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==Damage Modifier==
==Damage Modifiers==
The damage modifier system works much like Act Cadenza.  Each character has a set life total of 11400, but take different amounts of damage at different points of their life bars.  Another thing to note is that there is a '''Stance Modifier''' that changes the Damage modifier depending on if the character is in Stand, Crouch, or Jump state.
Each character has a set life total of 11400, but take different amounts of damage depending on several factors. These factors are:
*The '''Base Damage''' of the attack
*The opponent's '''Defense Modifier'''
*The current '''Hit Count''' in the combo
*The opponent's '''Missing Health'''
*The current '''Correction Value''' in the combo
*The opponent's '''Stance'''
*The opponent '''Reducing'''
*Random '''Critical Hits'''

These are the values for the Stance Modifier<br>
===Base Damage===
*Jump: x0.88
The Base Damage of a move is the amount of damage displayed in parentheses next to "DAMAGE" in Training Mode's Attack Display
*Stand: x1.00
*Crouch: x1.08

These values modify the '''Damage Modifier''' during combos, as well. For example, if you combo them on the ground, then knock them in the air, they will get the Jump Stance modifier when they are in the air. Damage Modifier values are consistent across all moon styles for every character except [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Mech-Hisui|Mech-Hisui]], [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Nero_Chaos|Nero]], and [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco_%26_Mech|Neco-Mech]]. For the [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Hisui_%26_Kohaku|Maids (Hisui & Kohaku)]] team characters, they each have their own Damage Modifiers.  
===Defense Modifier===
Each character has 4 Defense Modifier values which act as multipliers on damage taken by that character. For each 25% (2850) of the opponent's Missing Health, the opponent's Defense Modifier will change. For most characters the Defense Modifier decreases as their health drops (resulting in less damage taken), but a few characters break this trend. Defense Modifiers are shared between moons for all characters except [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Mech-Hisui|Mech-Hisui]], [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Nero_Chaos|Nero]], and [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco_%26_Mech|Neco-Mech]]. [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Hisui_%26_Kohaku|Maids (Hisui & Kohaku)]] have the same Defense Modifiers as Hisui and Kohaku do separately and use the values for whichever Maid is currently the lead, but they also have a separate 1.035x multiplier on received damage.

If damage ends up becoming a decimal, it will always round down.
For in-depth data on character health and Defense Modifiers, either see the [[#Health_Values|"Health Values"]] section below or the [ "Health and Damage"] section of the [ MBAACC frame data spreadsheet]. Note that the Defense Modifiers listed here and on the character pages take into account the Hit Count multiplier and Stance multiplier as explained below (as well as the Maids specific multiplier). For example, V.Sion's actual Defense Modifiers are 1.00, 0.95, 0.90, 0.90, but her values listed are 1.00 * 32/32 (1.000), 0.95 * 31/32 (0.920), 0.90 * 30/32 (0.843), and 0.90 * 29/32 (0.815), and on her character page the health values for jump and crouch are these same values multiplied by 0.88 and 1.08 respectively. This is done to get a more accurate Net Health value, but is not accurate to how the game handles these values.

For in-depth data on character health and damage modifiers, either see the [[#Health_Values|"Health Values"]] section below, or the [ "Health and Damage"] section of the [ MBAACC frame data spreadsheet].
===Hit Count===
The first hit in a combo will have a 32/32 multiplier on it. This multiplier decreases with each hit in the combo, from 32/32 to 31/32 to 30/32 and so on, capping at 1/32. This multiplier reflects the displayed hit count, so hits that do not increment it do not affect this multiplier. For each 25% (2850) of the opponent's Missing Health there will be an effective one extra hit counting towards this multiplier. For example, 3 hits into a combo the multiplier would normally be 29/32, but if the opponent is below 25% health the multiplier would instead be 26/32.

===Hit Count Scaling===
===Correction Value===
The damage of each hit in any combo is, in addition to the other scaling methods, scaled by the number of hits in a combo. Each hit in a combo further reduces the amount of damage done by subtracting 1/32nd of the original damage of that hit, so the first hit in a combo does 32/32 times its normal damage, the next hit 31/32, and so on. This continues until the combo hits a minimum at which point the damage cannot be reduced any further by hit count alone. For each quartile of health that the enemy is missing, the combo is treated as being 1 hit longer for the purpose of calculating the damage of each hit.
By default, the Correction Value is 100% and acts as a multiplier on damage dealt. Some hits will reduce this value while others will leave it the same, but the Correction Value will never increase mid-combo. After a hit, the new Correction Value is determined by the hits assigned proration and the type of proration that the hit has: override, or multiplicative. Override proration works by overriding the Correction Value with the hit's proration value if and only if that proration value is lower. Multiplicative proration works by multiplying the current Correction Value by the hit's proration value to calculate the new Correction Value. The Correction Value is updated after the hit has dealt its damage, so a hit's proration does not effect its own damage, only the damage of following hits. EX Cancels and OTG Relaunches both apply 65% multiplicative proration. The EX Cancel proration occurs upon EX Flash and is thus applied before the hit. The OTG Relaunch proration does not apply to hit grabs, and it occurs before the hit's normal proration but otherwise functions normally, only applying to hits after the relaunch.
Proration is often also used to refer to the Correction Value itself.
=====Reverse Penalty=====
Reverse Penalty is a value closely related to the Correction Value. It starts at 0% and can be increased to a maximum of 55% through various means. Unlike the Correction Value, the Reverse Penalty is tied to certain cancel actions instead of hits. Reverse Penalty acts as an upper bound on Correction Value, not allowing it to be above (100% - Reverse Penalty). Note that because Reverse Penalty is caused by cancels, it is applied before the hit. The following actions increase the Reverse Penalty.
{| class="wikitable"
|- align="center" style="background:#e8eaec;"
! Action
! Reverse Penalty Increase
! Time Before Penalty Decay
| 5A/2A > 5A/2A
|| 0.825%
|| 8F
| Reverse Beats
|| 22.55%
|| 60F
| Shield Cancels¹
|| 30.03%
|| 90F
| EX-Shield Cancels¹
|| 40.04%
|| 90F
¹Cancelling a shield into another shield does not incur the penalty.

===Correction Value===
After the specified number of frames have passed, the Reverse Penalty value will decay at a linear rate of 0.2475% / F. Although Reverse Penalty is stored to several decimal places, the game rounds up to the nearest whole percent for damage calculations. The in-game Attack Display may not always line up with the effective value of Reverse Penalty since the number shown is rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent (0.05 rounds down), while the value used for calculations is always rounded up. For example, an internal value of 9.98% will display 10.0% and use 10% for damage, while an internal value of 10.02% will still display 10.0% but will use 11% for damage. The Attack Display's Correction Value will, however, be accurate (after one Reverse Beat the display will show a Reverse Penalty of 22.5% (22.55% internally), but hitting the opponent with an attack will properly display a Correction Value of 77%, assuming the attack's proration was worse than 77%).
When starting a combo, one factor to keep in mind is '''Correction Value''' (also referred to as '''proration'''). This value, among other factors, determines how much damage any individual hit in a combo will deal. Formally, the correction value is a value in the interval between 0% and 100% that can only ever decrease or remain the same as a result of a hit. Most hits have a modifier that acts as an upper clamp on the correction value, setting the correction value to the fixed modifier if the fixed modifier is lower (i.e. closer to 0), or leaving it alone otherwise. Some hits have a scaling multiplier that always decreases the current correction value by some factor (less than one). Cancelling any special move into an EX move or Arc Drive super adds a 65% scaling multiplier. An OTG relaunch (distinct from a normal OTG hit) also concurs with a 65% scaling multiplier. All of these updates to the correction value occur '''after''' the hit's damage is calculated; as a consequence, the damage that an individual hit is not affected by how it changes the correction value.
Depending on the opponent's stance, they will receive scaled damage. These multipliers are universal between all characters and moons and are shown below.
Stand  : 1.00
Air    : 0.88
Crouch : 1.08
OTG    : 0.42

The '''Reverse Penalty''' is a value closely related to the correction value. It inhabits the interval between 0% and 55%. Unlike the correction value, the reverse penalty is not tied to a specific combo, and exists throughout the game and changes in response to the actions that a character takes. By default the reverse penalty is 0%. It can increase as a result of specific actions being taken, such as performing a reverse beat (adds 22.5% reverse penalty), cancelling shield or EX-shield into something other than another shield (40% for actions that can only be done out of EX-shield, 30% for actions that can be done out of either), or even performing multiple jabs in quick succession (adds 0.8% reverse penalty). After taking an action that raises the reverse penalty, it remains at that value for a duration proportional to the amount by which it was raised, then decreases linearly towards 0 again. The significance of the reverse penalty is its role in determining correction value: if the correction value is greater than the reverse penalty minus one, it is set to {{Tooltip|text=that value|hovertext=The reverse penalty minus one.}}. Notably, unlike the ways mentioned before, it updates the correction value '''before''' the hit's damage is calculated.
These multipliers are effective in neutral and in combos, and will update dynamically. For instance, a ground string against a crouching opponent will deal 1.08x damage, but upon launching the opponent, the rest of the combo will deal 0.88x damage. The OTG multiplier applies to all hits during an OTG string up to and including a relaunch.

You can '''Reduce''' by pressing A, B, C or D in a 5 frame window as you get hit, this reduces incoming damage by 30%.
You can '''Reduce''' by pressing A, B, C or D in a 5 frame window as you get hit, this reduces incoming damage by 30%.
*The window for damage reducing is 3 frames from before you get hit to 1 frame after being hit, with 9 to 4 frames before being hit counting as failed reduce.
*The window for damage reducing is 3 frames from before you get hit to 1 frame after being hit, with 9 to 4 frames before being hit counting as failed reduce.

===Critical Hit===
===Critical Hit===
There is also a mechanic in Melty Blood called '''Critical Hit'''. It happens randomly on any hit and will multiply the damage dealt by 1.15x.
There is also a mechanic in Melty Blood called '''Critical Hit'''. It happens randomly (1/32) on any hit and will multiply the damage dealt by 1.15x.

===Damage Calculations===
Damage is calculated in the following order. The result of each calculation is rounded down before the next calculation.
Damage = '''Base Damage'''
Damage = Damage * 1.15 (if '''Critical''')
Damage = Damage * '''Defense Modifier'''
Damage = Damage * 1.035 (if character receiving damage is Maids)
Damage = Damage * (32 - '''Hit Count''' - '''Quarters of Missing Health''')/32
Damage = Damage * '''Correction Value'''
Damage = Damage * '''Stance'''
Damage = Damage * 0.7 (if '''Reduced''')

===Damage Scaling Chart===
C-Roa: 2A > 5B > 2B > 5C(1) > 6C > 2C > 236A > 22C > AD
int Damage = BaseDmg - BaseDmg/32 * (Hits - 1 + QrtLifeLost);
*C-Roa Arc Drive (7000 Base Bamage)
Damage = Damage * Def;
*Against V.Sion (Defense Modifiers of 1.00, 0.95, 0.90, 0.90)
Damage = Damage * Stance;
*8 hits before the Arc Drive (24/32 Hit Count Multiplier)
Damage = Damage * PrevProration;
*V.Sion has 8159 (72%) health remaining (Use 0.95 Defense Modifier and reduce Hit Count Multiplier to 23/32)
*C-Roa Arc Drive starts with a hit grab, avoiding OTG Relaunch proration (50% Correction Value from 22C)
*C-Roa Arc Drive hits Airborne (0.88 Stance Multiplier)

BaseDmg  = With "Attack display" on in training mode, check "Damage" number inside brackets
  floor( floor( floor( 7000 * 0.95 ) * 23/32 ) * 0.50 ) * 0.88
Hits = Combo hit count
  = 2102 damage
QtrLifeLost  = Add 1 for each 25% of life lost (maximum of 3)
PrevProration = Correction value BEFORE the move hit (100% for 1st hit in combo)
Def  =  Defence multiplier for current life bar quarter (check game files for it)
Stance=Air/OTG: 0.88
      Stand  : 1.00
      Crouch : 1.08
* CRoa Arc Drive (7000 base damage) vs VSion with 70% health left. 14 hit combo.<br/>
* - 0.88 stance because Roa AD always hits in midair stance.<br/>
* VSion Multipliers: 0002.p/data/v_sion_1_c.txt -> Guard = 1.0, 0.95, 0.9, 0.9<br/>
floor( floor( floor( BaseDmg - BaseDmg/32*(Hits-1+QrtLifeLost) ) * Def) * Stance) * PrevProration
  floor( floor( floor(7000 - 7000/32 * (14-1+1) ) * 0.95) * 0.88) * 0.5
floor( floor( floor(7000 - 218.75 * 14) * 0.95) * 0.88) * 0.5
floor( floor( 3937 * 0.95) * 0.88) * 0.5
  floor(3740 * 0.88) * 0.5 = 1645 damage

==Launch and Untech Hitcount Decay==
==Launch and Untech Hitcount Decay==
Line 71: Line 106:
! rowspan="2"|Character Name
! rowspan="2"|Character Name
! colspan="4"|Damage Modifier (Health %)
! colspan="4"|Defense Modifier (Health %)
! rowspan="2"|Net Health
! rowspan="2"|Net Health
! rowspan="2"|Grade
! rowspan="2"|Grade
Line 154: Line 189:
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Vermillion|V.Akiha]]|| 1.150|| 1.114|| 1.031|| 0.906|| '''10946'''|| H-
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Vermillion|V.Akiha]]|| 1.150|| 1.114|| 1.031|| 0.906|| '''10946'''|| H-
==Guard Meter==
The Guard Meter keeps track of two different stats: Guard Gauge, and Guard Quality. Guard Gauge is shown by the fullness of the meter while Guard Quality is shown by the color of the meter.<br>
{| class="wikitable"
|- align="center" style="background:#e8eaec;"
! rowspan="2"|Moon
! colspan="6"|Guard Gauge
! colspan="3"|Guard Quality
! Max Value
! Heal Base Value
! Heal Acceleration
! Heal Delay Time
! Crush Recover Time
! 2+ Hit Correction
! Max Value
! Heal Value
! Heal Delay Time
| C-Moon
|| 8000
|| 2.5 / F
|| 0.02 / F
|| 420F
|| 180F
|| 1.0
|| 2.0
|| 0.001 / F
|| 30F
| F-Moon
|| 7000
|| 3.5 / F
|| 0.03 / F
|| 420F
|| 180F
|| 0.8
|| 1.7
|| 0.001 / F
|| 30F
| H-Moon
|| 10500
|| 5.0 / F
|| 0.03 / F
|| 360F
|| 180F
|| 0.8
|| 3.0
|| 0.001 / F
|| 300F
By default, each player has their Guard Gauge at its "Max Value". Upon blocking an attack, your Guard Gauge will drop by an amount specific to that attack. After the first blocked hit in a string, every subsequent hit will only do "2+ Hit Correction" times its Guard Damage. After "Heal Delay Time" (starting immediately upon blocking), your Guard Gauge will begin recovering at a rate of "Heal Base Value", accelerating by "Heal Acceleration". Upon reaching 0 Guard Gauge, you are Guard Crushed and it will take "Crush Recover Time" before your Guard Gauge is back to normal.<br>
By default, each player has their Guard Quality at 0 (shown as blue). Upon doing specific actions, your Guard Quality will increase by an amount specific to that action. After "Heal Delay Time" (starting immediately upon starting the action), your Guard Quality will begin recovering at a rate of "Heal Value". Your Guard Quality can not increase beyond "Max Value" (shown as red).<br>
{| class="wikitable"
|- align="center" style="background:#e8eaec;"
! Move
! Guard Quality Change
| Shield Whiff
|| + 1.0
| Dodge
|| + 0.4
| Air Dodge
|| + 0.75
| Heat
|| - All
| Burst
|| - All
| Guard Crush
|| - All
| Successful Shield (No cancel)
|| - 1.5
| Successful Air Shield (No cancel)
|| - 0.5
| Meter Charge
|| - 0.05 / 2F
The amount of Guard Damage taken from an attack is determined by that attack's Base Guard Damage, as well as your current Guard Quality and a Stance Modifier shown below
*Stand = 1.0
*Air = 2.0
*Crouch = 1.5
Final Guard Damage = floor(Base Guard Damage * Stance Modifier * (1 + Guard Quality))
Example F-Vaki 5[C] vs crouching opponent with 0.4 Guard Quality: 600 * 1.5 * (1 + 0.4) = 1260
EX Guarding an attack ignores its Guard Damage and instead restores your Guard Gauge.
EX Guard Restore = floor(Max Guard Gauge Value / 20 * (1 + Guard Quality / Max Guard Quality))
Example F-Moon EX Guards an attack with 1 Guard Quality: 7000 / 20 * (1 + 1 / 1.7) = 555.88 => 555
==Circuit Break==
Certain moves inflict a status called Circuit Break. This will replace your meter with a cracked BREAK meter that counts down the duration of the Circuit Break.<br>
There are two types of Circuit Breaks:
*Type 1 - Drains all meter from those in MAX/HEAT/BLOOD HEAT, otherwise drains 100% meter
**Inflicted by: Hime AD/AAD, C-Ries gc.624C, Len LA, NAC 624C, Hisui LA, Neco 623C
*Type 2 - Drains no meter
**Inflicted by: H-Aoko 214C, C-Sion 236C, C-Ries gc.624A/B, C-Roa 22C(6), Maids K.AD, C-Ryougi 6C~214C, KohaMech AD, Kohaku AD
While Circuit Broken, you lose access to your meter, but it is still there in the background. This means that MAX/HEAT/BLOOD HEAT will continue to count down and provide things like C-Moon HEAT/BLOOD HEAT buffs or access to Last Arc (this is only applicable to Type 2).
The following are disabled during Circuit Break:
*EX Moves
*Bunker Cancel
*Air Dodge Cancel
*Arc Drive/Another Arc Drive
*Meter Charge
*All Meter Gain/Loss (directly or indirectly)
The following still work during Circuit Break:
*Held Shield (still requires and consumes meter and is the only form of meter change available during Circuit Break)
*Last Arc
*Hime Flight (does not drain meter)
Certain moves have a clash box that has special properties. Upon an attack hitting a clash box, both characters will experience 16f of hitstop and have access to their "On hit" cancel options but not "On successful hit" (as labeled in Hantei-chan). This means you have access to the same cancels as you would have on block but without the limitation of not being able to jump cancel (note that jump cancels are attached to normal cancels, so if you would not be able to normal cancel on block you can not jump cancel on clash).
Clashing also consumes a hit. In practice this mostly means that if a move has clash frames during its active frames and it clashes, the move will only clash and no longer be able to hit the opponent.
Often, a move will both hit the opponent and clash on the same frame. The outcome of this interaction depends on [[Melty_Blood/Advanced_Mechanics#Character_Priority|Character Priority]]. If the character with a clash box has priority, hitting takes priority over clashing (sometimes resulting in a trade). If the character hitting the clash box has priority, clashing takes priority over hitting. If both characters clash and hit at the same time, the clash takes priority.
==Cross ups==
Blocking in Melty Blood is based entirely on the directions the defender and attacker are facing with 2 rules.
# The defender can always block something by holding opposite the direction your character is facing.
# The defender can always block something by holding the same direction the attacker is facing.
In most instances these are the same direction, but if they are not, you are able to block either direction (i.e. there are no left/right unblockables). For projectiles, the projectile itself is considered the attacker and has its own facing direction. Projectiles face the same direction that their owner was facing at the time of spawning, but some projectiles can turn around like C-Roa's air orbs or Nero's deer.
On the ground, you will be able to turnaround anytime you are fully actionable or upon using non-command normals (Neutral turnaround animations are purely visual, the character is facing the other way the frame they are crossed up). In the air, you will only be able to turn around upon double jumping or upon specific actions like air dodge.
If a defender has already blocked an attack from one direction during a blockstring, they will continue to be able to block by holding that direction up through the end of blockstun (this includes the neutral frame). This means that in order for attacks to properly cross up, the attacker must leave an actionable gap for the defender.
Some examples of attacks that can be blocked both ways:
* F-Vaki is on the left. She jumps, airdashes over you and then airdashes back towards you from the other side with j.C (Attacker facing right, Defender facing right)
* C-Aoko is on the left. She sets an orb (orb is facing right) and then jumps over you and detonates the orb (Attacker facing right, Defender facing right)
* C-Roa is on the left. He sets up an air orb on oki with the orb appearing behind you (orb turns around to face you, facing left). He detonates the orb on your wakeup (Attacker facing left, Defender facing left)
Ways in which the above situations can be turned into cross ups:
* F-Vaki is on the left. She jumps, airdashes over you and then double jumps (turning her around) and airdashes back towards you from the other side with j.C (Attacker facing left, Defender facing right)
* C-Aoko is on the left. She sets an orb (orb is facing right) and then jumps over you, back to the left and detonates the orb (Attacker facing right, Defender facing left)
* C-Roa is on the left. He sets up an air orb on oki with the orb appearing behind you (orb turns around to face you, facing left). He double jumps over you and then detonates the orb on your wakeup (Attacker facing left, Defender facing right)
Sandori ('''San'''daa '''Dori'''futo - Lit. Thunder Drift) is a technique that is similar to the F-Vaki example above but can be used for nearly unreactable left/right mix on some characters. Sandori is usually done by jumping over your opponent and then either air backdashing back over them for a same side j.C or double jumping (turning you around) and then quickly air backdashing the other way for a cross up j.C. This technique is limited by a character's ability to hit opponents after the air backdash so it only really works on characters with a sufficient combination of a short air backdash and large air buttons (most notably Satsuki) or when the opponent is near the corner (using the corner to prevent air backdash from going too far away).

==Wakeup Timings==
==Wakeup Timings==
Line 170: Line 362:
|- align="center" style="background:#e8eaec;"
|- align="center" style="background:#e8eaec;"
! rowspan="2"|Character Name
! rowspan="2"|Character Name
! colspan="3"|Knockdown Type
! colspan="4"|Knockdown Type
! colspan="2"|Wakeup Type
! colspan="2"|Wakeup Type
|- align="center" style="background:#e8eaec;"
|- align="center" style="background:#e8eaec;"
Line 176: Line 368:
! style="width: 75px;"|Front
! style="width: 75px;"|Front
! style="width: 75px;"|Back
! style="width: 75px;"|Back
! style="width: 75px;"|OTG
! style="width: 50px;"|Prone
! style="width: 50px;"|Prone
! style="width: 50px;"|Supine
! style="width: 50px;"|Supine
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno|Akiha]]||style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''60''' (34)||style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''55''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 26||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno|Akiha]]
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''60''' (34)
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''55''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 26
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno_(Seifuku)|Seifuku]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Vermillion|V.Akiha]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Aoko_Aozaki|Aoko]]
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''61''' (34)
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''56''' (29)
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''53''' (26)
|style="background:#a8acba;"| '''41''' (14)
|style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 27
|style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 27
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Arcueid_Brunestud|Arcueid]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Red_Arcueid|Red Arcueid]]
|style="background:#fafaff;"| '''55''' (34)
|style="background:#fafaff;"| '''50''' (29)
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''52''' (27)
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''39''' (14)
|style="background:#fff8f4;"| 21
|style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 25
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Archetype:_Earth|Hime]]
| '''57''' (35)
|style="background:#ffffff;"| '''49''' (27)
| '''49''' (27)
|style="background:#ffffff;"| '''33''' (11)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Ciel|Ciel]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Powered_Ciel|Powered Ciel]]
| '''57''' (35)
| '''51''' (29)
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''51''' (27)
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''38''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 24
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Hisui|Hisui]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Mech-Hisui|Mech-Hisui]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Kohaku|Kohaku]]
| '''56''' (34)
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''54''' (32)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Kouma_Kishima|Kouma]]
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''60''' (36)
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''53''' (29)
|style="background:#bcc0ca;"| '''56''' (31)
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''39''' (14)
|style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 24
|style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 25
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Miyako_Arima|Miyako]]
|style="background:#ffffff;"| '''54''' (32)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Len|Len]]
| '''57''' (35)
| '''51''' (29)
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''53''' (27)
|style="background:#bcc0ca;"| '''40''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 26
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/White_Len|White Len]]
|style="background:#bcc0ca;"| '''63''' (41)
|style="background:#ffffff;"| '''48''' (26)
| '''50''' (24)
|style="background:#bcc0ca;"| '''40''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 26
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco-Arc|Neco-Arc]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco-Arc_Chaos|NAC]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Nero_Chaos|Nero]]
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''59''' (34)
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''54''' (29)
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''53''' (27)
|style="background:#bcc0ca;"| '''40''' (14)
|style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 25
|style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 26
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Riesbyfe_Stridberg|Riesbyfe]]
|style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''61''' (37)
|style="background:#ffffff;"| '''48''' (24)
|style="background:#bcc0ca;"| '''57''' (30)
|style="background:#a8acba;"| '''41''' (14)
|style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 24
|style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 27
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Roa|Roa]]
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''58''' (36)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Satsuki_Yumiduka|Satsuki]]
|style="background:#a8acba;"| '''65''' (41)
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''53''' (29)
| '''50''' (27)
| '''37''' (14)
|style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 24
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 23
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Tohno|Tohno]]
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''59''' (37)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''50''' (27)
| '''37''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 23
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Nanaya|Nanaya]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''50''' (27)
| '''37''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 23
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno_(Seifuku)|Seifuku]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Ryougi|Ryougi]]
| '''57''' (33)
|style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''53''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''37''' (15)
|style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 24
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Vermillion|V.Akiha]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Sion_Eltnam_Atlasia|Sion]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Aoko_Aozaki|Aoko]]||style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''61''' (34)||style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''56''' (29)||style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''53''' (26)||style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 27||style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 27
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Sion_TATARI|V.Sion]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''49''' (27)
| '''36''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Arcueid_Brunestud|Arcueid]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"| [[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Warachia|Warachia]]
| '''56''' (34)
| '''51''' (29)
| '''50''' (27)
| '''37''' (14)
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 23
==Run/Dash Frame Data==
Speeds are in "units" which are used natively by the game. 128 units = 1 positional pixel. 256 units = 1 sprite/box pixel. (The pixel grid that characters move on is half the size of the pixels used in sprites and for boxes)
The Brake Durations for limited duration runs are: duration upon release / duration upon max hold. (In all cases releasing early results in 1 frame less brake duration)
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Red_Arcueid|Red Arcueid]]||style="background:#fafaff;"| '''55''' (34)||style="background:#fafaff;"| '''50''' (29)||style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''52''' (27)||style="background:#fff8f4;"| 21||style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 25
!rowspan="2"|Character Name
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Archetype:_Earth|Hime]]|| '''57''' (35)||style="background:#ffffff;"| '''49''' (27)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno|Akiha]] || 1 || 7 || 0 || 7 || 1500 || 16 || 1024 - 16*f || 12
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Ciel|Ciel]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Vermillion|V.Akiha]] (C/F) || 7 || 11 || 256 || 7 || 2200 || 16 || 1024 - 16*f || 12
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Powered_Ciel|Powered Ciel]]|| '''57''' (35)|| '''51''' (29)||style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''51''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 24
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Vermillion|V.Akiha]] (H) || 7 || 11 || 256 || 7 || 2400 || 16 || 1024 - 16*f || 12
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Hisui|Hisui]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno_(Seifuku)|Seifuku]] (C/H) || 8 || 8 || 0 || 8 || {{Tooltip | text=1400 + 60*f | hovertext=Max = 2700. Sei moves an additional 20 pixels (2560 units) on the first frame of movement}} || 10 - 57 || 1200 - 18*f || 15 / 16
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Mech-Hisui|Mech-Hisui]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno_(Seifuku)|Seifuku]] (F) || 8 || 8 || 0 || 8 || {{Tooltip | text=2048 | hovertext=Sei moves an additional 20 pixels (2560 units) on the first frame of movement}} || 1 - 57 || 1200 - 18*f || 13 / 14
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Kohaku|Kohaku]]|| '''56''' (34)||style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''54''' (32)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Aoko_Aozaki|Aoko]] || 5 || 8 || 256 || 5 || 1800 || 3 - 48 || 256 || 28 / 29
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Kouma_Kishima|Kouma]]||style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''60''' (36)||style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''53''' (29)||style="background:#bcc0ca;"| '''56''' (31)||style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 24||style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 25
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Arcueid_Brunestud|Arcueid]] || 2 || 8 || 256 || 7 || 2048 || 1 - inf || 256 || 14
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Miyako_Arima|Miyako]]||style="background:#ffffff;"| '''54''' (32)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Red_Arcueid|Red Arcueid]] || 0 || 8 || 256 || 7 || 1600 || 1 - inf || 256 || 26
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Len|Len]]|| '''57''' (35)|| '''51''' (29)||style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''53''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 26
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Archetype:_Earth|Hime]] || 3 || 3 || 0 || 3 || 1600 || 1 - inf || 1200 - 60*f || 11
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/White_Len|White Len]]||style="background:#bcc0ca;"| '''63''' (41)||style="background:#ffffff;"| '''48''' (26)|| '''50''' (24)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 26
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Ciel|Ciel]] (C) || {{Tooltip | text=10 | hovertext=Actionable 1-4}} || 10 || 256 || 6 || 1800 || 23 || 512 || 6
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco-Arc|Neco-Arc]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Ciel|Ciel]] (F) || {{Tooltip | text=9 | hovertext=Actionable 1-3}} || 9 || 256 || 5 || 1800 || 23 || 512 || 6
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco-Arc_Chaos|NAC]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Ciel|Ciel]] (H) || {{Tooltip | text=10 | hovertext=Actionable 1-4}} || 10 || 256 || 6 || 1950 || 23 || 512 || 6
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Nero_Chaos|Nero]]||style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''59''' (34)||style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''54''' (29)||style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''53''' (27)||style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 25||style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 26
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Powered_Ciel|Powered Ciel]] || 8 || 8 || 256 || 8 || 1800 || 27 || 512 - 50*f || 10
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Riesbyfe_Stridberg|Riesbyfe]]||style="background:#c8cbd8;"| '''61''' (37)||style="background:#ffffff;"| '''48''' (24)||style="background:#bcc0ca;"| '''57''' (30)||style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 24||style="background:#dcd0c8;"| 27
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Hisui|Hisui]] || 3 || 4 || 128 || 3 || 1664 || 1 - 60 || 512 - 8*f || 11 / 12
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Roa|Roa]]||style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''58''' (36)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Kouma_Kishima|Kouma]] || 6 || 9 || 0 || 6 || 2150 || 12 || 1000 || 6
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Satsuki_Yumiduka|Satsuki]]||style="background:#a8acba;"| '''65''' (41)||style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''53''' (29)|| '''50''' (27)||style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 24||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 23
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Kohaku|Kohaku]] || 6 || 9 || 256 || 6 || {{Tooltip | text=1600 + 50*f | hovertext=Max = 1900}} || 3 - 42 || 1664, 512 || 3 / 4, 8
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Tohno|Tohno]]||style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''59''' (37)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''50''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 23
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Koha_%26_Mech|Koha-Mech]] || 6 || 9 || 256 || 6 || {{Tooltip | text=1500 + 50*f | hovertext=Max = 1800}} || 3 - 42 || 1500 - 30*f, 512 || 7 / 8, 8
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Nanaya|Nanaya]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''50''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 23
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Len|Len]] (C) || 0 || 6 || 450 || 5 || 1350 || 1 - inf || 800 - 50*f || 12
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Ryougi|Ryougi]]|| '''57''' (33)||style="background:#d8dbe4;"| '''53''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#e8e0dc;"| 24||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Len|Len]] (F) || 8 || 8 || 0, 900 || 8, 2 || {{Tooltip | text=1200 + 50*f | hovertext=Max = 1600}} || 16 || 800 - 50*f || 13
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Sion_Eltnam_Atlasia|Sion]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Len|Len]] (H) || 0 || 6 || 450 || 5 || 1200 || 1 - inf || 800 - 50*f || 12
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Sion_TATARI|V.Sion]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''49''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Mech-Hisui|Mech-Hisui]] || 2 || 8 || 128 || 5 || {{Tooltip | text=128 + 150*f | hovertext=Max = 1600}} || 39 || 256 - 8*f || 33
|align="left" style="background:#e8eaec;"|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Warachia|Warachia]]|| '''56''' (34)|| '''51''' (29)|| '''50''' (27)||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 22||style="background:#f4f0ee;"| 23
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Miyako_Arima|Miyako]] || 6 || 6 || 128 || 1 || 1664 || 12 || - || -
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco-Arc_Chaos|NAC]] || 5 || 5 || 0 || 2 || 1200 || 4 - inf || 1200 - 50*f || 14
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Nanaya|Nanaya]] (C/F) || 5 || 7 || 256 || 3 || 2200 - 16*f || 9 || 1200 - 100*f || 12
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Nanaya|Nanaya]] (H) || 5 || 7 || 256 || 3 || 2350 - 16*f || 9 || 1200 - 100*f || 12
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco-Arc|Neco-Arc]] || 5 || 6 || 0 || 2 || 1200 || 4 - inf || 1200 - 50*f || 14
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco_%26_Mech|Neco-Mech]] || 2 || 9 || 512 || 6 || {{Tooltip | text=800 + 150*f | hovertext=Max = 1800}} || 39 || 256 - 8*f || 33
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Nero_Chaos|Nero]] (C/F) || 56 || 56 || 0 || 31 || 5000 || 6 || - || -
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Nero_Chaos|Nero]] (H) || 13 || 13 || 0 || 10 || 2000 - 50*f || 21 || - || -
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Riesbyfe_Stridberg|Riesbyfe]] (C/H) || 1 - 7 || 1 - 7 || 0 || 1 - 7 || 1600 || 0 - 51 || 1000 - 50*f || 14 / 15
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Riesbyfe_Stridberg|Riesbyfe]] (F) || 12 || 12 || 256 || 3 || 2400 - 80*f || 15 || 100 || 17
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Roa|Roa]] || 8 || 12 || 0 || 8 || 1700 - 60*f || 14 || 600 - 30*f || 10
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Ryougi|Ryougi]] (C/H) || 7 || 8 || 0 || 7 || 2000 || 1 - 48 || 1000 - 50*f || 18 / 19
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Ryougi|Ryougi]] (F) || 10 || 10 || 0 || 6 || {{Tooltip | text=1800 + 50*f | hovertext=Max = 2100}} || 21 || 300 - 20*f || 6
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Satsuki_Yumiduka|Satsuki]] || {{Tooltip | text=11 | hovertext=Actionable 1-2}} || {{Tooltip | text=11 | hovertext=Can Block 1-2}} || 0 || 7 || 1700 + 20*f || 15 || 500 - 10*f || 5
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Tohno|Tohno]] (C) || 5 || 5 || 256 || 3 || 2400 - 60*f || 14 || 600 - 30*f || 6
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Tohno|Tohno]] (F) || 5 || 5 || 256 || 3 || 2000 - 60*f || 14 || 600 - 30*f || 6
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Tohno|Tohno]] (H) || 5 || 5 || 256 || 3 || 2500 - 60*f || 14 || 600 - 30*f || 6
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Sion_Eltnam_Atlasia|Sion]] || 3 || 4|| 1600 || 3 || 1700 || 1 - 56 || 512 - 10*f || 11 / 12
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Sion_TATARI|V.Sion]] || 4 || 5 || 700 || 4 || 2060 || 1 - 56 || 256 - 8*f || 11 / 12
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Warachia|Warachia]] (C/H) || 5 || 5 || 0 || 2 || {{Tooltip | text=1720 + 20*f | hovertext=Max = 2048}} || 27 || - || -
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Warachia|Warachia]] (F) || 10 || 10 || 0 || 4 || 1800 || 7 - 31 || 500 || 10 - 18
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/White_Len|White Len]] (C/F Dash) || 30 || 30 || 0, 500 || 2, 15 || 1800 || 2 || 400 || 31
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/White_Len|White Len]] (C/F Run) || 20 || 21 || 0, 500 || 2, 15 || 1600 || 2 - inf || 300 || 19
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/White_Len|White Len]] (H) || 5 - 7 || 5 - 7 || 0 || 2 || 1600 || 6 - inf || 300 || 16
Note: All runs except for Sei's, Hime's, NAC's retain their inability to block while forward is pressed. This usually does not matter since you must release forward to block anyway, but due to the one frame delay in frame transitions, you are unable to block the frame after you release forward.
==Backdash Frame Data==
==Backdash Frame Data==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
Line 247: Line 722:
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Tohno|Tohno]] (F) || 13 || 22 || 1.415 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Tohno|Tohno]] (F) || 13 || 22 || 1.415 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Vermillion|V.Akiha]] || 15 || 24 || 1.046 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Vermillion|V.Akiha]] || 15 || 24 || 1.046 || Yes (4/9)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco-Arc_Chaos|NAC]] (C+F) || 16 || 21 || 0.915 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Neco-Arc_Chaos|NAC]] (C+F) || 16 || 21 || 0.915 || No
Line 255: Line 730:
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Nanaya|Nanaya]] || 12 || 19 || 0.980 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Nanaya|Nanaya]] || 12 || 19 || 0.980 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno_(Seifuku)|Seifuku]] || 16 || 26 || 1.092 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno_(Seifuku)|Seifuku]] || 16 || 26 || 1.092 || Yes (5/10)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Mech-Hisui|Mech-Hisui]] (F) || 16 || 28 || 1.380 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Mech-Hisui|Mech-Hisui]] (F) || 16 || 28 || 1.380 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno|Akiha]] || 16 || 26 || 1.030 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Akiha_Tohno|Akiha]] || 16 || 26 || 1.030 || Yes (5/10)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Warachia|Warachia]] || 16 || 24 || 1.033 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Warachia|Warachia]] || 16 || 24 || 1.033 || No
Line 271: Line 746:
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Nero_Chaos|Nero]] (C+F) (fwd.) || 53 || 56 || 1.373 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Nero_Chaos|Nero]] (C+F) (fwd.) || 53 || 56 || 1.373 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Hisui|Hisui]] || 16 || 28 || 1.000 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Hisui|Hisui]] || 16 || 28 || 1.000 || Yes (8/12)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Miyako_Arima|Miyako]] || 15 || 28 || 1.218 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Miyako_Arima|Miyako]] || 15 || 28 || 1.218 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Aoko_Aozaki|Aoko]] || 16 || 25 || 0.805 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Aoko_Aozaki|Aoko]] || 16 || 25 || 0.805 || Yes (1/9)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Riesbyfe_Stridberg|Riesbyfe]] || 16 || 23 || 0.805 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Riesbyfe_Stridberg|Riesbyfe]] || 16 || 23 || 0.805 || No
Line 281: Line 756:
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Satsuki_Yumiduka|Satsuki]] || 16 || 29 || 1.168 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Satsuki_Yumiduka|Satsuki]] || 16 || 29 || 1.168 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Powered_Ciel|Powered Ciel]] || 16 || 29 || 0.977 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Powered_Ciel|Powered Ciel]] || 16 || 29 || 0.977 || Yes (6/13)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Sion_Eltnam_Atlasia|Sion]] || 16 || 25 || 0.750 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Sion_Eltnam_Atlasia|Sion]] || 16 || 25 || 0.750 || Yes (4/9)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Archetype:_Earth|Hime]] || 16 || 32 || 1.142 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Archetype:_Earth|Hime]] || 16 || 32 || 1.142 || Yes (1/16)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Kouma_Kishima|Kouma]] || 16 || 29 || 1.089 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Kouma_Kishima|Kouma]] || 16 || 29 || 1.089 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Sion_TATARI|V.Sion]] (C) || 16 || 26 || 0.768 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Sion_TATARI|V.Sion]] (C) || 16 || 26 || 0.768 || Yes (5/10)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Nero_Chaos|Nero]] (F) (back) || 51 || 60 || 1.373 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Nero_Chaos|Nero]] (F) (back) || 51 || 60 || 1.373 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Ryougi|Ryougi]] || 16 || 29 || 0.912 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Shiki_Ryougi|Ryougi]] || 16 || 29 || 0.912 || Yes (2/13)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Ciel|Ciel]] || 16 || 29 || 1.057 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Ciel|Ciel]] || 16 || 29 || 1.057 || No
Line 303: Line 778:
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/White_Len|White Len]] (H) || 16 || 31 || 1.181 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/White_Len|White Len]] (H) || 16 || 31 || 1.181 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Red_Arcueid|Red Arcueid]] || 16 || 29 || 0.892 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Red_Arcueid|Red Arcueid]] || 16 || 29 || 0.892 || Yes (7/13)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Arcueid_Brunestud|Arcueid]] || 16 || 25 || 0.686 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Arcueid_Brunestud|Arcueid]] || 16 || 25 || 0.686 || Yes (4/9)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Kohaku|Kohaku]] || 16 || 27 || 0.757 || Yes
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/Kohaku|Kohaku]] || 16 || 27 || 0.757 || Yes (4/11)
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/White_Len|White Len]] (C+F) || 24 || 29 || 0.686 || No
|[[Melty_Blood/MBAACC/White_Len|White Len]] (C+F) || 24 || 29 || 0.686 || No
Line 362: Line 837:

==Buffered Moves==
==Buffered Moves and Input Interpreter==
Like many games, Melty Blood allows you to input most actions slightly before you would be able to use them and have them come out on the first possible frame if you keep holding the button down. However, not all moves can be buffered for the same amount of time.
Like many games, Melty Blood allows you to input most actions slightly before you would be able to use them and have them come out on the first possible frame if you keep holding the final input. However, not all moves can be buffered for the same amount of time. There is technically just a 2f buffer, but several mechanics combine in complicated ways such that this is not the case in practice. The following table glosses over the details.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Line 373: Line 849:
|| Non-Command Normals
|| Non-Command Normals
| align="right" rowspan="2" | 1
| align="right" rowspan="3" | 1
|| Standing Shield
|| Standing Shield
|| Air Shield
|| Air Shield
|| Certain followups (ex. Akiha 5B~B)
| align="right" rowspan="2" | 2
| align="right" rowspan="2" | 2
Line 392: Line 870:
|| Shield Bunker
|| Shield Bunker
|| A+B Dash/Backdash/Airdash*/Dodge/Air Dodge
|| A+B Dash/Backdash/Airdash¹/Dodge/Air Dodge
|| 4/6 A+D Throw
|| 4/6 A+D Throw
Line 398: Line 876:
|| Heat Activate / Meter Charge
|| Heat Activate / Meter Charge
| align="right" rowspan="2" | 6
| align="right" rowspan="3" | 7-9
|| 44/66 Dash/Backdash
|| 44/66 Dash/Backdash
|| 22 Fastfall (Nanaya/Hime only)
|| 22 Fastfall (Nanaya/Hime only)
|| 27/28 Super (double) jump

Airdashes have a minimum height requirement. Below this height, AB will result in an air B normal. Because of how MBAACC handles resolving inputs involving multiple buttons, using AB to instant airdash (both forward and backward) effectively has a 1f buffer (2f window for earliest IAD). Otherwise the buffer window is 3f as stated.
¹ ''Airdashes have a minimum height requirement. Below this height, AB will result in an air B normal. Because of how MBAACC handles resolving inputs involving multiple buttons, using AB to instant airdash (both forward and backward) effectively has a 1f buffer (2f window for earliest IAD). Otherwise the buffer window is 3f as stated.''
The information below more accurately covers all possible buffer situations frame-by-frame:
Frame 0 = Neutral frame/First actionable frame
Listed frames are the frame the input is completed
Non-Command Normals
Frame  0: Input will come out
Single-input commands
Frame -1: Input must be held until at least Frame 0
Frame  0: Input will come out
Frame -2: Input will come out
Frame -1: Input will come out
Frame  0: Input will come out
Multi-input commands
Frame -3: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -2: Input will come out
Frame -1: Input will come out
Frame  0: Input will come out
Commands ending in a directional input
Frame -9: Input must be held until exactly Frame -2
Frame -8: Input must be held until at least Frame -2 but not past Frame -1
Frame -7: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -6: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -5: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -4: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -3: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -2: Input will come out
Frame -1: Input will come out
Frame  0: Input will come out
===Input Interpreter===
Melty Blood has very little leniency when it comes to its inputs. For a command to be read, every input in the command must have explicitly occurred in sequence. Redundant inputs are fine, but for the most notorious example, half circles inputs must contain all of 4, 1, 2, 3, 6 or 6, 3, 2, 1, 4 in order to be valid. No inputs may be skipped, and directions count only for exactly that direction.
As for the timing, Melty has an 8 frame limit on individual inputs and uses the most recent valid input when determining if a previous input was done in time. It is easiest to think of the interpreter searching backwards when checking for input validity. Suppose the interpreter is checking for a 236A input. A 6 input must be within 8 frames of the A input. If there are multiple frames with a 6 input within the 8 frames before the A, then it chooses the most recent. Then, a 3 input must be within 8 frames of that most recent 6 input. This continues until the first input in the command which can have been held for however long and remain valid (note: 22/44/66 inputs are actually 5252/5454/5656).
For a full explanation on both the buffer and the input interpreter, watch [ this video].
===Cross ups===
Melty Blood stores each of your inputs in a list containing the inputs and their durations.
Whenever you are on the ground and you switch sides, all the directional inputs in the list get flipped horizontally. This, along with the input reading itself, is entirely independent of the direction your character is facing and is solely based on the positions of you and your opponent.
* If you input 236 while your opponent jumps over you, regardless of when the cross up occurs, the inputs stored in the list will be 214 afterwards (with a small caveat mentioned later).
* Thus, if you input 236 before or during a cross up, and press A after, 214A will come out.
Unlike on the ground, in the air, your inputs are based on the direction you are facing, and the buffer will not flip until you land, even if you turnaround.
* If you jump over an opponent from their left to their right, and you input 2147 (down, down-left, left, up-left) and then A after double jumping to face the opponent, j.214A will come out.
* If you jump over an opponent from their left to their right, and you input 214 (down, down-left, left) just before/during landing and then A after landing, 236A will come out.
There are two forms of autocorrect that affect two different input timings.
The first can affect all inputs and occurs when an input is completed the frame before a cross up.
* If you input 236 before a cross up, and press A the frame before the cross up, 236A will come out in the opposite direction you input it in.
* This form of autocorrect is due to the fact that moves come out the frame after their input is complete but are interpreted immediately upon completion. So when you press A the frame before cross up, the game stores that 236A is supposed to come out next frame, but on the next frame the cross up also turns you around, so you both turn around and get 236A.
The second only affects single frame inputs (command normals, 6/4AB, etc.) done on the same frame as a cross up.
* If you input 6AB the same frame as a cross up, forward dash will come out in the opposite direction you input it in.
* Because single frame inputs are affected by both forms of autocorrect they effectively have a 2f window for being autocorrected.
* This second form of autocorrect is due to the fact that the game flips the input buffer on cross up and this occurs after reading the inputs. So when you input 6AB the frame of the cross up, the opponent is already behind you so the 6AB is actually a 4AB input as would be expected. The game reads this 4AB before applying the input buffer flip so it becomes a 6AB.
* This bug occurs every cross up but usually only affects these single frame inputs. Theoretically if you input 236 during a cross up, and the 3 was on the frame of the cross up AND was only held for 1 frame, you would get a 234 input after the cross up. This is very rare, however, and usually you will just get a 2314/2134/21314 input which in all cases will be read as 214.
==Meter Penalty==
There are two ways of incurring a Meter Penalty, reducing your meter gain for a certain number of frames.
*Spending meter (Meter Spend Penalty)
**Reduces meter gain by 55% (0.45x meter gain rounded down) for 420 frames.
**Incurred by things that "spend" meter, but not things that "drain" meter (i.e. Hime flight and held shield do not incur this penalty).
*Being EX Guarded (EX Guard Penalty)
**Reduces meter gain by 90% (0.10x meter gain rounded down) for 120 frames, but the penalty will disappear on a successful hit.
Projectiles are immune to Meter Spend Penalty but not EX Guard Penalty.

==Landing Recovery Rules==
==Landing Recovery Rules==
Line 429: Line 988:
If your character has a 5A that whiffs on crouching opponents, by performing the input above, one of two things will happen:
If your character has a 5A that whiffs on crouching opponents, by performing the input above, one of two things will happen:

- If they are standing or trying to jump, another 5A will come out.
* If they are standing or trying to jump, another 5A / a 6A will come out.

- If they are crouching, you will whiff cancel the 5A into a throw.
* If they are crouching, you will whiff cancel the 5A into a throw.

'''Pros:''' Forces your opponent to stand block more, opening themselves to your lows.  
'''Pros:''' Forces your opponent to stand block more, opening themselves to your lows.  
Line 469: Line 1,028:
{{!}}{{Tooltip | text=Half Moon| hovertext=H-Ryougi is the only character that will get a shield instead of a throw when doing 5A6E, so while it does whiff, she can't use this OS. Reasons as to why are unknown, spaghetti code is the most likely one.}}
{{!}}{{Tooltip | text=Half Moon| hovertext=H-Ryougi's 5A is only special cancelable on whiff causing 5A6E to give shield instead of throw}}
{{!}}{{Tooltip | text=All Moons| hovertext=C and H-Wara 5a will hit Nero crouching, but will whiff on all other characters.}}
{{!}}{{Tooltip | text=All Moons| hovertext=C and H-Wara 5A will hit Nero crouching, but will whiff on all other characters.}}
Line 537: Line 1,096:

Plinking is an input trick where you press two different buttons on two consecutive frames, in such a way that the game reads them as the same button. The purpose of this technique is to give you two chances to hit a tight link, improving consistency. All of MBAACC's practical plinking methods rely on the E button, and thus are somewhat more limited than plinking methods in other games where it's present.
Plinking is an input trick where you press two different buttons on two consecutive frames, in such a way that the game reads them as the same button. The purpose of this technique is to give you two chances to hit a tight link, improving consistency. All of MBAACC's plinking methods rely on the E button, and thus are somewhat more limited than plinking methods in other games where it's present. Due to MBAACC's 1 frame leniency on multi-button inputs (being able to cancel the first frame of normals into things like dash), some plinks require you to hold additional buttons throughout the plink in order to avoid these inputs. The details of this for each plink are included below.

===5C/j.C plink (5C~5E)===
===5C/j.C plink (5C~5E)===
This is the most well known plink, since it is commonly used by characters with tight links into j.[C]. The 5E input is interpreted as A+B+C, and since C is already being held, it becomes a 5C input instead of heat activation. Despite the presence of A and B inputs in the macro, this technique cannot be used to plink 5A or 5B, because 5C outprioritizes them. This can be used for 5Cs and j.Cs.
5E is interpreted as 5A+B+C, but C normals have higher priority than A/B normals so this acts as an additional C input only. If you have a 5A+B+C input available to you (grounded C/F moon: heat, blood heat, meter charge), you must be holding A or B during the plink to prevent A+B+C from giving that input (ex. [A] ... 5C~5E ... ]A[). This is the most well known plink, since it is commonly used by characters with tight links into j.[C].

===2B/j.B plink (2B~2E)===
===2B/j.B plink (2B~2E)===
2E is interpreted as 2A+B, and since dodge is not possible when the B button is held, the 2E becomes a 2B input. This technique can't be used to plink 2A because 2B outprioritizes it. This can be used for 2Bs and j.Bs.
2E is interpreted as 2A+B, but B normals have higher priority over A normals so this acts as an additional B input only. If you have a 2A+B input available to you (C/H moon: dodge, air dodge), you must be holding A during the plink to prevent 2A+B from giving that input (ex. [A] ... 2B~2E ... ]A[).

===4/6A/j.A plink ([D]~4/6A~4/6E)===
===5A/j.A plink ([D] ... 4/6A~4/6E ... ]D[)===
4/6E is interpreted as throw, and since throw is not possible while the D button is held, it becomes a 4/6A input. This can be used 5As, 6As, and j.As.
4/6E is interpreted as 4/6A+D, which is throw. Since throw is unconditionally available to all moons, D must always be held down for this plink to prevent 4/6A+D from giving throw. The Melty input display does not properly show this input, so it may not be easy to tell if it was input correctly. Using 4 or 6 doesn't matter in most cases, but if you want a 6A or j.6A, use 6, and if you have those but want to avoid them, use 4.

===Why doesn't the A+B macro work?===
===Why doesn't the A+B macro work?===
Technically, it does, but you have to release the A and B buttons for it to count as an additional input. This means to get a 5B plink using the A+B macro, you would have to press 5B for a single frame, then release it and press the A+B button the next frame. This is prohibitively difficult, enough so that it's counterproductive to the purpose of plinking.
Unlike the E button, which registers button presses separately from regular presses, the A+B macro is functionally identical to pressing both A and B normally. Even if you press B for 1 frame and release, and press the A+B macro the next frame, it is simply read as pressing B for 2 frames, and A on the second frame.
==Lost Airdashes==
To limit the number of airdashes characters can do, the amount they have already used is stored in a variable. This variable is also incremented on grounded forward dashes (presumably to prevent being able to kara cancel into dash out of dash) and neutral superjump (for unknown reasons). The variable is not reset until you either become actionable on the ground, or transition between grounded and airborne (works both ways, includes things like ground bounces).
There is an oversight where if you enter the air by getting hit and launched, the variable does not reset. This results in you having 1 less airdash available after air teching if you were hit out of forward dash or a move/string canceled into from the dash. For most characters this means not being able to airdash at all, but characters with 2 airdashes will have 1 remaining. Unlike with dash, neutral superjump removes all dashes, so getting hit out of its startup will leave any character with no airdashes remaining.
Throws, command grabs, and hitgrabs all reset the variable to 0 if they leave you airborne after the grab portion. This is because the state of being grabbed is considered grounded regardless of where the character actually is. If you get thrown out of the air, the variable doesn't reset similarly to how getting hit off the ground doesn't reset it, but if you are left in the air afterwards, you just transitioned from grounded (during the grab) to airborne (after the grab) and thus the variable is reset.
Note: Because F-Wara's forward dashes moves him airborne, the dash variable is reset during the dash itself, meaning this bug will only affect F-Wara's dash if he is hit out of the first 4 frames of it.
==Free EX Moves==
If the first frame of an EX move is on or before the frame you enter MAX/HEAT, but the EX Flash (or the frame the meter is spent) is on or after that frame, you will do the EX Move at no meter cost.<br>
This also works with things like Bunker Cancel or Air Dodge Cancel, although this is mostly only applicable by H-Moon by using bunker during the hitstop of the move that puts them at 200 meter. There are technically situations for it to work otherwise, but they require niche setups that are unlikely to happen in game.
==Meter Use Storage==
When a move that costs meter is performed, the amount of meter to spend is set on the frame the input is read, but the meter is only spent upon the EX-Flash (or the first frame for Bunker Guard Cancel and Air Dodge Cancel). By buffering a move during hitstop (this only works with hitstop buffer) and then cancelling it by inputting something else with higher priority before hitstop ends (most universally grounded jump), you can store the amount of meter to spend without ever spending it. The "type" of meter to spend is also stored, meaning this bug has no effect across normal meter, MAX, HEAT, and BLOOD HEAT, but will work across different instances of the same meter mode.<br>
Unfortunately, using another metered move will just reset this value before using it. This leaves only raw Air Dodge and raw Bunker, which both attempt to spend meter without setting an amount to spend. Still, in most cases this will just result in a move that normally costs no meter spending 100, but once again there is a specific use that can be beneficial. When C-Moon Arc Drive is used in MAX it stores your MAX meter usage as well as storing the fact that your meter should be set to 100 after use (which DOES work between meter modes and will end any current MAX/HEAT/BLOOD HEAT). This means that by performing this bug with AD during MAX as a C-Moon, your next raw Bunker or Air Dodge will set your meter to 100. This is still not very useful considering exiting MAX places you at 200 meter, but by entering BLOOD HEAT before MAX ends, entering HEAT after MAX ends, or bursting you would normally return to 0 meter, allowing you to gain 100 meter using this bug.<br>
To recap, benefitting from this bug requires the following:
*Be a C-Moon
*Enter MAX
*Buffer your AD during hitstop and then cancel it by performing something with higher priority (usually jump)
*Get below 100 meter without using EX moves/Air Dodge Cancel/Bunker Guard Cancel (Enter HEAT or BLOOD HEAT or burst)
*Use raw Bunker or Air Dodge to go from 0 to 100 meter (or straight to 100 meter if HEAT/BLOOD HEAT has not ended yet)
==Character Priority==
When a game starts, Player 1 has priority over Player 2. Priority is lost and granted to the other player upon any of the following:
*Blocking (does not include proximity guard)
*Getting hit
*Being thrown (even if teched)
*Shielding (except Hime; even on whiff)
*Ground dodging (except Hime, P. Ciel, NAC)
This usually results in the player on offense having priority.
The player with priority gains the following:
*Their sprite is rendered in front of the opponents
*They are considered the attacker in same frame ground throws (receiving more pushback and maintaining priority)
*They win same frame air throw interactions
*Their [[Melty_Blood/Advanced_Mechanics#Clash|clashes]] prioritize hits over clashes
*C/H-Ciel 236C with priority is 1f slower
==Invalid Bursts==
If a player bursts a combo after the combo has become Invalid, punishes against that burst will exhibit a few strange effects.
*The punish combo will display Invalid even if it is not
*The amount of bounces used prior to the burst will continue into the punish combo
**This can make it situationally optimal to punish Invalid bursts with combo throws or hitgrabs if bounces have been used.
Other than the above, the punish combo will have normal damage, scaling, etc.


[[Category:Melty Blood]]
[[Category:Melty Blood]]

Latest revision as of 13:59, 27 June 2024

Damage Modifiers

Each character has a set life total of 11400, but take different amounts of damage depending on several factors. These factors are:

  • The Base Damage of the attack
  • The opponent's Defense Modifier
  • The current Hit Count in the combo
  • The opponent's Missing Health
  • The current Correction Value in the combo
  • The opponent's Stance
  • The opponent Reducing
  • Random Critical Hits

Base Damage

The Base Damage of a move is the amount of damage displayed in parentheses next to "DAMAGE" in Training Mode's Attack Display

Defense Modifier

Each character has 4 Defense Modifier values which act as multipliers on damage taken by that character. For each 25% (2850) of the opponent's Missing Health, the opponent's Defense Modifier will change. For most characters the Defense Modifier decreases as their health drops (resulting in less damage taken), but a few characters break this trend. Defense Modifiers are shared between moons for all characters except Mech-Hisui, Nero, and Neco-Mech. Maids (Hisui & Kohaku) have the same Defense Modifiers as Hisui and Kohaku do separately and use the values for whichever Maid is currently the lead, but they also have a separate 1.035x multiplier on received damage.

For in-depth data on character health and Defense Modifiers, either see the "Health Values" section below or the "Health and Damage" section of the MBAACC frame data spreadsheet. Note that the Defense Modifiers listed here and on the character pages take into account the Hit Count multiplier and Stance multiplier as explained below (as well as the Maids specific multiplier). For example, V.Sion's actual Defense Modifiers are 1.00, 0.95, 0.90, 0.90, but her values listed are 1.00 * 32/32 (1.000), 0.95 * 31/32 (0.920), 0.90 * 30/32 (0.843), and 0.90 * 29/32 (0.815), and on her character page the health values for jump and crouch are these same values multiplied by 0.88 and 1.08 respectively. This is done to get a more accurate Net Health value, but is not accurate to how the game handles these values.

Hit Count

The first hit in a combo will have a 32/32 multiplier on it. This multiplier decreases with each hit in the combo, from 32/32 to 31/32 to 30/32 and so on, capping at 1/32. This multiplier reflects the displayed hit count, so hits that do not increment it do not affect this multiplier. For each 25% (2850) of the opponent's Missing Health there will be an effective one extra hit counting towards this multiplier. For example, 3 hits into a combo the multiplier would normally be 29/32, but if the opponent is below 25% health the multiplier would instead be 26/32.

Correction Value

By default, the Correction Value is 100% and acts as a multiplier on damage dealt. Some hits will reduce this value while others will leave it the same, but the Correction Value will never increase mid-combo. After a hit, the new Correction Value is determined by the hits assigned proration and the type of proration that the hit has: override, or multiplicative. Override proration works by overriding the Correction Value with the hit's proration value if and only if that proration value is lower. Multiplicative proration works by multiplying the current Correction Value by the hit's proration value to calculate the new Correction Value. The Correction Value is updated after the hit has dealt its damage, so a hit's proration does not effect its own damage, only the damage of following hits. EX Cancels and OTG Relaunches both apply 65% multiplicative proration. The EX Cancel proration occurs upon EX Flash and is thus applied before the hit. The OTG Relaunch proration does not apply to hit grabs, and it occurs before the hit's normal proration but otherwise functions normally, only applying to hits after the relaunch.

Proration is often also used to refer to the Correction Value itself.

Reverse Penalty

Reverse Penalty is a value closely related to the Correction Value. It starts at 0% and can be increased to a maximum of 55% through various means. Unlike the Correction Value, the Reverse Penalty is tied to certain cancel actions instead of hits. Reverse Penalty acts as an upper bound on Correction Value, not allowing it to be above (100% - Reverse Penalty). Note that because Reverse Penalty is caused by cancels, it is applied before the hit. The following actions increase the Reverse Penalty.

Action Reverse Penalty Increase Time Before Penalty Decay
5A/2A > 5A/2A 0.825% 8F
Reverse Beats 22.55% 60F
Shield Cancels¹ 30.03% 90F
EX-Shield Cancels¹ 40.04% 90F

¹Cancelling a shield into another shield does not incur the penalty.

After the specified number of frames have passed, the Reverse Penalty value will decay at a linear rate of 0.2475% / F. Although Reverse Penalty is stored to several decimal places, the game rounds up to the nearest whole percent for damage calculations. The in-game Attack Display may not always line up with the effective value of Reverse Penalty since the number shown is rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent (0.05 rounds down), while the value used for calculations is always rounded up. For example, an internal value of 9.98% will display 10.0% and use 10% for damage, while an internal value of 10.02% will still display 10.0% but will use 11% for damage. The Attack Display's Correction Value will, however, be accurate (after one Reverse Beat the display will show a Reverse Penalty of 22.5% (22.55% internally), but hitting the opponent with an attack will properly display a Correction Value of 77%, assuming the attack's proration was worse than 77%).


Depending on the opponent's stance, they will receive scaled damage. These multipliers are universal between all characters and moons and are shown below.

Stand  : 1.00
Air    : 0.88
Crouch : 1.08
OTG    : 0.42

These multipliers are effective in neutral and in combos, and will update dynamically. For instance, a ground string against a crouching opponent will deal 1.08x damage, but upon launching the opponent, the rest of the combo will deal 0.88x damage. The OTG multiplier applies to all hits during an OTG string up to and including a relaunch.


You can Reduce by pressing A, B, C or D in a 5 frame window as you get hit, this reduces incoming damage by 30%.

  • The window for damage reducing is 3 frames from before you get hit to 1 frame after being hit, with 9 to 4 frames before being hit counting as failed reduce.

Critical Hit

There is also a mechanic in Melty Blood called Critical Hit. It happens randomly (1/32) on any hit and will multiply the damage dealt by 1.15x.

Damage Calculations

Damage is calculated in the following order. The result of each calculation is rounded down before the next calculation.

Damage = Base Damage
Damage = Damage * 1.15 (if Critical)
Damage = Damage * Defense Modifier
Damage = Damage * 1.035 (if character receiving damage is Maids)
Damage = Damage * (32 - Hit Count - Quarters of Missing Health)/32
Damage = Damage * Correction Value
Damage = Damage * Stance
Damage = Damage * 0.7 (if Reduced)


C-Roa: 2A > 5B > 2B > 5C(1) > 6C > 2C > 236A > 22C > AD

  • C-Roa Arc Drive (7000 Base Bamage)
  • Against V.Sion (Defense Modifiers of 1.00, 0.95, 0.90, 0.90)
  • 8 hits before the Arc Drive (24/32 Hit Count Multiplier)
  • V.Sion has 8159 (72%) health remaining (Use 0.95 Defense Modifier and reduce Hit Count Multiplier to 23/32)
  • C-Roa Arc Drive starts with a hit grab, avoiding OTG Relaunch proration (50% Correction Value from 22C)
  • C-Roa Arc Drive hits Airborne (0.88 Stance Multiplier)
floor( floor( floor( 7000 * 0.95 ) * 23/32 ) * 0.50 ) * 0.88
= 2102 damage

Launch and Untech Hitcount Decay

To prevent infinite combos, MBAACC has a system where higher combo hitcounts cause moves to have less vertical launching strength and shorter untech times. Every single hit in a combo will prorate vertical launch strength by 0.8% of the initial strength1. Every 6 hits in a combo2, starting on the 11th hit, will remove 1 frame of untech time -- never prorating to less than 3 frames of untech time. One thing to note, is untech refers to air teching, which you cannot do on the ground, so while this counter does increases during strings against grounded opponents, the effect of the proration is not felt until the combo moves to the air.

Confusingly, the combo counter displayed in-game is not the same as the one the game uses for this proration. For example, various multi-hitting moves will run up the on-screen counter, but only count as a single hit for the proration counter. Half moon 5A6AAs and a few other random moves are hard coded to reduce 1 frame of untech time independent of the proration counter. Some moves can count as 0 hits, while others can count for 2 or 3. But ultimately, there is no hard rule for knowing how a move is counted just by looking at it. Though, one rule that is solid is that hits which can OTG relaunch do not ever add to the proration counter, nor are they affected by launch or hitstun scaling.

1 - This only affects initial vertical velocity and also does not affect bounces. This means that things like C-Roa 22C, both the initial hit and the bounce of Satsuki j.[C], and the bounce after Nero j.C are all entirely unaffected by vertical launch scaling.

2 - Between hits 65-71 and 126-132 (of the internal proration counter) it takes 7 hits to remove 1 frame of untech time. This presumably carries on every 61 hits.

Health Values

Character Name Defense Modifier (Health %) Net Health Grade
100% 75% 50% 25%
Akiha 0.920 0.823 0.768 0.725 14202 S++
Nero (C) 0.900 0.842 0.815 0.725 13979 S+
Arcueid 0.900 0.871 0.796 0.725 13950 S+
Nero (H/F) 0.900 0.852 0.815 0.725 13939 S+
Kouma 0.920 0.871 0.796 0.725 13881 S
White Len 1.000 0.871 0.750 0.725 13853 S
Satsuki 1.000 0.871 0.843 0.725 13433 A
Riesbyfe 1.020 0.871 0.843 0.725 13378 A-
Hisui 0.850 0.920 0.862 0.815 13253 B+
Tohno 0.920 0.871 0.862 0.860 12990 B-
Kohaku 0.900 0.871 0.937 0.815 12977 B-
Roa 0.950 0.920 0.843 0.815 12975 B-
Sion 0.950 0.920 0.843 0.815 12975 B-
Ciel 0.900 0.871 0.843 0.906 12965 B-
Seifuku 0.900 0.871 0.843 0.906 12965 B-
Miyako 1.000 0.920 0.843 0.815 12825 C+
V.Sion 1.000 0.920 0.843 0.815 12825 C+
Hisui (Maids) 0.879 0.952 0.892 0.843 12811 C+
Mech-Hisui (F) 0.850 0.842 0.937 0.951 12776 C
Mech-Hisui (C) 0.870 0.871 0.937 0.906 12735 C
Warachia 1.100 1.017 0.843 0.725 12705 C
Aoko 1.000 0.968 0.843 0.815 12671 C
Red Arcueid 0.950 0.968 0.890 0.815 12643 C-
Neco-Mech (C) 0.870 0.920 0.937 0.906 12561 D
Kohaku (Maids) 0.931 0.901 0.970 0.843 12543 D
Neco-Arc 1.400 0.678 1.031 0.815 12500 D
Nanaya 1.000 0.968 0.890 0.815 12493 D
Koha-Mech 0.900 0.920 0.937 0.906 12451 D
Powered Ciel 0.950 0.920 0.890 0.906 12445 D
Mech-Hisui (H) 1.200 0.968 0.843 0.770 12401 D
Neco-Mech (H) 1.200 1.017 0.843 0.770 12259 E
Len 1.100 0.968 0.890 0.815 12234 E
Ryougi 1.050 0.988 0.918 0.860 12017 F
Hime 1.000 0.968 0.937 0.906 11981 F
Neco-Mech (F) 0.950 0.968 1.031 0.996 11569 G
NAC 1.600 0.678 1.312 0.996 11018 H
V.Akiha 1.150 1.114 1.031 0.906 10946 H-

Guard Meter

The Guard Meter keeps track of two different stats: Guard Gauge, and Guard Quality. Guard Gauge is shown by the fullness of the meter while Guard Quality is shown by the color of the meter.

Moon Guard Gauge Guard Quality
Max Value Heal Base Value Heal Acceleration Heal Delay Time Crush Recover Time 2+ Hit Correction Max Value Heal Value Heal Delay Time
C-Moon 8000 2.5 / F 0.02 / F 420F 180F 1.0 2.0 0.001 / F 30F
F-Moon 7000 3.5 / F 0.03 / F 420F 180F 0.8 1.7 0.001 / F 30F
H-Moon 10500 5.0 / F 0.03 / F 360F 180F 0.8 3.0 0.001 / F 300F

By default, each player has their Guard Gauge at its "Max Value". Upon blocking an attack, your Guard Gauge will drop by an amount specific to that attack. After the first blocked hit in a string, every subsequent hit will only do "2+ Hit Correction" times its Guard Damage. After "Heal Delay Time" (starting immediately upon blocking), your Guard Gauge will begin recovering at a rate of "Heal Base Value", accelerating by "Heal Acceleration". Upon reaching 0 Guard Gauge, you are Guard Crushed and it will take "Crush Recover Time" before your Guard Gauge is back to normal.

By default, each player has their Guard Quality at 0 (shown as blue). Upon doing specific actions, your Guard Quality will increase by an amount specific to that action. After "Heal Delay Time" (starting immediately upon starting the action), your Guard Quality will begin recovering at a rate of "Heal Value". Your Guard Quality can not increase beyond "Max Value" (shown as red).

Move Guard Quality Change
Shield Whiff + 1.0
Dodge + 0.4
Air Dodge + 0.75
Heat - All
Burst - All
Guard Crush - All
Successful Shield (No cancel) - 1.5
Successful Air Shield (No cancel) - 0.5
Meter Charge - 0.05 / 2F

The amount of Guard Damage taken from an attack is determined by that attack's Base Guard Damage, as well as your current Guard Quality and a Stance Modifier shown below

  • Stand = 1.0
  • Air = 2.0
  • Crouch = 1.5
Final Guard Damage = floor(Base Guard Damage * Stance Modifier * (1 + Guard Quality))

Example F-Vaki 5[C] vs crouching opponent with 0.4 Guard Quality: 600 * 1.5 * (1 + 0.4) = 1260

EX Guarding an attack ignores its Guard Damage and instead restores your Guard Gauge.

EX Guard Restore = floor(Max Guard Gauge Value / 20 * (1 + Guard Quality / Max Guard Quality))

Example F-Moon EX Guards an attack with 1 Guard Quality: 7000 / 20 * (1 + 1 / 1.7) = 555.88 => 555

Circuit Break

Certain moves inflict a status called Circuit Break. This will replace your meter with a cracked BREAK meter that counts down the duration of the Circuit Break.
There are two types of Circuit Breaks:

  • Type 1 - Drains all meter from those in MAX/HEAT/BLOOD HEAT, otherwise drains 100% meter
    • Inflicted by: Hime AD/AAD, C-Ries gc.624C, Len LA, NAC 624C, Hisui LA, Neco 623C
  • Type 2 - Drains no meter
    • Inflicted by: H-Aoko 214C, C-Sion 236C, C-Ries gc.624A/B, C-Roa 22C(6), Maids K.AD, C-Ryougi 6C~214C, KohaMech AD, Kohaku AD

While Circuit Broken, you lose access to your meter, but it is still there in the background. This means that MAX/HEAT/BLOOD HEAT will continue to count down and provide things like C-Moon HEAT/BLOOD HEAT buffs or access to Last Arc (this is only applicable to Type 2).

The following are disabled during Circuit Break:

  • EX Moves
  • Bunker Cancel
  • Air Dodge Cancel
  • Arc Drive/Another Arc Drive
  • HEAT/BLOOD HEAT Activation
  • Meter Charge
  • All Meter Gain/Loss (directly or indirectly)

The following still work during Circuit Break:

  • Held Shield (still requires and consumes meter and is the only form of meter change available during Circuit Break)
  • Last Arc
  • Hime Flight (does not drain meter)


Certain moves have a clash box that has special properties. Upon an attack hitting a clash box, both characters will experience 16f of hitstop and have access to their "On hit" cancel options but not "On successful hit" (as labeled in Hantei-chan). This means you have access to the same cancels as you would have on block but without the limitation of not being able to jump cancel (note that jump cancels are attached to normal cancels, so if you would not be able to normal cancel on block you can not jump cancel on clash).

Clashing also consumes a hit. In practice this mostly means that if a move has clash frames during its active frames and it clashes, the move will only clash and no longer be able to hit the opponent.

Often, a move will both hit the opponent and clash on the same frame. The outcome of this interaction depends on Character Priority. If the character with a clash box has priority, hitting takes priority over clashing (sometimes resulting in a trade). If the character hitting the clash box has priority, clashing takes priority over hitting. If both characters clash and hit at the same time, the clash takes priority.

Cross ups

Blocking in Melty Blood is based entirely on the directions the defender and attacker are facing with 2 rules.

  1. The defender can always block something by holding opposite the direction your character is facing.
  2. The defender can always block something by holding the same direction the attacker is facing.

In most instances these are the same direction, but if they are not, you are able to block either direction (i.e. there are no left/right unblockables). For projectiles, the projectile itself is considered the attacker and has its own facing direction. Projectiles face the same direction that their owner was facing at the time of spawning, but some projectiles can turn around like C-Roa's air orbs or Nero's deer.

On the ground, you will be able to turnaround anytime you are fully actionable or upon using non-command normals (Neutral turnaround animations are purely visual, the character is facing the other way the frame they are crossed up). In the air, you will only be able to turn around upon double jumping or upon specific actions like air dodge.

If a defender has already blocked an attack from one direction during a blockstring, they will continue to be able to block by holding that direction up through the end of blockstun (this includes the neutral frame). This means that in order for attacks to properly cross up, the attacker must leave an actionable gap for the defender.

Some examples of attacks that can be blocked both ways:

  • F-Vaki is on the left. She jumps, airdashes over you and then airdashes back towards you from the other side with j.C (Attacker facing right, Defender facing right)
  • C-Aoko is on the left. She sets an orb (orb is facing right) and then jumps over you and detonates the orb (Attacker facing right, Defender facing right)
  • C-Roa is on the left. He sets up an air orb on oki with the orb appearing behind you (orb turns around to face you, facing left). He detonates the orb on your wakeup (Attacker facing left, Defender facing left)

Ways in which the above situations can be turned into cross ups:

  • F-Vaki is on the left. She jumps, airdashes over you and then double jumps (turning her around) and airdashes back towards you from the other side with j.C (Attacker facing left, Defender facing right)
  • C-Aoko is on the left. She sets an orb (orb is facing right) and then jumps over you, back to the left and detonates the orb (Attacker facing right, Defender facing left)
  • C-Roa is on the left. He sets up an air orb on oki with the orb appearing behind you (orb turns around to face you, facing left). He double jumps over you and then detonates the orb on your wakeup (Attacker facing left, Defender facing right)


Sandori (Sandaa Dorifuto - Lit. Thunder Drift) is a technique that is similar to the F-Vaki example above but can be used for nearly unreactable left/right mix on some characters. Sandori is usually done by jumping over your opponent and then either air backdashing back over them for a same side j.C or double jumping (turning you around) and then quickly air backdashing the other way for a cross up j.C. This technique is limited by a character's ability to hit opponents after the air backdash so it only really works on characters with a sufficient combination of a short air backdash and large air buttons (most notably Satsuki) or when the opponent is near the corner (using the corner to prevent air backdash from going too far away).

Wakeup Timings

Each character has their own animations for being knocked down and getting up. There's three types of knockdown animations and two types of wakeup animations, and they each have their own duration:

Launchers, groundbounces, and a few character-specific actions have the opponent land head-first before collapsing onto their front, then go into their prone wakeup animation.
Sweeps trip the opponent have them land on their front, then go into their prone wakeup animation.
All other knockdowns have the opponent land on their back, then go into their supine wakeup animation.
(Exception: Hime's head-first animation falls onto her back and sweeps use her back animation; her two wakeup animations are identical.)

The following is a table of knockdown and wakeup times per type and character.
For knockdowns, the total duration of the knockdown and wakeup time together is listed first, which in most cases is the number most worth paying attention to. In parenthesis is the knockdown time alone, which defines how long you can strike the opponent OTG, as long as they are not in an uncomboable state as a result of being hit by certain moves or using up your bounce/OTG limit in your combo.
The wakeup time alone is also listed separately, which may be useful for characters who have time to react to that animation beginning in order to time their okizeme.

Character Name Knockdown Type Wakeup Type
Head-first Front Back OTG Prone Supine
Akiha 60 (34) 55 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 26 22
Seifuku 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
V.Akiha 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
Aoko 61 (34) 56 (29) 53 (26) 41 (14) 27 27
Arcueid 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
Red Arcueid 55 (34) 50 (29) 52 (27) 39 (14) 21 25
Hime 57 (35) 49 (27) 49 (27) 33 (11) 22 22
Ciel 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
Powered Ciel 57 (35) 51 (29) 51 (27) 38 (14) 22 24
Hisui 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
Mech-Hisui 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
Kohaku 56 (34) 54 (32) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
Kouma 60 (36) 53 (29) 56 (31) 39 (14) 24 25
Miyako 54 (32) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
Len 57 (35) 51 (29) 53 (27) 40 (14) 22 26
White Len 63 (41) 48 (26) 50 (24) 40 (14) 22 26
Neco-Arc 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
NAC 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
Nero 59 (34) 54 (29) 53 (27) 40 (14) 25 26
Riesbyfe 61 (37) 48 (24) 57 (30) 41 (14) 24 27
Roa 58 (36) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
Satsuki 65 (41) 53 (29) 50 (27) 37 (14) 24 23
Tohno 59 (37) 51 (29) 50 (27) 37 (14) 22 23
Nanaya 56 (34) 51 (29) 50 (27) 37 (14) 22 23
Ryougi 57 (33) 53 (29) 49 (27) 37 (15) 24 22
Sion 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
V.Sion 56 (34) 51 (29) 49 (27) 36 (14) 22 22
Warachia 56 (34) 51 (29) 50 (27) 37 (14) 22 23

Run/Dash Frame Data

Speeds are in "units" which are used natively by the game. 128 units = 1 positional pixel. 256 units = 1 sprite/box pixel. (The pixel grid that characters move on is half the size of the pixels used in sprites and for boxes)

The Brake Durations for limited duration runs are: duration upon release / duration upon max hold. (In all cases releasing early results in 1 frame less brake duration)

Character Name Startup Start Main Brake
Inactionable No-Block Speed Duration Speed Duration Speed Duration
Akiha 1 7 0 7 1500 16 1024 - 16*f 12
V.Akiha (C/F) 7 11 256 7 2200 16 1024 - 16*f 12
V.Akiha (H) 7 11 256 7 2400 16 1024 - 16*f 12
Seifuku (C/H) 8 8 0 8 1400 + 60*f 10 - 57 1200 - 18*f 15 / 16
Seifuku (F) 8 8 0 8 2048 1 - 57 1200 - 18*f 13 / 14
Aoko 5 8 256 5 1800 3 - 48 256 28 / 29
Arcueid 2 8 256 7 2048 1 - inf 256 14
Red Arcueid 0 8 256 7 1600 1 - inf 256 26
Hime 3 3 0 3 1600 1 - inf 1200 - 60*f 11
Ciel (C) 10 10 256 6 1800 23 512 6
Ciel (F) 9 9 256 5 1800 23 512 6
Ciel (H) 10 10 256 6 1950 23 512 6
Powered Ciel 8 8 256 8 1800 27 512 - 50*f 10
Hisui 3 4 128 3 1664 1 - 60 512 - 8*f 11 / 12
Kouma 6 9 0 6 2150 12 1000 6
Kohaku 6 9 256 6 1600 + 50*f 3 - 42 1664, 512 3 / 4, 8
Koha-Mech 6 9 256 6 1500 + 50*f 3 - 42 1500 - 30*f, 512 7 / 8, 8
Len (C) 0 6 450 5 1350 1 - inf 800 - 50*f 12
Len (F) 8 8 0, 900 8, 2 1200 + 50*f 16 800 - 50*f 13
Len (H) 0 6 450 5 1200 1 - inf 800 - 50*f 12
Mech-Hisui 2 8 128 5 128 + 150*f 39 256 - 8*f 33
Miyako 6 6 128 1 1664 12 - -
NAC 5 5 0 2 1200 4 - inf 1200 - 50*f 14
Nanaya (C/F) 5 7 256 3 2200 - 16*f 9 1200 - 100*f 12
Nanaya (H) 5 7 256 3 2350 - 16*f 9 1200 - 100*f 12
Neco-Arc 5 6 0 2 1200 4 - inf 1200 - 50*f 14
Neco-Mech 2 9 512 6 800 + 150*f 39 256 - 8*f 33
Nero (C/F) 56 56 0 31 5000 6 - -
Nero (H) 13 13 0 10 2000 - 50*f 21 - -
Riesbyfe (C/H) 1 - 7 1 - 7 0 1 - 7 1600 0 - 51 1000 - 50*f 14 / 15
Riesbyfe (F) 12 12 256 3 2400 - 80*f 15 100 17
Roa 8 12 0 8 1700 - 60*f 14 600 - 30*f 10
Ryougi (C/H) 7 8 0 7 2000 1 - 48 1000 - 50*f 18 / 19
Ryougi (F) 10 10 0 6 1800 + 50*f 21 300 - 20*f 6
Satsuki 11 11 0 7 1700 + 20*f 15 500 - 10*f 5
Tohno (C) 5 5 256 3 2400 - 60*f 14 600 - 30*f 6
Tohno (F) 5 5 256 3 2000 - 60*f 14 600 - 30*f 6
Tohno (H) 5 5 256 3 2500 - 60*f 14 600 - 30*f 6
Sion 3 4 1600 3 1700 1 - 56 512 - 10*f 11 / 12
V.Sion 4 5 700 4 2060 1 - 56 256 - 8*f 11 / 12
Warachia (C/H) 5 5 0 2 1720 + 20*f 27 - -
Warachia (F) 10 10 0 4 1800 7 - 31 500 10 - 18
White Len (C/F Dash) 30 30 0, 500 2, 15 1800 2 400 31
White Len (C/F Run) 20 21 0, 500 2, 15 1600 2 - inf 300 19
White Len (H) 5 - 7 5 - 7 0 2 1600 6 - inf 300 16

Note: All runs except for Sei's, Hime's, NAC's retain their inability to block while forward is pressed. This usually does not matter since you must release forward to block anyway, but due to the one frame delay in frame transitions, you are unable to block the frame after you release forward.

Backdash Frame Data

Character Name IFrames Duration Distance Airborne punish
Tohno (F) 13 22 1.415 No
V.Akiha 15 24 1.046 Yes (4/9)
NAC (C+F) 16 21 0.915 No
Neco-Arc (C+H) 16 21 0.915 No
Nanaya 12 19 0.980 No
Seifuku 16 26 1.092 Yes (5/10)
Mech-Hisui (F) 16 28 1.380 No
Akiha 16 26 1.030 Yes (5/10)
Warachia 16 24 1.033 No
Tohno (C+H) 12 22 1.122 No
Roa 16 27 1.187 No
Mech-Hisui (C+H) 16 28 1.213 No
Nero (C+F) (fwd.) 53 56 1.373 No
Hisui 16 28 1.000 Yes (8/12)
Miyako 15 28 1.218 No
Aoko 16 25 0.805 Yes (1/9)
Riesbyfe 16 23 0.805 No
Satsuki 16 29 1.168 No
Powered Ciel 16 29 0.977 Yes (6/13)
Sion 16 25 0.750 Yes (4/9)
Hime 16 32 1.142 Yes (1/16)
Kouma 16 29 1.089 No
V.Sion (C) 16 26 0.768 Yes (5/10)
Nero (F) (back) 51 60 1.373 No
Ryougi 16 29 0.912 Yes (2/13)
Ciel 16 29 1.057 No
Neco-Mech 16 28 0.995 No
Len 16 31 1.181 No
White Len (H) 16 31 1.181 No
Red Arcueid 16 29 0.892 Yes (7/13)
Arcueid 16 25 0.686 Yes (4/9)
Kohaku 16 27 0.757 Yes (4/11)
White Len (C+F) 24 29 0.686 No
V.Sion (H+F) 16 25 0.672 No
Nero (C+H) 16 29 0.817 No
Neco-Arc (F) 16 30 0.775 No
NAC (H) 16 30 0.737 No

Shield Frame Data


All shields have 0f startup, they are instant.
Held shield for 5 or more frames drains meter.

Crescent Moon

EX Shield = Ground Tap Shield = 4 frames.
Air Tap Shield = 6 Frames.
Can cancel into any attack, when successful.
Normal Shield = Hold for 5 or more frames.
Cannot cancel into normals, but can cancel into any other attack, when successful.

Held shield drains 0.2 meter per frame for 60 frames (12 spent).

Half Moon

Normal Shield = Ground Tap Shield = 6 frames.
Air Tap Shield = 8 Frames.
Cannot hold.
Causes Auto-Shield Counter on a successful shield of a "physical" attack.
Projectiles do not trigger the Auto-Shield Counter, but it can be manually inputted (236D).

Full Moon

Cannot EX Shield = Ground Tap Shield = 4 frames.
Air Tap Shield = 6 Frames.
Only counts for Last Arc.
Normal Shield = Tap or Hold.
Can only cancel into Shield Counter (236D), specials or supers, when successful.

Held shield drains 1.0 meter per frame for 25 frames (25 spent).

Recovery All shields recover in 19 frames.

Buffered Moves and Input Interpreter


Like many games, Melty Blood allows you to input most actions slightly before you would be able to use them and have them come out on the first possible frame if you keep holding the final input. However, not all moves can be buffered for the same amount of time. There is technically just a 2f buffer, but several mechanics combine in complicated ways such that this is not the case in practice. The following table glosses over the details.

Buffer Time Action
0 Non-Command Normals
1 Standing Shield
Air Shield
Certain followups (ex. Akiha 5B~B)
2 2E Dodge/Airdodge
4E/6E Throw/Airthrow
3 Specials / EXs / Arc Drives
Command Normals
Crouching Shield
Shield Bunker
A+B Dash/Backdash/Airdash¹/Dodge/Air Dodge
4/6 A+D Throw
Heat Activate / Meter Charge
7-9 44/66 Dash/Backdash
22 Fastfall (Nanaya/Hime only)
27/28 Super (double) jump

¹ Airdashes have a minimum height requirement. Below this height, AB will result in an air B normal. Because of how MBAACC handles resolving inputs involving multiple buttons, using AB to instant airdash (both forward and backward) effectively has a 1f buffer (2f window for earliest IAD). Otherwise the buffer window is 3f as stated.

The information below more accurately covers all possible buffer situations frame-by-frame:

Frame 0 = Neutral frame/First actionable frame
Listed frames are the frame the input is completed

Non-Command Normals
Frame  0: Input will come out

Single-input commands
Frame -1: Input must be held until at least Frame 0
Frame  0: Input will come out

Frame -2: Input will come out
Frame -1: Input will come out
Frame  0: Input will come out

Multi-input commands
Frame -3: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -2: Input will come out
Frame -1: Input will come out
Frame  0: Input will come out

Commands ending in a directional input
Frame -9: Input must be held until exactly Frame -2
Frame -8: Input must be held until at least Frame -2 but not past Frame -1
Frame -7: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -6: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -5: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -4: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -3: Input must be held until at least Frame -2
Frame -2: Input will come out
Frame -1: Input will come out
Frame  0: Input will come out

Input Interpreter

Melty Blood has very little leniency when it comes to its inputs. For a command to be read, every input in the command must have explicitly occurred in sequence. Redundant inputs are fine, but for the most notorious example, half circles inputs must contain all of 4, 1, 2, 3, 6 or 6, 3, 2, 1, 4 in order to be valid. No inputs may be skipped, and directions count only for exactly that direction.

As for the timing, Melty has an 8 frame limit on individual inputs and uses the most recent valid input when determining if a previous input was done in time. It is easiest to think of the interpreter searching backwards when checking for input validity. Suppose the interpreter is checking for a 236A input. A 6 input must be within 8 frames of the A input. If there are multiple frames with a 6 input within the 8 frames before the A, then it chooses the most recent. Then, a 3 input must be within 8 frames of that most recent 6 input. This continues until the first input in the command which can have been held for however long and remain valid (note: 22/44/66 inputs are actually 5252/5454/5656).

For a full explanation on both the buffer and the input interpreter, watch this video.

Cross ups

Melty Blood stores each of your inputs in a list containing the inputs and their durations.


Whenever you are on the ground and you switch sides, all the directional inputs in the list get flipped horizontally. This, along with the input reading itself, is entirely independent of the direction your character is facing and is solely based on the positions of you and your opponent.

  • If you input 236 while your opponent jumps over you, regardless of when the cross up occurs, the inputs stored in the list will be 214 afterwards (with a small caveat mentioned later).
  • Thus, if you input 236 before or during a cross up, and press A after, 214A will come out.


Unlike on the ground, in the air, your inputs are based on the direction you are facing, and the buffer will not flip until you land, even if you turnaround.

  • If you jump over an opponent from their left to their right, and you input 2147 (down, down-left, left, up-left) and then A after double jumping to face the opponent, j.214A will come out.
  • If you jump over an opponent from their left to their right, and you input 214 (down, down-left, left) just before/during landing and then A after landing, 236A will come out.


There are two forms of autocorrect that affect two different input timings.

The first can affect all inputs and occurs when an input is completed the frame before a cross up.

  • If you input 236 before a cross up, and press A the frame before the cross up, 236A will come out in the opposite direction you input it in.
  • This form of autocorrect is due to the fact that moves come out the frame after their input is complete but are interpreted immediately upon completion. So when you press A the frame before cross up, the game stores that 236A is supposed to come out next frame, but on the next frame the cross up also turns you around, so you both turn around and get 236A.

The second only affects single frame inputs (command normals, 6/4AB, etc.) done on the same frame as a cross up.

  • If you input 6AB the same frame as a cross up, forward dash will come out in the opposite direction you input it in.
  • Because single frame inputs are affected by both forms of autocorrect they effectively have a 2f window for being autocorrected.
  • This second form of autocorrect is due to the fact that the game flips the input buffer on cross up and this occurs after reading the inputs. So when you input 6AB the frame of the cross up, the opponent is already behind you so the 6AB is actually a 4AB input as would be expected. The game reads this 4AB before applying the input buffer flip so it becomes a 6AB.
  • This bug occurs every cross up but usually only affects these single frame inputs. Theoretically if you input 236 during a cross up, and the 3 was on the frame of the cross up AND was only held for 1 frame, you would get a 234 input after the cross up. This is very rare, however, and usually you will just get a 2314/2134/21314 input which in all cases will be read as 214.

Meter Penalty

There are two ways of incurring a Meter Penalty, reducing your meter gain for a certain number of frames.

  • Spending meter (Meter Spend Penalty)
    • Reduces meter gain by 55% (0.45x meter gain rounded down) for 420 frames.
    • Incurred by things that "spend" meter, but not things that "drain" meter (i.e. Hime flight and held shield do not incur this penalty).
  • Being EX Guarded (EX Guard Penalty)
    • Reduces meter gain by 90% (0.10x meter gain rounded down) for 120 frames, but the penalty will disappear on a successful hit.

Projectiles are immune to Meter Spend Penalty but not EX Guard Penalty.

Landing Recovery Rules

  • Jumping with no action has no landing recovery
  • An air normal as Crescent or Half Moon has 2 frames landing recovery, +1 blockable neutral frame
  • Doing an air normal as Full Moon has only 1 blockable neutral frame
  • Airdash landing recovery depends on the character and whether its cancelled into another move. If cancelled into a normal, recovery defaults to the normal's recovery.


Grounded jump cancel

Some moves can be cancelled by a jump. However, if you've already jump-cancelled a ground move, you can't jump-cancel another ground move during the same combo. Double jumps are not counted.


During a combo, when the opponent hits the floor, or hits the wall from certain attacks, there will be a white shockwave emanating from the point of impact and they will bounce. After three bounces, they are invincible until they recover from the combo.

Almost all throws, including command grabs, reset the bounce counter. (Exceptions include Len's and White Len's Air Throws.) For example, Satsuki has a lot of bounces in her combos, and uses her grabs to stop the bounce counter from reaching 3.

Universal Option Selects

While not on the same level of dependency as with other French Bread titles like Under Night, there are a bunch of useful option selects that any character is able to use effectively.

5A or Throw (5A6E)

If your character has a 5A that whiffs on crouching opponents, by performing the input above, one of two things will happen:

  • If they are standing or trying to jump, another 5A / a 6A will come out.
  • If they are crouching, you will whiff cancel the 5A into a throw.

Pros: Forces your opponent to stand block more, opening themselves to your lows.

Cons: Can often lose if the opponent is preemptively pressing an attack that goes under your 5A

5A that whiffs on crouchers
Character Move
WArc All Moons
Akiha Crescent Moon
VAkiha Crescent Moon
Hisui Crescent Moon
Mech-Hisui Crescent Moon
Kohaku Crescent Moon
Nanaya All Moons
Nero All Moons
Ryougi Half Moon
Warachia All Moons

Crouch Tech (1A+D)

One of the most common OS is also found here. Picture this situation.

-Your opponent has finished their blockstring with a Rebeat and are now +1, and they are using their dash to close the gap, their most likely options are one of these two, another 5A/2A to restart pressure, or a throw. Since they are really fast, you can't react to which one they are going to do, so you have to predict, right?

By doing 1A+D as they are next to you, one of two things will happen

-If they do the 2A/5A, it will get shielded.

-If they go for the throw, you'll get the throw tech.

Depending on your moon, you'll want to add different things you do after the 1A+D

-Crescent: 1A+D~A. If you shield, a 2A will come out, if you throw tech, the A input won't result in an attack. -Half: Since your shield is automatic, just do 1A+D.

-Full: 1A+D~236D/Special input of your choice: Same logic with Crescent. Since Full can instead choose to use a special instead of their normal shield counter, you can decide which one to use depending on the situation.

Pros: A lot of the regular pressure in Melty is now easier to dealt with, forces your opponent to restructure their offense, often with more risky alternatives.

Cons: If they do nothing, choose to go with an air dash, or dash and do a 5B/5C to crush your low shield, it will give them a counter hit starter, so the risk of failing to crouch tech is high.

Anti-Shield Counter OS (1A71A)

This is an OS that's specially useful against Half Moon as they cannot change the timing that they shield counter. It goes as follows:

-If they block your first 2A, a second one will come out.

-If they shield it, you will jump cancel the 2A and block their shield counter.

Pros: Makes a lot of your pressure safer, can be used to combat crouch tech or characters with specially deadly shield counter follow-ups.
Cons: Less reliable against Full, and very risky against Crescent, since their shield follow-up will often be a normal, which can hit you while air blocking. Also, if they simply get hit, you'll jump cancel away, ending your pressure most of the time.

Anti-Heat OS (2AA 5B+D)

Whenever the opponent has access to Heat, you can use this OS. It would look like this in practice:

-If they don't Heat, you initiate your blockstring or combo.

-If they Heat, your 2A will cancel into a shield.

Note: Does not lead into a confirm if the character lacks a self-chaining 2A like C-Seifuku

Pros: Allows you to punish Heat while also keeping your advantage

Cons: Can often lose against other reversals

Anti-Bunker OS (5A6EEE)

Specially useful against Half Moon players that have a habit of using Bunker whenever they find themselves in a tough spot. Contrary to the 5A6E OS, your 5A needs to not whiff on crouchers to effective.

Note: Does not work if you are Half Moon yourself or if you can't self-chain your 5A like F-Ries.

-If they block, you keep doing 5As.

-If they shield bunker, you will throw them.

Pros: Still grants you a blockstring while not having to hard call out the bunker.

Cons: Doesn't work in all ranges, and you also don't really force a mix-up aside of bunker or no bunker, but this can be remedied if you deliberately go for other blockstring options.


Plinking is an input trick where you press two different buttons on two consecutive frames, in such a way that the game reads them as the same button. The purpose of this technique is to give you two chances to hit a tight link, improving consistency. All of MBAACC's plinking methods rely on the E button, and thus are somewhat more limited than plinking methods in other games where it's present. Due to MBAACC's 1 frame leniency on multi-button inputs (being able to cancel the first frame of normals into things like dash), some plinks require you to hold additional buttons throughout the plink in order to avoid these inputs. The details of this for each plink are included below.

5C/j.C plink (5C~5E)

5E is interpreted as 5A+B+C, but C normals have higher priority than A/B normals so this acts as an additional C input only. If you have a 5A+B+C input available to you (grounded C/F moon: heat, blood heat, meter charge), you must be holding A or B during the plink to prevent A+B+C from giving that input (ex. [A] ... 5C~5E ... ]A[). This is the most well known plink, since it is commonly used by characters with tight links into j.[C].

2B/j.B plink (2B~2E)

2E is interpreted as 2A+B, but B normals have higher priority over A normals so this acts as an additional B input only. If you have a 2A+B input available to you (C/H moon: dodge, air dodge), you must be holding A during the plink to prevent 2A+B from giving that input (ex. [A] ... 2B~2E ... ]A[).

5A/j.A plink ([D] ... 4/6A~4/6E ... ]D[)

4/6E is interpreted as 4/6A+D, which is throw. Since throw is unconditionally available to all moons, D must always be held down for this plink to prevent 4/6A+D from giving throw. The Melty input display does not properly show this input, so it may not be easy to tell if it was input correctly. Using 4 or 6 doesn't matter in most cases, but if you want a 6A or j.6A, use 6, and if you have those but want to avoid them, use 4.

Why doesn't the A+B macro work?

Unlike the E button, which registers button presses separately from regular presses, the A+B macro is functionally identical to pressing both A and B normally. Even if you press B for 1 frame and release, and press the A+B macro the next frame, it is simply read as pressing B for 2 frames, and A on the second frame.

Lost Airdashes

To limit the number of airdashes characters can do, the amount they have already used is stored in a variable. This variable is also incremented on grounded forward dashes (presumably to prevent being able to kara cancel into dash out of dash) and neutral superjump (for unknown reasons). The variable is not reset until you either become actionable on the ground, or transition between grounded and airborne (works both ways, includes things like ground bounces).

There is an oversight where if you enter the air by getting hit and launched, the variable does not reset. This results in you having 1 less airdash available after air teching if you were hit out of forward dash or a move/string canceled into from the dash. For most characters this means not being able to airdash at all, but characters with 2 airdashes will have 1 remaining. Unlike with dash, neutral superjump removes all dashes, so getting hit out of its startup will leave any character with no airdashes remaining.

Throws, command grabs, and hitgrabs all reset the variable to 0 if they leave you airborne after the grab portion. This is because the state of being grabbed is considered grounded regardless of where the character actually is. If you get thrown out of the air, the variable doesn't reset similarly to how getting hit off the ground doesn't reset it, but if you are left in the air afterwards, you just transitioned from grounded (during the grab) to airborne (after the grab) and thus the variable is reset.

Note: Because F-Wara's forward dashes moves him airborne, the dash variable is reset during the dash itself, meaning this bug will only affect F-Wara's dash if he is hit out of the first 4 frames of it.

Free EX Moves

If the first frame of an EX move is on or before the frame you enter MAX/HEAT, but the EX Flash (or the frame the meter is spent) is on or after that frame, you will do the EX Move at no meter cost.
This also works with things like Bunker Cancel or Air Dodge Cancel, although this is mostly only applicable by H-Moon by using bunker during the hitstop of the move that puts them at 200 meter. There are technically situations for it to work otherwise, but they require niche setups that are unlikely to happen in game.

Meter Use Storage

When a move that costs meter is performed, the amount of meter to spend is set on the frame the input is read, but the meter is only spent upon the EX-Flash (or the first frame for Bunker Guard Cancel and Air Dodge Cancel). By buffering a move during hitstop (this only works with hitstop buffer) and then cancelling it by inputting something else with higher priority before hitstop ends (most universally grounded jump), you can store the amount of meter to spend without ever spending it. The "type" of meter to spend is also stored, meaning this bug has no effect across normal meter, MAX, HEAT, and BLOOD HEAT, but will work across different instances of the same meter mode.

Unfortunately, using another metered move will just reset this value before using it. This leaves only raw Air Dodge and raw Bunker, which both attempt to spend meter without setting an amount to spend. Still, in most cases this will just result in a move that normally costs no meter spending 100, but once again there is a specific use that can be beneficial. When C-Moon Arc Drive is used in MAX it stores your MAX meter usage as well as storing the fact that your meter should be set to 100 after use (which DOES work between meter modes and will end any current MAX/HEAT/BLOOD HEAT). This means that by performing this bug with AD during MAX as a C-Moon, your next raw Bunker or Air Dodge will set your meter to 100. This is still not very useful considering exiting MAX places you at 200 meter, but by entering BLOOD HEAT before MAX ends, entering HEAT after MAX ends, or bursting you would normally return to 0 meter, allowing you to gain 100 meter using this bug.

To recap, benefitting from this bug requires the following:

  • Be a C-Moon
  • Enter MAX
  • Buffer your AD during hitstop and then cancel it by performing something with higher priority (usually jump)
  • Get below 100 meter without using EX moves/Air Dodge Cancel/Bunker Guard Cancel (Enter HEAT or BLOOD HEAT or burst)
  • Use raw Bunker or Air Dodge to go from 0 to 100 meter (or straight to 100 meter if HEAT/BLOOD HEAT has not ended yet)

Character Priority

When a game starts, Player 1 has priority over Player 2. Priority is lost and granted to the other player upon any of the following:

  • Blocking (does not include proximity guard)
  • Getting hit
  • Being thrown (even if teched)
  • Shielding (except Hime; even on whiff)
  • Ground dodging (except Hime, P. Ciel, NAC)

This usually results in the player on offense having priority.

The player with priority gains the following:

  • Their sprite is rendered in front of the opponents
  • They are considered the attacker in same frame ground throws (receiving more pushback and maintaining priority)
  • They win same frame air throw interactions
  • Their clashes prioritize hits over clashes
  • C/H-Ciel 236C with priority is 1f slower

Invalid Bursts

If a player bursts a combo after the combo has become Invalid, punishes against that burst will exhibit a few strange effects.

  • The punish combo will display Invalid even if it is not
  • The amount of bounces used prior to the burst will continue into the punish combo
    • This can make it situationally optimal to punish Invalid bursts with combo throws or hitgrabs if bounces have been used.

Other than the above, the punish combo will have normal damage, scaling, etc.

MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull