Melty Blood/MBAA/Neco-Arc Chaos

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Name:   Neco Arc Chaos (ネコ アルク カオス)  —  Nicknames:    Pachineko <br\><br\> Voiced by:   Joji Nakata (中田 譲治)  —  Type:    Neco   —  Gender:   Male <br\><br\> Birthday:   ...  —  Height:   ...  —  Weight:   ... <br\><br\> Eye Color:   ...  —  Hair Color:   Gray


Eh, what exactly is this character? It seems a mixture of Nrvnqsr Chaos and Neco Arc, but how exactly that happened is unclear... and unimportant.

This character is a complete gimmick character. Players that choose this NAC will be able to annoy everyone with funny movement moves and one of the smallest hit boxes.

Stage: NECO no you may


BGM: GCV2007-Another Episode-

Crescent Moon

  • Can crawl forwards and backwards.

Normal Moves

3: Cigarette jab while crawling forward. Will hit low and cause the FIRE animation. Clearly the most versatile move in the game, as you don't even need to press a button to do it.

caption 5A: Pokes with a cigarette. Mid attack. FEEL THE BURN

caption 2A: Rapid 3 kicks. Will hit low, terrible recovery on whiff.

caption j.A: A tiny poke with piss poor range.

caption 5B: A chargeable uppercut punch. Hits mid. Not useful.

caption 5B (charged): Lobster claw. Hits mid. Will launch and you can press the button for multiple hits (don't do this).

caption 2B: Centipede. Hits low.

caption j.B: A weird tail grows out of under Neco Arc Chaos's skirt thing. Hits high.

caption 5C: A short ranged kick. Hits mid. Not useful.

caption 5C (charged): A giant beast grows out of his legs and bites. Hits mid. Will launch.

caption 2C: Horn. Chargable. Primary launcher for combos (lol).

caption j.C: Nightmare. Although this is an air move and combos into itself it will not hit high.

caption 6C: Needlenose. Large startup but is the only ground overhead NAC has.

caption 3C: Mantis leg. Gigantic vertical range.

Throw: Throws the opponent similar to an A snake, causing them to fall out of the sky. NAC is also knocked down but recovers before (barely) the opponent.

Air Throw: Air throw happen.

Special Moves


  • A has significant delay and shoots horizontally and has little recovery.
  • B has little delay, and shoots vertically but has more recovery.
  • EX shoots between where A and B would be.

623: Poke.

  • A does a hideously low amount of damage and can be comboed off of 2a? Don't do this.
  • B does a hideously low amount of damage and takes a longer time to come out.
  • EX will cause a circuit break on hit, but will HEAL the opponent.

All of these moves generate a huge amount of meter for your opponent on block.

22: Mouth stuff.

  • A will breathe out a stream of gas. Will launch the enemy, so won't get all the hits in if it manages to hit. Will not push NAC back if blocked.
  • B will summon a random summon that looks like Nero's animals. Unfortunately if NAC gets hit these summons go away. The possibilities are:
    • Deer: Jumps forward and hits like a Nero A deer. Takes a while to summon.
    • Floating Crow: Floats a while and descends at a 45 degree angle.
    • Crow: Shoots like an A crow extremely low to the ground.
    • Neco Arc Chaos Clone: Can summon the clones that perform the following actions, sometimes backwards.
      • NAC 5B: Summons a Neco Arc Chaos clone that performs 5B.
      • NAC Reverse 5C: Summons a Neco Arc Chaos clone that performs 5C.
      • NAC Runner: Summons a Neco Arc Chaos clone that runs forward. Will hit.
      • NAC Crawler: Summons a Neco Arc Chaos clone that crawls forward.
      • NAC Rocket: Summons a Neco Arc CHaos clone that performs 214A.
  • EX throws up some giant NAC heads that travel across the stage. Each hit does knockback, and it's possible to hit with it more than once.

Deer 214: Nero's deer.

  • A will launch a deer that hits once.
  • B will launch a deer that hits twice.
  • EX will summon a deer that NAC will ride. If time passes and NAC is still attacking with the deer, it will disappear and he will be knocked down Here is what the deer does.
    • A: Short jump forward.
    • B: Long jump forward.
    • C: Early dismount.

Air Crows j.236

  • A will spit a crow while continuing air momentum. There is a large recovery on landing.
  • B will cause NAC to hesitate a moment before spitting out the same crow.
  • EX will spit a lot of A crows.

Teleport 214

  • A will teleport NAC to the opposite end of the screen. Unlike Neco Arc's teleport, NAC will instead appear with two Nero clones, making it obvious where he is.
  • B will teleport NAC to the middle of the screen. Unlike Neco Arc's teleport, NAC will instead appear with two Nero clones, making it obvious where he is.
  • A will teleport NAC close to the opponent. Unlike Neco Arc's teleport, NAC will instead appear with two Nero clones, making it obvious where he is.


  • A version moves slowly and travels a short distance, but keeps the opponent grounded if it hits.
  • B version goes quite far quite fast, but knocks the opponent into the air if it hits (techable)
  • can be tiger knee'd quite close to the ground, so it's pretty good for pressure.
  • can work as a substitute air dash in a pinch, but sparingly.
  • EX splits Neco Arc Chaos into pieces, doing a Rocket Punch/Kick/Chest simultaneously.

63214C (Heat): Will cause circuit break on both NAC and the opponent. Breaks circuit on NAC regardless. Knocks both players down.

2222C (Heat): Neco Arc's 22C, except with flying Neros. Shitty damage for a Heat move.

Arc Drive: Copies Mech-Hisui's Arc Drive. Note that Neco Arc Chaos is much shorter than Mech-Hisui.


Combos and Strategies

Get used to not using a lot of your moves. If you want to be able to beat your opponent you will have to rely on your long reaching normals and your opponents lack of skill. Properly placed lasers are a source of surprise damage

Your blockstrings will usually look like this.

2a -> 2b -> 5[b] -> 5[c] -> 6c

The objective of this is to hope your opponent forgets what your blockstring is and gets hit by one of these moves. If they successfully block all of them you are kind of stuck.

Other than that you can use j.C in the air a lot. Be aware that this move does not hit high, so you can't even trick people with it.

Half Moon

Normal Moves

5a - Cigarette jab. Hits mid. Terrible range.

5B: A chargeable uppercut punch. Hits mid. Not useful.

5B (charged): Lobster claw. Hits mid. Will launch and you can press the button for multiple hits (don't do this).

5C: A short ranged kick. Hits mid. Not useful.

5C (charged): A giant beast grows out of his legs and bites. Hits mid. Will launch.

2A - Straight jab. Hits mid. Not useful.

2B - A crawling attack? Hits mid. Recovery so bad your opponent will recover faster than you unless done at its maximum range.

2C - Neco Arc claw swipe. Hits low.

j.a - Poke. Hits mid. Still some bad range on this.

j.b - Kick. Hits high. Works exactly like Crescent Neco Arc's j.b.

j.c - Kick. Hits high. Works exactly like Crescent Neco Arc's j.c.

j.2c - Ground bounces. Hits high. Works exactly like Crescent Neco Arc's j.2c.

6A - Part of a 123 series into itself and is a launcher.

3C - Mantis leg.

6C: Needlenose. Large startup but is the only ground overhead NAC has.

Special Moves


  • 236A: A crow will shoot at the opponent from NAC's level and travel full screen.
  • 236B: A crow will shoot diagonally upwardss from NAC's level.
  • 236C: Costs 100% meter. NAC shoots a bunch of 236A Crows.

623: Poke.

  • A does a hideously low amount of damage and can be comboed off of 2a? Don't do this.
  • B does a hideously low amount of damage and takes a longer time to come out.
  • EX will cause a circuit break on hit, but will HEAL the opponent.

All of these moves generate a huge amount of meter for your opponent on block.


  • 214A: NAC teleports into a puddle and appears a short distance further from the opponent. The entrance puddle does damage.
  • 214B: NAC teleports into a puddle and an antlion comes out of it. This move will launch the opponent, but NAC does not appear in time for any sort of combo.
  • 214C: NAC teleports into a puddle and appears a short distance closer to the opponent. The entrance puddle does damage.

Command Throw

  • 22A: Throws the opponent very similarly to Nero's regular throw and causes a knockdown.
  • 22B: A running version of 22A.
  • 22C: Costs 100% meter. Teleports NAC to the opponents location on the ground and will throw them using the crocodile.

Air Laser

  • j.236A: NAC fires eye lasers in a large arc ahead of him.
  • j.236B: Same as j.236a except takes a bit longer to do.
  • j.236C: Costs 100% meter. Performs a sweeping laser arc starting directly underneath and continuing forward. Useful (?) for hitting opponents that try to run under you.


  • A version moves slowly and travels a short distance, but keeps the opponent grounded if it hits.
  • B version goes quite far quite fast, but knocks the opponent into the air if it hits (techable)
  • can be tiger knee'd quite close to the ground, so it's pretty good for pressure.
  • can work as a substitute air dash in a pinch, but sparingly.
  • EX splits Neco Arc Chaos into pieces, doing a Rocket Punch/Kick/Chest simultaneously.

63214C (Heat): Will cause circuit break on both NAC and the opponent. Breaks circuit on NAC regardless. Knocks both players down.

2222C (Heat): Neco Arc's 22C, except with flying Neros. Shitty damage for a Heat move.

Arc Drive: Copies Mech-Hisui's Arc Drive. Note that Neco Arc Chaos is much shorter than Mech-Hisui.


Combos and Strategies

Full Moon

Normal Moves

5A - Cigarette jab. Hits mid. Terrible range.

5B - Lobster claw. Hits mid. Will launch

5C: A giant beast grows out of his legs and bites. Hits mid. Will launch.

2A: Rapid 3 kicks. Will hit low, terrible recovery on whiff.

2B: Centipede. Hits low.

2C: Horn. Chargable. Primary launcher for combos (lol).

j.A: A tiny poke with piss poor range.

j.B: A weird tail grows out of under Neco Arc Chaos's skirt thing. Hits high.

j.C: Nightmare. Although this is an air move and combos into itself it will not hit high.

6C: Needlenose. Large startup but is the only ground overhead NAC has.

3C: Mantis leg. Gigantic vertical range.

Special Moves

Air Crows j.236

  • A will spit a crow while continuing air momentum. There is a large recovery on landing.
  • B will cause NAC to hesitate a moment before spitting out the same crow.
  • EX will spit a lot of A crows.

623: Poke.

  • A does a hideously low amount of damage and can be comboed off of 2a? Don't do this.
  • B does a hideously low amount of damage and takes a longer time to come out.
  • EX will cause a circuit break on hit, but will HEAL the opponent.

All of these moves generate a huge amount of meter for your opponent on block.

Eye Laser

  • 236A: NAC jumps fires eye lasers in a large arc ahead of him.
  • 236B: Same as j.236a except takes a bit longer to do.
  • 236C: Costs 100% meter. Jumps and performs a sweeping laser arc starting directly underneath and continuing forward. Useful (?) for hitting opponents that try to run under you.

AIDS ride

  • 214A: NAC summons a pile of AIDS and rides it. Both the ride and the summoning will hit. Hits low.
  • 214B: A longer lasting version of 214A.
  • 214C: Costs 100% meter. Basically a faster version of 214B that hits mid.

Mouth Stuff

  • 22A: Summons a low flying crow that eventually descends at a 45 degree angle.
  • 22B: A higher flying version of 22A.
  • 22C: Summons a crow that NAC rides to the top of the screen. NAC can start firing lasers at any time, but this stops the crow from rising higher.
    • A Laser: Will fire somewhat below NAC.
    • B Laser: Will fire somewhat in front of NAC.

63214C (Heat): Will cause circuit break on both NAC and the opponent. Breaks circuit on NAC regardless. Knocks both players down.

2222C (Heat): Neco Arc's 22C, except with flying Neros. Shitty damage for a Heat move.

Arc Drive: Copies Mech-Hisui's Arc Drive. Note that Neco Arc Chaos is much shorter than Mech-Hisui.


Combos and Strategies

Win Quotes


MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull