far away midscreen to the point of not being able to meaty, and only having enough frame advantage in the corner for a meaty.

j.2C ender causes a ground techable knockdown, which in the corner lets you go for a techtrap setup. Falling j.624A can potentially catch all tech options depending on timing, and can be spaced to be safe to Heat Activation as well. There are two timings, late j.624A and early j.624A. Late j.624A will catch back and forward tech, and meaties neutral tech. Early j.624A catches back and neutral tech, but doesn't catch forward tech. Succesful techtraps can be converted into a combo off all tech situations with 5B > 2B > 2C > 5{C}. Note that this situation becomes inconsistent if you're going into your aircombo with a lot of forward momentum (i.e sj9 jA > air combo jump-out catch situations) and the opponent can usually forward tech without much risk.

The situation involves some RPS, because on late j.624A the opponent can neutral tech into DP to beat j.624A. However, if you go for early j.624A to catch neutral tech, the opponent can forward tech and punish your landing recovery without being hit. If you read the opponent choosing not to tech and you haven't used more than one bounce in your combo, you can use falling j.624C to OTG relaunch the opponent for a combo extension.

  • Rekka ender: The rekka ender gives a safejump in the corner, with character specific variations on how to perform it:

  • 9, j.C: Ryougi, Miyako, Sion, Vsion, Roa, Mech, Koha, Neco, Hisui, Vakiha, Seifuku, Arc, Ciel, Akiha, Hime
  • Delayed Rekka, 9, j.C: Nanaya, Tohno, Wara, Satsuki, Wlen
  • sj.9 j.C: Warc, PCiel
  • Delayed Rekka, sj.9 j.C: Aoko, Nero, Len
  • Delayed Rekka, short walk forward, 9, j.C: Kouma, Ries

Midscreen, setups using forward jump j.C and sj j.C will crossup and whiff, so you'll have to manually time a neutral jump j.C to safejump instead. However, this presents an opportunity to fake the safejump by doing neutral jump into forward drift j.C to land crossup instead.

You can take this even further versus C-Moon players that really like to use Heat as a defensive option by doing the safejump j.C and then inputting 44 (backdash) before you land. If j.C hits, backdash doesn't come out, as you will be in hitstop, letting you combo or go into your pressure. If they heat, you will land and backdash, avoiding Heat, giving you a punish opportunity. Of course, most C-moon characters can EX shield and counter your safe jump, but you can stay safe to that by meatying with j.624A instead thanks to its projectile property letting you land and block, or blow it up by doing empty jump low, or delay airdash j.C, among other options. Other anti-heat OSes include safejump j.C, land, 4A+B and safejump j.C, land, 2E, which work under the same principle.

  • 236[B] ender: 236[B] can be used at any point in your corner combo as long as you have a wallslam left to set it up with 5C. Since 236[B] pulls the opponent out of the corner, you can use it to set up left/right mixups. The side you land on is determined by various factors; the most common sequence you see to set this up is: ... > 2C > 5C > 236[B]

The side you land on is determined by whether the opponent's body is touching the corner or not. C-Arcueid can throw off her opponent's cognition with various tricks, such as using different delays during the normal sequence above or microwalking the body into the corner before going for the left/right.

You can add additional layers to the mix to further throw them off, like so:

  • microwalk, 9/IAD j.2C/j.C(whiff), land 2A/5B/2B (main L/R mixup)
  • long microwalk 9 j.C (same side high)
  • short microwalk 9 sandoori j.C (crossup high)
  • short microwalk 9/IAD j.2C/j.C(whiff), land 66 2A (gimmicky cornersteal into crossup dash)

The opponent can attempt to RPS this mixup using shield, which you will have to call out using 5B or 2B. Some C-Moon players will choose to heat in that situation, since they don't know which side to block, but you can OS that with 2AA 5B+D or 2AA 5[D]~B.

Additionally, against characters with a pixel cue on their sprite that allows them to see which side you will land on (ie. Sion, VSion), use forward jump into neutral double jump drift instead of forward jump j.2C, as this moves the camera higher and covers the opponent's character giving them a much smaller window to look at the pixel cue.

Knowing all this, it's important to consider the ender you want to use depending on your goal at the current moment. Aircombo into airthrow/j.2C enders will let you squeeze out extra damage for the kill, rekka ender provides safe and consistent pressure, and 236[B] ender forces a guessing game with great reward, as C-Arcueid can fully corner carry the opponent from both options and loop the situation again.


C-Arcueid shows once again on defense that she is a robust character, having various options that your opponent has to keep track of.

22B is a fully invuln DP that cannot have its input be crossed up, making it incredibly powerful again left/right mixups. The follow up, 66B, is cancelable into j.624C for good damage with airthrow/j.2C ender for oki. There is also 22C, which is a bit faster and harder to safejump but isn't used much compared to 22B due to costing meter and forcing a return to neutral on hit.

She also has Heat, EX shield, Bunker, Dodge and a pretty good backdash, but make sure not to overuse these options. In specific situations, 236C can be used as a longer range reversal to get out of oki or pressure situations where 22X doesn't reach, such as against Nero, Hime or Kohamech.

Overall, blocking is still the recommended option. EX guarding, waiting for your turn and jumping out when appropriate renders your other options much stronger, as your opponent will be hard pressed to open you up as is before thinking of your numerous defensive options.


j.624A, or 'Sonic' is a cool move. It covers several of Arc's notable weaknesses, one of which being a lack of crossup normal to catch opponents behind her, and also allows her to control space with relatively low commitment.

Here are some more qualities that make it a noteworthy move:

- Has a disjointed hitbox and 7f startup, making it rather fast for its range.

- Retains air options on recovery, allowing Arc to move rather unexpectedly in the air while sticking out a large disjointed hitbox.

- Has a stupid amount of hitstun, making stray hits turn into confirms rather easily, even from fairly high points on the screen

- Has very little landing recovery, and if the opponent blocks it, Arc will have substantial, potentially even double digit, plus frames. If the opponent blocks it airborne, they are liable to getting guard broken.

- As a special move it has High Counter property, making trading with it still rather advantageous for Arc frame data wise.

- A version stalls her air movement, but retains her air momentum. B version cuts both. This can make her air positioning rather unpredictable.

- Has projectile property, which means that on shield it is virtually unpunishable. Makes contesting her jump ins with shield extremely risky.

Despite this, Sonic has one fatal flaw, that being its susceptibility to low profile options, such as Len’s catwalk, Nanaya 2C, or even C-Arcueid’s own 2B.


For optimal routes, watch Kouki's video:

Please, watch this video. It contains all the information you need to become half decent with this character.

Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X > delay Y Must wait for a short period before cancelling X input into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons X and Y must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Either the X or Y input can be used.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack X with Y follow-up input.
  2. Input X then within a few frames, input Y. Usually used for option selects.
X(w) X input must not hit the opponent (Whiff).
j.X X input is done in the air, implies a jump/jump cancel if the previous move was done from the ground.

Applies to all air chain sections:

  • Assume a forward jump cancel if no direction is given.
  • Air chains such as j.A > j.B > j.C can be shortened to j.ABC.
sj.X X input is done after a super jump. Notated as sj8.X and sj9.X for neutral and forward super jumps respectively.
dj.X X input is done after a double jump.
sdj.X X input is done after a double super jump.
tk.X Stands for Tiger Knee. X motion must be buffered before jumping, inputting the move as close to the ground as possible. (ex. tk.236A)
(X) X is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input X is held down. Also referred to as Blowback Edge (BE). Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input X is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down. This type of input is referred to as Negative Edge.
{X} Button X should only be held down briefly to get a partially charged version instead of the fully charged one.
X(N) Attack "X" should only hit N times.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit.
Air CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit on an airborne opponent.
66 Performs a ground forward dash.
j.66 Performs an aerial forward dash, used as a cancel for certain characters' air strings.
IAD/IABD Performs an Instant AirDash.
AT Performs an Air Throw. (j.6/4A+D)
IH Performs an Initiative Heat.
AD Performs an Arc Drive.
AAD Performs an Another Arc Drive.

Combo Theory

Despite the relative difficulty of C-Arcueid's baseline execution, her routes can be fairly consistent provided you correctly identify the situation and convert your hits with the appropriate route. Listed below are core combo components seen in her most common routes.

  • 5C: 5C is a crucial move in C-Arcueid's combo structure. In the corner, it wallbounces on air hit, allowing the use of 236[B] in your corner combos to perform loops that do incredible damage off many starters. Midscreen, this move enables corner carry combos through the 'Homing jump' property on her 5C~C followup.
  • Midscreen: Arcueid's homing jump is accessible from her 5C~C followup on air hit as well as her 214B~C followup. In most cases you'll be using 5C. The trajectory of the homing jump is dependent on the timing with which you press the air button during the jump. This means that if you press j.C or j.A as soon as possible after 5C~C, your airheight will be lower, while delay j.B will leave you higher.

Below are the two most common strings you will use to convert off 5C~C homing jump:

  • 2C 5C~C (dl) j.B land 5A 5B 5C...
  • 2C 5C~C j.A dl j.C or j.C dl j.B land 5B 2B 2C 5C....

While these combos appear similar, choosing which one to use depends on the area of the screen you are in. If you are too close to the opposite corner, only doing dl j.B will not grant you enough time to land and complete the combo due to the earlier wallbounce, causing the followup combo to drop. Conversely, if you are too far from that corner, the j.A j.C routing won't carry the opponent far enough, causing the combo after to be hard to continue, if not outright impossible.

The easiest way to plan your routing is to check what area of the screen you are on. If you were to split the entire stage in half, alter your routing based on what half you are on relative to the corner you're facing. If you are on the FAR side of the screen, it's best to use j.B. If you're on the NEAR side of the screen, it's best to use the j.A delay j.C and sometimes j.C delay j.B routes for max range 2B 2C starter. A third scenario which can arise is the absolute fullscreen variant, in which j.B might not be able to carry you completely to the other corner. In this case, there are alternative combos available, and they will be addressed in later sections.

One thing to note is that generally, half charging 5C is recommended for tip range hits (e.g tip range 2B), as 5{C} moves Arcueid forward a good amount, allowing you to connect the sequence after without dropping the combo.

Another thing to consider is that due to j.A's fairly limited range, the j.A j.C routes might not work if you are at tip range, or wasn't point blank against certain problem characters that have thin air hurtboxes. Using halfcharge 5{C}~C might help, but it's an important skill to recognize when the combo won't work and go for the j.C j.B route or settle for the dl j.B route ending in aircombo into j.2C instead, as an inferior combo is still preferable to a dropped combo.

Lastly, homing combos may seem like the best choice in almost any scenario due to its consistency, but keep in mind that homing has its own damage scaling applied to it, so in cases where you need more damage to kill the opponent, it would be better to perform other routes, such as 4C combos, instead.

  • Corner: In the corner, C-Arcueid can use 5C's bounce on air hit to go into her corner loops, which deals incredible damage, builds obscene amounts of meter, and even sets up unseeable 50/50 situations. The principle behind these loops is using airhit 5C to combo into 236[B] to cause an untechable float and knockdown afterwards, letting C-Arcueid link into tk.63214B to extend her combo or give her massive frame advantage to set up her oki.

Below is the most common variation of it:

  • (starter) 2C dl.5C 236[B] ...

After this, you can either do tk.63214B 5B 2B to continue the combo, dash 2A 5B 2B to pick up from further out, or go for her left/right.

One important thing to keep in mind as you do these loops is the bounce limit. Many moves in the game causes a bounce on hit against either the wall or the ground, signified by a shockwave that emanates from the point of impact. You are limited to 3 bounces per combo, with the 3rd bounce causing the opponent to become invincible until they recover. For this reason, you generally want to only use 2 bounces per combo to be able to end your combos in a favorable position.

  • 236[B]: The move that enables your corner loops, as it causes float on airhit as well as an untechable knockdown. Generally, you will go into this from a 5C bounce. Therefore, it’s important to keep in mind your bounce counter if you try to fit this into a combo.
  • j.63214B: Most commonly seen during Arc’s optimized corner routes as a TK special, it’s often used after 236[B] connects and allows you to land and link into 5B or 5A depending on combo hitstun, as well as a raw TK mid combo after 2C that uses a grounded jump cancel. There isn’t much to say about the former situation, as it’s very consistent. The latter, however, has some things one should keep in mind. First, the opponent has to be high enough as 2C hit for the 5B link afterwards to connect. Second, as Melty Blood only allows one grounded jump cancel per combo, you can't use more than one 2C > tk.63214B sequence per combo. Something of note is that at high combo hitcounts, approximately 17 hits or more, linking into 5B after tk.624B becomes quite difficult. Therefore, it's recommended that you either use 5A dl5B instead, or simply omit the tk.624B, as the damage loss is negligible at that point in the combo and you don't risk dropping the combo entirely if you mess up.

Mastering these three components by themselves should suffice for most use cases, however, seasoned C-Arcueid players should know of other useful routes to make the most out of every hit, as well as ensure the combo won’t drop due to some inconsistencies of the above tools. Listed below are more situational but nonetheless important combo tools you should get acquainted with.

  • Rekka: The 236X series, aside from being an important combo ender, also has use in hitconfirming tip range hits that 2C 5C~C can’t convert well. 2C 236B~236B~214B will work for all but the absolute max range hits, and can be further converted with meter by cancelling into 623C or linking into tk.632146C. Meterless, it nets you a safejump that’s autotimed for about half the cast and manually timed for the rest. As for the max range hits where 236B~236B~214B can’t connect, 236B~236B~236B will work, and allow you to convert into full corner carry via EX cancelling into 623C, provided you haven’t launched the opponent with 2C beforehand.
  • 4C: A way to convert hits at awkward ranges, such as 1/4th stage away from the opposite corner, with the added benefit of generally being more optimal than 5C~C routes due to not having the scaling applied on the homing jump. Most often you will go into this move from 2C, and continue the combo by airdash cancelling it into a late air button and then landing into 5B or 2C. These routes can fully corner carry, and eliminate the issue of 5C~C routing not working at absolute fullscreen distance. However, this route requires you to be considerably close to your opponent to work, with other problems being having worse oki than 5C~C routes if you don't manage to transition into the corner loops, which can occur due to increased hitstun decay once you've used two 4Cs in the combo.
  • 623C: Otherwise known as EX Claw, this move is one of the reasons why C-Arcueid’s ability to convert stray hits is so strong. On the last hit, the opponent is sent across the screen and gets wallbounced, letting C-Arcueid dash after them and pick up with 2A 5B 2B at the corner for a full combo. It can also OTG relaunch, meaning you can use it to convert knockdowns anywhere on the screen into full corner carry. However, keep in mind that as OTG relaunching uses one bounce and the wallslam uses another, you cannot use another move that causes bounce in the followup combo. You can also use this move to convert ground throw into a full combo in the corner with 22A > land 623C, but do keep in mind that due to the slight bounce of the throw, you might have to input 623C in reverse (as 421C) if you’re too close to the corner, and due to the throw using one bounce, you also cannot use another move that causes bounce in the followup combo.
  • j.63214C: Also known as EX sonic. This move can be fit into most combos in the same places where you’d use tk.63214B, allowing you to dump meter if you so choose to get marginally better damage. Its more exciting use however, is in the fact that it also has OTG relaunch properties. And, unlike 623C, it only uses one bounce instead of two. However, the tradeoff is that you have to be close enough to the opponent in order to be able to pick up afterwards with dash 5B 2B. This move also has situational use as a meterdump tool to quickly exit Max and begin building meter earlier in your combo, thanks to its ability to be easily fit into any part of your combos.

One situation of note is converting the 236B~236B~214B knockdown with this. The conversion is universal, however, it only works if the Rekka series connected with the opponent in the air. This causes them to fall to the ground later than if they were hit grounded, giving you enough time to recover and connect with tk.63214C. Grounded hit 214B ender rekka into tk.63214C can work, but only on Riesbyfe and Kouma.

  • 214B: B Elbow has several situational uses in combos, one of which in that its B and C followups allows you to go into the same routes as 4C and 5C~C from further away thanks to the forward movement of B Elbow. These combos are of note as they are often the optimal route midscreen to go into the corner loops, but require stricter hitconfirming to work since they don't work from 2C. The B followup in combos has to be delayed for both hits of the followup to connect and for the combo to work properly. Another use for B Elbow is that you can link into normals after it hits. This is seen in a universal combo extension with corner 2C dl 214B link 5A at high combo hitcounts, and niche, spacing specific routes from midscreen to corner with 2C dl 5C 214B link 5B. For the first use case, the link is difficult but worth doing if you need to go into MAX, as it works on the entire cast and builds an extra 30% meter, as well as tacking on more damage to your combo at the same time. The latter requires very particular spacing to make 214B hit at the tail end of its active frames, giving you enough frame advantage to link into 5B.

Character specific delays for for 214B~C homing combos:

  • Delay j.B: Wara, Roa, W.Len
  • 214B~dlC, dlj.B: Hime, Satsuki
  • 214B~slight dlC, dlj.B: Ciel, V.Sion
  • 214B~dlC, large delay j.B: Miyako
  • 214B~dlC, slight dlj.A, slight delay j.624A: Ryougi

  • j.63214A: Usually shortened to j.624A, this move is often used in corner throw conversions, alongside 4C, as it bypasses the jump cancel limit letting you extend throw combos to run out the opponent's MAX or Heat duration. Also sees use in midscreen routes, mostly with 4C > airdodge/airdash > j.624A, but this is quite niche and not necessary to know unless you're trying to squeeze every point of damage available from your combo.
  • 63214A: Often seen as a starter from the 5A/2A 624A j.624A pressure loop, as on grounded hit it has enough hitstun for you to land and combo after with 2B. During the corner combo, it’s also possible to get 624A to hit the opponent low to the ground, cancel the air recovery with an air normal and land microwalk to pick up with 5B. Can be done at any point in the combo provided the opponent has the correct height for A sonic to hit them low to the ground but still in the air, and not as an OTG relaunch. Keep in mind that the hitcount at the point where you go for this combo will affect the timing, due to gravity scaling making the opponent fall faster. This extension is great for tacking on damage to your combos into 236[B] oki, as it can be fit into the combo multiple times at any point as opposed to the 214B extension that only works at high hitcounts. However, it does not work on the entire cast due to their thin air hurtboxes not allowing walk 5B to connect. The characters that this does not work on are: Sion, V.Sion, Arc, Warc, Hime, Roa, V.Akiha, Hisui, M.Hisui, Satsuki.
  • 623A/623B: Probably C-Arcueid's least used specials, however, they still have some utility. 623A allows you to secure a hard knockdown from extremely scaled combos where no other ender will work. 623B is used for j.2B standing hit confirms and guard breaks, 623B~6X is used in fullscreen 4C routes to pick up into an air combo at the end, as a confirm for non-counterhit 5AA anti air, even if it requires strict hitconfirming, and lastly as a very niche component in max damage corner combos.


C-Arcueid can combo from most hits. Examples include, but are not limited to:

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Grounded opponent, midscreen/back to corner
  • (2A > 5B > 2B >) 2C > 5C~C > dlj.B (2nd hit) / j.A dl j.C, 5A > (dl) 5B > 5C

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Most common midscreen starter, can full corner carry into corner combo from anywhere with the correct routing.
In/near corner
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B]

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Common corner starter.
  • Air CH, land 66 > 2B > 2C

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Common air CH starter. In the corner, omitting 2C using a ground route such as 2B > dl 2A > 5B > 5C has better proration and allows the combo after to do more damage.
  • j.2B > 22B/236X~236X~214X/623B/2A/2B > ...

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
j.2B conversion. Has various routes depending on the hit (CH, grounded or air, standing or crouching) which are detailed in sections below.
  • 236X~236X~236X > 623C, 66 > 2A

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Sends the opponent flying towards the corner in an untechable state, allowing Arc to pick up after for a combo. Uses one bounce.
  • 2C > 236X~236X~214X, tk.63214C/623C, 66

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
OTG pickup after knocking down an airborne opponent with 214 rekka ender. Uses one bounce for tk.624C, two for 623C. Can work without 2C on Ries and Kouma.
In/near corner
  • CH 236X~236[X], 66 > 2A

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Fairly rare starter, also hard to hitconfirm.
In corner
  • (5B >) 5C > 623B > tk.63214C > 66 > 5B

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Optimal corner starter. Quite niche, but if you can get the hit the opponent is going to hurt.
In corner
  • 6AD > 22A, 2AA > 5B > 2B > 2C

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Ryougi and Roa specific corner throw starter. Extremely difficult link.


Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
  • 236B~236B~214B

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Standard hard knockdown ender, can safejump after with character specific timing (detailed in Okizeme section). The preferred ender for combos if you’re not going for mix.
  • 623A

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
HKD ender for extended combos. Safejump with sj9 jC; requires manual timing on some characters.
  • 5C > dl236[B], dl microwalk 9

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
HKD into left/right mixup. The side you land on is primarily determined by how much you microwalk before the 9 jump. Other ways of manipulating the spacing includes using the forward movement of halfcharge 5C to push the opponent into the corner. Much more threatening than the safejump setup but still incurs some risk; consider using this when in MAX mode for insurance.
  • (4C) > j.(A)BC > dj.ABC > AT

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Airthrow ender. Extremely bad oki, only allowing a meaty in the corner and nothing midscreen; mainly used to kill or timerscam. Add 4C if the preceding hit is 2C (may need to delay), add first j.A as needed given height/proration.
  • (4C) > j.(A)BC > dj.ABC > j.2C

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Similar to airthrow ender, but ends with a techtrap with falling j.63214A (beats forward-tech and back-tech) or j.2B (beats neutral-tech and back-tech), and both OTGs no-tech if you haven't used more than one bounce in the preceding combo, leading into another techtrap situation using 5A. Can also OTG no tech with j.63214C for more damage if you haven't used all your bounces in the preceding combo. Much preferred over airthrow as an aircombo ender, but only use this in the corner.

Beginner Combos

These are the easiest versions of C-Arcueid's most used combos, which beginners should aim to learn before any other. Check the Combo Theory section for more information on how these combos work.

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, anywhere
  • (2A/5A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > 236B > 236B > 214B

Meter Gained: 43% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 12.9%
Day 1 combo. Use this if you want to play right away but can't do the midscreen combo below just yet.
Normal starter, corner
  • (2A/5A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > dl5C > 236[B], dl2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > 236[B], dl 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 138% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 41.4% (Video)
Basic corner loops. This is the foundation for C-Arcueid's notorious corner loops and is vital to playing the character.
Normal starter, back to corner/midscreen
  • (2A/5A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > dl5C~C > dlj.B/ j.A dl j.C, (66) 5A > 5B > 5C > 236[B], dl2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl 5C > 236[B], dl2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 154% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 48.8% (Video)
Basic corner carry route leading into corner loops. This is what you'll be routing into for most midscreen hits. When you're far from the corner, use dl j.B. When you're close, use j.A dl j.C, or j.C dl j.B depending on spacing.

Core Combos

These are the combos C-Arcueid players should aim to learn to truly start playing the character, as they provide access to one of her greatest strengths: the ability to convert any hit into a full combo and okizeme.

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, back to corner/midscreen
  • (2A/5A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > dl5C~C > dlj.B/ j.A dl j.C, 5A > 5B > 5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > dl5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 195%/220% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 179.9%/100.7% (Video)
Midscreen corner carry combo.
Normal starter, corner
  • (2A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > dl5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 179% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 58.4% (Video) (Trial)
Corner combo incorporating TK Sonic loops. If the pickup(236[B] > tk.624B > 5B) after the 15th hit is too difficult for you, omit the tk.624B and use 236[B], 2A > 5B >...
The other solution is doing the last tk.624B as late as possible then doing 5A > dl.5B, which some players may find more consistent

Note: It's possible to do a 50/50 if you cut off everything after the second 236[B], and instead do 9 > j.2C > land 2A. To stay same side, microwalk before the jump and don't microwalk to go crossup.

Full Screen

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66 > dl j.B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C~C > j.BC, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > 236[B] > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 167% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 71.5% (Video)
Simple fullscreen corner to corner combo using 4C and homing jump. Adding the third rep increases your meter gain slightly but gives significantly more meter to your opponent (+70%, so 140% instead of 70%). You can also go straight for the ender instead of doing the second rep to decrease opponent's meter gain.
Normal starter, back to corner/midscreen
  • (2A/5A > 5B) > 2B > 2C > dl5C~C > d j.B (2nd hit) > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > dl5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 202% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 82.0% (Video)
Corner to corner combo. Tip range hits where 5A > 5B > 5C whiffs is salvageable with 5A jc > aircombo.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 214B~C > dlj.B, 5A > 5B > 5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > dl5C > 236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 206% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 89.3% (Video)
Fullscreen corner to corner combo with 214B~C. This combo has character specific adjustments, which are detailed in the 214B portion of the Combo Theory section.


Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal start, anywhere
  • (2A/5A > 5B >) 2B > 2C > 236B > 236B > 214B

Meter Gained: 43% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 12.9%
Day 1 combo. Stays relevant as your most consistent grounded combo and can be further converted with TK 624C.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66 > dlj.C, 2C > 4{C} > j.66 > j.C > j.63214A, 5B > 2B > 2C > 5{C} > 623B~6B > j.BC > j.ABC > AT/j.2C
5082 (5115)
Meter Gained: 158% (59.9%) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 72.1% (Video)
Midscreen knee combo. Good damage, and corner to corner carry, but with worse oki than homing jump routes. However, you can go into the corner combo after one knee if you're close enough to the corner. Charge the first 4C slightly for lower pickups and better range. If the j.66 > j.C > j.63214A pickup after 4C is too tight, you can use j.B instead, or alternatively, use j.2AB > dlj.63214A for an easier and more consistent combo at the cost of 50% meter.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 214B~dlB > j.66 > dlj.63214A, 5B > 2B > 2C > 5{C} > 236[B], j.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > j.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5C > 236[B], j.63214B, 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > Ender
Meter Gained: 228% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 111.4% (Video)
Midscreen to corner combo using 214B~B, can fully corner carry from 3/4th screen away, while building absurd amounts of meter for both you and your opponent. Slightly hitcount sensitive, you should aim for 4 or 5 hits by the time 214B hits. Delay the B followup slightly to ensure both hits connect. Against Miyako, V.Akiha and Ciel, replace j.63214A with j.B. If the full combo is too difficult, it's okay to omit a tk.63214B or two to ensure the combo doesn't drop.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C> 5{C} > 214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > j.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > 5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > Ender
Meter Gained: 166% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 52.4% (Video)
Spacing sensitive elbow combo, works by hitting the 214B late into its active frames to have enough frame advantage to link into 5B afterwards. Works from about roundstart distance to the corner. 5{C} helps lower the opponent's airheight sufficiently for 5B to connect, as well as move Arc forward enough that the 214B after won't whiff.


Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 131% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 39.3% (Video)
Basic corner loop to get you started as you learn the more optimal version, however this is only a temporary solution as you lose out on a lot of damage and meter if you want to go for C-Arcueid's better oki situations from this route. Inconsistencies for certain characters:

2C Whiffs: Ciel, Kohaku, Warc.
Solution: Delay 2C slightly.

Crossup after 236[B]: Aoko, Nanaya, Kouma, Miyako, Kohaku
Solution: Delay 5C even more.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 179% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 58.4% (Video) (Trial)
THE corner combo. If the pickup(236[B] > tk.624B > 5B) after the 15th hit is too difficult for you, omit the tk.624B and use 236[B]>2A>5B>...
The other solution is doing the last tk.624B as late as possible then doing 5A > dl.5B, which some players may find more consistent

Note: It's possible to do a 50/50 if you cut off everything after the second 236[B], and instead do 9 > j.2C > land 2A. To stay sameside, microwalk before the jump and no microwalk to go crossup.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl214B > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 210% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 92.2% (Video)
High hitcount B elbow extension. Adds about 30% metergain to your combo so good if you need the extra meter for Heat or MAX.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl63214A, j.A (whiff) > microwalk 5B > 2B > 2C > j.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, (5A) > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 210% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 79.5% (Video)
Character specific 624A extension. Can be used after every 2C in combos, but timing will depend on hitcount. Does not work on Sion, V.Sion, Arc, Warc, Hime, Roa, V.Akiha, Hisui, M.Hisui, Satsuki.

Miscellaneous combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
j.2B starter, grounded opponent
  • j.2B > 22B~66B > j.63214C > j.66 > j.A > j.C > dj.A > j.B(1) > j.C > AT/j.2C
Meter Gained: -49.1% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 24.7% (Video)
Reliable j.2B normal hit combo, will often connect if you didn't hit j.2B from too high up. Airblocked j.2B > 22B is also a guardbreak situation and can be converted using the same combo. On standing hit, you can cancel into 623B~6B instead of 22B for the same air combo with better damage and no meter spent.
j.2B starter, grounded opponent
  • j.2B > 236X~236X~236X > 623C > 66 > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender
Meter Gained: 12.5% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 81.9% (Video)
Only works when j.2B is hit very low to the ground. Much more reliable on CH j.2B. On standing hit, cancelling into 623B > 623C is an option that works even when j.2B is hit from higher up, albeit for less damage.
CH j.2B starter, grounded opponent, full screen
  • j.2B (CH) > 2B > 2C > 5C~C > j.B(2nd hit) > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender

Meter Gained: 192.3% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 92.3%
Midscreen meterless j.2B CH confirm. Doesn't work if j.2B hit from too high up.
CH j.2B starter, grounded opponent, corner
  • j.2B (CH) > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, 5B > 2B > 2C > dl5C > dl236[B], dlj.63214B, 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender

Meter Gained: 178.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 56.0%
Corner meterless j.2B CH confirm. Doesn't work if j.2B hit from too high up.

Throw combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Throw starter, grounded opponent, corner
  • 6AD > j.BC > j.BC > AT/j.2C

Meter Gained: 42.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 12.6%
Simple combo from throw which leads to airthrow ender/j.2C techtrap.
Throw starter, grounded opponent, corner
Opponent near MAX
  • 6AD > 22A > 623C, (walkback) 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > dlj.63214B, [5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66, j.B > j.63214A]x2, 5B > 2B > 2C > 4{C} > j.66, j.B > j.C > j.63214A, land j.AABC > dj.ABC > AT
Meter Gained: 70.1% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 300%+ (Video)
Unburstable combo which lasts for the duration of C-Moon MAX if started at around 280% meter or more. 623C input has to be done backwards if Arc lands behind the enemy after 22A, which happens when the opponent is very close to the wall. As the combo goes on, the amount you want to halfcharge 4{C} reduces, to the point where the last 4{C} should be barely charged.

OTG Pick ups

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
OTG starter, anywhere
  • 2AA > 2B

Meter Gained: 12 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 3.3
Simple OTG for midscreen/corner, 5A catches all techs in the corner
OTG starter, corner
  • 2A(A) > 5B > 5C, dl.236[A]

Meter Gained: 23 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 6.9
A variation of the above combo for corner, you can time it so that 236[A] catches back and forward techs and hits meaty on neutral tech.
OTG starter, anywhere, 100% meter
  • (5B/2B > 2AA) > 623C > 66 > 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > j.63214B > 5B > 2B > 2C > ender

Meter Gained: 26.8% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 34.0%
100% meter OTG to bring the opponent into the corner from anywhere.
OTG starter, corner
  • 66 > 2AAAA(A) > 5C~C > j.AAAB > j.63214A, 2AAAA > 5C~C > j.AAAB > j.63214A, 2AA > 2B

Meter Gained: 125 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 50
5A catches all techs after 2B, doesnt work on W.Len, Len, Neco Arc and Neco Arc Chaos.


    - During the corner wall bounce combos, almost every component of the loop has to be delayed (where 'dl' is noted). This is needed to keep the opponent as low as possible without hitting the ground.

- Inconsistencies with corner loop for certain characters:

2C Whiffs: Ciel, Kohaku, Warc.
Solution: Delay 2C slightly.
Crossup after 236[B]: Aoko, Nanaya, Kouma, Miyako, Kohaku
Solution: Delay 5C even more.

    - If you are having trouble with the j.63214B 5B link, make sure to input the TK as low to the ground as possible.

Additional Resources

C-Arcueid Match Video Database
C-Arc combo compilation

Notable Players

Name Color Region Common Venues Status Details

Arc Color24.png

Brazil Netplay Active Found In Reverse Beat Brasil. Strongest C-Arcueid player in the region.

Arc Color23.png

Japan A-cho, KoreWaMelty Inactive

Arc Color20.png

North America AnimEVO, Climax of Night Inactive

Arc Color17.png

Japan Netplay Inactive

Arc Color05.png

Japan A-cho, KoreWaMelty, Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd Active Incredibly strong C-Arcueid player with large amounts of footage. Technical treasure trove, he's the one to watch to find tech for every situation imaginable.

Arc Color27.png

Japan Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd Inactive

Arc Color11.png

North America Netplay Active 5a 624a j.624a 66

Arc Color20.png

North Latin America Netplay Active Player from the LAN region who has shown great performance in recent years with a fairly strong playstyle. (Videos waiting to be published. The uploader has been a little lazy lately)

Players to ask in the community

Last updated: 2/1/2024
Opinions may differ between players and not all may agree on the same topic.

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doot dooterinos English

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