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Moves between parenthesis are optional.<br>xx denotes a link and .. denotes a delay
== Character Page Progress ==

<table border=1px cellspacing=0>
== Additional Resources ==
[ C-V. Akiha Match Video Database]<br>
<th bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> Inputs </th>
<th bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> Notes </th>
== Notable Players ==
{| class="wikitable"
!width="120"|Name!! width="49"|Color
<th colspan="6" bgcolor="#EEEEEE"> Midscreen </th>
!width="125"|Region !! Common Venues !! Status !! Details
| [カルケア%29 Karukea<br>(カルケア)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
<td> 2a 5c 4c 2c .. 5bb sj8 .. j.(a)ab j.(a)bc </td>
[[File:VAkiha Color12.png]]
<td> Basic j.c knockdown combo. <br>You can do 2a up to four times at point blank. </td>
| Japan || A-cho, KorewaMelty || Inactive ||
| [しずおか%29 Shizuoka<br>(しずおか)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
<td> 2a 5c 4c 2c .. 5bb sj8 .. j.ab j.66 j.b j9 j.(a)c </td>
[[File:VAkiha Color10.png]]
<td> Gives slightly less damage/meter but carries further. <br> You cannot crossup with IAD after this knockdown.</td>
| Japan || A-cho || Inactive ||
| [ Usagi<br>(うさぎ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
<td> 2a 5c 4c 2c 623c land 5b 2c .. 5c 4c 623b </td>
<td> Metered fullscreen corner carry. Obviously you can only do 1 rep of the loop after this.<br> This combo requires 623c to cross under so not delay it too much.</td>
| Japan || A-cho || Inactive || Good fundamentals and understands the character very well, doesn't abuse ribbons unless in specific matchups and setups, more patient playstyle at least in terms of C.VAkiha. Showcases how melty fundies make the character shine.
<th colspan="6" bgcolor="#EEEEEE"> Corner </th>
== Overview ==
<td> 2a 5c 4c 2c .. 5bb sj8 j.66 sideswitch j8 j.bc </td>
<td> Corner sideswitch combo. You'll only do this combo if you're facing AWAY from the corner.</td>
[[File:Vakihaface.png]] ''''' C.VAkiha is a frail yet strong setplay and neutral focused character with reliable pressure options to overwhelm the opponent.
<td> 2a 5c 4c 5b 2c .. 623b -> momiji loop </td>
*'''Top notch mobility,''' with high and far reaching jump arcs, 2 quick and long airdashes, excellent ground dash and many ways to shift her air momentum, C-VAkiha feels comfortable being and moving anywhere on the screen.
<td> The biggest corner damage you'll get starting from 2a.</td>
*'''Versatile neutral gameplan;''' depending on what the situation might call, C-VAkiha can effectively run away and zone with fat projectiles, or run in aggressively with her strong pokes on both the air and the ground.
*'''Effective pressure:''' With a fat 2A, pokes like 5B and 4C with generous cancel windows, fast mobility, strong rebeat, and strong plus tools with TK ribbon. C-VAkiha can keep her turn going for even longer if she has a pit set up in the corner.
<td> 2a 5b 2c 5c 4c 623b -> momiji loop </td>
*'''HP of a fly''' with the worst defense and guts in the game, making mistakes can lead to death more harshly then with other characters.
<td> Carries more than the previous combo. <br>Goes into momiji loop if done from around the middle of the stage or less. <br> If done on crouchers (because 5b trips crouchers) 5c needs a tiny delay</td>
*'''Resource hungry:''' Her win-condition (22C), only reversal and most useful conversion tool midscreen (623C) and best pressure rebuy (236C) all rely on meter. In addition, she might find herself needing to Heat more often thanks to her fragility.
* '''Very enabled in the corner:''' One of the strongest tools, her 22X series, are much less effective midscreen compared go the corner. In addition, her combos are significantly better there as well.
<td> 6c xx 2c (2a(w) 4c) 623b -> momiji loop </td>
<td> Standard overhead combo in the corner. 2c is the only required move.</td>
== General Gameplan ==
C.VAkiha is an extremely fast character with a unique gameplan that excels at neutral and pressure. Top class movement with two airdashes and j.236a, solid mid range options with j.236b and 214[a/b], solid anti airs and respectable air and ground buttons means many characters can struggle to get a hit in. She can spend meter to convert into long knockdown with j.22c pit which drains red health and meter over time while providing massive plus frames on detonation. j.236a also gives massive plus frames leading into her long and safe pressure. However, extremely low health and very low damage combined with a gameplan that lends itself to long games and timeouts leaves C.VAkiha very vulnerable to momentum shifts especially vs high damage characters and characters with good meter gain. Overall, C.VAkiha is a respectable mid tier whose set of tools makes her capable of winning vs any character while rewarding strong melty blood fundamentals.
<th colspan="6" bgcolor="#EEEEEE"> OTG </th>
=== Neutral ===
C.VAkiha can play the keepaway/stall game thanks to her 2 airdashes, ribbons and occasional pits that stop momentum or carry it and allow for more air options afterwards. Being the frail character that she is, this unmatched air mobility is a surefire way of playing neutral, thankfully she can switch up her air options to get close to the opponent when they least expect it. Either through an airdash after A/B ribbon or a ground dash into 5C/4C that greatly move her forward or 2C to catch jumpouts, conditioning and cornering the opponent abusing her stalling moves is the best way to create an opportunity for offense. Her airdash is important due to the good speed and distance it covers, having a second airdash makes her close distance easily, and if done correctly a double airdash will make her move 3/4 of the screen. She can feint approaches by cancelling airdash into her air backdash or any jump. Her superjump and double superjump are other tools that can cover the entire screen, forward superjump > j.29 > forward airdash will go corner to corner while still saving the second airdash. The ground dash is also a useful neutral tool, even though it can't be held it still covers a generous distance. While it isn't a frame 1 dashblock like her counterpart Akiha, she can still hold [1] during her ground dash to be on the safe side approaching the opponent.
<td> 2aaaaa 5b 4c 2b(2) 5a 2a tk8.236a </td>
<td> </td>
Movement alone is not the reason why C.VAkiha can become almost uncontested in air movement and stalling, since she has her j.236 (referred to as ribbons/flame tongues) series. These assist all her previous movement options, it is one of the most versatile moves C.VAkiha has and it shows. Both A and B versions have their own benefits and properties, and even her 22 and 214 specials can be used in more specific neutral situations that assist her gameplan, but generally not as recommended since they can be risky. Her A ribbon has good horizontal reach, being able to poke out occasional air-to-air encounters, as well as creating lingering hitboxes the opponent cannot approach recklessly, an interesting property is that it will carry VAkiha's momentum. Using this move, she can fly across the stage and make movement unpredictable. B ribbon has good downard vertical reach, which makes it a good option for situations in which Vakiha is above the opponent but not when they are directly below her as it has a fair bit of recovery. Its interesting property is that it will stop Vakiha's momentum, which adds more options to her aerial movement. Both A/B ribbons can be jumped afterwards as well as forward airdashed, it cannot be air backdashed however. These specials determine the way V.Akiha would play, and it will define matches. Typically you want to save at least a jump or airdash after an air ribbon, as you become a sitting duck if you just do it by itself.
C.VAkiha can zone the opponent out into frustration, ribbons make this goal achievable as they assist her air mobility while being a threat if blocked or hit, as she can use an airdash to get the jump on them. Her other air normals, jB and jC allow for her to control the air and the ground, jB complements her air dominance with its angled upward hitbox, even doing it as a rising button can help score counterhits or jumpout attempts. Her jC has also crossup properties, it can catch opponents trying to dash under if they expect a ribbon. Of mention is also her jA, while not exactly a stellar or standout move, its diagonal angle at which it hits give this move useability as a rising jumping button or a jumpin . Being the only reverse beatable air normal that hits at a decent downward angle unlike her jC, it can set up IAD mixups and has other uses in combination with jB. For example IAD jA > jB. The main goal you have is to never run out of options in the air, as she can pay dearly with her life, literally.
<td> 2aaaaa 5b 4c 2b(2) 5a 2a 2b 236c </td>
<td>  </td>
=== Pressure ===
Once she gets close, C.VAkiha has enough tools to keep herself in and abuse her plus on frame specials, especially once she has set up the EX pit (22C) detonation, a go-to pressure/oki tool that is insanely plus on block, and her 236C is abusable to keep herself from ending pressure without having to rely on an EX pit detonation. Before all that however, you have to get a hit out of the opponent. Out of all the normals perhaps her most important is her 2A, with good speed, being a low, generous hitbox and frame advantage, her 2A does everything it should do, use this to start pressure almost always with a dash since it will carry her momentum. Her 5A not hitting most of the cast when crouching makes it her go-to rebeat and whiff cancelling button, either making herself safe at the end of a string or whiff cancelling it into another move. Incredibly useful when combined with C normals.
5B, 4C and 5C are also really oppressive. 5B in particular is fantastic due to it having really good frame data: fast at 7 frames and only -1 at worst on block. It has a large cancel window and will move her slightly forward. With the right spacing its advantage on block will increase, let the move fully recover to abuse the frame advantage or late cancel to catch jump-happy opponents and abare. It is adviced to use after moves that push her out from the opponent such as 5C, 4C(Both hits) or 2C, spacing your 5B should be an integral part of your pressure. Slightly holding 5B might trick the opponents that you're charging it, in those cases you can trip them right after with 2C/4C/5C. If you think the opponent will respect it, you can let the charged 5B rock and take the frame advantage, but its really slow startup doesn't make it as useful. While gimmicky, it has its benefits.
5C moves C.VAkiha forward by a lot, and also has a generous cancel window. This move is commonly seen in her pressure since it catches mashing as well as jumpouts and leads to good reward on hit. 4C comes with a lot of versatility, being a two-hitting move it opens the door for first hit cancels such as 4C(1 hit) > 2A > 5B. This move is large, and moves C.VAkiha forward, it is useful due to its cancel window, and 5Cs partner in crime, with both of them being used right after the other 2A > 5C > 4C. 2C is an important mention, it is the usual sweep, and the furthest low C.VAkiha has and therefore used at the end of pressure. On another note, cancelling 5A (whiff) after these C normals will give great reward and let her recover quicker than she normally would. Giving her the ability to end pressure at +3 after any grounded C normal. Using an occasional IAD to keep the opponent on their toes will give further advantage especially with j.C. If they are standing however, using IAD j.A is a better option since it can be airdash cancelled again for a second high on hit.
Her specials also give her really useful options to help establish her pressure even further, her tk j.236A is fantastic since it is very plus on block and safe to use, it can bait reversals and heats. 2368 and 2367 A give more safety in pressure, while 2369A can be used as a way to catch backdashes or be even closer to an opponent when pressuring. Use this when you have conditioned your opponent to respect the late cancels or when there is enough safety for it be used since it can't be cancelled into. Both her 214A/B uncharged series is usually a pressure ender, a way to build distance with the opponent or poke them from afar. However, the charged versions of  this move make for a very rewarding pressure reset, its use is more limited due to the slow startup, but its safety in range makes it useful. Use this once the opponent is scared to press a button or dash in, for immense reward.
Here are some pressure examples:
NOTE : "Opt." means optional tk 236A/214[B]/dash/IAD
<u>'''5B staggers'''</u>
Some basic 5B staggers along with baits, these should be the groundwork players should follow.
* 2A > 5B, 2A > 5B  (Basic blockstring that resets into itself, the second 2A > 5B will connect if you are close enough to your opponent.)
* 2A > 5B > 5B  (Will not push out as much as the previous blockstring at the expense of having a larger gap between the first and second 5B.)
* 2A > 5B > 5A(w), tk 236A  (Use this when you are certain 5A will whiff as it gives more advantage on block and gives time to set up the tk ribbon. Conditioning them to stay crouchblocking.)
* 2A > 5B > 5A(w) > 5C/4C > 2C  (The trip sequence, if the opponent expects to end with a 5A(w) and to challenge, this will catch them mashing, backdashing or jumping out.)
* 2A, throw  (Basic tick throw, keep the opponent on their toes. Even though your throw damage is not that strong, it gives health and a tk ribbon setup.)
* 2A > 5B walk forward 2A/throw  (A slight walk forward that goes either into a throw or a 2A, once they have been conditioned to respect 5B start running this as it can reset pressure at little risk.)
<u>'''C normals into 5A(w) rebeats and pressure resets'''</u>
* 2A > 5B > 5C > 4C > 5A(w) > 2C > (214[B] optional)  (A 5A(w) cancel that ends into 2c in case they challenge and the optional 214[B] in case they block it to reset from a safe distance.)
* 2A > 5B > 5C > 4C > 5A(w), Opt. (The bread and butter ender, will give advantage on block, enough to do either of the optional followups, each has their own advantages.)
* 2A > slight delay 5C > 5B > 4C > 5A(w) > Opt. (A frametrap between the 2A and the delay 5C, a lot of reward if it hits, autopilot this and you can react whether 5C hits or not, same as above on the ender.)
* 4C(1st hit) > 2A > 5B > 5C > 5A(w) > Opt. (4C starter you use when you want to be closer to the opponent.)
<u>'''IAD mixups and metered pressure reset'''</u>
* 2A > delay 2AAA, IAD jC > (j236A optional)
* 2A > delay 2AAA, IAD jA airdash jC
* 2A > delay 2AAA, IAD jA land 2A
* 2A > delay 2AAA, IAD jAB jc jA airdash jC
* (any previous blockstring) > 236A (3 hits) > 236C  (''NOTE: 236A must connect all 3 hits before 236C for it to be a true blockstring, otherwise there is a gap. You have to be very close to the opponent when you do this.'')
In summary, her pressure can always lead up to 5B staggers and 5C/4C delay windows to condition the opponent to not mash recklessly. She can rebuy pressure with a tk j236A or 214[B] if the opponent respects the 5A(w) enders, in any other case she is plus. Some of her best sequences use 5B/5a(w) as they lead up to strong mindgames, abusing her late cancellable buttons will define the way she establishes pressure. Switching up your options and not being predictable should be the main goal, experiment with cancels and staggers to see what could work in a given situation.
=== Okizeme ===

==The momiji loop==
<u> j.C </u><br>
If you miss one hit of 623b while doing these (i.e you started it too far away) following up with 4c won't work. Use 5b or 2b instead.
In most midscreen combos, you can superjump forward and land with j.c for an autotimed and autospaced j.c. Note that j.c will likely crossup. it hits meaty and may even be a safejump against some reversals.
Once they expect you to do the same thing over and over on wakeup, you can mix up to throw reversal/shield/backdash attempts off:

<table border=1px cellspacing=0>
- air dash back j.c. can catch fuzzy mashing, opponents expecting a crossup, many backdash attempts and even might give you time to punish som reversals
<th bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> Inputs </th>
<th bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> Notes </th>
<td> 4c 623b 4c 623b </td>
<td> The most basic one </td>
<td> 4c 2c delay 623b 4c 2c delay (5bb) 623b </td>
<td> You can do 5bb 623b twice but it will prorate a lot.</td>
<td> 5b 2c 2a(w) 4c 623b 5b 2c 2a(w) 4c 623b </td>
<td> Whiffing 2a is optional. It doesn't change anything but the timing </td>
<td> 5b/4c 2c .. 623c j22c land 2a 2c 4c 623b </td>
<td> Puts a pit mid combo for more possibilities. Only do it if you're in max/heat mode. </td>
<td> 5b/4c 2c 22c[explode] 5a 2c tk.22c  </td>
<td> Combo for renewing a pit that is already up. </td>

- fake out into grab/ground normal, to catch shield attempts and respectful opponents off guard, as well as potentially hit low with 2a/2b.

==Corner okizeme==
- air dash back empty into grab/ground normal, to catch opponents responding to the first option specifically. 

There are two ways of setting up a pit after a momiji loop, and that's by ending the loop with 2c or 623b. Basically they're the same as you can do the same follow ups.
<u> EX Pit Setups</u><br>
There are two ways of setting up a pit after a momiji loop, and that's by ending the loop with 2c or 623b. Generally you wanna end with 2c if you don't have EX pit setup, otherwise go for 623b to get a bit more damage. 2C gives you access to these setups:

<table cellspacing=5>
<table cellspacing=5>
Line 95: Line 108:
<th colspan="6" bgcolor="#EEEEEE"> Follow-ups </th>
<th colspan="6" bgcolor="#EEEEEE"> Follow-ups </th>
<td> xx 22c  </td>
<td> simple setup that gets the job done. should have a generous window to run up and meaty a button. </td>
<td> tk7/8.22c j.tk9/8.236a </td>
<td> tk7/8.22c j.tk9/8.236a </td>
<td> Set ups ribbon on wakeup. Yes the double jump j.236a is also TK'ed </td>
<td> More complete setup - you set up EX pit, alone with tk ribbon, which is advantagous and very safe against both reversals and most shields. The double jump j.236a is also TK'ed </td>
<td> 8 j.22c j.236a  </td>
<td> 8 j.22c j.236a  </td>
<td> Potentially slower alternate way of doing it. </td>
<td> Potentially slower alternate way of doing the one above. </td>
<td> tk7.22c j.tk7/8.236a j.8 66 {j.a(w) 2a}/{j.c} </td>
<td> tk7.22c j.tk7/8.236a j.8 66 {j.a(w) 2a}/{j.c} </td>
<td> High/low mixup after ribbon. Haven't tested it yet so its reliability is dubious. </td>
<td> Tricky execution, but offers a high/low mixup after ribbon. Haven't tested it yet so its reliability is dubious. </td>
<td> 8 .. j.236a  </td>
<td> No pit but worth including because of how easy it is. </td>
<u>Half Momiji Setup and Okizeme Options</u><br>
Using the Half Momiji let's V. Akiha pull her opponents slightly out of the corner and to set a C Pit allowing for more options for her okizeme.
<br>The video below from TonberryMage shows a bunch (not all) of options that V. Akiha can do from the Half Momiji setup. <br>
[ Half Momiji Video] <br>
[ -Explanation] from Tonberry and an [ old thread by LordKnight]<br>

=== Defense ===
C.VAkiha may have a really hard time dealing with pressure, as any hit could wipe her healthbar clean, but unlike the other VAkihas she has coveted Crescent moon mechanics. EX shield, EX guard and Heat are great answers, an EX shield into a 5A will punish most IAD's and jumpins, thanks to 5A hitting at a high angle. EX guarding predictable pressure will give opportunities to jump out and fly away from danger. Her Heat is both great and dangerous to use, as the hitbox and startup is standard, but being the resource and meter-hungry character that she is, she risks losing all her meter which defines her oki and pressure, use wisely.

'''j.ab j9 j.c''' is an instant overhead (pseudo-fuzzy). j.c is cancellable into j236b for another dash, have fun.
Outside of crescent moon mechanics, C.VAkiha does not have much at her disposal but she still has respectable enough reversals and ways of challenging. Despite both her 5A and 2A being a 5 frame normal, which doesnt make it ideal for mashing, the range and space that they cover can still be useful for opponents that feel comfortable at ranges other characters could not challenge. An occasional 2A being buffered into a 4C will give good reward if it hits at certain ranges, for example when the opponent is redashing. As for her specials, she has her 623 series, 623A is a great antiair and rarely a reversal since it does not have reliable invincibility. It has an air unblockable hitbox on its first hit, good after an EX shield against an aerial move. Her 623B is extremely gimmicky on defense, it has invincibility on her lower body, meaning it technically is useable against low-hitting moves. It should not be relied on too much as it is very risky and not even a real reversal, do not mash this, you will likely use this only once in forever. Punishable on block and loses to most meaty setups. And her 623C, her true, fully invulerable reversal that leads to a small combo into good knockdown on hit. Use this this as your reversal, of course unsafe on block so use when you're sure it will hit.

== Combos ==

=== Starters ===

=== Enders ===

=Move Descriptions=
==Normal Moves==

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
=== Normal Combos ===
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"|''' <font size = "3">2A</font>  '''

Fast, low priority, hits low. Your basic poke in many situation.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|damage= 3496
|metergen= 76%
|input=*2Ax2 > 5C > 4C > 2C > delay 5BB > j8 > delay j.(A)AB > dj.(A)BC
|note=Basic j.C knockdown combo. You can do 2A up to four times at point blank.

| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">5A</font> '''
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input= *2AAA > 5C > 4C > 2C > 5BB > sj8.AA > adc.jB > djAC
|note= Similar to above but has some corner carry

Fast short range attack. Will whiff most crouchers. Kinda bad as an anti air, but can be used to break airguards. This is what you reverse beat to reset your strings C moves into 5A should be +1f.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|damage= 2998
|metergen= 56.5
|input=* 2Ax3 > 5C > 4C > 2C > 5B > 623B
|note= Combo that sacrifices damage for better oki.

| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">2B</font> '''
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|damage= 3396
|metergen= -47.3
|input=* .... > 4C > 2C > 623C, 4C > 2C (> 623B)
|note= Your main conversion with meter in midscreen. This route is used for corner carry. It allows you to convert straight into loops, which can result in stronger oki. Damage calculated with initial string being 2Ax3 5C 4C ..., final 623b included

More range and more priority than 2a, but with a lot of push back. Active for 8f. Hitting 2B again extend the move with a low hitting 2B. hitting 2B a second time during this animatio result in a high hitting, aerial moves that can be canceled into jump and airdash on hit and block.
|condition= Air Counterhit
|input= *Air CH > 5B > 4C > 2C > 5BB > sj8.AA > adc.jB > djAC

| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">5B</font> '''

Moves Vakiha forward with decent range. can be delayed by holding 5B for frame trap in pressure. Full charge is +2 on block. Hitting 5B again will launch for aircombos.
=== Corner Combos ===

| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">2C</font> '''
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5C > 4C > Momiji Loop
|note=The biggest corner damage you'll get starting from 2A.

Slow, low hitting move with decent range and hitstun. Lot of pushback. Moves VAkiha forward a bit. Better as an anti air that it looks.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5B > 5C > 2C > 4C > Momiji Loop
|note=Carries more than the previous combo. Goes into Momiji Loop if done from around the middle of the stage or less. If done on crouchers (because 5B trips crouchers) 5C needs a tiny delay.

| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">5C</font> '''
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*6C, 2C > (2A(w) > 4C) > > Momiji Loop
|note=Standard overhead combo in the corner. 2C is the only required move.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A > 5C > 4C > 2C > 623B > 2C > 5C > 2C          "The Half Momiji"
|note=Half Momiji. Pulls the opponent slightly out of the corner. Can also do other routes after 623B like 5B > 2C > w2A > 5C > 2C. The 5C > 2C is what pulls them out. See pressure for applications.

Strong attack that moves Vakiha forward quite a bit, but has some pushback, too. Clash is gone, so 2A 5C won't bait heats anymore. Wallslam falling opponents
=== Momiji Loop ===
Your main combo structure in the corner. Great balance of meter build, damage, and versatility.

| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">6C</font> '''
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=* .... > 4C 623B, 4C 623B
|note=The most basic one.

Overhead, wallslams, dash and special cancelable. On block, there is is enough pushback to often allow you to escape.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|damage= 4150
|metergen= 111.5%
|input=* .... > 4C 2C 623B, 4C 2C 623B
|note= A more complete loop. You can default to this if you already have EX pit out. damage calculated with initial string being 2Ax3 5C 4C ...

| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">4C</font>  '''
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|damage= 3980
|metergen= 102.8%
|input=* .... > 4C 2C 623B, 4C 2C
|note= Similar as above, except you sacrifice damage to get 2C oki. You can then set up EX pit. Damage calculated with initial string being 2Ax3 5C 4C ...

Good range, moves Vakiha forward.

=== OTG Pick ups ===
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent
|input=*2A*5 > 5B > 4C > 2B(2) > 5A > 2A > tk8.236A

|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% Meter
|input=*2A*5 > 5B > 4C > 2B(2) > 5A > 2A > 2B > 236C

| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">JA</font> '''
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 200% Meter
|input=*623C > 22C
|note= Uses mondo meter

Hits mid with ahitbox at the bottom of VAkiha, fast. Basic air poke

== Move Descriptions ==
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">JB</font> '''
=== Normal Moves ===
==== Standing Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">5A</span> =====
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
|description= Fast, large horizontal range, and +2 on block, but whiffs on crouchers. It is an excellent tool for rebeats and whiff cancelling; 5c 5a(w), 2c 5a(w), and 4c 5a(w) are +3 on block, so this whiffing on crouchers isn't an issue. One of the key tools for C-V.Akiha pressure.

Hits high, kinda far, but high enough to whiff most croucher. Good against opponents above.
===== <span class="invisible-header">5B</span> =====
|cancel=N, SP, -CH-, EX, (J)
|description= The backbone of C-VAki pressure. Moves you forward slightly and has a huge cancel window, in addition to being -1 on block; this allows for extremely ambiguous staggers and pressure resets. Since this move moves you forward while the hitbox is out, it can become neutral or plus on block if you're spaced right and it hits in the later frames. Be sure to tap the button for at most 3 frames when you use it, or you risk getting a longer startup from partially charging the move. Also note that it trips crouchers on hit. This can happen accidentally if you go for higher damage starters like 5b. In that case, you can either follow it 623b for a short finish/combo in the corner or continue with 4c jc --> air combo midscreen
|damage=500, 400*3 (1624)
|circuit=4.0%*4 (16.0%)
|cancel=N, SP, -CH-, EX, (J)
|active={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=1, 2, 2, 4}}
|description=Slow, charged version of 5B. Plus on block, but the long startup limits its usefulness. You can use it as an air counterhit pickup instead of 5B. The multihit will give you enough time to react whether you should go for a ground corner carry route or an air combo depending on the height it hits. It'll do extra damage this way. The half charged version only sees use as a gimmick where you charge it and then go for a low when the opponent expects 6C.
|proration=70% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description= H-VAki's launcher; mostly used in combos, especially to get a third momiji loop. Sometimes, it's the only option after awkward pickups, like an unexpected 4c on an opponent that just jumped. On hit, hold 8 to get a command superjump to continue your combo. Like 5b, it will slide you forward a bit, although it's not as effective in pressure since it has considerable pushback and its cancel window is very short.

===== <span class="invisible-header">5C</span> =====
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">JC</font> '''
|proration=90% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=Big 5C that moves you forward a ton. Good in pressure for catching jumpouts and mash; also sees some use as an antiair, since it's harder to whiff punish than 4c, although it knocks them away and wallslams them on air hit. The wallslam leads to left/right mixups in the corner. This moves also sees use as a tech punish.

Hits high, special cancelable on opponents on the ground. Crosses up easily. Autoknockdown with otg followup in the corner. Can be comboed into 2A on counter hit if done low enough, though this is really hard to confirm.
==== Crouching Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">2A</span> =====
|proration=65% (O)
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
|description=Low-hitting swipe. Good pressure and combo starter thanks to being self-cancellable and only -1 on block. Inferior to 5a as a rebeat tool but still relatively useful.

===== <span class="invisible-header">2B</span> =====
|damage=250*6 (653)
|proration=85% (O)
|circuit=2.0%*3 (6.0%)
|cancel=N, SP, -CH-, EX, (J)
|active={{Tooltip | text=9| hovertext=1, 4, 4}}
|description=Big, fast 2B with a lot of pushback on hit or block if most of the hits connect. Although it's a bit hard, you can cancel the move after the first hit to get significantly less pushback. It's a decent abare tool, and can get you to a good spacing fast in pressure. It's also a good button to fight wakeup 5D. However, it doesn't hit low. Since it's so active, it's a good move for catching ground tech attempts.
|damage=200*3 (580)
|proration=100% (O)
|circuit=1.0%*3 (3.0%)
|startup={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=1 ~ 2f if buffered during 2B's last 2 active frames.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=5| hovertext=6 on hit/block. 3 hits.}}
|frameAdv=-10 ~ -9
|description=2B's sad followup; hits low, but only cancels into 2BBB and trips on hit, so it's pretty useless. Instantly active if done during 2B's recovery. You can link some normals after it trips, but there are still no known practical use for it.
|proration=75% (O)
|description=An overhead with rather slow start-up. Can be jump-cancelled on Hit OR Block so it is safe so long as it doesn't whiff. Very rarely used.

===== <span class="invisible-header">2C</span> =====
|proration=60% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=Does everything you'd expect of a sweep. It's situationally useful as an antiair and abare button, and also sees use as a poke, but it's very easy to whiff punish. This move will slightly slide you forward after using it.

==Special Moves==
==== Aerial Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.A</span> =====
|proration=72% (O)
|cancel=SE, N, SP, EX, J
|description=Downward mid-hitting kick. Passable j.a, as the boxes themselves aren't great, but it works for the purposes of a quick air poke and combo filler. Has its uses after an IAD due to it being the only downward-hitting dash cancellable air normal she has, setting up double overheads.

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.B</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"|''' <font size = "3"> Name 「JP name」 - 22ABC</font> '''
|proration=90% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|description=Fantastic, very active air poke. Go-to air-to-air for opponents above or in front of you. Will whiff on most crouchers after an IAD so not generally advised.

* '''(Description)''' - Simply describe the move here and what it can be used for
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.C</span> =====
* '''(A version)''' - This is where you put what the version of the move can be used for and how its different from the rest of the moves.
* '''(B version)''' - Ditto
* '''(EX version)''' - This is were you describe what happens when you feed it 100%
|proration=80% (M)
|cancel={{Tooltip | text=SP*, EX*| hovertext=Can only special cancel on block/hit against grounded opponents, and on block against airborne ones.}}
|description=Downward flipping kick with a very big and wide hitbox. Effective as both an air-to-ground and as an air-to air - it even hits crossup very consistently. Has the quirk of sending to a hard knockdown on airborne opponents, from which you can get a safejump/mixup(?), but no pit.

==== Command Normals ====
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">   「」 - 236ABC</font>'''
===== <span class="invisible-header">4C</span> =====
|damage=500*2 (984)
|circuit=5.0%*2 (10.0%)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=2, 2}}
|description=This button is large, and fast, but it's very easy to whiff punish due to the long recovery of the move. It's decent as an antiair, but better as a callout in neutral, and best used in pressure, combos and mashing. One of your most useful normals.

* '''(Description)''' - 
===== <span class="invisible-header">6C</span> =====
|cancel=(SP), (EX)
|description=Slow overhead kick. Wallslams and cancellable into a command ground dash on hit. Furthermore, when used after another C normal in pressure (e.g., the string 2AA > 5C > 6C), it will trade with mashing for a full combo, and beat certain options like dodge and F-Kohaku's counter.

=== Universal Mechanics ===
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3"> 「」 - 28ABC</font>'''
===== <span class="invisible-header">Ground Throw</span> =====
|name=Ground Throw
|linkname=Ground Throw
|damage=170*7 (1076)
|description=V.Akiha grabs the opponent by the neck and goes into a 7-hit sequence. Untechable knockdown. Has the quirk of restoring health equal to only slightly less then the damage it deals.

* '''(Description)''' - ...
===== <span class="invisible-header">Air Throw</span> =====
|name=Air Throw
|linkname=Air Throw
|damage=1600 (Raw)<br>1000
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|description=V.Akiha takes the opponent to the ground with the power of her legs. As a combo ender it will be untechable but will leave you at a distance.  

===== <span class="invisible-header">Shield Bunker</span> =====
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">   「」 - 623ABC</font>'''
|name=Shield Bunker
|linkname=Shield Bunker
|input=214D in neutral or blockstun
|circuit=0.0%<br>(-50.0% in blockstun)
|invuln=Clash 1-10
|version={{Tooltip | text=(Clash)| hovertext=If an attack connects with this Shield Bunker's clash box, this is the followup that happens afterwards.}}
|invuln={{Tooltip | text=Strike 1-7| hovertext=1-15 Strike invicibility on whiff.}}
|description=V.Akiha's shield bunker is a special slide with low to the ground hitboxes.

* '''(Description)''' - ...
===== <span class="invisible-header">Heat</span> =====
|circuit=-100.0% (min)
|invuln=Full 1-20
|description=Hitbox entirely covers V.Akiha.

===== <span class="invisible-header">Circuit Spark</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">  「」 - 214ABC</font>'''
|name=Circuit Spark
|linkname=Circuit Spark
|input=A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
|circuit=removes all
|invuln=Full 1-39
|circuit=removes all
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|invuln=Strike 1-30
|description=Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

* '''(Description)''' - ...

=== Special Moves ===
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">  「」 - 421ABC</font>'''
==== Grounded Specials ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">236X</span> =====
|name=Felling Birds<br>(EX: Felling Emptily Fluttering Birds)
|description=V.Akiha summons multi-hit fire ribbons.

* '''(Description)''' - ...
|damage=400*3 (932)
|proration=70% (O)
|circuit=4.0%*3 (12.0%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=6| hovertext=2 x3}}
|description=Mid-height ribbon, +3 on block. Can use it to go into 236C gapless, and as a blockstring ender in a pinch.
|damage=400*3 (932)
|proration=70% (O)
|circuit=4.0%*3 (12.0%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=6| hovertext=2 x3}}
|description=Summons a ribbon above V.Akiha with much slower startup, which can make it harder to use.
|damage=200*24 (2876)
|proration=70% (O)
|startup={{Tooltip | text=2+19| hovertext=Post-flash startup may vary.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=35| hovertext=24 hits, overlapping hitboxes.}}
|invuln=Full 1-4
|description=Summons multiple large ribbons. Lots of frame advantage on block. 236A(3) > 236C is a gapless string that can let you restart pressure safely, or just keep your opponent stuck in EX pit ((j.)22C) longer. If they shield 236C, they collect a lot of meter but you get a free throw punish so don't let them get away with it!

===== <span class="invisible-header">623X</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3"> 「」 - J22ABC</font>'''
|name=Brilliant Impetus - Autumn Leaves
|description=V.Akiha's "Momiji" DP series. Has different types of invulnerability depending on the version.

* '''(Description)''' - ...
|damage=600, 800 (1282)
|circuit=6.0%, 8.0% (14.0%)
|guard=LH, LHA
|active=3 (7) 4
|invuln=High 1-9
|description= Quick rising attack. Very effective anti-air with passable reward, a hard knockdown, though not very advantageous.

Only the first hit is air unblockable. Keeps your dash momentum, oddly enough.
| width="" | '''<font size = "3">  「」 - 426ABC</font>'''
|damage=300, 200, 500, 400 (1279)
|proration=70% (O)
|circuit=3.5%, 2.0*2, 5.0% (12.5%)
|guard=LH (1-2), LHA (3-4)
|active={{Tooltip | text=32| hovertext=2 (4) 2 (10) 3 (7) 4}}
|invuln=Low 1-10
|description= Akiha runs forward before jumping up. Has ten frames of invincibility on Akiha's lower body, so you could use it after a normal shield or as an anti-low reversal.

* '''(Description)''' - ...
That said, it's mostly reserved for combos as it is indeed the Momiji of the Momiji loops. It's also a strong ender, granting a very good knockdown and a suite of okizeme possibilities.
* '''(A version)''' -
* '''(B version)''' -
* '''(EX version)''' -

The first hit has minimal hitstun. This means that hitting an extended hurtbox can make the second hit whiff, letting the rest be blocked. 623C shares the same issue.
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| '''<font size = "3"> 「」 - BC</font>'''
|damage=200, 300*2, 400 (1089)
|proration=60% (M)
|guard=LH (1-2), LHA (3-4)
|active={{Tooltip | text=35| hovertext=2 (4) 2 (13) 3 (7) 4}}
|invuln=Full 1-10
|description= As with 623B, Akiha runs forward first, but this time with full invulnerability. This is her only fully invulnerable move except AD and Heat, so worth incorporating occasionally into your defense.

* '''(Description)''' - ...
It grants the same ground bounce on hit as 623B, which is important for midscreen combos as it can be used to go into Momiji loops further from the corner.
* '''(Standing)''' -
* '''(Crouching)''' -
* '''(Airborne)''' -

===== <span class="invisible-header">214X</span> =====
|name=Piercing the Moon<br>(EX: Piercing the Waxing Moon)
|description=V.Akiha summons an advancing series of ribbon pillars. 3 Pillars when uncharged, 5 pillars charged and which go much farther for a longer period of time. Uncharged, the move is often even on block at best and punishable *on hit* at worst. When charged it can be used as a reset tool from a safe distance and gives a ton of advantage on block. Could be used for oki, but it's outclassed by other setups. B version could be used as a niche zoning tool on the ground.

|damage=400*3 (1009)
|proration=80% (O)
|circuit=3.0%*3 (9.0%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=22| hovertext=3 hits, overlapping hitboxes.}}
|frameAdv=-14 ~ 0
|damage=400*5 (1578)
|proration=80% (O)
|circuit=3.0%*5 (15.0%)
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(64)| hovertext=8 (6) 8 (7) 8 (5) 8 (6) 8}}
|frameAdv=-14 ~ 42

==Arc Drive==
A version spawns the pillars right on front of V.Akiha, and B version spawns at around the distance uncharged A version ends.
|damage=280*15 (2497)
|proration=96% (M)*15
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(118)| hovertext=15 hits, overlapping hitboxes.}}
|frameAdv=-8 ~ 90
|invuln=Full 1-9
|description= EX version spawns 15 overlapping pillars, reaching around 3/4ths of the screen. Provides more advantage then 236c, but will leave a gap no matter what you cancel into it from, so opponents can shield/jump/reversal and make this less consistent as a pressure restart

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
===== <span class="invisible-header">22X</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| '''<font size = "3">  「」 </font> '''
|caption= A/B/EX Pit
|caption2= A/B~22X
|caption3= EX~22X
|name= Burning Beasts<br>(EX: Burning Bounding Beasts)
|description=Crescent's pit series. Summons a burning field on the ground, which will drain the opponent's health meter at intervals, as long they are not in hitstun. Lasts for a very long time (1440 frames/24 seconds), and drains 70 health and 2.56% meter every 43 frames. Pits need to be ignited by repeating the 22X input, resulting in a multi-hit, advantagous explosion. The pit goes away if V. Akiha gets hit.

* '''(Description)''' - AD description
You'll usually see the air versions of the pits being used as you can recover in mid-air and continue moving, but the pits themselves have the same properties.
|circuit={{Tooltip | text=~1.28%*32 (40.9%)| hovertext=Drains 2.56%*32 (82.0%) meter from the opponent.}}
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(1440)| hovertext=Pit duration. Steals meter every 43 frames.}}
|invuln=Low 12-33
|circuit={{Tooltip | text=~1.28%*32 (40.9%)| hovertext=Drains 2.56%*32 (82.0%) meter from the opponent.}}
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(1440)| hovertext=Pit duration. Steals meter every 43 frames.}}
|invuln=Low 17-41
|damage=300*3 (802)
|circuit=3.0%*3 (9.0%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=1, 1, 1}}
|description=22A and 22B are very similar: 22A is summoned a fixed distance in front of V.Akiha while 22B is summoned under the opponent. 22A also has slightly faster startup. The slower drain rate when left out and modest frame advantage when detonated make the meterless pits a little underwhelming, especially compared to 22C. That said,  22B can be used as a tool to deter opponent stalling/zoning due to the health drain without forcing yourself to throw away meter.

* If you spawn a pit while the previous one is fading out, but hasn't completely disappeared yet, you can summon an additional pit afterwards instead of being forced to detonate it.
|circuit=-100.0%<br>{{Tooltip | text=~1.28%*64 (83.2%)| hovertext=Drains 2.56%*64 (166.4%) meter from the opponent.}}
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(1440)| hovertext=Pit duration. Steals meter every 20 frames.}}
|invuln=Full 1-9, Low 10-31
|damage=300*6 (1492)
|active={{Tooltip | text=24| hovertext=4 x6}}
|description= The win-condition. Summons a much larger pit under the opponent which will drain health and meter at an alarmingly faster rate (every 20 frames!); with 70 health and 2.56% meter drained each tick. That's around 900hp, 19.2% gained and 36.9% stolen after 5 seconds, for perspective. Has a bigger hitbox on ignition, and significantly more advantage on block.

The idea is to set this up during oki, then go for pressure with this quickly draining the opponent's health and freezing their meter gain in the background. You want to keep this for as long as you can, but once your pressure ends and you don't have meter for 236c, you can detonate this to get a last chance to open the opponent up. This works the best in the corner where escaping the area of the pit is much harder,

==Another Arc Drive==
==== Aerial Specials ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.236X</span> =====
|name= Felling Birds (Air)
|proration=70% (O)
|frameAdv=17 (TK)
|description=* Aerial version of V.Akiha's ribbons. Non-EX versions recover in midair.

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
Summons a horizontal, slightly downward ribbon, maintains V.Akiha's air momentum.. Unlike ground A-ribbon, this move is an excellent option for pressure resets - advances forward, significantly more plus, and can crush lows when TK'ed. Only issue is that you can't cancel into this directly during pressure.
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| '''<font size = "3"> 「」  </font> '''
|proration=70% (O)
|frameAdv=10 (TK)
|description=Summons a diagonal downward ribbon. Stops V.Akiha's momentum. Mostly better as a neutral tool, an annoying air poke to catch chase attempt and stall your air mobility, since generallt tk.236a is better as a pressure reset then tk.236b
|damage=400*8 (2609)
|proration=70% (O)
|startup={{Tooltip | text=2+18| hovertext=Post-flash startup may vary.}}
|active={{Tooltip | text=27| hovertext=8 hits.&#010;Total duration. Gaps in between hits.}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=10| hovertext=landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv=21 (TK)
|invuln=Full 1-5
|description=Summons 8 downward ribbons. May seem better then grounded 236c, but not being able to cancel into this makes this much hard to use safely, so usually 236c is used for pressure rebuys, and this doesn't see much use

* '''(Description)''' - AAD description
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.22X</span> =====
|caption= A/B/EX Pit
|caption2= A/B~j.22X
|caption3= EX~j.22X
|name= Burning Beasts (Air)
|circuit={{Tooltip | text=~1.28%*32 (40.9%)| hovertext=Drains ~2.56%*32 (82.0%) meter from the opponent.}}
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(1440)| hovertext=Pit duration. Steals meter every 43 frames.}}
|invuln=Low 10-X
|damage=300*3 (802)
|circuit=3.0%*3 (9.0%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=3| hovertext=1, 1, 1}}
|circuit=-100.0%<br>{{Tooltip | text=~1.28%*64 (83.2%)| hovertext=Drains ~2.56%*64 (166.4%) meter from the opponent.}}
|active=X {{Tooltip | text=(1440)| hovertext=Pit duration. Steals meter every 20 frames.}}
|invuln=Full 1-9, Low 10-X
|damage=300*6 (1492)
|active={{Tooltip | text=24| hovertext=4 x6}}
|description=Data on the aerial version of C-VAkiha's pit series. Those let you recover in mid-air, and do so signficantly faster then on the ground, although they have the same startup. In C-vakiha's optimal okizeme setups, you'll jump cancel into air ex pit, then use the remaining window for an autotimed meaty air ribbon.

=== Arc Drive ===
|name=Red Mistress - Ubiquitous
|linkname=Arc Drive
|input=41236C during MAX/Heat
|damage=650*10 (2813)
|proration=50% (O)
|circuit=removes all
|active={{Tooltip | text=24| hovertext=10 hits.}}
|invuln=Full 1-41
|description=V.Akiha fires an eye laser reaching around 3/4th of the screen. Fully invincible for a while, very long recovery. Not very useful as an Arc Drive unfortunately outside of maybe punishing at long ranges, has meh damage in combos.

==Last Arc==
=== Another Arc Drive ===
|name=Red Mistress - Ubiquitous
|linkname=Another Arc Drive
|input=41236C during Blood Heat
|damage=700*19 (4422)
|proration=50% (O)
|circuit=removes all
|active={{Tooltip | text=57| hovertext=19 hits.}}
|invuln=Full 1-71
|description=V.Akiha fires an extra wide eye laser, with fullscreen horizontal reach and tall vertical reach.

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| '''<font size = "3"> 「」  </font> '''

* '''(Description)''' -  LA description. Mention where it is activated (air or ground shield) first.
=== Last Arc ===
|name=Red Mistress Ubiquitous - Hill of the Crimson Banquet
|linkname=Last Arc
|input=Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
|damage=9250 (3420~6509)
|proration=50% + 50% * remaining BH time
|circuit=removes all
|description=Fullscreen command grab LA which goes into a cutscene of V.Akiha spawning a geyser of ribbons onto the opponent on hit.



[[Category:Melty Blood]]
[[Category:Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code]]
[[Category:Akiha Vermilion]]

Latest revision as of 03:41, 21 November 2023

Character Page Progress

This page is still a work in progress, consider joining as an editor to help expand it. Please update this character's roadmap page when one of the editing goals have been reached.

In Progress To-do
  • Move Descriptions:
    • Expand upon the pre-existing move descriptions
  • Combos:
    • Add damage, meter gain/given numbers and video links to pre-existing combos.
  • Overview/General Gameplan:
    • Add a short summary of this character with a list of strengths and weaknesses
    • Do your best to describe how to play this character, change or add subsections based on what you would write as a guide
  • Additional Ressources/Players to watch/ask
    • Add any external links to ressources such as video guides or articles.
    • If you know any players in particular that can be helpful for learning this character, please add them with, if possible a way to contact them (such as a Discord handle) and a name that can be searched in the match video database.


Additional Resources

C-V. Akiha Match Video Database

Notable Players

Name Color Region Common Venues Status Details

VAkiha Color12.png

Japan A-cho, KorewaMelty Inactive

VAkiha Color10.png

Japan A-cho Inactive


Japan A-cho Inactive Good fundamentals and understands the character very well, doesn't abuse ribbons unless in specific matchups and setups, more patient playstyle at least in terms of C.VAkiha. Showcases how melty fundies make the character shine.


Vakihaface.png C.VAkiha is a frail yet strong setplay and neutral focused character with reliable pressure options to overwhelm the opponent.
Pros Cons
  • Top notch mobility, with high and far reaching jump arcs, 2 quick and long airdashes, excellent ground dash and many ways to shift her air momentum, C-VAkiha feels comfortable being and moving anywhere on the screen.
  • Versatile neutral gameplan; depending on what the situation might call, C-VAkiha can effectively run away and zone with fat projectiles, or run in aggressively with her strong pokes on both the air and the ground.
  • Effective pressure: With a fat 2A, pokes like 5B and 4C with generous cancel windows, fast mobility, strong rebeat, and strong plus tools with TK ribbon. C-VAkiha can keep her turn going for even longer if she has a pit set up in the corner.
  • HP of a fly with the worst defense and guts in the game, making mistakes can lead to death more harshly then with other characters.
  • Resource hungry: Her win-condition (22C), only reversal and most useful conversion tool midscreen (623C) and best pressure rebuy (236C) all rely on meter. In addition, she might find herself needing to Heat more often thanks to her fragility.
  • Very enabled in the corner: One of the strongest tools, her 22X series, are much less effective midscreen compared go the corner. In addition, her combos are significantly better there as well.

General Gameplan

C.VAkiha is an extremely fast character with a unique gameplan that excels at neutral and pressure. Top class movement with two airdashes and j.236a, solid mid range options with j.236b and 214[a/b], solid anti airs and respectable air and ground buttons means many characters can struggle to get a hit in. She can spend meter to convert into long knockdown with j.22c pit which drains red health and meter over time while providing massive plus frames on detonation. j.236a also gives massive plus frames leading into her long and safe pressure. However, extremely low health and very low damage combined with a gameplan that lends itself to long games and timeouts leaves C.VAkiha very vulnerable to momentum shifts especially vs high damage characters and characters with good meter gain. Overall, C.VAkiha is a respectable mid tier whose set of tools makes her capable of winning vs any character while rewarding strong melty blood fundamentals.


C.VAkiha can play the keepaway/stall game thanks to her 2 airdashes, ribbons and occasional pits that stop momentum or carry it and allow for more air options afterwards. Being the frail character that she is, this unmatched air mobility is a surefire way of playing neutral, thankfully she can switch up her air options to get close to the opponent when they least expect it. Either through an airdash after A/B ribbon or a ground dash into 5C/4C that greatly move her forward or 2C to catch jumpouts, conditioning and cornering the opponent abusing her stalling moves is the best way to create an opportunity for offense. Her airdash is important due to the good speed and distance it covers, having a second airdash makes her close distance easily, and if done correctly a double airdash will make her move 3/4 of the screen. She can feint approaches by cancelling airdash into her air backdash or any jump. Her superjump and double superjump are other tools that can cover the entire screen, forward superjump > j.29 > forward airdash will go corner to corner while still saving the second airdash. The ground dash is also a useful neutral tool, even though it can't be held it still covers a generous distance. While it isn't a frame 1 dashblock like her counterpart Akiha, she can still hold [1] during her ground dash to be on the safe side approaching the opponent.

Movement alone is not the reason why C.VAkiha can become almost uncontested in air movement and stalling, since she has her j.236 (referred to as ribbons/flame tongues) series. These assist all her previous movement options, it is one of the most versatile moves C.VAkiha has and it shows. Both A and B versions have their own benefits and properties, and even her 22 and 214 specials can be used in more specific neutral situations that assist her gameplan, but generally not as recommended since they can be risky. Her A ribbon has good horizontal reach, being able to poke out occasional air-to-air encounters, as well as creating lingering hitboxes the opponent cannot approach recklessly, an interesting property is that it will carry VAkiha's momentum. Using this move, she can fly across the stage and make movement unpredictable. B ribbon has good downard vertical reach, which makes it a good option for situations in which Vakiha is above the opponent but not when they are directly below her as it has a fair bit of recovery. Its interesting property is that it will stop Vakiha's momentum, which adds more options to her aerial movement. Both A/B ribbons can be jumped afterwards as well as forward airdashed, it cannot be air backdashed however. These specials determine the way V.Akiha would play, and it will define matches. Typically you want to save at least a jump or airdash after an air ribbon, as you become a sitting duck if you just do it by itself.

C.VAkiha can zone the opponent out into frustration, ribbons make this goal achievable as they assist her air mobility while being a threat if blocked or hit, as she can use an airdash to get the jump on them. Her other air normals, jB and jC allow for her to control the air and the ground, jB complements her air dominance with its angled upward hitbox, even doing it as a rising button can help score counterhits or jumpout attempts. Her jC has also crossup properties, it can catch opponents trying to dash under if they expect a ribbon. Of mention is also her jA, while not exactly a stellar or standout move, its diagonal angle at which it hits give this move useability as a rising jumping button or a jumpin . Being the only reverse beatable air normal that hits at a decent downward angle unlike her jC, it can set up IAD mixups and has other uses in combination with jB. For example IAD jA > jB. The main goal you have is to never run out of options in the air, as she can pay dearly with her life, literally.


Once she gets close, C.VAkiha has enough tools to keep herself in and abuse her plus on frame specials, especially once she has set up the EX pit (22C) detonation, a go-to pressure/oki tool that is insanely plus on block, and her 236C is abusable to keep herself from ending pressure without having to rely on an EX pit detonation. Before all that however, you have to get a hit out of the opponent. Out of all the normals perhaps her most important is her 2A, with good speed, being a low, generous hitbox and frame advantage, her 2A does everything it should do, use this to start pressure almost always with a dash since it will carry her momentum. Her 5A not hitting most of the cast when crouching makes it her go-to rebeat and whiff cancelling button, either making herself safe at the end of a string or whiff cancelling it into another move. Incredibly useful when combined with C normals.

5B, 4C and 5C are also really oppressive. 5B in particular is fantastic due to it having really good frame data: fast at 7 frames and only -1 at worst on block. It has a large cancel window and will move her slightly forward. With the right spacing its advantage on block will increase, let the move fully recover to abuse the frame advantage or late cancel to catch jump-happy opponents and abare. It is adviced to use after moves that push her out from the opponent such as 5C, 4C(Both hits) or 2C, spacing your 5B should be an integral part of your pressure. Slightly holding 5B might trick the opponents that you're charging it, in those cases you can trip them right after with 2C/4C/5C. If you think the opponent will respect it, you can let the charged 5B rock and take the frame advantage, but its really slow startup doesn't make it as useful. While gimmicky, it has its benefits.

5C moves C.VAkiha forward by a lot, and also has a generous cancel window. This move is commonly seen in her pressure since it catches mashing as well as jumpouts and leads to good reward on hit. 4C comes with a lot of versatility, being a two-hitting move it opens the door for first hit cancels such as 4C(1 hit) > 2A > 5B. This move is large, and moves C.VAkiha forward, it is useful due to its cancel window, and 5Cs partner in crime, with both of them being used right after the other 2A > 5C > 4C. 2C is an important mention, it is the usual sweep, and the furthest low C.VAkiha has and therefore used at the end of pressure. On another note, cancelling 5A (whiff) after these C normals will give great reward and let her recover quicker than she normally would. Giving her the ability to end pressure at +3 after any grounded C normal. Using an occasional IAD to keep the opponent on their toes will give further advantage especially with j.C. If they are standing however, using IAD j.A is a better option since it can be airdash cancelled again for a second high on hit.

Her specials also give her really useful options to help establish her pressure even further, her tk j.236A is fantastic since it is very plus on block and safe to use, it can bait reversals and heats. 2368 and 2367 A give more safety in pressure, while 2369A can be used as a way to catch backdashes or be even closer to an opponent when pressuring. Use this when you have conditioned your opponent to respect the late cancels or when there is enough safety for it be used since it can't be cancelled into. Both her 214A/B uncharged series is usually a pressure ender, a way to build distance with the opponent or poke them from afar. However, the charged versions of this move make for a very rewarding pressure reset, its use is more limited due to the slow startup, but its safety in range makes it useful. Use this once the opponent is scared to press a button or dash in, for immense reward.

Here are some pressure examples:

NOTE : "Opt." means optional tk 236A/214[B]/dash/IAD

5B staggers Some basic 5B staggers along with baits, these should be the groundwork players should follow.

  • 2A > 5B, 2A > 5B (Basic blockstring that resets into itself, the second 2A > 5B will connect if you are close enough to your opponent.)
  • 2A > 5B > 5B (Will not push out as much as the previous blockstring at the expense of having a larger gap between the first and second 5B.)
  • 2A > 5B > 5A(w), tk 236A (Use this when you are certain 5A will whiff as it gives more advantage on block and gives time to set up the tk ribbon. Conditioning them to stay crouchblocking.)
  • 2A > 5B > 5A(w) > 5C/4C > 2C (The trip sequence, if the opponent expects to end with a 5A(w) and to challenge, this will catch them mashing, backdashing or jumping out.)
  • 2A, throw (Basic tick throw, keep the opponent on their toes. Even though your throw damage is not that strong, it gives health and a tk ribbon setup.)
  • 2A > 5B walk forward 2A/throw (A slight walk forward that goes either into a throw or a 2A, once they have been conditioned to respect 5B start running this as it can reset pressure at little risk.)

C normals into 5A(w) rebeats and pressure resets

  • 2A > 5B > 5C > 4C > 5A(w) > 2C > (214[B] optional) (A 5A(w) cancel that ends into 2c in case they challenge and the optional 214[B] in case they block it to reset from a safe distance.)
  • 2A > 5B > 5C > 4C > 5A(w), Opt. (The bread and butter ender, will give advantage on block, enough to do either of the optional followups, each has their own advantages.)
  • 2A > slight delay 5C > 5B > 4C > 5A(w) > Opt. (A frametrap between the 2A and the delay 5C, a lot of reward if it hits, autopilot this and you can react whether 5C hits or not, same as above on the ender.)
  • 4C(1st hit) > 2A > 5B > 5C > 5A(w) > Opt. (4C starter you use when you want to be closer to the opponent.)

IAD mixups and metered pressure reset

  • 2A > delay 2AAA, IAD jC > (j236A optional)
  • 2A > delay 2AAA, IAD jA airdash jC
  • 2A > delay 2AAA, IAD jA land 2A
  • 2A > delay 2AAA, IAD jAB jc jA airdash jC
  • (any previous blockstring) > 236A (3 hits) > 236C (NOTE: 236A must connect all 3 hits before 236C for it to be a true blockstring, otherwise there is a gap. You have to be very close to the opponent when you do this.)

In summary, her pressure can always lead up to 5B staggers and 5C/4C delay windows to condition the opponent to not mash recklessly. She can rebuy pressure with a tk j236A or 214[B] if the opponent respects the 5A(w) enders, in any other case she is plus. Some of her best sequences use 5B/5a(w) as they lead up to strong mindgames, abusing her late cancellable buttons will define the way she establishes pressure. Switching up your options and not being predictable should be the main goal, experiment with cancels and staggers to see what could work in a given situation.


In most midscreen combos, you can superjump forward and land with j.c for an autotimed and autospaced j.c. Note that j.c will likely crossup. it hits meaty and may even be a safejump against some reversals. Once they expect you to do the same thing over and over on wakeup, you can mix up to throw reversal/shield/backdash attempts off:

- air dash back j.c. can catch fuzzy mashing, opponents expecting a crossup, many backdash attempts and even might give you time to punish som reversals

- fake out into grab/ground normal, to catch shield attempts and respectful opponents off guard, as well as potentially hit low with 2a/2b.

- air dash back empty into grab/ground normal, to catch opponents responding to the first option specifically.

EX Pit Setups
There are two ways of setting up a pit after a momiji loop, and that's by ending the loop with 2c or 623b. Generally you wanna end with 2c if you don't have EX pit setup, otherwise go for 623b to get a bit more damage. 2C gives you access to these setups:

xx 22c simple setup that gets the job done. should have a generous window to run up and meaty a button.
tk7/8.22c j.tk9/8.236a More complete setup - you set up EX pit, alone with tk ribbon, which is advantagous and very safe against both reversals and most shields. The double jump j.236a is also TK'ed
8 j.22c j.236a Potentially slower alternate way of doing the one above.
tk7.22c j.tk7/8.236a j.8 66 {j.a(w) 2a}/{j.c} Tricky execution, but offers a high/low mixup after ribbon. Haven't tested it yet so its reliability is dubious.

Half Momiji Setup and Okizeme Options
Using the Half Momiji let's V. Akiha pull her opponents slightly out of the corner and to set a C Pit allowing for more options for her okizeme.
The video below from TonberryMage shows a bunch (not all) of options that V. Akiha can do from the Half Momiji setup.
Half Momiji Video
-Explanation from Tonberry and an old thread by LordKnight


C.VAkiha may have a really hard time dealing with pressure, as any hit could wipe her healthbar clean, but unlike the other VAkihas she has coveted Crescent moon mechanics. EX shield, EX guard and Heat are great answers, an EX shield into a 5A will punish most IAD's and jumpins, thanks to 5A hitting at a high angle. EX guarding predictable pressure will give opportunities to jump out and fly away from danger. Her Heat is both great and dangerous to use, as the hitbox and startup is standard, but being the resource and meter-hungry character that she is, she risks losing all her meter which defines her oki and pressure, use wisely.

Outside of crescent moon mechanics, C.VAkiha does not have much at her disposal but she still has respectable enough reversals and ways of challenging. Despite both her 5A and 2A being a 5 frame normal, which doesnt make it ideal for mashing, the range and space that they cover can still be useful for opponents that feel comfortable at ranges other characters could not challenge. An occasional 2A being buffered into a 4C will give good reward if it hits at certain ranges, for example when the opponent is redashing. As for her specials, she has her 623 series, 623A is a great antiair and rarely a reversal since it does not have reliable invincibility. It has an air unblockable hitbox on its first hit, good after an EX shield against an aerial move. Her 623B is extremely gimmicky on defense, it has invincibility on her lower body, meaning it technically is useable against low-hitting moves. It should not be relied on too much as it is very risky and not even a real reversal, do not mash this, you will likely use this only once in forever. Punishable on block and loses to most meaty setups. And her 623C, her true, fully invulerable reversal that leads to a small combo into good knockdown on hit. Use this this as your reversal, of course unsafe on block so use when you're sure it will hit.


Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X > delay Y Must wait for a short period before cancelling X input into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons X and Y must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Either the X or Y input can be used.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack X with Y follow-up input.
  2. Input X then within a few frames, input Y. Usually used for option selects.
X(w) X input must not hit the opponent (Whiff).
j.X X input is done in the air, implies a jump/jump cancel if the previous move was done from the ground.

Applies to all air chain sections:

  • Assume a forward jump cancel if no direction is given.
  • Air chains such as j.A > j.B > j.C can be shortened to j.ABC.
sj.X X input is done after a super jump. Notated as sj8.X and sj9.X for neutral and forward super jumps respectively.
dj.X X input is done after a double jump.
sdj.X X input is done after a double super jump.
tk.X Stands for Tiger Knee. X motion must be buffered before jumping, inputting the move as close to the ground as possible. (ex. tk.236A)
(X) X is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input X is held down. Also referred to as Blowback Edge (BE). Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input X is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down. This type of input is referred to as Negative Edge.
{X} Button X should only be held down briefly to get a partially charged version instead of the fully charged one.
X(N) Attack "X" should only hit N times.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit.
Air CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit on an airborne opponent.
66 Performs a ground forward dash.
j.66 Performs an aerial forward dash, used as a cancel for certain characters' air strings.
IAD/IABD Performs an Instant AirDash.
AT Performs an Air Throw. (j.6/4A+D)
IH Performs an Initiative Heat.
AD Performs an Arc Drive.
AAD Performs an Another Arc Drive.



Normal Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2Ax2 > 5C > 4C > 2C > delay 5BB > j8 > delay j.(A)AB > dj.(A)BC

Meter Gained: 76% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Basic j.C knockdown combo. You can do 2A up to four times at point blank.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AAA > 5C > 4C > 2C > 5BB > sj8.AA > adc.jB > djAC

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Similar to above but has some corner carry
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2Ax3 > 5C > 4C > 2C > 5B > 623B

Meter Gained: 56.5 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Combo that sacrifices damage for better oki.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • .... > 4C > 2C > 623C, 4C > 2C (> 623B)

Meter Gained: -47.3 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Your main conversion with meter in midscreen. This route is used for corner carry. It allows you to convert straight into loops, which can result in stronger oki. Damage calculated with initial string being 2Ax3 5C 4C ..., final 623b included
Air Counterhit
  • Air CH > 5B > 4C > 2C > 5BB > sj8.AA > adc.jB > djAC
??? ???

Corner Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5C > 4C > Momiji Loop

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
The biggest corner damage you'll get starting from 2A.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 5C > 2C > 4C > Momiji Loop

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Carries more than the previous combo. Goes into Momiji Loop if done from around the middle of the stage or less. If done on crouchers (because 5B trips crouchers) 5C needs a tiny delay.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 6C, 2C > (2A(w) > 4C) > > Momiji Loop

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Standard overhead combo in the corner. 2C is the only required move.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5C > 4C > 2C > 623B > 2C > 5C > 2C "The Half Momiji"

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Half Momiji. Pulls the opponent slightly out of the corner. Can also do other routes after 623B like 5B > 2C > w2A > 5C > 2C. The 5C > 2C is what pulls them out. See pressure for applications.

Momiji Loop

Your main combo structure in the corner. Great balance of meter build, damage, and versatility.

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • .... > 4C 623B, 4C 623B

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
The most basic one.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • .... > 4C 2C 623B, 4C 2C 623B

Meter Gained: 111.5% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
A more complete loop. You can default to this if you already have EX pit out. damage calculated with initial string being 2Ax3 5C 4C ...
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • .... > 4C 2C 623B, 4C 2C

Meter Gained: 102.8% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Similar as above, except you sacrifice damage to get 2C oki. You can then set up EX pit. Damage calculated with initial string being 2Ax3 5C 4C ...

OTG Pick ups

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A*5 > 5B > 4C > 2B(2) > 5A > 2A > tk8.236A
??? ???
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% Meter
  • 2A*5 > 5B > 4C > 2B(2) > 5A > 2A > 2B > 236C
??? ???
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 200% Meter
  • 623C > 22C

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Uses mondo meter

Move Descriptions

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Move Box Colors

Light gray = Collision Box (A move lacking one means it can go through the opponent's own collision box).
Green: Hurt Boxes.
Red: Hit(/Grab) Boxes.
Yellow: Clash Boxes (When an active hitbox strikes a clash box, the active hitbox stops being active. Multi-hit attacks can beat clash since they will still progress to the next hitbox.)
Magenta: Projectile-reflecting boxes OR Non-hit attack trigger boxes (usually).
Blue: Reflectable Projectile Boxes.

Damage Base damage done by this attack.

(X) denotes combined and scaled damage tested against standing V. Sion.

Red Damage Damage done to the recoverable red health bar by this attack. The values are inherently scaled and tested against standing V. Sion.

(X) denotes combined damage.

Proration The correction value set by this attack and the way it modifies the scaling during a string. See this page for more details.

X% (O) means X% Overrides the previous correction value in a combo if X is of a lower percentage.
X% (M) means the current correction value in a combo will be Multiplied by X%. This can also be referred to as relative proration.

Circuit Meter gained by this attack on hit.

(X%) denotes combined meter gain.
-X% denotes a meter cost.

Cancel Actions this move can be cancelled into.

SE = Self cancelable.
N = Normal cancelable.
SP = Special cancelable.
CH = Cancelable into the next part of the same attack (Chain in case of specials).
EX = EX cancelable.
J = Jump cancelable.
(X) = Cancelable only on hit.
-X- = Cancelable on whiff.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

L = Can block crouching
H = Can block standing.
A = Can block in the air.
U = Unblockable.

Startup Amount of frames that must pass prior to reaching the active frames. Also referred to as "True Startup".
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.

(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present. Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
X denotes active frames with a duration separate from its origin move's frame data, such as projectile attacks. In this case, the total length of the move is startup+recovery only.

Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled. The character goes into one frame where they can block but not act afterwards, which is not counted here.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).

If the opponent uses a move with startup that is at least 2 frames less than this move's negative advantage, it will result in the opponent hitting that move.
±x~±y denotes a range of possible advantages.

Invul Lists any defensive properties this move has.

X y~z denotes X property happening between the y to z frames of the animations. If no frames are noted, it means the invincibility lasts through the entire move.


Strike = Strike invincible.
Throw = Throw invincible.

Hurtbox-Based Properties:

Full = No hurtboxes are present.
High = Upper body lacks a hurtbox.
Low = Lower body lacks a hurtbox.

Miscellaneous Properties

Clash = Frames in which clash boxes are active.
Reflect = Frames in which projectile-reflecting boxes are active.
Super Armor = Frames in which the character can take hits without going into hit stun.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Cvakiha 5a.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 117 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 3 7 2 3.0% -

Fast, large horizontal range, and +2 on block, but whiffs on crouchers. It is an excellent tool for rebeats and whiff cancelling; 5c 5a(w), 2c 5a(w), and 4c 5a(w) are +3 on block, so this whiffing on crouchers isn't an issue. One of the key tools for C-V.Akiha pressure.

Vakiha 5b.png
Vakiha 5bBE.png
Vakiha 5bb.png
5B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
550 392 100% N, SP, -CH-, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 12 -1 6.0% -

The backbone of C-VAki pressure. Moves you forward slightly and has a huge cancel window, in addition to being -1 on block; this allows for extremely ambiguous staggers and pressure resets. Since this move moves you forward while the hitbox is out, it can become neutral or plus on block if you're spaced right and it hits in the later frames. Be sure to tap the button for at most 3 frames when you use it, or you risk getting a longer startup from partially charging the move. Also note that it trips crouchers on hit. This can happen accidentally if you go for higher damage starters like 5b. In that case, you can either follow it 623b for a short finish/combo in the corner or continue with 4c jc --> air combo midscreen

5[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500, 400*3 (1624) (1168) 100% N, SP, -CH-, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
30 9 8 3 4.0%*4 (16.0%) -

Slow, charged version of 5B. Plus on block, but the long startup limits its usefulness. You can use it as an air counterhit pickup instead of 5B. The multihit will give you enough time to react whether you should go for a ground corner carry route or an air combo depending on the height it hits. It'll do extra damage this way. The half charged version only sees use as a gimmick where you charge it and then go for a low when the opponent expects 6C.

~B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 245 70% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 3 29 -14 6.0% -

H-VAki's launcher; mostly used in combos, especially to get a third momiji loop. Sometimes, it's the only option after awkward pickups, like an unexpected 4c on an opponent that just jumped. On hit, hold 8 to get a command superjump to continue your combo. Like 5b, it will slide you forward a bit, although it's not as effective in pressure since it has considerable pushback and its cancel window is very short.

Vakiha 5c.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 637 90% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 6 17 -5 11.0% -

Big 5C that moves you forward a ton. Good in pressure for catching jumpouts and mash; also sees some use as an antiair, since it's harder to whiff punish than 4c, although it knocks them away and wallslams them on air hit. The wallslam leads to left/right mixups in the corner. This moves also sees use as a tech punish.

Crouching Normals

Vakiha 2a.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350 147 65% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 3 10 -1 4.0% -

Low-hitting swipe. Good pressure and combo starter thanks to being self-cancellable and only -1 on block. Inferior to 5a as a rebeat tool but still relatively useful.

Vakiha 2b.png
Vakiha 2b3.png
2B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
250*6 (653) (460) 85% (O) N, SP, -CH-, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 9 13 -2 2.0%*3 (6.0%) -

Big, fast 2B with a lot of pushback on hit or block if most of the hits connect. Although it's a bit hard, you can cancel the move after the first hit to get significantly less pushback. It's a decent abare tool, and can get you to a good spacing fast in pressure. It's also a good button to fight wakeup 5D. However, it doesn't hit low. Since it's so active, it's a good move for catching ground tech attempts.

~2B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
200*3 (580) (283) 100% (O) -CH- LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1 5 20 -10 ~ -9 1.0%*3 (3.0%) -

2B's sad followup; hits low, but only cancels into 2BBB and trips on hit, so it's pretty useless. Instantly active if done during 2B's recovery. You can link some normals after it trips, but there are still no known practical use for it.

~2B~2B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 588 75% (O) J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 5 16 -3 6.0% -

An overhead with rather slow start-up. Can be jump-cancelled on Hit OR Block so it is safe so long as it doesn't whiff. Very rarely used.

Vakiha 2c.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 490 60% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 5 20 -7 8.0% -

Does everything you'd expect of a sweep. It's situationally useful as an antiair and abare button, and also sees use as a poke, but it's very easy to whiff punish. This move will slightly slide you forward after using it.

Aerial Normals

Vakiha ja.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 147 72% (O) SE, N, SP, EX, J LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 10 - 3.0% -

Downward mid-hitting kick. Passable j.a, as the boxes themselves aren't great, but it works for the purposes of a quick air poke and combo filler. Has its uses after an IAD due to it being the only downward-hitting dash cancellable air normal she has, setting up double overheads.

Vakiha jb.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 343 90% (O) N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 7 - - 7.0% -

Fantastic, very active air poke. Go-to air-to-air for opponents above or in front of you. Will whiff on most crouchers after an IAD so not generally advised.

Vakiha jc.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 392 80% (M) SP*, EX* HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 4 - - 7.0% -

Downward flipping kick with a very big and wide hitbox. Effective as both an air-to-ground and as an air-to air - it even hits crossup very consistently. Has the quirk of sending to a hard knockdown on airborne opponents, from which you can get a safejump/mixup(?), but no pit.

Command Normals

Vakiha 4c.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*2 (984) (675) 100% N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 26 -12,-10 5.0%*2 (10.0%) -

This button is large, and fast, but it's very easy to whiff punish due to the long recovery of the move. It's decent as an antiair, but better as a callout in neutral, and best used in pressure, combos and mashing. One of your most useful normals.

Vakiha 6c.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 294 75% (SP), (EX) H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 4 18 -4 8.0% -

Slow overhead kick. Wallslams and cancellable into a command ground dash on hit. Furthermore, when used after another C normal in pressure (e.g., the string 2AA > 5C > 6C), it will trade with mashing for a full combo, and beat certain options like dodge and F-Kohaku's counter.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
MB C-VAkiha Throw.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
170*7 (1076) (474) 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 1 20 - 0.0% -

V.Akiha grabs the opponent by the neck and goes into a 7-hit sequence. Untechable knockdown. Has the quirk of restoring health equal to only slightly less then the damage it deals.

Air Throw
Air Throw
MB C-VAkiha Throw Air.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1600 (Raw)
474 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2 1 12 - 0.0% -

V.Akiha takes the opponent to the ground with the power of her legs. As a combo ender it will be untechable but will leave you at a distance.

Shield Bunker
Shield Bunker
214D in neutral or blockstun
MB C-VAkiha 214D.png
Bunker Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 196 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 4 19 -5 0.0%
(-50.0% in blockstun)
Clash 1-10
(Clash) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 196 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 19 -5 0.0%/-50.0% Strike 1-7

V.Akiha's shield bunker is a special slide with low to the ground hitboxes.

MB C-VAkiha ABC.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 5 25 - -100.0% (min) Full 1-20

Hitbox entirely covers V.Akiha.

Circuit Spark
Circuit Spark
A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
MB C-VAkiha CSpark.png
MB C-VAkiha CSpark Air.png
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 10 20 - removes all Full 1-39
Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 10 15 - removes all Strike 1-30

Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

Special Moves

Grounded Specials

MB C-VAkiha 236A.png
MB C-VAkiha 236B.png
MB C-VAkiha 236C.png

V.Akiha summons multi-hit fire ribbons.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*3 (932) (684) 70% (O) -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 6 20 3 4.0%*3 (12.0%) -

Mid-height ribbon, +3 on block. Can use it to go into 236C gapless, and as a blockstring ender in a pinch.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*3 (932) (684) 70% (O) -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
29 6 12 1 4.0%*3 (12.0%) -

Summons a ribbon above V.Akiha with much slower startup, which can make it harder to use.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
200*24 (2876) (1820) 70% (O) -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+19 35 15 16 -100.0% Full 1-4

Summons multiple large ribbons. Lots of frame advantage on block. 236A(3) > 236C is a gapless string that can let you restart pressure safely, or just keep your opponent stuck in EX pit ((j.)22C) longer. If they shield 236C, they collect a lot of meter but you get a free throw punish so don't let them get away with it!

MB C-VAkiha 623A.png
MB C-VAkiha 623B.png
MB C-VAkiha 623C.png

V.Akiha's "Momiji" DP series. Has different types of invulnerability depending on the version.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600, 800 (1282) (545) 100% - LH, LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 3 (7) 4 23 -9 6.0%, 8.0% (14.0%) High 1-9

Quick rising attack. Very effective anti-air with passable reward, a hard knockdown, though not very advantageous.

Only the first hit is air unblockable. Keeps your dash momentum, oddly enough.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300, 200, 500, 400 (1279) (527) 70% (O) - LH (1-2), LHA (3-4)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 32 23 -9 3.5%, 2.0*2, 5.0% (12.5%) Low 1-10

Akiha runs forward before jumping up. Has ten frames of invincibility on Akiha's lower body, so you could use it after a normal shield or as an anti-low reversal.

That said, it's mostly reserved for combos as it is indeed the Momiji of the Momiji loops. It's also a strong ender, granting a very good knockdown and a suite of okizeme possibilities.

The first hit has minimal hitstun. This means that hitting an extended hurtbox can make the second hit whiff, letting the rest be blocked. 623C shares the same issue.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
200, 300*2, 400 (1089) (589) 60% (M) - LH (1-2), LHA (3-4)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6+3 35 23 -9 -100.0% Full 1-10

As with 623B, Akiha runs forward first, but this time with full invulnerability. This is her only fully invulnerable move except AD and Heat, so worth incorporating occasionally into your defense.

It grants the same ground bounce on hit as 623B, which is important for midscreen combos as it can be used to go into Momiji loops further from the corner.

MB C-VAkiha 214A.png
MB C-VAkiha 214B.png
MB C-VAkiha 214C.png

V.Akiha summons an advancing series of ribbon pillars. 3 Pillars when uncharged, 5 pillars charged and which go much farther for a longer period of time. Uncharged, the move is often even on block at best and punishable *on hit* at worst. When charged it can be used as a reset tool from a safe distance and gives a ton of advantage on block. Could be used for oki, but it's outclassed by other setups. B version could be used as a niche zoning tool on the ground.

A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*3 (1009) (541) 80% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
21 22 13 -14 ~ 0 3.0%*3 (9.0%) -
[A]/[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*5 (1578) (846) 80% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
29 X (64) 35 -14 ~ 42 3.0%*5 (15.0%) -

A version spawns the pillars right on front of V.Akiha, and B version spawns at around the distance uncharged A version ends.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
280*15 (2497) (1745) 96% (M)*15 - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+33 X (118) 29 -8 ~ 90 -100.0% Full 1-9

EX version spawns 15 overlapping pillars, reaching around 3/4ths of the screen. Provides more advantage then 236c, but will leave a gap no matter what you cancel into it from, so opponents can shield/jump/reversal and make this less consistent as a pressure restart

MB C-VAkiha 22X.png
A/B/EX Pit
A/B/EX Pit
MB C-VAkiha 22AB 22X.png
MB C-VAkiha 22C 22X.png

Crescent's pit series. Summons a burning field on the ground, which will drain the opponent's health meter at intervals, as long they are not in hitstun. Lasts for a very long time (1440 frames/24 seconds), and drains 70 health and 2.56% meter every 43 frames. Pits need to be ignited by repeating the 22X input, resulting in a multi-hit, advantagous explosion. The pit goes away if V. Akiha gets hit.

You'll usually see the air versions of the pits being used as you can recover in mid-air and continue moving, but the pits themselves have the same properties.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
39 X (1440) 13 - ~1.28%*32 (40.9%) Low 12-33
B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
44 X (1440) 13 - ~1.28%*32 (40.9%) Low 17-41
~22X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300*3 (802) (311) 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
19 3 34 7 3.0%*3 (9.0%) -

22A and 22B are very similar: 22A is summoned a fixed distance in front of V.Akiha while 22B is summoned under the opponent. 22A also has slightly faster startup. The slower drain rate when left out and modest frame advantage when detonated make the meterless pits a little underwhelming, especially compared to 22C. That said, 22B can be used as a tool to deter opponent stalling/zoning due to the health drain without forcing yourself to throw away meter.

  • If you spawn a pit while the previous one is fading out, but hasn't completely disappeared yet, you can summon an additional pit afterwards instead of being forced to detonate it.
EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+35 X (1440) 13 - -100.0%
~1.28%*64 (83.2%)
Full 1-9, Low 10-31
~22X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300*6 (1492) (973) 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
19 24 13 34 0.0% -

The win-condition. Summons a much larger pit under the opponent which will drain health and meter at an alarmingly faster rate (every 20 frames!); with 70 health and 2.56% meter drained each tick. That's around 900hp, 19.2% gained and 36.9% stolen after 5 seconds, for perspective. Has a bigger hitbox on ignition, and significantly more advantage on block.

The idea is to set this up during oki, then go for pressure with this quickly draining the opponent's health and freezing their meter gain in the background. You want to keep this for as long as you can, but once your pressure ends and you don't have meter for 236c, you can detonate this to get a last chance to open the opponent up. This works the best in the corner where escaping the area of the pit is much harder,

Aerial Specials

MB C-VAkiha j.236A.png
MB C-VAkiha j.236B.png
MB C-VAkiha j.236C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 490 70% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 2 5 17 (TK) 6.0% -
  • Aerial version of V.Akiha's ribbons. Non-EX versions recover in midair.

Summons a horizontal, slightly downward ribbon, maintains V.Akiha's air momentum.. Unlike ground A-ribbon, this move is an excellent option for pressure resets - advances forward, significantly more plus, and can crush lows when TK'ed. Only issue is that you can't cancel into this directly during pressure.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 490 70% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
23 2 9 10 (TK) 6.0% -

Summons a diagonal downward ribbon. Stops V.Akiha's momentum. Mostly better as a neutral tool, an annoying air poke to catch chase attempt and stall your air mobility, since generallt tk.236a is better as a pressure reset then tk.236b

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*8 (2609) (1262) 70% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+18 27 10 21 (TK) -100.0% Full 1-5

Summons 8 downward ribbons. May seem better then grounded 236c, but not being able to cancel into this makes this much hard to use safely, so usually 236c is used for pressure rebuys, and this doesn't see much use

Burning Beasts (Air)
MB C-VAkiha 22X.png
A/B/EX Pit
A/B/EX Pit
MB C-VAkiha 22AB j.22X.png
MB C-VAkiha 22C j.22X.png
A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
37 X (1440) 4 - ~1.28%*32 (40.9%) Low 10-X
~j.22X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300*3 (802) (311) 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
19 3 31 11 3.0%*3 (9.0%) -
EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+36 X (1440) 4 - -100.0%
~1.28%*64 (83.2%)
Full 1-9, Low 10-X
~j.22X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300*6 (1492) (973) 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
19 24 10 38 0.0% -

Data on the aerial version of C-VAkiha's pit series. Those let you recover in mid-air, and do so signficantly faster then on the ground, although they have the same startup. In C-vakiha's optimal okizeme setups, you'll jump cancel into air ex pit, then use the remaining window for an autotimed meaty air ribbon.

Arc Drive

Red Mistress - Ubiquitous
41236C during MAX/Heat
MB C-VAkiha AD.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
650*10 (2813) (1694) 50% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+6 24 62 -40 removes all Full 1-41

V.Akiha fires an eye laser reaching around 3/4th of the screen. Fully invincible for a while, very long recovery. Not very useful as an Arc Drive unfortunately outside of maybe punishing at long ranges, has meh damage in combos.

Another Arc Drive

Red Mistress - Ubiquitous
41236C during Blood Heat
MB C-VAkiha AAD.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700*19 (4422) (3696) 50% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+5 57 59 -34 removes all Full 1-71

V.Akiha fires an extra wide eye laser, with fullscreen horizontal reach and tall vertical reach.

Last Arc

Red Mistress Ubiquitous - Hill of the Crimson Banquet
Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
MB C-VAkiha LA.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
9250 (3420~6509) (2699~5110) 50% + 50% * remaining BH time - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+7 2 22 - removes all Full

Fullscreen command grab LA which goes into a cutscene of V.Akiha spawning a geyser of ribbons onto the opponent on hit.

MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull