Melty Blood/MBAA/Akiha Tohno

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Name:   Akiha Tohno (遠野秋葉)  —  Nicknames:    "Little sister" <br\><br\> Voiced by:   Hokuto Minami (北都 南)  —  Type:   Human, Half-Demon   —  Gender:   Female <br\><br\> Birthday:   Sept 22   —  Sizes:   73 / 57 / 79  —  Height:   160cm  —  Weight:   45kg <br\><br\> Eye Color:   Blue  —  Hair Color:   Black


Akiha is Shiki Tohno's younger sister, and master of the Tohno household. In Melty Blood, though she's told to stay out of it, she attempts to solve the problems concerning the Night of Wallachia in her own ways, and find her brother.

As a fighting game character, Akiha has great versatility, as well as the highest defense in the game. She is a good character for beginners and has things in store for even the most advanced players. Depending on the groove you choose, Akiha can be capable of dealing amazing damage, strong pressure, very respectable zoning, and a great mixup game (especially in the corner). However in addition to being a slow character, Akiha suffers from having a relatively weak anti-air game, mediocre reversal options, and she is, with the exception of her Full Moon version, exceptionally vulnerable to high shields.

Stage: Classic Home. Evening Party

Classic Home. Evening Party.PNG

BGM: Elegant Summer

Crescent Moon

C-Akiha is very similar to her Act Cadenza reincarnation and is the most balanced groove. Her damage is not as high as her other moons but her neutral offense can be considered superior as her j.2C is an overhead and she has a command grab. Although C-Akiha is very capable of dealing some impressive damage, she will have to sacrifice her solid okizeme game to do so.

Normal Moves

5A [Mid]

Standard jab, combos into itself, can be spammed. Can be used as antiair sometimes in the sense of hitting opponent in the air as they leave the ground from a jump. This is the attack to counter with if an anti-air ground EX-Shield is landed.

5B [Mid]

Pretty useful normal since it moves Akiha forward and it's only -3 on block. Inputting B again will lead into her main launcher. Because this move knocks down crouchers on hit and doesn't have any proration, it is the preferred move to trip people with during combos.

5BB [Mid]

This is Akiha's primary launcher and is utilized in most of her basic midscreen combos. Inputting 8 on hit gives Akiha an extra high jump. This is very unsafe on block so whiff cancel to 2A or 5A to make it safe whenever this happens.

5[B] [Mid]

Does massive damage, this is primarily used after juggling your opponent with 2C.

5C [Mid]

It's on the slower end of Akiha's normals but it moves you forward and wallslams airborne opponents. Stagger this in your blockstrings to beat jumps.

4C [Mid]

Despite the animation on this move, its hitbox is strictly in front of her and does not go higher than her hand. It moves Akiha forward, is mainly used in combos as filler to maximize damage. Use this to continue into an air combo after 2C if you're too far to do 5BB.

6C [Mid]

The animation for this move is a little deceptive, it looks slow but it's actually faster than 5C although it has more recovery. Wallslam airborne opponents on hit. Generally the ideal move to use after a j.2C or 2A.

2A [Low]

Standard crouching jab that combos into itself. Primarily used for confirming and for the low part of Akiha's 50/50 high/low mixup.

2B [Mid]

Pretty fast normal, useful for beating jabs. Despite what the animation suggests, this move hits mid but must be shielded low so mix this in anyways to discourage high shields.

2BB [Low]

The second 2B actually hits low but it's not very useful since the opponent can just react in time if they were blocking high beforehand and Akiha doesn't have an high option to cancel into from 2B itself.

2BBB [High]

Akiha does three swipes and the last lunging swipe hits high. Don't ever use this in a match, it's pretty useless as you can't even combo into this move off 2BB since they can recover in time to block and it's extremely unsafe on block.

2C [Low]

A relatively fast sweep with good range. Akiha also enters a low stance during this move so it's usable as anti-air but it's very risky since the recovery is terrible. Used in every combo, it is like many other sweeps where they can tech on hit at a certain height in the air. Learning the right height where they can't tech is crucial for executing Akiha's wallslam and counterhit combos. If you happen to hit with this in the corner but aren't able to confirm into anything, you can dash in and OTG them.

JA [Mid]

A great air jab, this is Akiha's primary move to use in air-to-air but it doesn't hit high. Combos into itself. Avoid using this in air combos if you can as j.B and j.C do much more damage. As a jump-in and on block, you can tick into high/low/throw.

JB [High]

Hits twice, it's passable air-to-air. It angles downward, so this is the preferred move to use as a jumpin or while descending on your opponent. However it doesn't inflict much hitstun (or blockstun), so unless it's deep, they'll be able to block before you can follow up.

JC [High]

A little slow but it angles upwards and can be used as air-to-air but hitting with the tip of this move is recommended, as any closer and Akiha will probably get stuffed due to its startup. Because of its angle, this will whiff against most crouchers, so it shouldn't really be used as a jump-in unless you're trying to fake them out.

J2C [High]

An interesting normal that stops all of Akiha's momentum in the air, she cannot do anything afterwards until she lands. Essential to Akiha's 50/50 high/low mixup, learning to tk j.2C consistently at the height where you can follow up can be difficult. Follow up with 6C if you're point blank or a 4C if you're farther out. On crossup hit, you can easily follow with 2A.

Special Moves

Shooting Down the Bird 「鳥を落とす」236ABC: Akiha materializes a linear wave of flame from her hair. This move is often referred to as flame ribbons or flame tongues. Unless you're using the EX version, this move isn't really worth using unless it is the aerial version or tigerkneed.

  • (A version) Startup is slower than its B counterpart, hits multiple times, pretty useless, can be EX cancelled.
  • (B version) Has faster startup, hits once, floats the opponent. You're at more of a disadvantage than the A version. Also rather useless but can be EX cancelled as well.
  • (C version) Frame advantage on block. Although it can be used to force trades into your favor, its effectiveness as a reversal is poor since it loses to all kinds of options. You can be thrown during the startup so don't use this on wakeup against opponents who meaty 2A. If this move is shielded, you can throw or air throw them for free, though airthrowing in that situation may be a bit more difficult. The flames come out rather slowly and you can be hit before any of the flames come out, rendering your reversal useless. It also has a really long animation followed by recovery so if they've retained their air options and avoid getting hit, you will be eating a fat combo.

Shooting Down the Bird (air) 「鳥を落とす」 j.236ABC: The superior version of the flame ribbons (save for the EX version), they have great range and active frames. Great for getting those aerial counterhits into damage.

  • (A version) Preserves her air momentum, has great range and good active frames. Useful for getting counterhits or approaching them on the ground. Learn to tigerknee these once opponents start respecting your staggers for serious frame advantage into mixups.
  • (B version) Stops her air momentum and makes her lean backward a bit. The tigerknee version is not particularly useful for extending pressure but for baiting people trying to get out of your pressure.
  • (charged B version) 2 hits, recovers faster than a normal j.236B, so you can fit j2C in before landing if tk'd. If the tk is as low as possible, the j2C doesn't fully come out; a slightly delayed tk allows the j.2C to connect for combo opportunities. The drawback is that the flame itself will whiff on crouchers at ranged j2C connects (at least the ones I tested it on), so your mileage may vary.
  • (C version) Has less frame advantage than its grounded version on block. This is useless to spend meter on and as a poke, just use j.236B or j.236[B] instead.

Piercing the Moon 「月を穿つ」 214ABC: Akiha waves an open hand forward, summoning a pillar of flame on to the stage. This move is great as the pillars are air unblockable and its normal versions hit only once and launch on hit, allowing you to get a nice follow-up on counterhit.

  • (A version) Akiha summons a pillar of flame about two character lengths away from her. This move is very fast so it can be used as an anti-air. The downside is that it has a lot of recovery so unless its a counterhit, the situation you get after a hit is neutral at best and you will eat a combo if it does anything but hit (ie. blocked, shielded, or baited).
  • (B version) Akiha pauses for a moment to take a breath first and then summons a pillar of flame about two character lengths in front of her. Although the startup is slow, the recovery is literally nonexistent and on block, this move puts Akiha at a major advantage. This is a great option to use in blockstrings once you've got them scared of your staggers and unlike TK Flame Ribbons, they can be cancelled from anything. It's recommended to use this after a strong move on block and/or at a distance to cover for its slow startup. You can combo off of this on a normal hit but if you hit them while they're airborne, whether or not and what you can follow up with depends on their height so improvise accordingly. Hitting them when they're on or near the ground allows for a full aerial (j.BC airdash j.C sj.BC airthrow) but on airborne hits you can only do so much (j.C sj j.BC throw). Catching them around the peak of the flame pillar is impossible.
  • (charged B version) Akiha pauses for a good second to savor her soon-to-be victory and summons a pillar of flame roughly 5 character lengths away. The startup of this move is even slower than its regular version and has multiple hits so you can't follow up even on counterhit. Other than just to be annoying, this move is rather useless as it is also extremely risky to throw out due to its long startup.
  • (C version) Pretty quick for what it is. Homes in on the opponent's location, and has very high vertical range, but is scarcely used, as the opponent can tech out even on counterhit(due to it being multihit), but it can be used to punish heat activations from afar if your reflexes are good enough.

Scorching the Beast 「獣を焦がす」 22ABC: Akiha jumps and casts a pit of flame on the ground that drains the opponent's life and meter. She can only have one on the screen at any given time. Never ever use this on the ground in a neutral situation since the recovery is terrible unless you tigerknee it. You can use these in the air to zone against defensive enemies. Inputting the command while a pit is out will ignite the pit.

  • (A version) Akiha casts a pit of flame below her that lasts approximately six seconds. Using these in the air can be used to zone sometimes, although smart opponents will just ignore these as they don't drain much; up to 20% meter if they're just standing in it but Akiha will only get half of that.
  • (B version) Akiha casts a pit of flame under the enemy. Other than that, it's the same as the A version.
  • (C version) Akiha casts a pit of flame under the enemy that lasts approximately eight seconds. It drains both life and meter at an accelerated rate. On ignition, it gives a ton of frames on block, its hitbox is much bigger, and it keeps them in hitstun longer. It will catch people who try to jump out of pressure or do anything really and on block, you can do whatever you want. Drop this after a command throw, 2C, or a 623B.

Brilliant Autumn Leaves 「赫訳・紅葉」 623ABC: Affectionately referred to by its Japanese name "Momiji", Akiha will launch them if they're not already airborne and slam them back to the ground. Despite being a dragon punch, its potential as a reversal is mediocre and none of its meterless versions have full body invincibility.

  • (A version) Akiha quickly takes them to the air if they're not already there and knocks them back down. This move has upper body invulnerability and is rather quick to come out so it can be used as an anti-air but beware, only the first hit (the elbow) is air unblockable.
  • (B version) With nine frames of lower body invulnerability, Akiha rushes forward into a layup that ends in a slam dunk, knocking them down so hard that they'll wet their panties. You can go for whatever you want after this move, you can even set up an EX Flame Pit in the corner or superjump at them from full screen and still be able to do a meaty. This move can be used in combos after her sweep, after a normal shield, or as a anti-low reversal. If you're close enough after landing them in the corner with this and haven't used more than one wallslam, you can dash in and OTG into the command throw. You may also EX cancel this move allowing for some nice frame advantage off of EX Ribbons, a scary tick throw game, or a flashy Arc Drive finish as a combo ender.
  • (C version) Akiha travels even further and is fully invincible on startup until frame 9. It doesn't knock down either but on hit you get your air option so cancel recovery of the final hit into an air combo. Due to its slow startup and huge recovery, it's effectiveness as a reversal is poor.

Brilliant Crimson Submerge 「赫訳・沈紅」 63214ABC: Akiha's new command grab, she grabs them and submerges them in a burning web of flame, draining some life and damaging their red life. You'll probably want to normal shield to this if your back is to the corner and the knockdown is good. Command grabs cannot be broken.

  • (A version) 1200 damage unprorated, the reward is much better than her normal throw due to the life drain and irrecoverable damage. However it has 3 more frames of startup than a normal grab. All your OTGs and corner wallslam combos will end with this as well and you can safely setup a TK Flame Pit off this and still do a meaty.
  • (B version) Has a much longer startup of 17 frames but it's range is much better too. It's kind of gimmicky but because of this you can tick this off of normals that aren't jabs and if they try to poke out, you might grab their limbs if their attack extends their own hitbox. Deals the same amount of damage.
  • (C version) This is Akiha's most legitimate reversal as the startup is completely invulnerable and the grab comes out one frame after the superflash, meaning that they can't jump out on reaction or much less do anything unless they do something that's invulnerable on the first frame. The damage is slightly higher (+200) than the normal version. It's not bad as a reversal and will beat out pokes so it's a good way to take out some insurance on people who like to mash when they smell throw. This move cannot be comboed into but why would you want to spend meter on this during a combo anyways when you have the A version?

Crimson Lord・Origami 「赤主・檻髪」41236C [In MAX or HEAT]

Akiha's Arc Drive, she is completely invulnerable until the active frames end. Unlike her MBAC reincarnation and due to her receiving a command grab, her Arc Drive no longer grabs. You can combo into this by EX cancelling 623B. Outside of doing flashy combos, this special is rather useless.

Crimson Lord・Origami 「赤主・檻髪」41236C [In BLOOD HEAT]

Akiha's Another Arc Drive, this version does grab, giving you a very strong tick throw game when in BLOOD HEAT. However you may not want to use this option unless it's going to end the game because it will give your opponent 200% meter due to the universal system mechanic of exponentially increasing their meter after around 30 hits. You cannot combo into this if they are airborne.

Combos and Strategies

Aerial Counterhit Combos: For aerial, do whatever you can manage into airdash airthrow.

2C 5[B] 4C aerial or 63214A The ideal followup, improvise accordingly to distance and height (ie forgo 5[B] or do 5B instead)
2A 5BB aerial Go for this when you're too far or when they'll be too low for a 2C.
j.C land aerial Hit with j.C as late as possible before your landing to float them in hitstun and jump immediately after you land.

Midscreen Combos: Use off of successful mixups or after a nice hit on grounded enemies.

2AA or j.2C 6C 4C 5C 2C 5BB tk.236[B] land j.BC sdj.BC ad.C Airthrow

6C 4C 5C are all interchangeable, omit as needed depending on range.
For some chars you'll need to slightly delay 5BB after 2C.
Off 2A, it's easiest to chain into 6C or 4C as they're both faster than 5C.
Off j.2C, you must chain to 6C or 4C, 5C won't work as it's too slow.

2AA or j.2C 6C 4C 5C 2C 623B

Sacrifices significant damage for okizeme since the position gained after an air throw is usually far.
For okizeme, you can superjump from full screen and go for a meaty with crossup options and/or a high/low.
Delay the 623B after 2C or add a 2B between them if you don't like delaying but off of j.2C, it's tight.
If this takes them to the corner and you're close enough, follow up with an OTG string into command throw.
An EX Flame Pit is possible if you're a little too far but you'll have to ignite it on their wakeup.

2AAAA 5C 4C 6C 5BB 2C (2A) 2A 2C 5[B] 4C 63214A

Sacrifices minor damage for okizeme, this is the best but very tight midscreen combo.
You must use 2Ax4 to make gravity kick in or else they'll be able to tech before 2C.
5C 6C 4C or 4C 6C 5C is recommended for optimum forward momentum and minimal pushback.
Let the (2A) fully recover so 5[B] becomes usable again, delayed 2A 2C makes grabbing easier.
The closer you are to the corner, the easier it will be to connect 63214A but you may consider 623B instead...
Due to how far it carries, it will travel the entire screen if ended in 2C delay 623B instead.
For some chars, it's much easier to do so. (ie Ryougi seems impossible to grab and V.Akiha seems difficult)
After ~623B, OTG into command throw if you're close enough and/or you can setup an EX Flame Pit.

Works on: Aoko, Akiha, S.Akiha, V.Akiha, Hisui, Len, Mech-Hisui, Miyako, Nanaya, Riesbyfe, Roa, Sion, V.Sion

2C delay 623B instead of 2C 5[B] 4C 63214A: Ryougi
Note: 2C [5B] 4C 63214A finisher can work if you start with three 2As instead of four.

Seems impossible on: Arcueid, Ciel, Kohaku, Kouma, Nero, Satsuki, Warakia, Warcueid

Corner Combos: This is where Akiha shines! Use a tk.22C to set up her deadly corner game.

On characters with low aerial hitboxes (ie Sion, Hisui, etc.), use less delay for your first wallslam and if doing an advanced wallslam, add more delay than you would usually use for your second wallslam.

... dash 2A*n 4C 5B 63214A

Akiha's OTG string off of 623B {raw 2C needs further testing}. 2A*n is character specific.
2A*3: Kouma, Len, White Len
2A*4: Arcueid, Akiha, S.Akiha, V.Akiha, Hisui, Mech-Hisui, Miyako, Nanaya, Satsuki, Roa, Ryougi, Riesbyfe, Warcueid
2A*5: Aoko, Ciel, Kohaku, Nero
2A*6: Tohno Shiki

... dash 2A*2~3 5B 63214A

Sion and V.Sion only OTG combo.

2AA or j.2C 6C 4C 2B 2C 5C 5C 2C 5[B] 4C 63214A

Standard corner combo with an emphasis on okizeme. For damage, use 5[B]B j.BC airdash j.C sj.BC airthrow instead.

2AA or j.2C 6C 4C 2B 2C 5C 5C 2C (2A) 2A 2C 5[B] 4C 63214A

Advanced corner combo, use less delay to juggle them higher. The whiffed (2A) must completely recover so you can use 2C again.

2AA or j.2C 6C 4C 5B 5C 5C 2C (2A) 2A 2C 5[B] 4C 63214A

Confirm on crouchers only, slightly delay the 5C after 5B. By using 5B to trip instead of 2C, we get more damage here.

j.2C 6C 4C 5B 2B 2C (2A) 2A 2C 5C 5C 2C 5[B] 4C 63214A

Confirm on crouchers only, this is the most damaging combo listed. Since they're juggled higher than usual, you should heavily delay the wallslams. Off of 2AA instead of j.2C, supplement (2A) 2A 2C with (5A) 2A 2C instead.

5B 2B timing is character dependent. Delay the 2B or do it asap as necessary! Otherwise 2B will whiff or you won't have enough time for 2C (2A) 2A 2C.

Immediate 2B: Arcueid, Hisui, Kohaku, Kouma, Satsuki, Sion, V.Sion

Slightly delayed 2B: Ciel, Len, Miyako, Nero, Roa, Warakia, Warcueid, White Len

Delayed 2B: Aoko, Akiha, S.Akiha, V.Akiha, Nanaya, Riesbyfe, Ryougi, Tohno Shiki

2AA or j.2C 6C 4C 2B 2C 5C 2C (2A) 6C 2C 5[B] 4C 63214A

Fancy ass combo that can mess up their timing to reduce damage. Does slightly more than the basic combo and slightly less than its advanced variation.

2AA or j.2C 4C 5C 2C 6C 2C (2A) 6C 2C 5[B] 4C 63214A

Yet another fancy corner combo, the damage is similar to the previous combo.


Unlike most Crescent Moon characters, C-Akiha is not as reliant on the reverse beat mechanic since she has specials such as TK Flame Ribbons and 214B Flame Pillar at her disposal, along with the option of EX Flame Ribbons. However, Akiha can only use her specials in blockstrings after she's instilled the fear of her staggered normals... let's review her moveset.

Normals of interest...
staggered 2As are a fine place to start. 5B, 5C, and 4C all move you forward. 2B and 2C are great if you smell a high shield. Any C move whiff cancelled to 5A is +1 on block. 5B is -3 on block. Once they've become scared of your staggered normals you can take some risks and capitalize with dash in high/low/throw, IAD j.A mixup, or use a special (214B, tk.236A). You can also capitalize on their fear by inserting a long enough gap in your pressure to allow an attack to fully recover so you can gain back all your options. For this purpose, I suggest 2A, 5A, or 5B.

Specials of interest...
214B and tk.236A are both very advantageous on block. Use them once they've become scared of your normals and learn to react to the various situations accordingly (ie counterhit on mashers, follow into aerial if they tried to jump a pillar, dash in and mixup on block...) 214B's startup is slow (33f), players with sharp reflexes can punish you on reaction to the startup animation if they're in range so avoid overusing this move. If you don't mind burning meter to maintain your pressure, using a 236C after a C move on block is an option as well.

tk.236A at the fastest is 29f and will beat most lows but you cannot cancel normals on block to this special as it requires jumping. The closer you do this, the more frames you'll get, but the more of a risk you'll put yourself at. Learn to do tk.2368A or tk.2367A as they are much safer (this is a must on Nero and Warakia as their pokes have amazing reach). You can also superjump tk.2369A for amazing forward momentum but it's more risky and it adds at least 13f of startup. tk.236B is another viable albeit inferior option if you cannot tk.2367A reliably and they both work great against heat activations and some reversals.


Akiha's okizeme game after her throws, 623B, and 2C is very respectable as she has a lot of options to work with but her air throw knockdown is very weak. After setting up an EX Flame Pit in the corner, her mixup becomes amazing and if respected, she can get two chances to mixup and on top of her pressure, she can get multiple chances to mix them up.

Off of Akiha's ground throws, she gets more than enough time to mix them up. Backing off and doing a meaty pillar, tk.2368A, or tk.2367A is great for baiting most reversal attempts since you'll be out of range to get hit and you'll maintain your advantage. Walking backwards a little bit and using a tk.2369A right as they're getting up creates an ambiguous crossup. You may also simply jump over them or use neutral jump momentum to create another ambiguous mixup; delay your jump so your landing is synchronized with their wakeup timing.

Investing in an EX Flame Pit will set you up for the ultimate okizeme. Ignite the pit to punish any possible attempts to escape your pressure and on block, you'll have enough frame advantage to safely dash in and do your 50/50 high/low. If they are willing to respect your options and block on wakeup, you can save your pit ignition and capitalize by just dashing in and doing your 50/50 high/low or grabbing them, giving you another chance at mixup. In the case that your mixup does get blocked, you'll have your standard pressure options. Know your enemy as depending on their reversal options, they may very well have to block(ie Full Moons don't have heat activation or they might not have any viable wakeup reversals, etc).

Half Moon

H-Akiha does the most damage out of all her grooves but her j.2C is not an overhead and outside of her normals, her zoning capabilities and corner game are nowhere near as strong as her counterparts save for auto-igniting pits. Thanks to her new j.C, her offense can be considered superior in the sense that it gives her a real crossup game that works even outside of okizeme but now she no longer has an air normal that hits above her.

Normal Moves

Most of H-Akiha's moveset is identical to C-Akiha's. The only moves that are really different are: 5A, JC, and J2C. In addition, H-Akiha also has 6A and 6AA.

5A [Mid]

H's 5A stretches a bit lower than C's and its reach is a little longer than it's 2A. Because if its placement, it hits everyone's crouch and is +1 on block, so easy to mix in for combos. It does not really have much function as a straight up anti air, of course.

6A [Mid]

A low kick that comes after 5A. Even if its it blocked, you can normal and special cancel it so it is great for combos and blockstrings. Since it comes out of 5A, you can do it even if 5A whiffs; you can do stuff like [N]C 5A(whiffs) 6A for combos.

6A -> A [Mid]

As a follow up to 6A, Akiha does a strike to the gut while stepping in. This move launches the opponent. Leading into this move, then picking it up for the rest of the combo leads to H-Akiha's big damage combos. You can only special cancel this on block, but the fact that most of akiha's supers have slow start ups and/or are not suitable for pressure makes 6AA weak for blockstrings... But its not that bad since it is just -1F on block.

JC [Overhead]

Aka JV. The basic use is the same as the one that Full moon has, but since you can reverse beat and air dash cancel it in H-Moon, you can use almost any way you want for guard breaks. For zoning, you definitely want this move for feeling out opponents that are below you. You can set up some real nasty zoning with this and 22X used in tandem. For air vs air situations, unless you have confidence in getting it out completely, you should take a move reserve approach in throwing this out. Just as you see, the move has a hit box at the back of the move as well, so the best way to use this is probably in a hit-and-run fashion like you going to pass right through them, or during the recovery time of an opponents air dodge.

J2C [Mid]

This is also similar to Full moons J2C. You keep your momentum and on hit you get an untechable knockdown; you can also OTG after it. It is really hard to combo with but if you are extremely low to the ground, you can combo into 2A. You can also use this move in pressure and zoning at times.

Special Moves

- 236 [Mid]: Ribbons

Akiha does a little hop and throws out her signature ribbon. Visually similar to her tiger knee J236A ribbon from her Crescent version, but it is not as good.

236A: Akiha hops forwards low to the ground and throws out a single ribbon. It has a smaller hit box than her J236A ribbons of her Crescent version with limited vertical range. Starts up slow, hits once, but it is plus on block and you can combo after a successful hit. However, it can whiff against some crouching opponents at close range, and you can not do anything until she lands, so it has very limited uses. Do not use this as a tech punish like you would with her tiger knee J236A from her past versions, you will die!

236B: Akiha hops backwards low to the ground and throws out a single ribbon. Other than her hopping in the other direction, it is the same as her 236A ribbon, but with an even smaller vertical hit box that whiffs against many crouching characters. It is pretty much useless.

236C: Akiha takes a slightly higher hop forward and throws out multiple ribbons. It has a large hit box, deals a significant amount of damage, and hits 8 times. This too can whiff your certain crouching opponents.

- J236 [Mid]: Flame Webs

Akiha does a little twirl in the air and leaves a web of flames behind. The webs themselves will visually appear but will not hit until a little later when it dissipates. All versions of the web have slow start up (especially the J236B version) but are very active. Best to only use it as a meaty projectile on your opponent's wake up.

J236A: Akiha will leave a web in the same horizontal plane of where the move was inputted. It hits once when it becomes active as the web dissipates. Though it takes a shorter amount of time for Akiha to set the web, she is not able to do anything until she lands. You can tiger knee into the move after a sweep, or after a very low J2C knockdown to set up a meaty projectile against your opponent. It can not be shielded against if set up properly. The web disappears if you get hit.

J236B: Like the J236A version, the web itself is the same with a couple of exceptions. Akiha takes a lot longer setting the web, so it can not be set immediately like the other two versions. She can however move around and attack after she sets the web. It is best if you special cancel into it after a J2C knockdown. Akiha will fall a little before she sets up the web due to the slower start up. Some timing and spacing is involved to set it just right above the ground over your opponent. Special cancel too early or too high, and it will whiff above your opponent on their wake up. Do it too late and she will land before she is able to set one at all. Best used in the corner, but can be done after a midscreen J2C knockdown with proper combo spacing beforehand. Disappears when Akiha gets hit.

J236C: The biggest and baddest of them all. The EX version has a larger hit box and does more damage in comparison to the other webs as expected, but it has an added bonus. The EX web does not disappear when Akiha is hit. So you can go in for the kill with a little more confidence. It will appear in the same horizontal plane like the J236A version, so you can set it up the same way. You can not however move or attack until you land.

- 623 [Mid][Air unblockable]: Dragon Punch




- 214 [Mid][Air unblockable]: Flame Pillars

With a little flick of her wrist she summons a pillar from the ground which launches on hit. It is best used during pressures strings to prevent jump outs and mashing. All versions are unblockable in the air with very high vertical range.

214A: A pillar appears about two character lengths in front of her from the ground. It has a quick start up, high vertical range, but slow recovery. Therefore, you can not combo afterwards unless your opponent gets counter hit. It has very few uses in pressure or combo, since it is minus on block and nothing can really be done afterwards.

214B: The most useful out of the bunch when it comes to pressure. It has longer start up, but has shorter recovery, which allows you to combo afterwards with or without a counter hit. Like the 214A version, the pillar appears about 2 character lengths in front of her, but the distance can be controlled by holding down the B button. Stagger into it during pressure or use it on your opponent's wake up. It will stuff almost everything when spaced properly, but do not spam it as your opponents can dash in on you if you make it obvious.

214[B]: When the B button is held, the pillar will appear further away at a max range of about six character lengths. At max range it will hit twice, so a combo after a counter hit is not possible. Of course the obvious drawback of the longer range is it will start up slower, so you usually want to hold it for a fraction of a second at most. Unless if you want to give your opponent time to escape or possibly retaliate.

214C: The EX version is the biggest and most damaging of all the pillars of course with it's greatest use as a full screen punish. It automatically homes in on your opponent and lets loose. So with it's relatively quick start up, you can punish your opponent's summons, Heat activations, or random stupidity if you react quick enough. Hits 8 times so a combo afterwards is not possible, but it has a very high vertical range. You can use it as a full screen ground to air unblockable as well, but it will whiff against many air dashing opponents, and can be shielded easily if they are in a neutral state in the air.

- 22 [Mid]: Mat




- 41236C [Mid][Close range unblockable]: Arc Drive

Combos and Strategies

2AA 5C 6C 4C 5A 6AA 4C 2C BE5BB j.BC sdj.C 2C
Practical, good meter, moves you on top of them and puts them close to the corner from anywhere, but with you in the corner.

2AA 5C 6C 4C 5A 6AA 2A 2C BE5B 4C (j.A) j.BC sdj.C 2C
Proper fullscreen to corner combo. Use j.A for the relaunch if j.B is not connecting.

2AA 5C 6C 4C 5A 6AA 4C 5C 2C 5A (whiff) 6AA 2C 4C 5BB j.BC sdj.C 2C
Delay the 4C 5BB after 2C a large amount.

2AA 5C 6C 4C 5A 6AA 4C 5C 2C 5A (whiff) 6AA 6C 2C 5A (whiff) 6AA j.BC sdj.C 2C
This is a really cool combo, like 3% less meter, more damage though.

2AA 6C 4C 5A 6AA 5A 2C 2A (whiff) 5A 2C 5[B] 5C 4C j.BC dj.BC 2C
Is a cool combo. Dunno if you can do 5[B] after 2C.

2AA 5C 6C 4C 5A 6AA 2A 2C BE5B 4C 5C j.BC sdj.C 2C j236B
Combo with meaty flameorb setup. The 4C and 5C after BE5B are interchangeable, each one gives slightly different spacing.

2AA 5C 6C 4C 5A 6AA 4C 6C 5C 2C BE5BB j.BC sdj.C 2C j236B
More damaging variation. The delay on the flameorb should be relative to the height.

Shield Counter:
5D 2C BE5B 4C j.BC sdj.C 2C
Easy version.

5D 4C 5C 2C 5A 6AA 2C BE5B 4C j.BC sdj.C 2C
Optimal version. 4C and 5C in the beginning are interchangeable, but you must hit them as low to the ground as possible.

Mixup example:
After you have a meaty j236B set up in the corner, you are free to go for the mixup. Jump towards them and do a j.C, then airdash cancel into another j.C. As you're landing you can go into j.B 2A or feint the j.B and go directly into a low by regulating the height.

Full Moon

F-Akiha's neutral game is not as flexible as her Crescent Moon counterpart in the sense that you cannot (and rightfully don't need to) be aggressive, but her corner game is extremely strong. Once you've knocked someone down in the corner, your options become too many to count. However your high/low mixup is practically nonexistent until you've knocked them down in the corner with a pit setup.

Normal Moves

5A(mid) - Standing jab. Reaches roughly about the same height as her Crescent/Half moon 5A.

2A(low) - Standard low jab with a different animation. Has less recovery than a regular 2A and is actually +3 on block.

5B(low) - Totally different move, she hits low with a shin kick. -1 on block. Although it hits low, it can be shielded high.

2B(low) - The same as her Crescent and Half-Moon's 2BB but it actually hits low and the second hit will come out automatically if you don't cancel it.

5C(mid) - Moves her forward momentum and wallslams airborne opponents.

4C(mid) - Has the same hitbox as her other moons but in Full her 4C will launch grounded opponents. It can also be used to beat pokes if timed correctly.

6C(mid) - Akiha lifts her leg forward and places her foot into the opponent. Keeps opponent stationary when hit can only be special canceled.

2C(low) - Has a different animation from her Crescent/Half moon, seems to have a smaller hitbox but its possible to still anti-air with it but very risky.

3C(mid) - Once again this move is borrowed from her Crescent and Half-Moon counterparts, it's the animation from the follow-up portion of 5BB. Has some excellent vertical range. Can be super jump canceled.

j.A(high) - Jump jab, this attack angles upwards/forwards.

j.B(high) - A jump kick, this attack also angles upwards. Also looks like it can crossup in some situations. A good move to air-to-air with.

j.C(high) - The amazing j.C, nice priority and huge cross-up hitboxes. Angles downwards

j.2C(mid) - No longer an overhead, and has some odd momentum associated with it. Doesn't completely stop her momentum like Crescent Akiha's j.2C but doesn't completely retain it either. Has crossup hitboxes and knocks down airborne opponents. Also, the hitbox of this move is really misleading, as it doesn't hit above her, or even in front of her at all. It pretty much only hits below her. So in combos, a super double jump will almost always be necessary to get Akiha at the right height for j.2C to connect. Can be blocked high or low.

Special Moves

 236 Ribbons/Flametongues:unless you're using the EX version, this move isn't really worth using unless it is the aerial version or tigerkneed.

236A - Arcs from low to high, 3 hits, EX Cancel-able.Fairly safe on block, but kills your momentum unless you cancel into 236C or 214C; there's no real reason to use this.

236B:Arcs from high to low, 1 hit, EX Cancel-able.Unsafe on block but can be used as a anti-air on reaction, this should never be used for the most part.

236C:EX move.Gives significant frame advantage on block, primarily used as a part of OTG strings to tech punish and for corner blockstrings if your opponent respects you enough to not jump/hit you out of the start up.Worthless for guard breaking C/F-moon opponents, as it gives a lot of guard meter back for EX guarding.

 j236 Air Ribbons/Flametongues:the superior version of the flame ribbons, they have great range and active frames. 

j236A:Arcs from low to high, 1 hit.The trajectory isn't as useful as Crescent's, but it retains aerial momentum as well as aerial options if you recover before landing.A useful TK move, as it can be used to create cross-up situations, much like Crescent's.

j236B:Very steep low arc, 1 hit.This kills your aerial momentum and makes you pop forward a bit.Frame advantage on block, retains aerial options after recovering.Good for maintaining pressure in the corner when TK'd if your opponent respects you also on counter hit it lands you a nice combo.

j236[B]:Same arc as above, but this one is 2 hits. Recovers faster than j236B, leading to massive frame advantage on block.The hits must be shielded separately.Used in the same situations as a normal j236B; you'll want to vary between them to keep opponents guessing also hard to pickup on counter hit.

j236C:EX move and Identical to Crescent's. Frame advantage on block, but not as much as the ground version's; there isn't much reason to choose this over 236C.

 623 Momiji:A very mediocre move for Akiha Tohno but still has some worth as a move.

623A:Has some upper body invincibility, but only the first hit is air unblockable. You also get nothing off the knockdown, and it's punishable on whiff/block, making for a mediocre anti-air. However, if you really need/want to swat the opponent out of the air, this move is fairly reliable against many jump-ins.

623B:Has lower body invincibility and leads to the same solid knockdown as other moons, but is less useful as F-Akiha has better options for ending combos.EX cancelable before Akiha leaves the ground.Very punishable on block/whiff, so not something you want to throw out at random, if ever.

623C:EX move.Has a bit of full body invincibility on start up, but is also slow to start up and very punishable on block/whiff, making for a mediocre reversal.Should be used sparingly, if at all.

 214 Flame Pit:A very good move.It's very good for zoning,in combos, and block strings.

214A:Creates a small puddle that slowly travels along the floor as long as A is held until it either hits the opponent or dissipates. 1 hit, EX cancel-able.Dissipates if Akiha is hit/blocks and before traveling full screen. Primarily used in block strings and combos.

214B:Creates a larger puddle that travels faster than the A version and doesn't require a button to be held. Travels full screen, but dissipates if Akiha is hit/blocks. 2 hits, the second hit leads a techable knockdown on hit, EX cancelable. Can be used mid screen to make your opponent jump, but it has a fair amount of recovery. Primarily used in blockstrings and F-Akiha's more damaging combos.

214C:EX move.Creates a large set of puddles that travel quickly across the screen. Generally 2 hits if it hits, 2-5 on block. Gives frame advantage on block in most situations.Not terribly useful outside of possible shock value or burning meter at full screen to avoid going into Max.

 421 Flame Web:Also very good move.It's very good for zoning,oki, and gimmicks.

421A:Creates a web in front of Akiha. 1 hit, air unblockable, and is not EX-cancelable. Primarily used for oki and the unblockable setup, also has some use in corner blockstrings if your opponent respects you. These deal a large amount of damage (around 1.4k) up front that doesn't prorate, leading to some of F-Akiha's most damaging combos. Also does a respectable amount of guard bar damage. However, the webs take a fair amount of time before they activate and disappear if Akiha is hit (but not if she blocks). This is the only version that will hit crouching opponents, but certain moves will slide under it.

421B:Creates a web further away and slightly higher up. 1 hit, air unblockable, EX cancelable. Primary usage is oki if you didn't land on top of an opponent after a j2C, mid screen unblockable setups, and corner blockstrings if your opponent respects you. Does not hit crouching opponents. Disappears if Akiha is hit.

421C:Creates a web even further away (approximately half screen at maximum stage zoom-out) and even further higher up. Same properties as the B version, but the distance makes it of very limited usefulness.

 22 Flame Pillar:F-Akiha Tohno best move.It's very good for zoning,oki,gimmicks,block strings,anti-air,punishing, and etc.

22A:Creates a pit in front of Akiha that persists for 4 seconds as long as any button is held down, erupts into a flame pillar on release. At 1 second of charge time, it grows a bit higher and becomes air unblockable. At about 2 seconds, it becomes extremely tall, hits 3 times, and is air unblockable. EX cancelable. Appears at the same distance in front of Akiha as 421A. This is quite possibly F-Akiha's best move, as it is the base of her frame trap game (just beware EX Hiero-type moves), corner lockdown, fuzzy guard, serves as an anti-air for many common trajectories, and is a critical part in her most damaging combos. These have an interesting property of "remembering" which way Akiha was facing when set, leading to a vacuum effect if you cross up and the opponent blocks the pillar a few seconds later.

22B:Identical in all properties to A variant, but appears further away, at the same distance as 421B. Useful in blockstrings if you properly space for it, or to quickly tap the opponent if they're in its range.

22C:Identical in all properties to A/B, but appears even further away; around half screen at max stage zoom-out, same distance as 421C. However, the distance limits its usefulness, serving primarily as a way to score a quick hit if the opponent is sitting in its range.

Combos and Strategies

Beginner/Intermediate combos:

2A 5B 2B 2C 4C jB jC sj jC j2C

Video example:

Basic air combo into Oki or OTG->Oki: Omit the 5b/2b according to the situation. (421B,IH,DASH,AD=unblockable setup)

2A 5B 5C 4C jB jC sj jC j2C -> OKI/OTG

Video example: Same stuff as above but does more overall damage.

Corner-carry combo:

2A 5B 5C 4C jAAA air dash jAA sdj jC j2C

This combo sacrifices some damage for emphasis on pushing the opponent into the corner, where F-Akiha is strongest. If this doesn't push your opponent into the corner (should only happen if you start it from the other end of the stage), they'll be very close and likely in position for 421B/22B as oki.

Arc Drive cancel B&B:

2A 5B 2B 2C 4C 623B xx 41236C

Video example:

Advanced combos:

2AA 5B 6C 214B 5B 4C jB jC sj jC j2C

Video example:

2AA 5B 6C 214B 2C 4C jB jC sj jC j2C

Video example:

2A 5B 6C 214B 2C 4C 623B xx 41236C(AD cancel mid screen)

Video example:

Wallslams/corner combos:

2A 5B 5C 6C 214B 5A 5C 6C 2369[B] land jB jC sj jC j2C

Video example:

2A 5B 5C 6C 214B 6C 6C 2369[B] land jB jC sj jC j2C

Video example:

Alternative style, no OTG string possible afterwards:

2A 5B 5C 6C 214B 6C 214A 5A 5C jB jC sdj jC j2C

Video example:Same stuff as above but Alternative style.

A bit harder plus a bit more damage:

2A 5B 5C 6C 214B 5B 5C 2369[B] 5A 3C jC jC sj jC j2C

Video example:

requires 22A set under opponent:



5B 5C 6C 623B [22A] jC sdj jC j2C OTG


5B 5C 6C 214B 6C 623B [22A] jC sdj jC j2C NO OTG

The pillar release has to be timed so that it hits opponent after they bounce and as they are falling.

Initiative Heat combo:

2A 5B 5C 4C jB jC sj jC j2C (while falling) IH jC land jA jC sj jC j2C

The j.c after the IH must be done close to the ground to allow the rejump part to land validly.

Air CH/Pickups/Shield Counter combos:

2C 4C air combo

2B 5C 4C air combo


2A 5AAA 5B 2C 4C 22A xx 236C. alternatively, after the 2C you can to 6C instead of 4C

This OTG string can vary but for the most part this will put you in the best situation for oki because your opponent will have to do 2 things: 1) Any direction they tech will be caught by the 236C for a follow up, 2) They dont tech and have to respect the 22 pit that is sitting under them. By the time they stand the 22 pit will have charged long enough to be air unblockable or take off a good chuck of guard bar.

Corner Mixup/Fuzzy Guard

Requires pillar set:

(22[A]) IAD jB ->

Fuzzy: jC dj(7) jC

jB dj(7) jC

jC dj(7) jC j2C

Low mixup: This is the trickiest F-Akiha gets as far as high/low mixup goes. For the fuzzy, the pillar release needs to be timed so that you have sufficient time to land and rejump to tack on the air combo. The low mixup can be started with 2A, but that will require more button-shuffing, so adjust accordingly. As far as setting this up goes, the simplest ways are to OTG or have an opponent block a string that leads into 22[A] xx 236C (requires that the opponent doesn't tech(OTG) or jump out (blockstring) and IAD after 236C. You can also lead into it with an IH'd string:

anything 22A IAD etc

This has some strict timing with the IH; you have to release A, and then IH and re-hold A as the pillar is forming. Doing this too slowly results in the pillar triggering as you IH, ruining the setup.


F-Akiha's oki is pretty basic, yet incredibly effective. In all situations where your opponent is knocked down at your feet, your optimal oki will be 421A. This sets up a nasty guessing game where you can opt to poke, throw, or let the web force your opponent to block/try to escape while you respond and punish accordingly. A meaty 2A will beat jump outs, throws, and non-invincible options your opponent may try, while throws will beat them respecting the web/your ability to poke or shielding, leading to a 2k+ throw+web combo that resets the situation. Doing nothing beats the 1A+D option select, leaving them to contend with the web (if they hold shield, throw; if the web hits, combo). Arc Drive leads to the unblockable setup that most characters can't escape without taking some damage (off a throw, you'll have to dash into AD to land the unblockable; the timing is extremely tight)

In situations where the opponent is knocked down 2-3 character widths away (common after j2C), 421B and dash 2369A are your better options. 421B can be IH'd into an unblockable AD setup, and the TK flametongue should tag most opponents getting up and cross up.



This is not where you want to be. While F-Akiha has a wide array of tools that cover a fairly impressive amount of space, they generally have long start up (webs) or move too slowly/push the opponent too far away (pits) to be particularly useful midscreen. As far as establishing pressure goes, most players generally perform minor zoning with aerial ribbons, camping a pillar, or throwing out a pit to force the opponent to move. It's important to try not to get into a fireball war, as F-Akiha's specials are more suited to a setup style of play (and pits/pillars dissipate if you block something); try to match projectiles with characters who have traditional variations, and you will lose. Once you force your opponent to block and you're in a position to follow up, short chains of staggered normals, tic throws, and frame traps with pillars is generally about as elaborate as you can get.


This is where things get fun. F-Akiha's corner pressure has two distinct styles; with and without a pillar set under the opponent. The latter is similar to her midscreen pressure, while the former allows you to make use of her numerous specials to create long chains that tear through an opponent's guard meter fairly quickly.

Without a pillar:

As stated, this is very similar to midscreen pressure, but with the addition of the opponent being cornered making 22A/B significantly stronger pressure tools. A short chain ending with a pillar allows you to create a frame trap with a gap of your choice. A brief pause between setting the pillar and activating it gives you sufficient time to dash back in and perform another string. Longer pauses yield larger frame advantage, and sufficiently training your opponent to respect the frame trap can lead to them allowing you to start another string without activating the pillar set under them. Of course, you'll have to be careful about pressuring opponents with a fully invincible start-up move; ending chains with pillars that aren't airtight is a free punish when up against characters like C-Ciel, F-Ries, H-Nanaya, etc.

With a pillar:

This is F-Akiha at her most dangerous, as an opponent sitting on a pillar is facing two threats; Akiha's direct assault, further enhanced by the pillar enabling her to perform her fuzzy guard (IAD jB any time there's a pillar with around 2 seconds left on it), and the pillar itself waiting to go off underneath them. Pressure in this situation can get a lot more elaborate by utilizing the pillar to cover the start-up of F-Akiha's slower specials (web, TK charged ribbon), and using the frame advantage these usually provide to set another pillar or continue pressure if you didn't activate the one already set (though you should keep track of how long it's been sitting so as not to have it dissipate and go to waste). Varying the point at which you release the pillar is critical here, as this is what controls where the gaps are in this style of pressure. As always, you should be aware of any methods your opponent may have for punishing gaps in your strings and proceed with due caution.

Lockdown and Guard Breaking

When aiming to guard break, emphasis should be placed on slipping webs into your strings, as they make short work of an opponent's guard meter. For example, the following string of:

2A 5B 5C 22[A] (opponent respects pillar) dash 2B(1) 5C [22A]421A 5C [22A] 5B 5C 22[A] 421A (opponent respects pillar+web) 2369[B] dash 5B 5C [22A]421A

Will guard break C/F characters when the last web hits (EX guarding will require you to lengthen the string), giving you a full combo with a fresh pillar, which can translate to a 4-6k combo. These strings are fairly free-form as long as you maintain a pillar under your opponent at all times. You should also keep in mind which moves allow for which followups. Webs provide sufficient time to set a pillar and resume pressure (provided you're close enough) if the start up is respected. Charged TK flametongue lets you set a pillar or dash in and pressure, but not both unless your opponent really respects you. Pits (214 series) are the least useful for maintaining pressure, but can be slipped into the middle of a string to maintain lockdown at a distance provided there's a pillar under your opponent; in these situations, a web or 2369A should be used to keep the string going.

There are a few situations that should be given attention when guard breaking. In addition to the situation mentioned above (guard break with pillar on screen), having a web hit after a guard break and comboing off it into F-Akiha's longer corner combos will give you 5-7k damage pretty easily. If a web hits after a guard break with a pillar still present, 6-7k+ is easily possible; if you also go into Max in time to add an IH extension to your combo and your opponent eats the unblockable setup afterward, they're probably dead. Of course, with EX guarding, varying guard meter levels, and trying to maintain tight strings, it's difficult to plan for these situations; but they can arise, and should be taken advantage of whenever possible.

As for escape methods, jumping is generally punished by the webs or activating the pillar to tag the opponent's jump; this will ideally lead to a short air combo (2-4k, depending on what hits) into j2C knockdown with 421A oki. Shields can be dealt with by throws or using strings that keep you out of range of most shield counters. Half Moon shield bunkers are probably the most problematic; baiting them is best done with more conservative strings utilizing F-Akiha's safer normals.

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