Melty Blood/MBAACC/Nero Chaos

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(Click here for the original Nero Chaos page)

New Moves in AA

Crescent Moon

5[C] - Charged crocodile. Will now do a fair amount of guard bar damage by itself. When hitting an airborne or grounded opponent with the last hit, this moves puts them in a ground bounce state in which they can continue to be comboed. Will take up a wall-slam or ground-bounce count, so you may have to adjust your combo accordingly.

Half Moon

4[C] - Charged Mantis.

Name:   Nrvnqsr Chaos (ネロ・カオス)  —  Nicknames:    Professor Chaos <br\><br\> Voiced by:   Joji Nakata (中田 譲治)  —  Type:   Dead Apostle  —  Gender:   Male <br\><br\> Birthday:   Feb 13  —  Height:   188cm  —  Weight:   84kg <br\><br\> Eye Color:   Gray  —  Hair Color:   Gray


A living mass of chaotic matter analogous to a primordial soup, created from the accumulation of the lives of 666 creatures. His name, phonetically spelled "Nero", was given to him by the Church as a play on words in Gematria by which the letters that compose it add up to 666, the so-called Number of the Beast.

Nero Chaos is a character that relies heavily on summons and long-reaching normals. By taking advantage of many long reaching and air unblockable moves, a Nero player can keep an opponent locked down or keep his opponent from approaching easily. The bad news is that a lot of these moves have huge blind spots and leave him vulnerable to attacks from specific angles. He's also really tall, giving certain characters instant overheads on him.

Stage: Back Alley

Back Alley.PNG

BGM: Theme of Arcueid

Moon Overview


The greatest strength in the crescent moon strategy is the solidness of most of the moves.

EX Crows can pin an opponent in place. If they attempt to jump the crows and block, using a ground move will cause a frozen opponent to get hit. A well placed A crow can catch an opponent off guard and deal quite a bit of damage. The B Crow is nice to have out, but takes far too long to summon and has an awkward angle.

Snakes persist and can be used as a defense against jump-ins. The A snake can cover you even if the opponent lands behind you. The ideal combo during an A snake chew is two charged 2c. The B snake -> A crow can also lead into the standard air combo.

The deer are the best of these moves because they last forever and "chase" the opponent. In between the strikes of the deer it is possible to throw your opponent, fake throwing your opponent, or summon more junk.

The difficulty you will have here besides most characters taking advantage of Nero's large hitbox will be the fact that you have no overheads besides jumping attacks. Against an opponent who blocks the entire time you may have very little options to crack their guard.


Half Moon relies heavily on a running throw mixup and using 63214C to make opponents make mistakes. An opponent who sees you run may try to poke you out of your throw or jump; 5B will stop this pretty easily. Of course you can also block instead.

The deer summon must now be placed carefully instead of "wherever" like in crescent moon. This move is now best when Nero is in the corner since it will jump to the other side of the screen instead of tracking the opponent.

The crow summon is now different. The A crow will no longer allow an opponent to dash under and beat the crap out of you. Of course, the A crow doesn't reach ALL the way across the screen anymore, but the new run will let you close the distance easier to use it.

Overall, H-Nero is a lot less solid than the other moons because of a lack of consistency in damage and a reliance on gimmicks to cause that damage but is not an awful character.


Considered by many to be the strongest version of Nero due to many useful tools and an actual overhead.

Many normals are now shorter or more oddly angled than previous versions and you are unable to airdash during jumping moves due to Full Moon's mechanics, making this Nero a lot less mobile.

However, the key to achieving consistent damage lies in superior summons and the chargeable overhead that is 6[C].

Crescent Moon

Normal Moves

5A - Elbow poke. Will whiff on most crouching characters but is a very quick anti-air.

5B - Wolf. Has a startup that is equally as fast as 5A but a very long recovery time. Has a very slight blind spot underneath, Ciel's dash can go underneath it. The number of hits in this move make it very difficult to shield.

5C - Crocodile. Recovers quicker than it used to in MBAC. EX cancellable.

2A - Snakes. Hits low. Multi-hit poke that is slightly slower compared to everyone else's.

2B - Centipede. Hits low. Hits multiple times and may clash at odd moments. Even though this move has a lot of hits, most of the time you will want to only hit with the first hit due to proration reasons.

2C - Horn. Chargeable. Hits mid. The angle on this is nearly vertical and is a great anti-air.

j.A - Nail. Hits mid. Has good air to ground reach.

j.B - Tentacle. Hits high. Has potential to cross up if you are above the enemy, good horizontal range.

j.C - Nightmare. Hits high. Four hits. You can combo this move into itself but only three times due to wallslam count. (Only counted when the last hit connects) Its reach is very deceptive.

4C' - Mantis - The second hit is air-blockable. Has a lot of clash frames and is more safe than it appears.

Special Moves

All summons will persist if successfully summoned even if Nero is hit, except for the 623 crows, who will fly away.


  • 236A: A crow will travel quickly in a horizontal line. This move has amazing speed but a terrible recovery. This crow may be run underneath by some characters.
  • 236B: A crow will float above Nero and descend at a 45 degree angle after a bit. This move will not hit until its descent.
  • 236C: Costs 100% Meter. Summons many 236B crows. Recovery is deceptively fast and is a great tool to keep opponents in place or to keep them afraid while you try to throw them.
  • 623A: Negative edge. A crow will float above Nero and very slowly float backwards from there until you release A, at which point it will descend at a 45 degree angle.
  • 623B: Negative edge. A crow will float above Nero and very slowly float forwards from there until you release B, at which point it will descend at a 45 degree angle.
  • 623C: A crow will float in the air following the enemy's movements for a few seconds before finally attacking at a 45° angle. No meter.


All snakes can be double summoned by summoning another snake before the other hits the ground. This can be the same or a different snake. Otherwise, only one snake may be out at a time, regardless of type.

  • 214A: A snake will travel slowly across the ground. This snake is controlled by negative edge: releasing the A button will "activate" it. Upon being hit the opponent will be chewed and then dropped from the top of the screen. You can hit the opponent with other attacks while he is being chewed though it does not seem possible to produce any other summons during this time.
  • 214B: A snake will travel quickly across the ground. This snake automatically activates when it is near an opponent. Untechable on counter hit.
  • 214C: Costs 100% Meter. Summons a mouth that covers most of the screen. Is air unblockable but easily shielded.


All deer will jump towards the opponent.

  • 421A: A single deer will jump towards the opponent. There is a blind spot directly in front of Nero when summoned. Useful for surprising opponents who try to jump or airdash behind you.
  • 421B: A single deer will take its time jumping towards the opponent twice. This deer takes a while to summon but is useful when you can get it out.
  • 421C: Costs 100% meter. Summons a deer that will jump towards the opponent three times at a normal speed.


  • 63214C: Phantom Hand. Costs 100% meter. Can be used as a reversal, but leaves you in a counter hit state till the move fully recovers.
  • 41236C: Can only be used in Max, Heat, or Blood Heat. Nero transforms into his ultimate form and attack by tackling in a straight path forward. This move has a large startup, but is unblockable and unshieldable. It is also completely safe. However, dodging works against this attack. When used during Blood Heat, the startup is much shorter and Nero will dash back for another attack and stop at the location that you execute this move from.
  • 214D: Costs 50% meter. Shield bunker. Can be executed during blockstun. Causes 4 hits and a knockdown.
  • Last Arc: Can be standing or low shield. The laser that Nero fires is unblockable.
  • 66: Nero disappears and reappears a set distance in front of where he was last. This teleport can go through anything but has a fairly horrible recovery.

Combos and Strategies

The greatest strength in the crescent moon strategy is the solidness of most of the moves.

EX Crows can pin an opponent in place. If they attempt to jump the crows and block, using a ground move will cause a frozen opponent to get hit. A well placed A crow can catch an opponent off guard and deal quite a bit of damage. The B Crow is nice to have out, but takes far too long to summon and has an awkward angle.

Snakes persist and can be used as a defense against jump-ins. The A snake can cover you even if the opponent lands behind you. The ideal combo during an A snake chew is two charged 2c. The B snake -> A crow can also lead into the standard air combo.

The deer are the best of these moves because they last forever and "chase" the opponent. In between the strikes of the deer it is possible to throw your opponent, fake throwing your opponent, or summon more junk.

The difficulty you will have here besides most characters taking advantage of Nero's large hitbox will be the fact that you have no overheads besides jumping attacks. Against an opponent who blocks the entire time you may have very little options to crack their guard.

Half Moon

Normal Moves

5A - Elbow poke. Will whiff on most crouching characters but is a very quick anti-air.

5B - Wolf. Has a startup that is equally as fast as 5A but a very long recovery time. Has a very slight blind spot underneath, Ciel's dash can go underneath it.

5C - Crocodile. Recovers quicker than it used to in MBAC, not a great move. EX cancellable.

2A - Lobster claw. Hits low. Two-hit poke with longer range than the snakes but less vertical range.

2B - Centipede. Hits low. Hits multiple times and may clash at odd moments.

2C - Horn. Chargeable. Hits mid. The angle on this is nearly vertical and is a great anti-air.

j.A - Nail. Hits mid. Has good air to ground reach.

j.B - Tentacle. Hits high. Has potential to cross up if you are above the enemy, good horizontal range.

j.C - Nightmare. Hits high. Four hits. You can combo this move into itself but only three times due to wallslam count. (Only counted when the last hit connects) Its reach is very deceptive.

4C - Mantis - The second hit is air-blockable. Has a lot of clash frames and is more safe than it appears.

3C - Bull. Both hits are air-unblockable, hits past the top of the screen. Jump cancellable. Only hits grounded opponents once unless you are very close.

6A,A,A - Combination - Nero uses three summons with increasing range. Don't ever use this.

Special Moves


  • 236A: A crow will travel diagonally downward. This move is better in some ways than the standard A crow of the other moves because opponents cannot dash under it. It will not reach all the way across the screen.
  • 236B: A crow will float above Nero and descend at a 45 degree angle after a bit. The time the crow takes to attack is longer than that of 236B of C-Nero. This move will not hit until its descent.
  • 236C: Costs 100% Meter. Summons crows that fly horizontally. Untechable in the air, can be comboed from upon air hit.


All snakes can be double summoned if you summon another snake before the other hits the ground. This can be the same or a different snake. Otherwise, only one snake may be out at a time, regardless of type.

  • 214A: A snake will travel slowly across the ground for as long that player holds the A button. Upon releasing the A button, the snake will bite. If hit, the opponent will be chewed and then dropped from the top of the screen.
  • 214B: A snake will travel quickly across the ground. This snake automatically activates when it is near an opponent. Untechable on counter hit.
  • 214C: Costs 100% Meter. Summons a mouth that covers most of the screen. Is air unblockable but easily shielded.
  • 22A/B/C: A snake will travel at variable speed across the ground for as long that player holds the corresponding button. Upon releasing the button, a trap will be set at that location. When the enemy steps on it, it will be triggered and will do a total of four hits. The trap disappears if Nero is hit.


Deer will not jump towards the opponent unless specified.

  • 421A: A single deer will jump towards the opponent. There is a blind spot directly in front of Nero when summoned.
  • 421B: A single deer will take its time jumping forwards for three attacks and then disappear. This deer takes a while to get out.
  • 421C: Costs 100% meter. Quickly summons a deer that will hop its way to the opposite end of the screen and will cover more ground than the B deer. Does not appear to go away until its off the screen.


  • 63214C: Costs 100% meter. Summons a poisonous flying creature with needle that follows the enemy around and stings occasionally for 4 hits. The moth flies away if Nero is hit. Not a reversal.
  • 41236C: Can only be used in Max, Heat, or Blood Heat. Nero transforms into his ultimate form and attack by tackling in a straight path forward. This move has a large startup, but is unblockable and unshieldable. It is also completely safe. However, dodging works against this attack. When used during Blood Heat, the startup is much shorter and Nero will dash back for another attack and stop at the location that you execute this move from.
  • 214D: Costs 50% meter. Shield bunker. Can be executed during blockstun. Causes 4 hits and a knockdown.
  • Last Arc: Can be standing or low shield. The laser that Nero fires is unblockable.
  • 66: Nero runs, a notable change from the other two styles.

Combos and Strategies

Half Moon relies heavily on a running throw mixup and using 63214C to make opponents make mistakes. An opponent who sees you run may try to poke you out of your throw or jump; 5B will stop this pretty easily. Of course you can also block instead.

The deer summon must now be placed carefully instead of "wherever" like in crescent moon. This move is now best when Nero is in the corner since it will jump to the other side of the screen instead of tracking the opponent.

The crow summon is now different. The A crow will no longer allow an opponent to dash under and beat the crap out of you. Of course, the A crow doesn't reach ALL the way across the screen anymore, but the new run will let you close the distance easier to use it.

Overall, H-Nero is a lot less solid than the other moons because of a lack of consistency in damage and a reliance on gimmicks to cause that damage but is not an awful character.

Full Moon

Normal Moves

5A - Elbow poke. Has greater horizontal range and hits a little higher than the other 5As.

5B - Antlion. Antlion angles up and is a 1-hit anti-air.

5C - Rhino. Chargeable. Hits very far out in front, no vertical range. EX cancelable.

2A - Elbow spike. Hits low. Single hit poke with decent horizontal range.

2B - Centipede. Hits low. Hits multiple times and may clash at odd moments.

2C - Needlenose. Chargeable. Neco-Arc Chaos's old 2C. Is chargeable, hits at a curve. Hits mid. This move is much easier to combo with than other version's 2C.

j.A - Nail. Hits mid. Has good air to ground reach.

j.B - Tentacle. Hits high. Has potential to cross up if you are above the enemy, good horizontal range.

j.C - Nightmare. Hits high. Four hits. You can combo this move into itself but only three times. (Only counted when the last hit connects) Its reach is very deceptive.

4C' - Mantis - The second hit is air-blockable. Has a lot of clash frames and is more safe than it appears.

3C - Bull. Both hits are air-unblockable, hits past the top of the screen. Jump cancellable. Only hit non-airbone opponents once.

6C - Mouth. Chargeable. Extremely short range, seems to deal quite a bit to the guard bar. On charge gives a significant amount of +frames and hits overhead, dealing 2k easily.

Special Moves

All summons will persist if successfully summoned even if Nero is hit.


  • 236A: A crow will travel quickly in a horizontal line. This move has amazing speed but a terrible recovery. This crow may be run underneath by some characters.
  • 236B: A crow will float in front of Nero acting as a "mine." When approached, the crow will activate and travel horizontally. Goes away if Nero gets hit. One of F-Nero's more abusable moves.
  • 236C: Costs 100% Meter. Summons many 236B crows. Recovery is deceptively fast and is a great tool to keep opponents in place or to keep them afraid while you try to throw them.


All antlions can be double summoned if you summon another antlion before the other hits the ground. This can be the same or a different snake. Otherwise, only one antlion may be out at a time, regardless of type. All antlions are air-unblockable, reach further into the air than snakes, and are generally not comboable with crows like snakes are.

  • 214A: A snake will travel slowly across the ground. This snake is controlled by negative edge: releasing the A button will "activate" it. Upon being hit the opponent will be launched similar to the B antlion.
  • 214B: A snake will travel quickly across the ground. This snake automatically activates when it is near an opponent. Untechable on counter hit.
  • 214C: Costs 100% Meter. Summons a gigantic crocodile that is presumably air-unblockable and takes a while to come out. Don't use it.

Unripe Egg

  • 421A: A dark cloud will appear in front of Nero before traveling behind him for a half screen distance. It will then travel back to where you were standing when you summoned it and then disappear.
  • 421B: A dark cloud will go in front of Nero and travel across the ground until it hits the edge of the screen where it will disappear. This version of Unripe Egg will not hit upon summoning and will not return.
  • 421C: A dark cloud will travel back and forth across the ground three times. This version of Unripe Egg will disappear upon Nero getting hit. The startup of this move is high but it is a useful tool to prevent an opponent from going anywhere.


  • 63214C: Costs 100% meter. Nero summons a swarm of bees to attack opponents directly in front of him. Can be used as a reversal, hits four times. If the opponents move is fast enough they can block the bees after you summon them. Is safe on block, mostly.
  • 41236C: Can only be used in Max, Heat, or Blood Heat. Nero transforms into his ultimate form and attack by tackling in a straight path forward. This move has a large startup, but is unblockable and unshieldable. It is also completely safe. However, dodging works against this attack. When used during Blood Heat, the startup is much shorter and Nero will dash back for another attack and stop at the location that you execute this move from.
  • 214D: Costs 50% meter. Shield bunker. Can be executed during blockstun. Causes 4 hits and a knockdown.
  • Last Arc: Can be standing or low shield. The laser that Nero fires is unblockable.
  • 66: Nero disappears and reappears a set distance in front of where he was last. This teleport can go through anything but has a fairly horrible recovery.
  • 44: Nero disappears and reappears a set distance behind where he was last. This teleport is the same as his forward one and is identical in appearance.

Combos and Strategies

Considered by many to be the strongest version of Nero due to many useful tools and an actual overhead.

Many normals are now shorter or more oddly angled than previous versions and you are unable to airdash during jumping moves due to Full Moon's mechanics, making this Nero a lot less mobile.

However, the key to achieving consistent damage lies in superior summons and the chargeable overhead that is 6[C].

Win Quotes



Statistics Crescent Moon

Stance 100% 75% 50% 25% Net Health
Jump 0.792 0.740 0.717 0.638 15,891
Stand 0.900 0.842 0.815 0.725 13,979
Crouch 0.972 0.909 0.880 0.783 12,945
Average 14,271

Statistics Half/Full Moon

Stance 100% 75% 50% 25% Net Health
Jump 0.792 0.749 0.717 0.638 15,845
Stand 0.900 0.852 0.815 0.725 13,939
Crouch 0.972 0.920 0.880 0.783 12,908
Average 14,230

MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull