Melty Blood/MBAACC/Powered Ciel/Crescent Moon

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Normal Combos

  • First normal midscreen combos, the corner combos, then character specific combos

5C, 6C, 3C, 2C

Basic combo, you can also start from 5B.

2A, 5B, 2B, 5C, 3C, 6C, 6B, 2C, 3C, 6C, 6B, 2C, 3C, 6C, 4C, jc, j.236A~A

Very damaging BnB

2A, 5B, 2B, 5C, 3C, 6C, 6B, 2C, 3C, 6C, 4C, jc, j.236A~A, land > 236B~B, 214[A]

You can see both combos at work in this video (this video made from arcade)

Here goes the video from PC version vith various combos - (note that you need to press not 2C after first 5C, but 3C instead in the first combo)

5B, 2B, 5C, 6C, 236 B~C, 3C, 5C, J.C, 236AA

Metered Combos

  • ...

5C, 6C, 3C, 2C, 236C

Deals a decent amount on damage, may whiff on some small characters.


Do what you need to do to extrapolate on the character. Here are example categories below.




Move Descriptions

Normal Moves


Lookit dat fuckin hitbox. As you can tell this move is quite bad and shouldn't be used unless you're absolutely certain you NEED the extra speed. It has 5 frames of startup so don't get any stupid ideas about poking unless you can REALLY see a big hole. If you try to throw this around like you're playing Nanaya or something you will get your shit pushed in. You have far better choices for poking.


Pretty standard 5a. Some characters might have a use for this kind of 5a, but in C-Pciel's case this move is only 1f faster than 5b which is like the ultimate god-king of poking with this character. Don't ever press this button.


Bog-standard low poke. Again, while some characters might have a use for this move, C-Pciel has 5b which has the same startup as this move, covers the same area (and more) and doesn't have vulnerable startup like this move does. Pure combo filler.


Oh man, here it is. Look at that goddamn hitbox. That massive wall of hurtbox appears on frame 8 and lasts for 3 frames. This is your short-range poke of choice, due to being C-pciel's only non-C button move that doesn't present a massive vulnerable hitbox before its active frames. In layman's terms, you cant poke at this move's hitbox until it's already active. If you space yourself properly it can even make for a workable antiair. A core part of your moveset. Experiment with this move to get yourself a proper feel for how it works and what you can do with it.


A great little move. The first kick comes out on the 10th frame which would make it a reasonable antiair if you didn't have a dp with 4f startup. If you're feeling funky you can try to AA with this, being a 2-hit move you will get all the time in the world to hitconfirm it into 4c. Throwing this into your pressure strings will mindfuck the opponent a bit because of how weird it looks and the delay between the hits. This move is great for picking up grounded hits which is how the 6b loop works.


The sprite says it all, really. This is a love/hate move, you'll love slapping people out of their IADs using this and collecting 5k damage off the counterhit, and you'll froth at the mouth with rage when it whiffs on a croucher for the millionth time. The smaller crouching chars like len and kohaku will give you the most grief when trying to poke grounded opponents with this. With 20f recovery, you don't really want to whiff this, but it's not as bad on recovery you think it is. 11f startup may give you the temptation to use this over 5b at closerange due to only being 3f slower, but resist the temptation. What's crucial to note is that the very tip of this move will still combo into 236A, giving c-pciel by far the longest range combo into hard knockdown achievable in the entire game. Be ready to followup if you're poking long range targets with this. Charging it doubles the startup but moves you forward a large amount. It also creates a bigass green vulnerable hitbox in front of you before the active frames so be very cautious. Charged 5[C] will combo into 236[A] at any range but requires awkward timing; in the corner it reqires them to be high enough for the first hit of 236[A] to whiff.


Hard knockdown vs any airborne target. Crucial part of the 6b loop. Has a nice big meaty hurtbox but its' slower startup makes it a poor choice for poking when you could just be pressing 5b instead. One of your main uses of this move outside of the 6b loop is to catch air counterhits, 6b 3c will give you a brainless combo starter vs any airborne target. On charge, becomes a 24f startup overhead vs ground targets and will groundbounce airborne targets. You can half-charge this move into 3c for a basic high/low mixup.


This move is kind of like 2c, it makes for a servicable antiair if you struggle to get your dps out. It puts out a vulnerable box 2f before active and the hitbox isn't even that much better than 5b for ground poking, despite being 4f slower. This move is even slower than your huge enormous 5c which is just retarded. You shouldn't really be ever pressing this button but for some reason it seems to generate air CHs like crazy. YMMV.


Has some low invulnerability from frame 1 and full low invulnerability from frame 5. If you're VS a nanaya or tohno who love to press their sweeps a lot in neutral you can perhaps gimmick them with this. This move combos from 5c at all but the very edges of 5c's hitbox, but if you're working at extreme ranges then timing your 236B~C becomes extremely difficult and you should consider 236A instead. If you're going to be poking with this, you need to be good at adapting your combos since both of c-pciel's bnbs involve comboing into this move. You can either go back to 5c and then 236B~C, which is going to be fairly hard, or start a 6b loop and replace 6c with 5c for the first loop, with no timing adjustment required. If you're unconfident with either method then don't forget you always have the "easy option" of going into 236A and guaranteeing yourself that hard knockdown+corner carry.


Your sweep is 3c. Yes, this will piss you off a lot until you get used to it. But it's worth the effort since this is one of c-pciel's best normals. It's also your only good low move so you NEED to work a bit of this into your game to not get blown up for free by every shield spamming faggot with half a brain stem. If you hit this naked and want to pick up again, 2c or 5[C] works but you need to be FAST. If you're not some kind of wizard, cut your losses and press 236B~B to get them in the corner.


This move is fucking horrible but you're gonna have to use it cause there's nothing better when you need a jumping normal RIGHT NOW. 4f startup means it's fast, which is the only good thing I can say about it.


The only good thing I can say about this move is that it's 3f faster than j.C. Which still probably isn't a good enough reason to use it. Press j.C instead faggot.


AW SHIT HERE WE GO. This move, while just above-average in the context of this game's jumping normals, is fucking incredible in the context of c-pciel's otherwise shitawful selection. You can confidently go into air poking wars vs at least half the cast with this thing. It's pertinent to note that this has the same startup as j.236a, which could be a better choice in many situations, especially whenever you're finding yourself below someone. This also has a crossup hitbox so you can do lots of fun bullshit that makes people extremely frustrated. Just remember, this is an extremely poor jumpin. It WORKS, but it isn't good and it will let you down more often than not if you try to jump at most characters with it. Don't even THINK about jumping at someone like h/f-kouma with this move, what the fuck is wrong with you.

Special Moves

Name 「JP name」 - 236ABC
  • (Description) - Simply describe the move here and what it can be used for

  • (A version) - You rush at them with an active hitbox for the first hit and then kick them into the fucking sky like you're Hazama. What's crucial to know about this move is that you can combo into it from ANYWHERE off ANY grounded C normal that doesn't sweep. Get into the habit of pressing this whenever you poke with 5c, at that kind of range its safe in most situations. If you're ever unsure whether you can make a combo through "normal" methods, cut your losses and press this, it combos into j.C fairly easily. The hard knockdown is the most important thing.

  • (B version) YOUR MOST IMPORTANT SPECIAL MOVE, READ THIS FAGGOT: This rushes you forward like 236A, but for a much longer range, practically fullscreen when you include any of the enders. It has no offensive hitbox, but look at that yellow clashbox. LOOK VERY CLOSELY. You need to learn what you can and can't clash with this, it changes matchups drastically. You can clash stuff-fu, but if she throws double-horizontal you sometimes get hit out of it. You need to learn what you can and can't do with this move VS every character, because it's completely crucial to her game. What this move does is give you an incredibly powerful tool vs many characters who like to sit back and do shit at long range. Think C-nero, C-roa, F-aoko. You can use this to get right in Aoko's face when she tries to build a stupid orb fort and it's fucking hilarious. You can use it to slap C-nero out of his summons but if he does A snake or some kind of deer you're in trouble. What's crucial to this move is how fast it is compared with how slow everything else pciel has is. The truly hard part of using this move is choosing your ender, see below:

    • (A Ender) A massive pile bunker hit in front of you. Spaced properly, this is safe on block VS most TYPICAL stuff, but don't be surprised when faggot h-nanaya has a surprise for you after blocking this. Wallslams and does absolutely ridiculous damage and guard bar damage. Not like you're ever ever going to guardbreak anyone as fucking c-pciel but its a neat gimmick I guess. This is a safe anti-mash string ender VS most of the cast, you'll learn very quickly who not to press this against.

    • (B Ender) Antiair pile bunker. This is unsafe on block VS the entire cast, anyone can dash 2a punish this. Air unblockable, but that antiair hitbox just isn't as big as you'd like it to be, and because this move has to be preceded by the command dash, it's far too slow to realistically use as an antiair anyway. If you're playing vs some stupid cunt who loves to float around in the air all day with Hime this can be pretty funny and useful but you will get your shit pushed in if it ever whiffs or is blocked, since you're in CH state for the entire recovery.

    • (C Ender) - The flipkick from 236A's second hit, but with a twist: it's air untechable. This is the most common 236B ender you will use due to how safe it is while arguably being a better antiair than B ender. The key to being good with this character is learning how to use this move and how and when to poke with it. When spaced correctly, it should be safe vs almost all "normal" things in the game. If you screw up and do it pointblank and they block it, don't be surprised if f-nanaya is capable of wrecking your shit with 2b or something. Use this move to get right in the face of faggots like C-roa and kick him out of his stupid electricity fort. This move is surprisingly fast, but it's not fucking houtenjin so don't try to be a dumb prick with it.

  • (EX version) It's a pretty bad EX. It has no invulnerability but will sometimes bust through stuff anyway via the power of ancient aliens or something, I don't fucking know. This is just basically 236a with a better hitbox that gives you far less damage and no hard knockdown. Alternatively, it's 236B with an offensive hitbox but no followups. The one niche this move does have is that it carries on to the other side of the screen when you hit someone, as opposed to the non-EX moves which stop all movement when you hit someone (A) or press an ender (B). So this is the move to use if you want to hit nero out of his summons, but it sometimes even fails at that and gets chomped by C-nero's A-snake.
「」 - 623ABC
  • (Description) -

  • (A version) - These moves are fixed-scale like the normals, however the background has been removed (these are transparent although they may not appear it)

  • (B version)

  • (EX version)
「」 - 236ABC(airborne)
  • (Description) - ...

  • (A version) - ...

  • (B version) - ...

  • (C version) - ...
  「」 - 214ABC
  • (Description) - ...

  • (A version) - ...

  • (B version) - ...

  • (C version) - ...

「」 - 214ABC(Airborne)


  • (A version) - ...

  • (B version) - ...

  • (C version) - ...
「」 - 421ABC
  • (Description) - ...
「」 - J22ABC
  • (Description) - ...
「」 - 426ABC
  • (Description) - ...
  • (A version) -
  • (B version) -
  • (EX version) -
「」 - BC
  • (Description) - ...
  • (Standing) -
  • (Crouching) -
  • (Airborne) -

Arc Drive

  • (Description) - AD description

Another Arc Drive

  • (Description) - AAD description

Last Arc

  • (Description) - LA description. Mention where it is activated (air or ground shield) first.

MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull