Melty Blood/MBAACC/Shiki Nanaya/Crescent Moon

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Normal Combos

5A/2A, 2B, 2C, 5C, j.BC, j.BC, AT

Basic beginner BnB

(2A/j.C), 2B, 5C, 214B

Far range BnB

(5A/2A/j.C), 2B, 5C, 2C, 5BB, 22C, j.BC, j.BC, AT

Close range BnB

(2A/j.C)2B 5C 214B 8/9 22 214B 2C 214A

Meterless corner 214A ender.After the first 214B you tiger knee the fastfall,the 214B after the fastfall should be the close(launcher) version.

(2A/j.C)2B 5C 214B 9...

            ...j.B j.BC j.BC AT 
            ...22 2C 5BB 2A j.BC j.BC AT
           ...22 2C 214B 2C 5bb 22C j.BC j.BC AT 

Metered Combos

(5A/2A/j.C) 2B 5C 2C 5BB 22C 236C 2C 214A

Midscreen 214A ender combo (requires 100% meter,but 236C gives back about 11.5% meter)

(2A/5A,j.B/C), 5B, 5C, 2C, 2B (slight delay), 623C, 2A, 5B, j.BC, j.BC, AT

Corner combo (requires 100% meter)



They see me slidin'...they hatin'

A pressure based character with overall limited mobility but great pressure. A very simple character for beginners to pick up and play, however ultimately hard to win with in higher levels of play. He has problems in neutral against most of the cast, but once he gets in it's his turn! His pressure is based off a small amount of normals, and rely heavily on staggers, so pressuring well with C-Nanaya will test a player's brain and mindset.

Move Descriptions

Normal Moves

2A [Mid]

A mashable knife-hand to the legs. This move is good for combos, pressure, and mashing out in general. The placement of the hit box is pretty high so you could use it to hit the opponents landing recovery. You'll also be using it to pick up air counter hits as fast as possible.

5A [Mid]

This 5A is mashable and empty cancellable. This is not quite the same 5A as from MBAC, as it has about four frames more recovery.Very good for anti-airing IAD's or poorly spaced air normals,since it tends to trade/win alot. Now, the main uses for it is for reverse beats and to punish certain moves or guard breaks. You get a good bit of untech-time after it hits so you can follow it up with a j.B or 623C for a combo.

2B [Low]

A long-reaching leg shank. Great for throwing a quick move in, killing mash-outs and high Shields. It has excellent speed and reach,and recently was allowed to preserve dash momentum,and the range is deceptively long. You can only connect to 5C when you hit the opponent with the end of 2B so you need to be aware of your distance from the opponent.

5B [Mid]

Still has clash like in MBAC, but has been changed a bit. 5B is great for wreaking opponents low shield.It can hit crouchers so it can tag people from a bit of a distance away,and being +1 advantage on block makes it quite attractive as a blockstring ender.

5B -> B [Mid]

This is the follow up to 5B, it launches the opponent on hit. This move has auto-HJC and is chargeable. There really is not any use for this move outside of combos as you cannot cancel it on block. You could use this for combos after a 2C (->2B 5BB [Air]), and you can cancel it any way after hit, but on block you'll definitely eat a counter hit from any move with a bit of reach. The high jump cancel works by pressing up right after hitting with the follow up 5B, just slide the stick up after hitting. You cannot do it by holding up.

5B -> [B] [Overhead]

If you charge it to the max, 5BB becomes an overhead. You can special cancel it on hit on block. Because of that, you should cancel into 22C to make it safe on block, or follow up with an air combo since the opponent cannot air tech it. You can't cancel it into another move like a low for a high low so all the opponent has to do it block high.

2C [Low]

A slide with really good horizontal movement. You can add your dash momentum to the it and in general it does a good job of punishing landing recovery even if they are far away from you.It has alot of forward movement,and can be cancelled late,making it a stable of Nanaya's blockstrings.Your tech punisher of choice, use it anywhere if you smell a tech: chances are this will catch it.

5C [Mid]

A chargeable stab that has moves forward quite a good bit, making it easy to push the opponent to the corner of the stage during blockstrings. Using 5C to shorten the gap between you and your opponent, then reverse beating for a good bit of +frames works on most characters and is still staple Nanaya play.

5[C] [Overhead]

The charge version of 5C becomes an overhead. You can also be creative with the move, making high-low mixups with things like 5{C} -> 2B. The follow up for this overhead can be 5B, 236A then an EX cancel, or just a jump cancel, all into air combos.

j.A [Mid]

An air-to-air poke.Don't just throw this out,use it when you know the opponent will do something/are in range of the opponent.

j.B [Overhead]

A two-hit air swipe, you can cancel the first hit of the move into anything. The best place to use this move is right in front of the opponent, with the tip of the move. For air-to-air, you should cancel the first hit into j.C, so that if you get an air CH you can pick them up into an air combo. You can also easily use this move after IAD and fuzzies.

j.C [Overhead]

An air knife thrust with decent range.This move has decent start-up and vital to Nanaya's zoning. This move has a good hitstun so you can follow up with a combo easily.

Ground Throw

Standard ground throw.Does about 1400 damage,but on average it will do less because of reverse beats.

Air Throw

Nanaya's airthrow has a few +frames on it, but if you and your opponent are not in the corner, the match goes to neutral.

Special Moves

Sensa・Hattenshou 「閃鞘・八点衝」 - 236ABC
  • Nanaya takes a stance and proceeds to doing a series of quick slashes.
  • (A version) - This is the version you will use the most. It has fast startup, a good hitbox, and is -1 on block; a staple of Nanaya's pressure. It tends to trade a lot with attacks/specials and has a deceptively large hittable box. EX cancellable so if you can confirm it into 623C you can continue into a combo.
  • (B version) - The B version has more start-up but more hits and damage than the A version. No real use for this move except screwing some shield timings.
  • (EX version) - Comes out decently fast, and does very good damage for a standalone EX.This move is now air untechable on hit so you combo into a hard knockdown anywhere on the screen.You can also make your DP's safe by EX cancelling the first hit into this move. It's negative on block, so don't think you can do anything after it.One of his most important(and improved)moves.
Sensou Rikuto 「閃走・六兎」 - 623ABC
  • These are Nanaya's dragon punches (dragon kicks are more like it)
  • (A version) - Upper body invincibility. Can be useful to counter hit opponents out of the air, since it only hits airborne opponents once. EX cancellable.
  • (B version) - Full body invincibility. This is your reversal of choice. EX cancellable.
  • (EX version) - More invincibility frames than the B version. No real reason to use this as a reversal, since B version gets the job done very well. Main use is in combos.
    • Note - Hitting a button at the end of the move will cause Nanaya to perform an airthrow type move which will send them back to the ground. Think of this like how Shiki Tohno's 623A/B/C series was in MBAC with a knockdown ender. It will throw the opponent behind you. So a example would be that you did a 623 facing right, your final throw ender will send them back to the left.
Sensa~ 「閃鞘~」 - 214ABC
  • These are Nanaya's 'offensive' teleports.
  • (A version: Hassen) - After a fairly long start-up, Nanaya teleports to the opponent and slashes their throat. This move hits overhead. Fairly safe on block.It can now OTG relaunch and provides a very lengthy hard knockdown that can be used for safe HEAT activations and mixups.
  • (B version: Nanaya) - (far) Nanaya preforms a half-screen slash. Main use of this move is in his long-range combos. Extremely punishable on block.It can now be jump-cancelled on hit making his long range combos very scary if you are near the corner.
  • (B version: Nanaya) - (close) Nanaya slashes through the opponent, launching them upwards. The opponent cannot air tech.Can follow up after it.
  • (EX version: Hitokaze) - After a fairly long start-up, Nanaya teleports near the opponent and throws them. This is a command grab.You are now in an air state right after it,so you can get an easy fastfall which-way.
Sensou・Suigetsu 「閃走・水月」 - 22ABC
  • Another set of teleports, these are more zoning related.
  • (A version) - Nanaya does an horizontal teleport, can be deceptively fast, not very useful for avoiding attacks though, can be good to end blockstrings once in a while with this, to keep your opponent on their toes.
  • (B version) - Nanaya does an vertical teleport, you are in a neutral jump state after this move and have all your air options after this move. The charge version of this move causes Nanaya to teleport to the opponent, no matter where they are on the screen,and by holding a direction he appears in different places. As before you have all your air options after this move.
  • (C version) - Nanaya assumes the teleport stance....and does nothing. This is the teleport feint, very useful in pressure for baiting reactions to the offensive teleports. One frequent use for this move is to reduce the recovery of Nanaya's 5B[B].
Fastfall - j.22
  • This is the Nanaya exclusive fastfall. It is used in a lot of mix-ups, high/low/throw and cross-ups.

Arc Drive

Sensa・Meigokushamon 「閃鞘・迷獄沙門」 - 41236C in HEAT or MAX
  • Nanaya slows time and does an arcing jump followed by a knife slash much like Tohno's Arc Drive. Hits mid provided that you do not hold 1, 2 or 3 for the lower version. Fully invincible during active frames. Can be blocked and is very slow. Only real use it has is if you read a laggy move, since this will past through it and hit them.
    • Holding any down motion during the arc drive causes the move's start-up and damage to decrease. It will also hit low.

You can now combo after it,but don't expect miracles in terms of damage output.

Another Arc Drive

Sensa・Meigokushamon 「閃鞘・迷獄沙門」 - 41236C in BLOOD HEAT
  • Nanaya assumes the same pose as his AD, but now creates a clone of himself that travels with him in order to cover a very large area if space on the screen. This is completely unblockable but is easily evaded by dodging. Could possibly be useful against Full Moon characters since they cannot dodge, but it is very risky otherwise.It is much faster now and you can easily combo into it.And you should because this move guarantees you your combo will take half of their health away,no matter the starter.

Last Arc

Kyokushi・Nanaya 「極死・七夜」 - Standing or crouching EX shield in BLOOD HEAT
  • Nanaya does a cool pose, then throws his knife at the opponent while teleporting behind their back and twisting their neck whist the knife hits. Does more damage the more heat gauge you have.

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