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As a note for all combos:
== Character Page Progress ==
*If the opponent is crouching, 5C will launch them and you will just want to go into air-combo afterwards. If there are specifics needed they will be noted.
*If you don't trust your execution, you can omit the airdash j.C combo enders in all of these.

'''Be sure to check this article about:'''
== Additional Resources ==
[ C-Sion Match Video Database]<br>
[ Melty Bits: C-Sion]<br>
[ YouTube video showing off C-Sion's basic combos. Many thanks to FrostyTempered!]

'''Normal Combos'''
== Notable Players ==

All of these work both midscreen and in the corner.
{| class="wikitable"
*5B 2B 5C 3C j.ABC dj.BC airdash j.C AT/j.623B/j.214C
!width="95"|Name!! width="58"|Color
:Basic combo, basic damage. At midscreen, j.623B ender is preferred.
!width="125"|Region !! Common Venues !! Status !! Details
|[ Abyssal<br>(abyssalfallen)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Sion Color01.png|53px]]
|  North America || Netplay || Retired || Heavy focus on high-speed gameplay and conditioning. Not much footage.

*5B 2B 5C 2C 214A/236C
:Basic combo, allows for okizeme afterwards. 214A allows Sion to perform a safe-jump and 50/50 mix-up.
|[ ScrawtVermillion<br>(ScrawtV#7952)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Sion Color 22.png|53px]]
|  North America || Netplay || Inactive || NA's #1 threat of the last few years. Very aggressive playstyle, emphasizing good movement and suffocating offense.

*5B 2B 5C 3C j.[C] airdash j.[C] dj.[C] j.214A(whiff) rejump j.BC dj.BC airdash j.C AT/j.623B/j.214C
:Also known as the Yuu combo. Nets the maximum damage possible on standing opponents.
|[ yuu<br>(ユウ)]|| style="text-align:center;"|
[[File:Sion Color34.png|53px]]
| Japan || A-cho, Port 24 || Active || Has been at the forefront of the Japanese MBAACC scene for a decade. Typically showcases very creative and esoteric options.

*5B 2B 5C j.BC dj.[C] airdash j.[C] j.214A(whiff) rejump j.BC dj.BC airdashd j.C AT/j.623B/j.214C
:Nets the maximum damage possible on crouching opponents.

*214B dash 5A 5B 2B 5C 2C 214A/236C
== Overview ==
:Off of a raw 214B, the damage output on an air-combo follow-up isn't really worth it. Stick to this unless you're sure that the air-combo will kill.
|intro=[[File:Sionthinkhead.png]] '''C-Sion''' is a highly technical rushdown-tuned character with strong neutral and a very versatile kit. Her extremely high reward on hit makes her a threat to even the best of characters.
*'''Lightning Fast''': Boasts some of the best mobility in the game thanks to her dash and an associated ability to cover a huge amount of horizontal space very quickly.
*'''Bountiful Reward''': This character hits like a freight train, boasting extremely high damage and solid meter gain anywhere with her signature j.[C] "Kyaa" loops, as well as the ability to freely spend bar to revoke the opponent's meter, or for a powerful, hard to see left-right mixup.
*'''Brutal Pressure''': Between strong framedata on her normals (especially 5A), a difficult to see standing overhead in 6B, and easy ways to buy her way back in with 6C~4C and 236[B], Sion pressure is both extremely ambiguous and threatening, with powerful frametraps that force the opponent to guess if they want to survive.
*'''Solid Neutral''': Sion's suite of normals combines well with the rest of her tools, allowing her to assert herself well in neutral with good movement, especially in the air with buttons like j.C and j.2C. Options like 214A and dash 5A shore up her ability to approach and whiff punish on the ground, giving her a deceptively large threat range.
*'''Good Defense''': Rising j.A, 623B, extremely fast framedata and crescent moon mechanics all contribute to a solid, varied defensive suite that allows her to stay in the game even when she's wrong in neutral.

'''Metered Combos'''
*'''Stubby''': While strong, her buttons are somewhat small, especially on the ground, limiting her ability to contest her opponent's own neutral and offense without falling back on her specials or system mechanics.
*'''Inconsistent Carry''': Sion only truly gets decent corner carry off of very specific confirms. Crouching confirms often leave opponents not far from where they first got hit, and meter spent on j.214C to rectify this issue is often spent better elsewhere.

*5B 2B 5C 2C 214C 5A 5B 2B 5C 2C 214A/air-combo/236C
=== Unique Mechanics ===
:Basic meter extension off of a 2C. Mainly used for setups and okizeme.

*5B 2B 5C 3C 421C j.214A(whiff) 5[C] (2A whiff) 6[B] 214B dash 5B 2B 5C 2C 214A/236C
Sion has an Ammo gauge that affects how many bullets can be shot from her [[#236X|236 specials]]. If she runs out of ammo after one of these specials, she will automatically go into a reloading state during the move's recovery, where she loads all bullets back in but is left vulnerable and very minus. Unique to Crescent Moon, she can reload her ammo manually by inputting [[#22D|22D]].
:Corner only. Between the 5[C] and 6[B] you will need to whiff a 2A to get the 6[B] to hit if the opponent is too high. Also if this happens you will have to input 214B as 236C.

'''Aerial Counterhit'''
== General Gameplan ==

*AirCH land (2B) 5B 5C j.ABC j.BC airdash j.C AT/j.623B/j.214C
C-Sion is a (very) high-execution footsies character with an overall aggressive feel. Her general gameplan revolves around using her large toolbox to force the opponent into making mistakes in neutral, and then punishing them with her extremely high overall damage. She then leads this into strong pressure and/or positional advantage, being able to constantly threaten from below. Her dash affords her incredible whiff punish options and her air buttons allow her to intercept the opponent's options and enforce her space well, though her ability to directly challenge can be lacking, especially on the ground. Her execution requirements are high, as her high-damage combos are both difficult to perform and necessary to execute her gameplan. Momentum and okizeme are important for this character; it's not uncommon for her to kill the opponent off of a single mistake.
:This is your go-to aerial counterhit follow-up. If need be, omit the 2B when you're not sure you can hit with it.

'''Raw Airthrow'''
=== Neutral ===

*AT dash 5B 5C j.ABC dj.BC airdash j.C AT/j.623B/j.214C
Sion's neutral revolves heavily around her great overall movement and whiff punish ability. She has the best run in the game, at near top speed frame 1, and a 5F startup 5A, allowing her to crossunder anti-air very effectively. 5A is +1 on block and decent at catching jumpouts, which makes upbacking against her risky in close quarters. Another defining neutral option is 214A. With 13f startup and nearly half screen reach, she can use this to harass zoners and catch landings to then set up a left/right mixup. She tends to lack a way to directly challenge jump-ins aside from 623B on the ground, however, which typically forces her to rely on preemptive dash-under, shield, or taking to the air.
:Midscreen. A raw airthrow will throw your opponent across the screen bouncing them up a good height. Be careful not to input the dash too early, because this will NOT work if you airdash instead.

*AT 2B 5B 5C j.ABC dj.BC airdash j.C AT/j.623B/j.214C
In the air, she has quite a few options to assert her space, though none of them hit behind her. Air scouting with rising j.A is strong, with good framedata to chase jumps, interrupt jump-ins and force the opponent back to the ground. j.C is big and fast and hits primarily above her, allowing her to rise with it to anti air, defend her airspace or simply harass her opponent while below them, though it has a blind spot at roughly 45 degrees below her. She also has j.B as a strong jump-in, with a big hitbox and long active frames, and she has a reliable option to land safely with j.2C, which shares many of j.B's strengths while hitting directly below her.
:Corner only. It is essentially the same as the previous combo, but with a 2B tacked on at the start.

=== Pressure === - YouTube video showing off C-Sion's basic combos. Many thanks to FrostyTempered!
Your goal on pressure as Sion is to force people into bad decisions and make your resources count, relying on your ability to stay in their face with plus frames and create heavy amounts of ambiguity to force the opponent to panic; in any given game of RPS, you should have three options to an opponent's one. Her main reset options are rebeat 5A, 6C 4C, and 236[B]. 5A and 2A both set up tick throws, and 2B moves her forward. 5C(1) is rebeatable. She can also 421[B] to redash, though it's a heavy commitment and adds rebeat penalty with each use. 6B becomes important after the opponent begins to respect her pressure and tech her throws: Standing overheads are rare in this game, much less options so difficult to react to.

Do what you need to do to extrapolate on the character. Here are example categories below.

As mentioned above, keeping momentum via okizeme is important.

You have three main okizeme situations: j.623X midscreen ender, corner airthrow, and 214A ender.

j.623X midscreen ends with Sion directly under the opponent, allowing you to chase however you please, typically by following their airtech and pinning their landing.

Airthrow is your primary meterless ender in the corner, but does not give hard knockdown. If you think they'll forward tech, you can press an air normal just before landing to reduce your landing recovery and catch it, typically with throw. J.214C after airthrow catches back and neutral tech for damage and hard knockdown.

Your other option is 214A ender, typically obtained after spending meter. This sets up her left/right mixup, performed by doing upback and then airdashing forward (7 66). Whether or not you whiff an air normal on the way down determines which side you're on; no air normal or very late air normal means crossup, earlier means same-side.
NOTE: This mixup doesn't work on Hime because of her bugged collision box on knockdown. Examples of alternative mixups to use versus her can be found [ here.]

=== Defense ===

=Move Descriptions=
C-Sion relies heavily on system mechanics, especially EX Guard and Shield, to escape pressure.
==Normal Moves==

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
In terms of abare, while their framedata is good, her normals are only average due to being small, so she relies on dashing out or jumping out to escape the corner typically. Upforward j.A is one of her strongest reliable escape options against larger gaps, though like any jumpout, it can easily end with you being hit for not blocking. 214A can also disrespect certain pressure options that outspace everything else or are typically slow but unsafe to challenge, such as Nero deer or mouth, or H-Kohamech spikeball. Versus options that are big and fast but have long recovery, such as Nero 5[C] or Satsuki 2C, she has 421C, which, while slow and risky, catches moves similar to those previously mentioned and leads to a full combo. 421A and B are niche as reversals, but do provide full body invuln for a few frames and a low profile hitbox until cancellable. 623B is a reliable option unless the opponent is directly above you in the corner thanks to its speed and reach, though it can be somewhat easy to bait due to its forward movement. Sion wins any trades with 623A due to it launching on hit and it's very easy to trade with thanks to its quick startup.
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"|''' <font size = "3">2A [Low]</font>'''

- A low kick. Has medium range, combos into itself, a great poke. Primarily used for hit-confirms, tick-throws, and staggers. Your fundamental BnB start-up.  
As for system mechanics: her shield bunker is unique in that while it lacks vertical reach, making it somewhat risky to use versus jumpins, it has prodigious horizontal reach, which allows her to ignore certain pressure resets (C-Aoko 624C for example can be bunkered on reaction) and challenge multihits that would typically be safe. Shield is a reliable option for her due her general traits as a crescent moon character, and due to 623A and 623B coming out during shield stop, making them impossible to counteract if inputted correctly. Her specials are mediocre-to-low reward regardless of which option you choose out of shield, but her 5A is active a frame after shield stop ends, making it vulnerable to jump. Her dodge on the ground is very unreliable, owing to its slow framedata and short distance. Wakeup and fuzzy heat can be solid against characters with short range, but its hitbox is extremely small, making it a large gamble against characters with disjointed pressure options like Nero.

== Combos ==
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">5A [Mid]</font>  '''
As a note for all combos:
*If the opponent is crouching, 5C will launch them and you will just want to go into air-combo afterwards. If there are specifics needed they will be noted.
*If you don't trust your execution, you can omit the airdash j.C combo enders in all of these.

- A downward angle jab. Has good range, combos into itself, hits crouchers. Your main whiff-cancel move. It has frame advantage on block.

=== Enders ===
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">2B [Low]</font> '''
|condition=Airborne opponent
|input=* AT
|note= Used in the corner.
|condition=Airborne opponent
|input=* j.623B
|note= Used midscreen.
|condition=Airborne opponent, 100% meter
|input=* j.214C
|note= Corner carry. Less damage than j.623A>J.623C.

- A lunging low punch that moves Sion forward and reaches far. Good for poking and hit-confirms.  
=== Normal Combos ===
All of these work both midscreen and in the corner. If you're far away from the opponent, do 2B > 3C. All combos listed with Ender use Airthrow in the corner and j.623X midscreen.

| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">5B [Mid]</font> '''
|condition=Normal starter, standing opponent
|input= * (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.BC > dj.BC (> j.66 > j.C >) Ender
|note=Basic combo, basic damage. At midscreen, j.623B ender is preferred. j.214C will whiff after airdash j.C.
|condition=Normal starter, crouching opponent
|input= * (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > j.BC > j.66 > j.C > dj.BC > Ender
|note=Crouching variant of the above for better height control. At midscreen, j.623B ender is preferred.
|condition=Normal starter, standing opponent (100% meter for 236C)
|input= * (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C
|note=Basic combo, allows for okizeme afterwards. 214A allows Sion to perform a safe-jump and 50/50 mix-up.
|condition=Normal starter, standing opponent
|input= * (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > dj delay j.[C] > j.214A(w), land j.BC > dj.BC > j.66 > j.C > Ender
|note=Also known as the Yuu combo. Low hitcount starters don't work on Aoko and Nanaya. Airdash into the opponent to connect the second j.[C] midscreen.
|condition=Normal starter, standing opponent, vs Aoko/Nanaya
|input= * (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.[C] > dj8[4] delay j.[C] > j.214A(w), land j.BC > dj.BC > (j.66 > j.C) > Ender
|note=Stable variant of the above for characters who won't fall low enough to airdash into on low hitcount starters.
|condition=Normal starter, crouching opponent
|input= * (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > j.C > dj.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > j.214A(w), land j.BC > dj.BC > j.66 > j.C > Ender
|note=Crouching variant of the above. On certain characters, you need to do j.B > delay j.C before the dj.[C]. Tends to sideswap on the rejump.
|condition=Normal starter, standing opponent
|input= * (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > dj delay j.[C] > j.214A(w), land j.BC > dj.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C](A)B > Ender
|note=Fully optimized meterless version of the standard kyaa loop. Provides slightly more damage, much better carry and more meter.
|condition=Normal starter, crouching opponent
|input= * (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > j.C > dj.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > j.214A(w), land j.BC > dj.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C](A)B > Ender
|note=Crouching variant of the above. On certain characters, you need to do j.B > delay j.C before the dj.[C]. Tends to sideswap on the rejump.
|condition=Normal starter, standing opponent, 100% meter
|input= * (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214C, 5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C
|note=Basic meter extension off of a 2C. Mainly used for setups and okizeme.
|condition=214B starter, grounded opponent
|input= * 214B, 66 > 5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C
|note=Off of a raw 214B, the damage output on an air-combo follow-up isn't really worth it. Stick to this unless you're sure that the air-combo will kill.
|condition=Raw airthrow starter
|input=* Raw AT, land 66 > 5A > 5C > j.ABC > dj.BC > j.66 > j.C > Ender
|note= Midscreen raw airthrow combo. A raw airthrow will throw your opponent across the screen bouncing them up a good height. Be careful not to input the dash too early, because this will NOT work if you airdash instead.
|condition=Counterhit starter, airborne opponent
|input= * Air CH, (land) 2B/5B > 5C > j.ABC > j.BC > j.66 > j.C > Ender
|note=This is your go-to aerial counterhit follow-up. If need be, replace the 2B with 5B if you're too close to the opponent. You can also do the crouching j.[C] loop combo from 2B/5B > 5C.

- A knee that moves Sion forward slightly.  
=== Corner Combos ===
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter
|input= * 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > 421C > j.214A(w), land 5[C] > (2A(w) >) 6[B] > 214B, dash (5AA) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C
|note= Between the 5[C] and 6[B] you will need to whiff a 2A and do reverse hit 6[B] for it to hit properly. If you end up hitting them with the reverse hit, you'll need to input 214B as 236B. Versus some characters you may need to manually delay and do 5[C]>6[B] (Nero and Miyako being examples).
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter
|input= * 5B > 2B > 5C > 421C > j.214A(w), land 5[C] > 6[B] > 214B, dash (5AA) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C
|note= Crouching confirm version of the above. The link on the 5[C] is tighter but it makes the input rules from above unnecessary as you'll never cross the opponent up.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 200% meter
|input= * 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > dj delay j.[C] > j.214C(w) > 421C > j.214A(w), land 5[C] > (2A(w) >) 6[B] > 214B, dash (5AA) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C
|note= MAX mode confirm version of the above. The input rules from above apply. The height control will only work on a properly delayed kyaa loop.
|condition=Normal starter, grounded opponent, 200% meter
|input= * 5B > 2B > 5C > j.C > dj.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > j.214C(w) > 421C > j.214A(w), land 5[C] > (2A(w) >) 6[B] > 214B, dash (5AA) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C
|note= Crouching confirm version of the above. The input rules from above apply. The height control will only work on a properly delayed kyaa loop. On certain characters, you need to do j.B > delay j.C before the dj.[C].
|condition=Raw airthrow starter
|input=* Raw AT, land 2B > 5B > 5C > j.ABC > dj.BC > j.66 > j.C > Ender
|note= It is essentially the same as the midscreen combo, but with a 2B tacked on at the start.

== Move Descriptions ==
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">6B [High]</font> '''
=== Normal Moves ===
==== Standing Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">5A</span> =====
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
|description=A downward angled jab. It has decent range and it hits crouchers, making it a great pressure and neutral tool, especially as a poke out of her dash. Situational anti-air; it's great at catching jump startup and punishing bad air approaches via crossunder, but is risky to use to challenge air buttons. Occasionally whiffs on short hurtboxes.

- An overhead knee attack, cancels into anything on hit, unsafe on block. An essential component of Sion's mix-up game.
===== <span class="invisible-header">5B</span> =====
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=A knee that moves Sion forward slightly. Extremely useful in pressure to call out low shield and is arguably her best starter. Extremely large cancel window on block, making it an extremely ambiguous option to frametrap with.

===== <span class="invisible-header">5C</span> =====
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">6[B] [High]</font> '''
|caption=Sol 5K at home
|damage=400, 700  (1078)
|circuit=4.0%, 5.0% (9.0%)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|active=2 (2) 6
|frameAdv=-10, -3  
|description=Sion kicks low and high for a two-hit attack. First hit launches crouchers, allowing her to create scary trades with it, but it forces her her to hitconfirm crouching versus standing. One of the hits may whiff at max range. The second hit is disjointed from the knee outward. Situational, high-reward anti air; neither hit has any scaling, so scoring a counterhit or trade with it allows Sion to punish greedy air movement with proper authority. First hit is attack level 2.
|damage=1000, 900 (1783)
|proration=90%*2 (M)
|circuit=6.0%, 10.0% (16.0%)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|active=2 (2) 8
|frameAdv=-11, -7
|description=Charged version of 5C. First hit launches crouchers. Second hit causes a wallslam. Not very useful in neutral, but is a staple in her metered corner routes. Has a fair bit of use in pressure as well, thanks to the first hit of this version being attack level 3. Rarely used to punish low air techs, as the second hit is disjointed from the hip outward.

- Charged version of Sion's 6B. Can be cancelled on block and comes out pretty fast. Untechable bounce on hit. Terrible in combos now.
====Crouching Normals====
===== <span class="invisible-header">2A</span> =====
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=-SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J)
|description=A low kick. Good poke, though it's hard coded to whiff against airborne opponents, meaning that while it's her fastest normal, it lacks the sheer utility of 5A. One of her best abare options thanks to its incredible framedata; for example, EX Shield>2A is inescapable by grounded opponents.

===== <span class="invisible-header">2B</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">2C [Low]</font> '''
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=A lunging low punch that moves Sion forward and reaches far. Great poke, especially out of her run, as it's slightly disjointed and thus doesn't put her at as much risk as some of her other options, and it's very hard to whiff punish, though it won't reach as high as 5A. Decent, if situational abare tool thanks to its range and framedata. Sees use in max range grounded hit confirms due to it sliding her forward. Blows up standing shield with prejudice.

- Sion sweeps her opponent with her etherlite whip. Similar to her 2C from Act Cadenza, but comes out much faster and can be combo-ed into. Reaches about 1/3rd of the screen. Can be cancelled into specials on hit/block.  
===== <span class="invisible-header">2C</span> =====
|proration=80% (O)
|cancel=SP, EX
|description=Sion sweeps the ground with the etherlite. Moves Sion forward slightly. Situational sweep, mainly used for its massive, disjointed reach during pressure to cancel into a special or to knock down in combos. Has occasional preemptive use in neutral since, unlike 214A, it's cancellable on block, but its niche is usually occupied by 214A.

==== Aerial Normals ====
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">3C [Mid]</font> '''
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.A</span> =====
|cancel=SE, N, SP, EX, J
|description=A downward angled kick. Extremely versatile air normal, as it hits grounded characters as she rises, has good framedata and allows her to retain her air options on whiff. It sometimes struggles as an anti air thanks to the somewhat low hitbox but works well air to air or rising against IADs. Safe and dependable.

- Sion does a double fist volleyball uppercut which launches her opponent. Cancels into anything on hit but is unsafe on block. Your main combo starter. Inputting 8 on hit will allow Sion to do an extra high follow-up jump.  
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.B</span> =====
|proration=90% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|active={{Tooltip | text=5| hovertext=1, 4 (Single Hit)}}
|description=A fast arm swing attack. Slightly disjointed, but struggles to hit directly below her. Useful to cover j.C's blindspots and to guard yourself against low airdashes and rising buttons.  

===== <span class="invisible-header">j.C</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">5C [Mid]</font> '''
|proration=90% (M)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|description=Jumping somersault kick. Incredible air to air and a great defensive anti-air when used rising, thanks to its fast startup and large, somewhat disjointed hitbox, allowing Sion to assert her presence in the air very well. Falls out of use if the opponent is below Sion, as it has a blindspot around the 45 degree angle below her.
|proration=98% (M)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, J
|description=Her main combo tool, thanks to its prodigious damage and hitstun. Situational airstall option in neutral. Sets up a character-specific triple overhead thanks to it carrying her upward. On whiff, after you pop up, you retain your air options, meaning you can double jump/air dash and/or use an attack or special.

- Sion kicks low and high for a two-hit attack. First hit can be cancelled into anything. At maximum range, first kick hits and second kick whiffs on crouchers. Has no hittable box from her knee out making it sort of useful for anti-airing. Can be used as an anti air, but very risky, and not worth it on some characters. As an example, Ryougi is very easy to anti air with 5C, Nanaya is next to impossible to anti air with it.
==== Command Normals ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">6B</span> =====
|proration=72% (O)
|cancel=(N), (SP), (EX), (J)
|description=Ambiguous overhead knee attack. Only cancellable on hit, but safe on block. A core component of Sion's pressure, as it's difficult to react to thanks to its ambiguous startup animation and adds yet another layer to the opponent's mental stack. Use it sparingly and it's a veritable can opener.
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=N, SP, EX, (J)
|description=A component of Sion's metered corner combos. Cancellable on block. Untechable bounce on hit, allowing her to followup with anything. Not very useful elsewhere.

===== <span class="invisible-header">3C</span> =====
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">5[C] [Mid]</font> '''
|proration=75% (O)
|cancel=(SP), (EX), (J)
|description=Sion does a double fist volleyball uppercut which launches her opponent. Her only launcher against standing opponents. Not a great button to throw out in neutral, as it has a very large amount of recovery on whiff and its hitbox, while disjointed, is rather small. Unsafe on block.

- Charged version of 5C. Shares the same traits as 5C. Second hit causes a wallslam. Not very useful outside of combos, and even then its uses are limited.
===== <span class="invisible-header">6C</span> =====
|caption2=Hurtboxes on Block/Hit
|cancel=SP, CH, EX, (J), 4C
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=21| hovertext=26 on Block/Hit}}
|description=Sion throws out her whip. Easy to escape from by jumping if the opponent can see it coming. A core part of her pressure game thanks to its 4C followup and large cancel window.
|description=Sion retracts the etherlite whip she sent out with 6C. Vacuums on block. Somewhat vulnerable to EX Guard, but can be delay cancelled from 6C to throw off their timing. Knocks down on hit.

===== <span class="invisible-header">j.2C</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">6C [Mid]</font> '''
|proration=70% (O)
|description=Disjointed downward hammer swing. Extremely useful tool in neutral when used preemptively, as it snuffs out many air to airs and anti airs. Slow to start up and therefore risky to use when close to the opponent. Not her best starter.

- Sion throws out her whip to hit the opponent about 1/3rd of the screen away. Really slow start-up. Can be cancelled into specials on hit/block.  
=== Universal Mechanics ===
===== <span class="invisible-header">Ground Throw</span> =====
|name=Ground Throw
|linkname=Ground Throw
|description=Sion grabs the opponent and kicks them. Untechable knockdown.

===== <span class="invisible-header">Air Throw</span> =====
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">&nbsp;&nbsp;> 4C [Mid]</font> '''
|name=Air Throw
|linkname=Air Throw
|damage=1600 (Raw)/1300
|cancel=(Any if Raw)
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=12| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|description=Standard air throw. Ground bounces the opponent if done raw, ground techable if done as a combo ender.

- Sion retracts the etherlite whip she sent out with 6C. Pulls the opponent towards you on block and grants a small frame advantage. Knockdown on hit.  
===== <span class="invisible-header">Shield Bunker</span> =====
|name=Shield Bunker
|linkname=Shield Bunker
|input=214D in neutral or blockstun
|circuit=0.0%<br>(-50.0% in blockstun)
|invuln=Clash 1-10
|version={{Tooltip | text=(Clash)| hovertext=If an attack connects with this Shield Bunker's clash box, this is the followup that happens afterwards.}}
|invuln={{Tooltip | text=Strike 1-7| hovertext=1-15 Strike invicibility on whiff.}}
|description=Similar to 6C and F Moon's 5C, but the huge hurtboxes also appear on whiff. Allows her to punish certain pressure options that other characters cannot thanks to its horizontal reach.

===== <span class="invisible-header">Heat</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">j.A [Mid]</font> ''
|circuit=-100.0% (min)
|invuln=Full 1-20
|description=One of Sion's less preferred reversal options due to its notoriously small hitbox. Good on wakeup but can be risky in blockstrings. Remember that every character can OS this defensive option. Good in neutral if they don't have the means to punish it, as it can bait the opponent into coming in.

- A downward angled kick with a rather high hitbox. This is your go-to move to keep people on the ground if you're above them.  
===== <span class="invisible-header">Circuit Spark</span> =====
|name=Circuit Spark
|linkname=Circuit Spark
|input=A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
|circuit=removes all
|invuln=Full 1-39
|circuit=removes all
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=15| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|invuln=Strike 1-30
|description=Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">j.B [High]</font> '''

- An fast arm swing attack. Great range and hitbox. This is your go to move with Sion in the air to air and ground. After extended play this move beats out j.c is most situations when the opponent is not above you.  
=== Special Moves ===
==== Grounded Specials ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">236X</span> =====
|caption="動くな! (Don't move!)"
|name=Warning Shot
|description=Gunshot series. Somewhat versatile, but committal projectiles that travel along the ground. Note for all versions: Past a certain range, the distance the bullets travel is random; they will track the opponent up to a certain point, but can occasionally reach much further than they can track.
|proration=70% (O)
|recovery=22<br>49 (Reload)
|frameAdv=-4<br>-31 (Reload)
|damage=400*2 (670)
|proration=70% (O)
|circuit=3.0%*2 (6.0%)
|active=4 (10) 4
|recovery=22<br>49 (Reload)
|frameAdv=-1<br>-28 (Reload)
|description=Sion shoots the ground in front of her. Single gunshot is a decent callout tool and has ridiculous counterhit stun, allowing it to be used sparingly in neutral, though it's very unsafe on whiff. Used in combos to OTG relaunch and for some character specific OTG strings. Hold A to fire two rounds.
|damage= 400*3 (1009)
|proration=80% (O)
|circuit=3.0%*3 (9.0%)
|active=4 (10) x3
|recovery=21<br>50 (Reload)
|frameAdv=3<br>-25 (Reload)
|damage=400*5 (1578)
|proration=80% (O)
|circuit=3.0%*5 (15.0%)
|active=4 (10) x5
|recovery=21<br>50 (Reload)
|frameAdv=7<br>-25 (Reload)
|description=One of the defining components of Sion's pressure game. Shoots 3 bullets at the ground. Hold to shoot up to 5 bullets. Last two bullets can be delayed very slightly. Both versions are plus, with 236[B] especially being useful to buy her way back in. EX Guard isn't particularly useful against it and a badly timed shield or bunker can get the opponent counterhit for their trouble. Useful in character-specific OTG relaunches.
|damage=300*Ammo, 300 (581 ~ 2750)
|reddamage=(284 ~ 1341)
|proration=97%*Ammo (M), 97% (O)
|active={{Tooltip | text=4 ~ 76| hovertext=Fires a bullet every 6 frames, with the circuit-breaking bullet firing 3 frames after the last ammo-based one}}
|frameAdv=-36 ~ -28
|description=Combo ender. Uses the remaining amount of bullets in the magazine. Pushes the opponent to the end of the screen for an untechable circuit breaking knockdown, regardless of how many bullets are left. Circuit Break occurs on the last hit. Great for punishing midscreen HEAT activation.  

===== <span class="invisible-header">623X</span> =====
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">j.2C [High]</font> '''
|name= Etherlite Air
|caption2=B. Don't jump in on Ken-- I mean, Sion.
|caption3=EX. Don't anti air with this.
|damage= 1000, 800 (1682)
|proration=100%, 60% (O)
|circuit=10.0%, 8.0% (18.0%)
|guard={{Tooltip | text=LHA, LH| hovertext=Starts being air unblockable after the first 2 frames of the second hit.}}
|active=2 (2) 8
|frameAdv= -21
|invuln=Full 1, Low 2-5
|description=A 2 hit DP that can be EX-cancelled, mainly into 214C and 421C. Has one frame of invincibility and low invulnerability. Mainly sees use out of shield and in combos, as it's cancellable into 214C and 236C.
|damage= 800, 500, 300*5 (2375)
|circuit=8.0%, 5.0%, 3.0%*5 (28.0%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=18| hovertext=4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3}}
|invuln=Full 1-7
|description=7 hit air unblockable DP. Great reversal and anti air, as it's hard to safejump and it typically beats out jump-ins due to its large hitboxes. Does a ludicrous amount of damage and is a great starter if an opponent gets tagged by a single counterhit.
|damage= 800, 500, 400*5 (3101)
|guard=LH(1), LHA(2-7)
|active={{Tooltip | text=18| hovertext=4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3}}
|invuln=Full 1-10
|description=8 hit EX DP. Only the first hit is air unblockable, making this a much less reliable option compared to B DP. Sometimes useful as a hard callout against slower left/right mixups thanks to 421C being a reversal as well, and it has slightly more invuln than B DP. Typically not worth it unless you know exactly what you're doing.

- A downward double fist attack that will beat out a few anti-airs and generally a better move to jump in with than j.C. Slow but has lots of active frames and a great hit box.  
===== <span class="invisible-header">214X</span> =====
|caption=A. Burn the sinners.
|name=Etherlite Ground
|damage=1000 (880)
|proration= 100%
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=2, 2 (Single Hit)}}
|frameAdv=-13 ~ -11
|description=A fast, surprisingly tall whip hitgrab. Not only is this her main okizeme tool after spending meter, it's a large part of what makes Sion's whiff punishes and coverage scary; thanks to throw invuln, she can use this to ignore such options as Nero summons and set up her 50/50. Horrible on whiff and not great on block, this is primarily a tool to use if her run isn't accessible or to punish landing buttons in neutral.
|damage=200*2 (373)
|proration= 90%*2 (M)
|circuit=0.5%*2 (1.0%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=2, 2 (Single Hit)}}
|frameAdv=-15 ~ -13
|invuln=Low 1-25
|description=A slow whip toss that brings the enemy closer to you. Has lower body invicibility until the second half of the active frames. An extremely situational anti air and defensive callout tool due to its very slow startup and the numerous deadzones across the whip's length.
|damage=350*4 (1334)
|proration=100%*3, 70% (M)
|active={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=2, 2}}
|description=Her main metered combo extension tool midscreen. Picks up OTG, and is extremely large, allowing it to combo from 3C as well. Its slow, telegraphed nature makes it a very, very rare tool to see in neutral, usually off of a misinput or a hard read.

===== <span class="invisible-header">421X</span> =====
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">j.C [High]</font> '''
|caption= Kick
|caption2= Feint
|caption3= EX
|name= Cutting Sync
|damage= 600, 1000 (1207)
|proration= 100%, 65% (O)
|circuit=5.0%, 8.0% (13.0%)
|active=2 (2) 3
|invuln=Full 5-13 15-25, High 14
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=22| hovertext=Full duration.}}
|invuln=Full 5-13, High 14-22
|description=Sliding kick. Situational reversal and callout tool, as it's slow and scales poorly.

- Jumping somersault kick with a nice big hitbox. Your general air-to-anything move. If your opponent is above you, this move is going to beat anything they do 80% of the time; most moves that can beat it while you're under them come out really slow. Unfortunately, if you're ABOVE your opponent it loses to a lot of things if you're bad at timing.  
Hold A to feint. The feint removes Sion's collision box for a few frames, allowing her to pass through her opponent. Hidden -22.5% Reverse Beat penalty.
|damage=600, 1000 (1207)
|proration= 100%, 65% (O)
|circuit=5.0%, 8.0% (13.0%)
|active=2 (2) 3
|invuln=Full 6-14 16-26, High 15
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=24| hovertext=Full duration.}}
|invuln=Full 6-14, High 15-24
|description=Similar to A version, but moves her further across the screen.

Hold B to feint. The feint is sometimes useful as a pressure reset, since she moves across the screen quickly, but it's not her preferred option. Can call out certain DPs thanks to the i-frames. Hidden -22.5% Reverse Beat penalty.
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">j.[C] [High]</font> '''
|damage=600*2, 800, 1200 (2006)
|proration= 70% (O), 65%*2 (O), 90% (M)
|cancel=(N), (SP), (EX), (J)
|active={{Tooltip | text=16| hovertext=5, 2, 3, 6}}
|invuln=Full 1-17
|description=EX slide with a jumping kick that hits the opponent 4 times. Launches, air unblockable, can be cancelled into anything on hit, unsafe on block. A major component of Sion's more damaging corner combos, as the launch cannot be air teched. Sometimes useful as a reversal against slower, larger moves, and as part of an anti-left right OS, though its startup and superflash makes it dangerous to use.

- Same as j.C but charged. Generally only used for fuzzy guards, fakeout high or combos. On whiff, after you pop up, you retain your air options, meaning you can double jump/air dash and/or use an attack or special.  
===== <span class="invisible-header">22D</span> =====
|active={{Tooltip | text=1| hovertext=All bullets are reloaded.}}
|version=(Full Ammo)
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=27| hovertext=Full duration.}}
|description=Sion reloads the bullets in her magazine. Extremely slow, making this her least preferred way of reloading. Can be used to bait the opponent into approaching. If done while having full ammo, Sion will enter an uncancelable 27-frame animation.

==== Aerial Specials ====
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.623X</span> =====
|name= Etherlite Air (Air)
|damage=800*2 (1209)
|proration=60% (O)
|circuit=10.0%*2 (20.0%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=8| hovertext=4, 4}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=7| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv=-17 (TK)
|invuln=High 4-7
|description=Air DP. Shrinks Sion's hurtbox on startup and has a low profile hurtbox after. Useful as a combo ender when cancelled into j.623C for extra damage, as well as an air stalling tool when cancelled into j.214C on whiff.
|damage=500, 300*4 (1470)
|circuit=5.0%, 3.0%*4 (17.0%)
|active={{Tooltip | text=17| hovertext=3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=10| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv=-29 (TK)
|description=6-hit air DP. Shrinks Sion's hurtbox on startup. Mainly used to end her air combos mid screen, as it provides better positioning than airthrow.
|damage=500, 400*4 (1796)
|active={{Tooltip | text=17| hovertext=3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3}}
|recovery={{Tooltip | text=10| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv=-26 (TK)
|invuln=Full 1-6
|description=Essentially a more damaging version of j.623B. Not much utility outside of combos, but valuable when cancelled into from j.623A to add more damage and seal games.

==Special Moves==
===== <span class="invisible-header">j.214X</span> =====
|caption3=Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
|name=Slide Air
  |damage=100, 1200 (1262)
  |guard=LH<br>(Whiffs vs Air.)
  |active={{Tooltip | text=X| hovertext=Until landing.}}
  |recovery={{Tooltip | text=4| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
  |frameAdv=2 ~ -3
|description=A fast divekick. Safe on block with very fast recovery, even on whiff. Gains upper body invincibility until landing when blocked. Mainly used in combos to reach the ground quickly enough to rejump. Sometimes useful to get out of the air quickly in neutral.

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
Note: For all versions, frame advantage decreases the higher up you hit an opponent.
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"|''' <font size = "3"> Warning Shot 「威嚇射撃」 - 236ABC</font> '''
|damage=100, 800 (900)
  |active={{Tooltip | text=X| hovertext=Until landing.}}
  |recovery={{Tooltip | text=22| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|description= A slow air slide attack, but is unblockable. Unsafe on whiff. Doesn't see much use anywhere, but can be used as a cheeky way to seal games once in a blue moon.
|damage=100, 700*5 (3270)
  |active={{Tooltip | text=X| hovertext=Until landing.}}
  |recovery={{Tooltip | text=6| hovertext=Landing recovery.}}
|frameAdv=4 ~ -5
|description=EX divekick. The only version that can grab an airborne opponent. Sees occasional use as a combo ender and is one of her main ways to extend combos in the corner if she has MAX; j.214C whiff>421C is a staple for both damage and oki. Covers neutral and back tech in the corner when done after airthrow. Hold 4 or 6 to control the direction of her throw. Can be cancelled into from whiffed j.623A to create further landing ambiguity.

* Sion uses bullets to shoot the ground near her opponent. A component of your pressure game. Used in combos for more damage and meter.
=== Arc Drive ===
* '''(A version)''' - Shoot a bullet at the ground. Hold A to shoot two bullets.
* '''(B version)''' - Shoots 3 bullets at the ground. Hold to shoot up to 5 bullets. Can be delayed very slightly.  
* '''(EX version)''' - Uses the remaining amount of bullets to shoot the opponent. Pushes the opponent to the end of the screen for an untechable circuit breaking knockdown, regardless of how many bullets are left. Circuit Break occurs on the last hit. Great for punishing midscreen HEAT activation.  
|caption= Der bullet
|name= Barrel Replica
|linkname=Arc Drive
|input=41236C during MAX/Heat<br>(~mash C)
|damage=100, 450*10 (3076)
|proration=90% (O)
|circuit=removes all
|guard=LH, LHA
|active=33 (18) 19
|frameAdv=-133 (First Hit)
|invuln=Full 1-133
|version=~C Max.
|damage=400*6 (4023)
|description=Sion flips an air unblockable bullet into the sky and then fires a huge purple laser upward from her gun. You get more hits if you mash C as she fires the laser. Situational anti-air and reversal; the bullet is extremely active and has no superflash, but the associated meter cost makes it a very expensive gimmick. You're often better off holding onto the meter.  

=== Another Arc Drive ===
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">  Etherlite Air 「エーテライト・エア」 - 623ABC</font>'''
|caption2=Fly away home
|name=Barrel Replica
|linkname=Another Arc Drive
|input=41236C during Blood Heat<br>(~mash C)
|damage=900, 800*10 (3740)
|circuit=removes all
|startup=1+7 ~ 1+35
|invuln=Full 1-(Until end of active frames)
|version=~C Max.
|damage=800*6 (4832)
|description=Sion runs forward. If she runs into an enemy, she will automatically throw out an uppercut, which will launch the opponent high into the sky before she performs her normal arc drive animation. This move isn't as good as her normal arc drive, due to half of the base damage being eaten by the 50% prorate on the uppercut, and it has superflash frame 1 after the input, making it much more telegraphed. Situational reversal: the ludicrous amount of invuln can break through even the largest of moves, but Sion rarely has use for Blood Heat.

* Sion jumps and uses her etherlite whip, spinning in the air. Air-usable.
=== Last Arc ===
* '''(A version)''' - A 2 hit DP that can be EX-cancelled, mainly into 214C and 421C. Has one frame of invincibility and low invulnerability.
* '''(B version)''' - A 7 hit DP that is air unblockable and comes with full start-up invincibility.
* '''(EX version)''' - A 7 hit EX DP that is air unblockable and comes with a lot of invincibility. Generally a waste of meter, being that the only thing it does better than 623B is deal more damage.
|caption= GUN
|name= Barrel Replica - Obelisk
|linkname=Last Arc
|input=Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
|proration=50% + 50% * remaining BH time
|circuit=removes all
|description= Sion spins around, anchoring herself with etherlite before she fires a massive purple blast from her pistol. Average Last Arc. Can be baited as the hitbox, while tall, isn't fullscreen. Does okay damage, but Sion typically has better uses for meter than activating Blood Heat.

| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3">  Etherlite Ground 「エーテライト・グランド」 - 214ABC </font>'''

* Sion uses her etherlite whip to catch her opponent.
* '''(A version)''' - A fast whip used for knockdown. Hits low, comes out fast, sets up Sion's okizeme. Comboable from 2C or 6C.
* '''(B version)''' - A slow whip that brings the enemy closer to you. Hits mid. Dash forward 5A into combo.
* '''(EX version)''' - A fast whip that brings the enemy closer to you and hits 4 times. Hits mid, comes out fast (not as fast as 214A), sets up opponent for combos from 2C or 3C.
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3">  Cutting Sync 「カッティング・シンク」 - 421ABC</font>'''
* Sion slides towards the opponent. Depending on the version, Sion either launches the opponent or does a fakeout.
* '''(A version)''' - A slide with a kick that launches your opponent. Hold A to fakeout. Fakeout has upper invincibility, can cross up certain characters midscreen if close enough.
* '''(B version)''' - A slide with a kick that launches your opponent. Has lower half invincibility. Air unblockable, jump cancellable, can be continued into air combo. 
* '''(EX version)''' - EX slide with a jumping kick that hits the opponent 4 times. Launches, air unblockable, can be cancelled into anything on hit, unsafe on block. A major component of Sion's more damaging corner combos.
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| ''' <font size = "3"> Slide Air 「スライド・エア」 - j.214ABC</font>'''
* Sion stops her momentum and 'slides' down for a throw at the opponent's neck, flips them over, and drives their head into the ground.
* '''(A version)''' - A fast air slide attack. Safe on block with very fast recovery, even on whiff.
* '''(B version)''' - A slow air slide attack, but is unblockable. Unsafe on whiff.
* '''(EX version)''' - EX air slide. Flips the opponents 5 times. Hold 4 or 6 to control the direction of her throw. Safe on block and whiff. 
A and B versions cannot grab opponents in midair. 
| width="" | ''' <font size = "3"> Reload 「リロード」 - 22D</font>'''
* Sion reloads the bullets in her magazine. Much slower in Actress Again compared to Act Cadenza.
==Arc Drive==
{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| '''<font size = "3">  Barrel Replica 「バレルレプリカ」 </font> '''
* Sion tosses up a bullet into the air and shoots her gun straight up. Untechable knockdown on hit. The tossed bullet is air unblockable. Mash C during move to get more hits.
==Another Arc Drive==
{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| '''<font size = "3"> Barrel Replica 「バレルレプリカ」 </font> '''
* Sion charges towards her opponent and uses her 3C to launch her opponent. On hit, she flips a bullet into the air and shoots her gun straight up. Mash C for more hits. Fully invincible during charge, untechable knockdown if hit, and unsafe on block. Sion stops after a period of time if the opponent is too far (or in the air).
==Last Arc==
{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"
| width="" style="background:#E8E8E8;"| '''<font size = "3"> Barrel Replica・Obelisk 「バレルレプリカ・オベリスク」 </font> '''
* Performed by EX-Shielding while grounded. Sion spins into a crouch with etherlite circling her, then shoots her Barrel Replica straight ahead. Circuit Breaks the opponent.


[[Category:Melty Blood]]
[[Category:Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code]]
[[Category:Sion Eltnam Atlasia]]
[[Category:Sion Eltnam Atlasia]]

Latest revision as of 13:07, 6 May 2024

Character Page Progress

This page is mostly complete, consider joining as an editor to help finish it up. Please update this character's roadmap page when one of the editing goals have been reached. When no main goals are left, please remove this section from this page.

In Progress To-do
  • Combos:
    • Add damage, meter gain/given numbers and video links to the pre-existing combos.

  • Move Descriptions:
    • Add Last Arc frame data.

Additional Resources

C-Sion Match Video Database
Melty Bits: C-Sion
YouTube video showing off C-Sion's basic combos. Many thanks to FrostyTempered!

Notable Players

Name Color Region Common Venues Status Details

Sion Color01.png

North America Netplay Retired Heavy focus on high-speed gameplay and conditioning. Not much footage.

Sion Color 22.png

North America Netplay Inactive NA's #1 threat of the last few years. Very aggressive playstyle, emphasizing good movement and suffocating offense.

Sion Color34.png

Japan A-cho, Port 24 Active Has been at the forefront of the Japanese MBAACC scene for a decade. Typically showcases very creative and esoteric options.


Sionthinkhead.png C-Sion is a highly technical rushdown-tuned character with strong neutral and a very versatile kit. Her extremely high reward on hit makes her a threat to even the best of characters.
Pros Cons
  • Lightning Fast: Boasts some of the best mobility in the game thanks to her dash and an associated ability to cover a huge amount of horizontal space very quickly.
  • Bountiful Reward: This character hits like a freight train, boasting extremely high damage and solid meter gain anywhere with her signature j.[C] "Kyaa" loops, as well as the ability to freely spend bar to revoke the opponent's meter, or for a powerful, hard to see left-right mixup.
  • Brutal Pressure: Between strong framedata on her normals (especially 5A), a difficult to see standing overhead in 6B, and easy ways to buy her way back in with 6C~4C and 236[B], Sion pressure is both extremely ambiguous and threatening, with powerful frametraps that force the opponent to guess if they want to survive.
  • Solid Neutral: Sion's suite of normals combines well with the rest of her tools, allowing her to assert herself well in neutral with good movement, especially in the air with buttons like j.C and j.2C. Options like 214A and dash 5A shore up her ability to approach and whiff punish on the ground, giving her a deceptively large threat range.
  • Good Defense: Rising j.A, 623B, extremely fast framedata and crescent moon mechanics all contribute to a solid, varied defensive suite that allows her to stay in the game even when she's wrong in neutral.
  • Stubby: While strong, her buttons are somewhat small, especially on the ground, limiting her ability to contest her opponent's own neutral and offense without falling back on her specials or system mechanics.
  • Inconsistent Carry: Sion only truly gets decent corner carry off of very specific confirms. Crouching confirms often leave opponents not far from where they first got hit, and meter spent on j.214C to rectify this issue is often spent better elsewhere.

Unique Mechanics


Sion has an Ammo gauge that affects how many bullets can be shot from her 236 specials. If she runs out of ammo after one of these specials, she will automatically go into a reloading state during the move's recovery, where she loads all bullets back in but is left vulnerable and very minus. Unique to Crescent Moon, she can reload her ammo manually by inputting 22D.

General Gameplan

C-Sion is a (very) high-execution footsies character with an overall aggressive feel. Her general gameplan revolves around using her large toolbox to force the opponent into making mistakes in neutral, and then punishing them with her extremely high overall damage. She then leads this into strong pressure and/or positional advantage, being able to constantly threaten from below. Her dash affords her incredible whiff punish options and her air buttons allow her to intercept the opponent's options and enforce her space well, though her ability to directly challenge can be lacking, especially on the ground. Her execution requirements are high, as her high-damage combos are both difficult to perform and necessary to execute her gameplan. Momentum and okizeme are important for this character; it's not uncommon for her to kill the opponent off of a single mistake.


Sion's neutral revolves heavily around her great overall movement and whiff punish ability. She has the best run in the game, at near top speed frame 1, and a 5F startup 5A, allowing her to crossunder anti-air very effectively. 5A is +1 on block and decent at catching jumpouts, which makes upbacking against her risky in close quarters. Another defining neutral option is 214A. With 13f startup and nearly half screen reach, she can use this to harass zoners and catch landings to then set up a left/right mixup. She tends to lack a way to directly challenge jump-ins aside from 623B on the ground, however, which typically forces her to rely on preemptive dash-under, shield, or taking to the air.

In the air, she has quite a few options to assert her space, though none of them hit behind her. Air scouting with rising j.A is strong, with good framedata to chase jumps, interrupt jump-ins and force the opponent back to the ground. j.C is big and fast and hits primarily above her, allowing her to rise with it to anti air, defend her airspace or simply harass her opponent while below them, though it has a blind spot at roughly 45 degrees below her. She also has j.B as a strong jump-in, with a big hitbox and long active frames, and she has a reliable option to land safely with j.2C, which shares many of j.B's strengths while hitting directly below her.


Your goal on pressure as Sion is to force people into bad decisions and make your resources count, relying on your ability to stay in their face with plus frames and create heavy amounts of ambiguity to force the opponent to panic; in any given game of RPS, you should have three options to an opponent's one. Her main reset options are rebeat 5A, 6C 4C, and 236[B]. 5A and 2A both set up tick throws, and 2B moves her forward. 5C(1) is rebeatable. She can also 421[B] to redash, though it's a heavy commitment and adds rebeat penalty with each use. 6B becomes important after the opponent begins to respect her pressure and tech her throws: Standing overheads are rare in this game, much less options so difficult to react to.


As mentioned above, keeping momentum via okizeme is important.

You have three main okizeme situations: j.623X midscreen ender, corner airthrow, and 214A ender.

j.623X midscreen ends with Sion directly under the opponent, allowing you to chase however you please, typically by following their airtech and pinning their landing.

Airthrow is your primary meterless ender in the corner, but does not give hard knockdown. If you think they'll forward tech, you can press an air normal just before landing to reduce your landing recovery and catch it, typically with throw. J.214C after airthrow catches back and neutral tech for damage and hard knockdown.

Your other option is 214A ender, typically obtained after spending meter. This sets up her left/right mixup, performed by doing upback and then airdashing forward (7 66). Whether or not you whiff an air normal on the way down determines which side you're on; no air normal or very late air normal means crossup, earlier means same-side. NOTE: This mixup doesn't work on Hime because of her bugged collision box on knockdown. Examples of alternative mixups to use versus her can be found here.


C-Sion relies heavily on system mechanics, especially EX Guard and Shield, to escape pressure.

In terms of abare, while their framedata is good, her normals are only average due to being small, so she relies on dashing out or jumping out to escape the corner typically. Upforward j.A is one of her strongest reliable escape options against larger gaps, though like any jumpout, it can easily end with you being hit for not blocking. 214A can also disrespect certain pressure options that outspace everything else or are typically slow but unsafe to challenge, such as Nero deer or mouth, or H-Kohamech spikeball. Versus options that are big and fast but have long recovery, such as Nero 5[C] or Satsuki 2C, she has 421C, which, while slow and risky, catches moves similar to those previously mentioned and leads to a full combo. 421A and B are niche as reversals, but do provide full body invuln for a few frames and a low profile hitbox until cancellable. 623B is a reliable option unless the opponent is directly above you in the corner thanks to its speed and reach, though it can be somewhat easy to bait due to its forward movement. Sion wins any trades with 623A due to it launching on hit and it's very easy to trade with thanks to its quick startup.

As for system mechanics: her shield bunker is unique in that while it lacks vertical reach, making it somewhat risky to use versus jumpins, it has prodigious horizontal reach, which allows her to ignore certain pressure resets (C-Aoko 624C for example can be bunkered on reaction) and challenge multihits that would typically be safe. Shield is a reliable option for her due her general traits as a crescent moon character, and due to 623A and 623B coming out during shield stop, making them impossible to counteract if inputted correctly. Her specials are mediocre-to-low reward regardless of which option you choose out of shield, but her 5A is active a frame after shield stop ends, making it vulnerable to jump. Her dodge on the ground is very unreliable, owing to its slow framedata and short distance. Wakeup and fuzzy heat can be solid against characters with short range, but its hitbox is extremely small, making it a large gamble against characters with disjointed pressure options like Nero.


Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X > delay Y Must wait for a short period before cancelling X input into Y.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+Y Buttons X and Y must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Either the X or Y input can be used.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack X with Y follow-up input.
  2. Input X then within a few frames, input Y. Usually used for option selects.
X(w) X input must not hit the opponent (Whiff).
j.X X input is done in the air, implies a jump/jump cancel if the previous move was done from the ground.

Applies to all air chain sections:

  • Assume a forward jump cancel if no direction is given.
  • Air chains such as j.A > j.B > j.C can be shortened to j.ABC.
sj.X X input is done after a super jump. Notated as sj8.X and sj9.X for neutral and forward super jumps respectively.
dj.X X input is done after a double jump.
sdj.X X input is done after a double super jump.
tk.X Stands for Tiger Knee. X motion must be buffered before jumping, inputting the move as close to the ground as possible. (ex. tk.236A)
(X) X is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input X is held down. Also referred to as Blowback Edge (BE). Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input X is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down. This type of input is referred to as Negative Edge.
{X} Button X should only be held down briefly to get a partially charged version instead of the fully charged one.
X(N) Attack "X" should only hit N times.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit.
Air CH The first attack must be a Counter Hit on an airborne opponent.
66 Performs a ground forward dash.
j.66 Performs an aerial forward dash, used as a cancel for certain characters' air strings.
IAD/IABD Performs an Instant AirDash.
AT Performs an Air Throw. (j.6/4A+D)
IH Performs an Initiative Heat.
AD Performs an Arc Drive.
AAD Performs an Another Arc Drive.

As a note for all combos:

  • If the opponent is crouching, 5C will launch them and you will just want to go into air-combo afterwards. If there are specifics needed they will be noted.
  • If you don't trust your execution, you can omit the airdash j.C combo enders in all of these.


Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Airborne opponent
  • AT

Meter Gained: 0 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 0
Used in the corner.
Airborne opponent
  • j.623B

Meter Gained: 20 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 6
Used midscreen.
Airborne opponent, 100% meter
  • j.214C

Meter Gained: 0 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 1.1
Corner carry. Less damage than j.623A>J.623C.

Normal Combos

All of these work both midscreen and in the corner. If you're far away from the opponent, do 2B > 3C. All combos listed with Ender use Airthrow in the corner and j.623X midscreen.

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, standing opponent
  • (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.BC > dj.BC (> j.66 > j.C >) Ender

Meter Gained: 73 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 21.9
Basic combo, basic damage. At midscreen, j.623B ender is preferred. j.214C will whiff after airdash j.C.
Normal starter, crouching opponent
  • (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > j.BC > j.66 > j.C > dj.BC > Ender

Meter Gained: 66 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 19.8
Crouching variant of the above for better height control. At midscreen, j.623B ender is preferred.
Normal starter, standing opponent (100% meter for 236C)
  • (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C

Meter Gained: 41/31 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 13.4/24.8
Basic combo, allows for okizeme afterwards. 214A allows Sion to perform a safe-jump and 50/50 mix-up.
Normal starter, standing opponent
  • (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > dj delay j.[C] > j.214A(w), land j.BC > dj.BC > j.66 > j.C > Ender

Meter Gained: 100 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 30
Also known as the Yuu combo. Low hitcount starters don't work on Aoko and Nanaya. Airdash into the opponent to connect the second j.[C] midscreen.
Normal starter, standing opponent, vs Aoko/Nanaya
  • (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.[C] > dj8[4] delay j.[C] > j.214A(w), land j.BC > dj.BC > (j.66 > j.C) > Ender

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Stable variant of the above for characters who won't fall low enough to airdash into on low hitcount starters.
Normal starter, crouching opponent
  • (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > j.C > dj.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > j.214A(w), land j.BC > dj.BC > j.66 > j.C > Ender

Meter Gained: 93 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 27.9
Crouching variant of the above. On certain characters, you need to do j.B > delay j.C before the dj.[C]. Tends to sideswap on the rejump.
Normal starter, standing opponent
  • (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > dj delay j.[C] > j.214A(w), land j.BC > dj.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C](A)B > Ender

Meter Gained: 103 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 30.9
Fully optimized meterless version of the standard kyaa loop. Provides slightly more damage, much better carry and more meter.
Normal starter, crouching opponent
  • (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > j.C > dj.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > j.214A(w), land j.BC > dj.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C](A)B > Ender
Meter Gained: 96 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 28.8 (Video)
Crouching variant of the above. On certain characters, you need to do j.B > delay j.C before the dj.[C]. Tends to sideswap on the rejump.
Normal starter, standing opponent, 100% meter
  • (2A/5A) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214C, 5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Basic meter extension off of a 2C. Mainly used for setups and okizeme.
214B starter, grounded opponent
  • 214B, 66 > 5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Off of a raw 214B, the damage output on an air-combo follow-up isn't really worth it. Stick to this unless you're sure that the air-combo will kill.
Raw airthrow starter
  • Raw AT, land 66 > 5A > 5C > j.ABC > dj.BC > j.66 > j.C > Ender

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
Midscreen raw airthrow combo. A raw airthrow will throw your opponent across the screen bouncing them up a good height. Be careful not to input the dash too early, because this will NOT work if you airdash instead.
Counterhit starter, airborne opponent
  • Air CH, (land) 2B/5B > 5C > j.ABC > j.BC > j.66 > j.C > Ender

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
This is your go-to aerial counterhit follow-up. If need be, replace the 2B with 5B if you're too close to the opponent. You can also do the crouching j.[C] loop combo from 2B/5B > 5C.

Corner Combos

Condition Notation Damage
vs V.Sion
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter
  • 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > 421C > j.214A(w), land 5[C] > (2A(w) >) 6[B] > 214B, dash (5AA) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C

Meter Gained: -44 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 36
Between the 5[C] and 6[B] you will need to whiff a 2A and do reverse hit 6[B] for it to hit properly. If you end up hitting them with the reverse hit, you'll need to input 214B as 236B. Versus some characters you may need to manually delay and do 5[C]>6[B] (Nero and Miyako being examples).
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 100% meter
  • 5B > 2B > 5C > 421C > j.214A(w), land 5[C] > 6[B] > 214B, dash (5AA) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C

Meter Gained: -51 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 33
Crouching confirm version of the above. The link on the 5[C] is tighter but it makes the input rules from above unnecessary as you'll never cross the opponent up.
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 200% meter
  • 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > dj delay j.[C] > j.214C(w) > 421C > j.214A(w), land 5[C] > (2A(w) >) 6[B] > 214B, dash (5AA) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C

Meter Gained: -114 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 62
MAX mode confirm version of the above. The input rules from above apply. The height control will only work on a properly delayed kyaa loop.
Normal starter, grounded opponent, 200% meter
  • 5B > 2B > 5C > j.C > dj.[C] > delay j.66 > j.[C] > j.214C(w) > 421C > j.214A(w), land 5[C] > (2A(w) >) 6[B] > 214B, dash (5AA) > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A/236C

Meter Gained: -121 Meter Given (vs C-Moon): 58
Crouching confirm version of the above. The input rules from above apply. The height control will only work on a properly delayed kyaa loop. On certain characters, you need to do j.B > delay j.C before the dj.[C].
Raw airthrow starter
  • Raw AT, land 2B > 5B > 5C > j.ABC > dj.BC > j.66 > j.C > Ender

Meter Gained:  ??? Meter Given (vs C-Moon): ???
It is essentially the same as the midscreen combo, but with a 2B tacked on at the start.

Move Descriptions

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Move Box Colors

Light gray = Collision Box (A move lacking one means it can go through the opponent's own collision box).
Green: Hurt Boxes.
Red: Hit(/Grab) Boxes.
Yellow: Clash Boxes (When an active hitbox strikes a clash box, the active hitbox stops being active. Multi-hit attacks can beat clash since they will still progress to the next hitbox.)
Magenta: Projectile-reflecting boxes OR Non-hit attack trigger boxes (usually).
Blue: Reflectable Projectile Boxes.

Damage Base damage done by this attack.

(X) denotes combined and scaled damage tested against standing V. Sion.

Red Damage Damage done to the recoverable red health bar by this attack. The values are inherently scaled and tested against standing V. Sion.

(X) denotes combined damage.

Proration The correction value set by this attack and the way it modifies the scaling during a string. See this page for more details.

X% (O) means X% Overrides the previous correction value in a combo if X is of a lower percentage.
X% (M) means the current correction value in a combo will be Multiplied by X%. This can also be referred to as relative proration.

Circuit Meter gained by this attack on hit.

(X%) denotes combined meter gain.
-X% denotes a meter cost.

Cancel Actions this move can be cancelled into.

SE = Self cancelable.
N = Normal cancelable.
SP = Special cancelable.
CH = Cancelable into the next part of the same attack (Chain in case of specials).
EX = EX cancelable.
J = Jump cancelable.
(X) = Cancelable only on hit.
-X- = Cancelable on whiff.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

L = Can block crouching
H = Can block standing.
A = Can block in the air.
U = Unblockable.

Startup Amount of frames that must pass prior to reaching the active frames. Also referred to as "True Startup".
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.

(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present. Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
X denotes active frames with a duration separate from its origin move's frame data, such as projectile attacks. In this case, the total length of the move is startup+recovery only.

Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled. The character goes into one frame where they can block but not act afterwards, which is not counted here.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).

If the opponent uses a move with startup that is at least 2 frames less than this move's negative advantage, it will result in the opponent hitting that move.
±x~±y denotes a range of possible advantages.

Invul Lists any defensive properties this move has.

X y~z denotes X property happening between the y to z frames of the animations. If no frames are noted, it means the invincibility lasts through the entire move.


Strike = Strike invincible.
Throw = Throw invincible.

Hurtbox-Based Properties:

Full = No hurtboxes are present.
High = Upper body lacks a hurtbox.
Low = Lower body lacks a hurtbox.

Miscellaneous Properties

Clash = Frames in which clash boxes are active.
Reflect = Frames in which projectile-reflecting boxes are active.
Super Armor = Frames in which the character can take hits without going into hit stun.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350 147 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5 4 7 1 3.0% -

A downward angled jab. It has decent range and it hits crouchers, making it a great pressure and neutral tool, especially as a poke out of her dash. Situational anti-air; it's great at catching jump startup and punishing bad air approaches via crossunder, but is risky to use to challenge air buttons. Occasionally whiffs on short hurtboxes.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600 313 100% N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 4 15 -4 5.0% -

A knee that moves Sion forward slightly. Extremely useful in pressure to call out low shield and is arguably her best starter. Extremely large cancel window on block, making it an extremely ambiguous option to frametrap with.

Sol 5K at home
Sol 5K at home
5C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400, 700 (1078) (721) 100% N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 2 (2) 6 15 -10, -3 4.0%, 5.0% (9.0%) -

Sion kicks low and high for a two-hit attack. First hit launches crouchers, allowing her to create scary trades with it, but it forces her her to hitconfirm crouching versus standing. One of the hits may whiff at max range. The second hit is disjointed from the knee outward. Situational, high-reward anti air; neither hit has any scaling, so scoring a counterhit or trade with it allows Sion to punish greedy air movement with proper authority. First hit is attack level 2.

5[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000, 900 (1783) (1014) 90%*2 (M) N, SP, EX, (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
22 2 (2) 8 17 -11, -7 6.0%, 10.0% (16.0%) -

Charged version of 5C. First hit launches crouchers. Second hit causes a wallslam. Not very useful in neutral, but is a staple in her metered corner routes. Has a fair bit of use in pressure as well, thanks to the first hit of this version being attack level 3. Rarely used to punish low air techs, as the second hit is disjointed from the hip outward.

Crouching Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 98 75% (O) -SE-, -N-, -SP-, -EX-, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 4 9 -1 3.0% -

A low kick. Good poke, though it's hard coded to whiff against airborne opponents, meaning that while it's her fastest normal, it lacks the sheer utility of 5A. One of her best abare options thanks to its incredible framedata; for example, EX Shield>2A is inescapable by grounded opponents.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 294 100% N, SP, EX, (J) L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 6 13 -4 5.0% -

A lunging low punch that moves Sion forward and reaches far. Great poke, especially out of her run, as it's slightly disjointed and thus doesn't put her at as much risk as some of her other options, and it's very hard to whiff punish, though it won't reach as high as 5A. Decent, if situational abare tool thanks to its range and framedata. Sees use in max range grounded hit confirms due to it sliding her forward. Blows up standing shield with prejudice.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1200 784 80% (O) SP, EX L
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 3 22 -7 12.0% -

Sion sweeps the ground with the etherlite. Moves Sion forward slightly. Situational sweep, mainly used for its massive, disjointed reach during pressure to cancel into a special or to knock down in combos. Has occasional preemptive use in neutral since, unlike 214A, it's cancellable on block, but its niche is usually occupied by 214A.

Aerial Normals

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300 176 75% SE, N, SP, EX, J LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 5 11 - 3.0% -

A downward angled kick. Extremely versatile air normal, as it hits grounded characters as she rises, has good framedata and allows her to retain her air options on whiff. It sometimes struggles as an anti air thanks to the somewhat low hitbox but works well air to air or rising against IADs. Safe and dependable.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700/560 490/392 90% (O) N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 5 - - 7.0% -

A fast arm swing attack. Slightly disjointed, but struggles to hit directly below her. Useful to cover j.C's blindspots and to guard yourself against low airdashes and rising buttons.

j.C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 588 90% (M) N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 2 - - 10.0% -

Jumping somersault kick. Incredible air to air and a great defensive anti-air when used rising, thanks to its fast startup and large, somewhat disjointed hitbox, allowing Sion to assert her presence in the air very well. Falls out of use if the opponent is below Sion, as it has a blindspot around the 45 degree angle below her.

j.[C] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 499 98% (M) N, SP, EX, J HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
18 4 23 - 10.0% -

Her main combo tool, thanks to its prodigious damage and hitstun. Situational airstall option in neutral. Sets up a character-specific triple overhead thanks to it carrying her upward. On whiff, after you pop up, you retain your air options, meaning you can double jump/air dash and/or use an attack or special.

Command Normals

6B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 392 72% (O) (N), (SP), (EX), (J) H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
25 2 19 -3 7.0% -

Ambiguous overhead knee attack. Only cancellable on hit, but safe on block. A core component of Sion's pressure, as it's difficult to react to thanks to its ambiguous startup animation and adds yet another layer to the opponent's mental stack. Use it sparingly and it's a veritable can opener.

6[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 392 75% (O) N, SP, EX, (J) H
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
31 3 15 0 7.0% -

A component of Sion's metered corner combos. Cancellable on block. Untechable bounce on hit, allowing her to followup with anything. Not very useful elsewhere.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 392 75% (O) (SP), (EX), (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
10 4 27 -13 7.0% -

Sion does a double fist volleyball uppercut which launches her opponent. Her only launcher against standing opponents. Not a great button to throw out in neutral, as it has a very large amount of recovery on whiff and its hitbox, while disjointed, is rather small. Unsafe on block.

Hurtboxes on Block/Hit
Hurtboxes on Block/Hit
6C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 686 100% SP, CH, EX, (J), 4C LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
21 4 21 -9 10.0% -

Sion throws out her whip. Easy to escape from by jumping if the opponent can see it coming. A core part of her pressure game thanks to its 4C followup and large cancel window.

~4C Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
700 588 60% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 1 13 5 6.0% -

Sion retracts the etherlite whip she sent out with 6C. Vacuums on block. Somewhat vulnerable to EX Guard, but can be delay cancelled from 6C to throw off their timing. Knocks down on hit.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 784 70% (O) - HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 8 23 - 10.0% -

Disjointed downward hammer swing. Extremely useful tool in neutral when used preemptively, as it snuffs out many air to airs and anti airs. Slow to start up and therefore risky to use when close to the opponent. Not her best starter.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1500 735 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3 1 20 - 0.0% -

Sion grabs the opponent and kicks them. Untechable knockdown.

Air Throw
Air Throw
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1600 (Raw)/1300 490 30% (Any if Raw) U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2 1 12 - 0.0% -

Standard air throw. Ground bounces the opponent if done raw, ground techable if done as a combo ender.

Shield Bunker
Shield Bunker
214D in neutral or blockstun
Bunker Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 196 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
26 4 19 -5 0.0%
(-50.0% in blockstun)
Clash 1-10
(Clash) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500 196 50% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
8 4 19 -5 0.0%/-50.0% Strike 1-7

Similar to 6C and F Moon's 5C, but the huge hurtboxes also appear on whiff. Allows her to punish certain pressure options that other characters cannot thanks to its horizontal reach.

Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
16 5 25 - -100.0% (min) Full 1-20

One of Sion's less preferred reversal options due to its notoriously small hitbox. Good on wakeup but can be risky in blockstrings. Remember that every character can OS this defensive option. Good in neutral if they don't have the means to punish it, as it can bait the opponent into coming in.

Circuit Spark
Circuit Spark
A+B+C during hitstun/blockstun at MAX
Ground Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
11 10 20 - removes all Full 1-39
Air Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100 0 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 10 15 - removes all Strike 1-30

Universal burst mechanic. Unlike Crescent/Full Heat activation, the hitbox and frame data doesn't vary between characters. However, you can be thrown out of this move if you input it in the air.

Special Moves

Grounded Specials

Warning Shot
"動くな! (Don't move!)"
"動くな! (Don't move!)"

Gunshot series. Somewhat versatile, but committal projectiles that travel along the ground. Note for all versions: Past a certain range, the distance the bullets travel is random; they will track the opponent up to a certain point, but can occasionally reach much further than they can track.

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400 294 70% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 22
49 (Reload)
-31 (Reload)
3.0% -
[A] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*2 (670) (492) 70% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 (10) 4 22
49 (Reload)
-28 (Reload)
3.0%*2 (6.0%) -

Sion shoots the ground in front of her. Single gunshot is a decent callout tool and has ridiculous counterhit stun, allowing it to be used sparingly in neutral, though it's very unsafe on whiff. Used in combos to OTG relaunch and for some character specific OTG strings. Hold A to fire two rounds.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*3 (1009) (741) 80% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
7 4 (10) x3 21
50 (Reload)
-25 (Reload)
3.0%*3 (9.0%) -
[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*5 (1578) (1158) 80% (O) - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
6 4 (10) x5 21
50 (Reload)
-25 (Reload)
3.0%*5 (15.0%) -

One of the defining components of Sion's pressure game. Shoots 3 bullets at the ground. Hold to shoot up to 5 bullets. Last two bullets can be delayed very slightly. Both versions are plus, with 236[B] especially being useful to buy her way back in. EX Guard isn't particularly useful against it and a badly timed shield or bunker can get the opponent counterhit for their trouble. Useful in character-specific OTG relaunches.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
300*Ammo, 300 (581 ~ 2750) (284 ~ 1341) 97%*Ammo (M), 97% (O) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4+9 4 ~ 76 55 -36 ~ -28 -100% -

Combo ender. Uses the remaining amount of bullets in the magazine. Pushes the opponent to the end of the screen for an untechable circuit breaking knockdown, regardless of how many bullets are left. Circuit Break occurs on the last hit. Great for punishing midscreen HEAT activation.

B. Don't jump in on Ken-- I mean, Sion.
B. Don't jump in on Ken-- I mean, Sion.
EX. Don't anti air with this.
EX. Don't anti air with this.
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000, 800 (1682) (676) 100%, 60% (O) EX LHA, LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 2 (2) 8 31 -21 10.0%, 8.0% (18.0%) Full 1, Low 2-5

A 2 hit DP that can be EX-cancelled, mainly into 214C and 421C. Has one frame of invincibility and low invulnerability. Mainly sees use out of shield and in combos, as it's cancellable into 214C and 236C.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800, 500, 300*5 (2375) (1111) 100% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 18 32 -25 8.0%, 5.0%, 3.0%*5 (28.0%) Full 1-7

7 hit air unblockable DP. Great reversal and anti air, as it's hard to safejump and it typically beats out jump-ins due to its large hitboxes. Does a ludicrous amount of damage and is a great starter if an opponent gets tagged by a single counterhit.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800, 500, 400*5 (3101) (1952) 100% - LH(1), LHA(2-7)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+2 18 34 -31 -100.0% Full 1-10

8 hit EX DP. Only the first hit is air unblockable, making this a much less reliable option compared to B DP. Sometimes useful as a hard callout against slower left/right mixups thanks to 421C being a reversal as well, and it has slightly more invuln than B DP. Typically not worth it unless you know exactly what you're doing.

A. Burn the sinners.
A. Burn the sinners.
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
1000 (880) (603) 100% - LA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
13 4 21 -13 ~ -11 10.0% -

A fast, surprisingly tall whip hitgrab. Not only is this her main okizeme tool after spending meter, it's a large part of what makes Sion's whiff punishes and coverage scary; thanks to throw invuln, she can use this to ignore such options as Nero summons and set up her 50/50. Horrible on whiff and not great on block, this is primarily a tool to use if her run isn't accessible or to punish landing buttons in neutral.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
200*2 (373) (182) 90%*2 (M) (J) LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
24 4 23 -15 ~ -13 0.5%*2 (1.0%) Low 1-25

A slow whip toss that brings the enemy closer to you. Has lower body invicibility until the second half of the active frames. An extremely situational anti air and defensive callout tool due to its very slow startup and the numerous deadzones across the whip's length.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
350*4 (1334) (933) 100%*3, 70% (M) - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
5+17 4 23 -13 -100% -

Her main metered combo extension tool midscreen. Picks up OTG, and is extremely large, allowing it to combo from 3C as well. Its slow, telegraphed nature makes it a very, very rare tool to see in neutral, usually off of a misinput or a hard read.

Cutting Sync
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600, 1000 (1207) (709) 100%, 65% (O) (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
31 2 (2) 3 21 -6 5.0%, 8.0% (13.0%) Full 5-13 15-25, High 14
[A] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- - 22 - - Full 5-13, High 14-22

Sliding kick. Situational reversal and callout tool, as it's slow and scales poorly.

Hold A to feint. The feint removes Sion's collision box for a few frames, allowing her to pass through her opponent. Hidden -22.5% Reverse Beat penalty.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600, 1000 (1207) (709) 100%, 65% (O) (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
32 2 (2) 3 21 -6 5.0%, 8.0% (13.0%) Full 6-14 16-26, High 15
[B] Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- - 24 - - Full 6-14, High 15-24

Similar to A version, but moves her further across the screen.

Hold B to feint. The feint is sometimes useful as a pressure reset, since she moves across the screen quickly, but it's not her preferred option. Can call out certain DPs thanks to the i-frames. Hidden -22.5% Reverse Beat penalty.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
600*2, 800, 1200 (2006) (1375) 70% (O), 65%*2 (O), 90% (M) (N), (SP), (EX), (J) LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
2+15 16 42 -40 -100.0% Full 1-17

EX slide with a jumping kick that hits the opponent 4 times. Launches, air unblockable, can be cancelled into anything on hit, unsafe on block. A major component of Sion's more damaging corner combos, as the launch cannot be air teched. Sometimes useful as a reversal against slower, larger moves, and as part of an anti-left right OS, though its startup and superflash makes it dangerous to use.

22D Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
39 1 18 - - -
(Full Ammo) Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
- - - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- - 27 - - -

Sion reloads the bullets in her magazine. Extremely slow, making this her least preferred way of reloading. Can be used to bait the opponent into approaching. If done while having full ammo, Sion will enter an uncancelable 27-frame animation.

Aerial Specials

A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800*2 (1209) (591) 60% (O) EX LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 8 7 -17 (TK) 10.0%*2 (20.0%) High 4-7

Air DP. Shrinks Sion's hurtbox on startup and has a low profile hurtbox after. Useful as a combo ender when cancelled into j.623C for extra damage, as well as an air stalling tool when cancelled into j.214C on whiff.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500, 300*4 (1470) (607) 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
4 17 10 -29 (TK) 5.0%, 3.0%*4 (17.0%) -

6-hit air DP. Shrinks Sion's hurtbox on startup. Mainly used to end her air combos mid screen, as it provides better positioning than airthrow.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
500, 400*4 (1796) (926) 100% - LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+3 17 10 -26 (TK) -100.0% Full 1-6

Essentially a more damaging version of j.623B. Not much utility outside of combos, but valuable when cancelled into from j.623A to add more damage and seal games.

Slide Air
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
A Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100, 1200 (1262) (1047) 100% - LH
(Whiffs vs Air.)
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
12 X 4 2 ~ -3 1.0% -

A fast divekick. Safe on block with very fast recovery, even on whiff. Gains upper body invincibility until landing when blocked. Mainly used in combos to reach the ground quickly enough to rejump. Sometimes useful to get out of the air quickly in neutral.

Note: For all versions, frame advantage decreases the higher up you hit an opponent.

B Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100, 800 (900) 382 100% - U
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
30 X 22 - 1.0% -

A slow air slide attack, but is unblockable. Unsafe on whiff. Doesn't see much use anywhere, but can be used as a cheeky way to seal games once in a blue moon.

EX Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100, 700*5 (3270) (1361) 100% - HA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
3+2 X 6 4 ~ -5 -100.0% -

EX divekick. The only version that can grab an airborne opponent. Sees occasional use as a combo ender and is one of her main ways to extend combos in the corner if she has MAX; j.214C whiff>421C is a staple for both damage and oki. Covers neutral and back tech in the corner when done after airthrow. Hold 4 or 6 to control the direction of her throw. Can be cancelled into from whiffed j.623A to create further landing ambiguity.

Arc Drive

Barrel Replica
41236C during MAX/Heat
(~mash C)
Der bullet
Der bullet
AD Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
100, 450*10 (3076) (2251) 90% (O) - LH, LHA
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
9 33 (18) 19 81 -133 (First Hit) removes all Full 1-133
~C Max. Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
400*6 (4023) (2023) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- - - - - -

Sion flips an air unblockable bullet into the sky and then fires a huge purple laser upward from her gun. You get more hits if you mash C as she fires the laser. Situational anti-air and reversal; the bullet is extremely active and has no superflash, but the associated meter cost makes it a very expensive gimmick. You're often better off holding onto the meter.

Another Arc Drive

Barrel Replica
41236C during Blood Heat
(~mash C)
Fly away home
Fly away home
AAD Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
900, 800*10 (3740) (3096) 50% - LH
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
1+7 ~ 1+35 3 43 -28 removes all Full 1-(Until end of active frames)
~C Max. Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
800*6 (4832) (2885) - - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- - - - - -

Sion runs forward. If she runs into an enemy, she will automatically throw out an uppercut, which will launch the opponent high into the sky before she performs her normal arc drive animation. This move isn't as good as her normal arc drive, due to half of the base damage being eaten by the 50% prorate on the uppercut, and it has superflash frame 1 after the input, making it much more telegraphed. Situational reversal: the ludicrous amount of invuln can break through even the largest of moves, but Sion rarely has use for Blood Heat.

Last Arc

Barrel Replica - Obelisk
Grounded EX Shield during Blood Heat
Damage Red Damage Proration Cancel Guard
10450 5895 50% + 50% * remaining BH time - -
First Active Active Recovery Frame Adv Circuit Invuln
- - - - removes all -

Sion spins around, anchoring herself with etherlite before she fires a massive purple blast from her pistol. Average Last Arc. Can be baited as the hitbox, while tall, isn't fullscreen. Does okay damage, but Sion typically has better uses for meter than activating Blood Heat.

MBAACC Navigation

Powered CielCrescentHalfFull
Red ArcueidCrescentHalfFull
White LenCrescentHalfFull