Melty Blood/MBAACC/Kohaku/Full Moon

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Revision as of 10:08, 18 January 2012 by Shion (talk | contribs) (Added special moves and arc drives description.)
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Normal Combos

  • First normal midscreen combos, the corner combos, then character specific combos

Metered Combos

  • ...


Do what you need to do to extrapolate on the character. Here are example categories below.




Move Descriptions

Normal Moves


The moves in number and strength order. Explain no how the moves works, what it's best suited for and where it lacks.

























Special Moves

Draw out ・ Air Blast 「抜刀・空気撃ち」 - 236ABC
  • Kohaku draws her hidden sword and performs a quick strike that unleashes a forcewave. Each version has it's own uses, but they're generally used for zoning rather than close combat.
  • (A version) - Unleashes a forcewave on the ground. Useful for catching jumpouts when used after a 2C (and safer). Possible to OTG combo after it hits, like with an Arc Drive. The charged version has more range but longer recovery.
  • (B version) - Unleashes a forcewave into the air towards you. Airunblockable, so great for hitting characters that like to jump at you. This is one of Kohaku's best zoning tools. If you land an air counterhit with this, you can dash forward and perform a very damaging combo. The charged version has longer range and recovery. Use sparingly as it's very punishable. Possible to cancel into Cactus if you need extra safety.
  • (EX version) - A much faster version that releases a huge wave covering almost the entire stage, and wallslamming on hit. As opposed to 236B, this version can be blocked in the air. Mainly used in corner combos, as you can link 5C after it wallslams. Can also be used after a 5[C] hit for extra damage.
Draw out Reserve ・ Rude Dismissal 「抜刀準備・無礼免」 - 214ABC
  • Kohaku unseaths her sword for an instant, anticipating an attack. Should anything hit her during this time, she will parry the attack and perform a counterhit. Leaves Kohaku vulnerable if the doesn't get attacked. These counters are generally risky to use, but good against predictable opponents and projectiles.
  • (A version) - Counters high and mid attacks. Has decent startup and the followup isn't garuanteed to hit. Useful against projectiles, but Shield Counter is the better option normally.
  • (B version) - Counters low and mid attacks. Slightly faster than the A version, but Shield Counter is still the better option.
  • (EX version) - Counters low, mid and high attacks. Deals a lot of damage and is much faster, but the counter state isn't active until the third frame, so it cannot be used as a true reversal. Useful against non-meaty okizeme and predictable pressure. If used at the certain distance to the corner, you can combo off the wallslam with 5C -> aerial for heavy damage.
Magical Amber Missile 「マジカルアンバーミサイル」 - J214ABC
  • Kohaku briefly changes into Magical Amber to rain molotov on her opponents. Leaves Kohaku vulnerable to airthrows and hits while dropping bombs, but she can jump cancel the recovery. Can be combo'd after on hit.
  • (A version) - Drop one molotov coctail. Slightly faster than the B version, but besides that the same.
  • (B version) - Drop up to 3 molotov coctails by holding down the button. It will leave the opponent in a long blockstun, so drop down at any time to continue pressure. The fire animation can hide her sprite while landing, allowing for a slightly annoying crossup.
  • (EX version) - Quickly drop 4 molotovs at once dealing heavy damage if it hits. Long recovery.
Moving Star 「ムービング☆スター」 - J236AB
  • Command airdash that travels Kohaku very quickly across the screen. Cannot be cancelled into anything, but you can continue air movement afterwards. Situational moves to get away or gain extra distance.
  • (A version) - Fly a short distance forward at great speed. Vulnerable to attacks.
  • (B version) - Same as the A version, but travels twice as far.
Shooting Star 「シューチング☆スター」 - J236C
  • EX version of J214A. Travels the same distance, but with fire in front of Kohaku. It's only real use is after JC to add on extra damage. Can be jump cancelled, allowing you to use it twice in an aircombo. Use airthrow after if you've used your jump cancel already.
I tried my best to raise this ♪ 「こんなん育ててみました♪」 - 22ABC
  • Kohaku drops down a deadly plant that will stay up a few seconds and attack in place. Generally used for okizeme.
  • (A version) - Drop a small spinny tree that will fly diagonally upwards. Hold any button after dropping it to delay the launch. This plant can be used to combo off a command throw with a whiffed followup if placed in advance. It can also be used for okizemi when you don't have time for 22B or the meter for C. Another useful gimmick is charging meter for a few seconds after dropping it. By charging you will automatically keep the plant on the ground until you release it. This can cause trouble for characters without projectiles or long range pokes.
  • (B version) - Drop a spinny tree that will stay on the ground and hit 8 times. Longer startup than 22A, but doesn't disappear when hit like 22C. Can be used for okizemi, and can be combo'd off.
  • (EX version) - Throw out a cactus that will land on the ground and hit 11 times, slowly moving forward. If the first hit lands in it's later active frames, then the subsequent hits are airtight, if it lands too early there is a considerable gap which can be reversal'd or sometimes even jumped out of. Can be used for corner lockdown or cancelling whiffed forcewaves. Take care though, because if Kohaku takes any damage while the cactus is active, it will disappear. If the cactus hits, you can launch with 3C into aircombo at the end, or command grab them after the last hit.
Johnny 「ジョニー」 - 2222C
  • This super costs 150 meter and has long startup. It will summon Johnny the fire-spitting plant. At a certain point during startup it tracks the direction the opponent is at, and will start shooting 6 fireballs in that direction, all of which juggle on hit. Nice to use when you can't get punished for it and have the meter to do so (typically in MAX or Heat). Forces the opponent to jump away or keep blocking for a good period.
This is a Victim of Modern Medicine 「現代医学の犠牲者です」 - 22222C
  • Another 150 meter super with decently long startup. Summons a purple plant that will cough out a breath of poisonous gas. If this hits, the opponent loses some health over time. The hit also juggles, allowing for setups such as: command throw -> whiff followup -> 22222C -> command throw -> whiff followup -> *poison breath hits* -> 5C -> aerial combo. This super doesn't do a lot of damage, and is rarely worth using.
Magical Attack ・ KohaPhonX 「マジカルアタック・コハポンX」 - 1632143C
  • Kohaku injects herself with drugs, giving her a Bloodheat and superarmor during it's duration. The startup is extremely long, and can only be safely used if the opponent is under cactus lockdown. While cool looking, this move has no real practical uses.
Amber Colosseum ・ Upper 「アンバーコロシアム・アッパー」 - 63214C
  • Command throw. 1 frame longer startup than regular throw, but has the usual command throw advantages. This move has a followup attack where she uses her broom as a baseball bat to hit the opponent. This followup can be whiffed by holding down any button, allowing for a 22A setup launch, okizemi, or an OTG Arc Drive. Instead of whiffing you can time C a second time to hit with the broom. A regular hit will do a little extra damage and leads to neutral. If you hit the opponent right before they touch the ground, you'll hit a homerun and launch the opponent to the corner, dealing heavy damage and allowing for an OTG relaunch combo. This command throw is a staple in Kohaku's offense, and should be used against opponents who like to block.

Arc Drive

Unsealed Amber Kick 「開打靠靭琥珀脚」
  • Kohaku dismisses her maid outfit and broom, and puts on a china dress. Afterwards she charges forward, and when hitting an opponent, she will perform three successive attacks dealing moderate damage and Circuit Breaking her opponent. This is a useful AD due to the fact it can hit OTG (for example, after any 236A hit), and meter break. This move is unblockable, and can be used as a reversal. If it whiffs you'll hit the wall and the opponent can combo you.

Another Arc Drive

Flying Unsealed Amber Kick 「開打散靭琥珀失脚」
  • A longer version the Arc Drive that deals more damage, but doesn't circuit break and doesn't hit OTG. Pretty much useless besides catching low jumpin attacks or as a ground reversal.

Last Arc

Secret Draw out ・ New Year Comet 「抜刀奥義・賀正箒星」
  • Kohaku draws the sword hidden in her broom to parry the attack and retaliate with her strongest strike. Activates on standing and crouching EX shield during Blood Heat. Heavy damage and hard knockdown.

MBAACC Navigation

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