Melty Blood/MBAACC/Shiki Ryougi/Crescent Moon: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Normal Combos: Made notation a little more specific)
m (→‎j.B: air unblockable j.B lol)
Line 473: Line 473:
     |cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
     |cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)

Revision as of 19:56, 6 July 2022

Character Page Progress

This page has been merged with translations from the French wiki BasGrosPoing

This page is still a work in progress renovation-wise, consider joining as an editor to help expand it. Please update this character's roadmap page when one of the editing goals have been reached.

In Progress To-do
  • Overview/General Gameplan:
    • Entire section probably needs a total rewrite.
  • Move Descriptions:
    • Finish updating move descriptions to modern standards.
  • Combos:
    • Probably reformat this section and cut out bloat. Add damage / meter values and vid examples as always
  • (Additional Ressources/Players to watch/ask)
    • (Add any external links to resources such as video guides or articles.)

Additional Resources

C-Ryougi Match Video Database

Players to watch/ask



link C-Ryougi is the princess of gimmicks.
Pros Cons
  • Good general mobility: Average run speed combined with an absolutely fantastic airdash.
  • Strong neutral: Her aerials are incredible, j.B is notable, which absolutely controls the skies, and she can quickly reposition to catch airborne opponents landing. Her grounded buttons are good too, outranging many characters.
  • High amount of gimmicks and knowledge checks: Unblockables, rekkas, rebeats, overheads, and a crossup overhead that is safe on block, C-Ryougi is never out of gimmicks to catch you with.
  • Menacing in Blood Heat: A fearsome character in BH, her AAD is one of the best reversals and command grabs in the game and her Last Arc does 7k damage unscaled.
  • Weird hurtbox during hitstun: A lot of characters lose routes and confirms on Ryougi, giving her an additional chance at life.
  • High meter gain: C-Ryougi gains nearly a full bar from most of her combos.
  • Good damage with meter: Using her unique "Genei Jin" super, C-Ryougi can break 6k, damage far above what a character of her tier should be getting.
  • Poor defense: 5A being tiny, her fastest button you can use in most abare situations is 2A. She also completely lacks meaningful reversals outside of Blood Heat.
  • Extended hurtboxes: C-Ryougi extends a lot of green before and during her active frames on most of her pokes, making it easy to get counter-hit without pristine spacing. In practice, this can make it difficult to antiair a lot of characters.
  • Low damage without meter: C-Ryougi's main BnB doesn't even break 4k, coupled with her highly gimmicky offense this can make a clean combo hard to start.
  • Frequent returns to neutral: Her airthrow gives her weak to nonexistent okizeme midscreen and mediocre okizeme against most of the cast in the corner, whereas j.236X ender is usually a return to neutral if the opponent doesn't go for risky plays. Her rebeats don't put her at an advantageous position either most of the time.
  • Low health: Ryougi has the 5th lowest HP in the game and insignificant guts. She bleeds for her mistakes; C-Ryougi especially with how gimmicky her offense is.
  • Long recovery on pokes: Her recovery on non-5A moves is at best 17 frames, messing up your spacing can mean game over.

General Gameplan

C Ryougi is generally considered the worst of the three moons, due to her mostly gimmicky pressure and smaller buttons compared to the other moons. That being said, she gains a few notable things over said moons: An invincible reversal in the form of Heat on demand, which also increases her survivability when able to heal red health. She also gains an actual jump in button in the form of jB, which is also an incredible button that is used very liberally. C Ryougi wants to use her fast movement and great air buttons to confirm hits and keep you on the ground.


Mostly being precise with j.B and 5B.
Use your quick airdashes to get in or retreat.
Retreating is important for C-Ryougi, as it sets up her quick airdash to get in when the moment presents itself.


C-Ryougi has mediocre pressure and usually ends up giving up on it and falling back to neutral, unless you want to take some risk.
Example blockstring: ...5B > 2C > 5A(whiff) > 5B > 2C... Cancelling into an A normal from 5C is +1, and +2 on 2C. 5BB is -1. If you want to take risks, you should go for rekka high/low (236A>214A/214D), frame traps(half charge 5C or 6C), unblockables (use 5C or 6C the others are too slow), or the 421 series for a crossup overhead (preferably B because that one is jump cancellable so you won't die on block) Should you get a hard knockdown through A rekka, 214B, or 421B, you can time safejump with j.B or, should you be feeling frisky, use 623[A]/[B] as a meaty. Because these moves are unblockable and provide untechable knockdown, they're a good choice should you be fighting an opponent without a meterless reversal, or without meter for said reversal. Possible to be jumped out of should the meaty not be tight enough.


You have 5 unblockable moves. They are generally weak, but work well vs F-Moon opponents, because they don't have the option to dodge.
Since they cannot dodge, they are forced to shield it, or use some kind of reversal. They usually shield it, as it is easier.
You cannot combo from hitting an unblockable.

  • 5[C] is the fastest unblockable. Active on 31st frame. Main drawback of this move is that opponent can tech in the air after getting hit.
  • 6[C] is active on 33rd frame. However opponent cannot tech in the air, so you can catch them teching on the ground if you guess right. It also has bigger range than 5[C] and doesn't move you forwards. Range can be important, as even if they shield it, some shield counters will whiff.
  • 623[A] is active on 38th frame. This is an unblockable you want to do as a meaty rather than pressure reset. As meaty it is fairly safe to do midscreen, because you will dash behind the opponent even if they shield. It can still be punished by unorthodox means like weird specials, good backdashes.
    Sometimes this move is useful to use after ending combo with j.236B. Opponent is going to be high in the air, and will not see where you are on the ground. So this move might catch them off guard.
  • 623[B] is active on 45th frame. Useless, same properties as 623[A] just slower.
  • 623[C] is active on 40th frame. Same properties as 623[A] just a bit more dmg + screen flash might scare opponents into trying to block it.

One big note about unblockables is that they do big amounts of red hp damage.

  • 5[C] and 6[C] do 1500 normal hp dmg, and 3000 red hp dmg.
  • 623[A] and 623[B] do 1500 normal hp dmg, and 3500 red hp dmg.
  • 623[C] does 1900 normal hp dmg, and a whopping 4500 red hp dmg.

So consider opponents red hp gauge and if you want to clear it.

421 series

C-Ryougi has a unique 421 series that crosses up and hits overhead. The monke flip.
This move pretty good as it can be cancelled from normals, and is not easy to punish.

  • 421A is the fast version. Active on frame 30. Big drawback is that it is not jump cancellable, making it risky vs shields. You can still special cancel it with j.236C to punish a shield counter, and it will combo into it on hit.
  • 421B is slower. Active on 36th frame. Can be jump cancelled. Has a weird airdash restriction, if you started combo/blockstring off of ground dash cancel e.g. dash > 2A, then you will not be allowed to airdash after this move.
    If you fully recover the dash, then do 2A > 421B > jump cancel, then you can airdash.
  • 421C, active on 27th frame (there is some flash freeze, so this is very much reactable). Mainly used as an escape tool from the corner, some starting frames are hit invulnerable.


C-Ryougi has a 50/50 setup in the corner.
It's fairly technical because it's character specific.
The combo string is 2AAA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 2C > (delay?) 5A > 236C.

Doesn't work on Aoko, Tohno, All Akihas, and Kohaku. Always out of the corner.
Always crosses up on Kouma, Miyako, Len, WLen. Can still be used as a knowledge check.

Works on rest of the characters, however the delay varies to get crossup or not per character.
The lower the opponent(more delay) before 236C, the bigger the odds that they will be pulled out of the corner.

C-Ryougi has universal okizeme options to choose from as well. As long as the opponent is airborne you can use 236A~236A~236A and you can manually time a safe jump on every character mid-screen. If they are in the corner you can manually time a super jump forward(29) to meaty them safely.

Here are some of her okizeme routes from her TKj.236B routes in the corner:

  • ...>2C > TKj.236B, 5BB > 214A, 2C > 5C > 236C

This route uses meter but gives full you plenty of time to set up a 50/50 in or out of the corner. The hard part is watching the height as some characters float too high and go over Ryougi, so you need to delay your link of the TKj.236B and the 5BB. Do note that the 2C can change which side the opponent is on so be sure to watch carefully, you should be able to control it if you watch your links and their height.

  • ...>2C > TKj.236B, 5BB > 214A, 2C > 2A(w) > (2A) > 236A~236A~236A

Does not use meter nor grants a 50/50 but it is her one of her more damaging corner enders without meter. Due to ending in the 236A rekka ender she can super jump after to safe jump. Be wary of the height and timing as the second 2A can whiff sometimes. If the 2A(w) > 2A is too hard feel free to just do 2A into rekka.


  • 421C

No invincibility on start up but it gains some soon after so it can be used against certain set ups in pressure to reset back to neutral. If it is shielded it's fine, it can be canceled with jump so you can air block or air dash back to get away. Because it does cross up it does get you out of the corner which can be life saving in some match ups, also the angle it hits at makes it tough to duck under.

  • 214C

Similar to 421C but it has invincibility on start up, but not for very long(frames 1 to 3). Even if shielded you are still able to jump cancel it adding some extra safety. The hitbox is very high and will not hit crouching characters, so if they meaty with a low, long range move you're probably getting punished as their move will recover in time. Can be used to break out similar to 421C as the invincibility on start up is always appreciated.

  • TK j.236C

A rarer but situational reversal option. Due to being a TK input it takes 3 frames minimum before invincibility will activate, and the TK motion can be hard to squeeze out in tight blockstrings, but it is a quick option that is only about -6 with decent push back so not the worst option. It can also be used as a panic option to get someone off of you in the air if they are going to land before you, but do know that while you are strike invincible you are not throw invincible and after the flash you can be gAT out of it still.


Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X > delay Y Must wait for a short period before cancelling X input into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons X and Y must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Either the X or Y input can be used.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack X with Y follow-up input.
  2. Input X then within a few frames, input Y. Usually used for option selects.
X(w) X input must not hit the opponent (Whiff).
j.X X input is done in the air, implies a jump/jump cancel if the previous move was done from the ground.

Applies to all air chain sections:

  • Assume a forward jump cancel if no direction is given.
  • Air chains such as j.A > j.B > j.C can be shortened to j.ABC.
sj.X X input is done after a super jump. Notated as sj8.X and sj9.X for neutral and forward super jumps respectively.
dj.X X input is done after a double jump.
sdj.X X input is done after a double super jump.
tk.X Stands for Tiger Knee. X motion must be buffered before jumping, inputting the move as close to the ground as possible. (ex. tk.236A)
(X) X is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input X is held down. Also referred to as Blowback Edge (BE). Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input X is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down. This type of input is referred to as Negative Edge.
{X} Button X should only be held down briefly to get a partially charged version instead of the fully charged one.
X(N) Attack "X" should only hit N times.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit.
Air CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit on an airborne opponent.
66 Performs a ground forward dash.
j.66 Performs an aerial forward dash, used as a cancel for certain characters' air strings.
IAD/IABD Performs an Instant AirDash.
AT Performs an Air Throw. (j.6/4A+D)
IH Performs an Initiative Heat.
AD Performs an Arc Drive.
AAD Performs an Another Arc Drive.

Normal Combos

NOTE: In most of these combos, j236B ender can (and usually should) be swapped for an airthrow to gain oki at the cost of damage. Use 236B should you feel more damage is needed to finish off an opponent.

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 2C > 6C > j.BC > (airdash j.C) > sjc > j.BC j.236B/AT

Meter Gained: 101 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 30.3
Basic combo. Airdash j.C is optional, but its a free damage and is not very hard to do, although may not work on some characters, in which case you should just skip it. Airdash j.C is height specific, and grounded 2C 6C starter allows for it to be a reliable option.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 2C > 6C > 22A/B, 2A > 2C > 5C > 5BB > j.BC > j.ABC > j.236B

Meter Gained: 136.5 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
There is a delay between 2C > 5C, this applies for all combos below. Combo gives good meter, but it's arguable if tossing a knife in this combo is worth it.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 2C > 6C > 22A/B, 2A > 2C > 623B, 2C > 5C > 5BB > j.BC > j.ABC > j.236B

Meter Gained: 152.3 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 47.5
Advanced combo for more damage, but is impractical for the damage gained. Does not work with more than 1x 2A, because opponent lands before 623B due to gravity. Might be char specific.
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 236A~236A~236C > 214C > j.A(w), land 2C > 5C > 5BB > j.BC > j.ABC > j.236B

Meter Gained: 94.8 - 100 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 42.5
The opponent has to be on the ground when you start the Rekkas, or else "236C" will not hit.
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter, far from corner
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 236A~236A~236C > 22C, 214A > 2C > 5C > 5BB > j.BC > j.ABC > j.236B

Meter Gained: 99.1 - 100 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 45.5
Needs to be done far away from the corner. Good damage. Delay between 22C and 214A is key for consistency. Try adding micro walk back before 2C to make it not hit behind and whiff 5C. Otherwise 2C > 5C can be changed to 2C > 2B.
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 150% meter
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 63214C~[8 > (delay > 6~8)x3 > 4(whiff)] > 5BB > j.BC > j.ABC > j.236B

Meter Gained: 55.8 - 150 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 49.4
Great damage. Can be used if you started combo with 120 meter.
Normal starter, grounded opponent, midscreen or slightly further
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 214A, 5BB(tk.236B) > j.BC > j.BC > AT/j236B

Meter Gained: 90.0(???) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
A slightly more damaging BnB with more corner carry and meter gain. Will not work at certain ranges. tk.236B is inconsistent, more research is needed as to who it works on.

Corner Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 214A > 2A > 2C > 5C > 5BB > j.BC > j.ABC > j.236B

Meter Gained: 119.5 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 36.9
Corner combo for damage.
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 214A > 2A > 2C > 236C

Meter Gained: 53 - 100 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 20.3
Corner combo with meter, less damage but good okizeme. Depending on the delay between 2C and 236C you can force opponent be in the corner, or slightly out of it. So air dashing over them after 236C is a left/right mixup and then land > 2A is a left/right mixup. Might be character specific.

Tigerknee Corner Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 2C > 6C > TK j.236B > j.BC > j.ABC > j.236B

Meter Gained: 111.5 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 33.4
Basic version, easy to execute.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 2C > TK j.236B, 5BB > 214A > j.BC > j.BC > j.236B

Meter Gained: 115 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 35.6
Advanced version, "5BB" link is tricky.
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter
  • 2AA > 2B > 5BB > 5C > 2C > TK j.236B, 5BB > 214A, 2C > 236C

Meter Gained: 86 - 100 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 29.1
Meter version, okizeme. Sometimes 2C will hit behind, so will need to do 214C to get 236C, it will still hit.

Move Descriptions

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Move Box Colors

Light gray = Collision Box (A move lacking one means it can go through the opponent's own collision box).
Green: Hurt Boxes.
Red: Hit(/Grab) Boxes.
Yellow: Clash Boxes (When an active hitbox strikes a clash box, the active hitbox stops being active. Multi-hit attacks can beat clash since they will still progress to the next hitbox.)
Magenta: Projectile-reflecting boxes OR Non-hit attack trigger boxes (usually).
Blue: Reflectable Projectile Boxes.

Damage Base damage done by this attack.

(X) denotes combined and scaled damage tested against standing V. Sion.

Red Damage Damage done to the recoverable red health bar by this attack. The values are inherently scaled and tested against standing V. Sion.

(X) denotes combined damage.

Proration The correction value set by this attack and the way it modifies the scaling during a string. See this page for more details.

X% (O) means X% Overrides the previous correction value in a combo if X is of a lower percentage.
X% (M) means the current correction value in a combo will be Multiplied by X%. This can also be referred to as relative proration.

Circuit Meter gained by this attack on hit.

(X%) denotes combined meter gain.
-X% denotes a meter cost.

Cancel Actions this move can be cancelled into.

SE = Self cancelable.
N = Normal cancelable.
SP = Special cancelable.
CH = Cancelable into the next part of the same attack (Chain in case of specials).
EX = EX cancelable.
J = Jump cancelable.
(X) = Cancelable only on hit.
-X- = Cancelable on whiff.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

L = Can block crouching
H = Can block standing.
A = Can block in the air.
U = Unblockable.

Startup Amount of frames that must pass prior to reaching the active frames. Also referred to as "True Startup".
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.

(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present. Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
X denotes active frames with a duration separate from its origin move's frame data, such as projectile attacks. In this case, the total length of the move is startup+recovery only.

Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled. The character goes into one frame where they can block but not act afterwards, which is not counted here.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).

If the opponent uses a move with startup that is at least 2 frames less than this move's negative advantage, it will result in the opponent hitting that move.
±x~±y denotes a range of possible advantages.

Invul Lists any defensive properties this move has.

X y~z denotes X property happening between the y to z frames of the animations. If no frames are noted, it means the invincibility lasts through the entire move.


Strike = Strike invincible.
Throw = Throw invincible.

Hurtbox-Based Properties:

Full = No hurtboxes are present.
High = Upper body lacks a hurtbox.
Low = Lower body lacks a hurtbox.

Miscellaneous Properties

Clash = Frames in which clash boxes are active.
Reflect = Frames in which projectile-reflecting boxes are active.
Super Armor = Frames in which the character can take hits without going into hit stun.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350 196 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 4 9 -1 3.5% -

Tied with 2A for Ryougi's fastest normal. Air unblockable. The range is not much, but it's still decent. If you really need to, you can use it as an emergency anti-air, but you'll probably get beat out.

5B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 245 80% (O) N, SP, CH, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 3 18 -6 5.0% Clash 9-11

Mid-range knife swipe with excellent horizontal range and clash frames. Moves forward very slightly. Her second best combo starter and best overall standing poke; can be repeated into another delayable 5B. It has terrible lag on whiff however, and is prone to backdash-canceling and dodges.

5B~B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 343 70% N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 3 18 -4 6.0% Clash 5-7

A close range knife swipe follow-up to her 5B. Has good range, but not as long as her 5B. Keeps her in place. Used primarily in combos and pressure strings to add damage/deplete guard meter.

MB C-Ryougi 5C.png
5C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
850 392 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 4 17 -4 8.5% Clash 11-14

Downward knife swipe with less range than 5B and moves Ryougi forward a bit. Deals a little bit of chip dmg.

5[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 2940 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
30 4 28 - 15.0% Clash 31-34

Becomes an unblockable while charged, launching the opponent into an air tech state on hit.

Crouching Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 147 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 4 9 -1 3.0% -

Close ranged crouching low kick. Fastest normal along with 5A. Best combo starter. Best whiff cancel move for pressure and stagger strings. Can be used for off-the-ground pick ups.

2 frames slower than H-moon 2B for some reason
2 frames slower than H-moon 2B for some reason
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
550 392 90% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 3 15 -1 5.5% Clash 11-13

Mid-range crouching horizontal knife swipe with clash frames. Good range. Highest damage combo starter. Clash hitbox makes this good to bait DPs. Simply press it and if it clashes, do nothing and wait for them to come down. If it blocks, blockstring as normal.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 490 55% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 2 28 -12 9.0% -

Slow, long-range crouching low slash that also moves Ryougi forward. Gives an untechable knockdown and hits at a very large arc in front, behind, and a little bit above her. Great option after a ground throw, as it will hit exactly on wakeup of most characters. Very useful in blockstrings and staggering combos as it propels Ryougi forward, allowing her to catch any backdash cancels. Had its active frames nerfed from AA to CC, changing the timings on many of her corner combos.

Aerial Normals

MB C-Ryougi j.A.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 147 75% (O) SE, N, -SP-, -EX-, (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 4 10 - 3.0% -

A downward stab. You can cancel this move into commands and EX edges even if you whiff.

MB C-Ryougi j.B.png
"Why do some people think C is better than H?"
"Why do some people think C is better than H?"
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
550 294 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 4 - - 5.5% -

Downward swipe. Good for both air to air and air to ground. Cornerstone of your gameplan. Use this move, but try not to overuse it. It's not THAT good, but it is very good. Can hit behind on everyone except: Tohno, Sion, Satsuki, Len, WLen

MB C-Ryougi j.C.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
850 392 90% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 - - 8.5% -

Upward swipe.

Command Normals

MB C-Ryougi 6C.png
MB C-Ryougi 6C BE.png
6C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
850 588 85% (M) SP, (CH), EX, (J)* L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14 3 24 -9 8.5% -

Low-hitting standing slash. On hit against a grounded opponent, this will make Ryougi switch sides and allows for an unique EX followup with 214C. As this switches sides, it allows for a gimmicky reset should you hit someone with it (ex. whatever into 5C 6C then do 2A into a combo or another reset). This is mostly a knowledge check, but is pretty practical and can even catch people who know it off guard.

6[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 2940 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
32 3 29 - 15.0% -

Becomes an unblockable when charged.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
MB C-Ryougi Throw.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 980 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2 1 20 13 ~ 18 15.0% -

Ryougi pins the opponent to the ground then stabs them in the chest.
One of the trickiest ground throws due to a bug where opponents cannot run their reversal options on wakeup on the neutral frame. So after the throw, if you meaty when with a normal on their neutral frame, they are forced to block it or get hit.
Out of the corner, Ryougi will not jump out far away, and you can also try to time another ground throw. Opponents will be forced to tech it or be put in a loop situation.

Air Throw
Air Throw
MB C-Ryougi Throw Air Raw.png
MB C-Ryougi Throw Air Ender.png
Combo Ender
Combo Ender
Raw /
Combo Ender
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1600 (1408)
- U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1 1 12 -
4 ~ 9

Has completely different animations for whether this is done raw or during a combo. For the former, Ryougi will launch the opponent diagonally downward then slice them, resulting in a ground bounce. For the latter, she will drop the opponent straight below her then stab them like in her ground throw.

Shield Bunker
Shield Bunker
214D in neutral or blockstun
MB C-Ryougi 214D.png
Bunker Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 196 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 4 19 -5 0.0%
(-50.0% in blockstun)
Clash 1-10
(Clash) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 196 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 19 -5 0.0%/-50.0% Strike 1-7

A standing-height slash.

MB C-Ryougi ABC.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 2 29 - -100.0% (min) Full 1-18

Hitbox covers Ryougi completely.

Circuit Spark
Circuit Spark
A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
MB C-Ryougi CSpark.png
MB C-Ryougi CSpark Air.png
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 10 20 - removes all Full 1-39
Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 10 15 - removes all Strike 1-30

Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

Special Moves

Note: C-Ryougi has two moves where she throws her knife and takes out a second knife. She must retrieve the thrown knife from the ground (with 22A/B/C) before she can throw it again.

Grounded Specials

Double Belfry
(EX: Belfry - Kiyohime Passing)

(236A/B~236X / 214X/D)
(~236A/B/C / 214X)
~236A (Ender)
~236A (Ender)
~236B (Ender)
~236B (Ender)
~236C (Ender)
~236C (Ender)
~214D/X (Ender)
~214D/X (Ender)
MB C-Ryougi 236C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
750 539 80% (O) -CH- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 4 21 -7 7.5% -
B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
750 539 80% (O) -CH- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 3 33 -18 7.5% -
  • Ryougi's rekka series starter.

A: Ryougi low-profiles and dashes forward with a low knife cut (but it hits mid).
B: Has a slower start-up than the A version, but covers slightly more ground.

~236X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 735 80% (O) -CH- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 5 19 -6 9.0% -
~214X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 882 75% (O) -CH- H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 ~ 23 3 19 -7 12.0% -
~214D Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
450 343 50% (O) -EX- L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 3 22 -7 4.5% -
  • Second part of the rekka.

236X: Ryougi does a second low knife cut. Still hits mid.
214X: Ryougi does an overhead knife strike. This has a lot of start-up, and does not combo from the previous hit.
214D: Ryougi does a sweep, but you have to be very close to the opponent otherwise it won't connect. This ends the rekka. Hard knockdown on hit.

236A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 392 50% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 ~ 4 4 20 -6 7.0% -
236B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 784 40% (M) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 ~ 8 6 25 -13 12.0% -
236C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 980 100% -EX- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
20 ~ 16 10 16 -10 15.0% -
214X/D Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
450 343 50% (O) -EX- L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 3 22 -7 4.5% -
  • Rekka enders.

236A: Ryougi ends the rekka with a low horizontal knife cut. Hard knockdown on hit.
236B: Ends the rekka with a knife uppercut. Launches into hard knockdown on hit.
236C: Ends the rekka with a knife thrust. If you're close enough to the opponent, this move can cross-up. Launches high-up into an air-tech state on hit.
214X/D: Ends the rekka with the small sweep.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
3000 (2640) 2156 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+9 6 32 -12 -100% Full 1-4

Ryougi dashes forward and covers around 3/4 of the screen. Very good at blowing through a character setting up summons or charged projectiles, but don't overuse it, as you only have 4 invincible frames.

MB C-Ryougi 623AB.png
MB C-Ryougi 623C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 1078 80% (O) - L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14 4 31 -7 9.8% -
[A] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 3430 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
37 5 35 - 15.0% -
  • Ryougi runs forward then perform a low-hitting slash that cross-ups the opponent. All versions can be held to make Ryougi run farther and turn the slash into an unblockable.

Hard knockdown on hit, launches upward when charged.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 1078 55% (O) - L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
21 4 28 -4 9.8% -
[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 3430 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
44 5 35 - 15.0% -

Both uncharged and charged versions launches upward on hit, with the former being air techable.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 1078 60% (O) - L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+17 5 35 -7 -100.0% -

Can launch on OTG, giving it niche use as an extender after a rekka.

[EX] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1900 4410 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+38 5 35 - -100.0% -

Untechable launch on hit. Super flash makes this insanely reactable. Use at own risk.

Avidya Moon
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 931 (90% (M)), 85% (M) -EX- H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
24 4 20 -6 10.0% -
  • Slashing flip. Air-unblockable.

Slash forward. Wallslams on hit.
Has a "hitbox" that extends hitstun on standing opponents during a combo.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 980 50% (O) -EX- H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 3 24 -8 12.0% -

Slash downward. Overhead. Knocks opponent up. While a highly risky move, it beats backdash on wakeup, something C-Ryougi is prone to. The threat of this move is important to instill in your opponent, to tell them they can't backdash for free.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1400 980 50% (M) N, SP, EX, J LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+13 4 22 -9 -100.0% Full 1

Slash forward. Knocks opponent up. Can cancel on hit or block (e.g. attack or dash).

MB C-Ryougi 421AB.png
MB C-Ryougi 421C.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 980 85% (M) SP, EX H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
29 ~ 59 2 26 -9 12.0% -
B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 980 85% (M) SP, EX, J H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
35 ~ 65 2 26 -9 12.0% -
EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 980 85% (M) SP, EX, J H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5+(21 ~ 30) 2 26 -9 -100.0% -
  • Run forward and flipjump to slash the opponent from behind. All versions are downward slashes, overheads, air unblockable.
  • B and EX versions are jump cancellable on block, making them safe overheads that can be used in pressure. EX version is mostly useful as a way to escape the corner, as the super flash makes it reactable. The B version is actually a good combo starter in the corner, as you can quickly cancel the hit into backwards airdash to link a j.BC.
Hidden Dagger
(~22X Near Knife)
MB C-Ryougi 22A.png
MB C-Ryougi 22B.png
MB C-Ryougi 22C.png
MB C-Ryougi 22X Pickup.png
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
950 735 60% (O) - LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 11 24 -3 9.5% -
[A] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 100% - LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
33 9 22 2 10.0% -
  • Ryougi throws her knife, piercing the opponent. If it hits the floor, it will stay in the ground. If it hits the edge of the screen, it will bounce off and spin to the ground.

Ryougi throws the knife at the ground at a low angle, hitting the ground over halfway across the screen. Can be charged for a hard knockdown and to make it unshieldable.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
950 735 60% (O) - LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 17 18 -3 9.5% -
[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 100% - LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
33 15 16 2 10.0% -

Ryougi throws the knife at a somewhat higher angle, reaching almost full screen. Can be charged for a hard knockdown and to make it unshieldable.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1700 1372 60% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+5 X 24 8 -100.0% Full 1

Ryougi throws the knife in a straight line, wallslamming the opponent. Useful for extending pressure during blockstring.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- - 17 - - -

Ryougi picks her knife back up. Can be used to cancel special-cancellable moves near the knife's position.

MB C-Ryougi 63214C.png
Why you play this moon.
Why you play this moon.
MB C-Ryougi 63214C 5X.png
MB C-Ryougi 63214C D.png
63214C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - -CH- -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+5 X 70 - -150.0% -
~5X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 392 90% (M) -CH- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 26 -12 0.0% -
~6X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 980 75% (O) -CH- HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
23 3 18 -6 0.0% -
~2X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
200 98 50% (O) -CH- LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 3 30 -15 0.0% -
~4X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400 196 90% (M) -CH- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 3 17 -3 0.0% -
~8X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 392 70% (O) -CH- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 6 29 -17 0.0% -
D Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- - 44 - - -
  • Custom combo EX. Nicknamed "Genei Jin" after a similar Street Fighter move. Ryougi runs forward. Pressing a direction and an attack button causes her to attack.

5X:236A/B slash.
6X: 236A/B~214X overhead slash.
2X: 236A/B~214D low sweep.
4X: 236A/B~236X slash.
8X: 236B rekka ender slash. Launches the opponent.
D: Rolls forward, going through the opponent.

MB C-Ryougi 6C 214C.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
2500 (2907) (2071) 50% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+1 3 22 - -100.0% -

Ryougi stabs the opponent from behind after 6C. Meter break the opponent at the cost of 100% meter, for roughly 3k damage.
Can only be used if the 6C successfully moves her behind the opponent (i.e. successful uncharged hit against grounded opponent). Meter break lasts 5 seconds.

Damage includes the 6C.

Aerial Specials

Glass Moon
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 1372 75% (O) - HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
17 2 15 -17 (TK) 15.0% -
  • Rising crescent slash. Wallslams. Can TK.

Slower. Overhead. You should probably never use this outside of one or two specific combo routes.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1600 1470 75% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 2 3 -5 (TK) 16.0% -

Faster. Not an overhead. Your main meterless ender if you need more damage. Due to being only 10f and covering her whole body, can be used in niche scramble situations.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
2200 1960 40% (O) - HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+9 2 6 -6 (TK) -100.0% Full 1-14

Invincible, overhead version. A metered version that adds about 300 damage to any combo. Nice as a finisher.

MB C-Ryougi j.22A.png
MB C-Ryougi j.22B.png
MB C-Ryougi j.22C.png
A / B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
950 735 90% (M) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
20 / 19 X 3 - 9.5% -

Ryougi flips then throws the knife at a downward angle. A version goes forward, B goes backward.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
950 735 50% (M) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+0 X 17 - -100.0% -

Ryougi flips backward and throws the knife straight forward. Air-untechable knockdown.

Stumbling Cat
(During Air Tech)
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1100 735 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
20 2 7 9 11.0% Full 1-3
  • A command air tech. Attack out of air recovery. The direction determines the direction of the tech. Wallslams.

While seemingly a gimmick at first, this command tech (colloquially called "nekotech") is surprisingly useful. It can punish most Shield Bunkers on hit, and even things like Roa 623B. Basically anything that leaves them close to you and in an air tech state. You can combo off it if you get hit while they're in the corner, but this is exceedingly rare. Good to know though.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1100 735 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 2 15 1 11.0% Full 1-3

Faster, but with longer landing recovery. This is the version you want to use.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1800 1176 75% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6+6 2 15 -4 -100.0% Full 1-14

Fully invincible until end of active frames.

Arc Drive

MB C-Ryougi AD.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
3500 (3080) (4761) 100% - U, LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
17+3 2 (35) 5 45 -31 removes all Full 1-2, 17-70

A weaker version of Seven Scenic Demise, it acts the same way in that it can OTG and blow through projectiles, but it has a slower startup and does less damage. You can jump out during the super flash.
You can also just block it, as it only becomes unblockable if you're near Ryougi during the startup of the super, and even then you can just mash 88 and you'll be able to jump out of it 80% of the time. If blocked, Ryougi will not be in counterhit state, but have enough time to combo off the recovery. You shouldn't use this move.

Another Arc Drive

MB C-Ryougi AAD.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
5000 (4400) (7936) 100% - U, LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+20* 5 45 -31 removes all Full 1-36

Ryougi freezes the opponent in place, seeing the lines of death and cutting them apart. Active on frame 1, it is an unblockable super that works as a grab/throw. You have to jump before the super flash, or you'll be caught by it. Can OTG and blow through projectiles. You can't dodge it, as dodge runs out of active frames before the appearance of the lines. Very strong reversal at the cost of BLOOD HEAT.

Last Arc

Pure Knowledge - Empty Boundaries
Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
7000 6860 N/A - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
0 5 26 - removes all Full 1-8

The move is akin to a throw/uses the throw animation, so it will whiff/cancel/not activate when shielding DPs. If during BLOOD HEAT, a DP is EX shielded, the screen will flash white as if to signal the activation of the Last Arc, but the throw whiff animation will come out instead. Will activate when shielding any projectile, from Hime pillar to Aoko's Arc Drive.

One of only two Last Arcs (the other being Roa) which ignore Last Arc proration (100% to 50% based on Blood Heat duration).

MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull