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Himesmug.png F-Hime is a space control character with unorthodox movement, incredible buttons, and 4 way mix off of every hit.
Pros Cons
  • Fantastic neutral: Her large buttons, geyser, anti airs, and insane walkspeed let her dominate neutral.
  • Okizeme: Goes into a 4 way mixup using flight off of almost every hit midscreen, and a 50/50 in the corner.
  • Shield: A massive + on block shield counter, and other options that let her abuse shield more than the other F moons.
  • Blood heat: Hime is able to enter blood heat mid-combo to get her health back and AAD to seal the opponents meter
  • Collision: Hime’s collision box stays up during her wakeup, making her immune to a lot of left/right mixups.
  • Defense: With really low health, a 7F mash, and a really slow jump, Hime often has to rely on DP and shield to get out of situations.
  • No whiff cancellable 2A: Since F-hime can't whiff cancel her 2A, she isn’t able to option select reversals from low options.

Move Descriptions

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Move Box Colors

Light gray = Collision Box (A move lacking one means it can go through the opponent's own collision box).
Green: Hurt Boxes.
Red: Hit(/Grab) Boxes.
Yellow: Clash Boxes (When an active hitbox strikes a clash box, the active hitbox stops being active. Multi-hit attacks can beat clash since they will still progress to the next hitbox.)
Magenta: Projectile-reflecting boxes OR Non-hit attack trigger boxes (usually).
Blue: Reflectable Projectile Boxes.

Damage Base damage done by this attack.

(X) denotes combined and scaled damage tested against standing V. Sion.

Red Damage Damage done to the recoverable red health bar by this attack. The values are inherently scaled and tested against standing V. Sion.

(X) denotes combined damage.

Proration The correction value set by this attack and the way it modifies the scaling during a string. See this page for more details.

X% (O) means X% Overrides the previous correction value in a combo if X is of a lower percentage.
X% (M) means the current correction value in a combo will be Multiplied by X%. This can also be referred to as relative proration.

Circuit Meter gained by this attack on hit.

(X%) denotes combined meter gain.
-X% denotes a meter cost.

Cancel Actions this move can be cancelled into.

SE = Self cancelable.
N = Normal cancelable.
SP = Special cancelable.
CH = Cancelable into the next part of the same attack (Chain in case of specials).
EX = EX cancelable.
J = Jump cancelable.
(X) = Cancelable only on hit.
-X- = Cancelable on whiff.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

L = Can block crouching
H = Can block standing.
A = Can block in the air.
U = Unblockable.

Startup Amount of frames that must pass prior to reaching the active frames. Also referred to as "True Startup".
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.

(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present. Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
X denotes active frames with a duration separate from its origin move's frame data, such as projectile attacks. In this case, the total length of the move is startup+recovery only.

Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled. The character goes into one frame where they can block but not act afterwards, which is not counted here.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).

If the opponent uses a move with startup that is at least 2 frames less than this move's negative advantage, it will result in the opponent hitting that move.
±x~±y denotes a range of possible advantages.

Invul Lists any defensive properties this move has.

X y~z denotes X property happening between the y to z frames of the animations. If no frames are noted, it means the invincibility lasts through the entire move.


Strike = Strike invincible.
Throw = Throw invincible.

Hurtbox-Based Properties:

Full = No hurtboxes are present.
High = Upper body lacks a hurtbox.
Low = Lower body lacks a hurtbox.

Miscellaneous Properties

Clash = Frames in which clash boxes are active.
Reflect = Frames in which projectile-reflecting boxes are active.
Super Armor = Frames in which the character can take hits without going into hit stun.

Note: FL in the cancel section denotes that a move is cancelable into Flight.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 151 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J), -FL- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 3 7 2 3.15% -

Tied with 2A for Hime's fastest attack (outside B DP). Not as big as 2A, but cancelable on whiff and plus on block.

MB FHime 5B.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350*2 (621) (441) 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J), FL LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 5 12 0 2.7%*2 (5.4%) -

Moves a character length forward during use and hits far. Tends to whiff most crouchers but easily forces pressure on people dashing in and its forward momentum lets you go into 2B or 2C easily even at max range. Its forward movement and it being even on block make it good for pressure resets. Also a solid anti-air and anti-jump tool.

Only the second hit is cancelable, so it doesn’t whiff punish well.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 505 90% (O) N, SP, EX, (J), FL LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 4 18 -4 6.3% -

Useful in standing combos and blockstrings for its significant forward movement. In neutral, 2C is almost always a better button to hit, being less vulnerable and hitting slightly further even with 5C’s forward movement, but 5C is a good punish for longer-ranged moves with lingering extended hurtboxes, like Kohaku 2C, since it’s all in one hit and gets a combo when canceled to 236B.

Crouching Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 101 75% (O) SE, N, SP, EX, (J), FL L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 9 -1 2.7% -

Hits low and with large range and a slightly disjointed hitbox, but is not cancelable on whiff like most A normals. Still only comes out on frame 7 so be careful trying to mash out of pressure with it.

With four active frames, it’s good at preempting large normals when your larger moves may not be fast enough, and it connects into 2C on counterhit for when you’re striking an extended hurtbox and chaining to 5B or 2B would whiff.

MB FHime 2B.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*2 (887) (537) 80% (O) N, SP, EX, (J), FL L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 4 12 0 2.7%*2 (5.4%) -

A low that hits twice with both hits cancelable and barely extends your hurtbox. A solid poke and a staple combo move, adding a lot of damage to any string you can put it in without it breaking.

MB FHime 2C.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*3 (1009) (635) 80%*2 (O), 65% (O) N, SP, EX, (J), FL LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 6 14 2 2.25%*3 (6.75%) -

Extremely disjointed normal with three hits for easy hitconfirms. Catches people jumping by being air unblockable. Bullies slow characters. Catches people out of the air that have used their air options, and is tall enough to stop low airdashes. It's even plus on block, and it recovers fast enough that few characters have really whiff punish it. It’s also a staple combo tool and ender; this is how you get your knockdowns into flight oki.

Be careful about people jumping over it to start a combo if they have the read on you, though. It’s also not a great footsies tool vs other long-range characters since only the last hit is cancelable and if it hits an extended hurtbox only the first hit will connect due to the opponent shrinking back; if it counterhits this way, you’re still +2, but if not, it’s -8.

Aerial Normals

All of Hime’s air normals, except j.A, are whiff-cancelable to EX moves in addition to their normal cancel options. All of Hime’s air moves, if not canceled and not in Flight, lead to a lengthy tumble animation after them, during which you cannot take actions and are fully vulnerable.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
250 101 75% (O) N, SP, EX, J, FL HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 10 - 2.7% -

By far Hime’s fastest air normal. Not large, but hits further horizontally than j.B. Is an overhead, and can’t be low-shielded, but not whiff-cancelable or self-chaining. Its low hitstop makes it useful for mixups while falling; also sets up double overheads.

Rising j.A is an unreactable overhead that hits all crouchers (except necos) and combos to j.236C, though it needs a 1 frame timing vs most characters (2 on wlen/tohno/nanaya, 4 on hime/wara, 5 on nero) to make it work and you lose momentum for whiffing it. Does not work vs necos.

After it fully recovers, you have a brief moment to input double jump, another normal, shield, or a special before entering tumbling state.

MB FHime jB.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 404 90% (O) N, SP, -EX-, J, -FL- HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 5 - - 4.5% -

Very vertical move. Hits people above you well during air footsies, though jumping at the opponent with it is rarely effective. Hits lower than j.A so air dash j.B j.C can pressure people at heights air dash j.A can’t. A key tool in flight mix.

Easy to combo from thanks to high hitstun on grounded opponents, equal to j.C. Frame advantage is otherwise normal for a j.B.

Functions as an instant overhead, but only vs Hime, Wara, and Nero (2f timing). In MAX, you can cancel instant rising j.B with dash momentum into initiative heat and link falling j.A j.B to start a combo.

j.C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
850 606 75% (O) SP, -EX-, J, -FL- HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
14 4 - - 6.3% -

Gigantic move that hits all around. back and forward hitboxes hit on the first two active frames, up and down hitboxes hit on the last two. Slow, but useful as a general poke, and the backward hitbox easily catches people trying to chase down your air dash.

Begins charging if held for more than 3f, full charge on 18f hold.

j.[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 808 90% (M) SP, -EX-, J, -FL- HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 4 - - 8.1% -

An untechable ground bounce on a move that hits all around you, comboing into pillar or into jump cancel air dash or in the corner sometimes even into flight > fastfall > 2A.

While you don't want this move to actually come out outside of a combo, holding j.[C] out of an air dash or flight movement causes you to quickly drop without putting out a hitbox, allowing you to do landing lows and empty IAD throws as an additional layer to your pressure and mixup.

Command Normals

6C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 404 70% (O) SP, EX, (J), FL LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 5 23 -10 4.5% -

Pretty much only useful for combos. Launches on hit, and 6C into 236A vs close standing opponents sets up a reverse hit j.[C] and sets up the strongest combos that F-Hime has.

May have some minor use as a surprise extra hit after other C normals to catch people trying something, but 6[C] is way better for that. Begins charging if held for more than 6f, full charge on 16f hold.

6[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 505 70% (O) SP, EX, (J), FL LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
20 5 19 -6 9.0% -

A combo extender. Can relaunch after using your jump cancel by using it after 2C and fly canceling, which is useful when you just need a bit more damage to seal a round or when you want to go into hime kick.

Less bad on block than uncharged 6C but still quite negative. If you input 963214A with good timing after it, you’ll get a jump cancel on hit and A elbow on block, allowing you safety and okay damage if you have meter to go into EX pillar. Elbow will whiff if you did 6[C] from too far, though, and this will basically always happen after a chain into 2C into 6[C], so be careful about when you apply it.

j.6B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 404 90% (O) N, SP, -EX-, J, -FL- HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 6 - - 3.6% -

An instant overhead to cancel into j.236C. At 12 frame startup (not counting jump startup) there's more of a gap than with rising j.A, but it's still unreactable. Also hits from further out than jA, though different jump directions may be needed to hit the right spacing, and as a command normal it can be buffered during jump startup. Still does not work on Necos.

Begins charging if held for more than 4f, full charge on 16f hold.

j.6[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900 707 50% N, SP, -EX-, -J-, -FL- HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 6 - - 9.0% -

Useful in some combos to lead into j.[C], but also as a general long-ranged poke, because damn, this move is BIG. Can catch people trying to do stuff on wakeup after a high air throw in flight, and it’s especially useful out of air backdash when people are chasing you, and its combination of momentum stall plus large hitbox plus whiff cancel to EX pillar or flight lets you make your air movement a bit trickier.

If fairly low to the ground (from about the height you get for doing it out of a standing jump or lower), counterhit j.6[B] fly cancel fastfall 236X is a combo starter vs standing opponents for some reason. Otherwise, try to drift towards them with j.B on counterhit or just go into EX Pillar.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1300 1010 30% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 1 20 - 0.0% -

Hime levitates the opponent the slams them. Untechable knockdown, can be followed up with an OTG string.

Air Throw
Air Throw
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1600 505 30% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 1 12 - 0.0% -

If done raw, this ground bounces the opponent and teleports you behind them. As a combo ender, this causes an untechable knockdown and leaves you in a normal landing animation.

Shield Counter
Shield Counter
236D after a successful Shield
MB FHime SC.png
MB FHime jSC.png
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 (345) 303 (209) 50% (SP), (EX), (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 4 13 1 4.5% Strike 1-12
  • (Damage and red damage values in parenthesis account for shield adding 30% reverse penalty when canceling to any action.)

Most F-Moon characters’ shield counters are not notable beyond the simple utility they have as shield counters, but that can’t be said for Hime. Hers is gigantic and demands the enemy put in work to space around it, its total duration is a tiny 26 frames (usually -4 from 4 of it happening while the opponent is still in shield stun) making it usually fine to miss, and it’s +1 on block. Not a damaging starter, but leads into basically any combo route you could want. Ridiculous move.

Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 (345) 303 (209) 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 4 - - 4.5% Strike 1-12

Hime gains a normal person’s gravity after use and quickly hits the ground, where she can act immediately, allowing fairly easy followups. Shielding a projectile while falling from high or air dashing, delaying significantly, and using this just as you reach the opponent can allow for a safe and advantageous approach in situations where it applies.

Shield Bunker
Shield Bunker
214D in neutral or blockstun
Bunker Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 202 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 4 19 -5 0.0%
(-50.0% in blockstun)
Clash 1-10
(Clash) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 202 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 19 -5 0.0%/-50.0% Strike 1-7

A shield bunker with the standard Hime disjoint.

Blood Heat
Blood Heat
A+B+C during MAX
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
15 5 26 - uses all Full 1-18

Has the second quickest Heat startup in the game along with Powered Ciel's, and a large hitbox to go with it.

Circuit Spark
Circuit Spark
A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 10 20 - removes all Full 1-39
Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 10 15 - removes all Strike 1-30

Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

Special Moves

Special Movement

Sky (Flight)
22D (Air OK)
MB FHime 22D.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 (13) - 26 (30) - -0.1% per frame -

Also known as flight. Ground version has 4 frames of jump startup after which is identical to air version. Interruptible on frame 13 (17) with attacks and shield, on frame 23 (27) with jump, on frame 26 (30) with fastfall, otherwise allows movement on the 27th (31st) frame.

Hime ascends and hovers freely in the sky for up to four seconds, after which you will enter tumble state and fall to the ground. (This tumble state is interruptible with most actions, but not air dash.) After entering flight, your meter drains at a rate of 0.1% per frame (6% per second) until you land or get hit, even if your four seconds have expired, although you will not end flight early if you run out of meter. You can hover in place, or drift left (and slightly down), right (or slightly down), or straight down, and you can quickly transition between them just as you’d shimmy on the ground. Normals done out of flight keep your momentum in that direction, but start gravity back up upon use. You can also fastfall by entering 22 again, which will quickly shoot you to the ground and let you act the instant you touch ground.

In addition to defining her air gameplay, Flight also defines her okizeme; mixing up drifting double overheads, fastfalls lows, drifting down and then forward with j.B, and simply doing air dash strings enables you to do multi-layered offense against cornered opponents with no good way to fuzzy guard it all, and much of it can be done as a blockstring from 22A or j.236A. If the opponent is midscreen, drifting past the opponent makes Hime immediately face back towards them, allowing you to break crossup protection, adding additional layers to mixup.

Flight is treated as an EX move, so all air normals and all specials except DP and the 1st hit of 214B are cancelable to it on whiff, and all normals and specials (except DP and 1st hit 214B) are cancelable on hit or block, more or less allowing you to just do whatever you want. The first 4+26 frames of flight have Hime in a counterhit state.

Entering flight will return your air dash to you if you have already used it up. This includes if you entered flight already, air dashed, got hit, teched in the air, and used 22D again before landing. If you’ve left hovering state, whether by using a floating attack or by jumping or air dashing out of it, using j.236A/B will return you to hovering state if four seconds have not elapsed since flight’s startup ended.

To hover forward while using j.B without it coming out as j.6B, enter it as j.3B.

Drifting in any specific direction has one frame of startup where you don’t move and no other actions are registered, and a move input on the frame after that will take priority over movement, giving you a hovering action rather than a drifting one; take care to avoid this as it’s rare that this is what you want.

Grounded Specials

236A hits high
236A hits high
236B hits far
236B hits far
236A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000, 100*2 (1106) (780) 65% (O) -EX-, (J), -FL- L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 8 20 -17 6.3%, 0.63%*2 (7.56%) -

A: Significantly larger than B geyser, but hits up close. Great for combos, and it makes a pretty good anti-air, smashing the area many people want to come in at you from, but just as minus on block as 236B and leaves the opponent right next to you. In general you should not use this if the opponent is on the ground and not already in a combo, but it can be good to sometimes throw out against characters with runs who are a bit further away, as it will either be fairly safe on whiff or catch them approaching. Step dashing characters will just dash-block and gain big advantage, though.

B: F-Hime’s famous B Geyser. Big, low, air unblockable, hits at a distance, punishes things and starts combos; sometimes usable if you just think they might flinch. Jump-cancelable on hit, but a staggering -17 on block - if you use it wrong, you’re giving up your turn vs almost every character in the game. Some characters can moves that punish even far 236B on block, and while vs those hard punishes you can usually play a funny minigame of fly cancelling it and coming down on sweeps or shielding beams and using EX Pillar, there are a few guaranteed punishes; immediate fly cancel still puts you at -8, and (for example) C-Ciel 236C is 8f startup. Disregarding hard punishes, there’s little you can do about people running right at you after blocking it. But even so, it’s a truly great move if applied well no matter who you’re facing, and there are a few characters slow enough that they just can’t do anything about it.

EX: "Avalanche"
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*N 303*N 95%*N (M) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11+6 X 66 -43 ~ 31 -100.0% -

The EX version of geyser makes a giant series of waves that will carry your opponent to the other side of the screen even on block. Generally hits up to 8 hits depending on screen position, tho if you get hit and run forward to chase it can hit more; you can start a combo this way spacing is favorable. Still air unblockable, but they can shield on reaction to the flash, and it doesn’t lead to much if it doesn’t trade.

Not really a bad move in a vacuum, but Hime generally has better things to spend meter on.

Regardless of how many times it hits, it does not contribute to internal hitcount for gravity and meter scaling. If you somehow combo off of it, this is very good, but linking it into arc drive after a throw in an attempt to jack up the hit count real quick doesn’t accomplish anything.

623A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700, 250*2 (1147) (482) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 7 23 -13 3.6%, 0.9%*2 (5.4%) -

Hime’s A DP has no inv and starts up slower than her B DP, but its hitboxes are larger and it only swings once so it’s over much faster. Of Hime’s anti-airs, it’s the hardest to apply, but if it counterhits at its tip you can get a combo that scales quite well, and it is her best at just catching the area directly above without committing to B DP. It’s still bad on block and uncancelable, though.

Also sees gimmick use as a feint because it looks exactly like the first swing of B DP.

623B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700*2, 400*2 (1944) (1075) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 7 (12) 7 29 -17 (vs Stand.), -33 (vs Crouch.) 3.6%*2, 1.8%*2 (10.8%) Full 1-8

Hime’s DP is one of the better DPs in the game, and it’s certainly the largest, continuing afterward with a second swing that is still air unblockable and difficult to play around for airborne opponents. The hitbox is quite small until it loses its inv, but it tends to work out anyway, having large hitboxes and still doing well on trade.

There’s a large gap between the first and second swings that can be exploited by people explicitly baiting it, though, and if this move is blocked, the opponent can really do whatever they want to you. But even so, as a DP on a character with very slow pokes, its value cannot be understated.

EX: "Big Bird"
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*5, 700 (2637) (2011) 100% - LH(5), LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+5 7 (8) 6 (18) 6 73 -83 (vs Stand.), -97 (vs Crouch.) -100.0% Full 1-73

Hime’s EX DP is, simply put, terrible. Not faster than B DP, even more punishable on block, and this time with a super flash to react to. You’d want it to be a move to cancel things to as people jump at you or who hang in the area above you, but unfortunately it almost never fully hits correctly unless the first hit hits a standing opponent, and if they fall out, they can punish you on hit. In the case that you are early in MAX when you use it and it and it does work, you can connect arc drive off of it and do like 5000 damage and get circuit break oki; however, this gimmick is better suited for H moon, as if you could cancel to it you could also just initiative heat and do any of your much more consistent and generally useful punishes.

It is fully invulnerable until well after the final hit, so it can see use if you need the inv to get through disjointed oki or something and they have low enough life that them falling out won’t be a problem. Still, though, if you have a hard callout to make that would justify this move over B DP, 99% of the time you should just use her shield counter and forget this move even exists.

Only punishable in the air. Last hit is air blockable (lol)

MB FHime 214A.png
MB FHime 214AX.png
A followup, pressure tool
A followup, pressure tool
B followup, combo move and gimmick mixup
B followup, combo move and gimmick mixup
MB FHime 214C.png
Get out of jail free
Get out of jail free
214A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 404 80% (O) CH, -EX-, -FL- LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 8 17 -7 4.5% -
~X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- - 19 -2 - -

Kind of a gimmick move that adds an occasional extra layer to your pressure. As Elbow’s hitbox advances forward, it usually won’t hit on the first frame, and hitting on the last frame is even on block, which will happen after (for instance) a close 5B > 2C > 214A if they don’t EX guard. You can discourage mashing against this by sometimes using its followup by tapping a button to teleport back, which will consistently put you at -2 if done during hitstop but will also put you at ideal 236B range, (or 5C range if done from deep in the opponent), allowing for an easy punish vs people mashing. You can also EX cancel or IH once it hits the active frames, before it hits, and using IH during travel before it hits into a throw into arc drive can catch the opponent off guard for great reward. But, you don’t really get anything if the elbow itself hits.

214B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800 404 80% (O) CH LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 8 18 -8 4.5% -
~X Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 404 60% EX, FL LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
29 5 17 -4 4.5% Full 1-70

B elbow is primarily a combo tool. It launches on hit and isn’t EX cancelable, although its followup is; rather than teleporting back, Hime teleports forward, behind the opponent if they’re not cornered, and does a wallbouncing slam. You can use this to claim the corner with your back to the wall after a close 2C, linking to 236X, or you can use it relaunch a cornered opponent.

It also serves as weak mixup midscreen. The teleport hit is slow, but not immediately apparent, and hits as a crossup. Although B elbow is slower than A elbow, it has an identical beginning animation; it simply has no hitbox during the initial travel frames, instead traveling longer, so if they’re used to your 214A game, 214BX may be catch them off guard, and it’s only -4 on block and puts you out of range of throws and all 4f normals. Still, they can mash before it hits, and they may already want to mash vs elbow, so use it sparsely. If used near your own corner, you can combo to 236B like you would in a side-switch combo; midscreen you can fly cancel and ex pillar.

EX: "Meteor"
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700, 400, 700, 1000 (2414) (1572) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+5 8 14 -4 -100.0% Full 5-15

Moves far forward. Not inv on startup, but inv while traveling; a reliable punish for many midscreen things, and gets you under a lot of things while recovering quickly and giving you plenty of options for your next move. Gives knockdown on hit and lets you meaty but doesn’t give strong oki. In particular, it cuts through EX projectiles on reaction to the flash very well.

Because it goes inv long before any or her normals would go active and because it hits very far forward, you can often treat it as a 5F startup long-ranged poke for the purposes of escaping pressure. However, it’s minus on block from up close, and although you usually have at least a little travel time, it is shield / ex guard bait if done standalone.

Very safe on block canceled from 22A/B with the sparks covering you, and it can sometimes even get you a throw on shield if spaced and timed right as the sparks lock them into additional shield frames. If they jump 22A/B and you cancel to this, they might find you’re suddenly somewhere else and in a position to use an air unblockable 236X or 623B, making this sort of setup a reasonable use of meter against most characters if you’re in MAX, or you want to shed meter to avoid entering MAX.

It is worthy to note that this is technically a hitgrab, so it will not work on an opponent with armor, and it will catch dodges.

22A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*3 (1127) (682) 75% (O) -EX-, -FL- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
53 X 29 6 2.7*3, 2.25%*3 (14.85%) -

Creates three sparks in the air at varying times that generate behind Hime and then move forward. If the opponent hits you, the sparks go away. A moves at a slightly downward angle, B moves at a slightly upward angle. EX cancelable. Sparks generate frame 22, 32, 42, and activate frames 52, 62, 72. go active First cancelable frame 25. Canceling on a frame a spark would generate still generates that spark, and it will activate as usual 30 frames later.

Although the opponent can run up and hit you before it goes active in neutral, if you have meter, this is disincentivized; canceling to 214C will blow them up for trying and generally be advantage on block or shield if timed well, and if the opponent would want to punish with a quick and large EX move, if you’re in MAX, you can hold back and hit A+B+C to IH after the flash and block, and then the sparks will hit them and let you dial into arc drive.

As oki, fly-canceled light timed so spark hit meaty lets you act before your opponent stands so they can’t dial into large supers like they can vs pillar, shielding is a worse options, and you have more time to work stuff on block; however, you also can’t react to whether they got hit or not before you go into your action, greatly limiting potential confirms.

If they jump at you and you cancel Light to 214C and they land into Light, they have to block it what would normally be incorrectly (by holding towards Hime), because the sparks comes at them from the same direction Hime is facing and Hime is on the ground and the game misinterprets this as meaning that no crossup has occurred.

Beyond the meter they gain on hit and block, generating the sparks gives you meter. The first spark gives 2.7 meter, the second gives 3.6 meter, and the third gives 4.5 meter, for a total of 10.8 if not interrupted.

EX: "Radiance"
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500*7 303*7 75% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+22 X 40 38 -100.0%, 2.25%*7 Full 1

Creates seven sparks in the air over a long time frame. Hime recovers before the final ones activate, letting her take action under their cover. Sparks created by Radiance don’t go away when Hime is hit, though no more will be generated if she’s hit. Sparks generate on frames 2, 12, 27, 37, 52, 59, 66, and go active 22, 33, 47, 57, 73, 79, 86; Because Hime is inv frame 1 and the first spark generates on frame 2, in some cases it can act as a weak reversal that accepts a hit in order to return to neutral (though the first spark won’t hit crouching opponents, so don’t try it against normal oki pressure).

Probably Hime’s best move in neutral for the purposes of shedding meter to avoid MAX or to just throw out if MAX time is nearly over; there’s just not much the opponent can really do to get advantage out of you using it, regardless of the game state, and them blocking it means you now have pressure and a mixup opportunity. Especially effective to throw out over a knocked down opponent when you couldn’t otherwise guarantee a setup, such as after EX Pillar or a midscreen throw.

If the opponent is committed to blocking, you can get a rising overhead j.A in on them and the sparks that continue generating behind you will then hit and launch the opponent for a short combo of j.A (spark) j.BC > dj.BC > AT or hime kick. You lose pressure if you don’t get the j.A, though, so it’s maybe a weak option except against Tohno, Nanaya, White Len, Hime, Nero and Warachia.

Despite being an EX move, Radiance sparks still give Hime meter on hit or block, and are not affected by the EX move meter gain penalty, giving the same amount per spark as Light does; if they block all 7, you get back 13.3.

Aerial Specials

MB FHime j236A.png
MB FHime j236B.png
MB FHime j236C.png
j.236A/B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800*3 (1470) (926) 50% (O) -EX-, -FL- LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
34 19 - 7 (TK) 4.5%*3 (12.5%) -

Pillar. In recovery until landing unless you’re flying once it goes active; also in recovery until landing if flight timer expires midway through the move. Puts you back in hover state if flying.

A Pillar is useful in movement for a brief pause and some harassment before fly-canceling it. It’s slow, so you don’t usually throw it out expecting it to hit, but it’s something they have to deal with and it periodically catches an anti-air or a jump-in, confirming to EX pillar or in some situations a very short air string into air throw or hime kick. B Pillar is just like A Pillar, but spawns much further out; It can harass people who like hanging out far away, but is much more niche in its use in movement and neutral. Both versions will spawn at the edge if range says they’d spawn off-stage, so they act the same when the opponent is cornered.

Also sets up some of Hime’s setplay; with pillar over them on their wakeup and you in flight and spaced outside of DP range, you can blockstring into drifting normals at various heights and timings, and at some heights you can even blockstring to fastfall low before they’re out of blockstun (though, you need to buffer fastfall early so that the input is out of the buffer by the time you land and you don’t get 22A), and if they get hit by it you can easily confirm a combo. Even if they shield it, it becomes a minigame if your favor as C moon weighs their options against your j.236C, fastfall block, fastfall DP, and your own air shield vs anti-air normals, while H or F have no options that don’t lose to air shield counter (except for doing nothing or doing unshieldable anti-air command grabs and arc drives.)

Cancelable with flight as early as frame 38, and the pillar will continue its active frames if canceled. This allows you to start doing an attack as early as frame 50, essentially cutting 10 frames off the recovery relative to if you were already flying, though you can’t move as soon this way as if you were already flying.

EX: "Breath"
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
450*13 (2329) (1825) 50% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6+3 63 - 11 (TK) -100.0% Full 6, 19-21, 46-48

A tracking beam spawning directly on top of the opponent leading to a techable knockdown, giving you a tech trap situation in most any situation and, if you’re close enough, forcing the opponent to guess between you going for flight oki or you waiting to tech trap them. Hitting full screen in 9f from air, 13f from TK, this move whiff punishes a wild amount of things and forces the opponent to consider their options. Also fairly good to go into vs people jumping at you, since it’s guaranteed to come out if you aren’t hit out of it in the first five frames, especially if you’re canceling into it.

Also acts as a combo ender when you can’t go into air throw or hime kick. You can OTG with it after an air throw while flying, which is the highest damage ender Hime has outside of AAD and is good for sealing games. If you are in flight, you can cancel the freefall afterward with double jump, air dash, or any attack, allowing for a variety of tricky setups, although you cannot use flight’s drifting movement directly out of it.

It’s also plus on block and safe (-4) on shield if TK’d, even on shield if flying, allowing it to be used in a variety of setups. With all it has going for it, you may be tempted to just throw it out wildly, but savvy opponents can shield it on reaction if they haven’t committed to anything, and going down 100 meter while they’re up 58.5 meter for shielding is pretty bad even if you’re not at frame disadvantage; Hime isn’t meter-hungry, but you shouldn’t be wasteful. Grounded opponents can also backdash through, and C/H characters with rolling dodges can use those to get an easy punish against you. Even so, it’s an excellent move, and applying it with surgical precision can easily cement your victory.

You can’t combo after EX Pillar under most circumstances, but only the final hit applies this effect, so if they dodge the pillar and stick a hurtbox in, you can.

Mysteriously has invincibility at a few scattered times throughout the move.

Take this!
MB FHime j63214C.png
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1400, 700*4 (2331) 1020, 454.5*4 (1591) 60% (M) - H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+9 4 0 - -150.0% Full 1-13

Hime Kick.

Fully invulnerable through the active frames, air unblockable, and lets you combo into it and out of it. It’s shieldable, but you can trap people into it by getting them to block pillar at the right height. You can relaunch into a combo if you do it early in a combo or as a starter, and if you do it late you can run up and 2C > 22D to turn any combo or idle confirm into the strongest oki you have.

If you use Hime Kick with at least this much MAX time remaining, you can Blood Heat afterwards and connect AAD:

Minimum MAX meter for Hime to Hime Kick into Blood Heat Activate.

Hits 5 times but only adds 1 to internal hitcount for gravity and meter scaling.

Arc Drive / Another Arc Drive

41236C during Max/Heat (AD)
41236C during Blood Heat (AAD)
AD Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
0, 275*25, 250 (3960) 0, 275*26 (2890) 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+2 3 (17) 3 52 -31 removes all Full 7-68
AAD Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
0, 375*40, 250 (5545) (4440) 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+2 3 (12) 3 53 -32 removes all Full 6-68

A combo ender. Extremely high hit count (27 for AD, 42 for AAD) triggers the protection system to give the opponent meter; afterwards inflicts a special circuit break that removes 100 meter in addition to sealing their meter (for 5 seconds with AD, 10 seconds with AAD). If your generous donation put the opponent in MAX, or they were already in it, the 100 deduction becomes an elimination, setting enemy meter to zero.

In addition to ruining the enemy’s meter, both versions give a lengthy untechable knockdown that allows you to either set up midscreen flight oki, or charge your meter back above 100% and still throw out something meaty.

Has two hitboxes. The first, beginning frame 5 (AD) / 4 (AAD), only hits people in and makes it easy to combo into. The second, beginning frame 25 (AD) / 19 (AAD), tries to hit again if the cinematic hasn’t already begun. Because of this, it’s easy to combo into, but more difficult to punish things with. Though, it gets inv shortly after the combo hit, so it can work against some projectiles and long-range setup moves.

Donating the opponent meter is affected by moon-specific meter generation; full-moon gets 10% less than C, and half-moon gets 30% less.

Because AAD donates much more meter, it is usually preferred to go for as a combo ender after hime kick with the hime kick > blood heat > AAD link; generally, you’d only prefer AD if combo count is low and the opponent has little meter, or you lack the time to AD after hime kick. There’s a lot of specifics to the data, but numbers to keep in your head are that AAD donates 135% vs C / 121% vs F directly out of throw, and 300% after a 14 hit combo vs C / 16 hit combo F, with meter growing more or less linearly with hit count between those points (note that hime kick only counts as 1 for this in spite of adding 5 to the displayed hit count). Throw > 2C > 236A/B > AAD is less damage than throw > AAD, but ends up donating 199.6% vs C / 179.4% vs F, zeroing if they’re at least at 100.4% / 120.6 to start.

AAD also does more damage and circuit breaks for 10 seconds to AD’s 5, but zeroing their meter is the more relevant thing most of the time.

Most of your opponents will likely be Crescent or Full-Moon, but take note vs Half Moon opponents that they do not automatically enter HEAT after hitting 200%, they only hit it after the combo would end, meaning that taking away 100% puts them at 100%, not 0%. So, if the opponent is below around 90% meter as half-moon, it’s generally better to just go with AD rather than AAD because it will give them less afterward, and if they’re really low and your combo has been long you may just want to just go for hime kick 2C oki, since the seal matters little if they’re H moon with low meter.

See this spreadsheet for more specifics.

Last Arc

The End
Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
4500-9000 4500-7000 50% + 50% * remaining BH time - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
0 5 24 - removes all Full

Opponents scared of you sealing their meter with any hit or throw may try to pressure you when you’re in blood heat; unfortunately for them, your last arc hits everywhere on the screen and has a base damage of 9000 (minimum 4500 with no BH time remaining), delivered all in one chunk so as to completely ignore increased defense at lower life values. If that doesn’t kill them outright, it gets you midscreen flight oki, too. (You can charge your meter back too, but the knockdown isn’t quite as good as off arc drive, so you can’t reach 100% and still meaty.)

Active on the very first frame. If the opponent manages to use invulnerability through the hit, your recovery is fairly short, and you are invulnerable yourself during the entire recovery period, so you may be able to punish whatever they went invulnerable with and a true punish against you is literally impossible.

General Gameplan


F-Hime’s goal in neutral is to keep the opponent inside of her threat range, while staying outside of their threat range. This is either a large majority of the screen with B geyser, or the entire screen with meter. Staying around 2C range is ideal if the opponent can’t easily counterpoke or contest it (since it’s +2 and disjointed).

A combination of backwalk, 5B, DP, shield, and well placed 2Cs make for a very strong anti air game. If she gets in the corner it's a bit tricky. Since she has less room to backwalk, Hime will have to commit to an anti-air option most of the time. Her main weakness in neutral is an opponent using air options properly, which forces Hime to consistently RPS between anti-air options. With time and experience, this becomes less of an issue.

Against Zoners, EX pillar forces the opponent to either take the damage and a techtrap after, or respect her. Stars are also fine since it builds meter just by doing it, and it goes fullscreen.

Charging in neutral is very strong. It has a fast recovery and it forces the opponent to approach, which lets her geyser afterwards to check people trying to challenge. If they don’t challenge and decide to hold 1, she can just charge for longer.


Pressure isn’t really F-Hime’s strong point. The main goal of her pressure is to keep the opponent locked down with 2C’s, and guess their escape timing with geyser. If this is done properly, her offense will be respected. Tap charge into geyser is very good at beating opponents holding 1, since the animation will often trigger a reaction from them. What makes this pressure so strong is that even if they do manage to escape, Hime returns back to neutral, which is fantastic for her.

Her strike/throw game is very basic. With access to plus on block normals, a good walk, and a quick burst dash, she can run a basic strike/throw gameplan. She can also easily force herself back in with 22C or 22B > 214C. If they’re respecting Hime too much, she can steal her turn back with IAD J.AB, TK pillars, and redashes. This type of offense isn't recommended due to her low health and slow buttons.

She has access to instant overheads that go into EX pillar if the opponent's HP is very low. J6B is the slightly easier one but is pretty spacing dependent and slower, JA is faster and can be done from closer up, but is a 1F timing against most characters. Against Hime, Nero, and Wara, you can instant overhead with JB and combo off of it with IH JAB.


Ex guard can help get her out. If that doesn't work, she has a fast DP, and a plus on block shield counter to try to get out. Her mash is very slow and she can’t really jump so she often has to gamble to escape. Mashing DP during gaps lets you try to mash or jump out if the opponent tries baiting your DP.

When the opponent gets spaced out it's very easy for hime to disrespect with geyser or ex elbow, which can go through a lot of things with its invuln.

Against very throw-happy opponents, she can 1A~D as a pretty safe option, although it's worse since her mash is so slow. Against command grabs, it's way scarier since she has a very floaty jump and mashing out requires a 2F timing. Like mentioned above, she just has to guess right with dps. She can also technically fuzzy jump and ex pillar or just run away if she's right about the command grab but it's way more susceptible to getting chased than any other character.

One other thing worth noting is because of hime’s collision box, it becomes way easier to tell what side the opponent will land on for left/rights.


Flight mix

From almost every hit midscreen, Hime can route into 2C > 2A/5A > 2C or AD/AAD to get a 4 way mixup. This is fairly difficult to perform consistently, but it’s very strong if done correctly. There are 2 different ways to do flight mix, the first way is to move forward right above the opponent, and stay high enough up where you can threaten JB or cross under JB from both sides, this is often considered the “standard” way to do flight mix and it’s also the only way to do the mix against hime. The main problem with this variation is that crossup low requires a very weird input, with either 622 or 262.


The second way to do this is to hover even lower to the ground, and do the same concept with JA’s, for crossup low you just hold forward and J[C](w) 2A, and the rest is essentially the same. The main problem is that when you fastfall 2A, you have to delay it a little bit so you don't get stars on accident. Another core issue is that the JA’s are very difficult to convert off of due to less hitstun than JB. Despite these 2 problems, its more ambiguous than the first method. It is not advised you use this variation after AAD/AD ender.


Pillar oki


Full-Moon Mechanics


Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X > delay Y Must wait for a short period before cancelling X input into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons X and Y must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Either the X or Y input can be used.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack X with Y follow-up input.
  2. Input X then within a few frames, input Y. Usually used for option selects.
X(w) X input must not hit the opponent (Whiff).
j.X X input is done in the air, implies a jump/jump cancel if the previous move was done from the ground.

Applies to all air chain sections:

  • Assume a forward jump cancel if no direction is given.
  • Air chains such as j.A > j.B > j.C can be shortened to j.ABC.
sj.X X input is done after a super jump. Notated as sj8.X and sj9.X for neutral and forward super jumps respectively.
dj.X X input is done after a double jump.
sdj.X X input is done after a double super jump.
tk.X Stands for Tiger Knee. X motion must be buffered before jumping, inputting the move as close to the ground as possible. (ex. tk.236A)
(X) X is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input X is held down. Also referred to as Blowback Edge (BE). Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input X is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down. This type of input is referred to as Negative Edge.
{X} Button X should only be held down briefly to get a partially charged version instead of the fully charged one.
X(N) Attack "X" should only hit N times.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit.
Air CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit on an airborne opponent.
66 Performs a ground forward dash.
j.66 Performs an aerial forward dash, used as a cancel for certain characters' air strings.
IAD/IABD Performs an Instant AirDash.
AT Performs an Air Throw. (j.6/4A+D)
IH Performs an Initiative Heat.
AD Performs an Arc Drive.
AAD Performs an Another Arc Drive.

Note: In most cases, if you are early in MAX and your combo won’t kill the opponent and you either have enough hits to guarantee a seal or the opponent is fairly close, it is worth cutting the combo short to go straight into Hime Kick into AAD. The oki is good, the damage won’t ever be bad, and sealing the opponent’s meter is very, very impactful. If you don’t quite have enough hits in the combo to make AAD worthwhile, you might be able to get them by doing 236B canceled into AAD, which will reduce damage but add 3 hits. For more information, see the Arc Drive section.

Because combos involving flight have a constant meter drain during them, the meter generation is listed counting through the last normal before the ender, as this is the number that counts towards pushing you into MAX. The exception to this is if a meterless combo involves flying but ends with you in a standing state, either because you landed and continued while grounded or because you ran out of flight time and hit the ground after the combo at a consistent time.

For the purposes of damage/metergain. combos from undefined “normal starters” are assumed to be from 2A > 2B > 2C > 236A/B > j.[C], while combos from undefined “crossunder starters” are assumed to be from 2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 6C > 236A > j.[C].


Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • (2A/5A >) 2B > 2C > 236A/B > j9.[C] > etc

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Generally the most basic starter that you have; if the opponent is on the ground and you get a ground poke, you can always go along this route. From absolute max distance, you may only be able to get 1 hit of 2B, though.
Normal starter, grounded opponent
  • (2A/5A >) 5B > 2B > 2C > 236A/B > j9.[C] > etc

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Against standing opponents, or when right next to the opponent, you can connect 2A to 5B before 2B, to add extra damage. However, vs many crouching opponents 5B will whiff if not started from point blank. If you hit with raw 5B from a very far distance, for instance if they dashed into it, it won’t connect to 2B; go straight into 2C in that case.
Normal starter
  • (2C/5C >) 236A/B > j9.[C] > etc

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Of course, you can also treat a raw 236A/B, or 2C/5C into it, as a normal starter. Be aware if you do, though, that your hitcount will be low and you may need to adjust your timing to account for decreased gravity. Especially if you hit an airborne opponent and have them very high, you may want to delay the action you take out of j9.[C] to compensate.
Normal starter, Raw air throw / Shield counter
  • Raw AT / SC, 2A > 2C, 2A > 2C > 6[C] > 236A > j9.[C] > etc

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
More or less maximum damage you can get from air throw or shield counter; although it puts the opponent higher than previous stuff, it also has many more hits, so the same things out of it tend to work. Since raw air throw sets the bounce/OTG counter to 1, you cannot do any double groundbounce combos from air throw.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Crossunder starter, grounded opponent
Works On: All but Ryougi
  • (2A/5A >) (5B >) 2B > 5C > 6C > 236A > crossunder j9.[C] > etc

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Crossunder starters generally are where Hime gets her higher damage combos from. If the opponent gets hit by 6C, you should always be able to get behind them with j9.[C], but you may need to delay it slightly if you’re very far away.
Crossunder starter, grounded opponent
Works On: Ryougi
  • (2A/5A >) (5B >) 2B > 2C > 6C > 236A/B > crossunder j9.[C] > etc

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Because the above tends to fail against Ryougi, use this instead. 2C is 2 more hits than 5C, though, so watch your combo count; because 2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 6C sets up ideal hitcount for most intricate combos, 2A > 2B > 2C > 6C is usually the preferred variant of this variant.
Crossunder starter, grounded opponent
Works On: All but Ryougi
  • (2A >) 2B > 5C > 236A, 5A > 236A > crossunder j9.[C] > etc

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
A variant which allows you to still get your crossunder combo vs opponents that are too far. But it deals less damage, and it has 1 more hit than (2A >) 5B > 2B > 5C > 6C > 236A > etc, so you can’t really go for the more intricate combos off of it (except if cornering them and from raw 2B > 5C).
Crossunder starter, Raw air throw / Shield counter
  • Raw AT / SC, dash 2A > 2C, 2A > 2C > 6[C] > 236A > crossunder j9.[C] > etc

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Basically the same as the normal starter version, but dashing up to get as close as possible.
Crossunder starter, Shield counter
  • SC, close 2A > 2C > 236A > crossunder j9.[C] > etc

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
A way to get crossunder j9.[C] with many fewer hits, for combo routes with hitcount requirements. Generally, these are double groundbounce combos, so while this does work off of air throw, there’s no reason to do it off of air throw since air throw sets the otg/bounce counter to 1 right at the start.

Basics (midscreen)

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter
Meterless / 150%
  • etc > 236X > j.[C] > dj.66 > delay j.C, rejump j.AC > dj.BC > AT / j.63214C > etc.
4082 (AT ender)
Meter Gained: 56.6% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 18.8% (Video)
The most basic Hime combo that is worth knowing. Any ground string can cancel to 236A or 236B and get you this, or you can get it going into 236X off most hits vs airborne opponents.

The double jump to air dash can be tricky at first; you generally want to air dash immediately but as F-Moon you can’t cancel to air dash. If the height is normal, it’s recommended that you input it as a slightly late 9~6A+B. If you input A+B within three frames before j.[C] hitstop ends and you hold it, the air dash will be buffered and come out as an IAD.

Beyond just being the first Hime combo to learn, it still sees some use in higher level play; if your confirm was weird or you mess something up and you see that your height is wrong to do the next combo, you can go into this instead as a fail-safe.

You can also fly cancel the last j.C into flight into j.A before air throw to follow up with j.236C to finish them off or try for a meaty j.6[B], though if they aren’t dead you’ll be dealing with the meter loss from flight on the way down.

If you really want the strong knockdown and have meter to burn, or are just in MAX, you can go into hime kick for 150% meter instead of AT; after doing so, you can dash up and 2C into flight cancel, or blood heat activate and go into AAD.
Normal starter
  • etc > 236X > j.[C] > dj.66 > delay j.C, land 2C, 2A > 2C (> 22D)
Meter Gained: 53.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 17.6% (Video)
Your far-range bread and butter. This is how you get your flight mixup, and if you aren’t close enough to the corner to go into a corner route and you’re too far away to work a 6C 236A route, it’s the best way to get it.

Some characters, like Kohaku, Nero, Kouma, and Red Arc, have hurtboxes that shift in the air in ways that mean that you need to delay 2C a bit after landing to make the combo work if you do it off of raw 236B. It gets easier to do the combo on them after a short string because of increasing gravity, but vs Koha/Nero raw 236B and 5C 236B are common starters, so make sure to practice vs them.

Riesbyfe and Ryougi air hurtboxes are worse still. The weird delays needed to stabilize the combo make it very difficult. Don’t recommend trying this route vs them off of raw 236B (though you can with a longer string before the geyser).

Vs necos, you need to hit stuff earlier than normal or they’ll hit the ground, but it’s easy to adjust vs them by eye. Take note that j.[C] will whiff over necos out of 2C 236X if you don’t press it immediately after jumping.
Normal starter
Meterless / 150%
  • etc > 236X > j.[C] > dj.66 > delay j.C, land 2C, 2A > 2C > 6[C] > 22D, j.2B~2E (j.C >) sdj.BC > AT / j.63214C > etc.
4557 (AT ender)
Meter Gained: 74.1% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 30% (Video)
Extended combo from the previous when you believe you can kill them with just a bit more damage, or if you are close to MAX.

Decreasing untech time makes linking j.B after the fly cancel harder once you’ve done 17 hits. However, 2E (E being quick action) gives one frame of down+A+B input, because for crescent and half moon characters, that’s a shortcut for dodge; since F doesn’t have a dodge, that means just a second j.B input, even if B is already pressed. By inputting j.2B immediately into j.2E or j.2E immediately into j.2B, you get two chances to hit the j.B link (as j.2B is just j.B), hence j.2B~2E in the notation. However, it’s recommended you do B before E because of something in a different combo.

Increasing gravity from longer combo counts means you can get away with more hits before hime kick; do j.BC > sdj.BC if the opponent hit count is 17 or above after 6[C], or just do j.B > sdj.BC if not.

If you have at least 283.1 meter before the 6[C], j.B sdj.BC will hit MAX before hime kick. With at least 279.7, j.BC > sdj.BC will get you there.

If you press them into the corner, you can use 214BX instead of 6[C], and also immediately go into air throw after the launcher to set up some gimmick oki, if you want.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Crossunder starter
Meterless / 150%
Works On: All but Necos
  • etc > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.C > sdj.BC > AT / j.63214C > etc.
4722 (AT ender)
Meter Gained: 61.9% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 23.5% (Video)
Commits to a route that cannot get a good knockdown without spending meter, but in return it deals significantly more damage and gains a bit more meter. If your meter lines up that this will put you into MAX, there’s no reason not to go for it. Although j.22D j.C does not work midscreen vs Necos, you can do drift forward j.B > dj.BC instead.
Crossunder starter
Meterless / 150%
  • etc > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.236A > sdj.BC > AT / j.63214C > etc.
4959 (AT ender)
Meter Gained: 66.8% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 25.9% (Video)
Another variant of the midscreen crossunder j.[C] > j.236A combo. Pillar fly cancel pillar is more technical than the previous combos and doesn’t add much, but it is slightly more damage and meter gain. Pillar fly cancel pillar becomes quite a bit harder if the first pillar’s last hit hits as hit 17 or higher, so beware long starters like shield counter 2A > 2C > 2A > 2C > 6[C] > 236A.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
  • 5B > j9.B > dj9.delay j.A > AT

Meter Gained: 12.6% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 4.2%
Meterless anti-air combo that reliably gets you a knockdown, albeit not the strongest one, and not doing much damage. If you can spend the meter, though, there’s little reason not to do:
  • 5B > j9.BC > dj.BC > j.236C

Meter Gained: 27% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 23.4%
Basic anti-air combo. Going into EX pillar so early causes this combo to do fairly respectable damage and either sets up flight oki if you believe your opponent won’t tech, or lets you try to tech trap if you think they might.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
  • Throw, j.236C

Meter Gained: 0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 114.4%
Adds significant damage to a throw and sets up a flight oki vs tech trap guessing game for the opponent.
  • Throw, AD

Meter Gained: N/A Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 36.2% - 100%
Connects throw into arc drive. Easily seals them for a bit, and takes away some of the enemy meter, all while giving you uncontested flight oki (or meter charge plus a meaty).
  • Throw, 2C > 236B > AAD

Meter Gained: N/A Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 99.6% - 100%
Tries to maximize chances for meter to be stolen. Raw arc drive does more damage, but the added hits here push it closer to zeroing enemy C/F meter, zeroing an enemy with at least 100.4% C / 120.6% F rather than throw > AAD’s zeroing one with at least 164.7% / 178.5.

Basics (in/near corner)

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Crossunder starter
  • etc > 6C > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > dj.44 > j.6[B] > j.[C] > j.22D
Meter Gained: 57.0% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 19.0% (Video)
For this combo, you want to buffer an air backdash out of your jump cancel; this is accomplished by basically doing the normal double jump instant airdash motion the other way. If done correctly, you will air dash in the direction opposite the way you pressed as a result of buffering an “air backdash” and turning around with the jump cancel, putting you in the perfect position to connect the rest. This route is less damaging than other options you have, but it pulls the opponent out of the corner and lets you get a midscreen knockdown even against cornered opponents.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Crossunder starter
  • etc > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > dj.8~7/dj.9 > delay j.44 > delay j.C(w) > land
Meter Gained: 39.9% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 13.3% (Video)
Must be done while extremely close to the corner.

This route is less damaging than other options you have, but it sets up an ambiguous, unreactable left/right mixup. This is worse than real flight mixup, but is much easier to make unseeable.

If you double jump cancel with 8~7, which is basically the same as jumping up and then forwards, you will land on the same side. If you double jump cancel with 9, you will land on the other side. Whiffing j.C lets you land earlier and cancels airdash landing recovery.

Credit goes to Seagull for providing this combo on Discord.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter
  • etc > 236X > j.[C] > dj.66 > slight delay j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.[C], delay, j.66 pillar oki
Meter Gained: 56.0% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 20.0% (Video)
Easiest corner-only route off of far 236X that still gets mix; also works when you’re a bit too far to do the next route is a bit too far.

The normal version of this route forces you into pillar oki, so if the opponent likes to shield pillar, you can cancel the last j.[C] into j.236A. It won’t hit, but it will put you back into hover state, letting you drift down and do meaty overhead/fastfall low stuff.

Because this route relies on j.[C] for knockdown, you must not let j.[C] hit as the 17th or later hit in the combo, so no starting it off 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C.

Because you don’t land and refresh your double jump, you can’t actually jump up to catch the opponent if they get hit by the pillar, so don’t go for this if you don’t have enough meter to at least EX Pillar them.
Normal starter
  • etc > 236X > j.[C] > dj.66 > slight delay j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.[C] > AT, j.236C
Meter Gained: 50.7% (before pillar) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 34.5% (Video)
Most damaging version of this route without going into AD/AAD, for finishing the opponent off.
Normal starter
  • etc > 236X > j.[C] > dj.66 > j.6[B] > j.[C] > j.22D > j.22, 2A > 2C ( >22D)
Meter Gained: 52.6% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 19.0% (Video)
A more technical near corner far 236X route. You have to be pretty close to the corner to make j.6[B] > j.[C] work, and it doesn’t allow for much delay, but in exchange you get all of your options for corner flight oki. While this does slightly less than the midscreen airdash j.C land 2C 2A 2C combo, it is much more consistent against a variety of enemy heights, hurtboxes, and hitcounts, so if you can press the opponent into the corner it's a very reliable way to get the setup you want.
Normal starter
  • etc > 236X > j.[C] > dj.66 > j.6[B] > j.[C] > j.22D > j.22, 2A > 2C > 6[C] > 22D > j.2B~2E > (j.C >) sdj.BC > AT
Meter Gained: 73.3% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 29.2% (Video)
This is the most damaging meterless variant of far 236X combos, for finishing the opponent off. Notably not stronger than j.[C] pillar fly cancel stuff with meter, because those have the EX Pillar do more damage than they would here.

Add the j.C after the j.2B~2E if 6[C] was hit 17 or higher.

You may be tempted to go into 214BX instead of 6[C] like is often done with the midscreen route when it presses to the corner, but you’ve already used up all your bounces, so that won’t get you anything.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Crossunder starter
  • etc > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.[C] > delay j.236A/B, drift forward j.C > AT
Meter Gained: 66.8% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 27.1% (Video)
Damaging combo that gets you a low air throw ender. This is worse than real flight oki, but it still lets you take various meaty actions against your opponent (air dash j.BC, land and 2B if you were low enough, land dash 2A, etc). The lower the air throw, the sooner you land. The sweetspot where they recover in time to be hit by meaty airdash j.B depends on the enemy wakeup time, but at the very least you get pressure off of this and it is much more damage (and metergain) than basic flight oki combos. This is the version to version to go into to maximize oki opportunity when you haven’t quite reached the corner. But do note that if the opponent is not already cornered by the time of your first pillar, j.[C] in the first combo won’t connect against the Necos (or Satsuki if you don’t delay j.[C] after jump startup after 236A by 6+ frames)
Crossunder starter
  • etc > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.6[B] > j.[C] > delay j.236A/B, drift forward j.C > AT
Meter Gained: 71.5% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 37.6% (Video)
Second variant of the low-air-throw-ender meterless damage combo. j.[B] adds damage basically for free, but you can only do it if you’re fully pressed into the corner.
Crossunder starter
  • etc > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.236A, j.[C]~E > delay j.236A/B, drift forward j.C > AT
Meter Gained: 65.9% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 32.4% (Video)
Third variant of the low-air-throw-ender meterless damage combo. This version deals the most damage, and can be used when not quite in the corner (vs most characters), but it takes too much time in flight to allow you to do anything on the way down, so your options afterward are a bit more linear. If you aren’t pressed into the corner, this will fail against Necos, Lens, Ryougi, Satsuki (without 6+ frame delay after jump startup after 236A), Aoko (without a 4-5 frame delay), Miyako (without a 4-6 frame delay), and Hisui/Mech Hisui (if delayed more than 6 frames). Linking the double pillar into j.[C] is a bit technical as there is no extra buffer time on normals, except command normals (which this isn’t). But much like j.2E and like flight into j.B, 5E (neutral quick action) gives an A+B+C input even if C is already held down, translating to a second chance at the link (which can be as tight as two frames without it) by pressing E immediately before or after holding j.C; hence the j.[C]~E notation. It’s important that you get used to doing C before E here, as if you do it the other way around, you may sometimes accidentally initiative heat cancel the end of j.236A if you’re in MAX; not relevant here, but definitely relevant for the metered version of this that will be discussed later.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Crossunder starter
Meterless / 100% / 150%
  • etc > 236A > j9. crossunder > j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.[C] > slight delay j.236A/B, drift forward j.C > dj.BC > AT/AT, j.236C/j.63214C
5258 (j.63214C 2C ender)
Meter Gained: 73.2% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 46.2% (Video)
Highest-damage combo, adding extra hits to the above set of combos either to try to finish someone or to go into hime kick to claim flight oki. Although this variant is the least damaging, it is the only one that affords enough flight time to air throw into ex pillar as an ender, which when not quite in the corner can make up for not getting in a j.6[B], if you aren’t confident in your fly cancel double pillar or are fighting a character that doesn’t work against out of the corner.
Crossunder starter
Meterless / 100% / 150%
  • etc > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > slight delay j.6[B] > j.[C] > slight delay j.236A/B, drift forward j.C > dj.BC > AT/j.236C/j.63214C
5344 (j.63214C 2C ender)
Meter Gained: 78.1% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 53.8% (Video)
Highest-damage combo, adding extra hits to the above set of combos either to try to finish someone or to go into hime kick to claim flight oki. Only works if fully pressed into the corner, so doesn’t have a huge amount of use over double pillar if you can consistently do that, but since it’s almost a full second shorter you can lose less MAX time with it and get more hits before going into hime kick if you can go into Blood Heat > AAD.
Crossunder starter
Meterless /100% / 150%
  • etc > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.236A, j.[C]~E > slight delay j.236A/B, drift forward j.C > dj.BC AT/j.236C/j.63214C
5430 (j.63214C 2C ender)
Meter Gained: 80.7% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 66.5% (Video)
Real highest-damage combo, to finish the opponent off or go into hime kick. If your execution is strong enough, tho third version has no downsides when you only care about damage and you’re fully pressed into the corner already, except for the time it takes when MAX timer is a concern. Outside the corner, again double pillar to j.[C] fails against Necos, Lens, Ryougi, Satsuki (without 6+ frame delay after jump startup after 236A), Aoko (without a 4-5 frame delay), Miyako (without a 4-6 frame delay), and Hisui/Mech Hisui (if delayed more than 6 frames).
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
In corner, Throw
  • Throw, walk back slightly 2C > 22D

Meter Gained: 6.7% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 2.2%
The most reliable meterless advantage you can get off of throw is to just fly after it, but you may sometimes want to do this instead; it adds a bit more damage and the pushback on 2C before flight makes it easier to get positioning to avoid most people’s DPs while still having a pillar come down on them before they can act. The tradeoff is that the opponent will be able to tech the 2C; you can catch this tech if you don’t fly cancel, but it may still not be worth the risk if you’re fighting someone with poor reversal options.
In corner, Throw
  • Throw, walk back slightly 2C 22C

Meter Gained: 6.7% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 2.2%
Adds damage and still gives definitive pressure. Recommended when you have at least 190%. While what you get off of throw into EX pillar is damage and a setup, a well-spaced 22C lets you get a combo off of it into EX pillar if they tech forward or neutral, with back tech still having them have to block 22C. (you can also slightly delay 22C to catch back tech if you want to call that out, though this keeps you from comboing if they forward tech; you’ll still have pressure, though.) Otherwise, if they don’t tech, you have 22C running against a cornered opponent, more or less allowing you to do whatever you want.

Situational combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Metergain, normal starter
  • etc > 236X > j.[C] > dj.66 > delay j.C > sj9.ABC > sdj.BC > j.22D > j.A(B)C > j.63214C, Blood Heat, AAD

Meter Gained: 68.0% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ALL - 100% / to zero
Do flight into j.AC if done from 236B or 2C 236B, j.ABC if you have a longer string before it. Go for this if you have at least 265.7 meter before the delay j.C/272 after if done from 236B or 2C > 236B, or at least 262.8 before/269.1 after if done from a longer string, or if you’re in MAX but still have a decent amount to go before you can no longer arc drive after hime kick. Landing and doing 2C is your best meterless option off this sort of starter, and relaunching with 6[C] from there is more metergain than this. However, this deals its damage faster, allowing for you to make certain you’ve gotten the most you can before the MAX timer has gotten to the point you can no longer arc drive after hime kick, and it does a bit more damage with the arc drive taken into account, too.
Metergain, normal starter, near corner
  • etc > 236X > j.[C] > dj.66 > delay j.C > 2C, 2A > 2C > 214BX, j.A(B)C > sdj.BC > j.22D > j.A(B)C > j.63214C, Blood Heat, AAD
4737 (2A 5B 2B 2C start)

Meter Gained: 99.4% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ALL - 100% / to zero
Pretty much the maximum metergain from normal starters; you can reach MAX if you have at least 244.8 before the delay j.C/251.1 after with raw 236B, 240.3 before the delay j.C/246.6 after with at least a 2C before. Just do j.AC after 214X if you started with raw 236B, j.ABC with at least a 2C. You can’t get the j.ABC except off of long starters such as 2A 5B 2B 2C, where your sole goal is the metergain. Does less damage than other routes into hime kick arc drive, but when you have just the right amount of meter, it’s relevant; 2A > 5B > 2B > 2C into this will get you MAX starting from just 200.6 meter (albeit doing only 5/6ths the damage of 2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 236A into a triple pillar combo, which maxes from about 209 meter.). It does also give a C-moon opponent 63 meter, though, so be careful not to put them in max and let them burst before hime kick.
Metergain, Raw air throw / Shield counter
  • Raw AT / SC, dash 2A > 2C, 2A > 2C, 2A > 2C > 214B, 2A > 2C, 2A > 2C > 6[C] > 236A > j.[C] > dj.66 > delay j.C, rejump j.ABC > sdj.ABC > j.63214C
3238 (from shield counter)

Meter Gained: 118.7 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 92.4 + ALL - 100 / to zero
Gains a very high amount of meter; gets you to MAX if started with at least 190.3 meter after the shield counter or air throw.

Because of the hit count, it gives a lot of meter to the opponent; a C-Moon opponent will gain 80.5 meter from air throw starter, and 92.4 from shield counter; if they burst after the hime kick flash, you may have wasted their meter but you don’t have advantage.

the 2A after 214B 2A 2C is a 1 frame link.

You can do a fly cancel after the sdj.ABC and go into another j.ABC, but it’s a 1-frame link with no cool tricks you can do to improve that, though, and it only adds 7.8 meter (plus donates quite a bit more to the opponent), so like, don’t bother.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
During low flight, pillar hits
Meterless / 100% / 150%
  • Pillar > dj.BC > j.63214C or AT (> j.236C)
2540 (AT ender)

Meter Gained: variable Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 8.1%
Normally, you don’t expect your pillar oki to hit them, but if they tried something and got got for it, this is what you can do.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
22C behind you, Instant overhead
(100%) Meterless / 150%
  • instant j.ABC > dj.BC > AT or j.63214C
3519 (AT ender)

Meter Gained: 20.2% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 10.3%
Instant j.A hits fast enough that the sparks from 22C can launch afterward if they’re trying to block low, allowing a simple combo. You’ll need to run forward a bit if they aren’t cornered under most setups. Not recommended to try except against Hime, Nero, Warachia, Tohno, Nanaya and White Len.
Air string into hime kick that doesn’t use jump cancel
(???), 150%
  • etc > j.63214C, dash 2C > 236A > j.[C] > dj.66 > j.6[B] > j.[C] > j.22D > j.22, 2A > 2C (> 22D)
4816 (from 22C instant j.A starter)

Meter Gained: N/A Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 34.8%
Sacrifices five-way oki from hime kick to add substantial damage and set up corner oki of your choice.
Air string into hime kick that doesn’t use jump cancel with 5 or fewer hits
  • etc > j.63214C, dash 2A > 2C > 236A > crossunder j.[C] > dj.44 > j.6[B] > j.[C] > j.22D
3709 (from pillar j.BC > j.63214C)

Meter Gained: variable Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 29.9%
Add substantial damage to short strings into hime kick and still gets you your superior five-way oki. Longer strings before hime kick will prevent j.[C] from knocking down, but this is a good option after pillar > j.BC hime kick or any air to air conversion.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
While cornered with close grounded opponent very close
Works On: All but Satsuki, Ryougi and Necos.
  • 2A/(5B if you’re both as far into the corner as possible) > 2B > 5C > 236A > crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.[C] > dj.slight delay j.66, pillar oki
4185 (from 2A > 2B > 5C)

Meter Gained: 52% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 18.7%
Usually set up off of hime kick flight oki, but may happen while mashing out or if you air dash over them with j.C and it hits and carries them with you and then you go into 2A 5B. This combo sets up tricky okizeme where pillar is hitting them meaty and restricting their reversal choices, but you’re in the corner with the pillar pressing them into the corner, meaning you can either keep the corner and come down on that side, or slightly move out and cross them up, do fastfall stuff, variable timing stuff - the benefits of midscreen and corner okis at the same time.
Near own corner, vs grounded opponent
  • 2A > 5B > 2C 214BX, 236B > j.[C] > dj.66 > delay j.C > 2C, 2A > 2C

Meter Gained: 62.0% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 20.6%
Any time you’re in position to hit 2A 5B and the corner is to your back, this will do reasonable damage while putting the opponent in the corner.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
In MAX, instant overhead
Works On: Hime, Nero, Wara
  • instant j.B > IH > slight delay j.AB > 2B > 5C > 236A > crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.6[B] > j.[C] > dj.66 > long delay j.C > AD
5311 (with full string)

Meter Gained: N/A Meter Given (vs C-Moon): N/A
Or a shorter combo, just doing whatever you can while you still have HEAT time, before ending in AD. High damage instant overhead combo ending in AD. The timing to get the instant overhead requires j.B to be input during a two-frame window, and the delay afterward is a bit specific, so make sure to practice it if you want to use it.

Advanced combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Midscreen, crossunder starter, (≤5 hits before 236A)
Works On: All but Lens, Ryougi, Necos
  • etc > 236A > crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.236A, j.[C]~E > dj.66 > long delay j.C, land, slight walk back 5A > 236A > 22D > j.2E~B > dj.AT
5167 (from 2A > 2B > 5C > 6C)

Meter Gained: 70.7 (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 30.5
High damage combo that turns any hit into corner pressure meterless. It’s tight, though, and there are more character-specific notes than in most Hime combos.

The slight walk back to 5A can basically be input as [4]A and serves to make it slightly easier vs some characters. As for j.2E~B, similar to j.[C]~E, 2E is a 1 frame A+B macro (for crescent and half moon dodges), and this gives 2 chances at the j.B link. The j.B link isn’t particularly hard without it, but hitting them early means they’re slightly lower and generally makes the air throw height work out better.

Be wary that the combo gets unreasonably precise if the j.[C] after double pillar is the 17th or above.

Vs some characters, the ending 236A only partially hits in some circumstances, but this shouldn’t break the combo if you’re precise.

Miyako is the recommended training dummy for learning this combo; j.[C] after double pillar misses Hisui and Miyako if you delay the j.[C] after 236A too long, but also misses Miyako if you don’t delay it enough. Starting that j.[C] 4 to 6 frames after jump startup ends after instantly jump canceling 236A is ideal; this is also about the earliest timing to make sure you cross under if done a bit from slightly out. Roa and Ciels get hit awkwardly after the long delay if you don’t delay, and the Miyako timing works well to stabilize the combo vs them, too.

Tohno/Nanaya, Aoko, Akihas, Warachia, Nero, Hime, Satsuki, and Hisui are generally hit by the early hitbox of j.C in this combo, while other characters will be hit late (at least if done with Miyako timing); this means with Miyako timing they’ll end up higher up. It’s still possible to finish the combo vs all of them if you time it like that, but you may have to adjust your timing to get the air throw ender. You can also slightly delay the j.C to hit them lower to get the same timing. Many more characters are hit by the early hitbox if you aren’t directly over them, but that will only happen if started from extremely close to the opposite corner, where it’s rare to get a starter that could into this and it’s generally easier to just go for a sideswap combo (which will be less damage but better oki).

Aoko timing is similar to Miyako timing, but only frames 4 and 5 work on her. But since she also gets hit by the early hit, practicing the full combo vs just her will lead to late hit people falling out.

Satsuki is the only character this combo is effective on that Miyako timing doesn’t really work for; you need to fairly significantly delay the rising j.[C] out of 236A for it to work on her. Not too much, though, or they’ll tech.

Extremely difficult vs Kohaku; in addition to other problems, her hurtbox moves out of the way of j.[C] if you don't get the earliest possible j.[C] after pillar. This is a 1 frame timing, or a 2 frame timing with perfect j.[C]~E plink (tho it should be noted that a perfect j.[C]~E plink can result in an initiative heat if done early while in max and is not the 2-frame disparity timing you normally want to aim for with that).
Midscreen, crossunder starter (≤5 hits before 236A)
Works On: All but Lens, Ryougi, Necos
  • etc > 236A > crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.236A, j.[C]~E > dj.66 > long delay j.C, land 214A > 22D > AT, pillar oki
5067 (from 2A > 2B > 5C > 6C)

Meter Gained: 62.2% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 26.8%
Vs characters whose back knockdown times are particularly long, the above combo will put you too low to hit with an air dash j.B, and while you could add more parts to make the air throw higher, you can also use this alternative ender which throws them low enough to get pillar oki. Characters that wake up fast can get out of it and punish the pillar probably on reaction by dashing forward, but people like Ries have to take it. You’re locked specifically into pillar oki, so you may have to deal with people playing shield games, but it’s often still advantageous for you.

The 214A 22D AT part is very tight, so it’s highly recommended that you buffer 214A as you’re landing and input throw as 6A+D rather than 6E so that you can buffer it out of the fly cancel.

Same character notes as the previous, but also you’re probably only using it against late-wakers (Aoko, Kouma, Ries, Nero, plus Len if it could be made to be consistent on her) anyway.
Midscreen, crossunder starter
Works On: All but Lens, Ryougi, Necos
  • etc > 236A > crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.236A, j.[C]~E > dj.66 >delay j.C > AT

Meter Gained: 66.2% (before ender) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 27.1%
By going for an air throw on the way down instead of doing a relaunch, you lock yourself out of your stronger oki options, but you can do it off of many more starting strings since you cut out the part that becomes needlessly precise; can’t be done from own corner, but other than that this is a highly damaging ender any time you can go into pillar flight pillar midscreen, and vs anyone you can do that against it works basically the same on everyone.
Midscreen, crossunder starter (≤5 hits before 236A)
Works On: All but Lens, Ryougi, Necos
  • etc > 236A > crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.236A, j.[C]~E > dj.66 > long delay j.C, rejump j.ABC > sdj.BC > j.22D > j.AC > j.63214C, 2C / Blood Heat > AAD
5433 (from 2A > 2B > 5C > 6C, 2C ender)

Meter Gained: 87.0% (before hime kick) Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 67.2%
Maximum midscreen damage, going into either 2C for oki or Blood Heat AAD for oki and meter sealing.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
In/near corner, crossunder starter
  • etc > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > slight delay j.6[B] > j.[C] > dj.66 > long delay j.C > 2C > (2A > 2C >) 22D
4891 (full ender)

Meter Gained: 76.7% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 32.7%
The best of both worlds in terms of hime combos: Damage and meterless oki. While the midscreen combo with the long delay j.C doesn’t really get oki, the fall on j.6[B] > j.[C] sets everything to be the perfect height to make this work.

There’s multiple different heights you can catch them at with j.C that work, though if you catch them high (visually confirm during 2C) you need another 2A 2C to get the knockdown; if you catch them low, it’s much easier to forego it and go straight into your oki of choice.

Easiest if final j.[C] hits as 16th hit or later. Technically still possible after that, but connecting 2C after becomes very difficult and requires a 2A 2C link, which also becomes harder due to breaking the 21 hit mark on the prior 2C.

Lens, Satsuki, Roa, Ciels, Ries make the long delay j.C a bit more precise as they seem to hit the ground early; still much harder vs Kohaku for the same reason and also because you need a significantly delayed j.6[B] to even hit her.

Awkward vs Nero; works better if you do j.6[B] instantly out of j.22D (a timing that whiffs vs most characters). This timing also works on Hime, though it’s not really necessary vs her.
Near corner / while cornered, Shield counter
  • (run under) 2A > 2C > 236A > j9. crossunder j.[C] > j.236A > j.22D > j.6[B] > j.[C] > dj.66 > long delay j.C > 2C > (2A > 2C >) 22D
3353 (full ender)

Meter Gained: 70% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 27.8%
The same combo as above, basically. What’s notable here is not just that you can do the combo off of shield counter, as you can many other things, but that while you’re cornered, you have time to go to the other side of them after the shield counter and still do your hyper-optimal play.

If right next to them, allow a bit of delay after 236A before you input j.[C] so they don’t push you into the corner. If this happens, you can at least go to j.[C] AT after pillar to salvage some kind of knockdown, but that’s hardly the point of going for something like this.

The shield counter heavily prorates the combo, but if you can pull this off you’ve stolen the opponent’s momentum along with their hope.
Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Near center stage throw
Works On: All but White Len, Ryougi, Necos
  • Throw into slight delay 236C, 236B > j.[C] > dj.66 > delay j.C > 2C, 2A > 2C (,2A > 2C) > 22D
2089 (with 8-hit avalanche, full ender)
Meter Gained: 9.4% Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 23.6% (Video)
You’ve seen this route before. The combo itself is not particularly difficult, but recognizing when it’s correct to go for it and not simply hit throw into j.236C is; it does about as much damage. Still, when it works, it reliably pins them down.

There’s two general timings for this string; if you’re from extremely close to center, you can walk forward slightly before 236C (input as 23[6]C) and have it hit 8 times, then walk forward before the 236B and delay your j.[C] as long as possible. If you’re a bit further out, vs most characters it will hit 7 times and you’ll need to buffer 236B perfectly. Depending on how 236C hits them, it may not work at all, so it’s probably safest to only go for it when you have a center stage throw, which is not broadly applicable but is often easier to visually confirm. Fewer hits of 236C do mean more damage in the combo, though.

There is a strange bug ("Jump Uninstall") where you cannot double jump if you are never in a neutral state between throw and jump-canceling 236B; this breaks the combo. This isn’t a problem with the center-stage version, but when you’re a bit further out you still need to be sure to delay 236C just slightly after the throw, as you need to buffer 236B perfectly for that version to work and this bug will stop your combo dead after the j.[C].
Blood heat, near center stage throw
Works On: All but White Len, Ryougi, Necos
  • Throw into slight delay 236C, 236B > j.[C] > dj.66 > delay j.C > 2C, 2A > 2C > 236B > AAD
2304 (with 8-hit avalanche)

Meter Gained: N/A Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ALL - 100 / to zero
Or thereabouts. You need about 3/4 of your BH time remaining for this full string to work, though it can be slightly abbreviated and still function, if they don’t quite have enough to zero off a more normal throw string but you’re fairly early in blood heat time. The listed route is the shortest one that will zero an F-Moon character regardless of their starting meter. The scenario where you’d go for this is pretty unlikely, but it’s neat.
Near center stage throw
Works On: All but White Len, Ryougi, Necos
  • Throw into slight delay 236C, 236B > j.[C] > j.236B > j.22D >j.236B, sdj delay j.BC > AT, j.236C
2255 (with 8-hit avalanche)

Meter Gained: N/A Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 39.4
General-case max damage off this confirm. Probably not worthwhile, but very cool.

Additional Resources

F-Hime Match Video Database
Eve's F-Hime Combo & Okizeme Compilation Translated

Notable Players

Name Color Region Common Venues Status Details
Ada Basilisk


North America Netplay Inactive High-level NA player prior to the quarantine era. Innovated a lot of new routes and setups.


Japan Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd Somewhat active The often-touted gold standard for F-Hime play.


Japan KorewaMelty Inactive


Japan A-cho Somewhat Active Has been playing since the game's release. Uses random palette as of the last few years.


North America Next Level, Netplay Active F-Ciel main proficient with F-Hime. Showcases strong control of the ground game in neutral.


Brazil Netplay Active Formerly used color 16.


Japan Play Spot BIG ONE 2nd Inactive

Character Page Progress

This page is mostly complete, consider joining as an editor to help finish it up. Please update this character's roadmap page when one of the editing goals have been reached. When no main goals are left, please remove this section from this page.

In Progress To-do
  • Combos:
    • Add video links to pre-existing combos.
  • Additional Resources/Players to watch/ask
    • Add any external links to resources such as video guides or articles.

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