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===Midscreen combos===
Look how pretty she is.<br>
*2AA5B5C4C(2) j.ABC dj.BC AT
'''Name:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Akiha Vermilion (紅赤朱 秋葉)&nbsp;&nbsp;&#8212;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Nicknames:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Red
: Basic BnB
*2AA5B5C4C(2) j.ABC dj.C 236C j.A (whiff) j.BE214A
'''Voiced by:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hokuto Minami (北都 南)&nbsp;&nbsp;&#8212;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Type:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Human, Half-Demon&nbsp;&nbsp;&#8212;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Gender:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Female
: 100 meter knockdown
*2AA5B5C4C(1) tk j.22B airdash j.C land j.BC dj.C AT
'''Birthday:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sept. 22&nbsp;&nbsp;&#8212;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Sizes:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;73 / 57 / 79&nbsp;&nbsp;&#8212;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Height:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;160cm&nbsp;&nbsp;&#8212;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Weight:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;45kg
: Advanced, damage combo
*2AA5B5C4C(2) 236C 5C3C j.BC dj.C AT
'''Eye Color:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Blue&nbsp;&nbsp;&#8212;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Hair Color:'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Red
: 100 meter damage combo
*2AA5B5C4C(2) j.AC sdj tk j.236B (2369B) wait, airdash j.214A
: Midscreen hard knockdown for oki.
* 2AA5B5C623A tk j.22C airdash j.AB land j.BC dj.C AT
: Corner carry from midscreen or 3/4th of screen. On some characters (eg Ryougi) you need to do airdash j.A airdash j.AB instead.

For combos 3,4,5,6, you can switch the enders from j.BC dj.C AT to j.B sdj.C j.236C for hard knockdown oki.
== Character Page Progress ==

===Near corner===
== Overview ==
*2AA5B5C623A j.22A j.C land j.BC dj.BC AT
{| class="wikitable"
: Damage combo in corner. Slightly delay the j.22A for ease.
|+Strengths / Weaknesses
*2AA5B5C623A(1) IAD j.C land j.BC dj.BC AT
: Damage and corner carry
*Has high damage
*Has an infinite
*Great neutral tools like air pillar and puffball
*Great mobility with a fast dash and 2 airdashes
*Insane safe pressure from pits and puffballs
*Safe okizeme that leads to her pressure
*[ Play Tsukihime]

===Momiji loops===
Momiji loops are basically you doing 623B over and over (up to three times) in a combo. The meter build for a Momiji loop combo is huge (up to 95% meter for a basic combo), so if you're meter starved or need just a little bit for an IH opportunity, it can be worth it, otherwise they do terrible damage.
:2AA5B2C delay 3C623B
*Lowest HP in the game
:: Basic starter.
*No meterless reversal, and her metered one is mediocre
:: Number of hits required for 623B to connect is character specific.
:2AA5B5C236C 2C3C
== General Gameplan ==
:: Does not work on crouching characters; use 4C if too far for 2C to connect.
=== Movement ===
FVAkiha is one of the most mobile characters in all of Melty Blood. Her mobility is one of the biggest reasons she's as good as she is. Of course, with great mobility comes great responsibility - you must make sure that you're not moving yourself into harm's way, as VAkiha's extremely low life means any mistake you make can mean the end for you.
==== Ground ====
FVAkiha's walkspeeds are above average, but no one simply walks around in Melty Blood so it is what it is.
Her ground forward dash is extremely fast, has very little startup (ie it doesn't take her long before she starts moving, as opposed to say PCiel, whose dash has a long amount of time at the beginning where she isn't moving), and has a bit of low profile ability, allowing her to dash under some characters who are trying to jump in with buttons towards you, and potentially run behind someone and 5A them on the other side. This dash coupled with her strong frame data allows her to also tick throw quite effectively.
Her ground backdash is average, it's invincible just like everyone's else. It can be useful to increase the distance between you and your opponent if you really can't afford the time to jump and air backdash. Not much more to say about it.
==== Air ====
FVAkiha's air mobility is second only to F Hime who has flight. In addition to having two average trajectory jumps and two above average airdashes, she also has puffballs (j.236A/B), pits (j.22A/B/C) and pillars (j.214A/B), and using a combination of all these options can make the opponent's life a nightmare.
Her jumps cover a standard amount of distance and float for a standard amount of time. Her dash jump covers a long distance so dash jumping to poke the opponent out of anything slow in the air is a valid strategy if you have the hard read to back it up. Having two dashes in the air allows you to bait out big normals an come back in and punish.
'''Puffball (j.236A/B)''' can be done indefinitely in the air. A version floats you towards where you are facing and B version floats you away from where you are facing. They basically have no hurtbox where her arms are, so it's an extremely good option while moving around if your opponent is anywhere below you, since it's really difficult to challenge from that angle. Choosing between the A and the B version depends on the situation - do you want to go forward or go backward? Using a puffball disallows you from air backdashing till you land, so it's extremely important to know which version of the puffball you want to use. Also note that puffballs' momentum changing is affected by what jump you are doing, so doing a dash jump puffball can make the A version puffball go way ahead and the B version puffball barely move backwards if at all.
'''Pit (j.22A/B/C)''' can also be done indefinitely in the air. All versions make you float slightly upwards and backwards, overriding all previous momentum. This is great as a brake in the air, so you can just pause and make yourself not land on a potential anti air, which is great when you're air teching and you've used up all your movement options and someone's making you land onto a normal for a ground to air combo. Pits have great recovery and let you keep all your movement options so they're great to just move around with, and they also have the added benefit of activating and putting the opponent in huge amount of blockstun if you push them into pits while in blockstun.
'''Pillars (j.214A/B)''' are similar to ground pillars, except done in the air. They're a great way to protect your landing if someone's running towards you to anti air you out of the air, but if someone jumps over the pillar you're in deep trouble because you are in full recovery till you land AND you have extra recovery when you land. They're also good to bully opponents who like to stay on the ground from far, though this is Melty Blood so you wouldn't find players like those often.
=== Offense ===
FVAkiha's offense is extremely potent, with F moon's standard extremely good frame data coupled with a really fast dash that allows her to tick throw very well. Just like most characters in Melty Blood, FVAkiha is at her best when she's forcing the opponent to block all of her stuff, creating strings that look like they have no way out, and punishing the opponent for trying.
=== Pressure ===
FVAkiha, being an F moon character, has very good frame data on most of her normals (See [[#Normal Moves]]).
Her throw is really good and provides a ton of different mixups, while healing her red life, which can be useful if you're trying to make a comeback and you don't have IH.
Her 2A, standard low poke, is +3 on block. +3 is a LOT, considering most C and H moon characters' 2A's are usually 0 or -1 on block. This allows you to do 2A delay 2A as a frame trap.
5A is +4 on block, one frame extra. Coupled with the fact that you can't duck it on block if you play a viable character (sorry Necos), this makes it an excellent tool to catch late jump outs and get a mini combo.
5B and 5C, while negative on block, are excellent frame trap normals, since 5B on counter hit links to another 5B, and 5C on counter hit can lead to massive damage using j.22x.

4C is another frame trap tool that you can chain into if they block your 5B or 5C as another thing to try. Same for 623A, except you can do that after 4C as well.
:2C623A j.8 delay j.22A j.236A
:: Crossup setup
:2C3C623B 2C delay 4C(1) j.22A j.236A
:: Crossup setup 2
:2C3C623B 2C3C623B
:: Hard knockdown

*Hard knockdown okizeme
TK air puffball is a fantastic tool on offense that does frankly too much stuff for a move that is that safe (essentially fully safe). It has a great tendency to just eat Dragon Punches on wakeup due to how the DP interacts with her hurtbox (or rather, lack of thereof). Super jump puffball isn't that good. You want to normal jump tk puffball, you do this by either 412369A or [2]369A (hold 2 for a little while before doing the rest of the motion). After normal jump TK air puffball, you want to chain into j.B for a safe blockstring, or land and 2A if you've conditioned them to always take the j.B high option.
:tk7 j.22B j.214B on landing
:: Safe way to start ground pressure
:sj forward j.22A j.236A
:: Safe way to start air pressure, can go into (j.22B j.22C)x N loop for some meter gain

===Misc. Combos===
IAD j.C is an option you can use if you're too far away for TK air puffball and your opponent gives you enough time and doesn't mash out a normal to stop you. It is also cancelable into lots of air stuff, including but not limited to dj.22A, j.214A, dj airdash j.C, and so on.

*Air counterhit
Pairing these together, you can create strings limited by your imagination and your opponent's willingness to escape your pressure. Some examples:
:land 5C4C(2) j.BC j.BC AT

*Shield counter
*2A, tick throw
:2C3C j.BC dj.BC AT
*2A, delay 5B/5C
*2A, TK air puffball, j.B, dash 2A
*2A2A, tick throw
*2A2A, delay 5B
*2A2A, IAD j.C > dj.22A, j.22B, land, tick throw

*Raw airthrow
As you can see, the possibilities are endless. The key is to mix up enough stuff to where your opponent thinks, "Oh jeez I can't just keep blocking all this because my guard bar is depleting," or they can just not think and mash 2A or mash dragon punch or try to jump out because they don't care, and your job as the aggressor is to punish that (more detail near the end).
:j.22A land j.BC dj.BC AT
:: Damage
:immediate j.236a/b
:: Knockdown

*Overhead 6[C]
=== Okizeme ===
:623B 2C3C623B
FVAkiha's okizeme is very potent and extremely safe for how damaging it can be. Below are some of the more common knockdowns you'll land, and the general options you have off them. Do note that this isn't everything; be creative and/or watch match videos to see what top level players do.
:: Knockdown in corner
:6C xx 5C4C(2) j.BC j.(B)C AT
:: When you need damage off overhead in corner
:dash 2C delay 4C(2)623B -> Momiji loop
:: Fullscreen knockdown
:dash 5C4C(2) j.BC dj.BC AT
:: Damage, when in corner omit the dash and link directly into 5c

==== Air throw ====
:airdash j.A (whiff) land ...2C3C j.BC dj.BC AT
Air throw is one of the more common knockdowns you will be landing, so it's important to know what kinds of oki options you get. Do note that it's not as much advantage as j.236C, so unless you don't have the meter, it's usually advised to end air combos with j.236C to get as much advatage off the combo as possible.
:: Damage
*66 2A
:(reversal 623c)...2C623B 2C3C623B
::While not strictly meaty depending on the character, it does beat wake up mashing by everybody. 2A is +3 on block as well, so even if they don't mash, you can run with the advantage.
:: Knockdown. Doesn't work if your back was straight in the corner (the 2C3C623B will not be in range
:(reversal 623c) airdash cancel late j.22a land j.bc j.bc AT
::If you predict your opponent to just wake up DP, but still want to retain some sort of advantage, you can do 214[B] and make their reversal whiff (or make them hit a pillar, in which case if it hits as a counter hit you can combo off it) while still putting them in blockstun. If they block it you have enough time to run up and do a 2A as part of the blockstring from the pillar. Do note that pillars are not strictly meaty and they can jump out, but they'll have to block them in the air which leads to an unblockable 4C.

Once the opponent starts respecting these you have the option to run up throw, IAD j.C, run up puffball, etc, but note that these two are the primary options you have.

FVAkiha doesn't really use OTG's because her corner knockdown game is strong, however they are an option. You usually want to OTG in the corner, so these are corner only.
==== j.236C combo ender ====
* 2AAA5B
If you want a good knockdown midscreen you'll most likely go for this. For 100% it's not a bad investment. Your options include:
: Simple OTG. In the corner it leads to tech punishes using 5B 5C.
*j.A(w), j.214[A].
* 2AAA5B2C4C623C airdash j.A(whiff) into corner combo (either Momiji loop or 4C into air combo)
:Creates lots of blockstun for your opponent to deal with as you dance around them and do whatever you want.
: You get a fair bit of damage for your meter investment here, so it's generally worth it if you're pursuing a kill.
*float away during j.236C, j.66, j.214A
:Same concept except not as easy to shield on reaction and punish.
*float away during j.236C, j.66, j.A(w), land 2A
:Cheeky low.

===Character Specifics===
==== Corner 623B ====
Ender to Momiji loop and hard knockdown. This can lead to a really good mixup that's relatively safe. The most standard way to pressure off this is to regular jump towards the opponent, do j.22A then do:
*j.C for your standard high.
*Land and 5B for your empty jump low.
*j.236A for puffball that will, just like it does basically everywhere, go through DP's or Heat activations, which you can then land and punish.
j.C and 5B both become super + on block and really easy to hit confirm (and lead to pit loops) because you have a pit right on top of them. This mixup does somewhat lose to wake up backdash, but you can simply delay your timing if you expect a wake up backdash, or input an backdash option select (for FVAkiha, 2A2C) upon landing and catch that backdash.
==== Air Puffball ====
Often landed as a frame trap or as a combo ender
*Corner 623A > j.22A, j.236A / j.236A / dash momentum j.236B
: You're right on top of them as you land this, you get the option to neutral double jump and go for ''sandoori'' by holding [4]/[6]. ''Sandoori'' is a Japanese term, identical in meaning to the American ''which-way'', describing a left right mixup with three different options.
:*dj8~[4], late j.C (so you land before j.C becomes active), 2A
:*dj8~[6], late j.C (so you land before j.C becomes active) 2A
:*dj8~[4], j.66 j.C
:*dj8~[6], j.236B (to bait DP's)
:These options create a three way mixup that's relatively safe (you can use the different floats to confuse which way to enter 623 for DP's, or j.236B to flat out beat DP's).
*4C > j.AC > sdj.236B
:You're slightly further away from them so you can't go for ''sandoori''. Your options include airdashing forward and:
::Pillars that they have to block as you land safely and try to go for another mixup.
:*whiff j.A, land 2A
::Cheeky low.
==== Ground throw ====
Ground throw with FVAkiha is really good. It fills back your red life and gives a hard knockdown that you can set up a lot of mixups from.
*j.66 > j.44 > j.236A/B (left/right, good to mess up 623 DP inputs)
*Meaty 2A
*Meaty puffball
*"Meaty" j.66 j.C (shield bait)
*Walk back, j.66:
:*j.B(w), 2A (cross up low)
:*j.C (overhead)
:*j.236A/B (dp bait/another left/right)
Ground throw has a lot of potential and you basically get to do whatever you want.
=== Escaping pressure ===
Escaping FVAkiha's pressure is pretty tough. Here are some theories as to how to avoid it. (WIP)
=== Defense ===
As the character with the lowest life in the game, you really don't want to be put into a position where you have to rely on defense. However, if you do get caught in such a position, namely having to anti air and having to deal with someone's offense, here are some strategies.
==== Anti air ====
Anti air in Melty is more preemptive and soft read based than purely reactionary. That being said, FVAkiha has a few anti air options available to her.
*Air to air j.A/j.B
:Classic Melty anti air. If you get a counter hit with these you can turn it into big damage and/or corner carry into good mixups. If you don't get a counter hit you can still do good damage, however you have to choose whether you think you'll get the counter hit so you can just do a j.A or j.B, land and do a full combo, or you think you won't get a counter hit, in which case you can chain into other normals and end the combo with air throw or j.236C for the knockdown. Whether you're going for the counter hit or the basic chain depends on you and how hard a read you have on getting that counter hit. The counter hit combo will lead to a lot more damage and better positioning and oki situation on counter hit, but without counter hit doesn't net you anything, while the basic chain works all the time but gives much less damage and worse positioning. j.B has a better air to air hitbox in front of and above her (the upward leg doesn't have a hurtbox) but is slightly slower than j.A (j.A is i5 while j.B is i7).
*Air throw
:Air throws in Melty are a really good anti air, similar to Guilty Gear. However, the difference is that in Melty Blood if you whiff an air throw you're stuck there swinging for all eternity, have additional landing recovery and are fully in counter hit state as you're flying across the screen, whiffing your air throw. However they do lead to decent combos, for FVAkiha at least, and they are (almost?) instant, much faster than j.A or j.B, so if you think someone is going to airdash at you and you won't have time to get out a j.A or j.B or they're going to do an empty airdash trying to bait your anti air shield, you can get an air throw (and possibly yell "SCOOOOOOOPS!" when you get it). Do note that you can air throw to the left or the right by holding that direction when you input your air throw, so if you're in the corner and you see someone jump at you, it might be a decent idea to air throw them backwards into the corner.
*Ground normals (ie 5A, 5C, 3C)
:Ground normals generally don't tend to be amazing anti airs in Melty due to how fast and well designed for air-to-ground jumping normals are and how much ground normals aren't designed for great anti air use (you won't find anything like a Guilty Gear 6P with upper body invincibility, for example).
:*5A isn't a great anti air in terms of hitboxes(the hitbox is the underside of her arm, while the hurtbox is the whole arm and slightly above it), but if someone's airdashing at you really low, there might be a chance you can 5A them out of it and get a small combo or an air tech situation. 5A is also a good anti air if you were able to dash under the opponent, since their normal will then come out on the other side and there's no risk of their jump normal hitting you out of your 5A (unless their jump normal hits behind them), and as FVAkiha's dash has a bit of low profile starting from frame 8, there are quite a few situations where you can use dash under 5A as an anti air.
:*5C is a better anti air in terms of hitboxes, but it is a slow normal so you can't really use it as a raw reaction anti air - it is a soft read (ie prediction + reaction, "I think they'll air dash at me; oh they airdashed, I'll 5C.") anti air. Same with 5A, if they get hit by this you can jump cancel it and get a small combo, or let them tech for an air tech situation.
:*3C is extremely slow but its saving grace is that it reaches extremely high when 5A and 5C do not, so if someone's flying above your head high enough where you can't 5A or 5C them but not super high so you can't reach them at all, you might be able to get 3C as a little hit. Same with 5A and 5C, you can jump cancel it and get a small combo (do note that jump cancelling with 8 after 3C gives you a super jump, which might be necessary for you to get a combo off it) or let them tech for an air tech situation.
:All these normals on counter hit lead to full air combos similar to counter hit air to air j.A or j.B.
:Shield is the universal anti air, and since you're F moon you can input 236D after your shield and get a basic combo after it. if you think someone will air dash at you and you don't have time to air throw them or j.A them, and you're sure that they will hit an air normal, you can let it out and get decent rewards if they do the air normal. However if they just empty jump or air dash again or use some other method to bait shield, causing your shield to whiff, you're going for a ride, as shields are punishable by counter hits during recovery. Be extremely careful when using shield as an anti air against good opponents, as they will blow you up extremely hard if you mess up.
*Avoid the scenario
:Melty Blood is an aerial game and you're FVAkiha so you have some of the best air movement in the whole game. The best way to anti air is to not  get caught in situations where you have to rely the above tools to try to get out. Try to be above the opponent whenever possible (and avoid their air normals). Use pits and puffballs to maintain aerial superiority. Use your good air normals and puffballs if someone below you want to challenge you. Use your two airdashes, one double jump and air specials to completely avoid whatever situation your opponent has set out for you down below. This is not to say that there will never be scenarios where you have to rely on the above options to escape your opponent jumping at you, but like the old proverb says, "The best cure is prevention." Don't be there for your opponent to jump at you.
==== Post block reversals ====
She only has 623C as an invincible reversal, which on hit gives fairly good rewards, but during recovery is counter hit punishable and is relatively slow so it's easy to safejump (however it is air unblockable so they actually need to do a decent safejump - they can't just air block it).
She also has shield just like every character, however as with every character, it's a huge risk if it gets baited because she's in counter hit state during recovery.
Her shield bunker slides very low to the ground and there are chances that you can avoid some stuff with it but it's generally not a great option because C and F shield bunkers are not fully invincible like H shield bunkers are.
Her backdash is good; it's faster than average and becomes airborne early to avoid throws, but again, if it gets baited you are going for a ride.
As an F moon character she does not have access to EX shields and dodges.
Her 2A is 5 frames so it's not as good a mash-out-of-jail-free card as it is for some other characters with faster 2A's, but you can always find situations where you can make use of it to abare out of the opponent's pressure.
While her defensive options are just as lackluster as a majority of the cast, the problem with FVAkiha's stuff is that if it gets baited it hurts a lot, lot more than it hurts everyone else, because her life is extremely low and her defense modifiers are really high (as in she eats a lot more damage per hit than most characters). Be very careful while trying to make a defensive read with these tools. The safest way to defend with FVAkiha is to use your reactions and reads to block and EX guard whenever you can to recover your guard meter, get more meter, and push the opponent away further, and read if someone wants to throw you and avoid it, either with throw techs, abare 2A's, or jumping out.
== Move Descriptions ==
=== Normal Moves ===
==== Standing Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">5A</span> =====
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
|description=*Good standing jab.
*Main fast button in neutral.
*Situational anti-air.
<ref name="rhiyaguide">[ @DRK_Player: Playing F-VAkiha] 2.1 Move Overview</ref>
===== <span class="invisible-header">5B</span> =====
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=*Good standing low.
*Must be shielded standing even though it's a low.
*Decent ground poke.
*Strong pressure tool since it's -1
*Links into itself on CH.
<ref name="rhiyaguide">[ @DRK_Player: Playing F-VAkiha] 2.1 Move Overview</ref>
===== <span class="invisible-header">5C</span> =====
|proration=90% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=*Situational anti-air.
*Can stop people from running into you.
|proration=80% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=*Pushes you forward a lot.
*Deals big damage to the guard bar.
==== Crouching Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">2A</span> =====
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
|description=*F-VAki's fastest low.
===== <span class="invisible-header">2B</span> =====
|damage=250*6 (653)
|proration=85% (O)
|circuit=1.8%*3 (5.4%)
|cancel=N, SP, -CH-, EX, (J)
|active={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=1, 4, 4}}
*Has a lot of pushback.
*Is mainly used to punish standing shield.
|damage=200*3 (580)
|proration=100% (O)
|circuit=0.9%*3 (2.7%)
|startup={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=2 ~ 3f if buffered during 2B's last 2 active frames.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=5| hovertext=6 on hit/block. 3 hits.}}
|frameAdv=-10 ~ -9
|description=*Low followup.
* Instant if done during 2B's recovery.
* Only cancellable into 2BBB.
|proration=75% (O)
|description=*An overhead with rather slow start-up.
*Can be jump-cancelled on Hit OR Block so it is safe so long as it doesn't whiff.
*Very rarely used.

Standard combos don't work, do this instead.
===== <span class="invisible-header">2C</span> =====
:2AA5B2C3C j.BC dj.BC AT.
|proration=60% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=*Decent poke.
*Pretty safe.
*Hard to convert from without predicting it's going to connect.

==== Aerial Normals ====
FVAkiha is one of the most mobile characters in all of Melty Blood. Her mobility is one of the biggest reasons she's as good as she is. Of course, with great mobility comes great responsibility - you must make sure that you're not moving yourself into harm's way, as VAkiha's extremely low life means any mistake you make can mean the end for you.  
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.A</span> =====
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=SE, N, SP, EX, J
|description=*Fast and has a good angle.
*It's a good tool for anti-airing and air to airing.
*It's also used to do lows in airdash mixups, for example IAD > whiff j.A > 2A is the low option

===== <span class="invisible-header">j.B</span> =====
FVAkiha's walkspeeds are above average, but no one simply walks around in Melty Blood so it is what it is.
|proration=90% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|description=*Mostly used as an air to air tool.
*Also used as a falling air normal after puffball.

Her ground forward dash is extremely fast, has very little startup (ie it doesn't take her long before she starts moving, as opposed to say PCiel, whose dash has a long amount of time at the beginning where she isn't moving), and has a bit of low profile ability, allowing her to dash under some characters who are trying to jump in with buttons towards you, and potentially run behind someone and 5A them on the other side. This dash coupled with her strong frame data allows her to also tick throw quite effectively.
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.C</span> =====
|proration=90% (O)
|cancel=SP, EX, J
|description=*The high option in F-VAkiha air dash mixups.
*Beats every 5A anti-air if spaced correctly (vertically)  
*If you decide to use j.C to air to air you have to be a) behind them and b) be a decent amount above them and use the button preemptively.
*It's very important to know that the green is really close to the red. Being aware of that is key to make the most out of j.C

Her ground backdash is average, it's invincible just like everyone's else. It can be useful to increase the distance between you and your opponent if you really can't afford the time to jump and air backdash. Not much more to say about it.
==== Command Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">3C</span> =====
|proration=70% (O)
|cancel=SP, EX, (J)
|invuln=Clash 11-14
|description=* Launches on hit, cancellable into neutral superjump.
* Has a clash box while active.

===== <span class="invisible-header">4C</span> =====
FVAKiha's air mobility is second only to F Hime who has flight. In addition to having two average trajectory jumps and two above average airdashes, she also has puffballs (j.236A/B), pits (j.22A/B/C) and pillars (j.214A/B), and using a combination of all these options can make the opponent's life a nightmare.
|damage=500*2 (925)
|circuit=4.5%*2 (9.0%)
|cancel=SP, EX, (J)
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=2, 2}}
|description=*Thick and fast.
*Unsafe on whiff.
*Situational anti-air.
*Good abare button.
*Can stop the opponent from dashing at you.
*Has 5f worse recovery in comparison to her C/H Moon 4Cs but F-VAkiha 4C launches on hit.

Her jumps cover a standard amount of distance and float for a standard amount of time. Her dash jump covers a long distance so dash jumping to poke the opponent out of anything slow in the air is a valid strategy if you have the hard read to back it up. Having two dashes in the air allows you to bait out big normals an come back in and punish.
===== <span class="invisible-header">6C</span> =====
|cancel==(SP), (EX)
|description=*There is no green box below her leg until it’s active, therefore most of the trades go positive in your favor if someone tries to mash it with their 2A.
*Can be dash cancelled on hit with 66. This is required to confirm from it in midscreen.

Puffball (j.236A/B) can be done indefinitely in the air. A version floats you towards where you are facing and B version floats you away from where you are facing. They basically have no hurtbox where her arms are, so it's an extremely good option while moving around if your opponent is anywhere below you, since it's really difficult to challenge from that angle. Choosing between the A and the B version depends on the situation - do you want to go forward or go backward? Using a puffball disallows you from air backdashing till you land, so it's extremely important to know which version of the puffball you want to use. Also note that puffballs' momentum changing is affected by what jump you are doing, so doing a dash jump puffball can make the A version puffball go way ahead and the B version puffball barely move backwards if at all.
=== Universal Mechanics ===
===== <span class="invisible-header">Ground Throw</span> =====
|name=Ground Throw
|linkname=Ground Throw
|damage=170*7 (1076)
|description=V.Akiha grabs the opponent by the neck and goes into a 7-hit sequence. Recovers roughly 1000 red life as well. Untechable knockdown.

Pit (j.22A/B/C) can also be done indefinitely in the air (this is where the concept of pit loops comes from). All versions make you float slightly upwards and backwards, overriding all previous momentum. This is great as a brake in the air, so you can just pause and make yourself not land on a potential anti air, which is great when you're air teching and you've used up all your movement options and someone's making you land onto a normal for a ground to air combo. Pits have great recovery and let you keep all your movement options so they're great to just move around with, and they also have the added benefit of activating and putting the opponent in huge amount of blockstun if you push them into pits while in blockstun.
===== <span class="invisible-header">Air Throw</span> =====
|name=Air Throw
|linkname=Air Throw
|damage=1600 (Raw)<br>1000
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|description=V.Akiha takes the opponent to the ground with the power of her legs. As a combo ender it will be untechable but will leave you at a distance.  

Pillars (j.214A/B) are similar to ground pillars, except done in the air. They're a great way to protect your landing if someone's running towards you to anti air you out of the air, but if someone jumps over the pillar you're in deep trouble because you are in full recovery till you land AND you have extra recovery when you land. They're also good to bully opponents who like to stay on the ground from far, though this is Melty Blood so you wouldn't find players like those often.
===== <span class="invisible-header">Shield Counter</span> =====
|name=Shield Counter
|linkname=Shield Counter
|input=236D after a successful Shield (Air OK)
    |damage=500 (345)
    |cancel=(SP), (EX), (J)
    |description=Same animation as 3C.
    |damage=500 (345)
    |invuln=Full 1-3
    |description=Same animation as C-Moon j.C.

===== <span class="invisible-header">Shield Bunker</span> =====
FVAkiha's offense is extremely potent, with F moon's standard extremely good frame data coupled with a really fast dash that allows her to tick throw very well.
Erryfing is + on block yo.
===TK air puffball===
|name=Shield Bunker
Super jump puffball isn't that good. You want to normal jump tk puffball, you do this by either 412369A or [2]369A (hold 2 for a little while before doing the rest of the motion).
|linkname=Shield Bunker
|input=214D in neutral or blockstun
|circuit=0.0%<br>(-50.0% in blockstun)
|invuln=Clash 1-10
|version={{Tooltip | text=(Clash)| hovertext=If an attack connects with this Shield Bunker's clash box, this is the followup that happens afterwards.}}
|invuln={{Tooltip | text=Strike 1-7| hovertext=1-15 Strike invicibility on whiff.}}
|description=V.Akiha's shield bunker is a special slide with low to the ground hitboxes.

===== <span class="invisible-header">Blood Heat</span> =====
She set the knock of the down of teh real nice.
===Air throw===
Air throw is one of the more common knockdowns you will be landing, so it's important to know what kinds of oki options you get.
===Corner 623B===
|name=Blood Heat
Ender to Momiji loop and hard knockdown.
|linkname=Blood Heat
===Air puffball===
|input=A+B+C during MAX
|circuit=uses all
|invuln=Full 1-20
|description=Hitbox entirely covers V.Akiha.

===== <span class="invisible-header">Circuit Spark</span> =====
Her life is real low.
|name=Circuit Spark
|linkname=Circuit Spark
|input=A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
|circuit=removes all
|invuln=Full 1-39
|circuit=removes all
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|invuln=Strike 1-30
|description=Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

=Pit loops=
=== Special Moves ===
j.22x over and over paired with j.214x. Real hard but real worth it.
==== Grounded Specials ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">236X</span> =====
|name=Brilliant Impetus - Scarlet Spots
|proration=50% (O)
|circuit=2.7%*4 (10.8%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=8 (12) 8| hovertext=4 hits.}}
|frameAdv=-15 ~ 5 (A)<br>-19 ~ 1 (B)
|description=* Ground Puffballs. V.Akiha reaches out in front of her and summons a flaming ball at the tip of her finger. Both A and B versions are air unblockable so have some extremely situational use as anti airs, but the EX version is not.

=Move Descriptions=
'''A:''' The puffball is pointed slightly upwards and hits 2 times twice. It has no use.<br>
==Normal Moves==
'''B:''' Ditto A version but pointed forward instead. Still useless.
|damage=600*4 (1488)
|proration=60% (O)
|active={{Tooltip | text=8| hovertext=4 hits.}}
|description=Looks like a powered up version of A. Launches on hit. Only used in some metered midscreen combos. Generally not worth spending meter on during combos.

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
===== <span class="invisible-header">623X</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"|''' <font size = "3">2A</font> '''
|name=Brilliant Impetus - Autumn Leaves
|damage=700*2 (1236)
|proration=90% (M)*2
|circuit=5.4%*2 (10.8%)
|cancel=-EX-, (J)
|active={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=2 hits.}}
|description=* Affectionately called the Momiji (or Momiji rush). V.Akiha spins around once and rushes toward her opponent, striking them again after jumping in the air, and hitting them back to the ground. Used primarily in the corner combos called Momiji loops.

Hits Low, +3 on block. Your standard 2A jab and combo starter. Shorter reach then 5A.
Akiha dashes along the ground but doesn't jump up for the final blow. Unlike for C and H moon where this move worked as an anti air with upper body invincibility, F's 623A has no invincibility whatsoever and thus isn't a very good anti air at all (though it is still air unblockable). Its main use is in combos for corner carry and damage in the corner. Hits twice and both hits are jump cancelable. This move is IH cancelable and you can even whiff the move and cancel to IH during the dashing animation, which is extremely useful if you want to get life via IH.
|damage=300, 200, 500, 400 (984)
|proration=70% (O), 60% (M)
|circuit=3.15%, 1.8*2, 4.5% (9.95%)
|guard=LH (1-2), LHA (3-4)
|active={{Tooltip | text=32| hovertext=2 (4) 2 (10) 3 (7) 4}}
|invuln=Low 1-10
|description=Just like the Momiji rush from the other 2 moons. Hits 4 times and is used in combos. Lower body invincible but if they only do one meaty 2A they will most often be able to block in time. Not a very good reversal at all.
|damage=200, 300*2, 400 (1089)
|proration=60% (M)
|cancel=(N), (SP), (EX), (J)
|guard=LH (1-2), LHA (3-4)
|active={{Tooltip | text=35| hovertext=2 (4) 2 (13) 3 (7) 4}}
|invuln=Full 1-10
|description=Relaunches from OTG. Used in fullscreen Momiji loops. Cancellable into anything on hit. Has a small amount of invincibility up until the first hit. Can be used as a makeshift reversal, although not recommended.  

===== <span class="invisible-header">214X</span> =====
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">5A</font>  '''
|name=Piercing the Moon<br>(EX: Piercing the Waxing Moon)
|damage=400*3 (1009)
|proration=80% (O)
|circuit=2.7%*3 (8.1%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=22| hovertext=3 hits, overlapping hitboxes.}}
|frameAdv=-14 ~ 0
|damage=400*5 (1578)
|proration=80% (O)
|circuit=2.7%*5 (13.5%)
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(64)| hovertext=8 (6) 8 (7) 8 (5) 8 (6) 8}}
|frameAdv=-14 ~ 42
|description=* Flame Pillars. V.Akiha flicks her hand upward and summons a flame pillar in front of her that moves forward slowly. It's very similar to C/H moon's except that F moon's pillars are slightly taller and can be used in the air. This can make moving around her pillars much more difficult compared to the C/H version of herself. Pillars can be used for good oki. Pillars are also able to OTG, but it is not recommended.

Hits Mid, +4 on block. A strong pressure tool that can be used as a decent anti-air.
'''A:''' The pillars spawn just in front of V.Akiha. and move about 3 character lengths away. Can be charged to about 5 character lengths. Used for spacing and blockstrings.<br>
'''B:''' Same as A. But the pillars spawn where A's uncharged version ends. Moves 3 character lengths away from that spot. Can also be charged to move farther.
|damage=280*15 (2497)
|proration=96% (M)*15
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(118)| hovertext=15 hits, overlapping hitboxes.}}
|frameAdv=-8 ~ 90
|invuln=Full 1-9
|description=Starts where A starts and travels all the way to where a fully charged B would end. (Almost full screen!!!) If you can get your opponent to block it, it will carry them more or less right into the corner.  

===== <span class="invisible-header">22X</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">2B</font> '''
|name=Brilliant Impetus - Luring Calm
|input=22A/B/C (No EX)<br>(~(j.)22A/B/C(~6))
|caption=(Hitboxes trigger the Pit on opponents in hit/blockstun)
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(360)| hovertext=Pit duration.}}
|invuln=Low 12-33
|damage=650*2 (1279)
|circuit=3.6%*2 (7.2%)
|active=2 (2) 2
|frameAdv=6 ~ 16<br>(5 ~ 15)
|invuln=Full 1-8
|description=* Flame pits. V.Akiha hops back slightly and summons a swilling pit on the ground. This move can be used on the ground or in the air. The pit stays for a set amount of time and disappears if V.Akiha is hit. The pits ignite if the opponent is over them and in block/hit stun. You can also manually ignite them by inputting their motion a second time, and holding 6 will reverse the direction the pit explodes. These pits do not launch your opponent like C/H moon's pits but they do add quite a bit of damage in addition to being able to be summoned faster. Flamepits are usually TKed and used in combos and blockstrings.
* Holding 4/6 as the pit explodes causes it to hit one frame earlier. 4 works despite the fact that it doesn't affect the direction of the pit.
* An interesting side note: If you get a Half moon character while in auto heat into blockstun with any C normal canceled into pit (so that it auto ignites from the blockstun), the pit forces a circuit spark. Air flamepits make you stop in the air and their ability to break momentum isn't affected by doing a dash jump.

Hits Mid. -3 on block. Same as C and H moon, it has a 2BB follow up. The second B has to be blocked Low and the third B is jump cancelable.  
'''A:''' V.Akiha summons a pit right underneath herself.<br>
'''B:''' This version has the pit summon about where a 214b would spawn.<br>
'''C:''' Cost no meter. Just summons a pit a little bit farther than the B version.

==== Aerial Specials ====
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">5B</font> '''
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.236X</span> =====
|name=Brilliant Impetus - Fire Curtain
|damage=400*4 (1189)
|proration=80% (O)
|circuit=3.6%*4 (14.4%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=8| hovertext=4 hits.}}
|frameAdv=10 (TK)
|description=* Air Puffballs. While midair V.Akiha jumps a bit higher into the air and puts a flaming ball underneath her. This move is key to her pressure and is exclusive to F moon. It stuffs just about anything underneath it and opens up opportunities for some nasty mixups. It counts as a projectile and can be TKed for a pressure reset. Combined with her 2 jumps and airdashes, this move makes her float up in the air for an almost unfair amount of time. All versions give an untechable knockdown that you can OTG from. Puffballs affect the momentum of your jump, and their effect is accentuated/diminished if you did a dash jump for A and B version respectively.

Hits Low, -1 on block. Another strong pressure tool. Akiha moves forward slightly. On counter-hit in the corner, you can link into another 5B for massive damage.
'''A:''' Akiha jumps and gains slightly forward momentum after the puffball. <br>
'''B:''' Same as A but backward momentum instead of forward.
|damage=700*4 (2083)
|proration=80% (O)
|circuit=-100.0%, 6.3%*4 (-74.8%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=8| hovertext=4 hits.}}
|frameAdv=10 (TK)
|description=You can also influence which direction you drift by holding 4 or 6 right after the move. Primarily used to get knockdowns off air combos that set up meaty air pillar. Do note that you build bar when j.236C hits, so you can build bar while getting knockdowns (because that's fair :^) ).

===== <span class="invisible-header">j.214X</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">2C</font> '''
|name=Piercing the Moon (Air)<br>(EX: Piercing the Waxing Moon)
|damage=400*3 (1009)
|proration=80% (O)
|circuit=2.7%*3 (8.1%)
|active=5 (7) 5 (7) 8
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|damage=400*4 (1298)
|proration=80% (O)
|circuit=2.7%*4 (10.8%)
|active=5 (9) 5 (9)<br>5 (9) 8
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|damage=280*15 (2497)
|proration=96% (M)*15
|active={{Tooltip | text=118| hovertext=15 hits, overlapping hitboxes.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|description=* V.Akiha can (and should) use pillars in the air. Using Air Pillars is core to her neutral and pressure game. Keep in mind that air pillars move a shorter distance then ground pillars and that you cannot preform any input till you land and recover on the ground. She will also resume the air momentum she had before the pillar was summoned.

Hits Low, -4 on block. Used in combos, primarily in the Momiji loop. Its faster then her C/H version, but the hitbox is much lower. Not as good an anti-air as the other moons.
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.22X</span> =====
|name=Brilliant Impetus - Luring Calm (Air)
|input=j.22A/B/C (No EX)<br>(~(j.)22A/B/C(~6))
|caption=(Hitboxes trigger the Pit on opponents in hit/blockstun)
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(360)| hovertext=Pit duration.}}
|invuln=Low 7-X
|damage=650*2 (1279)
|circuit=3.6%*2 (7.2%)
|active=2 (2) 2
|frameAdv=-6 ~ 4<br>(-7 ~ 3)
|description=* Data on F-V.Akiha's aerial pits.

=== Arc Drive ===
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">5C</font> '''
|name=Red Mistress - Ubiquitous
|linkname=Arc Drive
|input=41236C during MAX/Heat
|damage=650*10 (2813)
|proration=50% (O)
|circuit=removes all
|active={{Tooltip | text=24| hovertext=10 hits.}}
|invuln=Full 1-41
|description=V.Akiha lifts her arms up and shoots a small full-screen laser from her eyes. Hits 10 times. Only does about 2.8k of damage. Pretty much useless. You can use it to end a Momiji loop or catch people mashing backdash on wakeup if your feeling yourself.<br>Is very punishable on whiff. Somewhat punishable on block.

Hits Mid, -5 on block. Same as C/H but doesn't wallslam anymore. Can be used as a good anti-air.  
=== Another Arc Drive ===
|name=Red Mistress - Ubiquitous
|linkname=Another Arc Drive
|input=41236C during Blood Heat
|damage=700*19 (4422)
|proration=50% (O)
|circuit=removes all
|active={{Tooltip | text=57| hovertext=19 hits.}}
|invuln=Full 1-71
|description=A stronger version of her first Arc Drive. Hits 19 times for about 4.4k. Nothing special or really useful about this attack. Can be used as a full screen punish if you see them doing something unsafe.  

=== Last Arc ===
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;" | ''' <font size = "3">5[C]</font> '''
|name=Red Mistress Ubiquitous - Hill of the Crimson Banquet
|linkname=Last Arc
|input=Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
|damage=9250 (3420~6509)
|proration=50% + 50% * remaining BH time
|circuit=removes all
|description=V.Akiha's Last Arc. It is performed by doing an EX shield on the ground. V.Akiha traps her opponent in the air and summons a vast amount of flametongues to engulf the poor victim in a sea of red. Hits 16 times and depending on how much meter you had left when you LA, does between 3.5k to 6.3k

Hits Mid, -/+0 on block. Most much useless. Does pretty good guard bar damage though.

== Combos ==
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">6C</font> '''
[ This video] contains all combos for FVAkiha, including character specifics. The notes below contains the basics but if you're looking for full on character specifics then it might be worth checking it out.  Do note that it is in Japanese without English translations. Sooner or later I'd like to translate these notes and put them here but until then there's just this video.
=== Normal Combos ===
==== Meterless Combos ====
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(2) > j.ABC > dj.BC > AT
|note=Basic BnB. [ Video Example]
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(1) > tk.22B > j.66 > j.C, land j.BC > dj.C > AT
|note=Advanced combo. [ Video Example]
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(2) > j.AC > sdj.236B > delay j.66 > j.214A
|note=Midscreen, hard knockdown for okizeme.
Input the 236B as soon as possible, like a tk (2369B).
For combo 6, you can switch the ender from ''''j.BC > dj.C > AT''' to '''j.B > sdj.C > j.236C''' for hard knockdown oki. Really difficult on some characters such as Shiki Tohno, Satsuki and the Lens, and in most instances doesn't work on Ryougi Shiki.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > 623A > tk.22C > j.66 > j.AB, land j.BC > dj.C > AT
|note=Corner carry from midscreen or 3/4th of screen. On some characters (eg Ryougi) you need to do airdash j.A airdash j.AB instead. [ Video Example]

Overhead, -4 on block. Her overhead, same as the other moons.
==== Metered Combos ====
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% Meter
|metergen=-16.3% (gain of 58.5% before meter was spent)
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(2) > j.ABC > dj.C > j.236C > j.A(w), j.214[A] pillar oki
|note=100 meter knockdown. j.214[A] is pillar oki and not meant to hit as part of the combo. [ Video Example]
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% Meter
|metergen=-16.3% (gain of 58.5% before meter was spent)
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(1) > tk.22B > j.B(w), land j.BC > sdj.C > j.236C
|note=Advanced oki combo midscreen. j.B(w) is optional to let you buffer the rejump [ Video Example]
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% Meter
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(2) > 236C, 5C > 3C > sj8.BC > sdj.C > AT
|note=Metered combo for more damage.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% Meter
|input=*5B > 5C > 4C(1) > tk.22B > j.66 > j.C (land) > j.B > sdj.C > j.236C
|note=Conversion to j.236C from pokes, omit the 5C if at max range [ Video Example]

=== Corner Combos ===
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;" | ''' <font size = "3">4C</font> '''
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(1) > j.22A > j.66 > j.C, land j.BC > sdj.C > AT
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > 623A > j.22A > j.236A
|note=Simple, decently damaging corner combo that sets up sandoori.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2AA > 5B > 2C > delay 3C > 623B
|note=Basic Momiji loop starter.

Hits Mid, -16 on block! But, it pushes you out pretty far on block. Hits 2 times and launches. Useful for stuffing out jumps.  
=== Misc. Combos ===
|condition=Aerial CH starter, grounded opponent
|input=*CH j.X, land > 5C > 4C(2) > j.BC > dj.BC > AT
|note=Staple conversion off of an air-to-air counter hit. First number is j.A counter, second is j.C [ Video Example]
|condition=Shield CH, grounded opponent
|input=*Shield > CH 2C > 3C > j.BC > dj.BC > AT
|note=Basic conversion off of a shield into a 2C CH.
|condition=Raw Air throw starter
|input=*Raw AT > j.22A, land > j.BC > dj.BC > AT
|note=Conversion off of an air throw that prioritizes damage. [ Video Example]
|condition=Raw Air throw starter
|input=*Raw AT > j.236A/B
|note=Conversion off of an air throw that grants a better knockdown. Off of the A puffball, you sideswitch. Off of the B puffball, you can airdash forward and do a meaty j.214[A]
|condition=6C Starter
|input=*6C > 623B, 2C > 3C > 623B
|note=Knockdown in corner.
|condition=6C Starter
|input=*6C > 66 > 2C > delay 4C(2) > 623B > (Momiji Loop^)
|note=Fullscreen knockdown.
|condition=6C Starter
|input=*6C > 66 > 5C > 4C(2) > j.BC > dj.BC > AT
|note=Damage, when in the corner you can either omit the dash and just link the 5C if you really want, but the 4C will whiff so just go directly into the air combo
|condition=623C Starter
|input=*623C > j.66 > j.A(w), land 2C > 3C > j.BC > dj.BC > AT
|condition=623C Starter
|input=*623C (Reversal), 2C > 623B, 2C > 3C > 623B
|note=Knockdown. Doesn't work if your back was straight in the corner (the '''2C > 3C > 623B''' will not be in range).
|condition=623C Starter
|input=*623C (Reversal) > (very slight delay) j.22B~6 > j.66 > j.C (land) > j.BC > dj.C > AT
|condition=623C Starter
|input=*623C (Reversal) > j.66 > late j.22A, land j.BC > sdj.C > j.236C
|note=200 Meter for oki
|condition=Initiative Heat available
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > IH 5B > 5C > (etc)...
|note=Basic IH confirm that works anywhere.
|condition=Initiative Heat available
|input=*(Momiji Loop^) 623B, 2C > IH 2C > 3C > 623B...
|note=Confirm into IH from Momiji loop. You do Momiji loop primarily for the meter so if you need an IH in the middle of your combo you can get it that way.
        |condition=Grounded Opponent <small>(Necos only)</small>
        |input= *5B > 5C > 3C > j.ABC > dj.C > AT
        |note=For use against Necos, and while it should work on other characters, why would you do that?}}

=== OTG ===
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">3C</font> ''
FVAkiha doesn't really use OTG's because her corner knockdown game is strong, however they are an option, and are especially useful to know if you land a 2C in neutral. You usually want to OTG in the corner, so these are corner only.
|input=*2AAA > 5B
|note=Simple OTG. In the corner it leads to tech punishes using '''5B > 5C'''. If you really really want to kill and you have no meter then you can follow the 5B up with '''5C > 4C > 623B''' but it's punishable when they tech.
|condition=OTG, 100% meter
|input=*2AAA > 5B > 2C > 4C > 623C > j.66 > j.A(w) > (Corner Combo, Momiji Loop or 4C > Air combo)
|note=You get a fair bit of damage for your meter investment here, so it's generally worth it if you're pursuing a kill.

Hits Mid, -4 on block. Very similar to C/H's 5BB. Launches on hit. Not very useful, only used in max damage Momiji loops. 4C is just a better launcher in just about every way.  
Midscreen you can do:
|condition=OTG, 100% meter
|input=*623C > j.66 > j.A(w) > (Midscreen Combo)
|note=You will most likely cross under the opponent as you do this depending on the character, so be prepared to switch your inputs. Whiffs on some characters (noted in character specifics).

=== Counter hits ===
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;" | ''' <font size = "3">J.A</font> '''
FVAkiha makes use of ground and air counter hits very well, using them to get extremely high damage or turn air to air encounters to full corner carry combos.
*'''Anti air counter hit''' (ie anti air 5A counter hit, air to air j.A or j.B counter hit)
You have a few options but most of them are tricky to land as they depend on the height of the opponent as you hit them after the counter hit.
|condition=Air CH starter
|input=*...5B > 4C > j.BC > dj.BC > AT
|note=Easy version.
|condition=Air CH starter
|input=*...2C > 623A > TK j.22C > j.66 > j.AB, land j.BC > dj.C > AT
|note=*Corner carry version.
|condition=Air CH starter
|input=*...4C (1) > TK j.22B > j.66 > j.C, land j.BC > dj.C > AT
|note=*Max damage midscreen.

A quick jab that's decent air to air.  
*'''Air to ground counter hit''' (ie j.C counter hit)
If you have a double jump remaining you can turn this j.C into massive damage. An easy version is:
|condition=j.C Ground CH starter
|input=*CH j.C > dj.22A > j.C, land 5B > 5C...
|note=Adding that pit before the ground string adds about 1.5k to your combo so it's very useful to know in a situation where you know you'll land a counter hit (as a shield punish, punishing moves with counter hit recovery). If you do this near the corner, you can do more pits and land and then get a combo from there.

*'''Ground counter hit'''
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">J.B</font> '''
5B and 5C on counter hit lead to a lot of damage.
|condition=5B Ground CH starter
|input=*CH 5B, 5B > 5C...
|note=I.e. you get to link 5B after CH 5B.
|condition=5C Ground CH starter<br>Midscreen
|input=*CH 5C > 22B, 5A > 5B
|note=Does not work in the corner.
|condition=5C Ground CH starter
|input=*CH 5C > TK j7.22B~6, j.22C, j.214B, land > (Pit Loops^)
|note=Do note that after the pit loops you don't get much because 623A and 4C both require you to have a jump cancel, which you've used up with the 5C at the start.
|condition=5C Ground CH starter
|input=*CH 5C > j8.22B~6, j.22C, j.22B, tk j7.22B j.22A j.214A land > (Pit Loops^)
|note=This is one variation of a full pitloop that you can get immeditely from a counter hit 5C. j8.22B~6 works in lieu of a TK B pit because they are still stuck in counter hit status when you jump. 

An upward kick with a pretty good hitbox in front of her. Good for fishing for air to air counterhits.  
=== Character Specifics ===
Standard combos don't work, do this instead:
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|damage=4691 / 4672
|metergen= 63.9%
|metero= 21.3%
|input=*2AA > 5B > 2C > 3C > j.BC > dj.BC > AT
|note= Left number is Neco Arc, right is Neco Arc Chaos
|condition=Near corner starter, grounded opponent
|damage=4681 / 5103
|metergen= 72.9%
|metero= 24.3%
|input=*2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(2) > 623A (2)> j.BC > dj.BC > AT
|note= Left number is Neco Arc, right is Neco Arc Chaos

*Characters that 2C, 623C doesn't work on midscreen
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;" | ''' <font size = "3">J.C</font> '''
These include Tohno Shiki, Ryougi Shiki, Archetype Earth (Hime) (works on Hime at max range but not closer)

Just like H moon's J.C except it can't be dash canceled. Still great for air to ground mixups.  
== Pit loops ==
The main reason most people consider her an S+ theory character (alongside C-Roa and F-Hime). Without this she is 'merely' S, alongside C-Kohaku, C-Seifuki, C-Satsuki, C/F-Nero, and others. This is the only true infinite left in the PC version of the game (the Ringwide version, played in Japan arcades, is slightly older and has a C-KohaMech infinite), and as such, is extremely damaging. However it is extremely difficult to execute and has very specific starters, so it's not like Marvel vs Capcom 3 where Zero can take any hit and convert it to full corner carry and sougenmu lightning loops. Pit loops can also be used on block as block pressure, but right now we're discussing only on hit.

I want to preface this by saying this '''THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT NEEDED IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A DECENT FVAKIHA!''' There is no necessity for you to ever learn this unless you are trying to become the greatest FVAkiha player ever. Learning how the character actually functions is a ton more useful than learning how to do this. If you're a new player, I highly suggest working on your neutral game and basic BnB consistency instead. While it does help to know the basics of pit pressure for blockstrings, it is absolutely not a necessity with this character.  If you do want to take the plunge though, Acido has written a guide on how to do pit loops along with video examples and inputs that you can find [ here]. There's also a ton of other useful information about neutral and okizeme.

==Special Moves==
=== Infinite basics ===
Before we delve into how to actually do the infinite, we need to note a few things:
*The infinite has very specific starters. You can't take any random hit and turn it into 8k with pit loops.
*After 33 hits, the opponent gains more meter than you do for every hit. This, coupled with circuit sparks (bursts) makes sure you can't ToD any character from full life with this infinite.

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==== Starters ====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"|''' <font size = "3"> Illuminating Judgment: Scarlet Spot 「赫訳・緋斑」 - 236ABC</font> '''
*Counter hit 5C
*Counter hit j.C
*Pushing someone in hitstun into a pit behind them.
*Hitting someone with low-to-the-ground charged air pillars.
*High airdash j.C > j.22A
*j.C > dj.22A~4/6 (Frame perfect. Requires holding 4/6 for the 1f faster pit startup.)

* Ground Puffballs. Akiha reaches out in front of her and summons a flaming ball at the tip of her finger. Both A and B versions are air unblockable so have some extremely situational use as anti airs, but the EX version is not.
The first two starters are counter hits, so they require the opponent to cooperate with you.
* '''(A version)''' - The puffball is pointed slightly upwards and hits 2 times twice. It has no use.
* '''(B version)''' - Ditto A version but pointed forward instead. Still useless.
* '''(EX version)''' - (100 Meter) Looks like a powered up version of A. Launches on hit. Only used in some metered midscreen combos. Generally not worth spending meter on during combos.

The third starter often requires either the corner, or ending the combo extremely short midscreen (ie 2C jump airdash forward j.22A, airdash back cross back over to original side).
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3"> Illuminating Judgment: Fire Curtain 「赫訳・火帳」 - J.236ABC</font>'''

* Air Puffballs. While midair Akiha jumps a bit higher into the air and puts a flaming ball underneath her. This move is key to her pressure and is exclusive to F moon. It stuffs just about anything underneath it and opens up opportunities for some nasty mixups. It counts as a projectile and can be TKed for a pressure reset. Combined with her 2 jumps and airdashes, this move makes her float up in the air for an almost unfair amount of time. All versions give an untechable knockdown that you can OTG from. Puffballs affect the momentum of your jump, and their effect is accentuated/diminished if you did a dash jump for A and B version respectively.
The fourth starter is relatively impractical.
*'''(A version)''' - Akiha jumps and gains slightly forward momentum after the puffball.
*'''(B version)''' - Same as A but backward momentum instead of forward.
*'''(EX version)''' - (100 meter) You can also influence which direction you drift by holding 4 or 6 right after the move. This can be used create some nasty which-ways in the corner.  

The fifth starter requires a relatively high j.C, which everyone in the game can crouch to avoid.
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3"> Illuminating Judgment: Maple Leaves  「赫訳・紅葉」 - 623ABC</font>'''

* Affectionately called the Momiji (or Momiji rush). Akiha spins around once and rushes toward her opponent, striking them again after jumping in the air, and hitting them back to the ground. Used primarily in the corner combos called Momiji loops.
The sixth starter is frame perfect and unsafe if you input the pit too early.
*'''(A version)''' - Akiha dashes along the ground but doesn't jump up for the final blow. Unlike for C and H moon where this move worked as an anti air with upper body invincibility, F's 623A has no invincibility whatsoever and thus isn't a very good anti air at all (though it is still air unblockable). Its main use is in combos for corner carry and damage in the corner. Hits twice and both hits are jump cancelable.
*'''(B version)''' - Just like the Momiji rush from the other 2 moons. Hits 4 times and is used in combos. Lower body invincible but if they only do one meaty 2A they will most often be able to block in time. Not a very good reversal at all.
*'''(EX version)''' - (100 meter) OTGs. Used in fullscreen Momiji loops. Has a small amount of invincibility up until the first hit. Can be used as a makeshift reversal, although not recommended.  

As you can see, you can't really just land a hit from round start and go into the infinite and kill. It requires some kind of setup or a counter hit.

=== Enders ===
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3"> Piercing Moon 「月を穿つ」 - (J.)214ABC</font>'''
The best way to end pit loops is with a knockdown, preferably in the corner. After doing enough reps, land and do a ground combo, such as dash 2C623A etc. It's not possible to ToD someone from the infinite so the thing is to just take a well positioned knockdown off it.

* Flame Pillars. Akiha flicks her hand upward and summons a flame pillar in front of her that moves forward slowly. It's very similar to C/H moon's except that F moon's pillars are slightly taller and can be used in the air. This can make moving around her pillars much more difficult compared to the C/H version of herself. Akiha can (and should) use pillars in the air. Using Air Pillars is core to her neutral and pressure game. Keep in mind that air pillars move a shorter distance then ground pillars and that you cannot preform any input till you land and recover on the ground. She will also resume the air momentum she had before the pillar was summoned. Pillars can be used for good oki. Pillars are also able to OTG, but it is not recommended.
For 5C specifically, where you have spent your jump cancel to get the pits, you can't turn that into a great knockdown, since comboing off 623A and 4C requires that you have a jump cancel. If you're really gung-ho about getting the corner you can do 2C 623B dash OTG 623C into stuff, but ending the combo in 623B is still fairly decent.
*'''(A version)''' - The pillars spawn just in front of Akiha. and move about 3 character lengths away. Can be charged to about 5 character lengths. Used for spacing and blockstrings.
*'''(B version)''' - Same as A. But the pillars spawn where A's uncharged version ends. Moves 3 character lengths away from that spot. Can also be charged to move farther.
*'''(EX version)''' - (100 meter) Starts where A starts and travels all the way to where a fully charged B would end. (Almost full screen!!!) If you can get your opponent to block it, it will carry them more or less right into the corner.  

=== How to do loops ===
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3"> Illuminating Judgement: Enticing Lull 「赫訳・誘凪」 - (J.)22ABC</font>'''
One of the main things to note with loops is you can't keep doing pit loops without needing at least one pit to push away. This is accomplished by doing either pit input~6 or 6 right before the pit input.

* Flame pits. Akiha hops back slightly and summons a swilling pit on the ground. This move can be used on the ground or in the air. The pit stays for a set amount of time and disappears if akiha is hit. The pits ignite if the opponent is over them and in block/hit stun. You can also manually ignite them by inputting their motion a second time. These pits do not launch your opponent like C/H moon's pits but they do add quite a bit of damage in addition to being able to be summoned faster. Flamepits are usually TKed and used in combos and blockstrings. An interesting side note: If you get a Half moon character while in auto heat into blockstun with any C normal canceled into pit (so that it auto ignites from the blockstun), the pit forces a circuit spark. Air flamepits make you stop in the air and their ability to break momentum isn't affected by doing a dash jump.
The first one looks like this
*'''(Version A)''' - Akiha summons a pit right underneath herself.
*'''(Version B)''' - This version has the pit summon about where a 214b would spawn.
*'''(Version C)''' - Cost no meter. Just summons a pit a little bit farther then the B version.

The second one looks like this

==Arc Drive==
There's no real difference in which input you want to use. Pick whichever input feels more comfortable and natural to you.

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
Once you can do that, it's just a matter of knowing how to push people and doing pillars extremely low to the ground for the least amount of recovery, so you can jump up and do them again. A basic example that you might want to try is:
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| '''<font size = "3"> Crimson Lord: Uncountable Pureness  「赤主・遍生」 </font> '''
* CH j.C > dj.22A~6, j.22B, j.214B, land 66 j.22C, j.22B, j.214B

* Akiha lifts her arms up and shoots a small full-screen laser from her eyes. Hits 10 times. Only does about 2.8k of damage. Pretty much useless. You can use it to end a Momiji loop or catch people mashing backdash on wakeup if your feeling yourself. Is very punishable on wiff. Somewhat punishable on block.  
How you want to position people during pit loops depends entirely on your positioning, execution and creativity.

There are also other things you might want to learn for pit loops, such as pit airdash pit (executed by j.22X > j.66 > j.22X) that open up new and even swaggier routes for the loops, but if you're just beginning to learn pit loops, just keep it simple.

=== Block pressure ===
Pit loops are also useful for block pressure, not just raw damage. You can cancel j.C to pit if you double jump cancel it, and if you have an airdash left you can do blockstrings such as:
* j.C > dj.22A, j.22B > j.66 > j.22A, j.22B, land TK j.22B > j.66 > j.22A, j.22B etc.

==Another Arc Drive==
Do note that pit airdash pit is often not an airtight blockstring and you might get air thrown or poked out of it, but you can discourage this by j.C'ing after the airdash instead.

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Most of the time pit block pressure doesn't have mixups in itself; the way most people get opened up by it is that they get fidgety and try to escape it but fail and get hit, which then the FVAkiha player confirms and goes into pit loops on hit. Simply blocking and ex guarding it is a very safe option to deal with it, but then FVAkiha can air dash j.C, land and go for a ground mixup instead.
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| '''<font size = "3"> Crimson Lord: Uncountable Pureness 「赤主・遍生」  </font> '''

* A stronger version of her first Arc Drive. Hits 19 times for about 4.4k. Nothing special or really useful about this attack. Can be used as a full screen punish if you see them doing something unsafe.  
=== Video examples ===
Players such as Yukichi and Tobari are really good at pit loops and Yukichi especially tries to do pit loops whenever he can, whether as block pressure or getting a hit. [ This match] in particular shows how pit loops work for block pressure as well as on hit.

There are far more examples in combo videos and match videos, but keep it simple at the start, and delve into more swag loops when you get really good at everything else.

==Last Arc==

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== Additional Resources ==
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| '''<font size = "3"> Crimson Lord Uncountable Pureness: Scarlet Banquet's Good Hill  「赤主遍生・朱宴ノ良坂」  </font> '''
[ F-V.Akiha Match Video Database]<br>
[ @DRK_Player: Playing F-VAkiha.] A PDF mirror of the document is available [[Media:Playing F-VAkiha.pdf|here.]]<br>
[ F-Akiha Vermillion Tech Guide by Acido]

* Akiha's Last Arc. It is preformed by doing an EX shield on the ground. Akiha traps her opponent in the air and summons a vast amount of flametongues to engulf the poor victim in a sea of red. Hits 16 times and depending on how much meter you had left when you LA, does between 3.5k to 6.3k
== Notable Players ==
{| class="wikitable"
!width="120"|Name!! width="49"|Color
!width="125"|Region !! Common Venues !! Status !! Details
| [ Acido]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:VAkiha Color25.png]]
| Brazil || Netplay || Active || Best active F-VAkiha to watch. Very good BR player.
| [ c00ruj4]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:VAkiha Color12.png]]
| Brazil || Netplay || Active || [ Best of F-Vakiha]
| [ hato<br>(はと)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:VAkiha Color17.png]]
| Japan || A-cho || Inactive ||
| [ kou<br>(コウ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:VAkiha Color25.png]]
| Japan || A-cho, Kirisugu || Inactive || Watching Kou's old vids, especially, can teach you a lot about how to play F-VAkiha without relying on the scam stuff.
| [ kuga (くが)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:VAkiha Color09.png]]
| Japan || A-cho, Port 24 Yagoto || Active || Strong, technical, pit pressure enjoyer. Recent footage currently not well documented on In addition to aforementioned arcade channels, sometimes plays at Port 24 during streams on [ Yume's] channel.
| [ tobari<br>(とばり)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| Japan || Athena Nipponbashi, KorewaMelty || Active || Technical monster.
|[ UltraToast]|| style="text-align:center;"|
| North America || Copefest, Netplay || Inactive ||
| [ yukichi<br>(ゆきち)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:VAkiha Color16.png]]
| Japan || A-cho, Athena Nipponbashi, KorewaMelty || Active || Technical monster.

=== Players to ask in the community ===
''Opinions may differ between players and not all may agree on the same topic.''
{| class="wikitable"
!width="95"|Name !! Discord username !! Languages !! Servers
| Hailey || archetypehailey || English || Meltycord, MBCS
| Blob || blobfgc || English, French || Meltycord, MBCS


[[Category:Melty Blood]]
[[Category:Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code]]
[[Category:Akiha Vermilion]]

Latest revision as of 15:04, 24 May 2024

Look how pretty she is.
Name:   Akiha Vermilion (紅赤朱 秋葉)  —  Nicknames:    Red
Voiced by:   Hokuto Minami (北都 南)  —  Type:   Human, Half-Demon  —  Gender:   Female
Birthday:   Sept. 22  —  Sizes:   73 / 57 / 79  —  Height:   160cm  —  Weight:   45kg
Eye Color:   Blue  —  Hair Color:   Red

Character Page Progress

This page is mostly complete, consider joining as an editor to help finish it up. Please update this character's roadmap page when one of the editing goals have been reached.

In Progress To-do
  • Additional Ressources/Players to watch/ask
    • Add any external links to ressources such as video guides or articles.
  • Combos:
    • Add damage, meter gain/given numbers and video links to combos


Strengths / Weaknesses
  • Has high damage
  • Has an infinite
  • Great neutral tools like air pillar and puffball
  • Great mobility with a fast dash and 2 airdashes
  • Insane safe pressure from pits and puffballs
  • Safe okizeme that leads to her pressure
  • Play Tsukihime
  • Lowest HP in the game
  • No meterless reversal, and her metered one is mediocre

General Gameplan


FVAkiha is one of the most mobile characters in all of Melty Blood. Her mobility is one of the biggest reasons she's as good as she is. Of course, with great mobility comes great responsibility - you must make sure that you're not moving yourself into harm's way, as VAkiha's extremely low life means any mistake you make can mean the end for you.


FVAkiha's walkspeeds are above average, but no one simply walks around in Melty Blood so it is what it is.

Her ground forward dash is extremely fast, has very little startup (ie it doesn't take her long before she starts moving, as opposed to say PCiel, whose dash has a long amount of time at the beginning where she isn't moving), and has a bit of low profile ability, allowing her to dash under some characters who are trying to jump in with buttons towards you, and potentially run behind someone and 5A them on the other side. This dash coupled with her strong frame data allows her to also tick throw quite effectively.

Her ground backdash is average, it's invincible just like everyone's else. It can be useful to increase the distance between you and your opponent if you really can't afford the time to jump and air backdash. Not much more to say about it.


FVAkiha's air mobility is second only to F Hime who has flight. In addition to having two average trajectory jumps and two above average airdashes, she also has puffballs (j.236A/B), pits (j.22A/B/C) and pillars (j.214A/B), and using a combination of all these options can make the opponent's life a nightmare.

Her jumps cover a standard amount of distance and float for a standard amount of time. Her dash jump covers a long distance so dash jumping to poke the opponent out of anything slow in the air is a valid strategy if you have the hard read to back it up. Having two dashes in the air allows you to bait out big normals an come back in and punish.

Puffball (j.236A/B) can be done indefinitely in the air. A version floats you towards where you are facing and B version floats you away from where you are facing. They basically have no hurtbox where her arms are, so it's an extremely good option while moving around if your opponent is anywhere below you, since it's really difficult to challenge from that angle. Choosing between the A and the B version depends on the situation - do you want to go forward or go backward? Using a puffball disallows you from air backdashing till you land, so it's extremely important to know which version of the puffball you want to use. Also note that puffballs' momentum changing is affected by what jump you are doing, so doing a dash jump puffball can make the A version puffball go way ahead and the B version puffball barely move backwards if at all.

Pit (j.22A/B/C) can also be done indefinitely in the air. All versions make you float slightly upwards and backwards, overriding all previous momentum. This is great as a brake in the air, so you can just pause and make yourself not land on a potential anti air, which is great when you're air teching and you've used up all your movement options and someone's making you land onto a normal for a ground to air combo. Pits have great recovery and let you keep all your movement options so they're great to just move around with, and they also have the added benefit of activating and putting the opponent in huge amount of blockstun if you push them into pits while in blockstun.

Pillars (j.214A/B) are similar to ground pillars, except done in the air. They're a great way to protect your landing if someone's running towards you to anti air you out of the air, but if someone jumps over the pillar you're in deep trouble because you are in full recovery till you land AND you have extra recovery when you land. They're also good to bully opponents who like to stay on the ground from far, though this is Melty Blood so you wouldn't find players like those often.


FVAkiha's offense is extremely potent, with F moon's standard extremely good frame data coupled with a really fast dash that allows her to tick throw very well. Just like most characters in Melty Blood, FVAkiha is at her best when she's forcing the opponent to block all of her stuff, creating strings that look like they have no way out, and punishing the opponent for trying.


FVAkiha, being an F moon character, has very good frame data on most of her normals (See #Normal Moves).

Her throw is really good and provides a ton of different mixups, while healing her red life, which can be useful if you're trying to make a comeback and you don't have IH.

Her 2A, standard low poke, is +3 on block. +3 is a LOT, considering most C and H moon characters' 2A's are usually 0 or -1 on block. This allows you to do 2A delay 2A as a frame trap.

5A is +4 on block, one frame extra. Coupled with the fact that you can't duck it on block if you play a viable character (sorry Necos), this makes it an excellent tool to catch late jump outs and get a mini combo.

5B and 5C, while negative on block, are excellent frame trap normals, since 5B on counter hit links to another 5B, and 5C on counter hit can lead to massive damage using j.22x.

4C is another frame trap tool that you can chain into if they block your 5B or 5C as another thing to try. Same for 623A, except you can do that after 4C as well.

TK air puffball is a fantastic tool on offense that does frankly too much stuff for a move that is that safe (essentially fully safe). It has a great tendency to just eat Dragon Punches on wakeup due to how the DP interacts with her hurtbox (or rather, lack of thereof). Super jump puffball isn't that good. You want to normal jump tk puffball, you do this by either 412369A or [2]369A (hold 2 for a little while before doing the rest of the motion). After normal jump TK air puffball, you want to chain into j.B for a safe blockstring, or land and 2A if you've conditioned them to always take the j.B high option.

IAD j.C is an option you can use if you're too far away for TK air puffball and your opponent gives you enough time and doesn't mash out a normal to stop you. It is also cancelable into lots of air stuff, including but not limited to dj.22A, j.214A, dj airdash j.C, and so on.

Pairing these together, you can create strings limited by your imagination and your opponent's willingness to escape your pressure. Some examples:

  • 2A, tick throw
  • 2A, delay 5B/5C
  • 2A, TK air puffball, j.B, dash 2A
  • 2A2A, tick throw
  • 2A2A, delay 5B
  • 2A2A, IAD j.C > dj.22A, j.22B, land, tick throw

As you can see, the possibilities are endless. The key is to mix up enough stuff to where your opponent thinks, "Oh jeez I can't just keep blocking all this because my guard bar is depleting," or they can just not think and mash 2A or mash dragon punch or try to jump out because they don't care, and your job as the aggressor is to punish that (more detail near the end).


FVAkiha's okizeme is very potent and extremely safe for how damaging it can be. Below are some of the more common knockdowns you'll land, and the general options you have off them. Do note that this isn't everything; be creative and/or watch match videos to see what top level players do.

Air throw

Air throw is one of the more common knockdowns you will be landing, so it's important to know what kinds of oki options you get. Do note that it's not as much advantage as j.236C, so unless you don't have the meter, it's usually advised to end air combos with j.236C to get as much advatage off the combo as possible.

  • 66 2A
While not strictly meaty depending on the character, it does beat wake up mashing by everybody. 2A is +3 on block as well, so even if they don't mash, you can run with the advantage.
  • 214[B]
If you predict your opponent to just wake up DP, but still want to retain some sort of advantage, you can do 214[B] and make their reversal whiff (or make them hit a pillar, in which case if it hits as a counter hit you can combo off it) while still putting them in blockstun. If they block it you have enough time to run up and do a 2A as part of the blockstring from the pillar. Do note that pillars are not strictly meaty and they can jump out, but they'll have to block them in the air which leads to an unblockable 4C.

Once the opponent starts respecting these you have the option to run up throw, IAD j.C, run up puffball, etc, but note that these two are the primary options you have.

j.236C combo ender

If you want a good knockdown midscreen you'll most likely go for this. For 100% it's not a bad investment. Your options include:

  • j.A(w), j.214[A].
Creates lots of blockstun for your opponent to deal with as you dance around them and do whatever you want.
  • float away during j.236C, j.66, j.214A
Same concept except not as easy to shield on reaction and punish.
  • float away during j.236C, j.66, j.A(w), land 2A
Cheeky low.

Corner 623B

Ender to Momiji loop and hard knockdown. This can lead to a really good mixup that's relatively safe. The most standard way to pressure off this is to regular jump towards the opponent, do j.22A then do:

  • j.C for your standard high.
  • Land and 5B for your empty jump low.
  • j.236A for puffball that will, just like it does basically everywhere, go through DP's or Heat activations, which you can then land and punish.

j.C and 5B both become super + on block and really easy to hit confirm (and lead to pit loops) because you have a pit right on top of them. This mixup does somewhat lose to wake up backdash, but you can simply delay your timing if you expect a wake up backdash, or input an backdash option select (for FVAkiha, 2A2C) upon landing and catch that backdash.

Air Puffball

Often landed as a frame trap or as a combo ender

  • Corner 623A > j.22A, j.236A / j.236A / dash momentum j.236B
You're right on top of them as you land this, you get the option to neutral double jump and go for sandoori by holding [4]/[6]. Sandoori is a Japanese term, identical in meaning to the American which-way, describing a left right mixup with three different options.
  • dj8~[4], late j.C (so you land before j.C becomes active), 2A
  • dj8~[6], late j.C (so you land before j.C becomes active) 2A
  • dj8~[4], j.66 j.C
  • dj8~[6], j.236B (to bait DP's)
These options create a three way mixup that's relatively safe (you can use the different floats to confuse which way to enter 623 for DP's, or j.236B to flat out beat DP's).
  • 4C > j.AC > sdj.236B
You're slightly further away from them so you can't go for sandoori. Your options include airdashing forward and:
  • j.214A
Pillars that they have to block as you land safely and try to go for another mixup.
  • whiff j.A, land 2A
Cheeky low.

Ground throw

Ground throw with FVAkiha is really good. It fills back your red life and gives a hard knockdown that you can set up a lot of mixups from.

  • j.66 > j.44 > j.236A/B (left/right, good to mess up 623 DP inputs)
  • Meaty 2A
  • Meaty puffball
  • "Meaty" j.66 j.C (shield bait)
  • Walk back, j.66:
  • j.B(w), 2A (cross up low)
  • j.C (overhead)
  • j.236A/B (dp bait/another left/right)

Ground throw has a lot of potential and you basically get to do whatever you want.

Escaping pressure

Escaping FVAkiha's pressure is pretty tough. Here are some theories as to how to avoid it. (WIP)


As the character with the lowest life in the game, you really don't want to be put into a position where you have to rely on defense. However, if you do get caught in such a position, namely having to anti air and having to deal with someone's offense, here are some strategies.

Anti air

Anti air in Melty is more preemptive and soft read based than purely reactionary. That being said, FVAkiha has a few anti air options available to her.

  • Air to air j.A/j.B
Classic Melty anti air. If you get a counter hit with these you can turn it into big damage and/or corner carry into good mixups. If you don't get a counter hit you can still do good damage, however you have to choose whether you think you'll get the counter hit so you can just do a j.A or j.B, land and do a full combo, or you think you won't get a counter hit, in which case you can chain into other normals and end the combo with air throw or j.236C for the knockdown. Whether you're going for the counter hit or the basic chain depends on you and how hard a read you have on getting that counter hit. The counter hit combo will lead to a lot more damage and better positioning and oki situation on counter hit, but without counter hit doesn't net you anything, while the basic chain works all the time but gives much less damage and worse positioning. j.B has a better air to air hitbox in front of and above her (the upward leg doesn't have a hurtbox) but is slightly slower than j.A (j.A is i5 while j.B is i7).
  • Air throw
Air throws in Melty are a really good anti air, similar to Guilty Gear. However, the difference is that in Melty Blood if you whiff an air throw you're stuck there swinging for all eternity, have additional landing recovery and are fully in counter hit state as you're flying across the screen, whiffing your air throw. However they do lead to decent combos, for FVAkiha at least, and they are (almost?) instant, much faster than j.A or j.B, so if you think someone is going to airdash at you and you won't have time to get out a j.A or j.B or they're going to do an empty airdash trying to bait your anti air shield, you can get an air throw (and possibly yell "SCOOOOOOOPS!" when you get it). Do note that you can air throw to the left or the right by holding that direction when you input your air throw, so if you're in the corner and you see someone jump at you, it might be a decent idea to air throw them backwards into the corner.
  • Ground normals (ie 5A, 5C, 3C)
Ground normals generally don't tend to be amazing anti airs in Melty due to how fast and well designed for air-to-ground jumping normals are and how much ground normals aren't designed for great anti air use (you won't find anything like a Guilty Gear 6P with upper body invincibility, for example).
  • 5A isn't a great anti air in terms of hitboxes(the hitbox is the underside of her arm, while the hurtbox is the whole arm and slightly above it), but if someone's airdashing at you really low, there might be a chance you can 5A them out of it and get a small combo or an air tech situation. 5A is also a good anti air if you were able to dash under the opponent, since their normal will then come out on the other side and there's no risk of their jump normal hitting you out of your 5A (unless their jump normal hits behind them), and as FVAkiha's dash has a bit of low profile starting from frame 8, there are quite a few situations where you can use dash under 5A as an anti air.
  • 5C is a better anti air in terms of hitboxes, but it is a slow normal so you can't really use it as a raw reaction anti air - it is a soft read (ie prediction + reaction, "I think they'll air dash at me; oh they airdashed, I'll 5C.") anti air. Same with 5A, if they get hit by this you can jump cancel it and get a small combo, or let them tech for an air tech situation.
  • 3C is extremely slow but its saving grace is that it reaches extremely high when 5A and 5C do not, so if someone's flying above your head high enough where you can't 5A or 5C them but not super high so you can't reach them at all, you might be able to get 3C as a little hit. Same with 5A and 5C, you can jump cancel it and get a small combo (do note that jump cancelling with 8 after 3C gives you a super jump, which might be necessary for you to get a combo off it) or let them tech for an air tech situation.
All these normals on counter hit lead to full air combos similar to counter hit air to air j.A or j.B.
  • Shield
Shield is the universal anti air, and since you're F moon you can input 236D after your shield and get a basic combo after it. if you think someone will air dash at you and you don't have time to air throw them or j.A them, and you're sure that they will hit an air normal, you can let it out and get decent rewards if they do the air normal. However if they just empty jump or air dash again or use some other method to bait shield, causing your shield to whiff, you're going for a ride, as shields are punishable by counter hits during recovery. Be extremely careful when using shield as an anti air against good opponents, as they will blow you up extremely hard if you mess up.
  • Avoid the scenario
Melty Blood is an aerial game and you're FVAkiha so you have some of the best air movement in the whole game. The best way to anti air is to not get caught in situations where you have to rely the above tools to try to get out. Try to be above the opponent whenever possible (and avoid their air normals). Use pits and puffballs to maintain aerial superiority. Use your good air normals and puffballs if someone below you want to challenge you. Use your two airdashes, one double jump and air specials to completely avoid whatever situation your opponent has set out for you down below. This is not to say that there will never be scenarios where you have to rely on the above options to escape your opponent jumping at you, but like the old proverb says, "The best cure is prevention." Don't be there for your opponent to jump at you.

Post block reversals

She only has 623C as an invincible reversal, which on hit gives fairly good rewards, but during recovery is counter hit punishable and is relatively slow so it's easy to safejump (however it is air unblockable so they actually need to do a decent safejump - they can't just air block it).

She also has shield just like every character, however as with every character, it's a huge risk if it gets baited because she's in counter hit state during recovery.

Her shield bunker slides very low to the ground and there are chances that you can avoid some stuff with it but it's generally not a great option because C and F shield bunkers are not fully invincible like H shield bunkers are. Her backdash is good; it's faster than average and becomes airborne early to avoid throws, but again, if it gets baited you are going for a ride.

As an F moon character she does not have access to EX shields and dodges.

Her 2A is 5 frames so it's not as good a mash-out-of-jail-free card as it is for some other characters with faster 2A's, but you can always find situations where you can make use of it to abare out of the opponent's pressure.

While her defensive options are just as lackluster as a majority of the cast, the problem with FVAkiha's stuff is that if it gets baited it hurts a lot, lot more than it hurts everyone else, because her life is extremely low and her defense modifiers are really high (as in she eats a lot more damage per hit than most characters). Be very careful while trying to make a defensive read with these tools. The safest way to defend with FVAkiha is to use your reactions and reads to block and EX guard whenever you can to recover your guard meter, get more meter, and push the opponent away further, and read if someone wants to throw you and avoid it, either with throw techs, abare 2A's, or jumping out.

Move Descriptions

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Move Box Colors

Light gray = Collision Box (A move lacking one means it can go through the opponent's own collision box).
Green: Hurt Boxes.
Red: Hit(/Grab) Boxes.
Yellow: Clash Boxes (When an active hitbox strikes a clash box, the active hitbox stops being active. Multi-hit attacks can beat clash since they will still progress to the next hitbox.)
Magenta: Projectile-reflecting boxes OR Non-hit attack trigger boxes (usually).
Blue: Reflectable Projectile Boxes.

Damage Base damage done by this attack.

(X) denotes combined and scaled damage tested against standing V. Sion.

Red Damage Damage done to the recoverable red health bar by this attack. The values are inherently scaled and tested against standing V. Sion.

(X) denotes combined damage.

Proration The correction value set by this attack and the way it modifies the scaling during a string. See this page for more details.

X% (O) means X% Overrides the previous correction value in a combo if X is of a lower percentage.
X% (M) means the current correction value in a combo will be Multiplied by X%. This can also be referred to as relative proration.

Circuit Meter gained by this attack on hit.

(X%) denotes combined meter gain.
-X% denotes a meter cost.

Cancel Actions this move can be cancelled into.

SE = Self cancelable.
N = Normal cancelable.
SP = Special cancelable.
CH = Cancelable into the next part of the same attack (Chain in case of specials).
EX = EX cancelable.
J = Jump cancelable.
(X) = Cancelable only on hit.
-X- = Cancelable on whiff.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

L = Can block crouching
H = Can block standing.
A = Can block in the air.
U = Unblockable.

Startup Amount of frames that must pass prior to reaching the active frames. Also referred to as "True Startup".
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.

(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present. Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
X denotes active frames with a duration separate from its origin move's frame data, such as projectile attacks. In this case, the total length of the move is startup+recovery only.

Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled. The character goes into one frame where they can block but not act afterwards, which is not counted here.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).

If the opponent uses a move with startup that is at least 2 frames less than this move's negative advantage, it will result in the opponent hitting that move.
±x~±y denotes a range of possible advantages.

Invul Lists any defensive properties this move has.

X y~z denotes X property happening between the y to z frames of the animations. If no frames are noted, it means the invincibility lasts through the entire move.


Strike = Strike invincible.
Throw = Throw invincible.

Hurtbox-Based Properties:

Full = No hurtboxes are present.
High = Upper body lacks a hurtbox.
Low = Lower body lacks a hurtbox.

Miscellaneous Properties

Clash = Frames in which clash boxes are active.
Reflect = Frames in which projectile-reflecting boxes are active.
Super Armor = Frames in which the character can take hits without going into hit stun.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Fvakiha 5a.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 121 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 4 4 2.7% -
  • Good standing jab.
  • Main fast button in neutral.
  • Situational anti-air.


Fvakiha 5b.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 505 100% N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 5 11 -1 6.3% -
  • Good standing low.
  • Must be shielded standing even though it's a low.
  • Decent ground poke.
  • Strong pressure tool since it's -1
  • Links into itself on CH.


Vakiha 5c.png
5C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 707 90% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 6 17 -5 9.0% -
  • Situational anti-air.
  • Can stop people from running into you.
5[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1400 1212 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 5 14 0 10.8% -
  • Pushes you forward a lot.
  • Deals big damage to the guard bar.

Crouching Normals

Fvakiha 2a.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350 151 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 5 3 3.6% -
  • F-VAki's fastest low.
Vakiha 2b.png
Vakiha 2b3.png
2B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
250*6 (653) (472) 85% (O) N, SP, -CH-, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 9 13 -2 1.8%*3 (5.4%) -
  • Fast.
  • Has a lot of pushback.
  • Is mainly used to punish standing shield.
~2B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
200*3 (580) (292) 100% (O) -CH- LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1 5 20 -10 ~ -9 0.9%*3 (2.7%) -
  • Low followup.
  • Instant if done during 2B's recovery.
  • Only cancellable into 2BBB.
~2B~2B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 606 75% (O) J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 5 16 -3 5.4% -
  • An overhead with rather slow start-up.
  • Can be jump-cancelled on Hit OR Block so it is safe so long as it doesn't whiff.
  • Very rarely used.
Fvakiha 2c.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 707 60% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 5 16 -3 9.0% -
  • Decent poke.
  • Pretty safe.
  • Hard to convert from without predicting it's going to connect.

Aerial Normals

Fvakiha ja.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 151 75% (O) SE, N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 11 - 2.7% -
  • Fast and has a good angle.
  • It's a good tool for anti-airing and air to airing.
  • It's also used to do lows in airdash mixups, for example IAD > whiff j.A > 2A is the low option
Fvakiha jb.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 505 90% (O) N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 - - 6.3% -
  • Mostly used as an air to air tool.
  • Also used as a falling air normal after puffball.
Hvakiha jc.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 505 90% (O) SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 5 - - 9.0% -
  • The high option in F-VAkiha air dash mixups.
  • Beats every 5A anti-air if spaced correctly (vertically)
  • If you decide to use j.C to air to air you have to be a) behind them and b) be a decent amount above them and use the button preemptively.
  • It's very important to know that the green is really close to the red. Being aware of that is key to make the most out of j.C

Command Normals

MB F-VAkiha 3C.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 707 70% (O) SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 4 18 -4 10.8% Clash 11-14
  • Launches on hit, cancellable into neutral superjump.
  • Has a clash box while active.
Vakiha 4c.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*2 (925) (653) 100% SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 31 -15 4.5%*2 (9.0%) -
  • Thick and fast.
  • Unsafe on whiff.
  • Situational anti-air.
  • Good abare button.
  • Can stop the opponent from dashing at you.
  • Has 5f worse recovery in comparison to her C/H Moon 4Cs but F-VAkiha 4C launches on hit.
Vakiha 6c.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 303 75% =(SP), (EX) H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 4 18 -4 7.2% -
  • There is no green box below her leg until it’s active, therefore most of the trades go positive in your favor if someone tries to mash it with their 2A.
  • Can be dash cancelled on hit with 66. This is required to confirm from it in midscreen.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
MB C-VAkiha Throw.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
170*7 (1076) (488) 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 1 20 - 0.0% -

V.Akiha grabs the opponent by the neck and goes into a 7-hit sequence. Recovers roughly 1000 red life as well. Untechable knockdown.

Air Throw
Air Throw
MB C-VAkiha Throw Air.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1600 (Raw)
489 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2 1 12 - 0.0% -

V.Akiha takes the opponent to the ground with the power of her legs. As a combo ender it will be untechable but will leave you at a distance.

Shield Counter
Shield Counter
236D after a successful Shield (Air OK)
MB F-VAkiha 236D.png
MB F-VAkiha j.236D.png
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 (345) 202 50% (SP), (EX), (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 4 18 -4 4.5% -

Same animation as 3C.

Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 (345) 202 50% - HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 4 - - 4.5% Full 1-3

Same animation as C-Moon j.C.

Shield Bunker
Shield Bunker
214D in neutral or blockstun
MB C-VAkiha 214D.png
Bunker Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 202 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 4 19 -5 0.0%
(-50.0% in blockstun)
Clash 1-10
(Clash) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 202 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 19 -5 0.0%/-50.0% Strike 1-7

V.Akiha's shield bunker is a special slide with low to the ground hitboxes.

Blood Heat
Blood Heat
A+B+C during MAX
MB C-VAkiha ABC.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 5 25 - uses all Full 1-20

Hitbox entirely covers V.Akiha.

Circuit Spark
Circuit Spark
A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
MB C-VAkiha CSpark.png
MB C-VAkiha CSpark Air.png
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 10 20 - removes all Full 1-39
Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 10 15 - removes all Strike 1-30

Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

Special Moves

Grounded Specials

MB F-VAkiha 236A.png
MB F-VAkiha 236B.png
MB F-VAkiha 236C.png
A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300*4 202*4 50% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
19 8 (12) 8 8 -15 ~ 5 (A)
-19 ~ 1 (B)
2.7%*4 (10.8%) -
  • Ground Puffballs. V.Akiha reaches out in front of her and summons a flaming ball at the tip of her finger. Both A and B versions are air unblockable so have some extremely situational use as anti airs, but the EX version is not.

A: The puffball is pointed slightly upwards and hits 2 times twice. It has no use.
B: Ditto A version but pointed forward instead. Still useless.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600*4 (1488) (999) 60% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+10 8 20 -1 -100.0% -

Looks like a powered up version of A. Launches on hit. Only used in some metered midscreen combos. Generally not worth spending meter on during combos.

MB F-VAkiha 623A.png
MB C-VAkiha 623B.png
MB C-VAkiha 623C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700*2 (1236) (801) 90% (M)*2 -EX-, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14 12 14 -7 5.4%*2 (10.8%) -
  • Affectionately called the Momiji (or Momiji rush). V.Akiha spins around once and rushes toward her opponent, striking them again after jumping in the air, and hitting them back to the ground. Used primarily in the corner combos called Momiji loops.

Akiha dashes along the ground but doesn't jump up for the final blow. Unlike for C and H moon where this move worked as an anti air with upper body invincibility, F's 623A has no invincibility whatsoever and thus isn't a very good anti air at all (though it is still air unblockable). Its main use is in combos for corner carry and damage in the corner. Hits twice and both hits are jump cancelable. This move is IH cancelable and you can even whiff the move and cancel to IH during the dashing animation, which is extremely useful if you want to get life via IH.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300, 200, 500, 400 (984) (534) 70% (O), 60% (M) - LH (1-2), LHA (3-4)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 32 24 -9 3.15%, 1.8*2, 4.5% (9.95%) Low 1-10

Just like the Momiji rush from the other 2 moons. Hits 4 times and is used in combos. Lower body invincible but if they only do one meaty 2A they will most often be able to block in time. Not a very good reversal at all.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
200, 300*2, 400 (1089) (607) 60% (M) (N), (SP), (EX), (J) LH (1-2), LHA (3-4)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6+3 35 23 -9 -100.0% Full 1-10

Relaunches from OTG. Used in fullscreen Momiji loops. Cancellable into anything on hit. Has a small amount of invincibility up until the first hit. Can be used as a makeshift reversal, although not recommended.

MB C-VAkiha 214A.png
MB C-VAkiha 214B.png
MB C-VAkiha 214C.png
A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*3 (1009) (560) 80% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
21 22 13 -14 ~ 0 2.7%*3 (8.1%) -
[A]/[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*5 (1578) (875) 80% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
29 X (64) 35 -14 ~ 42 2.7%*5 (13.5%) -
  • Flame Pillars. V.Akiha flicks her hand upward and summons a flame pillar in front of her that moves forward slowly. It's very similar to C/H moon's except that F moon's pillars are slightly taller and can be used in the air. This can make moving around her pillars much more difficult compared to the C/H version of herself. Pillars can be used for good oki. Pillars are also able to OTG, but it is not recommended.

A: The pillars spawn just in front of V.Akiha. and move about 3 character lengths away. Can be charged to about 5 character lengths. Used for spacing and blockstrings.
B: Same as A. But the pillars spawn where A's uncharged version ends. Moves 3 character lengths away from that spot. Can also be charged to move farther.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
280*15 (2497) (1799) 96% (M)*15 - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+33 X (118) 29 -8 ~ 90 -100.0% Full 1-9

Starts where A starts and travels all the way to where a fully charged B would end. (Almost full screen!!!) If you can get your opponent to block it, it will carry them more or less right into the corner.

Brilliant Impetus - Luring Calm
22A/B/C (No EX)
MB F-VAkiha 22X.png
(Hitboxes trigger the Pit on opponents in hit/blockstun)
(Hitboxes trigger the Pit on opponents in hit/blockstun)
MB F-VAkiha 22X 22X.png
A/B/C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 X (360) 36 - - Low 12-33
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
650*2 (1279) (795) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2 (2) 2 12
6 ~ 16
(5 ~ 15)
3.6%*2 (7.2%) Full 1-8
  • Flame pits. V.Akiha hops back slightly and summons a swilling pit on the ground. This move can be used on the ground or in the air. The pit stays for a set amount of time and disappears if V.Akiha is hit. The pits ignite if the opponent is over them and in block/hit stun. You can also manually ignite them by inputting their motion a second time, and holding 6 will reverse the direction the pit explodes. These pits do not launch your opponent like C/H moon's pits but they do add quite a bit of damage in addition to being able to be summoned faster. Flamepits are usually TKed and used in combos and blockstrings.
  • Holding 4/6 as the pit explodes causes it to hit one frame earlier. 4 works despite the fact that it doesn't affect the direction of the pit.
  • An interesting side note: If you get a Half moon character while in auto heat into blockstun with any C normal canceled into pit (so that it auto ignites from the blockstun), the pit forces a circuit spark. Air flamepits make you stop in the air and their ability to break momentum isn't affected by doing a dash jump.

A: V.Akiha summons a pit right underneath herself.
B: This version has the pit summon about where a 214b would spawn.
C: Cost no meter. Just summons a pit a little bit farther than the B version.

Aerial Specials

MB F-VAkiha j.236AB.png
MB F-VAkiha j.236C.png
A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*4 (1189) (599) 80% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 8 10 10 (TK) 3.6%*4 (14.4%) -
  • Air Puffballs. While midair V.Akiha jumps a bit higher into the air and puts a flaming ball underneath her. This move is key to her pressure and is exclusive to F moon. It stuffs just about anything underneath it and opens up opportunities for some nasty mixups. It counts as a projectile and can be TKed for a pressure reset. Combined with her 2 jumps and airdashes, this move makes her float up in the air for an almost unfair amount of time. All versions give an untechable knockdown that you can OTG from. Puffballs affect the momentum of your jump, and their effect is accentuated/diminished if you did a dash jump for A and B version respectively.

A: Akiha jumps and gains slightly forward momentum after the puffball.
B: Same as A but backward momentum instead of forward.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700*4 (2083) (1199) 80% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5+10 8 10 10 (TK) -100.0%, 6.3%*4 (-74.8%) -

You can also influence which direction you drift by holding 4 or 6 right after the move. Primarily used to get knockdowns off air combos that set up meaty air pillar. Do note that you build bar when j.236C hits, so you can build bar while getting knockdowns (because that's fair :^) ).

MB F-VAkiha j.214A.png
MB F-VAkiha j.214A BE.png
MB F-VAkiha j.214B.png
MB F-VAkiha j.214B BE.png
MB F-VAkiha j.214C.png
A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*3 (1009) (560) 80% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
20 5 (7) 5 (7) 8 9 - 2.7%*3 (8.1%) -
[A]/[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*4 (1298) (720) 80% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
30 5 (9) 5 (9)
5 (9) 8
9 - 2.7%*4 (10.8%) -
EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
280*15 (2497) (1799) 96% (M)*15 - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+30 118 9 - -100.0% -
  • V.Akiha can (and should) use pillars in the air. Using Air Pillars is core to her neutral and pressure game. Keep in mind that air pillars move a shorter distance then ground pillars and that you cannot preform any input till you land and recover on the ground. She will also resume the air momentum she had before the pillar was summoned.
Brilliant Impetus - Luring Calm (Air)
j.22A/B/C (No EX)
MB F-VAkiha 22X.png
(Hitboxes trigger the Pit on opponents in hit/blockstun)
(Hitboxes trigger the Pit on opponents in hit/blockstun)
MB F-VAkiha 22X j.22X.png
A/B/C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 X (360) 17 - - Low 7-X
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
650*2 (1279) (795) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2 (2) 2 25
-6 ~ 4
(-7 ~ 3)
3.6%*2 (7.2%) -
  • Data on F-V.Akiha's aerial pits.

Arc Drive

Red Mistress - Ubiquitous
41236C during MAX/Heat
MB C-VAkiha AD.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
650*10 (2813) (1746) 50% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+6 24 62 -40 removes all Full 1-41

V.Akiha lifts her arms up and shoots a small full-screen laser from her eyes. Hits 10 times. Only does about 2.8k of damage. Pretty much useless. You can use it to end a Momiji loop or catch people mashing backdash on wakeup if your feeling yourself.
Is very punishable on whiff. Somewhat punishable on block.

Another Arc Drive

Red Mistress - Ubiquitous
41236C during Blood Heat
MB C-VAkiha AAD.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700*19 (4422) (3804) 50% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+5 57 59 -34 removes all Full 1-71

A stronger version of her first Arc Drive. Hits 19 times for about 4.4k. Nothing special or really useful about this attack. Can be used as a full screen punish if you see them doing something unsafe.

Last Arc

Red Mistress Ubiquitous - Hill of the Crimson Banquet
Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
MB C-VAkiha LA.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
9250 (3420~6509) (2779~5264) 50% + 50% * remaining BH time - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+7 2 22 - removes all Full

V.Akiha's Last Arc. It is performed by doing an EX shield on the ground. V.Akiha traps her opponent in the air and summons a vast amount of flametongues to engulf the poor victim in a sea of red. Hits 16 times and depending on how much meter you had left when you LA, does between 3.5k to 6.3k


Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X > delay Y Must wait for a short period before cancelling X input into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons X and Y must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Either the X or Y input can be used.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack X with Y follow-up input.
  2. Input X then within a few frames, input Y. Usually used for option selects.
X(w) X input must not hit the opponent (Whiff).
j.X X input is done in the air, implies a jump/jump cancel if the previous move was done from the ground.

Applies to all air chain sections:

  • Assume a forward jump cancel if no direction is given.
  • Air chains such as j.A > j.B > j.C can be shortened to j.ABC.
sj.X X input is done after a super jump. Notated as sj8.X and sj9.X for neutral and forward super jumps respectively.
dj.X X input is done after a double jump.
sdj.X X input is done after a double super jump.
tk.X Stands for Tiger Knee. X motion must be buffered before jumping, inputting the move as close to the ground as possible. (ex. tk.236A)
(X) X is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input X is held down. Also referred to as Blowback Edge (BE). Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input X is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down. This type of input is referred to as Negative Edge.
{X} Button X should only be held down briefly to get a partially charged version instead of the fully charged one.
X(N) Attack "X" should only hit N times.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit.
Air CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit on an airborne opponent.
66 Performs a ground forward dash.
j.66 Performs an aerial forward dash, used as a cancel for certain characters' air strings.
IAD/IABD Performs an Instant AirDash.
AT Performs an Air Throw. (j.6/4A+D)
IH Performs an Initiative Heat.
AD Performs an Arc Drive.
AAD Performs an Another Arc Drive.

This video contains all combos for FVAkiha, including character specifics. The notes below contains the basics but if you're looking for full on character specifics then it might be worth checking it out. Do note that it is in Japanese without English translations. Sooner or later I'd like to translate these notes and put them here but until then there's just this video.

Normal Combos

Meterless Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(2) > j.ABC > dj.BC > AT

Meter Gained: 64.8% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 21.6
Basic BnB. Video Example
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(1) > tk.22B > j.66 > j.C, land j.BC > dj.C > AT

Meter Gained: 67.5% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 23.6
Advanced combo. Video Example
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(2) > j.AC > sdj.236B > delay j.66 > j.214A

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Midscreen, hard knockdown for okizeme.

Input the 236B as soon as possible, like a tk (2369B).

For combo 6, you can switch the ender from 'j.BC > dj.C > AT to j.B > sdj.C > j.236C for hard knockdown oki. Really difficult on some characters such as Shiki Tohno, Satsuki and the Lens, and in most instances doesn't work on Ryougi Shiki.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > 623A > tk.22C > j.66 > j.AB, land j.BC > dj.C > AT

Meter Gained: 73.8 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 25.7
Corner carry from midscreen or 3/4th of screen. On some characters (eg Ryougi) you need to do airdash j.A airdash j.AB instead. Video Example

Metered Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% Meter
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(2) > j.ABC > dj.C > j.236C > j.A(w), j.214[A] pillar oki

Meter Gained: -16.3% (gain of 58.5% before meter was spent) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 27.9%
100 meter knockdown. j.214[A] is pillar oki and not meant to hit as part of the combo. Video Example
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% Meter
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(1) > tk.22B > j.B(w), land j.BC > sdj.C > j.236C

Meter Gained: -16.3% (gain of 58.5% before meter was spent) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 29%
Advanced oki combo midscreen. j.B(w) is optional to let you buffer the rejump Video Example
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% Meter
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(2) > 236C, 5C > 3C > sj8.BC > sdj.C > AT

Meter Gained: -50.4% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 29.6
Metered combo for more damage.
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% Meter
  • 5B > 5C > 4C(1) > tk.22B > j.66 > j.C (land) > j.B > sdj.C > j.236C

Meter Gained: -36.1% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 22.4
Conversion to j.236C from pokes, omit the 5C if at max range Video Example

Corner Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(1) > j.22A > j.66 > j.C, land j.BC > sdj.C > AT

Meter Gained: 67.% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 23.6%
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > 623A > j.22A > j.236A

Meter Gained: 15.8 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Simple, decently damaging corner combo that sets up sandoori.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 5B > 2C > delay 3C > 623B

Meter Gained: 37.8 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 12.6
Basic Momiji loop starter.

Misc. Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Aerial CH starter, grounded opponent
  • CH j.X, land > 5C > 4C(2) > j.BC > dj.BC > AT

Meter Gained: 51.3~57.4 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 17.1~19.2
Staple conversion off of an air-to-air counter hit. First number is j.A counter, second is j.C Video Example
Shield CH, grounded opponent
  • Shield > CH 2C > 3C > j.BC > dj.BC > AT

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Basic conversion off of a shield into a 2C CH.
Raw Air throw starter
  • Raw AT > j.22A, land > j.BC > dj.BC > AT

Meter Gained: 37.8 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 113.7
Conversion off of an air throw that prioritizes damage. Video Example
Raw Air throw starter
  • Raw AT > j.236A/B

Meter Gained: 41.4% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 13.8%
Conversion off of an air throw that grants a better knockdown. Off of the A puffball, you sideswitch. Off of the B puffball, you can airdash forward and do a meaty j.214[A]
6C Starter
  • 6C > 623B, 2C > 3C > 623B

Meter Gained: 41.4 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 13.8
Knockdown in corner.
6C Starter
  • 6C > 66 > 2C > delay 4C(2) > 623B > (Momiji Loop^)

Meter Gained: 32.4 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 10.8
Fullscreen knockdown.
6C Starter
  • 6C > 66 > 5C > 4C(2) > j.BC > dj.BC > AT

Meter Gained: 55.8 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 18.6
Damage, when in the corner you can either omit the dash and just link the 5C if you really want, but the 4C will whiff so just go directly into the air combo
623C Starter
  • 623C > j.66 > j.A(w), land 2C > 3C > j.BC > dj.BC > AT

Meter Gained: -78.4 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 21.2
623C Starter
  • 623C (Reversal), 2C > 623B, 2C > 3C > 623B

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Knockdown. Doesn't work if your back was straight in the corner (the 2C > 3C > 623B will not be in range).
623C Starter
  • 623C (Reversal) > (very slight delay) j.22B~6 > j.66 > j.C (land) > j.BC > dj.C > AT

Meter Gained: -78.6% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 19.0%
623C Starter
  • 623C (Reversal) > j.66 > late j.22A, land j.BC > sdj.C > j.236C

Meter Gained: -79.7% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 18.1%
200 Meter for oki
Initiative Heat available
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > IH 5B > 5C > (etc)...

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Basic IH confirm that works anywhere.
Initiative Heat available
  • (Momiji Loop^) 623B, 2C > IH 2C > 3C > 623B...

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Confirm into IH from Momiji loop. You do Momiji loop primarily for the meter so if you need an IH in the middle of your combo you can get it that way.
Grounded Opponent (Necos only)
  • 5B > 5C > 3C > j.ABC > dj.C > AT

Meter Gained: 53.1% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
For use against Necos, and while it should work on other characters, why would you do that?


FVAkiha doesn't really use OTG's because her corner knockdown game is strong, however they are an option, and are especially useful to know if you land a 2C in neutral. You usually want to OTG in the corner, so these are corner only.

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
  • 2AAA > 5B

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Simple OTG. In the corner it leads to tech punishes using 5B > 5C. If you really really want to kill and you have no meter then you can follow the 5B up with 5C > 4C > 623B but it's punishable when they tech.
OTG, 100% meter
  • 2AAA > 5B > 2C > 4C > 623C > j.66 > j.A(w) > (Corner Combo, Momiji Loop or 4C > Air combo)

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
You get a fair bit of damage for your meter investment here, so it's generally worth it if you're pursuing a kill.

Midscreen you can do:

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
OTG, 100% meter
  • 623C > j.66 > j.A(w) > (Midscreen Combo)

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
You will most likely cross under the opponent as you do this depending on the character, so be prepared to switch your inputs. Whiffs on some characters (noted in character specifics).

Counter hits

FVAkiha makes use of ground and air counter hits very well, using them to get extremely high damage or turn air to air encounters to full corner carry combos.

  • Anti air counter hit (ie anti air 5A counter hit, air to air j.A or j.B counter hit)

You have a few options but most of them are tricky to land as they depend on the height of the opponent as you hit them after the counter hit.

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Air CH starter
  • ...5B > 4C > j.BC > dj.BC > AT

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Easy version.
Air CH starter
  • ...2C > 623A > TK j.22C > j.66 > j.AB, land j.BC > dj.C > AT

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
*Corner carry version.
Air CH starter
  • ...4C (1) > TK j.22B > j.66 > j.C, land j.BC > dj.C > AT

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
*Max damage midscreen.
  • Air to ground counter hit (ie j.C counter hit)

If you have a double jump remaining you can turn this j.C into massive damage. An easy version is:

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
j.C Ground CH starter
  • CH j.C > dj.22A > j.C, land 5B > 5C...

Meter Gained: 40.5+% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 14.6+%
Adding that pit before the ground string adds about 1.5k to your combo so it's very useful to know in a situation where you know you'll land a counter hit (as a shield punish, punishing moves with counter hit recovery). If you do this near the corner, you can do more pits and land and then get a combo from there.
  • Ground counter hit

5B and 5C on counter hit lead to a lot of damage.

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
5B Ground CH starter
  • CH 5B, 5B > 5C...

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
I.e. you get to link 5B after CH 5B.
5C Ground CH starter
  • CH 5C > 22B, 5A > 5B

Meter Gained: 25.2% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 9.5%
Does not work in the corner.
5C Ground CH starter
  • CH 5C > TK j7.22B~6, j.22C, j.214B, land > (Pit Loops^)

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Do note that after the pit loops you don't get much because 623A and 4C both require you to have a jump cancel, which you've used up with the 5C at the start.
5C Ground CH starter
  • CH 5C > j8.22B~6, j.22C, j.22B, tk j7.22B j.22A j.214A land > (Pit Loops^)

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
This is one variation of a full pitloop that you can get immeditely from a counter hit 5C. j8.22B~6 works in lieu of a TK B pit because they are still stuck in counter hit status when you jump.

Character Specifics

  • Necos

Standard combos don't work, do this instead:

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 5B > 2C > 3C > j.BC > dj.BC > AT
4691 / 4672

Meter Gained: 63.9% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 21.3%
Left number is Neco Arc, right is Neco Arc Chaos
Near corner starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 5B > 5C > 4C(2) > 623A (2)> j.BC > dj.BC > AT
4681 / 5103

Meter Gained: 72.9% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 24.3%
Left number is Neco Arc, right is Neco Arc Chaos
  • Characters that 2C, 623C doesn't work on midscreen

These include Tohno Shiki, Ryougi Shiki, Archetype Earth (Hime) (works on Hime at max range but not closer)

Pit loops

The main reason most people consider her an S+ theory character (alongside C-Roa and F-Hime). Without this she is 'merely' S, alongside C-Kohaku, C-Seifuki, C-Satsuki, C/F-Nero, and others. This is the only true infinite left in the PC version of the game (the Ringwide version, played in Japan arcades, is slightly older and has a C-KohaMech infinite), and as such, is extremely damaging. However it is extremely difficult to execute and has very specific starters, so it's not like Marvel vs Capcom 3 where Zero can take any hit and convert it to full corner carry and sougenmu lightning loops. Pit loops can also be used on block as block pressure, but right now we're discussing only on hit.

I want to preface this by saying this THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT NEEDED IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A DECENT FVAKIHA! There is no necessity for you to ever learn this unless you are trying to become the greatest FVAkiha player ever. Learning how the character actually functions is a ton more useful than learning how to do this. If you're a new player, I highly suggest working on your neutral game and basic BnB consistency instead. While it does help to know the basics of pit pressure for blockstrings, it is absolutely not a necessity with this character. If you do want to take the plunge though, Acido has written a guide on how to do pit loops along with video examples and inputs that you can find here. There's also a ton of other useful information about neutral and okizeme.

Infinite basics

Before we delve into how to actually do the infinite, we need to note a few things:

  • The infinite has very specific starters. You can't take any random hit and turn it into 8k with pit loops.
  • After 33 hits, the opponent gains more meter than you do for every hit. This, coupled with circuit sparks (bursts) makes sure you can't ToD any character from full life with this infinite.


  • Counter hit 5C
  • Counter hit j.C
  • Pushing someone in hitstun into a pit behind them.
  • Hitting someone with low-to-the-ground charged air pillars.
  • High airdash j.C > j.22A
  • j.C > dj.22A~4/6 (Frame perfect. Requires holding 4/6 for the 1f faster pit startup.)

The first two starters are counter hits, so they require the opponent to cooperate with you.

The third starter often requires either the corner, or ending the combo extremely short midscreen (ie 2C jump airdash forward j.22A, airdash back cross back over to original side).

The fourth starter is relatively impractical.

The fifth starter requires a relatively high j.C, which everyone in the game can crouch to avoid.

The sixth starter is frame perfect and unsafe if you input the pit too early.

As you can see, you can't really just land a hit from round start and go into the infinite and kill. It requires some kind of setup or a counter hit.


The best way to end pit loops is with a knockdown, preferably in the corner. After doing enough reps, land and do a ground combo, such as dash 2C623A etc. It's not possible to ToD someone from the infinite so the thing is to just take a well positioned knockdown off it.

For 5C specifically, where you have spent your jump cancel to get the pits, you can't turn that into a great knockdown, since comboing off 623A and 4C requires that you have a jump cancel. If you're really gung-ho about getting the corner you can do 2C 623B dash OTG 623C into stuff, but ending the combo in 623B is still fairly decent.

How to do loops

One of the main things to note with loops is you can't keep doing pit loops without needing at least one pit to push away. This is accomplished by doing either pit input~6 or 6 right before the pit input.

The first one looks like this


The second one looks like this


There's no real difference in which input you want to use. Pick whichever input feels more comfortable and natural to you.

Once you can do that, it's just a matter of knowing how to push people and doing pillars extremely low to the ground for the least amount of recovery, so you can jump up and do them again. A basic example that you might want to try is:

  • CH j.C > dj.22A~6, j.22B, j.214B, land 66 j.22C, j.22B, j.214B

How you want to position people during pit loops depends entirely on your positioning, execution and creativity.

There are also other things you might want to learn for pit loops, such as pit airdash pit (executed by j.22X > j.66 > j.22X) that open up new and even swaggier routes for the loops, but if you're just beginning to learn pit loops, just keep it simple.

Block pressure

Pit loops are also useful for block pressure, not just raw damage. You can cancel j.C to pit if you double jump cancel it, and if you have an airdash left you can do blockstrings such as:

  • j.C > dj.22A, j.22B > j.66 > j.22A, j.22B, land TK j.22B > j.66 > j.22A, j.22B etc.

Do note that pit airdash pit is often not an airtight blockstring and you might get air thrown or poked out of it, but you can discourage this by j.C'ing after the airdash instead.

Most of the time pit block pressure doesn't have mixups in itself; the way most people get opened up by it is that they get fidgety and try to escape it but fail and get hit, which then the FVAkiha player confirms and goes into pit loops on hit. Simply blocking and ex guarding it is a very safe option to deal with it, but then FVAkiha can air dash j.C, land and go for a ground mixup instead.

Video examples

Players such as Yukichi and Tobari are really good at pit loops and Yukichi especially tries to do pit loops whenever he can, whether as block pressure or getting a hit. This match in particular shows how pit loops work for block pressure as well as on hit.

There are far more examples in combo videos and match videos, but keep it simple at the start, and delve into more swag loops when you get really good at everything else.

Additional Resources

F-V.Akiha Match Video Database
@DRK_Player: Playing F-VAkiha. A PDF mirror of the document is available here.
F-Akiha Vermillion Tech Guide by Acido

Notable Players

Name Color Region Common Venues Status Details

VAkiha Color25.png

Brazil Netplay Active Best active F-VAkiha to watch. Very good BR player.

VAkiha Color12.png

Brazil Netplay Active Best of F-Vakiha

VAkiha Color17.png

Japan A-cho Inactive

VAkiha Color25.png

Japan A-cho, Kirisugu Inactive Watching Kou's old vids, especially, can teach you a lot about how to play F-VAkiha without relying on the scam stuff.
kuga (くが)

VAkiha Color09.png

Japan A-cho, Port 24 Yagoto Active Strong, technical, pit pressure enjoyer. Recent footage currently not well documented on In addition to aforementioned arcade channels, sometimes plays at Port 24 during streams on Yume's channel.

MBAACC VAkiha Color32.png

Japan Athena Nipponbashi, KorewaMelty Active Technical monster.

MBAACC VAkiha Color32.png

North America Copefest, Netplay Inactive

VAkiha Color16.png

Japan A-cho, Athena Nipponbashi, KorewaMelty Active Technical monster.

Players to ask in the community

Opinions may differ between players and not all may agree on the same topic.

Name Discord username Languages Servers
Hailey archetypehailey English Meltycord, MBCS
Blob blobfgc English, French Meltycord, MBCS

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  1. 1.0 1.1 @DRK_Player: Playing F-VAkiha 2.1 Move Overview