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Name:   Riesbyfe Stridberg (リーズバイフェ・ストリンドヴァリ)  —  Nicknames:    Maiden of the Holy Shield <br\><br\> Voiced by:   Watanabe Akeno (渡辺 明乃)  —  Type:   Human, Knight  —  Gender:   Female <br\><br\> Birthday:    ?   —  Sizes:    ? / ? / ?   —  Height:    ?   —  Weight:    ? <br\><br\> Eye Color:   Silver  —  Hair Color:   Silver


The leader of the knight's heresy persecution group, Riesbyfe was a female Shield Knight belonging to the Church. Her weapon is a shield imitating a particular string instrument, a weapon that contains the notion of True Apocrypha. She participated in Warakia's subjugation along with Sion, however they were unsuccessful, and the team was annihilated. In order to let Sion alone escape, she challenged Warakia by herself and became missing in action. It seemed that Sion relied on her, but they were bereaved before they could truly confirm a mutual friendship.

Ries is one of the new additions to Melty Blood Actress Again. She is a character that combines mobility and reach, giving her great zoning capabilities and oppressive blockstrings. This character also has great variability throughout here three moon styles, allow for people to play more to their style.

Stage: Stranger


Stranger 2.PNG

BGM: Raven's Nest

Crescent Moon

Normal Moves

5A [Mid]

A knee kick with its hitbox is near Ries' waist. Good for reverse beating after a string that pushes you away from the opponent.

2A [Low]

A fast and low kick that has short reach. Good for reverse beating and guard breaks.

5B [Mid]

An advancing uppercut that is good as combo filler and launch from 2C. It can also be used as an anti air as long as you don't put too much hope on it beating out a lot of things. It may also server as a move to beat mash outs and set up overheads and lows.

5[B] [Mid]

The charge version of 5B. Its hit box is strengthened quite a bit in front and slightly above Ries. Far more suited as an anti air that its uncharged version if you can read that far, however it has no clash box so be careful. It is also good in blockstrings, particularly after a reverse beat since moves Ries forward quite a bit.

2B [Low]

This is Ries main low poke. Her posture is not as low but it is similar to Nanaya's 2B. You can use it to break zone attempts but because this move is not that fast, it is some what difficult to use as you could be it out of its start up a lot. This is still a good move to use out of reverse beats though.

5C [Mid]

A strike aimed at the opponents feet that causes Ries to advance slightly. you can use this move to beat out a lot of things just like 5B, but keep in mind that while the move its further, the hitbox is not nearly as high as 5B. Start up is somewhat slow but it is a very useful move.

2C [Low]

A slide that hits low. The forward momentum distance is not that long, so it is hard to connect it from moves like 2B or 5C if they hits opponent towards the tip of the move. You need to be able to tell on sight if you in distance to use this move in your combos or not. This move is untechable as well.

6B [Mid]

A slash like move while moving forward. It is good for blockstrings and it does not prorate too much so its great for combos as well. 6B as has the added property of reflecting certain projectiles. It requires a bit of reading in advance since the release of the move is not that fast.

6[B] [Low]

The charged version of 6B becomes a sweep when you charge it, the opponent will probably be crouch blocking so this is mostly a block string move, and a good one at that. This is still good for blockstrings as it moves Ries a good bit forward and has a decent hitbox. Using this along with your other moves is great for making pressure for C-Ries.

6C [Mid]

A blunt strike with the shield while moving forward. Good for combos that end with 214B in order for you to take oki directly after, but not suitable for other combos or blockstrings as you cannot cancel after it. You could combo into 214C but the prorate is so high of 6C that you are better off avoiding it.

6[C] [Overhead]

Charge 6C for a bit and it becomes an overhead, on hit it will send the opponent flying to the other wall. Its not very easy to see and you can follow it up in the corner, but it prorates quite a bit.

JA [Mid]

An punch that comes out pretty low that does not have a very strong hit box. You will not be using it that much to be honest... unless you have C-Ries infinite down (see combos).

JB [Mid]

A kick that is like Ciel's JB from MBAC. This move is quick and some what decent as an air to air move, but you can't use it as forcibly as H or F moon's JB. This move has good capability as a cross up too (much like Ciel's JB).

JC [Overhead]

A wide, downward swing of the shield that covers 180 deg. from top to bottom, but it is not nearly as big as it looks. The release is a bit slow, so if you try it from a low air dash you'll end up landing before it can come out. Also, your own hitbox extends a little bit (not as much as JB) with its use so caution is needed. But with that said, it is your all-intensive-purpose "oh, they are below me" JC. Good for combos, jumping in and also fuzzies. This move also works as a cross up tool, but not nearly as well as C-Moon's JB. This move also works as a cross up tool, but not nearly as well as C-Moon's JB.

J[C] [Overhead]

The charge version of JC improves the hitbox in front of Ries as well as the block and hitstun significantly in exchange for charge time. You definitely want to be careful about carelessly throwing J[C] out because it will count as a counter if you are hit by something.

J6C [Overhead]

Mid-air side pile bunker. The start-up is slow but on hit it blows opponent to the wall. Because they have increased the landing recovery in, you should definitely not use this as a poke for opponents on the ground.

Ground throw

The opponent is lifted up and then slapped to the ground. It is not possible to combo after this, but you have bit of time to setup for a reasonable okizeme

Air throw

Ries blows the opponent diagonally down in front of her like Shiki's throw in MBAC. Untechable and + frames. If you throw the opponent at the end of the screen, 5C will tag their wake up.

Special Moves

Wrist Pizzicato 「リスト・ピッツィカート」

236 + Button - Charging star! A forward rush with the shield fixed at different parts of Ries body. This move has several different properties that you can take advantage of.

  • (A version) - A rush with the shield fixed around the area of Ries's face. When guarded, Ries is at a disadvantage. Rather than that, you will be wide open. Jump cancellable on hit. However if you hold the button, the move changes a bit (check notes)...
  • (B version) - A rush with the shield fixed around the area of Ries' waist and hits low. Again, if this is guarded, you're basically asking to be counter hit. Jump cancellable on hit.

Notes - As well as being a combo tool, and a move that you can use to you can use bypass projectiles with, the charge version of 236A has a guard point that comes out towards the end of the move. To be precise: The guard point seems to come out around frame ~46 to ~50 for the version A. The A version will block high and mid moves, and the B version... Has no guard point, so be careful. Also, when you charge it, you are not right open for a counter attack, rather you are about even and it is a good way to end your blockstrings right next to the opponent or open up a few mixup options.

  • (C version) - A super move that looks much like 236A, and is multi-hiting with many clash frames. If you hit the opponent with this near the corner, you can follow it up for an air combo. If it is guarded, this move takes quite a bit off the guard gauge and you will come out about even... meaning you can: end your blockstring there, attempt to reapply pressure, or do it again for some really massive guard bar and chip damage. This move also has the property of passing through projectiles and all sorts of junk.

Breath Cantino 「ブレス・カンティーノ」

623 + Button [Also in Air] - A large crescent moon shaped Dragon Punch used for anti-airs and reversals.

  • (A version) - An arc slash in place. If you get an anti air counter hit with the tip of this dragon punch, you can pick it up in to an air combo. Be aware that the move is not nearly as large as it looks and there are times where it can be beat out because the invincibility does not come out on frame 1.
  • (B version) - Ries springs out in a 45 degree angle with the crescent slash. It has invincibility from start up and is quite bit larger than the A version. This is your choice, 0 meter reversal and a good anti-air too.
  • (B version) - A large DP much like 623B that takes up about about half the screen, it has a pretty good amount of invincibility making this a decent super reversal... The only problem is that it is air blockable towards the end of this move.

Notes - C-groove can use its 623 to end air combos with. But the damage added is not much different from an air grab but you may be able land the finishing blow with the multi-hitting B and C DPs.

Wrist Staccato 「リスト・スタッカート」

214 + Button - A series of thrusting punch that have different uses.

  • (A version) - A body blow in just about the place that you are standing. You break just about even if this hits on block, so you can use this pretty effectively for varied blockstrings. This is also one of Ries' major combo tools.
  • (B version) - A full body body blow. On a hit, the opponent is blown to the wall. This can be jump canceled and used for corner combos but it seems to prorate much more than H's and F's version. If it is blocked you are at a slight frame disadvantage but you are move quite a bit from the opponent so you'll probably be fine. Also different from H's and F's 214B is its size, it is quite big so you could use it for staggers and the like.
  • (C version) - A triple punch, the EX version of Wrist Staccato. This is your major tool for adding damage to combos when you have meter to burn, and the damage gets big too. If you use this in the corner, you can follow it up for an air combo.

Wrist Portato 「リスト・ポルタート」

63214 + Button [while guarding] - A seal appears on Ries' shield and blows the enemy away. This can only be used while you are guarding and circuit breaks the opponent.

  • (A version) - A is faster and has a little bit invincibility, however the invincibility is not from start up. You probably will not be using it as much as as the B version but if can be used if you know about the opponents pressure capabilities.
  • (B version) - B is slower and has a good bit of invincibility. You will probably be using this version the most because of its invincibility, by knowing the gaps in the opponents blockstrings or where they will probably try to reset their pressure will help you a great deal when using this move. After one or two of these the opponent will have to reevaluate how they pressure you as it circuit breaks them and gives you okizeme. This is one of the defining traits of C-groove.
  • (C version) - C is the EX version and has invincibility. Works about as well as the B version but so you probably will not be using it as much. Notable difference would be the speed and recovery, but as said before, the B version works very well so you might only use this to land the finishing blow or so.

Arc Drive

41236 + C [In HEAT or MAX]

Official Apocrypha 「正式外典」 - Ries' Arc Drive. A thrust with the Shield that is much like Ciel's Arc Drive from MBAC. It is quite strong so use it: When you are about to run out of HEAT after you have recovered HP, when you think you can finish an enemy with it in a combo during HEAT, or as a reversal. Because it has a bit of reach, you can use it to hit opponents that are using projectiles from a half-assed distance. This is also air unblockable, so if they are trying to zone you in the air, IAD towards you or you notice they are out of air options, this move is your friend.

Another Arc Drive

41236 + C [In BLOOD HEAT]

Official Apocrypha 「正式外典」 - Ries thrusts forward a good bit and locks on to the opponent with one hit for large damage. Works much like her AD with a bit more forward movement. Use this as you may, but remember that if you mess up you will probably be wide open for counter.

Last Arc

Standing or crouching shield [In BLOOD HEAT]

Official Apocrypha: Embrace the Original Sin 「正式外典・原罪抱擁」 - Your Sunday best standing last arc. Works on projectiles from just about any range.

Combos and Strategies


Mid-screen Okizeme

Ries' strengths come out mostly when she has the opponent in the corner; she has good block-strings, she can land combos for more damage and after an air throw she can tag the opponent with 5C. However when mid-screen, she can still get decent damage off combos but she has 0 oki capacity after an air throw because it knocks them away so far. In order to get more options mid-screen...:

~6C 214B

In addition to the mid-screen 236B mix-ups that Half moon might use, Crescent Moon's 214 is untechable AND blows them into the corner. This allow you to have a nice variety of mixups and set ups that you can run on the opponent.

  • ~[66] {in corner}

Crescent moon's 214B causes an untechable wall bounces and if you dash immediately after the hit the wall in the corner, you will cross them up. If you change the time that you dash after the opponent starts catching on, you can create more ambiguous set ups.

  • ~214A [...] 214B

You may have noticed that Crescent moon's 214B is significant stronger than Half or Full moon's. Its size makes it good for staggers and baits.



2A 5B 6B 5C 2C 214A JB JC(hjc)JB JC Grab

※ 236A also works in place of 214A

※ You can also use 623s in place of the air grab

2A 5B 6B 5C 6C 214B

※ The general setup for 214B mixups

JC(land)JA JC[..]JB(jc) JA JC[..]JB [land] x N

※ Haha, she has an infinite combo. This works as an infinite blockstring as well.

JC(land)JA JC[..]JB x N

※ Easier but not infinite variation.


2A 5B 6B 5C 2C 214A JC J6C(Land)JC(hjc)JC Grab

※ You can also use 623s in place of the air grab

2A 5B 6B 5C 214C JA JC J6C(Land)JC(hjc)JB JC Grab

※ Uses 100 meter

※ You can also use 623s in place of the air grab

2A 5B 6B 5C 214C 2B 236A(jc)JC(hjc)JB JC Grab

※ This combo is for when you want to use meter, but you are not quite close enough to the corner for the above combo

※ Uses 100 meter

※ You can also use 623s in place of the air grab

Half Moon

Normal Moves

5A [Mid]

A scuff-your-shoes low kick. Air-unblockable but, because hit box is so small and low to the ground, you would be wasting your time (and HP too). But since 2A's hitbox is even smaller, use this instead of 2A if you need to quickly rebound Air and air counter hit.

6A [Mid]

Slightly rising kick. Horizontal reach is short but moves forward a bit. Can be executed even after whiffing with 5A and is normal or special cancellable on block.

Follow up 6A [Mid]

An attack like a mini 5B. Special cancellable on block. You come out about even if this is blocked.

5B [Mid]

A standing forward thrust of the shield. Reach is extremely long, and moves Ries forward a bit. Useful move that you could use to zone, in blockstrings, to kill mashing attempts and hit jumpouts, etc. Its also great for staggers. However, while big its also not that fast. Your hitbox is extended throughout the duration of the move so if you whiff or mistime its use, you'll be punished easily. Also, characters with low dash postures (Curry butt) can dash right under it so be careful.

5C [Mid]

A strike aimed at the opponents feet that causes Ries to advance slightly. you can use this move to beat out a lot of things just like 5B, but keep in mind that while the move its further, the hitbox is not nearly as high as 5B. Start up is somewhat slow but it is a very useful move.

2A [Low]

Ries slightly moves her foot across the ground for a small kick that reach is small, but mashable. This is good for reverse beating and guard breaks.

2B [Mid]

A long reach, "low 5B" like move. You can use it to break zone attempts but because this move is not that fast, it is some what difficult to use as you could be it out of its start up a lot. This is still a good move to use out of reverse beats though.

2C [Low]

A slide that hits low. The forward momentum distance is not that long, so it is hard to connect it from moves like 2B or 5C if they hits opponent towards the tip of the move. You need to be able to tell on sight if you in distance to use this move in your combos or not. This move leads to an untechable down too, if you decide to end your combo at it.

6B [Mid]

A strike with the shield while moving that can reflect projectiles with a bit of fore-reading. It is good for blockstrings and it does not prorate too much so its great for combos as well. It can be used as a launcher, but you probably won't be using it at all for that purpose.

6[B] [Low]

The charged version of 6B it becomes a sweep but, the opponent will probably be crouch blocking so this is mostly a pressure/blockstring move and for H-Ries's Hakobi combos. This is good for blockstrings as it moves Ries a good bit forward and has a decent hitbox. Using this to setup for fuzzies is not a bad idea either.

3C [Mid]

Launcher for starting air combos. You probably will not be using this that much as there are different ways that do more damage. It cannot really be used for anti air even though it looks like it, and if it whiffs, you after open for a while so be careful.

JA [Mid]

A slight kick in the air that looks exactly like C-Ries JB. Though it look like it, it cannot be used as forcefully a C-Moons since its hitbox has been degraded to fit an A-Grade move. Its not really fit for air to air pokes (JB is better for that anyway), but not to the extent that you cannot use it for quick pokes. It is best used when you are above the opponent, and good for for mixups during pressure in said situation with reverse beats.

JB [Overhead]

A midair thrust with the shield with good horizontal reach, an air-vs-air is a force to be reckoned with and your main air-zoning tool. Just like with the other Ries', You want to put this move out as early as possible since it is not very fast. This way, with some reading ahead, you can easily dominate the air and take counter hits from the opponent in order to gain momentum. As said before, do not put this move out too late since it is not that quick. Try not to use this move on reaction to an opponent super jump or else it will be you that gets counter hit. Since half moon can reverse beat, you will probably find yourself using this move after a jump in/blockstring JC in order to guard break opponents not paying attention.

JC [Overhead]

A wide, downward swing of the shield that covers 180 deg. from top to bottom, but it is not nearly as big as it looks. The release is a bit slow, so if you try it from a low air dash you'll end up landing before it can come out. Also, your own hitbox extends a little bit (not as much as JB) with its use so caution is needed. But with that said, it is your all-intensive-purpose "oh, they are below me" JC. Good for combos, jumping in and also fuzzies.

J[C] [Overhead]

The charge version of JC improves the hitbox in front of Ries as well as the block and hitstun significantly in exchange for charge time. You definitely want to be careful about carelessly throwing J[C] out because it will count as a counter if you are hit by something. H-moon has the added and frequent use of J[C] for corner combos as well. It adds a nice bit of damage so use it whenever you can.

J6C [Overhead]

A mid-air side stab with the pile bunker, somewhat comparable JB but slower. In exchange for its speed, it's hitbox is a bit stronger and on hit the opponent is blown to the wall. Because they have increased the landing recovery in, you should definitely not use this as a poke for opponents on the ground. Its main use is to make long and stronger wall combos but unfortunately it does prorate a lot and makes combos more difficult to land so if you do not have confidence in your execution you should just stick to the regular combos.

Ground throw

The opponent is lifted up and then slapped to the ground. It is not possible to combo after this, but you have bit of time to setup for a reasonable okizeme.

Air throw

Ries blows the opponent diagonally down in front of her like Shiki's throw in MBAC. Untechable and + frames. If you throw the opponent at the end of the screen, 5C will tag their wake up.

Special Moves

Wrist Pizzicato 「リスト・ピッツィカート」

236 + Button - Charging star, a forward rush with the shield fixed at different parts of Ries body. This move is the same as C-Moon's 236 with the same interesting properties that you can use to your advantage.

  • (A version) - A rush with the shield fixed around the area of Ries' face. When guarded, Ries is at a disadvantage. Rather than that, you will be wide open. Jump cancellable on hit. However if you hold the button, the move changes a bit (check notes)...
  • (B version) - A rush with the shield fixed around the area of Ries' waist and hits low. Again, if this is guarded, you're basically asking to be counter hit. Jump cancellable on hit.

Notes - As well as being a combo tool, and a move that you can use to you can use bypass projectiles with, the charge versions of A and B 236 have a guard point that comes out towards the end of the move. To be more accurate: for example, the guard point seems to come out around frame ~46 to ~50 for the version A. The A version will block high and mid moves, and the B version will take care of mid and low moves. Also, when you charge it, you are not right open for a counter attack, rather you are about even and it is a good way to end your blockstrings right next to the opponent or open up several mixup options. There are no notable difference between C-Moon's and H-Moons 236 series.

  • (C version) - A super move that looks much like 236A, and is multi-hiting with many clash frames. If you hit the opponent with this near the corner, you can follow it up for an air combo. If it is guarded, this move takes quite a bit off the guard gauge and you will come out about even... meaning you can: end your blockstring there, attempt to reapply pressure, or do it again for some really massive guard bar and chip damage. This move also has the property of passing through projectiles and all sorts of junk.

Breath Cantino 「ブレス・カンティーノ」

623 + Button - A large crescent moon shaped Dragon Punch used for anti-airs and reversals.

  • (A version) - An arc slash in place. If you get an anti air counter hit with the tip of this dragon punch, you can pick it up in to an air combo. Be aware that the move is not nearly as large as it looks and there are times where it can be beat out because the invincibility does not come out on frame 1.
  • (B version) - Ries springs out in a 45 degree angle with the crescent slash. It has invincibility from start up and is quite bit larger than the A version. This is your choice, 0 meter reversal and a good anti-air too.
  • (C version) - A large DP much like 623B that takes up about about half the screen, it has a pretty good amount of invincibility making this a decent super reversal... The only problem is that it is air blockable towards the end of this move.

Notes - Cannot be used in air like Crescent moon.

Wrist Staccato 「リスト・スタッカート」

214 + Button - A series of thrusting punches, mostly used as combo tools but have other rare uses...

  • (A version) - A body blow in just about the place that you are standing. You break just about even if this hits on block, so you can use this pretty effectively for varied blockstrings. This is also one of Ries' major combo tools.
  • (B version) - A full body straight punch. On a hit, the opponent is blown to the wall. This as well can jump cancel so use it for corner combos. If it is blocked you are at a bit of a disadvantage but you separate a good bit from the opponent so you probably won't receive a reprisal.
  • (C version) - A timed jab to the jaw, H-Ries' only standing overhead. This overhead is a bit slow, but deceptive because it does not have a charge flash and the windup is not telegraphed and obvious. If you get blocked, you come out about even, but do not over use it.

Wrist Portato 「リスト・ポルタート」

63214 + Button - Ries thrusts the shield out right in front and a seal like object appears. On hit the opponent bounces off the wall. There is super armor on every version for different lengths of time

  • (A version) - The release is faster and is basically used at the end of combos for the untechable knockdown and then taking oki. Its not as suitable for baits like the B version it.
  • (B version) - The move is slower, and is not guaranteed to come out, but it was tons of super armor on it. Use B shield in blockstrings or when you think the opponent will try something on wake up. Think of this as an offensive version of C-groove's Wrist Mordent.
  • (C version) - EX version has super armor and tons of stun and is very fast. This move has many uses such as: reversal, baiting 236 A or B punishes and adding damage to corner combos. A very versatile super move.

Notes: - With timing, all versions can reflect projectiles.

  • Reflect-able: Black Keys (Ciel), Ice fire (F-Len), Ice spear (F-W.Len), Drills (H-M.Hisui), Rings (Warc), Shot (F-Aoko), Reppuken (H-aoko, H-Warc)

Arc Drive

41236 + C [In HEAT]

Official Apocrypha 「正式外典」 - Ries' Arc Drive. A thrust with the Shield that is much like Ciel's Arc Drive from MBAC. It is quite strong so use it: When you are about to run out of HEAT after you have recovered HP, when you think you can finish an enemy with it in a combo during HEAT, or as a reversal. Because it has a bit of reach, you can use it to hit opponents that are using projectiles from a half assed distance. This is also air unblockable, so if they are trying to zone you in the air, IAD towards you or you notice they are out of air options, this move is your friend.

Combos and Strategies


5B -> no cancel -> 5B

Often hits jump out attempts. Best return you can get if the tip of the attack connects to 5c, but it is good for harassing the opponent. However, 5B hits unexpectedly high, so any attacks that are lower than your own it, even a bit will easily dodge it and hit you (slides, sweeps, etc). Also your hitbox extends all over the shield, so be careful.

Mid-screen Okizeme

Ries' strengths come out mostly when she has the opponent in the corner; she has good block-strings, she can land combos for more damage and after an air throw she can tag the opponent with 5C. However when mid-screen, she can still get decent damage off combos but she has 0 oki capacity after an air throw because it knocks them away so far. In order to get more options mid-screen...:

~2C 236B - X

If you combo into 2C then 236B, you get an untechable down, and 236B is jump cancellable giving you plenty of time for various setups and four-ways (X). For example:

  • ~ (...)9 JC

A late jump cancel over the opponents body into a crossed up JC

  • ~ (..)8/9 (..)J[C] 2A

A jump cancel not as late as the above. This set up is designed to make it appear to the opponent that you are going for a charged j.C okizeme or crossup but you should land before the charge comes out for a 2A low poke.

  • ~ SJ9 j.44 JC

Super jump forward into an air back dash to JC.

  • ~ (..)8/9 (2A) Grab

A slightly delayed jump cancel into a whiffed 2a into a grab.

  • ~ (....) 2A/Grab/etc

No jump cancel into something.

  • ~ 9 J[C]

Un-delayed j.[C]. The J[C] OTG hits the opponent and may provoke a tech, if they tech towards or neutral its a free combo for you. If they do nothing, you can resume oki/watch for reversal.

  • ~236[B]

A combo into charged 236B that works like the above, but this time you are baiting the tech right after 236[B] hits. At contact you could: jump over them to bait a tech and reversal attempt, jump up to bait a tech and mash attempt, OTG 5A 6A 63214A, etc

  • ~ 5/8/9 B Shield

Anti-abare, given enough time to let the super armor frames start on the opponents wake up this will beat bad reversal and mash attempts.



5A 5B 6B 5C 2C 214A JA JC (jc) JA JC Grab

※ 236A and 3C also work in place of 214A

※ Depending on the character, you can use JB JC (jc) JB JC as your aerials

5A 5B 5C 236A JA JC (jc) JA JC Grab

※ A simpler version of the above combo, works at much longer ranges

5A 5B 6B 5C 2C 63214A

※ A combo into A shield. This will practically blow the opponent into the opposing corner from anywhere on the screen. Because it is untechable you get varying amounts of okizeme depending your position.

Near Corner

5A 5B 6B 5C 2C 214B IADJ6C (land) J[C] (land) JA J6C (land) JA JC (jc) JC Grab

※ This works from pretty far in mid-screen actually, about where the players start in the beginning of the match before they move


5A 5B 6B 5C 2C 214A JA J6C (land) JA JC (jc) JC Grab

※ 236A and 3C also work in place of 214A

※ Though its a "corner" you can start this combo about 2.5 character lengths from the corner.

5A 5B 6B 5C 2C 214B J[C] (land) JA J6C (land) JA JC (jc) JC Grab

※ You need to delay the J[C] just a little bit. If you mess up the timing, you could forgo the landing after that and: -(j.c) JA J6C (land) JC (jc) JC Grab

5A 5B 6B 5C 2C 214B J[C] (jc) JC J6C (land) (hj) JA JC (jc) JC Grab

※ Variation of the above

Wrist Mordent Combos

5A 5B 5C 2C 63214C JA J6C (land) JC (jc) JC Grab

5A 5B 6B 5C 2C 63214C-63214C JA JC (jc) JC Grab

5A 5B 6B 5C 2C 214B J[C] (land) 63214C JA JC (jc) JC Grab

※ Using 63214C in the corner is one of the best ways add extra damage on the opponents using meter.


Hakobi combos

2A 5B 5C 5A 6A 6A[..]6[B] 2C 236{A}JC J6C(land) HJJB(hjc)JC(dc)Grab

2A 5B 5C 5A 6A 6A[..]6[B] 2C 236B JC J6C(land) HJJB(hjc)JA JC> Grab

2A 5B 6B 5C 2C 5A 236B(jc) JC J6C(land) HJJB(hjc) JC(dc)Grab

2A 5B 5C 5A 6A 6A[..]6[B] 2C 214B J[C] JC J6C(land) HJJB(hjc)JA JC Grab

※ Literally, combos that carry the opponent from one corner of the stage to the other. More difficult than the other combos but do decent damage provided that you have not reverse beat too much.

※ It is important that you start with 2A (or at least not 5A) so that you can continue the combo with reverse chain 5A to 6AA and onward.

Full Moon

Forward Dash

Full moon Riesbyfe has a hop, instead of a dash.

※ Can hop over dead-bodies.

※ Can hop over the Neco's, Len during cat-walk, and School-Girl Akiha while she's crouching.

Normal Moves

5A [Low]

Ries pokes at the opponent feet with her shield. This move is not mashable but it hits low. This move is quite big larger vertically and horizontally, making it ideal for picking up air counter hits.

5B [Mid]

Thrust the shield forward, pretty good reach but, from top the bottom the hitbox is thin as it comes to a point, so be careful. As an example, Ciel's dash can pass under it. this move is also good for picking up air counter hits that are a bit far away

5C [Mid]

A strike that advances a decent amount, you want to use this on characters with low dash postures since 5B would probably whiff on them.

2A [Low]

Ries throws a fast balls-tap like punch. This move is fast, mashable and good for resetting pressure after a 6C, or establishing pressure after a hop in. This is like, the best 2A in the game so go ahead and use it to your hearts content.

2B [Mid]

Thrust the shield in a 45 diagonal angle with plenty of clash frames. There are usually outcomes when using this move: One, you beat out whatever they were doing and CH them or hit them. In that case you could pick it up again for a combo if you can read that far. Two, you clash with what the opponent threw out, in that case its best to cancel into 623B. This way you will beat almost anything that they opponent cancels into. Its reach is pretty long and its one of the only far reaching moves of any moon that does not mix her own hitbox in it, so abuse it as much as you would like.

2C [Low]

A slide that hits low. The forward momentum distance is not that long, so it is hard to connect it from moves like 5B if they hit opponent towards the tip of the move. You won't be using this move like H or C so you don't need to hit confirm for this like those grooves.

6B [Mid]

Forward hit with the shield, as stepping in hit with the shield that is longer than seen. This attack can also reflect certain projectiles with some foresight, as the move is not that fast. Try to use this in combos, it does not prorate very much and will add a good chuck of damage to your combos.

6[B] [Low]

The charged version of 6B, it becomes a sweep when you charge it. F-groove will probably not be using this as much as the other ones due to full moon's nature, but it still makes good occasional filler for blockstrings.

6C [Mid]

A small jump kick with a fame advantage. The lower part of Ries is invincible. This move is great for blockstings but does not have much function in combos.

6[C] [Overhead]

The charge version 6C is an overhead. After a hit, the opponent is sent to the end of the screen. After the wall bounce, a combo is possible.

JA [Overhead]

A slight kick in the air that looks exactly like C-Ries JA. Though it look like it, it cannot be used as forcefully a C-Moon's since its hitbox has been degraded to fit an A-Grade move. It's not really fit for air to air (and JB is better for that), but not to the extent that you cannot use it for quick air pokes. You can't use it like H moon since you cannot reverse beat, so you probably will not be using it very much.


Sideways, midair, strike with the shield with good horizontal reach, an air-vs-air is a force to be reckoned with. Just like with the other Ries', You want to put this move out as early as possible since it is not very fast. This way, with some reading ahead, you can easily dominate the air and take counter hits from the opponent in order to gain momentum. As said before, do not put this move out too late since it is not that quick. Try not to use this move on reaction to an opponent super jump or else it will be you that gets counter hit.

JC [Overhead]

A wide, downward swing of the shield that covers 180 deg. from top to bottom, but it is not nearly as big as it looks. The release is a bit slow, so if you try it from a low air dash you'll end up landing before it can come out. Also, your own hitbox extends a little bit (not as much as JB) with its use so caution is needed. But with that said, it is your all-intensive-purpose "oh, they are below me" JC. Good for combos, jumping in and also fuzzies.

J[C] [Overhead]

The charge version of JC improves the hitbox in front of Ries as well as the block and hitstun significantly in exchange for charge time. You definitely want to be careful about carelessly throwing J[C] out because it will count as a counter if you are hit by something. F-moon can also use J[C] for corner combos as well.

J6C [Overhead]

A slower JB with a better hitbox. After a hit, the opponent is blown right to the side, you should charge depending on the distance they land from you. When in the corner, use this in the corner to add more damage or to blow them away from the corner to give you time to charge.

Ground throw

The opponent is lifted up and then slapped to the ground. It is not possible to combo after this, but you have bit of time to setup for a reasonable okizeme

Air throw

Ries blows the opponent diagonally down in front of her like Shiki's throw in MBAC. Untechable and + frames. If you throw the opponent at the end of the screen, 5C will tag their wake up.

Special Moves

Pile Arcato 「パイル・アルカート」

236 + Button - Pile bunker, lock on to the opponent with the stake of the shield, then blow them to the opposite side of the screen, this attack is is air-unblockable. Being different from the other two groove's 236 and having unique, game play changing properties, this is one the the defining moves of F-Ries. Using the moves in combos and zoning open up different avenues of play.

  • (A version) - The fastest version, easy to use for combo, blockstrings and a bit of zoning. After using this move in a combo, you can opt to take okizeme or charge you meter for a while. This move is leave you with very little openings after being blocked, giving you time to do it again or whatever you want.
  • (B version) - This version progresses forward farther than the A version but is pretty slow. This version not suitable for combos and is more of a deliberate zoning tool than 236A. It is chargeable and at max charge its hit box is strengthen by quite a bit and becomes an overhead.
  • (C version) - For 100 meter, you a move similar to 236B, but as quick as 236A. Ries hops forward during the super flash and has a good bit of invincibility during the move; with those properties, forced knockdown, and an auto-cross up after they come back down, you have a very formidable reversal that can help you get out move many situations and change the flow of the match quickly, especially if you were in the corner. Also, like the A version, you can use it in combo and it is quite safe on block, giving you the chance to do it again or whatever you may.

Press Aftact 「プレス・アーフタクト」

623 + Button - Ries rushes up and in with burning shield uppercut. A dragon punch move that... is actually not that good due to some quirky hitbox properties.

  • (A version) - Standard DP, it's hitbox is ok and there is no invincibility, you will not be using this move that much.
  • (B version) - Rises higher than the A version and has full invincibility until the damage box shows up... along with your hitbox. If you are going to try anything for a no-meter reversal, this is your best option, but you might not want to put too much faith in this move as a reversal. The best way to use this move is after a 2B clash in order to beat out may jump ins and etc.
  • (C version) - This move Similar to 623B with a bit more invincibility and damage. It could be used to finish of someone off after a 2B clash, but as a reversal, if you need to get out of a messy situation, 236C is more suitable.

Wrist Staccato 「リスト・スタッカート」

214 + Button: - A set of quick punches that are chargeable (except the C version). For the charge version versions of 214A and B, Ries engages in a pseudo-command dash before the release of the move, and the properties of the moves change a bit and are used differently from the uncharged version

  • (A version) - A step in body-blow that can be used for combos and ending blockstrings (if you want to mix it up, 236A is better for that though). The charge version of this moves is a bit interesting. If you fully charge the move, at the end of the dash, the hitbox becomes large like C-grooves 214B and knocks the opponent to the wall on hit (much like C's). However, this is around -5 on block and is only super cancellable right after it hits, making it not-so-awesome for blockstrings. Conversely, if you stop charging the move at any time before max charge, you get the command dash then an punch that looks like an uncharged 214A; this 214{A} is +0 on block and has a much wider super cancel gap, a great tool for ending blockstrings and creating mixups.
  • (B version) - A step in straight punch that fires opponents straight to the wall for damaging wall combos, it can also be used to end block strings. The charge version of this move is great for blockstings. At max charge and the end for the command dash, Ries does a 3hit(?) full body straight punch that does great Guard Bar damage and is around +0 on block. Good for pressure, catching jump outs and taking the last bits off a Guard Bar.
  • (C version) - This version becomes somewhat slow, but deceptive overhead; because there is no charge flash it is not that easy to read. On hit, you can IH, 236C, or AD/AAD to maximize damage. This version is not charge able however.

Arc Drive

41236 + C [In HEAT or MAX]

Official Apocrypha 「正式外典」 - Ries' Arc Drive. A thrust with the Shield that is much like Ciel's Arc Drive from MBAC. It is quite strong so use it: When you are about to run out of HEAT after you have recovered HP, when you think you can finish an enemy with it in a combo during HEAT, or as a reversal. Because it has a bit of reach, you can use it to hit opponents that are using projectiles from a half assed distance. This is also air unblockable, so if they are trying to zone you in the air, IAD towards you or you notice they are out of air options, this move is your friend. Because of the properties of Full Moon, you will probably be using this more for high damage IH combos.

Another Arc Drive

41236 + C [In BLOOD HEAT]

Official Apocrypha 「正式外典」 - Ries thrusts forward a good bit and locks on to the opponent with one hit for large damage. Works much like her AD with a bit more forward movement. This move can combo from 6[C] and 214C, making it a giving you somewhat decent damage of these overheads

Last Arc

Standing or crouching shield [In BLOOD HEAT]

Official Apocrypha: Embrace the Original Sin 「正式外典・原罪抱擁」 - Your Sunday best standing last arc. Works on projectiles from just about any range.

Combos and Strategies

Mixups and Pressure

5B Meaty

5B has enough range to meaty after a corner air throw. But due to the distance you can only combo into 5B 5C 236C if 5B lands a hit. Be careful though, 5B does extend your hitbox as well so invincible and large reversal might hit you


6[B] comes out fairly fast and moves you forward a little more and hits low


6C and 6[C] are fairly safe to end blockstrings with. Use 214C and 6[c] against people who will always try to block low

236A [...] 236A

Use repeated 236a's to catch people trying to jump out of your block strings


236[B] might be a deceptive overhead to use if people are always expecting 236a in blockstrings. Be careful and do not overuse it as it is somewhat slow

~236C [..] 66

Even though it has been toned down in the console version of MBAA, F-Ries still maintains some of her corpse-crossups (Blanka style crossup) after landing a 236C. This is done simply by dashing right after you gain control of your F-Ries after a 236C. After the opponent is afraid of this mixup, it become viable to do an 'uncross' version of this, where you do not actually crossup the opponent even though it looks much like it; this is done by slightly delaying the dash timing. Since it is heavily influenced by the collision box of the opponent, as well as their wake up speed, it does not work on everyone so be careful. Confirmed on: Satsuki, Ries, Necos, and Tohno


After a midscreen AT or 236a/b, you can safely charge you meter for a couple seconds



2A 5B 6B 5C 236A

※ Pilebunker combo, use this combo when you want to have time to charge after launching the opponent away when midscreen

※ You could use 236C instead to take oki, but there are better combos for that

2A 5B 6B 2C 214A JB JC (jc) JC Grab

2A 5B 6B 2C 214A JA JC (jc) JA JC Grab

2A 5B 6B 2C 214A JB JC (hjc) JB JC Grab

※ Basic air combos

※ The ones containing JBs are more difficult, especially the last one. immediately after you jump or it won't connect.

2A 5B 6B 2C 6C 214A JA JC (jc) JA JC Grab

2A 5B 6B 2C 6C 214A JB JC (hjc) JB JC Grab

※ 6C land cancel combos

※ More damage and more difficult to land


2A 5B 6B 5C 214B JC J6C (land) JC (hjc) JB JC Grab

※ Basic combo that you can do around the area of the corner

2A 5B 6B 2C 214B J[C] (jc) JC J6C (land)(hj) JA JC (jc) JC Grab

※ More damaging version of the last

2A 5B 6B 5C 6C 214B J[C] (jc) JC J6C (land)(hj) JA JC (jc) JC Grab

※ 6C land cancel version

※ Most damaging variation under normal circumstances when close to the corner. Note that it is possible to use JB JC (jc) JB JC Grab as part of any corner combo but it can be tricky to land.

Initiative Heat

2A 5B 6B 5C (HEAT) 5B 5C AD

※ Works anywhere

※ You could use 236C in place of AD

2A 5B 5C 214A (HEAT) 5B 2C 214B AD

※Variation of the above

2A 5B 6B 5C (HEAT) 5B 2C 214A JB JC (jc) JB JC Grab

※ Air combo version, the damage is not too different from just going in AD

2A 5B 6B 5C (HEAT) 5B 2C 214B (land) JC J6C (land) JC (hjc) JB JC Grab

※ Corner version

※ Also does not differ much from the damage caused by AD instead... could just use it to show off

Win Quotes



No. 1 Default

No. 9 Ilyasviel von Einsberg (Fate/Stay Night)

No. 10 Louise Francoise le Blanc de la Valliere (Zero no Tsukaima)

No. 15 Rider? (Fate/Stay Night)

No. 23 Saber (Fate/Stay Night)

No. 28 Archer (Fate/Stay Night)

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