Melty Blood/MBAACC/Powered Ciel/Full Moon: Difference between revisions

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== Character Page Progress ==

== Additional Resources ==
== Additional Resources ==
[ F-P.Ciel Match Video Database]<br>
*[ F-P.Ciel Match Video Database]<br>
[ TexasTim's F-PCiel Video Guides Playlist.] Many of TexasTim's routes are more CMV style combos with either impractical execution or significant downsides such as generating large amounts of meter for your opponent. Players interested in more practical or entry-level combos may prefer to learn the routes listed in the combo section further below.
*[ OnionLust's Combo Doc (WIP)]
*[ OnionLust's Oki Doc]
*[ TexasTim's F-PCiel Video Guides Playlist.] (Disclaimer: Many of TexasTim's routes are more CMV style combos with impractical execution or other significant downsides such as generating large amounts of meter for the opponent. Players interested in more practical or entry-level combos may prefer to learn the routes listed in the combo section further below.)
*[ m's matchup chart (2024)]

== Overview ==
== Overview ==
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[[File:MBAACC_p_ciel900_08.png|link=]] '''F-PCiel''' is an oppressive space control monster with brutally punishing combos and offense.
[[File:MBAACC_p_ciel900_08.png|link=]] '''F-PCiel''' is a slow, powerful zoner with brutal offense.
*'''Space control:''' With large, disjointed tools such as Grand Zappa, Rapid Stake, Virgin Pain, and a wide variety of huge buttons, F-PCiel excels at controlling the pace of neutral.
*'''Range:''' Oppressive fullscreen projectiles, huge normals, and a fully disjointed halfscreen 236A.
*'''Combo depth:''' F-PCiel heavily rewards time spent in the lab, with combo routes that convert any stray hit into fullscreen corner carry and okizeme, and advanced unburstable routes thanks to her unique airthrow.
*'''Abare:''' One of the fastest sweeps in the game, and one of the largest 4 frame 2As.
*'''Meter management:''' Very high meter gain from combos, and many tools with which to safely dump meter, allowing her to take full advantage of Full Moon's unique meter mechanics.
*'''Antiairs:''' Arguably the best grounded antiairs of the entire cast in 623A and 2B.
*'''Antiairs:''' F-PCiel possesses multiple top class antiairs in a game where most characters struggle in ground-to-air situations.
*'''Deep combo routes:''' Fullscreen corner carry and okizeme from any hit, and advanced airthrow loops which allow her to deny the opponent's MAX and checkmate them via timeout.
*'''Pressure:''' The plus frames of 624B and 236[A] combined with the forward movement of many of her normals allow her to loop her pressure infinitely against opponents who do not take risks or correctly utilize system mechanics to escape.
*'''Meter management:''' Very high meter gain, and good uses for meter in every game state.
*'''Projectile okizeme:''' High quality knockdowns give her enough time to pull 624B rocks after finishing combos, allowing her to attack her opponent's wakeup without fear of many reversals.
*'''Projectile okizeme:''' Unreactable high/low okizeme, enforced by 624B rocks which heavily restrict the opponent's wakeup options.
*'''Comboable throw:''' In a game where throws are hard to defend against but typically yield low reward, F-PCiel's throw allows her to deal upwards of 3k damage and generate over 100 meter, making her strike/throw offense truly terrifying.
*'''Pressure:''' Easily loops meterless plus frames into advancing normals, forcing opponents to take risks to escape from the corner.
*'''Comboable throw:''' Any throw leads into 2-3k damage and generates a full combo's meter.
*'''Great options out of shield:''' Strong shield followups in any situation, most notably 623A.
*'''High execution floor:''' Unconventional cancel options, spacing-dependant knockdowns and a barrage of half-circle inputs mean that much of her rewarding offense is gatekept behind far higher than average execution by Melty Blood standards.
*'''High commitment neutral tools:''' Many of F-PCiel's grounded tools have significant recovery, making them susceptible to whiff punishing.
*'''Lackluster defense:''' A mediocre defense modifier and lack of reversals outside of system mechanics make the punishment for losing neutral severe.
*'''Limited mobility:''' Her ground dash has high unactionable startup, her super jump covers a very short distance, and her airdashes are mediocre, making neutral awkward when fighting other zoners.
*'''Heavy:''' Poor aerial mobility results in somewhat linear approach options and an uneven matchup spread as she struggles to get in on characters with superior zoning.
*'''Takes a lot of damage:''' PCiel has a poor defense modifier, and her large hurtboxes enable exclusive high-damage combos on her, meaning she is punished heavily for her mistakes.
*'''High commitment neutral tools:''' While she possesses an array of incredible grounded pokes, the vast majority of them have significant recovery and are susceptible to whiff punishing.
*'''High jump startup:''' Uniquely has the slowest jump startup in the entire game, reducing the effectiveness of fuzzy jump defense and making her unable to escape from Half/Full moon shield counters.
*'''Cannot anti-shield OS:''' Due to her high jump startup, PCiel is the only character in the game who cannot jump cancel and block Full and Half moon shield counters.
*'''Combos are easy to reduce:''' Rhythmic, repetitive loops result in her practical damage often being much lower than it appears on paper.
*'''Banned:''' F-PCiel is one of nine characters included in the [ FinalTuned banlist] enforced by Japanese tournament organizer Akaimelon, meaning any time spent learning the character will be wasted if you plan on competing at the BigOne2nd arcade in Saitama.

== Players to watch/ask ==
== Notable Players ==

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!width="170"|Name!! width="105"|Color
!width="170"|Name!! width="105"|Color
!width="125"|Region !! Common Venues !! Status !! Details
!width="125"|Region !! Common Venues !! Status !! Details
|[ Kouki]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| Japan || Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd || Inactive || C-Arc legend with a surprisingly good pocket F-PCiel. The most technical F-PCiel player by a considerable margin, with excellent conversions and high consistency at the character's more advanced combo routes. Currently retired due to personal circumstances.
|[ Hirohiro (ひろひろ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|  
|[ Hirohiro (ひろひろ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|  

| Japan || Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd || Inactive || The most prolific arcade F-PCiel main. Fairly aggressive and mobile for an F-PCiel player, using a lot of ground dash and 623B to rapidly reposition. Tends to stick to more basic, practical routes, focusing more on consistency rather than maximization of reward. Retired to play DBFZ.
| Japan || Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd || Inactive || Formerly the most prolific arcade F-PCiel main. Very aerial neutral with a focus on proactively putting out large, low commitment hitboxes to control space. Tends to stick with simple, reliable combo routes. Has a remarkable talent for finding gold air throws.
|[ Sunohara (すのはら)]|| style="text-align:center;"|  
|[ Kouki (コウキ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|

| Japan || A-Cho || Inactive || A very old school PCiel player who has tri-mained all three PCiel moons since the release of Current Code. Has a less modern F-PCiel than the above players, relying more on strong fundamentals rather than fully exploiting the unique aspects of the character, but still very strong.
| Japan || Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd || Active || C-Arc legend with a surprisingly good pocket F-PCiel. Highly aggressive, always looking to force mixups in neutral and bully opponents in close range scrambles. The most optimal F-PCiel by a considerable margin in terms of combos.
|m|| style="text-align:center;"|  
|[ m]|| style="text-align:center;"|  

| Europe || Netplay || Inactive || The top F-PCiel outside of Japan. Patient, grounded playstyle with strong meter management, and a simple okizeme flowchart focused on restricting the opponent's defensive options. Retired, but can be contacted via the [ Powerd Gaming] server on Discord.
| Europe || Netplay || Inactive || The top F-PCiel outside of Japan. Defensive, grounded neutral gameplan focused on controlling the midscreen and intercepting approaches. Practical combo selection, good meter management, and a robust okizeme flowchart designed to minimize risk. As seen on [ Will it Kill].
|[ God Hand]|| style="text-align:center;"|  
|[ Sunohara (すのはら)]|| style="text-align:center;"|  
| Japan || A-Cho || Inactive || A very old school PCiel player who has tri-mained all three PCiel moons since she was added to the game in version 1.05. Plays a balanced, grounded neutral game, combining zoning with aggression. Does some unique 623AA>2C extensions in midscreen combos.

| North America || Netplay || Inactive || The former top NA F-PCiel. Plays an evasive style, using a lot of 623B and backdash to create space, then filling that space with a wall of projectiles.
|[ TSA]|| style="text-align:center;"|
|[ TSA]|| style="text-align:center;"|

| Japan || A-Cho || Inactive || A rock minimalist who excels at using F-PCiel's more traditional tools to control space.  
| Japan || A-Cho || Inactive || C-Kohaku specialist with many strong secondaries, including F-PCiel. Likes to approach from the air.
|[ Zakuro]|| style="text-align:center;"|  
|[ Wau (わう)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| Japan || Port 24 Yagoto || Active || The up and coming arcade F-PCiel main of the modern era, regularly found at Port 24 freeplays on [ Yume's channel]. Confident and aggressive, with consistent hitconfirms and very good pressure. Random colour user.
|[ Zakuro (ザクロ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|  

| Japan || || Inactive || A rather dated F-PCiel, but one who shows off the full depth of the character's high okizeme potential.
| Japan || Game Fuji Ichikawa || Inactive || A player with very creative okizeme, showcasing the full variety of setups available to the character.  

== General Gameplan ==
F-PCiel is a slow, somewhat technical zoner, with a high reliance on good positioning and half-circle inputs. She excels at controlling space with her infamous Grand Zappa rock projectile, bullying opponents on the ground with an array of incredible pokes, and shooting them out of the sky with her stellar antiairs. Once she has her opponent pinned down, she can easily beat them into submission with her suffocating okizeme and pressure.
F-PCiel's main grounded pokes are '''5B''', '''2C''' and '''236A,''' which allow her to outspace the vast majority of the cast. If an opponent approaches her from the air, she can defend herself with '''2B''', her '''623X''' series, or a well-spaced rising '''j.C'''. She also possesses a highly potent fireball style projectile in '''214A''', and strong jump-in normals in '''j.B''' and '''j.C'''. On top of all of this, her '''624B''', the notorious rock, is one of the most versatile and oppressive projectiles in the game, singlehandedly allowing her to dictate the pace of neutral in most matchups.
After securing a knockdown, F-PCiel can pull a '''624B''' rock before attacking to greatly restrict her opponent's defensive options, forcing them to defend against her strong overheads like '''j.A''' and '''3[B]'''. During pressure, she can easily obtain frame advantage with plus on block moves like '''2A''', '''236[A]''', and '''624B'''. Her offense is incredibly difficult to disrespect, and she excels at abusing overly cautious defense with her devastating '''throw'''.

== General Gameplan ==
To somewhat balance all of this, F-PCiel can struggle somewhat when knocked down in the corner, having fairly low HP and lacking reliable reversals outside of system mechanics. Fortunately, her toolkit synergizes very well with her Full Moon system mechanics, with great options such as '''623A out of shield''' and good pokes to challenge with after '''EX Guard'''. Her high meter gain also grants her a fearsome '''comeback factor''', able to easily force herself into MAX to turn the tide of a losing round with '''Initiative Heat''' or '''Circuit Spark'''.
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While an unconventional character by Melty Blood standards due to her limited movement options in the air, F-PCiel is incredibly strong, usually occupying a spot around the top 10 in modern tier lists. Her flaws are significant compared to most other top tiers, but her extreme strengths more than make up for them; in the hands of a skilled player, F-PCiel can feel truly overwhelming to play against. A strong F-PCiel's opponents will find themselves frustrated in neutral, and pulverized into dust in the corner.

=== Neutral ===
=== Neutral ===
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<u>'''Long range'''</u><br>
'''624B:''' Rocks are generally safe to pull at long range. Can be played around aggressively or defensively, to hold your ground or to claim large amounts of space and safely approach.
'''214A:''' Quickly and effectively denies grounded approaches, and gives large frame advantage on block if you dash in after it. Use this to force opponents to either jump or shield.
<u>'''Mid range'''</u><br>
'''624B:''' Rocks are still strong here, but are a large frame commitment vulnerable to aggressive approaches. Useful against passive, conditioned opponents or as part of a mixup with her other midrange tools.
'''5B:''' Very big 8f button, allows F-PCiel to easily outpoke most of the cast. Somewhat difficult to whiff punish, but susceptible to being low profiled.
'''Dash 5B:''' Surprisingly fast and long range approach option. Useful for catching passive opponents waiting to bait and whiff punish something else. Good pressure starter.
'''236A:''' Extremely strong and fast tool to check grounded opponents and disrupt zoning at mid range. Useful for discouraging grounded aggression as it beats almost anything on the ground and is generally only weak to air approaches.
'''236[A]:''' Slower, larger version of 236A. Good in certain situations, but generally not as useful as 236A due to the higher frame cost. Very high reward if it hits near the corner.
'''214A:''' Similar in application to 236A, but a little safer in exchange for being slower and less rewarding on non-counterhit. Cannot be whiff punished from the ground, unlike 236A. Good at forcing opponents into the air or trading with other projectiles.
'''623A:''' Quickly puts you into an aggressive position in the air, while also acting similarly to a conventional j.9A check against aerial approaches due to its low commitment.
<u>'''Close range'''</u><br>
'''2A:''' Big 2A. F-PCiel's fastest move on the ground. Good in most situations where it can reach the opponent, and goes into anything you want on hit or block.
'''5B:''' 5B. Still a very good button to press at close range if 2A won't reach.
'''2C:''' Higher risk, lower reward version of 5B. Slightly shorter, but is faster, cannot be low profiled, and lacks a hurtbox until active. Very unsafe on whiff.
'''623A:''' Antiair/scramble move. Relatively safe to whiff, making it generally a good option to use if you feel scared.
'''2B:''' Low risk antiair and counterpoke. Strong hitbox, high active frames, low recovery. Very safe defensive button to check a lot of options without giving up your current position like 623A does.
<u>'''In the air'''</u><br>
'''j.C:''' Very large, very disjointed air-to-air, with a jump-in crossup hitbox. Somewhat slow, so it is more effective the earlier you press it. The disjoint extends upwards, making it easy for grounded opponents to antiair at most spacings.
'''j.B:''' Deep, disjointed jump-in. Beats most antiairs when spaced, but is vulnerable to antiair shield due to PCiel's inability to jump out of air normals.
'''j.A:''' Very fast, very active close range button. Good in aerial scrambles and easily confirmed on non-counterhit with j.236AA.
'''Airthrow:''' High risk, high reward callout against opponents looking to exploit PCiel's lack of cancel options on block in the air. Feels amazing to land, but pretty unsafe.
'''624B>j.B:''' A good way to attack the ground from the air while staying safe. Useful to pin down aggressive grounded movement and gain solid momentum from the frame advantage.
'''j.214X:''' A good way to protect your landings if your opponent is seeking to chase down your air movement. Its high recovery is easy to exploit if the opponent is looking for it, however.
'''j.236AA:''' A divekick, kind of. Not very good due to the high landing recovery, but can sometimes be used as an escape option if all other movement options are exhausted.

=== Pressure ===
=== Pressure ===
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'''5B>6B>624B:''' Simple, strong pressure sequence which can be looped into itself indefinitely in the corner. 624B is +4 on block at minimum, and 5B and 6B move forward, allowing the 624B to connect in an airtight string against crouching opponents. Weak to EX guard.
'''Throw:''' Extremely rewarding throw. Good to structure your pressure around due to the high risk of many defensive actions that beat throw.
'''2A/5A:''' +2 and +3 on block respectively. Fast, low hitting A normals. Good for setting up tick throws and catching people who stand tech.
'''3[B]:''' Relatively fast overhead. Forces a high/low mixup at close range, but generally ends pressure if blocked.
'''236[A]:''' +13 on block. Large, slow, and unshieldable. One of F-PCiel's highest damage starters in the corner. The frame advantage makes it a useful way to reset pressure after pushing yourself out. Also useful as a highly rewarding  callout for many defensive options such as jump or shield.
'''624A:''' Sometimes useful for punishing low mashes capable of poking underneath 624B. Forces opponents into pre-block from very far away, so it can be used to prevent people from holding upback.

'''5C:''' Low invuln move which combos into 236[A] on counterhit for very high damage in the corner. Can be used in throw mixup scenarios as a high reward way to beat low mash/low shield.

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=== Okizeme ===
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<u>'''Mixup options:'''</u><br>
'''High:''' 3[B], falling j.A, late airdash j.A.
'''Low:''' 3B half charge>2C, empty jump 2A, late airdash j.6C whiff>2A.
'''Throw:''' Throw.
<u>'''Setups (236A Ender)'''</u><br>
'''624[B]:''' After 236A, pull a charged rock. The rock will hit with a slight delay, leaving a large window of ambiguity where you can either strike, throw, jump, or do nothing. Meaty 2A into a 3B mixup will be airtight, since the rock will hit at the timing between 2A and 3B.
'''Delay 624B:''' After 236A, walk backwards slightly or whiff 5A then pull an uncharged rock. Usually done after a rock loop with too few reps for 624[B] to connect afterwards. The rock will hit earlier than it would uncharged, meaning anti-meaty options such as wakeup shield or bunker are stronger and require more active counterplay.
'''624B>j.B:''' After an uncharged 624B setup, jump forwards and hit the rock with j.B. Allows for a very safe meaty as you do not make contact with the enemy yourself. Puts opponents into a lot of blockstun, but certain options within this setup can lose to fuzzy 5A mash.
'''624A>624A:''' After 236A, whiff one 624A followed by another 624A. Another safe meaty option, but with less blockstun, allowing you to threaten throw afterwards.
<u>'''236C Ender Setup'''</u><br>
'''624B:''' After 236C, pull an uncharged rock. Similar to a normal uncharged 624B setup, but a little tighter due to 236C's weaker knockdown compared to 236A.

=== Defense ===
=== Defense ===
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'''Patience:''' Recommended. PCiel's low health and large hitstun hurtboxes make it very punishing for her to be hit in the corner, so the risk/reward on many defensive actions is skewed heavily against her.
'''EX Guard:''' As a Full moon, F-PCiel has access to EX Guard. Very useful to get into the habit of using, as it pushes opponents away and creates openings in their pressure with essentially no opportunity cost.
'''j.7>sdj9:''' Despite PCiel's high jump startup, upback is still a reliable defensive option in many scenarios, and her super double jump is one of her few movement options which covers a similar distance to the rest of the cast, allowing her to return to midscreen with relative safety.
'''Shield:''' Arguably the character's most reliable defensive option due to her ability to cancel it into 623A, which, unlike shield counter, is inescapable once the shield has been triggered. PCiel's strong shield makes it rewarding to wait for options that can be shielded on reaction, or as a challenge to attempts to enforce frame advantage.
'''Bunker:''' Good, long range bunker. Can be used to escape from multi-hitting pressure reset moves, or as a lower reward, slightly lower risk alternative to shield.
'''Backdash:''' Surprisingly good backdash. Very strong for escaping midscreen pressure, but has fairly high recovery, making it vulnerable in the corner.
'''2A:''' 4f low mash. Good for disrespecting neutral or +1 frame advantage against characters with 5f A normals, and as a relatively safe way to check dashes.
'''2C:''' 6f sweep. High risk, medium reward. Extremely fast for its range, allowing PCiel to challenge opponents in many situations they may not typically expect. Very good for forcing trades due to its lack of a hurtbox on startup. Also very unsafe on whiff, often resulting in full crouching grounded punishes.
'''623A:''' 5f bufferable move. Can be a good defensive tool in many situations due to the fast startup and very strong hitbox, and is relatively safe on whiff or block.
'''623C:''' 1f EX move that sends you into the sky. Very good at disrespecting gaps in pressure, but has a high cost.
'''236C:''' Long range EX move with some invuln in the middle, allowing it to go through projectiles sometimes. Not very reliable, and extremely unsafe if blocked.

== Combos ==
== Combos ==
The below combos are intended primarily as a starting resource for beginner F-PCiel players. I would encourage you to think of F-PCiel combos less as a strict series of inputs from start to finish and more like a series of individual chunks that you can fit together depending on the situation. F-PCiel's combo routes are very flexible, and the ability to adjust them depending on situation will come with experience and watching a lot of Hirohiro and Kouki match footage. Good luck!
The below combos are intended primarily as a starting resource for beginner F-PCiel players. I would encourage players interested in learning F-PCiel to think of her combos less as a strict series of inputs from start to finish and more like a series of individual chunks that can be fit together depending on the situation. F-PCiel's combo routes are very flexible, and the ability to adjust them depending on situation will come with experience and watching a lot of Hirohiro and Kouki match footage. Good luck!

=== Normal Combos ===
=== Normal Combos ===
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     |condition=Beginner, Midscreen
     |condition=Beginner, Midscreen
     |input=* 5B>6B>2C>3C>j.B>2C>236A
     |input=* 5B>6B>2C>3C>j.B>2C>236A
     |note= Basic, easy midscreen confirm ending in 236A knockdown that works anywhere. 2C>3C>j.B forms the core of most of F-PCiel's grounded confirms, so learning the timing on the j.B delay will prepare you to learn the more advanced routes.
     |note= Basic, easy midscreen confirm ending in 236A knockdown that works anywhere. 2C>3C>j.B forms the core of most of F-PCiel's grounded confirms, so it is important to learn the timing for the j.B delay early.

Line 113: Line 225:
     |condition=Corner Carry, Midscreen
     |condition=Corner Carry, Midscreen
     |input=* 5B>6B>2C>3C>j.B>6B>2C>623A~X>2A>236A
     |input=* 5B>6B>2C>3C>j.B>6B>2C>623A~X>2A>236A
     |note= Standard midscreen bnb. Mostly consistent across the entire cast, and will take you from corner to corner allowing for 624[B] oki. j.B must be delayed for the 6B to connect, and the 623A must be delayed for all of the hits of the followup to connect and allow you to combo it into 2A.
     |note= Standard midscreen bnb. Mostly consistent across the entire cast, and goes from corner to corner allowing for 624[B] oki. j.B must be delayed for the 6B to connect, and the 623A must be delayed for all of the hits of the followup to connect and allow it to combo into 2A.

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     |condition=Midscreen transition into corner loop
     |condition=Midscreen transition into corner loop
     |input=* 5B>6B>2C>3C>j.B>6B>2C>3C>624B>j.B>2A>3B>2C>624B>3B>2C>236A
     |input=* 5B>6B>2C>3C>j.B>6B>2C>3C>624B>j.B>2A>3B>2C>624B>3B>2C>236A
     |note= Advanced combo which transitions from the midscreen route to the corner rock loop if you are close enough to the corner. In general, the 3C before 624B will need to be delayed in order for the rock to connect. If you are not close enough for 2A to connect after 624B>j.B, you can end with 2C>236A instead.
     |note= Advanced combo which transitions from the midscreen route to the corner rock loop when close enough to the corner. In general, the 3C before 624B will need to be delayed in order for the rock to connect. After 624B>j.B, 2C>236A can be used as an ender if 2A will not reach.
     |condition=Air CH, Midscreen  
     |condition=Air CH, Midscreen  
     |input=* (Air CH) 2C>3C>j.B>rest of combo
     |input=* (Air CH) 2C>3C>j.B>rest of combo
     |note= Easy air CH pickup. You can pick up air CHs with 2B>3B>2C if you are close enough, but it can be awkward to space and time so it is generally not worth it to go for it over simply picking up with 2C.
     |note= Easy air CH pickup. 2B>3B>2C can be used instead at close ranges, but it can be awkward to space and time so it is generally not worth it to go for it over simply picking up with 2C.
Line 152: Line 264:
     |condition=Rock Loop, Corner
     |condition=Rock Loop, Corner
     |input=* 5B>2C>3C>j.B>2B>(3B>2C>624B)x3>3B>624B>3B>2C>624B>3B>2C>236A
     |input=* 5B>2C>3C>j.B>2B>(3B>2C>624B)x3>3B>624B>3B>2C>624B>3B>2C>236A
     |note= Essential corner combo. The damage, meter gain and knockdown granted by this combo are essential in making your hits threatening as F-PCiel. Against certain characters, or with too many hits in the opening ground string, getting 3 full loops in the first half becomes impossible and you must instead go for 2.
     |note= Essential corner combo. The damage, meter gain and knockdown granted by this combo are essential in making F-PCiel's hits threatening. Against certain characters such as Satsuki, or with too many hits in the opening ground string, getting 3 full loops in the first half becomes impossible and the third must be omitted.
     |condition=236[A] starter, Corner
     |condition=236[A] starter, Corner
     |input=* 236[A]>66>5B>3C>superjump cancel>airthrow>j.236A~X>2A>5A>3B>2C>624B>(rock loop)
     |input=* 236[A]>66>5B>3C>superjump cancel>j.C>j.236A~X>2A>5A>3B>2C>624B>(rock loop)
     |note= Far 236[A} starter into rock loop. From closer ranges, you can pick up 236[A] with 66>3B>2C>3C>j.B instead, but be aware that the 236[A] will have used up one of your bounces.
     |note= Far 236[A} starter into rock loop. From closer ranges, 66>3B>2C>3C>j.B can be used to start a rock loop for higher damage, but be aware that the 236[A] will have used up one groundbounce.

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     |description= One of the unfortunate low kick style 5As, meaning it cannot be used as an emergency antiair. Fortunately, F-PCiel has a variety of extremely strong antiairs that make the lack of an antiair 5A relatively insignificant.  
     |description= Low-hitting kick. Slightly slower and shorter than 2A.

The slower startup and shorter range compared to 2A make it generally less desirable as a starter, but during pressure, 5A's faster recovery compared to 2A makes it preferable for setting up redashes for tick throws and such.
+3 on block.
Line 227: Line 339:
     |description= A midrange poke with good startup, and extremely good range due to the way it physically slides her collision box forward to give it even greater range than the hitbox alone would suggest. This move is difficult to whiff punish on the ground, but the recovery makes it rather easy to punish if it whiffs vs an airborne opponent.
     |description= Midrange poke with good startup and a wide variety of cancel options. Physically slides PCiel's collision box forwards during its animation, giving it deceptively very long range.

The high placement of the hitbox also leaves this button susceptible to being low profiled, and as such it loses a lot of its power in matchups against characters with strong low profile moves, such as Arcueid's 2B.
The high hitbox makes this move susceptible to being low profiled.
Line 245: Line 357:
     |description= 5B followup. The poor proration and extremely high pushback render this move practically useless in pressure or combos, and in neutral it suffers from high startup and recovery, making 5BB a move that you will almost never want to use.
     |description= 5B followup. Not very useful for anything due to a combination of high proration, high pushback, high startup and high recovery.
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|caption= Named 'Idol Kick' in the game's files.
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     |invuln=Low 3-25
     |invuln=Low 3-25
     |description= Named 'Idol Kick' in the game's files. This move slides you forward a decent amount, making it useful in pressure to counteract the pushback caused by EX Guard during standard 5B>6B>624B strings.
     |description= Long range, sliding kick with lower body invulnerability. Strong on paper, but held back by the fact that it halts all dash momentum on use and generally does not lead to a full combo against crouching opponents.

Has relatively fast lower body invincibility and good range on paper, but it completely halts your dash momentum upon use, has limited cancel options, and is very unsafe on whiff, which limit its usefulness in neutral.
Deals slightly more damage and prorates slightly better than 2C, making it optimal for standing confirms into 3C.
Line 296: Line 408:
     |description= A very good 2A. It's fast, has good range, and hits low, making it your go-to option if you need a fast button on the ground.  
     |description= Fast, low kick with very good range for its speed. One of the better 4 frame normals in the game, good at everything a 2A needs to do.

2A (or 2AA) into 3[B] will become a gapless blockstring if done meaty during standard rock okizeme, which makes establishing meaty 2A an important part of your offense as it gives you a safe high/low mixup on block. As an A normal, however, it is susceptible to both high and low shield, so be sure to represent other options.
+2 on block.
Line 322: Line 434:
     |description= While this move is rather small, its long active frames and disjointed hitbox make it extremely powerful in the right situations. As an antiair, 2B's hitbox will either cleanly beat or trade with most air buttons that aren't sufficiently disjointed. As a grounded footsies tool, 2B's long active frames make it a situational, but strong counterpoke that is relatively safe to put out thanks to its low recovery compared to F-PCiel's other grounded tools.
     |description= Short range attack with a good hitbox, high active frames, and low recovery. Useful as an antiair or as a counterpoke against characters who extend a lot of green.
+0 on block, and beats high shield.
Line 329: Line 443:
|caption= Rich white girl sweep.
Line 343: Line 457:
     |description= One of F-PCiel's most notorious moves, and for good reason. This sweep has only '''5 frames''' of startup, making it an obnoxiously powerful defensive abare tool. The fast startup comes at a cost, however, as the 42 frames of recovery make it extremely easy to punish if it whiffs for any reason.  
     |description= Low sweeping kick. Extremely fast for its range, with only '''5 frames''' of startup. Does not extend any green before becoming active.

2C is a very good poke when used aggressively as it does not extend any green before becoming active, meaning that when spaced correctly it cannot be stuffed by your opponent's counterpokes and will at worst trade in your favour. In matchups where your opponent cannot low profile 5B, however, it is generally safer and more rewarding to use 5B instead.
Very dangerous to whiff due to its high recovery.
Line 354: Line 468:
==== Jumping Normals ====
==== Jumping Normals ====
* P.Ciel's air normals cannot be canceled into other air normals, double jump, air dashes or air throw. They can still be Special/EX canceled on block, however.
* PCiel's air normals cannot be canceled into other air normals, double jump, air dashes or air throw. They can still be Special/EX canceled on hit or block, however.
* j.A does not recover in midair, P.Ciel must land before recovering if j.A isn't canceled.
* j.A does not recover in midair, P.Ciel must land before recovering if j.A isn't canceled.
* If PCiel's j.B, j.C, or j.6C connect with a 624B rock's active frames, she immediately enters a completely neutral state and can take any action, including blocking.

===== <span class="invisible-header">j.A</span> =====
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.A</span> =====
Line 377: Line 492:
     |description= A niche, but strong air-to-air button thanks to its startup, active frames, and upwards angle. j.A hits overhead twice, making it an important part of F-PCiel's high/low okizeme in the corner when combined with empty jump 2A.
     |description= Two hit upwards kick. Launches opponents upwards on hit, even when grounded. F-PCiel's fastest air normal.

On ground hit, j.A can be confirmed with 3C superjump, and on air hit with j.236A~X into 2A for a full conversion even if both hits connect.
Both hits of j.A hit overhead.
Line 403: Line 518:
     |description= A very deep and disjointed jump-in, and an essential combo tool. On air hit, j.B will slam and ground bounce, which can be picked up into a full combo if you are at a low enough height.
     |description= Deep kick directly below and in front of PCiel. Very disjointed jump-in. Groundbounces on air hit, allowing for combo continuations.
While j.B is a strong jump-in on paper, it has a few nuances which make it risky to rely on excessively. PCiel's inability to cancel her air buttons into movement makes her jump-in attempts particularly susceptible to antiair shield, and j.B has rather low hit/blockstun, meaning that it can be difficult to fully abuse its deep hitbox without making followups on grounded hits very tight or impossible depending on spacing. Its hitbox is also rather small and covers a highly specific angle, making it easy to outspace or dash under.
Line 429: Line 542:
     |description= A simple horizontal air-to-air button, with an excellent disjointed hitbox and a crossup hitbox behind PCiel. While the disjoint and active frames are strong, j.C's relatively slow startup makes this button dangerous to press carelessly, and it should be used very pre-emptively in air-to-air situations to avoid being stuffed.
     |description= Long, disjointed horizontal kick with a slight upwards angle, and a crossup hitbox behind PCiel. Extremely powerful air-to-air spacing tool, especially when done with backwards momentum.
Line 455: Line 568:
     |description= A short attack with poor proration and high pushback on block. Mostly sees use as a staple move in the corner rock loops, and as part of F-PCiel's high/low mixup with the fully-charged variant of this move.
     |description= Short overhead swing. Hits mid when uncharged. Knocks airborne opponents down to the ground into a small groundbounce.  
Useful as a combo tool, and one half of F-PCiel's grounded high/low mixup when half charged into 2C.
Line 471: Line 586:
     |description= A rather fast grounded overhead by Melty Blood standards. Canceling 3B into 2C after only partially charging it leads to a fake overhead into low mixup. Confirming this can be rather difficult, as you only have 2C to confirm whether or not you will need to follow up into a combo with 3C, or cancel into something safe on block.
     |description= Charged 3B. Overhead. Rather fast for a grounded overhead by Melty standards.

If you hit an airborne opponent with 3[B], this move will put them into a higher-launching untechable ground bounce. Mostly not practical, but has some application in certain extended routes.
On air hit, knocks opponents to the ground into a higher launching groundbounce, which looks very cool but is not very practically applicable.
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     |description= A very useful blockstring and combo filler move. PCiel moves forward a great deal during 6B, making it an essential part of her rock pressure as looping 5B>6B>624B will allow her to stay in indefinitely without being pushed out if the opponent does not EX Guard.  
     |description= Long step forward into a donkey kick. Sends opponents flying into a wallbounce on hit.  

This move wallslams in the corner, meaning that any confirm using 6B in the corner will have one fewer bounce to work with than usual unless you reset the bounce limit with an airthrow.
Slides forward a great deal, making it useful in pressure and midscreen combos.
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     |invuln=Low 11-24
     |invuln=Low 11-24
     |description= Despite its appearance, 3C extends a massive hurtbox upwards before becoming active, making it rather unreliable as a defensive antiair. Can be super-jump canceled by holding 8 for certain conversions.  
     |description= Flip kick upwards. Pressing 8 after this move will perform a super jump cancel on hit. Not a good antiair despite its appearance, due to extending a large hurtbox upwards before becoming active. Whiffs against most crouching characters at most ranges.
Mostly a combo tool, but has some niche anti-jump applications in corner pressure.
Line 547: Line 664:
     |description= j.6C has shorter range than j.C and blows back on hit, making it impossible to convert into a combo in most situations. Generally only seen as a misinput j.C.  
     |description= Short, disjointed command normal that covers above and in front of PCiel. Knocks back into a wallbounce on hit.
Not a very useful move as j.A does most things it does better.
Line 572: Line 691:
     |description=A ground throw that gives no knockdown but acts as a combo starter, leading to dramatically higher reward than most throws in the game. As it is a throw, the resulting combo is also burst safe for the entire duration, making it even more rewarding if your opponent is nearing full meter as you can force them into MAX and then combo them for the entire duration, denying them access to one of their most potent defensive options.
     |description= Ground throw that gives no knockdown but acts as a combo starter. As a throw, the resulting combo is also burst safe for the entire duration.

PCiel's throw is an absolutely essential part of her offense due to the extremely high reward and difficult nature of defending against throws in Melty Blood, and the proper abuse of throw will make this character truly terrifying to defend against when combined with the proper punishes for common anti-throw options.
Dramatically higher reward than most throws, giving a full combo worth of (30% prorated) damage and meter.
Line 598: Line 717:
     |description=A somewhat odd airthrow that allows PCiel to maintain all of her air movement options when done raw, and can be special/super canceled if done mid-combo. The latter property makes airthrow a staple combo tool for 3C superjump conversions and burst safe routes via canceling it into j.236A~X.
     |description= Somewhat odd airthrow that retains cancel options while leaving the opponent airborne, allowing for combo extensions afterwards.
Resets the bounce limit when used mid-combo, allowing for very long combo extensions with correct routing.
Line 624: Line 745:
     |description= Standard Full Moon Shield Counter. Can be followed up with 2C>3C for an easy combo.  
     |description= Standard Full Moon Shield Counter. Launches on hit for an easy pickup with 2C.

While a perfectly servicable option out of shield, F-PCiel's access to a 5 frame special cancel in 623A makes Shield Counter generally obsolete due to its susceptibility to jump cancel block, unlike 623A which is fast enough to trap your opponent and become practically guaranteed to connect.
Generally overshadowed by 623A out of shield, but still a useful option in certain situations due to its invulnerability.
Line 683: Line 804:
     |invuln={{Tooltip | text=Strike 1-7| hovertext=1-15 Strike invicibility on whiff.}}
     |invuln={{Tooltip | text=Strike 1-7| hovertext=1-15 Strike invicibility on whiff.}}
     |description=Big Bunker. Can be low profiled by certain attacks.
     |description= Very long Bunker. Can be low profiled by certain attacks.
Line 707: Line 828:
     |invuln=Full 1-19
     |invuln=Full 1-19
     |description=Second fastest heat startup in the game along with Hime's. Initiative Heat is virtually always a superior use of MAX, so you likely won't be using this very much.
     |description= Second fastest heat startup in the game along with Hime's. Generally not as useful as Initiative Heat.
Line 749: Line 870:
     |invuln=Strike 1-30
     |invuln=Strike 1-30
     |description=Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.
     |description= Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. Susceptible to airthrows if performed in the air.
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     |description= A disgustingly disjointed midrange poke with surprisingly fast startup and good frame data on block for its size. On hit, 236A knocks your opponent fullscreen into an incredibly long untechable knockdown, allowing you to follow up with dash>5A whiff>dash into a meaty for okizeme from any screen position, or pull a charged 624[B] rock in the corner.
     |description= Large, very disjointed grounded poke. Knocks opponents into a fullscreen, untechable knockdown on hit. PCiel's hurtbox retracts during the startup, similarly to C-Nero's 5[C].

236A is one of F-PCiel's most important grounded pokes as the disjoint is powerful enough to cleanly beat almost anything your opponent could attempt to contest your grounded space with when spaced correctly. It is disjointed enough to cleanly beat tools that are usually virtually uncontestable such as F-Hime 2C or C-Nero 5[C], and trade favourably with anything that it cannot outright beat.
-1 on block, but very high recovery makes it unsafe to whiff.

While it may be tempting to rely on this move excessively in neutral, the very long recovery and low to the ground hitbox makes it a prime target for aggressive superjump or IAD approaches, so it is often smarter to play around your opponent's response to the threat of this move than to expect them to engage with it on your terms once established.
F-PCiel's primary combo ender, giving enough frame advantage for 624[B] setups.
Line 799: Line 920:
     |description= The charged version of 236A maintains its ludicrous disjoint while becoming almost twice the size, unshieldable, and '''+13''' on block. The slower startup limits its application in neutral to a few niche scenarios in certain matchups, but it is universally an incredibly potent pressure tool which leads to massive reward on hit and a practically guaranteed pressure reset if it is blocked.
     |description= Charged 236A. Trades twice the startup for twice the range. Blows back into a wallbounce on hit, and deals incredibly high guard bar damage if blocked.

On hit, 236[A] blasts the opponent fullscreen and wallbounces them, which can be picked up in the corner with either 3B>2C>3C at close range, or 5B>3C>superjump at slightly farther ranges.  
+13 on block, air unblockable, and unshieldable.
Line 817: Line 938:
     |description= A slower, upward angled version of 236A which is sadly air techable on normal hit and ground techable on counterhit. While the angle and disjoint would suggest this move has good potential as an antiair, the poor startup and even worse recovery make it largely impractical, especially when compared to amazing antiairs such as 623A and 2B.
     |description= Slower, upward angled version of 236A. Launches opponents upwards into air tech on hit, and ground tech on counterhit.
Not very useful as an antiair due to its high startup and recovery, and not very useful in combos due to its weak hit properties.
Line 833: Line 956:
     |description= 236[B], much like 236B, is also fairly underwhelming, as it maintains all of the flaws of its uncharged version while also not being comboable on normal or counter hit, due to being hard-coded to cause an uncomboable launch into ground tech on hit. One of F-PCiel's very few moves that can be described as truly useless.
     |description= Charged 236B. Launches opponents upwards into an uncomboable ground tech.  
Arguably F-PCiel's worst move. It's hard to think of a single use for this.
Line 849: Line 974:
     |description= A highly damaging hitgrab that gives hard knockdown on hit. While the knockdown is weaker than 236A, it is still strong enough to pull an uncharged 624B rock and get okizeme, so it sees a lot of use as a combo ender if you need to vent meter at the end of a combo or aren't at a far enough spacing for 624[B] to connect with your opponent.
     |description= Highly damaging, sliding hitgrab that gives hard knockdown on hit.
Weaker knockdown than 236A, but can be used to convert OTGs into a hard knockdown that still gives enough frame advantage to pull an uncharged 624B.

Has some invuln in the middle, making it an occasionally decent way to disrespect projectile pressure, but the high cost and high risk mean you really shouldn't rely on this.
236C's startup is invulnerable, but this does not extend into its active frames, limiting its reliability as a reversal.
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|caption2=623A~X followup
|caption2=623A~X followup
|name=Shaft Drive
|name=Shaft Drive
Line 879: Line 1,009:
     |cancel=-CH-, -J-
     |cancel=-CH-, -J-
     |guard=LH (1), LHA (2-3)
     |guard=LH (1), LHA (2-3)
     |active={{Tooltip | text=11| hovertext=3 hits. 5, 3, 3}}
     |active={{Tooltip | text=11| hovertext=3 hits. 5, 3, 3}}
     |description= One of F-PCiel's most important moves, and one of the best antiairs in the entire game. Despite looking like a DP, 623A has no invuln. However, 623A does have:
     |description= A very fast, very disjointed rising antiair that launches PCiel into the air. Has three hitboxes, one on the ground which is air unblockable, and two in the air which are air blockable.
*4f startup
*Two '''very''' disjointed hitboxes (one grounded hitbox which hits once, one hitbox in the air which hits twice)
*11 active frames
*Air unblockable first hit
*Double jump cancelable recovery, even on whiff
*A fast and relatively safe divekick followup

The proper implementation of 623A is absolutely essential to playing neutral with F-PCiel, as this move will singlehandedly allow you to shut down aggressive aerial approaches from your opponent and make them think twice about contesting your airspace, allowing you to take advantage of their hesitation in whatever way you see fit.  
Jump cancelable and cancelable into 623A~X on whiff, block or hit.

This move also functions as PCiel's equivalent of a rising j.A, as it puts her into the air with a hitbox and lets her move afterwards, unlike her actual j.A which lacks cancel options.
Does not possess any invulnerability, despite its appearance.
While it is often not possible to convert an aerial hit with this move into a full combo due to the second hitbox's two hits nullifying the untech time of counterhits, 623A~X allows you to gain a solid advantage from even non-counterhit 623As if your opponent is low enough for the followup to connect.
623A is also one of F-PCiel's most important general purpose abare options in ambiguous scrambles due to its startup and hitbox combined with forcing your opponent into a disadvantageous RPS situation on block with the mixup of double jump versus 623A~X, and converting into a full combo on grounded counterhit with 623A~X.
Line 910: Line 1,029:
     |active={{Tooltip | text=X| hovertext=Active until landing.&#010;Multi-hit. 2 xN&#010;Has a 2f-long hitbox on landing which causes knockdown, but it only takes effect if this attack has hit a grounded opponent before landing.}}
     |active={{Tooltip | text=X| hovertext=Active until landing.&#010;Multi-hit. 2 xN&#010;Has a 2f-long hitbox on landing which causes knockdown, but it only takes effect if this attack has hit a grounded opponent before landing.}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.&#010;17 if counting the landing hitbox.}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.&#010;17 if counting the landing hitbox.}}
     |description=623A followup. The majority of this move's hits will knock opponents downwards into a ground-techable knockdown, but there is a final unique hitbox that activates when landing which launches opponents into a comboable groundbounce if they are low enough for it to connect, allowing for full conversions and combo extensions. Used to ground airborne opponents after raw antiair 623A hits, or as a mixup option to punish your opponent for trying to move after blocking 623A on the ground.
     |description= 623A followup. A downward, multi-hitting divekick from the air to the ground. Knocks airborne opponents down into the ground on hit. Most hitboxes will allow opponents to ground tech, but it has a final grounded hitbox while landing which will launch into a comboable groundbounce.

A correctly timed 5B will punish both forward and back tech if you land this move but know you will not get the launching hitbox, and the knockdown lasts long enough that you can still get meaty okizeme if your opponent does not tech and the 5B whiffs. If your opponent chooses not to tech, you can OTG them with 2A to attempt to bait another tech if you are midscreen, or spend meter for a good amount of damage and a stronger knockdown with 2AA>2B>2C>236C in the corner.
Essential combo tool, occasional scramble tool in neutral.

This move is safe on block to anything with more than 2 frames of startup, meaning that most characters can only punish it with throw.
Safe on block to anything with more than 2 frames of startup, meaning that most characters can only punish it with throw.
Line 930: Line 1,049:
     |guard=LH (1), LHA
     |guard=LH (1), LHA
     |active={{Tooltip | text=14| hovertext=4, 10}}
     |active={{Tooltip | text=14| hovertext=4, 10}}
     |description=The B version of Shaft Drive shares many of its strengths with 623A such as the great disjoint and air unblockable first hit, but has very generous upper body invuln on startup and launches you far higher into the air, sending you practically beyond the top of the screen. On hit, it functions like a hitgrab, locking your opponent into all of the remaining hits and being unburstable. Due to the slower startup it is often better treated as a movement tool that happens to have a hitbox rather than as a reaction antiair like the A version.
     |description= Slower version of Shaft Drive which launches much, much higher into the air. A hitgrab that pulls opponents into an unburstable animation on hit. Grounded hitbox is air unblockable, but aerial hitboxes are air blockable, like 623A.
Leaves PCiel in a neutral state in the air after completing its animation on whiff or block, but forces her to land on hit.

623B is by far F-PCiel's best tool in terms of covering large amounts of distance, but it does so rather slowly and can often leave you in an awkward position depending on where on the screen you used it, so overusing it can lead to patient opponents simply taking screen control from you, or even catching your landing and forcing you into pressure.  
Stronger disjoint and upper body invulnerability than 623A, but significantly slower.
Line 948: Line 1,069:
     |invuln=Full 1
     |invuln=Full 1
     |description= Fully air unblockable for the entire duration, unlike the non-EX versions. Functions like a hitgrab, similar to 623B, but without the initial grounded hitbox. The super flash makes it easy to shield on reaction if your opponent is not committed to an action, and it has a relatively weak hitbox compared to the grounded hitboxes of 623A/B, so it is generally better used aggressively than defensively.
     |description= EX Shaft Drive. Fully air unblockable for the entire duration, unlike the non-EX versions. Functions mostly the same as 623B, but without the initial grounded hitbox.
This version has a ludicrous '''1 frame of startup,''' which may appear game breaking at first glance, but upon closer inspection the move has several flaws which limit its application on defense. While it is technically invuln, its properties as a hitgrab make it unable to be used as a true reversal against meaty attacks due to hitgrabs losing to strike attacks if they connect on the same frame in Melty Blood.  

It can be used as a relatively safe way to get out of the corner by exploiting gaps in your opponent's pressure, but due to the high cost and the importance of meter management to F-PCiel's gameplan, it is more of a desperation option than a reliable defensive tool.
1 frame of startup, and ascends very quickly, making it a fairly strong defensive tool despite the lack of invulnerability.

In combos, this move does a high amount of damage in a lot of hits very quickly, making it difficult to reduce and useful as a way to guarantee a kill without needing the sustained execution of finishing your entire combo.
In combos, this move does a high amount of damage in a lot of hits very quickly, making it an effective finishing move as it is difficult to reduce.
Line 966: Line 1,085:
|name=Virgin Pain<br>(EX: Oriflame Concert)
|name=Virgin Pain<br>(EX: Oriflame Concert)
Line 980: Line 1,102:
     |description= A simple fullscreen horizontal projectile. Does an absurd amount of damage for a single hit projectile, and launches opponents into the air where they can either air tech on regular hit or ground tech on counter hit. Can be picked up on counterhit with 2C if you are close enough.
     |description= Missile. A simple fullscreen horizontal projectile. Launches into air tech on hit. EX cancelable for most of its animation. Fires at a slight downward angle, meaning it cannot be dashed under or low profiled by most characters.

While often overshadowed by F-PCiel's more obviously potent neutral tools, 214A fills a very important niche in her ground game as it protects the grounded space in front of her without being possible to whiff punish from the ground, unlike her grounded pokes which all have very low active frames and high recovery. Establishing 214A is thus an important part of matchups vs characters who excel at poking and whiff punishing with high ground mobility and good midrange pokes such as Nanaya, as it is your most effective means of discouraging them from using their strongest approach options and instead forcing them to make risky approaches from the air.
Plus on block at many ranges, making it possible to dash in with 5B afterwards to catch jumps, beat mashing, or begin pressure.
Line 998: Line 1,120:
     |frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=-13| hovertext=Worst case advantage.}}
     |frameAdv={{Tooltip | text=-13| hovertext=Worst case advantage.}}
     |description= 214B has you jump backwards into the air and fire a missile diagonally down into the ground. It is largely useless and mostly only seen as a misinput 624B.
     |description= A backwards jump followed by a downward angled aerial missile. Can control a surprising amount of space, and is fairly safe, but generally leads to nothing. Mostly seen as a misinput 624B, and very rarely used intentionally.
Line 1,014: Line 1,136:
     |invuln=Full 3
     |description= 214C fires 3 missiles on the ground before becoming airborne and firing 8 additional missiles, ending in a final one missile which inflicts a hard knockdown which you can pick up with OTG 236[A] or 236C.  
     |description= EX missile. Fires 3 missiles on the ground before becoming airborne and firing 8 additional missiles, ending in one final missile which inflicts a hard knockdown which can be picked up with OTG 236[A] or 236C.  

The grounded version of this move has almost no practical application, and is usually only seen as some kind of misinput during corner rock loops. Massively unsafe on whiff, but surprisingly difficult to punish on block in most scenarios.
Mostly not a very good move. It is fairly fast, plus on block at many ranges, and can trade into a full combo if the first missile counterhits, but it doesn't possess any invuln, making it unreliable as an abare tool.
Line 1,028: Line 1,150:
|caption2=A followup
|caption2=A followup
|name=Grand Zappa
|name=Grand Zappa
Line 1,044: Line 1,169:
     |active=X {{Tooltip | text=(33)| hovertext=Rock's active frames.}}
     |active=X {{Tooltip | text=(33)| hovertext=Rock's active frames.}}
     |description= The A version of Grand Zappa launches the rock at a shallow horizontal angle, traveling a few character lengths before exploding on its own. It has certain niche applications such as during spaced pressure strings to catch attempts to mash the startup of 624B, but is overall far less versatile than its B counterpart.
     |description= Rock. 624A launches the rock at a shallow horizontal angle, traveling a few character lengths before exploding on its own. Launches into air tech on hit. EX cancelable for most of its animation.
Sometimes useful for pressure and meterless OTG relaunches, but mostly overshadowed by its B version.
Line 1,060: Line 1,187:
     |cancel=SP, EX
     |cancel=SP, EX
     |description= Pressing any button after 624A will trigger a followup kick using 6B's animation, which will cause the rock to explode with a large hitbox. Special and EX cancelable on hit or block, and most commonly followed up with 624B on hit or 236[A] on block.
     |description= 624A followup. Kicks the rock with 6B's animation, causing it to explode. Shares many properties with 6B, such as knocking back into a wallbounce on hit.
Special and EX cancelable on hit or block.
Line 1,076: Line 1,205:
     |active=X {{Tooltip | text=(53)| hovertext=Rock's active frames.}}
     |active=X {{Tooltip | text=(53)| hovertext=Rock's active frames.}}
     |description= F-PCiel's defining move: The infamous Grand Zappa, also known simply as [ The Rock]. The B version of the rock is by far the character's single most important tool, and it heavily enables her in almost every area of gameplay. It is +4 on block '''at worst''' when it connects with your opponent while rising, it can be pulled after a knockdown to allow you to apply pressure safely while baiting almost every wakeup reversal in the game, and putting a rock on the screen in neutral practically wins neutral by itself and forces your opponent into an extremely disadvantageous position, as attempting to interact with an F-PCiel backed up by a rock is a daunting task for most characters.
     |description= B Rock. PCiel pulls a rock out of the ground, which launches upwards and lingers in front of her for 53 frames before descending back down to the ground. Launches into air tech on hit.
The character's defining move; an extremely versatile projectile which heavily enables her neutral, combos, pressure, and okizeme.

Once you have a rock on the screen, an uncharged B rock will launch upwards before reaching its maximum height and descending back down to the earth and disappearing, staying active for a total of '''53 frames''' assuming it does not make contact with anything for the duration. During these 53 frames, you can either let the wall of hitbox complete its normal trajectory, or hit it with your normals to launch it at subtly different angles depending on the rock's current height and the normal used. The hitstun and blockstun on a launched rock is truly absurd; hitting a grounded opponent with a launched rock will allow you to dash in from practically fullscreen and hit them with 5B before the stun has ended.
+4 on block at minimum.

Having a rock to work with is obviously extremely advantageous, but be aware that the move does have a fairly vulnerable 17 frames of startup, meaning you will often need to fight to earn the space to pull rocks using your powerful grounded pokes and antiairs against particularly aggressive opponents. While the rock is easily the most important tool in F-PCiel's toolkit, you should expect wary opponents to be prepared to do everything they can to prevent you from abusing this tool, and relying on it excessively will often result in being punished.  
Both the charged and uncharged versions of the rock possess a unique quality which allows F-PCiel to interact with them using her normals. Hitting the rock with any of her B or C normals will send it flying forwards, at slightly different angles depending on the normal used. When this happens, it becomes an entirely new hitbox with unique properties, such as inflicting grounded hitstun instead of launching, having 100% proration instead of 75%, and having dramatically higher blockstun.
Line 1,096: Line 1,227:
     |active=X {{Tooltip | text=(63)| hovertext=Rock's active frames.}}
     |active=X {{Tooltip | text=(63)| hovertext=Rock's active frames.}}
     |description= The charged version of B Grand Zappa is similar to the uncharged version, but launches at a much steeper angle, trading almost double the startup in exchange for a rock which covers even more space in the air.
     |description= Charged B rock. Launches the rock at a steeper angle than its uncharged version, causing it to fly higher and travel slightly farther horizontally. Shares most of its properties with 624B, but has almost double the startup and slightly lower recovery.
As the charged version lingers for slightly longer, it gives you more time to consider how you will take full advantage of the rock you just pulled and is worth using over the uncharged version versus especially passive opponents. The increased height also opens up slightly higher launch angles, allowing you to force opponents into aerial blockstun from considerably higher on the screen which can be a useful boon in certain matchups.

The charged version is also generally better for okizeme when compared to uncharged rocks, as following up a 2C or 236A knockdown with an immediate 624[B] will cause the rock to hover above your opponent for a moment before making contact with them, leaving your attack options more ambiguous as the threat of throw is present for longer due to the increased time spent potentially not in blockstun.
+14 on block at minimum.

In pressure, 624[B] is a minimum of +14 on block, which causes 624[B]>dash>2A to be an airtight blockstring, allowing you to close the distance for a close range mixup without fear of being mashed out.
Mostly an okizeme tool, but has some niche advantages over 624B in neutral, such as staying active for slightly longer, and its higher launch trajectory unlocking new angles when hitting it with normals.  
Line 1,118: Line 1,247:
     |active=20 (1) {{Tooltip | text=6| hovertext=4 hits.}}
     |active=20 (1) {{Tooltip | text=6| hovertext=4 hits.}}
     |invuln=Full 6
     |invuln=Full 6
     |description= The EX version of Grand Zappa pulls a rock and then automatically follows up with a kick into a multi-hitting explosion that is +9 on block and causes a comboable wallbounce on hit.  
     |description= EX rock. Pulls a rock, and then automatically follows up with a kick which shatters the rock into a multi-hitting explosion. Sends the opponent flying into a wallbounce on hit.
+9 on block.

Learning how to incorporate 624C into your corner rock loops is extremely valuable as it allows you to manage your meter during combos without sacrificing damage or knockdown quality by having to rely on 236C. Simply replace the point at which you would normally expend your second bounce using 3B>624B with 2C>624C and follow up with 3B.
Very useful in corner combos as a meter management tool and for OTG relaunches into rock loops.

Despite being +9, the super flash and large number of hits makes this move rather vulnerable to Shield Bunker, so it is generally unwise to use this move during pressure over the meterless versions.
Not very useful in pressure, despite its frame advantage, due to being very easy to bunker.
Line 1,135: Line 1,266:
Line 1,151: Line 1,283:
     |active={{Tooltip | text=6| hovertext=2 hits. 3, 3}}
     |active={{Tooltip | text=6| hovertext=2 hits. 3, 3}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
     |description= Airborne version of 623A, with a different input. Due to the aerial version not allowing you to cancel the recovery into aerial movement options, this tool is for the most part a combo tool, but it performs this role exceptionally well.
     |description= Airborne version of 623A, with a different input. EX cancelable on hit or block, but cannot be canceled into movement, unlike 623A.

As PCiel cannot cancel her air normals into anything other than specials or EX moves, j.236A is your only option to convert non-counterhit air normal hits into a full combo using the j.236A~X followup. It is also the only way to extend a combo after using a mid-combo airthrow, making it a staple feature of her burst safe airthrow extensions.
Essential combo tool, as it is F-PCiel's only way to convert non-counter aerial hits due to the unique properties of her air normals.  
Line 1,169: Line 1,301:
     |active={{Tooltip | text=X| hovertext=Active until landing.&#010;Multi-hit. 2 xN&#010;Has a 2f-long hitbox on landing which causes knockdown, but it only takes effect if this attack has hit a grounded opponent before landing.}}
     |active={{Tooltip | text=X| hovertext=Active until landing.&#010;Multi-hit. 2 xN&#010;Has a 2f-long hitbox on landing which causes knockdown, but it only takes effect if this attack has hit a grounded opponent before landing.}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.&#010;17 if counting the landing hitbox.}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.&#010;17 if counting the landing hitbox.}}
Line 1,175: Line 1,307:
     |description= Followup divekick. Functions the same as the grounded version, but will often hit in strange ways due to the variable height of airborne opponents.
     |description= Followup divekick. Functions the same as the grounded version, but will often hit in strange ways due to the variable height of airborne opponents.
This move can occasionally be used as a surprise aggressive option from the air, or to throw off an opponent attempting to chase your landing, but due to the high recovery and disadvantageous situation on block it is generally outperformed by j.214X at this purpose.
Much like the grounded version, the majority of this move's hits will knock your opponent towards the ground into a techable knockdown, but the final landing hitbox will instead cause a comboable groundbounce, allowing you to confirm j.236A~X with 2A and continue your combo as long as you have mastered the timing for getting the final hit to connect.
Mastering the aforementioned timing is essential for maximizing your reward from stray hits, as it is very rarely feasible to confirm non-counterhits vs airborne opponents using anything other than j.236A~X.
Line 1,191: Line 1,317:
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
     |description= Airborne version of 623B. The lack of safe cancel options leaves this move with very few valid applications. Can be used as a source of burst damage to end a combo with in the air, but it can be finnicky to get all of the hits to connect, often resulting in less damage than you would desire.
     |description= Airborne version of 623B. No cancel options and high landing recovery.
Can be used as a source of meterless burst damage to end a combo with in the air, but it can be difficult to get all of the hits to connect, often resulting in less damage than desired.
Line 1,207: Line 1,335:
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
Line 1,219: Line 1,347:
|name=Virgin Pain (Air) <br>(EX: Oriflame Concert)
|name=Virgin Pain (Air) <br>(EX: Oriflame Concert)
Line 1,232: Line 1,362:
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=18| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=18| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
     |description=Airborne version of F-PCiel's missiles. j.214A fires at a downward angle similar to 214B, while j.214B fires at a shallower angle which covers more horizontal distance.
     |description= Airborne version of F-PCiel's missiles. j.214A fires at a downward angle similar to 214B, while j.214B fires at a shallower angle which covers more horizontal distance.
Line 1,248: Line 1,378:
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
     |recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
     |description=The EX air version shoots 12 aerial missiles instead of the grounded version's 8, and deals surprisingly high damage, making it a good way to close out rounds if you go for an extender that leaves you in the air. It can be reduced somewhat easily though, so 623C is often a better closer if you have the option.
     |description= Air EX missile. Shoots 13 aerial missiles, and deals surprisingly high damage, making it a good way to close out rounds while airborne.
Line 1,277: Line 1,407:
     |invuln=Full 1-30
     |invuln=Full 1-30
     |description=PCiel rushes in with the Seventh Holy Scripture. On hit, this finishes with a Rapid Stake-like attack which knocks the opponent down but resets your position to midscreen. The high damage and long, unburstable animation makes this a practical and flashy way to close out a game-winning round if you are in MAX.
     |description=PCiel rushes in with the Seventh Holy Scripture. On hit, this finishes with a Rapid Stake-like attack which knocks the opponent down but resets PCiel's position to midscreen. The high damage and long, unburstable animation makes this a practical and stylish way to close out a game-winning round when in MAX.

Fully invincible well beyond startup, making it F-PCiel's only true reversal.
Fully invincible well beyond startup, making it F-PCiel's only true reversal.
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[[Category:Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code]]
[[Category:Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code]]
[[Category:Powerd Ciel]]
[[Category:Powered Ciel]]

Latest revision as of 00:50, 27 June 2024

Additional Resources


MBAACC p ciel900 08.png F-PCiel is a slow, powerful zoner with brutal offense.
Pros Cons
  • Range: Oppressive fullscreen projectiles, huge normals, and a fully disjointed halfscreen 236A.
  • Abare: One of the fastest sweeps in the game, and one of the largest 4 frame 2As.
  • Antiairs: Arguably the best grounded antiairs of the entire cast in 623A and 2B.
  • Deep combo routes: Fullscreen corner carry and okizeme from any hit, and advanced airthrow loops which allow her to deny the opponent's MAX and checkmate them via timeout.
  • Meter management: Very high meter gain, and good uses for meter in every game state.
  • Projectile okizeme: Unreactable high/low okizeme, enforced by 624B rocks which heavily restrict the opponent's wakeup options.
  • Pressure: Easily loops meterless plus frames into advancing normals, forcing opponents to take risks to escape from the corner.
  • Comboable throw: Any throw leads into 2-3k damage and generates a full combo's meter.
  • Great options out of shield: Strong shield followups in any situation, most notably 623A.
  • High commitment neutral tools: Many of F-PCiel's grounded tools have significant recovery, making them susceptible to whiff punishing.
  • Limited mobility: Her ground dash has high unactionable startup, her super jump covers a very short distance, and her airdashes are mediocre, making neutral awkward when fighting other zoners.
  • Takes a lot of damage: PCiel has a poor defense modifier, and her large hurtboxes enable exclusive high-damage combos on her, meaning she is punished heavily for her mistakes.
  • High jump startup: Uniquely has the slowest jump startup in the entire game, reducing the effectiveness of fuzzy jump defense and making her unable to escape from Half/Full moon shield counters.

Notable Players

Name Color Region Common Venues Status Details
Hirohiro (ひろひろ)


Japan Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd Inactive Formerly the most prolific arcade F-PCiel main. Very aerial neutral with a focus on proactively putting out large, low commitment hitboxes to control space. Tends to stick with simple, reliable combo routes. Has a remarkable talent for finding gold air throws.
Kouki (コウキ)


Japan Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd Active C-Arc legend with a surprisingly good pocket F-PCiel. Highly aggressive, always looking to force mixups in neutral and bully opponents in close range scrambles. The most optimal F-PCiel by a considerable margin in terms of combos.


Europe Netplay Inactive The top F-PCiel outside of Japan. Defensive, grounded neutral gameplan focused on controlling the midscreen and intercepting approaches. Practical combo selection, good meter management, and a robust okizeme flowchart designed to minimize risk. As seen on Will it Kill.
Sunohara (すのはら)


Japan A-Cho Inactive A very old school PCiel player who has tri-mained all three PCiel moons since she was added to the game in version 1.05. Plays a balanced, grounded neutral game, combining zoning with aggression. Does some unique 623AA>2C extensions in midscreen combos.


Japan A-Cho Inactive C-Kohaku specialist with many strong secondaries, including F-PCiel. Likes to approach from the air.
Wau (わう)


Japan Port 24 Yagoto Active The up and coming arcade F-PCiel main of the modern era, regularly found at Port 24 freeplays on Yume's channel. Confident and aggressive, with consistent hitconfirms and very good pressure. Random colour user.
Zakuro (ザクロ)


Japan Game Fuji Ichikawa Inactive A player with very creative okizeme, showcasing the full variety of setups available to the character.

General Gameplan

F-PCiel is a slow, somewhat technical zoner, with a high reliance on good positioning and half-circle inputs. She excels at controlling space with her infamous Grand Zappa rock projectile, bullying opponents on the ground with an array of incredible pokes, and shooting them out of the sky with her stellar antiairs. Once she has her opponent pinned down, she can easily beat them into submission with her suffocating okizeme and pressure.

F-PCiel's main grounded pokes are 5B, 2C and 236A, which allow her to outspace the vast majority of the cast. If an opponent approaches her from the air, she can defend herself with 2B, her 623X series, or a well-spaced rising j.C. She also possesses a highly potent fireball style projectile in 214A, and strong jump-in normals in j.B and j.C. On top of all of this, her 624B, the notorious rock, is one of the most versatile and oppressive projectiles in the game, singlehandedly allowing her to dictate the pace of neutral in most matchups.

After securing a knockdown, F-PCiel can pull a 624B rock before attacking to greatly restrict her opponent's defensive options, forcing them to defend against her strong overheads like j.A and 3[B]. During pressure, she can easily obtain frame advantage with plus on block moves like 2A, 236[A], and 624B. Her offense is incredibly difficult to disrespect, and she excels at abusing overly cautious defense with her devastating throw.

To somewhat balance all of this, F-PCiel can struggle somewhat when knocked down in the corner, having fairly low HP and lacking reliable reversals outside of system mechanics. Fortunately, her toolkit synergizes very well with her Full Moon system mechanics, with great options such as 623A out of shield and good pokes to challenge with after EX Guard. Her high meter gain also grants her a fearsome comeback factor, able to easily force herself into MAX to turn the tide of a losing round with Initiative Heat or Circuit Spark.

While an unconventional character by Melty Blood standards due to her limited movement options in the air, F-PCiel is incredibly strong, usually occupying a spot around the top 10 in modern tier lists. Her flaws are significant compared to most other top tiers, but her extreme strengths more than make up for them; in the hands of a skilled player, F-PCiel can feel truly overwhelming to play against. A strong F-PCiel's opponents will find themselves frustrated in neutral, and pulverized into dust in the corner.


Long range

624B: Rocks are generally safe to pull at long range. Can be played around aggressively or defensively, to hold your ground or to claim large amounts of space and safely approach.

214A: Quickly and effectively denies grounded approaches, and gives large frame advantage on block if you dash in after it. Use this to force opponents to either jump or shield.

Mid range

624B: Rocks are still strong here, but are a large frame commitment vulnerable to aggressive approaches. Useful against passive, conditioned opponents or as part of a mixup with her other midrange tools.

5B: Very big 8f button, allows F-PCiel to easily outpoke most of the cast. Somewhat difficult to whiff punish, but susceptible to being low profiled.

Dash 5B: Surprisingly fast and long range approach option. Useful for catching passive opponents waiting to bait and whiff punish something else. Good pressure starter.

236A: Extremely strong and fast tool to check grounded opponents and disrupt zoning at mid range. Useful for discouraging grounded aggression as it beats almost anything on the ground and is generally only weak to air approaches.

236[A]: Slower, larger version of 236A. Good in certain situations, but generally not as useful as 236A due to the higher frame cost. Very high reward if it hits near the corner.

214A: Similar in application to 236A, but a little safer in exchange for being slower and less rewarding on non-counterhit. Cannot be whiff punished from the ground, unlike 236A. Good at forcing opponents into the air or trading with other projectiles.

623A: Quickly puts you into an aggressive position in the air, while also acting similarly to a conventional j.9A check against aerial approaches due to its low commitment.

Close range

2A: Big 2A. F-PCiel's fastest move on the ground. Good in most situations where it can reach the opponent, and goes into anything you want on hit or block.

5B: 5B. Still a very good button to press at close range if 2A won't reach.

2C: Higher risk, lower reward version of 5B. Slightly shorter, but is faster, cannot be low profiled, and lacks a hurtbox until active. Very unsafe on whiff.

623A: Antiair/scramble move. Relatively safe to whiff, making it generally a good option to use if you feel scared.

2B: Low risk antiair and counterpoke. Strong hitbox, high active frames, low recovery. Very safe defensive button to check a lot of options without giving up your current position like 623A does.

In the air

j.C: Very large, very disjointed air-to-air, with a jump-in crossup hitbox. Somewhat slow, so it is more effective the earlier you press it. The disjoint extends upwards, making it easy for grounded opponents to antiair at most spacings.

j.B: Deep, disjointed jump-in. Beats most antiairs when spaced, but is vulnerable to antiair shield due to PCiel's inability to jump out of air normals.

j.A: Very fast, very active close range button. Good in aerial scrambles and easily confirmed on non-counterhit with j.236AA.

Airthrow: High risk, high reward callout against opponents looking to exploit PCiel's lack of cancel options on block in the air. Feels amazing to land, but pretty unsafe.

624B>j.B: A good way to attack the ground from the air while staying safe. Useful to pin down aggressive grounded movement and gain solid momentum from the frame advantage.

j.214X: A good way to protect your landings if your opponent is seeking to chase down your air movement. Its high recovery is easy to exploit if the opponent is looking for it, however.

j.236AA: A divekick, kind of. Not very good due to the high landing recovery, but can sometimes be used as an escape option if all other movement options are exhausted.


5B>6B>624B: Simple, strong pressure sequence which can be looped into itself indefinitely in the corner. 624B is +4 on block at minimum, and 5B and 6B move forward, allowing the 624B to connect in an airtight string against crouching opponents. Weak to EX guard.

Throw: Extremely rewarding throw. Good to structure your pressure around due to the high risk of many defensive actions that beat throw.

2A/5A: +2 and +3 on block respectively. Fast, low hitting A normals. Good for setting up tick throws and catching people who stand tech.

3[B]: Relatively fast overhead. Forces a high/low mixup at close range, but generally ends pressure if blocked.

236[A]: +13 on block. Large, slow, and unshieldable. One of F-PCiel's highest damage starters in the corner. The frame advantage makes it a useful way to reset pressure after pushing yourself out. Also useful as a highly rewarding callout for many defensive options such as jump or shield.

624A: Sometimes useful for punishing low mashes capable of poking underneath 624B. Forces opponents into pre-block from very far away, so it can be used to prevent people from holding upback.

5C: Low invuln move which combos into 236[A] on counterhit for very high damage in the corner. Can be used in throw mixup scenarios as a high reward way to beat low mash/low shield.


Mixup options:
High: 3[B], falling j.A, late airdash j.A.

Low: 3B half charge>2C, empty jump 2A, late airdash j.6C whiff>2A.

Throw: Throw.

Setups (236A Ender)
624[B]: After 236A, pull a charged rock. The rock will hit with a slight delay, leaving a large window of ambiguity where you can either strike, throw, jump, or do nothing. Meaty 2A into a 3B mixup will be airtight, since the rock will hit at the timing between 2A and 3B.

Delay 624B: After 236A, walk backwards slightly or whiff 5A then pull an uncharged rock. Usually done after a rock loop with too few reps for 624[B] to connect afterwards. The rock will hit earlier than it would uncharged, meaning anti-meaty options such as wakeup shield or bunker are stronger and require more active counterplay.

624B>j.B: After an uncharged 624B setup, jump forwards and hit the rock with j.B. Allows for a very safe meaty as you do not make contact with the enemy yourself. Puts opponents into a lot of blockstun, but certain options within this setup can lose to fuzzy 5A mash.

624A>624A: After 236A, whiff one 624A followed by another 624A. Another safe meaty option, but with less blockstun, allowing you to threaten throw afterwards.

236C Ender Setup
624B: After 236C, pull an uncharged rock. Similar to a normal uncharged 624B setup, but a little tighter due to 236C's weaker knockdown compared to 236A.


Patience: Recommended. PCiel's low health and large hitstun hurtboxes make it very punishing for her to be hit in the corner, so the risk/reward on many defensive actions is skewed heavily against her.

EX Guard: As a Full moon, F-PCiel has access to EX Guard. Very useful to get into the habit of using, as it pushes opponents away and creates openings in their pressure with essentially no opportunity cost.

j.7>sdj9: Despite PCiel's high jump startup, upback is still a reliable defensive option in many scenarios, and her super double jump is one of her few movement options which covers a similar distance to the rest of the cast, allowing her to return to midscreen with relative safety.

Shield: Arguably the character's most reliable defensive option due to her ability to cancel it into 623A, which, unlike shield counter, is inescapable once the shield has been triggered. PCiel's strong shield makes it rewarding to wait for options that can be shielded on reaction, or as a challenge to attempts to enforce frame advantage.

Bunker: Good, long range bunker. Can be used to escape from multi-hitting pressure reset moves, or as a lower reward, slightly lower risk alternative to shield.

Backdash: Surprisingly good backdash. Very strong for escaping midscreen pressure, but has fairly high recovery, making it vulnerable in the corner.

2A: 4f low mash. Good for disrespecting neutral or +1 frame advantage against characters with 5f A normals, and as a relatively safe way to check dashes.

2C: 6f sweep. High risk, medium reward. Extremely fast for its range, allowing PCiel to challenge opponents in many situations they may not typically expect. Very good for forcing trades due to its lack of a hurtbox on startup. Also very unsafe on whiff, often resulting in full crouching grounded punishes.

623A: 5f bufferable move. Can be a good defensive tool in many situations due to the fast startup and very strong hitbox, and is relatively safe on whiff or block.

623C: 1f EX move that sends you into the sky. Very good at disrespecting gaps in pressure, but has a high cost.

236C: Long range EX move with some invuln in the middle, allowing it to go through projectiles sometimes. Not very reliable, and extremely unsafe if blocked.


Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X > delay Y Must wait for a short period before cancelling X input into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons X and Y must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Either the X or Y input can be used.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack X with Y follow-up input.
  2. Input X then within a few frames, input Y. Usually used for option selects.
X(w) X input must not hit the opponent (Whiff).
j.X X input is done in the air, implies a jump/jump cancel if the previous move was done from the ground.

Applies to all air chain sections:

  • Assume a forward jump cancel if no direction is given.
  • Air chains such as j.A > j.B > j.C can be shortened to j.ABC.
sj.X X input is done after a super jump. Notated as sj8.X and sj9.X for neutral and forward super jumps respectively.
dj.X X input is done after a double jump.
sdj.X X input is done after a double super jump.
tk.X Stands for Tiger Knee. X motion must be buffered before jumping, inputting the move as close to the ground as possible. (ex. tk.236A)
(X) X is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input X is held down. Also referred to as Blowback Edge (BE). Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input X is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down. This type of input is referred to as Negative Edge.
{X} Button X should only be held down briefly to get a partially charged version instead of the fully charged one.
X(N) Attack "X" should only hit N times.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit.
Air CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit on an airborne opponent.
66 Performs a ground forward dash.
j.66 Performs an aerial forward dash, used as a cancel for certain characters' air strings.
IAD/IABD Performs an Instant AirDash.
AT Performs an Air Throw. (j.6/4A+D)
IH Performs an Initiative Heat.
AD Performs an Arc Drive.
AAD Performs an Another Arc Drive.

The below combos are intended primarily as a starting resource for beginner F-PCiel players. I would encourage players interested in learning F-PCiel to think of her combos less as a strict series of inputs from start to finish and more like a series of individual chunks that can be fit together depending on the situation. F-PCiel's combo routes are very flexible, and the ability to adjust them depending on situation will come with experience and watching a lot of Hirohiro and Kouki match footage. Good luck!

Normal Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Beginner, Midscreen
  • 5B>6B>2C>3C>j.B>2C>236A

Meter Gained: 36,9% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 12,3%
Basic, easy midscreen confirm ending in 236A knockdown that works anywhere. 2C>3C>j.B forms the core of most of F-PCiel's grounded confirms, so it is important to learn the timing for the j.B delay early.
Corner Carry, Midscreen
  • 5B>6B>2C>3C>j.B>6B>2C>623A~X>2A>236A
Meter Gained: 57,6% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 19,2% (Video)
Standard midscreen bnb. Mostly consistent across the entire cast, and goes from corner to corner allowing for 624[B] oki. j.B must be delayed for the 6B to connect, and the 623A must be delayed for all of the hits of the followup to connect and allow it to combo into 2A.
Midscreen transition into corner loop
  • 5B>6B>2C>3C>j.B>6B>2C>3C>624B>j.B>2A>3B>2C>624B>3B>2C>236A

Meter Gained: 72.9% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 24.3%
Advanced combo which transitions from the midscreen route to the corner rock loop when close enough to the corner. In general, the 3C before 624B will need to be delayed in order for the rock to connect. After 624B>j.B, 2C>236A can be used as an ender if 2A will not reach.
Air CH, Midscreen
  • (Air CH) 2C>3C>j.B>rest of combo

Meter Gained: Varies Meter Given (vs C-Moon): Varies
Easy air CH pickup. 2B>3B>2C can be used instead at close ranges, but it can be awkward to space and time so it is generally not worth it to go for it over simply picking up with 2C.

Corner Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Rock Loop, Corner
  • 5B>2C>3C>j.B>2B>(3B>2C>624B)x3>3B>624B>3B>2C>624B>3B>2C>236A
Meter Gained: 95.4% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 33.4% (Video)
Essential corner combo. The damage, meter gain and knockdown granted by this combo are essential in making F-PCiel's hits threatening. Against certain characters such as Satsuki, or with too many hits in the opening ground string, getting 3 full loops in the first half becomes impossible and the third must be omitted.
236[A] starter, Corner
  • 236[A]>66>5B>3C>superjump cancel>j.C>j.236A~X>2A>5A>3B>2C>624B>(rock loop)

Meter Gained: 81.4% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 27.1%
Far 236[A} starter into rock loop. From closer ranges, 66>3B>2C>3C>j.B can be used to start a rock loop for higher damage, but be aware that the 236[A] will have used up one groundbounce.

Move Descriptions

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Move Box Colors

Light gray = Collision Box (A move lacking one means it can go through the opponent's own collision box).
Green: Hurt Boxes.
Red: Hit(/Grab) Boxes.
Yellow: Clash Boxes (When an active hitbox strikes a clash box, the active hitbox stops being active. Multi-hit attacks can beat clash since they will still progress to the next hitbox.)
Magenta: Projectile-reflecting boxes OR Non-hit attack trigger boxes (usually).
Blue: Reflectable Projectile Boxes.

Damage Base damage done by this attack.

(X) denotes combined and scaled damage tested against standing V. Sion.

Red Damage Damage done to the recoverable red health bar by this attack. The values are inherently scaled and tested against standing V. Sion.

(X) denotes combined damage.

Proration The correction value set by this attack and the way it modifies the scaling during a string. See this page for more details.

X% (O) means X% Overrides the previous correction value in a combo if X is of a lower percentage.
X% (M) means the current correction value in a combo will be Multiplied by X%. This can also be referred to as relative proration.

Circuit Meter gained by this attack on hit.

(X%) denotes combined meter gain.
-X% denotes a meter cost.

Cancel Actions this move can be cancelled into.

SE = Self cancelable.
N = Normal cancelable.
SP = Special cancelable.
CH = Cancelable into the next part of the same attack (Chain in case of specials).
EX = EX cancelable.
J = Jump cancelable.
(X) = Cancelable only on hit.
-X- = Cancelable on whiff.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

L = Can block crouching
H = Can block standing.
A = Can block in the air.
U = Unblockable.

Startup Amount of frames that must pass prior to reaching the active frames. Also referred to as "True Startup".
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.

(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present. Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
X denotes active frames with a duration separate from its origin move's frame data, such as projectile attacks. In this case, the total length of the move is startup+recovery only.

Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled. The character goes into one frame where they can block but not act afterwards, which is not counted here.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).

If the opponent uses a move with startup that is at least 2 frames less than this move's negative advantage, it will result in the opponent hitting that move.
±x~±y denotes a range of possible advantages.

Invul Lists any defensive properties this move has.

X y~z denotes X property happening between the y to z frames of the animations. If no frames are noted, it means the invincibility lasts through the entire move.


Strike = Strike invincible.
Throw = Throw invincible.

Hurtbox-Based Properties:

Full = No hurtboxes are present.
High = Upper body lacks a hurtbox.
Low = Lower body lacks a hurtbox.

Miscellaneous Properties

Clash = Frames in which clash boxes are active.
Reflect = Frames in which projectile-reflecting boxes are active.
Super Armor = Frames in which the character can take hits without going into hit stun.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350 151 72% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 5 3 3.15% -

Low-hitting kick. Slightly slower and shorter than 2A.

+3 on block.

5B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 505 70% (O) N, SP, -CH-, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 2 18 -2 4.5% -

Midrange poke with good startup and a wide variety of cancel options. Physically slides PCiel's collision box forwards during its animation, giving it deceptively very long range.

The high hitbox makes this move susceptible to being low profiled.

5B~B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 353 60% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 3 24 -9 2.7% -

5B followup. Not very useful for anything due to a combination of high proration, high pushback, high startup and high recovery.

Named 'Idol Kick' in the game's files.
Named 'Idol Kick' in the game's files.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
950 707 70% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 6 24 -12 5.85% Low 3-25

Long range, sliding kick with lower body invulnerability. Strong on paper, but held back by the fact that it halts all dash momentum on use and generally does not lead to a full combo against crouching opponents.

Deals slightly more damage and prorates slightly better than 2C, making it optimal for standing confirms into 3C.

Crouching Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 101 72% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 3 7 2 1.8% -

Fast, low kick with very good range for its speed. One of the better 4 frame normals in the game, good at everything a 2A needs to do.

+2 on block.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 505 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 5 13 0 4.5% -

Short range attack with a good hitbox, high active frames, and low recovery. Useful as an antiair or as a counterpoke against characters who extend a lot of green.

+0 on block, and beats high shield.

Rich white girl sweep.
Rich white girl sweep.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 303 65% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 4 29 -15 4.5% -

Low sweeping kick. Extremely fast for its range, with only 5 frames of startup. Does not extend any green before becoming active.

Very dangerous to whiff due to its high recovery.

Jumping Normals


  • PCiel's air normals cannot be canceled into other air normals, double jump, air dashes or air throw. They can still be Special/EX canceled on hit or block, however.
  • j.A does not recover in midair, P.Ciel must land before recovering if j.A isn't canceled.
  • If PCiel's j.B, j.C, or j.6C connect with a 624B rock's active frames, she immediately enters a completely neutral state and can take any action, including blocking.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300, 500 (725) (596) 100% SP, EX HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 5 - - 2.7%, 4.5% (7.2%) -

Two hit upwards kick. Launches opponents upwards on hit, even when grounded. F-PCiel's fastest air normal.

Both hits of j.A hit overhead.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 353 100% SP, EX HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 6 - - 3.6% -

Deep kick directly below and in front of PCiel. Very disjointed jump-in. Groundbounces on air hit, allowing for combo continuations.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 707 90% (O) SP, EX HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 5 - - 6.3% -

Long, disjointed horizontal kick with a slight upwards angle, and a crossup hitbox behind PCiel. Extremely powerful air-to-air spacing tool, especially when done with backwards momentum.

Command Normals

3B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 303 50% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 2 34 -18 3.6% -

Short overhead swing. Hits mid when uncharged. Knocks airborne opponents down to the ground into a small groundbounce.

Useful as a combo tool, and one half of F-PCiel's grounded high/low mixup when half charged into 2C.

3[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 303 50% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 2 34 -18 4.5% -

Charged 3B. Overhead. Rather fast for a grounded overhead by Melty standards.

On air hit, knocks opponents to the ground into a higher launching groundbounce, which looks very cool but is not very practically applicable.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 303 75% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 4 22 -8 3.6% -

Long step forward into a donkey kick. Sends opponents flying into a wallbounce on hit.

Slides forward a great deal, making it useful in pressure and midscreen combos.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 672 65% (O) SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 2 35 -19 3.5% Low 11-24

Flip kick upwards. Pressing 8 after this move will perform a super jump cancel on hit. Not a good antiair despite its appearance, due to extending a large hurtbox upwards before becoming active. Whiffs against most crouching characters at most ranges.

Mostly a combo tool, but has some niche anti-jump applications in corner pressure.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 707 80% (O) SP, EX HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 5 - - 9.0% -

Short, disjointed command normal that covers above and in front of PCiel. Knocks back into a wallbounce on hit.

Not a very useful move as j.A does most things it does better.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 404 30% (Any) U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2 1 20 - 5.4% -

Ground throw that gives no knockdown but acts as a combo starter. As a throw, the resulting combo is also burst safe for the entire duration.

Dramatically higher reward than most throws, giving a full combo worth of (30% prorated) damage and meter.

Air Throw
Air Throw
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1600 (1408, Raw)
1066 30% (Any if Raw)
(SP, EX)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1 1 12 - 14.4% (Raw)

Somewhat odd airthrow that retains cancel options while leaving the opponent airborne, allowing for combo extensions afterwards.

Resets the bounce limit when used mid-combo, allowing for very long combo extensions with correct routing.

Shield Counter
Shield Counter
236D after a successful Shield (Air OK)
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 (345) 202 50% (SP), (EX), (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 18 -4 4.5% -

Standard Full Moon Shield Counter. Launches on hit for an easy pickup with 2C.

Generally overshadowed by 623A out of shield, but still a useful option in certain situations due to its invulnerability.

Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 (345) 202 50% - HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 - - 4.5% -

Same animation as j.6C.

Shield Bunker
Shield Bunker
214D in neutral or blockstun
Bunker Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 202 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 4 19 -5 0.0%
(-50.0% in blockstun)
Clash 1-10
(Clash) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 202 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 19 -5 0.0%/-50.0% Strike 1-7

Very long Bunker. Can be low profiled by certain attacks.

Blood Heat
Blood Heat
A+B+C during MAX
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14 5 26 - uses all Full 1-19

Second fastest heat startup in the game along with Hime's. Generally not as useful as Initiative Heat.

Circuit Spark
Circuit Spark
A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 10 20 - removes all Full 1-39
Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 10 15 - removes all Strike 1-30

Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. Susceptible to airthrows if performed in the air.

Special Moves

Grounded Specials

Rapid Stake
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1400 808 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 4 30 -1 12.6% -

Large, very disjointed grounded poke. Knocks opponents into a fullscreen, untechable knockdown on hit. PCiel's hurtbox retracts during the startup, similarly to C-Nero's 5[C].

-1 on block, but very high recovery makes it unsafe to whiff.

F-PCiel's primary combo ender, giving enough frame advantage for 624[B] setups.

[A] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1700 1212 85% (M) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 4 30 13 10.8% -

Charged 236A. Trades twice the startup for twice the range. Blows back into a wallbounce on hit, and deals incredibly high guard bar damage if blocked.

+13 on block, air unblockable, and unshieldable.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 1010 50% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 6 37 -10 10.8% -

Slower, upward angled version of 236A. Launches opponents upwards into air tech on hit, and ground tech on counterhit.

Not very useful as an antiair due to its high startup and recovery, and not very useful in combos due to its weak hit properties.

[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1700 1212 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
24 6 37 -25 10.8% -

Charged 236B. Launches opponents upwards into an uncomboable ground tech.

Arguably F-PCiel's worst move. It's hard to think of a single use for this.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500, 2500 (2630) (1973) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+9 6 34 -28 -100.0% -

Highly damaging, sliding hitgrab that gives hard knockdown on hit.

Weaker knockdown than 236A, but can be used to convert OTGs into a hard knockdown that still gives enough frame advantage to pull an uncharged 624B.

236C's startup is invulnerable, but this does not extend into its active frames, limiting its reliability as a reversal.

Shaft Drive
623A~X followup
623A~X followup
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*3 (1336) (910) 100% -CH-, -J- LH (1), LHA (2-3)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 11 19 - 4.5%, 1.8%*2 (8.1%) -

A very fast, very disjointed rising antiair that launches PCiel into the air. Has three hitboxes, one on the ground which is air unblockable, and two in the air which are air blockable.

Jump cancelable and cancelable into 623A~X on whiff, block or hit.

Does not possess any invulnerability, despite its appearance.

~X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350*N 202*N 90% (M), 70% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 X 15 -4 1.8%*N -

623A followup. A downward, multi-hitting divekick from the air to the ground. Knocks airborne opponents down into the ground on hit. Most hitboxes will allow opponents to ground tech, but it has a final grounded hitbox while landing which will launch into a comboable groundbounce.

Essential combo tool, occasional scramble tool in neutral.

Safe on block to anything with more than 2 frames of startup, meaning that most characters can only punish it with throw.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500, 1500, 110*4, 1000 (2318) (1643) 100%, 40% (O) - LH (1), LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 14 27 - 4.5%, 13.5%, 9.0% (27.0%) -

Slower version of Shaft Drive which launches much, much higher into the air. A hitgrab that pulls opponents into an unburstable animation on hit. Grounded hitbox is air unblockable, but aerial hitboxes are air blockable, like 623A.

Leaves PCiel in a neutral state in the air after completing its animation on whiff or block, but forces her to land on hit.

Stronger disjoint and upper body invulnerability than 623A, but significantly slower.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500, 250*6, 1000 (2489) (1697) 100%, 40% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+1 10 (~40) - -100.0% Full 1

EX Shaft Drive. Fully air unblockable for the entire duration, unlike the non-EX versions. Functions mostly the same as 623B, but without the initial grounded hitbox.

1 frame of startup, and ascends very quickly, making it a fairly strong defensive tool despite the lack of invulnerability.

In combos, this move does a high amount of damage in a lot of hits very quickly, making it an effective finishing move as it is difficult to reduce.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 1010 50% (O) -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 X 32 -6 13.5% -

Missile. A simple fullscreen horizontal projectile. Launches into air tech on hit. EX cancelable for most of its animation. Fires at a slight downward angle, meaning it cannot be dashed under or low profiled by most characters.

Plus on block at many ranges, making it possible to dash in with 5B afterwards to catch jumps, beat mashing, or begin pressure.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 1010 50% (O) -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
24 X 41 -13 13.5% -

A backwards jump followed by a downward angled aerial missile. Can control a surprising amount of space, and is fairly safe, but generally leads to nothing. Mostly seen as a misinput 624B, and very rarely used intentionally.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350*3, 400*8, 2500 (2479) (1651) 50% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+2 X 178 - -100.0% -

EX missile. Fires 3 missiles on the ground before becoming airborne and firing 8 additional missiles, ending in one final missile which inflicts a hard knockdown which can be picked up with OTG 236[A] or 236C.

Mostly not a very good move. It is fairly fast, plus on block at many ranges, and can trade into a full combo if the first missile counterhits, but it doesn't possess any invuln, making it unreliable as an abare tool.

Grand Zappa
A followup
A followup
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 353 75% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
20 X (33) 22 -2 3.6% -

Rock. 624A launches the rock at a shallow horizontal angle, traveling a few character lengths before exploding on its own. Launches into air tech on hit. EX cancelable for most of its animation.

Sometimes useful for pressure and meterless OTG relaunches, but mostly overshadowed by its B version.

~X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
650 303 75% (O) SP, EX LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 4 23 -10 4.5% -

624A followup. Kicks the rock with 6B's animation, causing it to explode. Shares many properties with 6B, such as knocking back into a wallbounce on hit.

Special and EX cancelable on hit or block.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 353/404 75% (O)/100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
18 X (53) 16 4 3.6%/4.5% -

B Rock. PCiel pulls a rock out of the ground, which launches upwards and lingers in front of her for 53 frames before descending back down to the ground. Launches into air tech on hit.

The character's defining move; an extremely versatile projectile which heavily enables her neutral, combos, pressure, and okizeme.

+4 on block at minimum.

Both the charged and uncharged versions of the rock possess a unique quality which allows F-PCiel to interact with them using her normals. Hitting the rock with any of her B or C normals will send it flying forwards, at slightly different angles depending on the normal used. When this happens, it becomes an entirely new hitbox with unique properties, such as inflicting grounded hitstun instead of launching, having 100% proration instead of 75%, and having dramatically higher blockstun.

[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 353/404 75% (O)/100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
33 X (63) 14 14 3.6%/4.5% -

Charged B rock. Launches the rock at a steeper angle than its uncharged version, causing it to fly higher and travel slightly farther horizontally. Shares most of its properties with 624B, but has almost double the startup and slightly lower recovery.

+14 on block at minimum.

Mostly an okizeme tool, but has some niche advantages over 624B in neutral, such as staying active for slightly longer, and its higher launch trajectory unlocking new angles when hitting it with normals.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500, 300*3, 700 (1455) (1109) 50% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6+1 20 (1) 6 25 9 -100.0% Full 6

EX rock. Pulls a rock, and then automatically follows up with a kick which shatters the rock into a multi-hitting explosion. Sends the opponent flying into a wallbounce on hit.

+9 on block.

Very useful in corner combos as a meter management tool and for OTG relaunches into rock loops.

Not very useful in pressure, despite its frame advantage, due to being very easy to bunker.

Aerial Specials

Shaft Drive (Air)
j.236A~X followup
j.236A~X followup
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*2 (925) (560) 100% -CH- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 6 12 - 1.8%*2 (3.6%) -

Airborne version of 623A, with a different input. EX cancelable on hit or block, but cannot be canceled into movement, unlike 623A.

Essential combo tool, as it is F-PCiel's only way to convert non-counter aerial hits due to the unique properties of her air normals.

~X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350*N 202*N 90% (M), 70% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 X 15 -4 1.8%*N -

Followup divekick. Functions the same as the grounded version, but will often hit in strange ways due to the variable height of airborne opponents.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500, 110*4, 1000 (2061) (1403) 100%, 40% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 5 12 - 13.5%, 9.0% (22.5%) -

Airborne version of 623B. No cancel options and high landing recovery.

Can be used as a source of meterless burst damage to end a combo with in the air, but it can be difficult to get all of the hits to connect, often resulting in less damage than desired.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500, 250*9, 1000 (2674) (1811) 100%, 40% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+2 5 12 - -100.0% -

Airborne version of 623C. Shares most of its properties with 623B, but is faster and deals more damage.

A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 1010 50% (O) -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 X 18 - 13.5% -

Airborne version of F-PCiel's missiles. j.214A fires at a downward angle similar to 214B, while j.214B fires at a shallower angle which covers more horizontal distance.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*12, 2500 (2651) (1789) 50% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+2 X 15 - -100.0% -

Air EX missile. Shoots 13 aerial missiles, and deals surprisingly high damage, making it a good way to close out rounds while airborne.

Arc Drive

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700, 400*16, 2700 (3526) (2766) 50% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+9 18 27 -12 removes all Full 1-30

PCiel rushes in with the Seventh Holy Scripture. On hit, this finishes with a Rapid Stake-like attack which knocks the opponent down but resets PCiel's position to midscreen. The high damage and long, unburstable animation makes this a practical and stylish way to close out a game-winning round when in MAX.

Fully invincible well beyond startup, making it F-PCiel's only true reversal.

Another Arc Drive

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700, 400*16, 7000, 600*8 (4965) (3714) 50% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+9 18 27 -12 removes all Full 1-29

Similar to Arc Drive, but the followup on hit does much more damage and launches the opponent upwards.

Last Arc

Numeral Secret Crest - Heavenly Nest
Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
52300 (4328 ~ 7254) (3615 ~ 6153) 50% + 50% * remaining BH time - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
0 2 23 - removes all Full

Fullscreen-type Last Arc that is instant and goes into a cutscene on hit. PCiel launches the opponent into the sky and summons a 99-hit lightning strike. Donates a lot of meter.

MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull