Melty Blood/MBAACC/Ciel/Full Moon: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Ciel Color18.png]]
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| North America || Lunar Phase, Netplay || Retired ||
| North America || Lunar Phase, Netplay || Inactive ||
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| [ ragu<br>(らぐ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|  

Revision as of 11:46, 31 October 2022

Character Page Progress

This page is still a work in progress, consider joining as an editor to help expand it. Please update this character's roadmap page when one of the editing goals have been reached.

In Progress To-do
  • Combos:
    • Add damage, meter gain/given numbers and video links to the pre-existing combos.
  • Move Descriptions:
    • Expand upon the shorter move descriptions, cite their uses, add captions where helpful, etc.
    • Add AD armor frames and complete LA data.
  • Additional Ressources/Players to watch/ask
    • If you know any players in particular that can be helpful for learning this character, please add them with, if possible a way to contact them (such as a Discord handle) and a name that can be searched in the match video database.
  • Overview/General Gameplan:
    • Add a short summary of this character with a list of strengths and weaknesses
    • Do your best to describe how to play this character, change or add subsections based on what you would write as a guide.
  • Combos:
    • If necessary, add separate starter/ender options in their respective sections.


j.g's F-ciel guide

This is a guide made by j.g, It is highly recommended that you look at this guide as it goes over everything in detail. practical situations in neutral, pressure, combo routing, you name it. Treat it as your bible going forward.

Additional Resources

F-Ciel Match Video Database
Melty Bits: F-Ciel
F-Ciel combo playlist
Basic F-Ciel countermeasures by j.g.

Notable Players

Name Color Region Common Venues Status Details

Ciel Color01.png

Europe Netplay Active

Ciel Color18.png

North America Lunar Phase, Netplay Inactive

Ciel Color11.png

Japan A-cho, Kirisugu, KorewaMelty Inactive


Strengths Weaknesses
  • TBD.
  • TBD.

One of the church's holy executioners, Ciel arrives at Misaki Town to hunt down and destroy the newest reincarnation of the Serpent of Akasha. Lover of curry, Disliker of mapo Tofu, Ciel is a jack-of-all-trades character with diverse tools, amazing mobility and space control options and the ability to hold her own comfortably against most of the cast. The Full moon version of Ciel forsake some of her other moons' movement and full screen options for complete specialization in the midrange, gaining tools such as her flipper punch 236X series, grounded diagonal projectiles 214B and 214C, excellent grounded normals and a pseudo running bear style command grab 63214x series. This variation of Ciel is excellent for those that still want her "shoto"-esque while also wanting flashy, high damaging combos, less awkward B buttons and in general a more active playstyle.

General Gameplan



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Unless otherwise stated, all of these combos were tested on standing crescent moon VSion with critical hits turned off. Furthermore, instead of air throw ender you can opt to use either j.214C instead for a hard knockdown or j.22C for extra damage if the opponent is about to die.  
Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X > delay Y Must wait for a short period before cancelling X input into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons X and Y must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Either the X or Y input can be used.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack X with Y follow-up input.
  2. Input X then within a few frames, input Y. Usually used for option selects.
X(w) X input must not hit the opponent (Whiff).
j.X X input is done in the air, implies a jump/jump cancel if the previous move was done from the ground.

Applies to all air chain sections:

  • Assume a forward jump cancel if no direction is given.
  • Air chains such as j.A > j.B > j.C can be shortened to j.ABC.
sj.X X input is done after a super jump. Notated as sj8.X and sj9.X for neutral and forward super jumps respectively.
dj.X X input is done after a double jump.
sdj.X X input is done after a double super jump.
tk.X Stands for Tiger Knee. X motion must be buffered before jumping, inputting the move as close to the ground as possible. (ex. tk.236A)
(X) X is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input X is held down. Also referred to as Blowback Edge (BE). Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input X is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down. This type of input is referred to as Negative Edge.
{X} Button X should only be held down briefly to get a partially charged version instead of the fully charged one.
X(N) Attack "X" should only hit N times.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit.
Air CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit on an airborne opponent.
66 Performs a ground forward dash.
j.66 Performs an aerial forward dash, used as a cancel for certain characters' air strings.
IAD/IABD Performs an Instant AirDash.
AT Performs an Air Throw. (j.6/4A+D)
IH Performs an Initiative Heat.
AD Performs an Arc Drive.
AAD Performs an Another Arc Drive.

Normal Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 5A/2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 4C(2) > 236A, 5B > 5C > j.BC > dj.BC > j.22B > AT
Meter Gained: 92.7% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 30.9% (Video)
Beginner Combo.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 5A/2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 236B > IAD j.C > land j.BC > dj.BC > j.22B > AT
Meter Gained: 80.1% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 26.7% (Video)
Standard midscreen combo. This is your BnB which hits hard and builds a good amount of meter.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 5A/2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 236B, 236A, 5B 236B > IAD (delay) j.C > land j.BC > dj.BC > j.22B > AT
Meter Gained: 100.8% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 33.6% (Video)
Advanced midscreen combo. If you are having trouble getting the J.BC>dj.BC consistent you can slightly delay 5B 236B to make it consistent.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 2A/5A > 5C > 214A, 3B(1) > 5[C] > delay 236A, 2C > 236B, 236A, 5B > 236B > IAD j.C > land j.BC > dj.BC > j.22B > AT
Meter Gained: 122.2% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 40.8% (Video)
Meter gain midscreen combo.
4[B] starter, grounded opponent
  • 4[B] > 214A, 2C > 4C(2) > 236A, 5B > 5C > j.BC > dj.BC > j.22B > AT
Meter Gained: 88.2% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 29.4% (Video)
Easy 4[B] overhead starter combo.
4[B] starter, grounded opponent
  • 4[B] > 214A, 2B > 5[C] > delay 236A, 2C > 236B, 236A, 5A > 5B > 236A, 5B > 236B > IAD j.C > land j.BC > dj.BC > j.22B > AT
Meter Gained: 135% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 45% (Video)
Advanced 4[B] overhead starter combo. If you are having trouble getting 5[C] to hit consistently, delay the 2B until the opponent is almost touching the ground. For Ryougi, skip the 5A > 5B > 236A part.
Raw airthrow starter
  • Raw AT > delay j.236B > 5B > 236A, 5B > 5C > j.BC >dj.BC > j.22B > AT
Meter Gained: 72% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 24% (Video)
Raw air throw combo
Counterhit j.A/B starter, airborne opponent
  • CH j.A/B > land 2B > 5[C] > delay 236A, 2C > 236B, 236A 5B > 236B > IAD j.C > land j.BC > dj.BC > j.22B > AT
Meter Gained: 109.8%(113.4%) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 36.6%(37.8%) (Video)
Confirm combo from a counterhit j.A/B . The numbers in parenthesis denote the j.B starter.
Counterhit j.C starter, airborne opponent
  • CH j.C > land 4[B] > delay 2B > 5[C] > delay 236A, 2C > 236B, 236A, 5A> 5B> 236A 5B > 236B > IAD j.C > land j.BC > dj.BC > j.22B > AT
Meter Gained: 137% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 45.9% (Video)
Confirm combo from a counterhit J.C. Omit 5A> 5B> 236A if the 4[B] didn't hit as close as possible and/or you're facing Ryougi

Corner Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
Works On: Everyone except Ryougi
  • 5A/2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 236B > IAD j.B > land 5A > 236A, 5A > 236A, 5A > 3C > j.C > dj.BC > j.22B > AT

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
In this combo you have to delay IAD j.B as much as possible.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • 5A/2A > 5B > 5C > 214A, 2B > 5[C] > delay 236A, 2C > 236B, 236A, 5B > 236B > IAD j.C > land j.BC > dj.BC > j.22B > AT
Meter Gained: 130.5% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 43.5% (Video)
Advanced corner combo.

Move Descriptions

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Move Box Colors

Light gray = Collision Box (A move lacking one means it can go through the opponent's own collision box).
Green: Hurt Boxes.
Red: Hit(/Grab) Boxes.
Yellow: Clash Boxes (When an active hitbox strikes a clash box, the active hitbox stops being active. Multi-hit attacks can beat clash since they will still progress to the next hitbox.)
Magenta: Projectile-reflecting boxes OR Non-hit attack trigger boxes (usually).
Blue: Reflectable Projectile Boxes.

Damage Base damage done by this attack.

(X) denotes combined and scaled damage tested against standing V. Sion.

Red Damage Damage done to the recoverable red health bar by this attack. The values are inherently scaled and tested against standing V. Sion.

(X) denotes combined damage.

Proration The correction value set by this attack and the way it modifies the scaling during a string. See this page for more details.

X% (O) means X% Overrides the previous correction value in a combo if X is of a lower percentage.
X% (M) means the current correction value in a combo will be Multiplied by X%. This can also be referred to as relative proration.

Circuit Meter gained by this attack on hit.

(X%) denotes combined meter gain.
-X% denotes a meter cost.

Cancel Actions this move can be cancelled into.

SE = Self cancelable.
N = Normal cancelable.
SP = Special cancelable.
CH = Cancelable into the next part of the same attack (Chain in case of specials).
EX = EX cancelable.
J = Jump cancelable.
(X) = Cancelable only on hit.
-X- = Cancelable on whiff.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

L = Can block crouching
H = Can block standing.
A = Can block in the air.
U = Unblockable.

Startup Amount of frames that must pass prior to reaching the active frames. Also referred to as "True Startup".
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.

(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present. Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
X denotes active frames with a duration separate from its origin move's frame data, such as projectile attacks. In this case, the total length of the move is startup+recovery only.

Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled. The character goes into one frame where they can block but not act afterwards, which is not counted here.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).

If the opponent uses a move with startup that is at least 2 frames less than this move's negative advantage, it will result in the opponent hitting that move.
±x~±y denotes a range of possible advantages.

Invul Lists any defensive properties this move has.

X y~z denotes X property happening between the y to z frames of the animations. If no frames are noted, it means the invincibility lasts through the entire move.


Strike = Strike invincible.
Throw = Throw invincible.

Hurtbox-Based Properties:

Full = No hurtboxes are present.
High = Upper body lacks a hurtbox.
Low = Lower body lacks a hurtbox.

Miscellaneous Properties

Clash = Frames in which clash boxes are active.
Reflect = Frames in which projectile-reflecting boxes are active.
Super Armor = Frames in which the character can take hits without going into hit stun.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350 181 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 5 3 3.6% -

Quick, mid-level side chop. Yields advantage on hit/guard. Staggers into itself well and can discourage poke out attempts. The range is limited and is best used in close proximities or from dashing momentum.

Cciel 5b.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 300 90% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 4 10 1 4.5% -

A sharp kick to shins. Despite its appearance, this standing attack strikes low and must be guarded in this manner. However, because it is a standing non-A attack, it can only be high shielded. Does not down or launch on hit against crouching targets (as opposed to Crescent/Half styles). Yields +1 advantage and little push back on guard making it effective in guard strings, namely staggers and guard string/chain rests. 5B as a defensive poke can be useful when spaced properly. If the opponent pushes themselves out too far after strings, 5B will stuff (and sometimes armor) attempts to close back in with A attacks. However, Ciel must remain in neutral to avoid accidental 4B’s and using 2B (or 1B) as a defensive poke is far too slow in extreme cases.

5C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 808 90% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 5 15 -2 9.0% Clash 5

A turning, back-hand fist at head level. Common in block strings and some juggle combos. Has cancelable frames up until returning to neutral state making it effective for staggers into such attacks as Flipper Low, Calvary Toss, or a late 4C to nail opponents trying to move when pressured.

5[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1100 808 60% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
19 5 12 1 7.2% Clash 5-15

A charged turning back-hand with a dagger. Very similar to 5C in appearance but differences include:

-More startup

-Slightly increased range (due to dagger extension)

-Advantage on guard (+1)

-Launches target on hit

-More guard damage

-Triggers upper-body clash

The advantage on guard and the guard damage dealt are significant enough for it to be used (moderately) in strings. By utilizing the advantage, Ciel is able to sort of emulate rebeat strings that are common to Crescent and Half styles when in close. E.g. 5[C] > 5A – this will ultimately stuff any attempts to poke out (5[C] > 5B will stuff slower 2A’s such as C-Warachia’s). Because of its slow startup, 5[C] is prone to being shielded and semi-charging (half charge) occasionally to throw off the opponent’s timing is encouraged. Probably 5[C]’s most valued asset is its ability to consistently force a clash against high attacks and attacks that strike roughly by the head level. When 5[C] is partially charged, its clash frames become active and will remain so up until about the point the “spark” animation occurs (frame 5-15). Once the clash has been spotted, release 5[C] to absorb then blow through the opponent’s attack. Releasing at the correct moment will even allow Ciel to quickly blow through some multiple hitting attacks such as C-Nanaya j.B or Nero j.B. 5[C] (until clash)>236A can result in a (proper) launcher that can lead to Flipper Loops for optimal damage or result in a down if the target has fallen too low to follow up correctly (okizeme/wake up game can be incorporated here instead). Lastly, 5[C] can clash against many (but not all) types of DP moves which can really mitigate some characters wakeup options. (C-WLen 214A and Tohno 623A are primary examples).

Crouching Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 151 72% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 5 3 3.6% -

A (very) short-ranged elbow strike. Although this is F-Ciel’s fastest low attack it has extremely poor range and should be used with caution. Attempts to string more than two 2A’s (not from a dash) will usually result in a whiff on the third if not spaced precisely. This does not make it entirely useless, as it is her fastest low poke, but when in doubt stick to strings like 2A > 5B or 2B or 2C for safe measures. 5B, which is but 1f slower, is another alternative to starting a low offense.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 505 80% N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 3 13 -1 7.2% -

Ciel strikes low with a blade. This mid-ranged low strike is slower than 2C but has more range and better recovery. 2B is effective in staggered strings (usually late from 5B) and when engaging in footsies at about just outside of two character spaces. Against opponents who tend to dash in to cover ground, fish with a max range 2B>236A (even on whiff) to stop them in their tracks. As mentioned earlier, 2B’s recovery on whiff is solid and will often go unpunished by IADs. If the opponent happens to guard, 236A (Flipper Low) is safe even in this instance.

Cciel 2c.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
950 505 60% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 5 20 -6 7.2% -

Ciel performs a two-legged, low sweep. Common in strings, BnBs, and juggle follow-ups. The recovery on whiff is atrocious and it is advised to avoid using this as a stand-alone poke.

Aerial Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 121 75% (O) SE, N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 10 - 1.8% -

Similar to C-Ciel's j.A, with a taller hitbox and overhead properties.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 404 90% (O) N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 6 - - 5.4% -

A downward aerial punch.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 606 90% (O) N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 6 - - 8.1% -

Horizontally-angled aerial kick.

Command Normals

Cciel 3b 1.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*2 (708) 459 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 2 (8) 8 12 -5 3.6%*2 (7.2%) -

A double hand-stand kick.

(On Hit) 4B/[B]~236B
Cciel 4b.png
4B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 404 100% SP, (CH), EX LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 2 15 -2 (vs Stand.)
1 (vs Crouch.)
5.4% Clash 4
Low 6-10

Generic axe kick. Can be canceled on hit/guard into any of her ground specials. Cannot be jump canceled on hit. Ciel gains lower-body invincibility after her striking leg has ascended fully (against extremely low attacks e.g. F-Aoko 2A, VSion 2A, C-Ciel 2A).

4[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 707 100% SP, (CH), EX H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 2 15 -2 5.4% Clash 2-17
Low 8-25

Charged (not-so-generic-anymore) axe kick. Same properties as 4B (cancel points, invincibility, etc.) but is a high strike overhead that must be guarded standing. Landing one of these opens the opponent up for huge damage potential with the most common starter (possibly the most practical) being 4[B]>214a then whatever follow up is desired. Charging 4[b] past a certain point will also trigger its clash frames. This is one of the few attacks in MBAA that will consistently result in clash but because the clash is active at about head level, it can only used versus high attacks in that strike that area (*See 5[C]). Because of this, it is highly recommended against jump ins.

~236B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 (1375/1675) (1969/2272) 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
0 1 14 - 0.0% -

After successfully landing the axe kick, Ciel holds the target in place with the initial kicking leg then kicks off with the free leg setting her and the target apart a wide distance. This is a two-part command move that can only be executed when the 4B/4[B] connects with the target. Attempting the command on guard will result in Flipper High (236B) which isn’t necessarily bad as it yields +1. For F-Ciel, the finisher is used often in the following situations:

Corner OTG: The finisher part of the command operates as an untechable throw. Because of this, Ciel is able to end corner OTG strings without having to guess whether or not the opponent will try to recover and escape to a favorable position (which would likely be away from the corner). The distance set after landing the finisher is quite far but will down the opponent long enough to set up a deep jump in attack from a high jump forward (or alternatively high jump forward then early /late airdash to whiff/meaty a jump in attack).

Anti-Airing after forcing Clash: 4[B]’s clash frames trigger sooner than 5[c]’s making it more effective against fast and low aerial approaches (e.g. Aoko’s IAD) or in situations where the player may be too slow to react with 5[c] (e.g. opponent air guards air-to-air string then attempts to fall with attack before landing). The results from landing a 4[b] anti-air from clash are usually inconsistent:

1) The active frames in an opponent’s jumping attack may have already ended resulting in no anti-air counter hit (CH), or:

2)a) Using (A-A 4[B](Clash)>236A) will fail because the target was too high up for the Flipper Low to connect correctly, or:
b) Using the same sequence, the target was hit too low in the jump and a down is forced (you may as well go for 5[c]>236A in this case), or:

3) the 4[B] clashes but is released too late and the opponent is able to guard on landing.
In all instances, following with the 236B finisher will produce a consistent or favorable result:
1, 2a, 2b) Even though the CH does not occur, the 236B finisher will auto-correct and grab regardless of state and position (assuming 4B/[B] has hit).

3) By default Flipper High (236B) will be executed if 4[B] is released to late and is guarded. This is “favorable” as High yields +1 (Low is -1) on guard.

3C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 353 60% (O) SP, EX LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 6 32 -19 4.5% -

This is her other moons' 2CC as a standalone anti-air move that goes much higher.

3[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 353 60% (O) -N-, -SP-, -EX-, -J- H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
28 6 32 -22 4.5% -

The held version gains quite a few things, the ability to cancel into anything even on whiff, overhead properties and more reach.

Cciel 4c 1.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400, 500 (738) (508) 70% (O) SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 7 23 -10 5.4%x2 (10.8%) Clash 12-16

An upward slash with huge hitboxes.

Cciel j2c.png
Cciel j2c be.png
j.2C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 505 70% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 10 8 8 (TK) 9.0% -

Ciel's divekick normal. Isn't an overhead.

j.2[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1300 1010 50% (O) SP, EX HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 10 7 10 (TK) 13.5% -

You have to charge it to get an overhead instead.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 808 50% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 1 20 - 0.0% -

Standard ground throw. Untechable knockdown.

Air Throw
Air Throw
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1600 (Raw)/1300 537 30% (Any if Raw) U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2 1 12 - 0.0% -

Front-flip air throw. Ground bounces the opponent when done raw, causes an untechable knockdown and leaves you at a far distance as a combo ender.

Shield Counter
Shield Counter
236D after a successful Shield (Air OK)
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 (345) 202 50% (SP), (EX), (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 4 18 -4 4.5% -

Same animation as 4C.

Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 (345) 202 50% - HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 4 - - 4.5% -

Same animation as j.C.

Shield Bunker
Shield Bunker
214D in neutral or blockstun
Bunker Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 202 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 2 21 -5 0.0%
(-50.0% in blockstun)
Clash 1-10
(Clash) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 196 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 2 21 -5 0.0%/-50.0% Strike 1-7

A Shield Bunker with some good reach.

Blood Heat
Blood Heat
A+B+C during MAX
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 2 25 - -100.0% (min) Full 1-17

Wide hitbox that doesn't cover all of Ciel's height.

Circuit Spark
Circuit Spark
A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 10 20 - removes all Full 1-39
Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 10 15 - removes all Strike 1-30

Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

Special Moves

Grounded Specials

Often called flicker
Often called flicker
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 707 80% (O) -EX- LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 3 25 -3 8.1% -

Just as it says, this a low that sweeps the opponent into an untechable knockdown.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1100 909 60% (O) -EX-, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 3 20 2 9.9% -

Not actually a high, but it is air unblockable, safe on block and acts as a launcher.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600, 500*9 (2639) (2152) 80% (O, 1st hit), 50% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+5 3 22 0 -100.0% -

If the first attack hits, Ciel goes into a series of punches that wallslams the opponent.

Blade Sinker
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 404 100% -EX- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 10 14 -6 4.5% -
[A] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*2 (984) (795) 100% -EX- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 10 15 -6 4.5%*2 (9.0%) -
  • Ciel dashes towards her opponent while holding out several Black Keys in her hand. Mostly for canceling into for blockstrings.

This version only hits once and doesn't travel very far but it can be super canceled.

The held version is sort of a middle point between unheld and B.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*3 (1336) (1214) 100% -EX- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
20 12 10 -2 5.4%*3 (16.2%) High 9-17

This version covers more distance than the one above, hits up to 3 times, and launches the opponent straight up.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200*2, 1000 (2249) (1877) 50% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+7 9 26 -5 -100.0% Full 1

C version is an EX that dashes through the opponent.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 404 50% (O) - LH
(Whiffs vs Air.)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 X 34 -7 5.4% -

Ciel throws a single key with the same effects as C-Moon's 5CC.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600*3 (1743) (1467) 100% -CH- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14 X 41 -16 4.05%x3 (12.15%) -

B version throws 3 keys at an upwards angle and is cancellable into 214C.

C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
450*3 (1306) (1024) 100% -EX- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 X 37 -9 4.05%*3 (12.15%) -

C version throws 3 keys downwards in front of her and gives you an untechable knockdown on hit.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000/1200 404/505 70% (O) -EX- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 2 (2) 3 35 -27/-23 9.0% High 1-3
  • Ciel performs a somersault. Button pressed determines the height and number of hits.

Hits once, super cancellable, and cannot be air blocked. Will often times trade with attacks if used as a reversal.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000, 800 (1682) (950) 70% (O) - H
(Whiffs vs Crouch.)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 5 41 -30 7.2%, 5.4% (12.6%) Full 1-8

Hits twice, does more damage, cannot be air blocked, super cancellable, and goes higher. Take note that it will NOT hit crouching opponents so be careful when using this version on wakeup.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800, 500*2, 500, 600*2 (3112) (2102) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+0 2 (2) 2 (12) 2 (2) 2 44 -30 -100.0% Full 1-7

Ciel performs the A version followed by the B version for a total of 6 hits.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
0, 1500 (1453) 782 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
29 2 26 - 0.0% Clash 13-28

Ciel performs an auto-dash then grabs the opponent, throwing them to the opposite direction. The direction which Ciel throws cannot be controlled under any circumstance. This version will automatically clash with any attack (that’s not a throw) once Ciel has gone into the “full lean” forward (frame 13-28). However, it is only able to clash with a single hit and will lose to multi-hit attacks, mashing or strings that are tied together fast enough. Also, the “clash” does not operate as seen in a normal clash situation; Ciel is unable to jump, attack or even EX cancel once the clash is triggered. Lastly, Ciel remains in a CH state until full recovery. This technique isn’t entirely useless as it may seem from the above list of disadvantages. Although Ciel performs her “normal” ground throw for the attack they are not exactly the same. The advantage gained from the A ver. of Calvary Toss produces enough down time/frame advantage to allow for more elaborate setups that would be impossible from the normal throw. Calvary Toss can also be canceled into from normals (e.g. 2A > 5B > 63214A) making it useful versus overly defensive players or against players who backstep mid-attack string and although not recommended, it can be used spontaneously in defensive situations when spaced properly (e.g. in immediate corner and opponent trying to close in).

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
0, 1300 (1259) 420 100%, 35% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
29 2 26 - 0.0% -

B version dashes forward and performs a wallslamming air throw. Does NOT have clash frames. If you carry the opponent to the corner before the slam occurs, certain characters will end up outside of the corner instead of inside. The following will list all the characters that end up outside of the corner: Tohno, Nanaya, Ciel, All types of Sion, All types of Akiha, All types of Hisui(including Mech), Aoko, Nero, Roa. Note that for these characters, you will have to input any followups to the wallslam as if facing the center of the stage.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
0, 1000*2, 1100 (2901) (1466) 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
29 2 26 - -100.0% Clash 13-28

C version does an EX ground-slamming air throw, despite the moment the super flash happens, the meter is spent as soon as you input the command instead of when the grab connects. Air dashing immediately after will grant you a safe jump.

Aerial Specials

Halo (Air)
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - -EX- -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 X 10 - - High
(Recovery 1-10)
  • Dive series. This special isn't listed in the game, but it's there.

Ciel dives downward at a 30 degree angle. This move does not do damage at all. It is a fastfall.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*3 (1162) (785) 100% (N), (SP), (EX), (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 ~ X 6 17 -5 ~ -1 2.7%*3 (8.1%) -

Ciel dives downward at a 50 degree angle. It does 3 hits and can cancel any hit to anything on hit.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*3 (1452) (1075) 100% (2), 50% (O) (SP), (EX), (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+4 ~ 3+X 6 17 -4 -100.0% Full 1-6

Looks exactly the same as the B version but will launch on the 3rd hit. It can be EX canceled on hit.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 353 70% -EX-, (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 X 12 -7 (TK) 4.5% -
  • Ciel throws black keys down at a 45 degree angle. All versions stop momentum.

Can jump cancel the recovery. Very useful for certain blockstrings to stay on the opponent.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 353 100% -CH- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 X 15 -8 (TK) 4.5% -
~4B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 353 100% -CH- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 X 15 - 4.5% -
~4B (2) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*4 376*4 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 X 18 - 4.5%*4 (18.0%) -

Has a 4B follow-up to throw a 2nd key. Also has a 4BB follow-up part that throws 3 extra keys. You may delay any part of it. No movement until landing after this move.

EX (Key) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000, 100 (1076) (757) 80% (O), 85% (M) - LHA, L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+9 X
6 (4) 6 (4) 6
15 8 (TK) -100.0% -
(Waves) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 707 70% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 6 (4) 6 (4) 6 - - - -

Exclusive to F-Moon, the EX version throws a single key to the ground that creates a small hitbox behind it that hits low, followed by 3 black waves going forward. Against an airborne opponent, the key will knock the opponent down. A grounded opponent hit by both the key and the low hit will be frozen for a second or so.

The three waves are air unblockable.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 202 100% (O) (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 2 10 -25 (TK) 9.0% -
  • Ciel does a somersault in the air.

Has a jump cancel on the recovery. Not used often unless you want to stay in the air longer.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600*2 (1111) (373) 100% EX, (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 2 10 -30 (TK) 5.4%*2 (10.8%) -

2 hits and also has the jump cancel on recovery. Often used in combos.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*3, 400*3, 350*3 (3149) (1471) 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+0 39 10 -54 (TK) -100.0% Full 1-2, 15, 28
(Full dur. Landing 9-10)

3 somersaults are done. Not used for anything except killing the opponent if they are left with some health that airthrow will not kill them.

Arc Drive

Seventh Holy Scripture
41236C during MAX/Heat
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700*9, 2200 (3706) (5135) 50% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+3 26 40 -24 removes all Full 1-3, 31-32
Super Armor ?~?

Ciel quickly changes into her executioner uniform, dashes forward with the 7th Scripture and then fires the spike outwards for the finish. This attack sends the opponent flying across the stage. Ciel has hyper armor for a good duration of this move. Not particularly a useful arc drive considering that it doesn't come out very fast and can get stuffed randomly depending on what it's going up against. You can use it to finish a combo if it will kill the opponent since it does more damage than her other supers when used at the end of combos.

Another Arc Drive

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
0, 600*13, 1700 (4602) (3806) 65% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+3 10 85 -69 removes all Full 1-3, 16-26

Ciel will impale the opponent on the 7th Scripture and fire blasts upwards toward the sky. This version works more like a throw in that if you can get the first hit to connect, the rest of the hits will always connect. It can even catch an opponent in otg state! Does significantly more damage than the regular version and useful for ending combos.

Last Arc

Cremation Rite
Aerial EX Shield during Blood Heat
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+0 X 141 - removes all -

After the EX shield connects, the background will black out and Ciel will throw a series of flaming Black Keys that engulf the opponent in flames. Not one of the greatest last arcs in the game but it can do a significant amount of chip damage. If you land this against a cornered opponent, it can deal upwards of 8000+ damage.

MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull