Melty Blood/Advanced Mechanics

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Damage Modifier

The damage modifier system works much like MBAC. Each character has a set life total of 11400, but take different amounts of damage at different points of their life bars. Another thing to note is that there is a Stance Modifier that changes the Damage modifier depending on if the character is in Stand, Crouch, or Jump state.

These are the values for the Stance Modifier

  • Jump: x0.88
  • Stand: x1.00
  • Crouch: x1.08

These values modify the Damage Modifier during combos, as well. For example, if you combo them on the ground, then knock them in the air, they will get the Jump Stance modifier when they are in the air. Damage Modifier values are consistent across all moon styles for every character except Mech-Hisui, Nero, and Neco&Mech. For the team character Kohaku&Hisui, they each have their own Damage Modifiers. For more information, see this thread.

Individual attacks have their own Correction Value percentage which also scales damage.
With C and H moon, Reverse Beat Penalty directly acts as a cap on Correction Value. The maximum amount of penalty is 55%, which would cap an attack that has 90% Correction Value to 45%. This would scale the attack to do only half the usual damage.

  • In combos the damage is scaled using the current lowest Correction Value of any move you have hit during the combo or Rebeat Penalty (whichever is lower), causing your attacks that would otherwise have higher percentage to do noticably less damage even without rebeats.

There is also a mechanic in Melty Blood called Critical Hit. It happens randomly on any hit and will multiply the damage dealt by 1.15x.

You can Reduce by pressing A, B, C or D in a 5 frame window as you get hit, this reduces incoming damage by 30%.

  • The window for damage reducing is 3 frames from before you get hit to 1 frame after being hit, with 9 to 4 frames before being hit counting as failed reduce.

If you want to see all the Damage Modifiers for each state for each character, please see this chart.

These are the current Damage Modifier values in Standing state for MBAACC v1.07
If damage ends up becoming a decimal, it will always round down.

Health Values

Character Name 100% 75%  50%  25%  Net Health Grade
T. Akiha 0.920 0.823 0.768 0.725 14202 S++
C-Nero 0.900 0.842 0.815 0.725 13979 S+
Arcueid 0.900 0.871 0.796 0.725 13950 S+
HF-Nero 0.900 0.852 0.815 0.725 13939 S+
Kouma 0.920 0.871 0.796 0.725 13881 S
W.Len 1.000 0.871 0.750 0.725 13853 S
Satsuki 1.000 0.871 0.843 0.725 13433 A
Ries 1.020 0.871 0.843 0.725 13378 A-
Hisui 0.850 0.920 0.862 0.815 13253 B+
Tohno S. 0.920 0.871 0.862 0.860 12990 B-
Kohaku 0.900 0.871 0.937 0.815 12977 B-
Roa 0.950 0.920 0.843 0.815 12975 B-
Sion 0.950 0.920 0.843 0.815 12975 B-
Ciel 0.900 0.871 0.843 0.906 12965 B-
S. Akiha 0.900 0.871 0.843 0.906 12965 B-
Miyako 1.000 0.920 0.843 0.815 12825 C+
T. Sion 1.000 0.920 0.843 0.815 12825 C+
Hisui (&Kohaku) 0.879 0.952 0.892 0.843 12811 C+
F-Mech 0.850 0.842 0.937 0.951 12776 C
C-Mech 0.870 0.871 0.937 0.906 12735 C
Warachia 1.100 1.017 0.843 0.725 12705 C
Aoko 1.000 0.968 0.843 0.815 12671 C
R. Arcueid 0.950 0.968 0.890 0.815 12643 C-
C-Neco&Mech 0.870 0.920 0.937 0.906 12561 D
Kohaku (&Hisui) 0.931 0.901 0.970 0.843 12543 D
Neco-Arc 1.400 0.678 1.031 0.815 12500 D
Nanaya 1.000 0.968 0.890 0.815 12493 D
Kohaku&Mech 0.900 0.920 0.937 0.906 12451 D
P.Ciel 0.950 0.920 0.890 0.906 12445 D
H-Mech 1.200 0.968 0.843 0.770 12401 D
H-Neco&Mech 1.200 1.017 0.843 0.770 12259 E
Len 1.100 0.968 0.890 0.815 12234 E
Ryougi 1.050 0.988 0.918 0.860 12017 F
Archetype: Earth 1.000 0.968 0.937 0.906 11981 F
F-Neco&Mech 0.950 0.968 1.031 0.996 11569 G
Neco-Arc Chaos 1.600 0.678 1.312 0.996 11018 H
V.Akiha 1.150 1.114 1.031 0.906 10946 H-

Wakeup Timings

Each character has their own animations for being knocked down and getting up. There's three types of knockdown animations and two types of wakeup animations, and they each have their own duration:

Launchers, groundbounces, and a few character-specific actions have the opponent land head-first before collapsing onto their front, then go into their prone wakeup animation.
Sweeps trip the opponent have them land on their front, then go into their prone wakeup animation.
All other knockdowns have the opponent land on their back, then go into their supine wakeup animation.
(Exception: Hime's head-first animation falls onto her back and sweeps use her back animation; her two wakeup animations are identical.)

The following is a table of knockdown and wakeup times per type and character.
For knockdowns, the total duration of the knockdown and wakeup time together is listed first, which in most cases is the number most worth paying attention to. In parenthesis is the knockdown time alone, which defines how long you can strike the opponent OTG, as long as they are not in an uncomboable state as a result of being hit by certain moves or using up your bounce/OTG limit in your combo.
The wakeup time alone is also listed separately, which may be useful for characters who have time to react to that animation beginning in order to time their okizeme.

Character Name Knockdown Type Wakeup Type
Head-first Front Back Prone Supine
Tohno Akiha 60 (34) 55 (29) 49 (27) 26 22
Seifuku Akiha 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Akiha Vermilion 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Aoko 61 (34) 56 (29) 53 (26) 27 27
Arcueid 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Red Arcueid 55 (34) 50 (29) 52 (27) 21 25
Archetype:Earth 57 (35) 49 (27) 49 (27) 22 22
Ciel 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Powerd Ciel 57 (35) 51 (29) 51 (27) 22 24
Hisui 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Mech-Hisui 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Kohaku 56 (34) 54 (32) 49 (27) 22 22
Kouma 60 (36) 53 (29) 56 (31) 24 25
Miyako 54 (32) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Len 57 (35) 51 (29) 53 (27) 22 26
White Len 63 (41) 48 (26) 50 (24) 22 26
Neco-Arc 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Neco-Arc*Chaos 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Nrvnqsr (Nero) 59 (34) 54 (29) 53 (27) 25 26
Riesbyfe 61 (37) 48 (24) 57 (30) 24 27
Roa 58 (36) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Satsuki 65 (41) 53 (29) 50 (27) 24 23
Tohno Shiki 59 (37) 51 (29) 50 (27) 22 23
Nanaya Shiki 56 (34) 51 (29) 50 (27) 22 23
Ryougi Shiki 57 (33) 53 (29) 49 (27) 24 22
Sion 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Sion TATARI 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 22 22
Warachia 56 (34) 51 (29) 50 (27) 22 23

Shield Frame Data


All shields have 0f startup, they are instant.
Held shield for 5 or more frames drains meter.

Crescent Moon

EX Shield = Ground Tap Shield = 4 frames.
Air Tap Shield = 6 Frames.
Can cancel into any attack, when successful.
Normal Shield = Hold for 5 or more frames.
Cannot cancel into normals, but can cancel into any other attack, when successful.

Held shield drains 0.2 meter per frame for 60 frames (12 spent).

Half Moon

Normal Shield = Ground Tap Shield = 6 frames.
Air Tap Shield = 8 Frames.
Cannot hold.
Causes Auto-Shield Counter on a successful shield of a "physical" attack.
Projectiles do not trigger the Auto-Shield Counter, but it can be manually inputted (236D).

Full Moon

Cannot EX Shield = Ground Tap Shield = 4 frames.
Air Tap Shield = 6 Frames.
Only counts for Last Arc.
Normal Shield = Tap or Hold.
Can only cancel into Shield Counter (236D), specials or supers, when successful.

Held shield drains 1.0 meter per frame for 25 frames (25 spent).

Recovery All shields recover in 19 frames.

Landing Recovery Rules

  • Jumping with no action has no landing recovery
  • An air normal as Crescent or Half Moon has 2 frames landing recovery, +1 blockable neutral frame
  • Doing an air normal as Full Moon has only 1 blockable neutral frame
  • Airdash landing recovery depends on the character and whether its cancelled into another move. If cancelled into a normal, recovery defaults to the norma's recovery.

MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull