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* '''(Description)''' - Akiha will jump and spew some short range flame tongues. These are mostly used as resets or at foe's wakeup. You can't combo into or out of (except the EX one) any of these.
* '''(Description)''' - Akiha will jump and spew some short range flame tongues. These are mostly used as resets or at foe's wakeup. You can't combo into or out of (except the EX one) any of these.
* '''(A version)''' - Auto TK tongue. Akiha jumps a little and throws a flame tongue.
* '''(A version)''' - Auto TK tongue. Akiha jumps a little and throws a flame tongue.
:Goes over low normals. It's very plus on block allowing you to continue pressure. You can meaty do it after throwing an opponent, although dp beats it. Also it moves her a tiny bit forward.
:Very slow move (40f startup!) that low crushes and is +13 on block. Can be timed to safejump after 623b knockdowns. It's hard to use in pressure because it's so slow, though.
* '''(B version)''' - It's kind of like a super backward jump that leaves a tongue.
* '''(B version)''' - It's kind of like a super backward jump that leaves a tongue.
:It won't hit anyone unless they mash big normals. It baits and beats some dps that go upwards. Leaves you with a jump cancel and 2 airdashes. Usable on neutral.
:It won't hit anyone unless they mash big normals. Leaves you with a jump cancel and 2 airdashes. Usable in neutral, and used to autotime some safejumps.
* '''(EX version)''' - Akiha jumps high enough so that most normals won't even touch her and shots a lot of flame tongues.
* '''(EX version)''' - Akiha jumps high enough so that most normals won't even touch her and shoots a lot of flame tongues.
:Pretty slow to come out so you're better doing this in after a hard knockdown. If they chicken block you get a combo for free. I don't think this is ever worth the meter.
:Useless outside of okizeme. On okizeme, though, it can be used to safejump or visually cover meaty mixups.

| width="" | ''' <font size = "3"> Brilliant Impetus - Temporary String「」 - J.236ABC</font>'''
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3"> Brilliant Impetus - Temporary String「」 - J.236ABC</font>'''

* '''(Description)''' - Spawns a red web that explodes after a set time. It's unshieldable but not very active. A and B versions are pretty much identical except for the momentum.
* '''(Description)''' - Spawns a red web that explodes after a set time. It's unshieldable, and very plus, but not very active. These are mostly TK'd; if you 66 then tk, you'll drop straight down instead of jutting backwards like you usually would.
* '''(A version)''' - Stops you in the air before leaving a mine, then akiha's drop in a fixed angle and speed. Mostly TK'd although it has some uses in neutral.
* '''(A version)''' - Stops you in the air before leaving a mine, then VAki drops at a fixed angle and speed.  
:A web is mostly tk'd and used for okizeme. Meatying with web is strong, safe, and gives you ample +f to continue pressure.  66 tk'd for a throw setup (you land next to them and can throw them after they get up; the web goes off during the throw and adds to your throw damage).
:Not jump cancellable so don't do it high in the air.
:Not jump cancellable so don't do it high in the air.
* '''(B version)''' - Keeps your momentum in the startup. After leaving the mine you'll drop in a fixed angle that goes back. Not seen very much.
* '''(B version)''' - Keeps your momentum in the startup. After leaving the mine you'll drop in a fixed angle that goes back.  
:You keep your air options after doing it so it's kind of usable in neutral.
:Useful in some autotimed safejump setups.
* '''(EX version)''' - Same as A, except more damaging and faster. Not worth the meter.
:You keep your air options after doing it so it's somewhat usable in neutral. Can also use it to bail on overextended pressure.
* '''(EX version)''' - Same as A, except it does more damage and has a slightly faster startup (4f faster).  

| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">  「」 - 214ABC</font>'''
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">  「」 - 214ABC</font>'''

* '''(Description)''' - Spawns a slowly advancing row of pillars. Its got a long recovery so you have to be careful about using it. Used mostly to stop air advances as a zoning tool. B
* '''(Description)''' - Spawns a slowly advancing row of pillars. Useful as a zoning tool, or a situational anti-air; can also be used to end pressure reasonably safely (if uncharged) or to riskily reset pressure with big +F (if charged). Very situationally useful as okizeme post airthrow.  
Punishable on reaction if the opponent has the tools for it. The charged versions are faster to come out than your pits or 236a.
* '''(A version)''' - Spawns the pillars just in front of you; neutral on block if spaced correctly. Charged gives more pillars. When charged the first pillar is -5, the second one is 0, third pillar and beyond is very plus. This is the version you usually anti-air with.
* '''(A version)''' - Spawns the pillars just in front of you. 0 on block if spaced correctly. When charged it covers more space as the pillars are spaced widely. When charged the first pillar is -5, the second one is 0, third pillar and beyond is very plus.
* '''(B version)''' -  Exactly the same as A except the pillars start spawning just after the range of A. Adjust use accordingly.
* '''(B version)''' -  Exactly the same as A except the pillars start spawning just after the range of A.
* '''(EX version)''' - Slow startup, and the pillars spawn very close to you and move very slowly for a very long time. It has some invincible frames on startup, but doesn't really work as a reversal or anti-air. Mainly used as a meter dump in neutral to avoid heat, provided you won't get punished.

* '''(EX version)''' - This one is the odd one from the group. The startup is slow and the pillars spawn very close to you, moving very slowly. It has some invincible frames at the startup but it's not a true reversal. Really easy to hit confirm.
:It's not useless in neutral as one may think.


Revision as of 16:29, 23 February 2020

Be sure to check this article about H-VAkiha:


Players to look for

Romanization Japanese name
Hato はと
Shizuoka しずおか/静岡
Shuu しゅう
Kata かた
Satoken さとけん
Yukichi ゆきち


  • This video serves as a reference for people learning this character, if you're interested in learning her please check it out: (Courtesy of dare/veoid)

All damage values were calculated on V.Sion using the third momiji loop where applicable. For 6aa combos, damage 1 values are calculated starting with 2a 5c 4c while damage 2 values are calculated using j.c 5b 5c 4c

You should always go for the okizeme ender unless you want to end the round.

  • xx
Stands for a link
  • 66
A dash cancel
  • (w)
Whiffed normal
  • ( )
Optional move

Non situational combos

Inputs Damage / Meter 1 Damage / Meter 2 Notes
2a 5c 4c 5b 2c 623b -> momiji loop 4641 / 85% N/A Basic corner combo from 2a.
etc -> 5a 6aa 4c 2c 623b -> momiji loop 4564 / 103.2% 6116 / 111.5% Its range is about 1/2 of the stage to the corner
etc -> 5a 6aa 6c 66 delay 4c 2c 623b -> momiji loop 4449 / 114% Corner carry from anywhere except near the corner
etc -> 5a 6aa xx 5b 2c 2a(w) delay 4c 623b -> momiji loop 4657 / 107.3% 6226 / 115.7% It carries significantly farther than its respective basic version
etc -> 5a 6aa xx 5b 2c delay 5c 4c 623b -> momiji loop 4896 / 115% 6327 / 123.4% Does not work near the corner
etc -> 5a 6aa 6c 66 wait 5b 2c delay 5c 4c 623b -> momiji loop 4486 / 120.6% 6059 / 129% Requires more space to the corner than its basic version
6aa loops (NOT recommended)
etc -> 5a 6aa 4c 5c 2c 5a(w) 6aa xx 2c 623b -> momiji loop 4546 / 127.7% 6108 / 136.1% Does not work near the corner. 6aa should hit as late as possible
etc -> 5a 6aa 6c 66 delay 4c 5c 2c 5a(w) 6aa xx 2c 623b -> momiji loop 4388 / 133.3% 6119 / 141.7% Requires a lot of space
etc -> 5a 6aa xx 5b/4c 5c 2c 5a(w) 6aa xx 2c { delay 5c or a non-delayed 2a(w) } 4c 623b -> momiji loop 4847 / 142.3% 6392 / 150.7% Probably worth practicing for the meter and damage. If you end up too close omit the 5c at the end.

The momiji loop

If you miss one hit of 623b while doing these (i.e you started it too far away) following up with 4c won't work. Use 5b or 2b instead.

Inputs Meter Notes
4c 623b 4c 623b 31.4% The most basic one
4c delay 2c 623b 4c 2c delay 5bb 623b 46.5% You can do 5bb 623b twice but it will prorate a lot
5b 2c 2a(w) 4c 623b 5b 2c 2a(w) 4c 623b 51% Whiffing 2a is optional. It doesn't change anything but the timing
5b 2c 5a(w) xx 2a 2c delay 4c 623b 5b 2c 5a(w) 6aa 2c 4c 5bb 623b 80.1% Requires low gravity. The second rep is very finnicky regarding gravity. The 5a whiff doesn't work on everyone.
You may replace 5a(w) with 2a(w) but it becomes a 1f link and it works only once

Situational combos

Inputs Damage / Meter Notes
High shield counter / Air counter hits
The damage was calculated starting from shield counter instead of an air CH.
2c 5bb hold 8 j.b j.c 9 j.b j.c AT 2633 / 45.5% Easy if you do j.c j.b 9 j.b j.c instead, otherwise it's not worth it.
(2c) 5b (5c) 4c 9 (j.a) bc 9 (j.a) j.bc AT 3056 / 60.1% j.a's are not doable if you decide to use 5c.
4c 5c 2c 5a(w) 6aa xx 2c (delay 5c 4c) 623b -> momiji loop Only do the optional moves if you aren't close enough to the corner
5c 4c 2c 5a(w) 6aa delay 6c 66 2c 623b -> momiji loop Full corner carry version
5b 2c delay 4c -> momiji loop 3311 / 77.3% Only possible near the corner. You can omit everything but 2c
Low shield counter
2d -> 623b -> momiji loop 3670 / 69.7% If you aren't near the corner prefer the 2d knockdown instead.
2d -> delay 623c 5b 2c 5c 4c 623b -> momiji loop (1 rep) Metered fullscreen corner carry
2d -> 41236c 3419 Very situational but it's the biggest damage you can get from a low shield counter if you can't go for the loop.
Golden/Raw air throw
2a 2c 5bb sj8 j.b j.c 9 (j.b) j.c AT 2988 / 36.4% Basic damage confirm that works everywhere.
2a delay 2c 623b -> momiji loop 3292 / 64% Works only near the corner.
2a 5c 2c 5a(w) 6aa delay 6c 66 2c 623b -> momiji loop Easy, but doesn't work on some characters.
5a 2c 2a(w) xx 2a 2c 5a(w) 6aa delay 6c 66 2c 623b -> momiji loop
5a 2c 2a(w) xx 2a 2c 5a(w) 6aa xx 2c 2a(w) 2a 5c IADc j.c land 9 j.b j.c 9 j.b j.c AT 3601 / 79.8% Damage variation of the one above.
Standing overhead in the corner
2c 2a(w) 4c 623b -> momiji loop
66 cross under sideswitch 2a(w) 5c 2c 5a 6aa 6c 66 2c 623b -> momiji loop
2bbb j.IAD cancel j.c land 9 j.b j.c 9 j.c AT 3185 / 28.0% I hope you aren't planning to hit anyone with this.
Reversal 623c
623c 4c 2c 623b -> momiji loop (1 rep) 3448 / 18% Unstable. Not full corner carry.
623c 4c 2c 5a(w) 6aa 2c 623b -> momiji loop (1 rep) Unstable. Full corner carry. 6aa should hit as late as possible
623c j.66 delay j.c(w) land 5b 2c 5c 4c 623b -> momiji loop (1 rep) Full corner carry. Recommended
Air pit confirms
5b delay 5c 4c 9 j.b j.c 9 j.b j.c AT 5020 Let the pit hit fully before starting the combo. If you can't confirm immediately then go straight to 5c
(5b/4c) 5c 2c 5(w) 6aa (delay 6c 66) 2c 623b -> momiji loop 3448 / 18%
j.66 j.c land (5c) 4c 9 j.b j.c 9 j.b j.c 5263 / 52.6% Avoid double super jumps.
Far j.a (uncomboable without j.66)
j.a j.66 j.a sj9 delay j.aa j.66 (j.a) AT
j.a j.66 j.a j.b land rejump 8 j.b sj9 j.c AT


I don't really know what would you use these for, but I guess it's good to know. You can put a 623c somewhere if you want to relaunch them for better oki.

  • 2aaaaa 5bb 4c 5c 5a 6a 2b
Probably the longest OTG string possible.


Knockdown times

This data was collected manually using framestep. The height of the opponent affects the frame advantage. More height equals more advantage. The following are your untechable knockdowns and their frame advantage against a standing V.Akiha.

Please, take this as a ROUGH estimate and not as fixed absolute values.

Move Frame advantage
2c 45f or 71f if jump cancelled.
623b 63f
623c 71f or 109f if jump cancelled.
623a 18f
Throw 39f
Combo AT 12f
Golden AT 57f or 80f if jump cancelled
2d 47f
Guard cancel bunker 55f

Move Descriptions

Normal Moves

Vakiha 2a.png
Melty Blood 2A.
Melty Blood 2A.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350 150 Absolute: 65% SE, SP, EX, (J), N L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 3 10 -1 4.0% -

Standard-issue 2A.

Hvakiha 5a.png
Basically an F-Moon 5A.
Basically an F-Moon 5A.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 120 Absolute: 75% SE, SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 3 8 +1 3.0% -

Very good 5A. Fast, large horizontal range, +1 on block.

Hvakiha 6a.png
Staggers, anyone?
Staggers, anyone?
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 120 Absolute: 75% SE, SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 16 -5 3.0% -

Decent 6A that moves VAkiha forward. Useful in combos and stagger pressure.

Hvakiha 6aa.png
BNB filler.
BNB filler.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 120 Absolute: 75% SE, SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 4 15 -1 3.0% -

Decent 6AA. Not a whole lot else to say.

Vakiha 2b.png
Underrated button.
Underrated button.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 260 Absolute: 85% SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 9 13 -2 5.0% -

Big, fast 2B with a lot of pushback on block. It's a decent abare tool, and can push you out to a nice range in pressure. It's also a good button to fight wakeup 5D. However, it doesn't hit low.

Sad 2b followup.
Sad 2b followup.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400 400 100% SP, EX, (J), N LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
0* 5 20 -10 4.0% -

2B's sad followup; hits low, but only cancels into 2BBB, so it doesn't see much use. *Startup assumes you cancel into 2BB within the first 7 active frames of 2B.

Vakiha 2b3.png
Gimmick overhead.
Gimmick overhead.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 600 Absolute: 75% J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 5 16 +18 if JC, -3 +6.0% -

Very telegraphed overhead that bounces them on hit; you need to jump cancel to follow it up for any damage. It's technically usable as a gimmicky pressure reset, since it can be jump cancelled for big +f on block—but, since 2BBB is the only thing you can do out of 2bb, the opponent has to be asleep for it to work. The button sees almost no use as a result.

Vakiha 5b.png
Pressure machine.
Pressure machine.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
650 400 100% SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 4 12 -1 6.0% -

The backbone of HVAki pressure. Moves you forward slightly and has a huge cancel window, in addition to being -1 on block; this allows for extremely ambiguous staggers and pressure resets. Be sure to tap the button very quickly when you use it, or you risk getting a longer startup from partially charging the move. Also note that it trips crouchers on hit.

Vakiha 5bb.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400 200 Absolute: 70% SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 3 29 -14 2.0% -

HVAki's launcher; basically useless outside of combos. On hit, hold 8 to get a command superjump to continue your combo.

Vakiha 5bBE.png
An option, I guess.
An option, I guess.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
650 x3 400 x3 100% SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
29 9 8 +3 3.0% x3 -

Slow, charged version of 5B. Very plus on block, but the long startup limits its usefulness.

Vakiha 2c.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 500 Relative: 55% SP, EX, (J), N L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 5 20 -7 7.0% -

Does everything you'd expect of a sweep. It's situationally useful as an antiair and abare button, and also sees use as a poke.

Vakiha 5c.png
Standing facekick.
Standing facekick.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 700 Relative: 90% SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 6 17 -5 8.0% -

Big 5C that moves you forward a ton. Good in pressure for catching jumpouts and mash; also sees some use as an antiair, even though it knocks them away and wallslams them on air hit.

Vakiha 4c.png
God button.
God button.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 700 Relative: 80% SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 26 -10* 16.0% -

The best button HVAkiha has, bar none. Huge, fast, and honestly ignorant. Decent as an antiair, good as a callout in neutral, great in pressure, and fantastic as abare. Learn to love this button. You will be using it a lot. *Frame advantage is -12 if only the first hit connects.

Vakiha 6c.png
Imouto kick.
Imouto kick.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 400 Relative: 80% SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 5 18 -4 8.0% -

Okay overhead. When used after another C normal in pressure (e.g., the string 2AA 5C 6C), it will trade with mashing for a full combo, and beat certain options like dodge and F-Koha counter; it's also sometimes good for okizeme when mixed with 5{b} 2a as your low option.

Vakiha ja.png
It's a j.A, I guess.
It's a j.A, I guess.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 400 Relative: 80% SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 4 N/A N/A 8.0% -

Passable j.A. The boxes by themselves are weak, but on a character as fast as VAki, they work okay.

Vakiha jb.png
Air poke, anyone?
Air poke, anyone?
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 400 Relative: 80% SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 7 N/A N/A 8.0% -

Fantastic, very active air poke. Go-to air-to-air for opponents above or in front of you.

Hvakiha jc.png
Another god button.
Another god button.
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 400 Relative: 80% SP, EX, (J), N HL
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 5 N/A N/A 8.0% -

Very strong j.C. Hits behind you, beats basically every 5A anti-air if spaced correctly (vertically), and is airdash cancellable on block to boot. It's worth noting, though, that if you want to air-to-air with this button you need to either 1) be behind them or 2) be a good ways above them and hit the button preemptively. That green at the bottom is very, very close to the red—making sure you respect that is key to making the most of this move.

Special Moves

Plucking Birds 「」 - 236ABC
  • (Description) - Akiha will jump and spew some short range flame tongues. These are mostly used as resets or at foe's wakeup. You can't combo into or out of (except the EX one) any of these.
  • (A version) - Auto TK tongue. Akiha jumps a little and throws a flame tongue.
Very slow move (40f startup!) that low crushes and is +13 on block. Can be timed to safejump after 623b knockdowns. It's hard to use in pressure because it's so slow, though.
  • (B version) - It's kind of like a super backward jump that leaves a tongue.
It won't hit anyone unless they mash big normals. Leaves you with a jump cancel and 2 airdashes. Usable in neutral, and used to autotime some safejumps.
  • (EX version) - Akiha jumps high enough so that most normals won't even touch her and shoots a lot of flame tongues.
Useless outside of okizeme. On okizeme, though, it can be used to safejump or visually cover meaty mixups.
Brilliant Impetus - Temporary String「」 - J.236ABC
  • (Description) - Spawns a red web that explodes after a set time. It's unshieldable, and very plus, but not very active. These are mostly TK'd; if you 66 then tk, you'll drop straight down instead of jutting backwards like you usually would.
  • (A version) - Stops you in the air before leaving a mine, then VAki drops at a fixed angle and speed.
A web is mostly tk'd and used for okizeme. Meatying with web is strong, safe, and gives you ample +f to continue pressure. 66 tk'd for a throw setup (you land next to them and can throw them after they get up; the web goes off during the throw and adds to your throw damage).
Not jump cancellable so don't do it high in the air.
  • (B version) - Keeps your momentum in the startup. After leaving the mine you'll drop in a fixed angle that goes back.
Useful in some autotimed safejump setups.
You keep your air options after doing it so it's somewhat usable in neutral. Can also use it to bail on overextended pressure.
  • (EX version) - Same as A, except it does more damage and has a slightly faster startup (4f faster).

「」 - 214ABC
  • (Description) - Spawns a slowly advancing row of pillars. Useful as a zoning tool, or a situational anti-air; can also be used to end pressure reasonably safely (if uncharged) or to riskily reset pressure with big +F (if charged). Very situationally useful as okizeme post airthrow.
  • (A version) - Spawns the pillars just in front of you; neutral on block if spaced correctly. Charged gives more pillars. When charged the first pillar is -5, the second one is 0, third pillar and beyond is very plus. This is the version you usually anti-air with.
  • (B version) - Exactly the same as A except the pillars start spawning just after the range of A. Adjust use accordingly.
  • (EX version) - Slow startup, and the pillars spawn very close to you and move very slowly for a very long time. It has some invincible frames on startup, but doesn't really work as a reversal or anti-air. Mainly used as a meter dump in neutral to avoid heat, provided you won't get punished.

「」 - 623ABC
  • (Description) - Not your standard DP. These are very punishable on block/whiff. These don't see much use in neutral and their usage as a reversal tool is limited. All of them give a hard knockdown.
  • (A version) - This one is a upper body invincibility short range tall anti-air. Fast to come out. Doesn't give much reward.
It keeps your dash momentum for some reason. Its usage is pretty much matchup specific.
  • (B version) - Has some lower body invincibility. Pretty much a combo tool.
Its usage as reversal is risky.
  • (EX version) - An actual full body invincibility reversal. Its last hit is cancellable into whatever. Has high proration. Massively punishable on whiff and block.
Nonetheless, it's not a good reversal as it is easy to avoid.
「」 - (J)22ABC
  • (Description) - An auto-detonating pit that is massively plus on block. Used for zoning, setups and pressure resets. They are not very active. Jump pits are jump/dash cancellable and have a lot less recovery than the ground pits when TK'd. The ground pits aren mostly unseen.
  • (A version) - Appears near the opponent and hits 3 times. The last hit on block drains some small amount of meter. The air version keeps your momentum.
  • (B version) - Exactly the same as A but it appears where the A pit ends. The ground version has visibly more startup than any other version. The air version resets your momentum.
  • (EX version) - Exactly the same as B but hits 5 times and comes out faster.

Arc Drive

Crimson Lord: Uncountable Pureness 「赤主・遍生」 - 41236C
  • (Description) - Akiha shoots an almost, but not quite, fullscreen laser from her eyes. Has some invincible frames at the startup so it can be used as a reversal, but it's easily punishable on block done up close and it'll end your heat. Also used as a fullscreen punish.
Believe it or not, this move whiffs on most crouchers.

MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull